
Defines functions get_features

Documented in get_features

#' Return summary features for the cohort.
#' @description
#' Computes a set of summary features for the cohort, in the
#' form of a matrix. The fits must be available inside the cohort
#' to retrieve some of these features, which are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item the matrix of driver events with mean CCF or binary value;
#'   \item the matrix of the drivers occurrence acrross all the cohort;
#'   \item the matrix of the clonal drivers occurrence acrross all the cohort;
#'   \item the matrix of the subclonal drivers occurrence acrross all the cohort;
#'   \item the matrix of the occurrence of all evolutionary trajectories across patients
#' }
#' The function returns a named list, so that names can be used
#' to access the matrices.
#' @param x A \code{REVOLVER} cohort.
#' @param patients A vector of patient ids for which the features are extracted.
#' @return A list of matrices.
#' @family Getters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Data released in the 'evoverse.datasets'
#' data('TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER', package = 'evoverse.datasets')
#' features = get_features(TRACERx_NEJM_2017_REVOLVER)
#' print(names(features))
#' print(features)
get_features = function(x, patients = x$patients)
  Np = length(patients)
  Nd = x$n$drivers

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # Get all data that we need for driver calls across patients
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  All_drivers = lapply(patients, function(p) {
    samples = Samples(x, p)

    drivers = Drivers(x, p)
    drivers$mean_CCF = apply(drivers[, samples], 1, mean)


  All_drivers = Reduce(bind_rows, All_drivers) %>%
    select(variantID, patientID, is.clonal, mean_CCF) %>%
    mutate(value = 1)

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # Matrix of mean CCF
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  Matrix_mean_CCF = All_drivers %>%
    select(variantID, patientID, mean_CCF) %>%
    spread(variantID, mean_CCF) %>%
    replace(is.na(.), 0)

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # 0/1 drivers matrices, all mutations and then split by clonality status
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

  # All together is trivial
  Matrix_drivers = All_drivers %>%
    select(variantID, patientID, value) %>%
    spread(variantID, value) %>%
    replace(is.na(.), 0)

  # Only clonal ones
  Matrix_clonal_drivers = All_drivers %>%
    filter(is.clonal) %>%
    select(variantID, patientID, value) %>%
    spread(variantID, value) %>%
    replace(is.na(.), 0)

  # Only subclonal
  Matrix_subclonal_drivers = All_drivers %>%
    filter(!is.clonal) %>%
    select(variantID, patientID, value) %>%
    spread(variantID, value) %>%
    replace(is.na(.), 0)

  # Now we want to make them all the same dimension
  # to standardize this output... we create a template matrix and use it
  # to complement missing columns in each of the clonal/ subclonal ones
  complement = function(M, N)
    # missing patients and driver genes
    miss_Pat = setdiff(M$patientID, N$patientID)
    miss_drv = setdiff(colnames(M), colnames(N))
    for(p in miss_Pat) N = rbind(N, c(p, rep(0, ncol(M) - 1)))
    for(d in miss_drv) { N = cbind(N, 0); colnames(N)[ncol(N)] = d }
    # Add template 0-ed matrices with the right rows/ columns
    # if(length(miss_Pat) > 0)
    # {
    #   empty = M %>% filter(patientID %in% !!miss_Pat)
    #   empty[, 2:ncol(empty)] = 0
    #   N = bind_rows(N, empty)
    # }
    # if(length(miss_drv) > 0)
    #   N = bind_cols(N,
    #                 M %>%
    #                   select(!!miss_drv) %>%
    #                   replace(TRUE, 0)
    #   )

    N[, colnames(M)] %>% as_tibble()

  if(nrow(Matrix_clonal_drivers) > 0)
    Matrix_clonal_drivers = complement(Matrix_drivers, Matrix_clonal_drivers) %>%
      replace(is.na(.), 0)
  if(nrow(Matrix_subclonal_drivers) > 0)
    Matrix_subclonal_drivers = complement(Matrix_drivers, N = Matrix_subclonal_drivers) %>%
      replace(is.na(.), 0)

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # Get all data that we need for trajectories
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  All_trajectories = lapply(patients, function(p) {
    ITransfer(x, p, rank = 1, type = 'drivers', data = 'fits') %>%
      mutate(patientID = p)

  All_trajectories = Reduce(bind_rows, All_trajectories)  %>%
      trajectory = paste0(from, ' --> ', to),
      value = 1
      ) %>%
    select(trajectory, patientID, value)

  Matrix_trajectories = All_trajectories %>%
    spread(trajectory, value) %>%
    replace(is.na(.), 0)

      Matrix_mean_CCF = Matrix_mean_CCF,
      Matrix_drivers = Matrix_drivers,
      Matrix_clonal_drivers = Matrix_clonal_drivers,
      Matrix_subclonal_drivers = Matrix_subclonal_drivers,
      Matrix_trajectories = Matrix_trajectories
caravagn/revolver documentation built on May 21, 2022, 5:48 p.m.