
Defines functions nh_analysis_generateR

Documented in nh_analysis_generateR

#' @name nh_analysis_generateR
#' @title NewHybrids analysis file maker
#' @description \code{nh_analysis_GenerateR} Merges simulated genotypes with the genotypes of unknown/experimental individuals, producing a file to be analyzed by NewHybrids. Will also output a dataframe containing the names of the individuals (including those that were simulated) in the NewHybrids formatted file.
#' @param ReferencePopsData A file path to a either a NewHybrids or GENEPOP formatted file containing genotypes from the simulated ancestral populations. This can be the result of any of the freqbasedsim functions, or a file created using the function genepop_newhybrids from the package genepopedit
#' @param UnknownIndivs A file path to a file containing the genotypes of the individuals to be analyzed for possible hybrid ancestry. This can either be a genepop format file, or a NewHybrids format file. Note - the number of loci and the names of the loci in ReferencePopsData and UnknownIndivs must be the same
#' @param sim.pops.include Optional character vector list denoting which hybrid categories from the simulated data should be included in the output. The default is Pure Population 1 and Pure Population 2.
#' @param output.name A character vector to be applied as the name of the output.
#' @export
#' @importFrom genepopedit subset_genepop genepop_flatten genepop_detective subset_genepop_aggregate
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect
#' @import plyr

nh_analysis_generateR <- function(ReferencePopsData, UnknownIndivs, sim.pops.include = c("Pure1", "Pure2"), output.name){
  ### read in the simulated data
  sim.file <- read.table(ReferencePopsData, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  path.start <- getwd()

  ## check if the simulated data is GENEPOP or NewHybrids format. This will make a difference.

  header.sim <- sim.file[1,] ## if it is genepop, it will have a single entry in the first position

  if(str_detect(string = header.sim, pattern = "NumIndivs")==FALSE){
    cats <- genepopedit::genepop_detective(genepop = ReferencePopsData) ### get the names of the populations -- not sure if strictly needed - ask Ryan if can use numeric pop ID
    writeLines("GENEPOP format detected for SIMULATED DATA. Assuming hybrid category order = Pure 1, Pure 2, F1, F2, Back Cross to Pure 1, Back Cross to Pure 2") ### warn that assuming this order

    pop.no.convert <- c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2") ### make a dataframe that matches up to the order of hybrid categories assumed

    inds.get <- which(pop.no.convert %in% sim.pops.include) ### numeric value of which pops assumed match those requested

    genepopedit::subset_genepop(genepop = ReferencePopsData, keep = TRUE, spop = inds.get, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "sim.subset.txt")) ## subset

    sim.inds.include <- genepopedit::genepop_flatten(genepop = paste0(path.start, "/", "sim.subset.txt")) ### read back in and flatten
    sim.inds.include <- sim.inds.include[,-c(2,3)]
    file.remove(paste0(path.start, "/", "sim.subset.txt"))  ### remove the file that was made by subset_genepop
    sim.inds.include.vector <- sim.inds.include[,1] ### get a vector of individual IDs

    sim.inds.Loci <- colnames(sim.inds.include)


  ## if the input file is NewHybrids format, it should have two items in the first row
  if(str_detect(string = header.sim, pattern = "NumIndivs")==TRUE){

    sim.file <- read.table(ReferencePopsData, header = FALSE, skip = 4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ## read it in, but skip the first 4 rows because these are not needed - makes a flattened DF
    sim.inds.Loci <- sim.file[1,] ### the first row will ahve the loci names,
    sim.file <- sim.file[-1,] ## remove the loci names
    colnames(sim.file) <- sim.inds.Loci ## add them back in as column names

    NHResultsDir_Split <- unlist(str_split(string = ReferencePopsData, pattern = "/")) ### need to get the directory in which the file is so can get the idnvidual file to get the number of inds in each cat
    NHResultsDir_Split <- NHResultsDir_Split[-grep(x = NHResultsDir_Split, pattern = ".txt")]
    NHResultsDir <- paste0(paste(NHResultsDir_Split, collapse = "/"), "/")
    get.files.list <- list.files(NHResultsDir)
    indiv.file <- read.table(paste0(NHResultsDir, "/", get.files.list[grep(x = get.files.list, pattern = "individuals")])) ## read in the individual file

    Output <- n_class(x = paste0(NHResultsDir, "/", get.files.list[grep(x = get.files.list, pattern = "individuals")])) ## get the # of inds in each cat

    ### Need to determine the range of rows that represent each hybrid category, the subset the requested individuals
    Pure1 <- Output[1,2]
    Pure2 <- Output[2,2]
    F1 <- Output[3,2]
    F2 <- Output[4,2]
    BC1 <- Output[5,2]
    BC2 <- Output[6,2]

    Pure1.inds <- 1:Pure1
    Pure2.inds <- (Pure1 + 1):(Pure1 + Pure2)
    F1.inds <- (Pure1 + Pure2 + 1):(Pure1 + Pure2 + F1)
    F2.inds <- (Pure1 + Pure2 + F1 + 1):(Pure1 + Pure2 + F1 + F2)
    BC1.inds <- (Pure1 + Pure2 + F1 + F2 + 1):(Pure1 + Pure2 + F1 + F2 + BC1)
    BC2.inds <- (Pure1 + Pure2 + F1 + F2 + BC1 + 1):sum(Output$n)

    pop.location.vec <- list(Pure1.inds, Pure2.inds, F1.inds, F2.inds, BC1.inds, BC2.inds)

    Output$Class <- c("Pure1", "Pure2", "F1", "F2", "BC1", "BC2")

    inds.get <- which(Output$Class %in% sim.pops.include)
    inds.get.subset.vec <- unlist(pop.location.vec[inds.get])

    sim.inds.include <- sim.file[inds.get.subset.vec,]
    sim.inds.include.vector <- indiv.file[inds.get.subset.vec, 1]

      } ## END IF Simulated data is NH format

  ### end of input section for simulated data

  ### meow read in the unknown/experimental data

  ## as was done for the simulated data, need to check if entry is a NewHybrids or GENEPOP format file
  unknown.file <- read.table(UnknownIndivs, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  header.unknown <- unknown.file[1,]
  if(stringr::str_detect(string = header.unknown, pattern = "NumIndivs")==FALSE){ ### if a GenePop format file then will have a single entry in the first row
    unknown.indivs.exist <- genepopedit::genepop_detective(genepop = UnknownIndivs, variable = "Inds") ## get a list of individuals
    pops.exist <- genepopedit::genepop_detective(genepop = UnknownIndivs) ##
    ag.frame <- data.frame(Exits=pops.exist, ag.to = rep("Pop1", times = length(pops.exist)))

    genepopedit::subset_genepop_aggregate(genepop = UnknownIndivs, keep = TRUE, agpopframe = ag.frame, path = paste0(path.start, "/", "unknown.agged.txt"))

    unknown.flattened <- genepopedit::genepop_flatten(genepop = paste0(path.start, "/", "unknown.agged.txt"))
    unknown.flattened <- unknown.flattened[,-c(2,3)]
    unknown.inds.include <- unknown.flattened
    unknown.Loci <- colnames(unknown.flattened)

    file.remove(paste0(path.start, "/", "unknown.agged.txt"))


  #### if it is a NewHybrids format file
  if(stringr::str_detect(string = header.unknown, pattern = "NumIndivs")==TRUE){

    unknown.file <- read.table(UnknownIndivs, header = FALSE, skip = 4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ## skip the first 4 lines, will build these after anyways
    unknown.Loci <- unknown.file[1,] ## the loci are in the first row
    unknown.file <- unknown.file[-1,] ### remove the first row, these are the loci names - not needed here
    colnames(unknown.file) <- unknown.Loci ## now make them the column names
    unknown.inds.include <- unknown.file ### data to include
    ## if the data are read in as a NH file, then there should be an associated individual file - modify the path to the NH file to get the individual file
    NHResultsDir_Split <- unlist(stringr::str_split(string = ReferencePopsData, pattern = "/"))
    NHResultsDir_Split <- NHResultsDir_Split[-grep(x = NHResultsDir_Split, pattern = ".txt")]
    NHResultsDir <- paste0(paste(NHResultsDir_Split, collapse = "/"), "/")
    get.files.list <- list.files(NHResultsDir)
    unknown.indivs.exist <- as.matrix(read.table(paste0(NHResultsDir, "/", get.files.list[grep(x = get.files.list, pattern = "individuals")]))) ### hold the individual file to appened to teh simulated individuals

    Output <- n_class(x = paste0(NHResultsDir, "/", get.files.list[grep(x = get.files.list, pattern = "individuals")])) ## also want to have the numbers of individuals in each population


### error check that the simulated individuals and the unknown individuals have the same number of alleles - if not, fail and return error message

  if(length(setdiff(unknown.Loci[-1], sim.inds.Loci[-1])) > 0){stop("The Simulated and Unknown datasets must contain the same marker names.")}

  indivs.in.dataset <- c(as.character(sim.inds.include.vector), unknown.indivs.exist)
  insertNumIndivs <- paste("NumIndivs", length(indivs.in.dataset))

  insertNumLoci <- paste("NumLoci", length(sim.inds.Loci[-1])) ## will probably have to be -1

  ### hard coded stuff
  insertDigits <- "Digits 3"
  insertFormat <- "Format Lumped"

  LociNames <- paste(sim.inds.Loci[-1], collapse = " ")
  insertLociName <- paste("LocusNames", LociNames)

  insert.meta.data <- c(insertNumIndivs, insertNumLoci, insertDigits, insertFormat, insertLociName)

    sim.unknown.combined <- rbind(sim.inds.include[,-1], unknown.inds.include[,-1])
    sim.ind.renameforNH <- c(1:nrow(sim.unknown.combined))
    sim.unknown.combined <- data.frame(sim.ind.renameforNH, sim.unknown.combined)
    sim.unknown.output <- do.call(paste, c(data.frame(sim.unknown.combined[,]), sep = " "))

    data.out <- c(insert.meta.data, sim.unknown.output)

    write(x = data.out, file = output.name)
    indivs.out.file <- gsub(x = output.name, pattern = ".txt", replacement = "")
    indivs.out.file <- paste0(indivs.out.file, "_individuals.txt")
    write(x = indivs.in.dataset, file = indivs.out.file)

bwringe/hybriddetective documentation built on March 22, 2023, 6:52 a.m.