
Defines functions .getGenes .enrichmentFunction randomWalkEnrichment

#' @importFrom httr content modify_url
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange %>% desc
randomWalkEnrichment <- function(organism, network, method, inputSeed, topRank, highlightSeedNum, sigMethod, fdrThr, topThr, projectDir, projectName, cache, hostName) {
    fileName <- paste(projectName, network, method, sep = ".")
    if (startsWith(hostName, "file://")) {
        net <- as.matrix(read_tsv(
            removeFileProtocol(file.path(hostName, "geneset", paste(organism, network, "entrezgene.net", sep = "_"))),
            col_names = FALSE, col_types = "cc"
        goAnn <- readGmt(removeFileProtocol(file.path(hostName, "geneset", paste(organism, "geneontology_Biological_Process", "genesymbol.gmt", sep = "_"))))
    } else {
        geneSetUrl <- file.path(hostName, "api", "geneset")
        # actually standard id is gene symbol for network
        response <- cacheUrl(geneSetUrl, cache = cache, query = list(organism = organism, database = network, standardId = "entrezgene", fileType = "net"))
        net <- as.matrix(read_tsv(content(response), col_names = FALSE, col_types = "cc"))
        # remove blank lines
        net <- net[net[, 1] != "" & net[, 2] != "", ]
        gmtUrl <- modify_url(geneSetUrl, query = list(organism = organism, database = "geneontology_Biological_Process", standardId = "genesymbol", fileType = "gmt"))
        goAnn <- readGmt(gmtUrl, cache = cache)
    unique_nodes <- unlist(unique(c(net[, 1], net[, 2])))

    cat("Start Random Walk...\n")

    # seeds <- unlist(strsplit(inputSeed, ","))
    seeds <- inputSeed

    allNum <- length(seeds)
    write(seeds, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_seeds.txt")))
    seeds <- intersect(unique_nodes, seeds)
    write(seeds, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_seedsInNetwork.txt")))

    if (method == "Network_Retrieval_Prioritization") {
        if (length(seeds) < highlightSeedNum) {
            highlightSeedNum <- length(seeds)
    organize_net <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(net)) {
        organize_net[[i]] <- c(net[i, 1], net[i, 2])
    random_walk_res <- nta_rust(organize_net, seeds)
    gS <- data.frame(name = random_walk_res$nodes, score = random_walk_res$scores, per = 1, stringsAsFactors = F)

    if (method == "Network_Expansion") {
        gS <- gS %>%
            filter(.data$name %in% setdiff(.data$name, seeds)) %>%
        candidate <- gS[1:topRank, ]
        allN <- c(seeds, candidate$name)
    } else {
        gS <- gS %>%
            filter(.data$name %in% seeds) %>%
        highSeeds <- gS[1:highlightSeedNum, "name"]
        allN <- seeds
        candidate <- gS

    subNet <- net[net[, 1] %in% allN & net[, 2] %in% allN, ]
    allN <- union(subNet[, 1], subNet[, 2])

    if (length(allN) != 0) {
        termInfo <- .enrichmentFunction(organism, unique_nodes, allN, goAnn, seeds, sigMethod, fdrThr, topThr, hostName)
    } else {
        warning("Error: No sub-network is generated.")

    if (method == "Network_Retrieval_Prioritization") {
        write(highSeeds, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_highlightedSeeds.txt")))
    overlapSeeds <- intersect(allN, seeds)
    x <- c(
        paste("Total number of genes in the selected network:", length(unique_nodes), "(used for the enrichment analysis)"),
        paste("Total number of seeds:", allNum),
        paste("Total number of seeds in the selected network:", length(seeds))
    if (method == "Network_Expansion") {
        x <- c(
            paste("Total number of genes in the expanded sub-network:", length(allN), "(used for the enrichment analysis)"),
            paste("Total number of seeds in the expanded sub-network:", length(overlapSeeds)),
            paste("We select top", topRank, "neighbors based on the probability of random walk method. All seeds and top ranking neighbors in the expanded sub-network can enrich to", nrow(termInfo), "GO BP categories.")
    } else {
        x <- c(
            paste("Total number of seeds in the retrieved sub-network:", length(allN), "(used for the enrichment analysis)"),
            paste("All seeds in the retrieved sub-network can enrich to", nrow(termInfo), "GO BP categories.")

    write(x, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_resultSummary.txt")))
    write(overlapSeeds, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_seedsInSubnetwork.txt")))
    write_tsv(as.data.frame(subNet), file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_randomWalkNetwork.txt")), col_names = FALSE)
    write_tsv(candidate, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_candidate.txt")), col_names = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(termInfo)) {
        write_tsv(termInfo, file.path(projectDir, paste0(fileName, "_enrichedResult.txt")))

#' @importFrom dplyr select filter arrange left_join mutate %>%
#' @importFrom httr POST content
#' @importFrom readr read_tsv
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust phyper
.enrichmentFunction <- function(organism, reference, interest, goAnn, seeds, sigMethod, fdrThr, topThr, hostName) {
    goAnn <- select(goAnn, .data$gene, .data$geneSet)
    annRef <- filter(goAnn, .data$gene %in% reference)
    annInterest <- filter(goAnn, .data$gene %in% interest)

    allRefNum <- length(unique(annRef$gene))
    allInterestNum <- length(unique(annInterest$gene))

    refTermCount <- tapply(annRef$gene, annRef$geneSet, length)

    if (startsWith(hostName, "file://")) {
        refTermName <- read_tsv(
            removeFileProtocol(file.path(hostName, "geneset", paste(organism, "geneontology_Biological_Process", "entrezgene.des", sep = "_"))),
            col_names = c("id", "description"), col_types = "cc"
        ) %>% filter(.data$id %in% names(refTermCount))
    } else {
        geneSetUrl <- file.path(hostName, "api", "geneset")
        response <- POST(geneSetUrl, body = list(
            organism = organism, database = "geneontology_Biological_Process",
            fileType = "des", ids = unique(annRef$geneSet), version=WEBGESTALT_DATA_VERSION
        ), encode = "json")
        refTermName <- read_tsv(content(response), col_names = c("id", "description"), col_types = "cc") %>%
            filter(.data$id %in% names(refTermCount))

    refTermCount <- data.frame(goId = names(refTermCount), size = as.numeric(refTermCount), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
        left_join(refTermName, by = c("goId" = "id")) %>%
        select(.data$goId, .data$description, .data$size) %>%
    interestTermCount <- tapply(annInterest$gene, annInterest$geneSet, length)

    interestTermGene <- tapply(annInterest$gene, annInterest$geneSet, .getGenes, seeds)

    interestTermCount <- data.frame(goId = names(interestTermCount), overlap = as.numeric(interestTermCount), interestGene = interestTermGene, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%

    refInterestTermCount <- refTermCount

    refInterestTermCount$overlap <- vector("numeric", nrow(refInterestTermCount))
    refInterestTermCount[refInterestTermCount$goId %in% interestTermCount$goId, "overlap"] <- interestTermCount$overlap

    refInterestTermCount$interestGene <- vector("numeric", nrow(refInterestTermCount))
    refInterestTermCount[refInterestTermCount$goId %in% interestTermCount$goId, "interestGene"] <- interestTermCount$interestGene

    refInterestTermCount <- refInterestTermCount %>%
            expect = (allInterestNum / allRefNum) * .data$size,
            enrichmentRatio = .data$overlap / .data$expect,
            pValue = 1 - phyper(.data$overlap - 1, allInterestNum, allRefNum - allInterestNum, .data$size, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE),
            FDR = p.adjust(.data$pValue, method = "BH")
        ) %>%
        arrange(.data$FDR, .data$pValue)

    if (sigMethod == "fdr") {
        refInterestTermCountSig <- filter(refInterestTermCount, .data$FDR < fdrThr)
    } else {
        refInterestTermCountSig <- refInterestTermCount[1:topThr, ]


.getGenes <- function(genelist, seeds) {
    genelist <- data.frame(gene = genelist, id = 0, stringsAsFactors = F)
    genelist[genelist[, 1] %in% seeds, 2] <- 1
    genelist <- paste(genelist[, 1], genelist[, 2], sep = "|")
    genelist <- paste(genelist, collapse = ";")
bzhanglab/WebGestaltR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 12:15 a.m.