
# refineqtl.R
# copyright (c) 2006-2012, Karl W. Broman
# last modified Aug, 2012
# first written Jun, 2006
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: refineqtl, plotLodProfile

# this is like scanqtl, though the positions are all fixed loci;
# it calls scanqtl iteratively, trying to find the best positions for
# each QTL.
# the method is like that of that described by Zeng and colleagues
# regarding MIM; each QTL is slid from one end of the chromosome to
# the other, or to the next flanking QTLs, if there are linked ones
# maxit is the maximum number of iterations (going through all QTLs
# in each iteration) to perform
refineqtl <-
function(cross, pheno.col=1, qtl, chr, pos, qtl.name, covar=NULL, formula,
         method=c("imp", "hk"), model=c("normal", "binary"), verbose=TRUE, maxit=10,
         incl.markers=TRUE, keeplodprofile=TRUE, tol=1e-4, maxit.fitqtl=1000,
  method <- match.arg(method)
  model <- match.arg(model)

  if( !("cross" %in% class(cross)) )
    stop("The cross argument must be an object of class \"cross\".")

  # allow formula to be a character string
  if(!missing(formula) && is.character(formula))
    formula <- as.formula(formula)

  if(!is.null(covar) && !is.data.frame(covar)) {
    if(is.matrix(covar) && is.numeric(covar))
      covar <- as.data.frame(covar, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    else stop("covar should be a data.frame")

  if(LikePheVector(pheno.col, nind(cross), nphe(cross))) {
    cross$pheno <- cbind(pheno.col, cross$pheno)
    pheno.col <- 1

  if(!missing(qtl) && (!missing(chr) || !missing(pos) || !missing(qtl.name)))
    warning("qtl argument is provided, and so chr, pos and qtl.name are ignored.")

  if(missing(qtl) && (missing(chr) || missing(pos)))
    stop("Provide either qtl or both chr and pos.")

  if(!missing(qtl)) {
    chr <- qtl$chr
    pos <- qtl$pos
  else { # chr and pos provided
    if(missing(qtl.name)) {
        qtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr=chr, pos=pos, what="draws")
        qtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr=chr, pos=pos, what="prob")
    else {
        qtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr=chr, pos=pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what="draws")
        qtl <- makeqtl(cross, chr=chr, pos=pos, qtl.name=qtl.name, what="prob")

  if(method=="imp") {
    if(!("geno" %in% names(qtl))) {
      if("prob" %in% names(qtl)) {
        warning("The qtl object doesn't contain imputations; using method=\"hk\".")
        method <- "hk"
        stop("The qtl object needs to be created with makeqtl with what=\"draws\".")
  else {
    if(!("prob" %in% names(qtl))) {
      if("geno" %in% names(qtl)) {
        warning("The qtl object doesn't contain QTL genotype probabilities; using method=\"imp\".")
        method <- "imp"
        stop("The qtl object needs to be created with makeqtl with what=\"prob\".")

  if(!all(chr %in% names(cross$geno)))
    stop("Chr ", paste(unique(chr[!(chr %in% cross$geno)]), sep=" "),
         " not found in cross.")

  if(verbose > 1) scanqtl.verbose <- TRUE
  else scanqtl.verbose <- FALSE

  cross <- subset(cross, chr=as.character(unique(chr))) # pull out just those chromosomes

  if(qtl$n.ind != nind(cross)) {
    warning("No. individuals in qtl object doesn't match that in the input cross; re-creating qtl object.")
      qtl <- makeqtl(cross, qtl$chr, qtl$pos, qtl$name, what="draws")
      qtl <- makeqtl(cross, qtl$chr, qtl$pos, qtl$name, what="prob")
  if(method=="imp" && dim(qtl$geno)[3] != dim(cross$geno[[1]]$draws)[3])  {
    warning("No. imputations in qtl object doesn't match that in the input cross; re-creating qtl object.")
    qtl <- makeqtl(cross, qtl$chr, qtl$pos, qtl$name, what="draws")

  # minimum distance between pseudomarkers
  map <- attr(qtl, "map")
    stop("Input qtl object should contain the genetic map.")
  mind <- min(sapply(map, function(a) { if(is.matrix(a)) a <- a[1,]; min(diff(a)) }))/2
  if(mind <= 0) mind <- 1e-6

  # check phenotypes and covariates; drop ind'ls with missing values
  if(length(pheno.col) > 1) {
    pheno.col <- pheno.col[1]
    warning("refineqtl can take just one phenotype; only the first will be used")

  if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
    num <- find.pheno(cross, pheno.col)
      stop("Couldn't identify phenotype \"", pheno.col, "\"")
    pheno.col <- num

  if(pheno.col < 1 || pheno.col > nphe(cross))
    stop("pheno.col should be between 1 and ", nphe(cross))
  pheno <- cross$pheno[,pheno.col]
  if(!is.null(covar) && nrow(covar) != length(pheno))
    stop("nrow(covar) != no. individuals in cross.")
  if(!is.null(covar)) phcovar <- cbind(pheno, covar)
  else phcovar <- as.data.frame(pheno, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  hasmissing <- apply(phcovar, 1, function(a) any(is.na(a)))
    stop("All individuals are missing phenotypes or covariates.")

  if(any(hasmissing)) {
    origcross <- cross
    origqtl <- qtl

    cross <- subset(cross, ind=!hasmissing)
    pheno <- pheno[!hasmissing]
    if(!is.null(covar)) covar <- covar[!hasmissing,,drop=FALSE]

      qtl$geno <- qtl$geno[!hasmissing,,,drop=FALSE]
      qtl$prob <- lapply(qtl$prob, function(a) a[!hasmissing,,drop=FALSE])

    qtl$n.ind <- sum(!hasmissing)

  # if missing formula, include the additive QTL plus all covariates
  if(missing(formula)) {
    formula <- paste("y ~", paste(qtl$altname, collapse="+"))
      formula <- paste(formula, "+", paste(colnames(covar), collapse="+"))
    formula <- as.formula(formula)

  # drop covariates that are not in the formula
  if(!is.null(covar)) {
    theterms <- rownames(attr(terms(formula), "factors"))
    m <- match(colnames(covar), theterms)
    if(all(is.na(m))) covar <- NULL
    else covar <- covar[,!is.na(m),drop=FALSE]

  formula <- checkformula(formula, qtl$altname, colnames(covar))

  # identify which QTL are in the model formula
  tovary <- sort(parseformula(formula, qtl$altname, colnames(covar))$idx.qtl)
  if(length(tovary) != qtl$n.qtl)
    reducedqtl <- dropfromqtl(qtl, index=(1:qtl$n.qtl)[-tovary])
  else reducedqtl <- qtl

  # if a QTL is missing from the formula, we need to revise the formula, moving
  # everything over, for use in scanqtl
  if(any(1:length(tovary) != tovary)) {
    tempform <- strsplit(deparseQTLformula(formula), " *~ *")[[1]][2]
    terms <- strsplit(tempform, " *\\+ *")[[1]]
    for(j in seq(along=terms)) {
      if(length(grep(":", terms[j])) > 0) { # interaction
        temp <- strsplit(terms[j], " *: *")[[1]]

        for(k in seq(along=temp)) {
          g <- grep("^[Qq][0-9]+$", temp[k])
          if(length(g) > 0) {
            num <- as.numeric(substr(temp[k], 2, nchar(temp[k])))
            temp[k] <- paste("Q", which(tovary == num), sep="")
        terms[j] <- paste(temp, collapse=":")
      else {
        g <- grep("^[Qq][0-9]+$", terms[j])
        if(length(g) > 0) {
          num <- as.numeric(substr(terms[j], 2, nchar(terms[j])))
          terms[j] <- paste("Q", which(tovary == num), sep="")
    formula <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(terms, collapse=" + ")))

  curpos <- pos[tovary]
  chrnam <- chr[tovary]
  if(verbose) cat("pos:", curpos, "\n")
  converged <- FALSE

  oldo <- NULL
  lc <- length(chrnam)

  lastout <- vector("list", length(curpos))
  names(lastout) <- qtl$name[tovary]

  sexpgm <- getsex(cross)
  cross.attr <- attributes(cross)

  for(i in 1:maxit) {
    if(keeplodprofile) # do drop-one analysis
      basefit <- fitqtlengine(pheno=pheno, qtl=reducedqtl, covar=covar, formula=formula,
                              method=method, model=model, dropone=TRUE, get.ests=FALSE,
                              run.checks=FALSE, cross.attr=cross.attr, sexpgm=sexpgm,
                              tol=tol, maxit=maxit.fitqtl, forceXcovar=forceXcovar)
      basefit <- fitqtlengine(pheno=pheno, qtl=reducedqtl, covar=covar, formula=formula,
                              method=method, model=model, dropone=FALSE, get.ests=FALSE,
                              run.checks=FALSE, cross.attr=cross.attr, sexpgm=sexpgm,
                              tol=tol, maxit=maxit.fitqtl, forceXcovar=forceXcovar)

    if(i==1) {
      origlod <- curlod <- thisitlod <- basefit$result.full[1,4]
      origpos <- curpos

    if(verbose) cat("Iteration", i, "\n")
    o <- sample(lc)

    # make sure the first here was not the last before
      while(o[1] != oldo[lc])
        o <- sample(lc)
    oldo <- o

    newpos <- curpos
    for(j in o) {

      otherchr <- chrnam[-j]
      otherpos <- newpos[-j]

      thispos <- as.list(newpos)
      if(any(otherchr == chrnam[j])) { # linked QTLs
        linkedpos <- otherpos[otherchr==chr[j]]
        if(any(linkedpos < newpos[j]))
          low <- max(linkedpos[linkedpos < newpos[j]])
        else low <- -Inf
        if(any(linkedpos > newpos[j]))
          high <- min(linkedpos[linkedpos > newpos[j]])
        else high <- Inf

        thispos[[j]] <- c(low, high)
        thispos[[j]] <- c(-Inf, Inf)

      out <- scanqtl(cross=cross, pheno.col=pheno.col, chr=chrnam, pos=thispos,
                     covar=covar, formula=formula, method=method, model=model,
                     verbose=scanqtl.verbose, tol=tol, maxit=maxit.fitqtl,

      lastout[[j]] <- out

      newpos[j] <- as.numeric(strsplit(names(out)[out==max(out)],"@")[[1]][2])

      if(verbose) {
        cat(" Q", j, " pos: ", curpos[j], " -> ", newpos[j], "\n", sep="")
        cat("    LOD increase: ", round(max(out) - curlod, 3), "\n")
      curlod <- max(out)

    if(verbose) {
      cat("all pos:", curpos, "->", newpos, "\n")
      cat("LOD increase at this iteration: ", round(curlod - thisitlod, 3), "\n")
    thisitlod <- curlod

    if(max(abs(curpos - newpos)) < mind) {
      converged <- TRUE
    curpos <- newpos

    reducedqtl <- replaceqtl(cross, reducedqtl, seq(length(curpos)),
                             reducedqtl$chr, curpos, reducedqtl$name)

  if(verbose) {
    cat("overall pos:", origpos, "->", newpos, "\n")
    cat("LOD increase overall: ", round(curlod - origlod, 3), "\n")

  if(!converged) warning("Didn't converge.")

  # do the qtl have custom names?
  g <- grep("^.+@[0-9\\.]+$", qtl$name)
  if(length(g) == length(qtl$name)) thenames <- NULL
  else thenames <- qtl$name

  if(any(hasmissing)) {
    qtl <- origqtl
    cross <- origcross
  for(j in seq(along=tovary))
    qtl <- replaceqtl(cross, qtl, tovary[j], chrnam[j], newpos[j])

  if(!is.null(thenames)) qtl$name <- thenames

  if(keeplodprofile) {
    # subtract off the results from the drop-one analysis from the LOD profiles
    dropresult <- basefit$result.drop
    if(is.null(dropresult)) {
      if(length(lastout)==1) {
        dropresult <- rbind(c(NA,NA, basefit$result.full[1,4]))
        rownames(dropresult) <- names(lastout)
        stop("There's a problem: need dropresult, but didn't obtain one.")

    rn <- rownames(dropresult)
    qn <- names(lastout)

    for(i in seq(along=lastout)) {
      lastout[[i]] <- lastout[[i]] - (max(lastout[[i]]) - dropresult[rn==qn[i],3])
      pos <- as.numeric(matrix(unlist(strsplit(names(lastout[[i]]), "@")),byrow=TRUE,ncol=2)[,2])
      chr <- rep(qtl$chr[tovary][i], length(pos))
      lastout[[i]] <- data.frame(chr=chr, pos=pos, lod=as.numeric(lastout[[i]]), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    names(lastout) <- qtl$name[tovary]

    # make the profiles scanone objects
    for(i in seq(along=lastout)) {
      class(lastout[[i]]) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")
      thechr <- qtl$chr[i]
        detailedmap <- attr(cross$geno[[thechr]]$draws,"map")
        detailedmap <- attr(cross$geno[[thechr]]$prob,"map")

      if(is.matrix(detailedmap)) detailedmap <- detailedmap[1,]

      r <- range(lastout[[i]][,2])+c(-1e-5, 1e-5)
      rn <- names(detailedmap)[detailedmap>=r[1] & detailedmap<=r[2]]
      o <- grep("^loc-*[0-9]+",rn)
      if(length(o) > 0) # inter-marker locations cited as "c*.loc*"
        rn[o] <- paste("c",thechr,".",rn[o],sep="")
#      if(length(rn) != nrow(lastout[[i]])) return(list(lastout[[i]], rn, detailedmap))
      if(length(rn) == nrow(lastout[[i]])) rownames(lastout[[i]]) <- rn

    attr(qtl, "lodprofile") <- lastout

  # if there's a pLOD attribute, revise it
  if("pLOD" %in% names(attributes(qtl)) && curlod > origlod)
    attr(qtl,"pLOD") <- attr(qtl,"pLOD") + curlod - origlod


# plotLodProfile
# This is for creating a plot of 1-d LOD profiles calculated within
# refineqtl.

plotLodProfile <-
function(qtl, chr, incl.markers=TRUE, gap=25, lwd=2, lty=1, col="black",
         qtl.labels=TRUE, mtick=c("line", "triangle"),
         show.marker.names=FALSE, alternate.chrid=FALSE, add=FALSE, ...)
  if(!("qtl" %in% class(qtl)))
    stop("Input qtl is not a qtl object")

  lodprof <- attr(qtl, "lodprofile")
    stop("You must first run refineqtl, using keeplodprofile=TRUE")

  m <- match(qtl$name, names(lodprof))
    qtl <- dropfromqtl(qtl, index=which(is.na(m)), drop.lod.profile=FALSE)

  # reorder qtl by position
  if(qtl$n.qtl > 1) {
    chrindex <- match(qtl$chr, names(attr(qtl, "map")))
      stop("Cannot find chr ", qtl$chr[is.na(chrindex)])
    neworder <- order(chrindex, qtl$pos)
    if(any(neworder != seq(qtl$n.qtl))) {
      qtl <- reorderqtl(qtl, neworder)
      lodprof <- attr(qtl, "lodprofile")

  n.qtl <- length(lodprof)
  if(length(lwd) == 1) lwd <- rep(lwd, n.qtl)
  else {
    if(length(lwd) != n.qtl) {
      warning("lwd should have length 1 or ", n.qtl)
      lwd <- rep(lwd[1], n.qtl)
    else lwd <- lwd[neworder]

  if(length(lty) == 1) lty <- rep(lty, n.qtl)
  else {
    if(length(lty) != n.qtl) {
      warning("lty should have length 1 or ", n.qtl)
      lty <- rep(lty[1], n.qtl)
    else lty <- lty[neworder]
  if(length(col) == 1) col <- rep(col, n.qtl)
  else {
    if(length(col) != n.qtl) {
      warning("col should have length 1 or ", n.qtl)
      col <- rep(col[1], n.qtl)
    else col <- col[neworder]

  map <- attr(qtl, "map")
    stop("Input qtl object should contain the genetic map.")

  thechr <- unique(qtl$chr)
  orderedchr <- names(map)
  chr2keep <- which(!is.na(match(orderedchr, thechr)))

  tempscan <- NULL
  for(i in chr2keep) {
    temp <- data.frame(chr=orderedchr[i],
                       lod=NA, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    rownames(temp) <- names(map[[i]])
    tempscan <- rbind(tempscan, temp)
  class(tempscan) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")

  if(missing(chr)) chr <- thechr
  dontskip <- which(!is.na(match(qtl$chr, chr)))
    stop("Nothing to plot.")

  ymax <- max(sapply(lodprof[dontskip], function(a) max(a[,3], na.rm=TRUE)))
  begend <- matrix(unlist(tapply(tempscan[,2],tempscan[,1],range)),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(begend) <- unique(tempscan[,1])
  begend <- begend[as.character(chr),,drop=FALSE]
  len <- begend[,2]-begend[,1]
  if(length(chr)==1) start <- 0
  else start <- c(0,cumsum(len+gap))-c(begend[,1],0)
  names(start) <- chr

  dots <- list(...)

  if(!add) {
    if("ylim" %in% names(dots)) {
      plot.scanone(tempscan, chr=chr, incl.markers=incl.markers, gap=gap,
                   mtick=mtick, show.marker.names=show.marker.names,
                   alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid, col="white", ...)
    else {
        ylim <- c(0, ymax+1)
        ylim <- c(0, ymax)

      plot.scanone(tempscan, chr=chr, incl.markers=incl.markers, gap=gap,
                   mtick=mtick, show.marker.names=show.marker.names,
                   alternate.chrid=alternate.chrid, col="white", ylim=ylim,

  for(i in dontskip) {
    temp <- rbind(tempscan[tempscan[,1] != qtl$chr[i] |
                           (tempscan[,1] == qtl$chr[i] & (tempscan[,2] < min(lodprof[[i]][,2]) |
                                      tempscan[,2] > max(lodprof[[i]][,2]))),],

    temp <- temp[order(match(temp[,1], orderedchr), temp[,2]),]
    class(temp) <- c("scanone", "data.frame")

    plot.scanone(temp, chr=chr, incl.markers=FALSE, gap=gap, add=TRUE,
                 col=col[i], lwd=lwd[i], lty=lty[i], ...)

    if(qtl.labels) {
      maxlod <- max(temp[,3], na.rm=TRUE)
      maxpos <- temp[!is.na(temp[,3]) & temp[,3]==maxlod,2] + start[qtl$chr[i]]
      d <- min(c(1, diff(par("usr")[3:4]*0.05)))

      text(maxpos, maxlod + d, names(lodprof)[i], col=col[i], font=(lwd[i]>1)+1, ...)


# end of refineqtl.R
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.