
Defines functions WebGestaltRNta

#' @importFrom httr POST content
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv cols
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
WebGestaltRNta <- function(organism = "hsapiens", network = "network_PPI_BIOGRID", method = "Network_Retrieval_Prioritization", inputSeed, inputSeedFile, interestGeneType = "genesymbol", neighborNum = 10, highlightSeedNum = 10, sigMethod = "fdr", fdrThr = 0.05, topThr = 10, highlightType = "Seeds", outputDirectory = getwd(), projectName = NULL, cache = NULL, hostName = "https://www.webgestalt.org/") {
    projectDir <- file.path(outputDirectory, paste0("Project_", projectName))
    # if (network == "network_FunMap") {
    # 	network <- "network_FunMap_DenseModules"
    # }

    if (length(network) > 1) {
        stop("NTA does not support multiple databases.")
    inputGene <- formatCheck("list", inputGeneFile = inputSeedFile, inputGene = inputSeed)
    # only networks are in gene symbols
    # mapping always returns gene symbol, could map to genesymbol but takes two requests
    inputGene <- idMappingGene(organism = organism, dataType = "list", inputGene = inputGene, sourceIdType = interestGeneType, targetIdType = "entrezgene", mappingOutput = FALSE, hostName = hostName)
    inputGene <- inputGene$mapped$geneSymbol

    if (startsWith(hostName, "file://")) {
        dagInfo <- read_tsv(
            removeFileProtocol(file.path(hostName, "geneset", paste(organism, "geneontology_Biological_Process", "entrezgene.dag", sep = "_"))),
            col_names = c("source", "target"), col_types = "cc"
    } else {
        geneSetUrl <- file.path(hostName, "api", "geneset")
        response <- cacheUrl(geneSetUrl, cache = cache, query = list(organism = organism, database = "geneontology_Biological_Process", standardId = "entrezgene", fileType = "dag"))
        dagInfo <- read_tsv(content(response), col_names = c("source", "target"), col_types = "cc")

    ## networks <- unlist(strsplit(network, ",", fixed=TRUE))
    ## May need to bring back analysis of multiple networks
    fileName <- paste(projectName, network, method, sep = ".")
    goEnrichRes <- randomWalkEnrichment(
        organism = organism, network = network, method = method, highlightSeedNum = highlightSeedNum, inputSeed = inputGene,
        sigMethod = sigMethod, fdrThr = fdrThr, topThr = topThr, projectDir = projectDir,
        topRank = neighborNum, projectName = projectName, cache = cache, hostName = hostName
    if (is.null(goEnrichRes)) {
    enrichResFile <- file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_enrichedResult.txt"))

    goTermList <- read_tsv(enrichResFile, col_types = cols())$goId
    inputEndIndex <- length(goTermList)

    dagTree <- expandDag(goTermList, dagInfo)
    goTermList <- dagTree$allNodes
    edges <- dagTree$edges

    if (startsWith(hostName, "file://")) {
        goId2Term <- read_tsv(
            removeFileProtocol(file.path(hostName, "geneset", paste(organism, "geneontology_Biological_Process", "entrezgene.des", sep = "_"))),
            col_names = c("id", "name"), col_types = "cc"
    } else {
        response <- POST(geneSetUrl, body = list(
            organism = organism, database = "geneontology_Biological_Process",
            fileType = "des", ids = goTermList, version = WEBGESTALT_DATA_VERSION
        ), encode = "json")
        goId2Term <- read_tsv(content(response), col_names = c("id", "name"), col_types = "cc")

    jsonFile <- file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, ".json"))
    jsonData <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(goTermList))

    for (i in 1:length(goTermList)) {
        goId <- goTermList[[i]]
        goName <- filter(goId2Term, .data$id == goId)[[1, "name"]]
        dataSets <- i <= inputEndIndex
        jsonData[[i]] <- list(data = list(id = goId, name = goName, datasets = dataSets))
    jsonData <- unname(c(jsonData, edges))

    cat(toJSON(jsonData, auto_unbox = TRUE), "\n", sep = "", file = jsonFile)

        networkName = network, method = method, sigMethod = sigMethod, fdrThr = fdrThr, topThr = topThr,
        highlightType = highlightType, outputDirectory = outputDirectory, projectDir = projectDir,
        projectName = projectName, hostName = hostName

    cwd <- getwd()
    zip(paste0(projectName, ".zip"), ".", flags = "-rq")

    cat("Results can be found in the ", projectDir, "!\n", sep = "")
bzhanglab/WebGestaltR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 12:15 a.m.