#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom conclust ckmeans
#' @importFrom cluster silhouette
#' @importFrom cluster sortSilhouette
#' @title Compare k values
#' @description Compare the stability and error of various k values to help
#' determine the correct number of signatures (k).
#' @param musica A \code{\linkS4class{musica}} object.
#' @param modality The modality to use, either "SBS96", "DBS78", or "IND83".
#' @param reps Number of times prediction is performed. For each replicate, the
#' count table data is perturbed. Multiple replicates allows for stability
#' analysis by calculating silhouette width on the multiple results. Default
#' \code{100}.
#' @param min_k Lower range of number of signatures for discovery. Default
#' \code{1}.
#' @param max_k Upper range of number of signatures for discovery. Default
#' \code{10}.
#' @param error_type Whether to calculate reconstruction error by proportions
#' ("prop") or raw counts ("raw"). Default \code{"prop"}.
#' @param algorithm Algorithm for signature discovery. Default \code{"nmf"}.
#' @return a data.frame with stats for each k value tested
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(musica)
#' compare_k_vals(musica, "SBS96", reps = 3, min_k = 1, max_k = 5)
compare_k_vals <- function(musica, modality, reps = 100, min_k = 1, max_k = 10,
error_type = "prop", algorithm = "nmf") {
k_list <- c(min_k:max_k)
# access count table
count_table <- extract_count_tables(musica)[[modality]]
count_table <- get_count_table(count_table)
# generate bootstraped count tables
boot_tables_all <- .gen_all_boots(count_table, reps)
# establish df for sil widths
results_df <- data.frame(
k = NULL, sil_width = NULL, min_sil_width = NULL,
max_sil_width = NULL, sterror_sil_width = NULL,
error = NULL, min_error = NULL, max_error = NULL,
sterror_error = NULL
# establish list for predicted signatures
signatures_list <- list()
# loop through the k values to test
for (index in seq_len(length(k_list))) {
message("\nk = ", k_list[index], ":\n", sep = "")
# run discovery
iterative_results <- .iterative_discovery(
musica, modality, reps,
k_list[index], algorithm,
# result from unpreterbed count table
result_actual <- iterative_results[[1]]
# all signatures predicted
signatures <- iterative_results[[2]]
# all musica result objects
predicted_results_list <- iterative_results[[3]]
# perform clustering on all signatures
if (k_list[index] > 1) {
ckmeans <- .run_modified_kmeans(reps, k_list[index], signatures)
# calculate sil widths
sil_width <- .get_sil_width(signatures, ckmeans)
avg_sil_width <- sil_width[[1]]
min_sil_width <- sil_width[[2]]
max_sil_width <- sil_width[[3]]
sd_sil_width <- sil_width[[4]]
sterror_sil_width <- sd_sil_width / sqrt(k_list[index] * (reps + 1))
# store signatures
signatures_list[[paste(k_list[index], "Signatures")]] <- signatures
# calculate RE
RE <- .get_average_error(
result_actual, predicted_results_list, error_type,
count_table, boot_tables_all
avg_RE <- RE[[1]]
min_RE <- RE[[2]]
max_RE <- RE[[3]]
sd_RE <- RE[[4]]
sterror_RE <- sd_RE / sqrt(reps + 1)
# add to dataframe
if (k_list[index] > 1) {
results_df <- rbind(
k = k_list[index],
sil_width = avg_sil_width,
min_sil_width = min_sil_width,
max_sil_width = max_sil_width,
sd_sil_width = sd_sil_width,
sterror_sil_width = sterror_sil_width,
error = avg_RE,
min_error = min_RE,
max_error = max_RE,
sd_error = sd_RE,
sterror_error = sterror_RE
} else {
results_df <- rbind(
k = k_list[index],
sil_width = NA,
min_sil_width = NA,
max_sil_width = NA,
sd_sil_width = NA,
sterror_sil_width = NA,
error = avg_RE,
min_error = min_RE,
max_error = max_RE,
sd_error = sd_RE,
sterror_error = sterror_RE
figure <- plot_k_comparison(results_df)
#' @title Plot k comparison
#' @description Plot the results of comparing k values
#' @param k_comparison data.frame with k value comparisons returned from the
#' \code{\link{compare_k_vals}} function.
#' @return a ggplot figure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(musica)
#' k_comparison <- compare_k_vals(musica, "SBS96",
#' reps = 3, min_k = 1,
#' max_k = 5
#' )
#' plot_k_comparison(k_comparison)
plot_k_comparison <- function(k_comparison) {
k_vals <- k_comparison$k
errors <- k_comparison$error
min_errors <- k_comparison$min_error
max_errors <- k_comparison$max_error
sd_errors <- k_comparison$sd_error
se_errors <- k_comparison$sterror_error
sws <- k_comparison$sil_width
min_sws <- k_comparison$min_sil_width
max_sws <- k_comparison$max_sil_width
sd_sws <- k_comparison$sd_sil_width
se_sws <- k_comparison$sterror_sil_width
errors_to_plot <- (errors - min(min_errors)) /
(max(max_errors) - min(min_errors))
se_errors_to_plot <- (se_errors * errors_to_plot) / errors
sd_errors_to_plot <- (sd_errors * errors_to_plot) / errors
range <- max(max_errors) - min(min_errors)
min <- min(min_errors)
data <- data.frame(
k_vals = k_vals, errors = errors_to_plot,
sd_errors = sd_errors_to_plot, sws = sws,
sd_sws = sd_sws
re_color <- "red3"
sw_color <- "blue2"
sw_top <- 1
if (max((sws + sd_sws)[c(-1)]) > 1) {
sw_top <- max((sws + sd_sws)[c(-1)]) + 0.01
sw_bottom <- 0
if (min((sws - sd_sws)[c(-1)]) < 0) {
sw_bottom <- min((sws - sd_sws)[c(-1)]) - 0.01
if (k_vals[1] == 1) {
modifier <- 0
} else {
modifier <- 1
figure <- ggplot(data, aes(x = k_vals - modifier)) +
geom_line(aes(y = sws), color = sw_color, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(aes(y = errors), color = re_color) +
geom_point(aes(y = sws), color = sw_color) +
geom_point(aes(y = errors), color = re_color) +
ymin = (errors - sd_errors),
ymax = (errors + sd_errors)
width = 0.2, color = re_color, alpha = 0.3
) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = sws - sd_sws, ymax = sws + sd_sws),
width = 0.2, color = sw_color, alpha = 0.3
) +
# Features of the first axis
name = "Silhouette Width (-)",
limits = c(sw_bottom, sw_top),
breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
# Add a second axis and specify its features
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 1,
name = "Reconstruction Error",
breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
labels = c(
round(0 * range + min, 2),
round(0.25 * range + min, 2),
round(0.5 * range + min, 2),
round(0.75 * range + min, 2),
round(1 * range + min, 2)
) +
scale_x_discrete(limits = factor(k_vals), name = "k value") +
labs(x = "Number of Signatures (k)") +
theme_light() +
axis.title.y = element_text(color = sw_color, size = 13),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = re_color, size = 13),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 13),
axis.text = element_text(color = "black", size = 10)
# sample same number of samples, with replacement
.resample_count_table <- function(count_table) {
colsums <- colSums(count_table)
prob <- t(t(count_table) / colsums)
prob[prob == NaN] <- 0
bootstrapped_count_table <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(count_table)), function(idx) {
n = 1,
size = colsums[idx],
prob = prob[, idx]
}, integer(nrow(count_table)))
rownames(bootstrapped_count_table) <- rownames(count_table)
colnames(bootstrapped_count_table) <- colnames(count_table)
# return bootstrapped count table
# generate all bootstrapped count tables that will be used
.gen_all_boots <- function(count_table, reps) {
boot_tables_all <- NULL
for (iteration in seq_len(reps)) {
boot_tables_all[[iteration]] <- .resample_count_table(count_table)
# get signatures for set number of iterations on bootstrapped
.iterative_discovery <- function(musica, modality, reps, k, alg,
boot_tables_all) {
message("Calculating signatures on original count table...\n\n")
result_discov_actual <- discover_signatures(musica,
modality = modality,
num_signatures = k,
algorithm = alg, nstart = 5,
model_id = "actual",
result_name = "k_val_assist",
make_copy = TRUE
result_discov_actual <- get_model(
result_discov_actual, "k_val_assist",
modality, "actual"
# create object for storing signatures from all iterations
result_discovs_boot <- NULL
signatures <- signatures(result_discov_actual)
# loop through given number of iterations
for (iteration in seq_len(reps)) {
message("Replicate ", iteration, " of ", reps, "...\n")
# copy musica object
musica_boot <- musica
# replace count table with bootstrapped count table
boot_table <- as.matrix(boot_tables_all[[iteration]])
class(boot_table) <- "numeric"
musica_boot@count_tables[[modality]]@count_table <- boot_table
# find signatures
result_discov_boot <- discover_signatures(musica_boot,
modality = modality,
num_signatures = k,
algorithm = alg, nstart = 5,
model_id = "boot",
result_name = "k_val_assist",
make_copy = TRUE
# add result_discov to list
result_discovs_boot[[iteration]] <- get_model(
"k_val_assist", modality,
# add signatures to matrix of al signatures
signatures <- cbind(signatures, signatures(
"k_val_assist", modality, "boot"
# rename columns to be numbered
colnames <- NULL
for (i in 0:reps) {
for (s in seq_len(k)) {
colnames <- c(colnames, paste(i, ".", s, sep = ""))
colnames(signatures) <- colnames
# return the signatures
return(list(result_discov_actual, signatures, result_discovs_boot))
# Run k-means
.run_modified_kmeans <- function(reps, k, signatures) {
# establish matrix for pairs of signatures that can't be in same cluster
cant_link <- NULL
# Take sequence of 1 to total number of signatures (number of iterations times
# number of signatures generated for each iteration, plus number of signatures
# per iteration for actual/original signatures) and split it into a list,
# where each element is a vector listing the signature indexes for one
# iteration. (List of length (number of iterations + 1) where each element is
# a vector length (number of signatures generated per iteration))
sig_codes_for_each_iter <- split(
seq(1, (reps * k) + k),
(reps * k) + k
)) / k)
# fill matrix with pairwise signature indexes that must be in separate
# clusters
for (i in 1:(reps + 1)) {
cant_link <- rbind(cant_link, t(combn(sig_codes_for_each_iter[[i]], 2)))
# must link constraint is empty matrix
must_link <- matrix(c(NA, NA), nrow = 1)
ckmeans <- conclust::ckmeans(
data = t(signatures), k = k,
mustLink = must_link, cantLink = cant_link
# Calculate silhouette width
.get_sil_width <- function(signatures, ckmeans) {
# calculate distance matrix
dists <- as.matrix(dist(t(signatures), method = "manhattan"))
# compute silhouette widths
sil <- cluster::silhouette(ckmeans, dists)
# plot(sil)
sil_summary <- summary(sil)
avg_sil <- sil_summary$avg.width
min_sil <- sil_summary$si.summary[[1]]
max_sil <- sil_summary$si.summary[[6]]
sorted <- cluster::sortSilhouette(sil)
sd_sil <- sd(sorted[, 3])
return(list(avg_sil, min_sil, max_sil, sd_sil))
# calculate proportional reconstruction error
.get_reconstruction_error_prop <- function(result_discov, count_table) {
# extract exposures and signatures matrices
expos <- exposures(result_discov)
sigs <- signatures(result_discov)
# convert count table to probabilities
count_table_probs <- prop.table(count_table, 2)
# convert exposure matrix to probabilities
expos_probs <- prop.table(expos, 2)
# multiply signature and exposure matrices
predicted_count_probs <- sigs %*% expos_probs
# calculate sum of differences (reconstruction error)
reconstruction_error <- sum(abs(count_table_probs - predicted_count_probs))
# return reconstruction error
# calculate raw reconstruction error
.get_reconstruction_error_raw <- function(result_discov, count_table) {
# extract exposures and signatures matrices
expos <- exposures(result_discov)
sigs <- signatures(result_discov)
# multiply signature and exposure matrices
predicted_counts <- sigs %*% expos
# calculate sum of differences (reconstruction error)
reconstruction_error <- sum(abs(count_table - predicted_counts))
# return reconstruction error
# calculate recontruction error with a given error type
.get_reconstruction_error <- function(result_discov, count_table, error_type) {
if (error_type %in% c(
"prop", "Prop", "proportion", "Proportion",
"proportions", "Proportions", "proportional",
)) {
error <- .get_reconstruction_error_prop(result_discov, count_table)
} else if (error_type %in% c("raw", "Raw", "raws", "Raws")) {
error <- .get_reconstruction_error_raw(result_discov, count_table)
} else {
message("Invalid error type. Please enter 'prop' for proprotional RE or
'raw' for raw RE.")
# get average reconstruction error for a k value from all bootstrap iterations
.get_average_error <- function(result_actual, predicted_results_list,
error_type, count_table, boot_tables_all) {
# initialize error vector
errors <- NULL
# calculate error for unpreterbed count table prediction
error <- .get_reconstruction_error(result_actual, count_table, error_type)
# append to errors
errors <- c(errors, error)
# loop through the bootstrapped predictions
for (index in seq_len(length(predicted_results_list))) {
# access the musica result object
prediction <- predicted_results_list[[index]]
# calcualte error
error <- .get_reconstruction_error(
prediction, boot_tables_all[[index]],
# append error
errors <- c(errors, error)
# calculate average error
mean_error <- mean(errors)
# min and max errors
min_error <- min(errors)
max_error <- max(errors)
# standard deviation
sd_error <- sd(errors)
return(list(mean_error, min_error, max_error, sd_error))
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