
Defines functions unpack revolver_jackknife

Documented in revolver_jackknife

#' Compute clusters stability via the jackknife.
#' @description
#' For a set of clusters computed via \code{\link{revolver_cluster}}, you can compute
#' their stability via a jackknife. routine. This funcion runs a kind of bootstrap
#' routine where subset of patients - a desired number - is removed from the cohort and
#' before re-computing the clusters. In this way, the co-clustering probability of each
#' patient is computed, which leads to a mean clustering stability for each one of the
#' original set of clusters and a frequency for the inference of a particular evolutionary
#' trajectory.
#' A number of functions are available to plot the results from this jackknife analysis.
#' Note that in general if you require a large number of runs (i.e., resamples), this
#' computation can take some time. This implementation leverages on the \code{easypar}
#' package to run in parallel all the re-runs, therefore we suggest to run it on a
#' multi-core machine to appreciate a speed up in the computations.
#' @param cohort A cohort object where fit and clusters have been computed.
#' @param resamples Number of jackknife samples.
#' @param removal A number in \code{[0,1]} for the percentage of samples to leave out in each jackknife iteration.
#' @param cores.ratio Ratio of cores for parallel execution
#' @param options.fit List of parameters for fitting models. See  \code{\link{revolver_fit}}.
#' @param options.clustering List of parameters for clustering with the germline node GL. See \code{\link{revolver_cluster}}.
#' @return A cohort where a new jackknife field contains result from this analysis
#' @export
#' @import easypar
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  TODO
#' }
revolver_jackknife = function(x,
                              resamples = 100,
                              leave.out = 0.1,
                              options.fit = list(initial.solution = NA, max.iterations = 10, n = 10),
                              options.clustering = list(min.group.size = 3, hc.method = 'ward', split.method = 'cutreeHybrid'),

  stopifnot(leave.out > 0 & leave.out < 1)
  stopifnot(resamples >= 1)

  # warning("October 2019 - this is to be implemented with the new easypar.")
  # return(cohort)

  patients = x$patients
  npatients = length(patients)

  pio::pioHdr('REVOLVER Jackknife')

  # Inputs samples lists
  jf_cohorts = lapply(1:resamples, function(w) {
    n = npatients * (1 - leave.out)
    sample(patients, n)
  # Fitting function
  fitting_function = function(i) {
    y = x
    # ellipsis parameters
    options_fit = unpack(..., params = c('initial.solution', 'max.iterations', 'n'), fun = revolver_fit)
    options_clustering = unpack(..., params = c('hc.method', 'split.method', 'min.group.size'), fun = revolver_cluster)
    # patients to remove - this also remove non recurring driver events
    y = remove_patients(y, setdiff(x$patients, jf_cohorts[[i]]))

    # fitting with the required parameters, without parallel and progress bar
    y_fit = revolver_fit(y,
                         initial.solution = options_fit$initial.solution,
                         max.iterations = options_fit$max.iterations,
                         n = options_fit$n,
                         parallel = FALSE, 
                         progress_bar = FALSE)

    # fitting with the required parameters
    y_fit_clustering = revolver_cluster(y_fit,
                                        hc.method = options_clustering$hc.method,
                                        split.method = options_clustering$split.method,
                                        min.group.size = options_clustering$min.group.size)


  # jackknife resamples
  jackknife_resamples = easypar::run(
    FUN = fitting_function,
    PARAMS = lapply(1:resamples, list),
    export = ls(globalenv(), all.names = TRUE),
    packages = 'revolver',
    parallel = TRUE

  # Polish errors if any
  nerrs = easypar::numErrors(jackknife_resamples)
  if(nerrs > 0) warning("Errors in the jackknife procedure, returning less results than required...")

  jackknife_resamples = easypar::filterErrors(jackknife_resamples)

  # Add the resamples and other data
  x$jackknife$results = jackknife_resamples
  x$jackknife$params = list(resamples = resamples, leave.out = leave.out)

  x = analyse_jackknife(x)


unpack = function(..., params, fun) 
  parameters = list(...)
  # values with default
  values = formals(fun)
  values = values[sapply(values, function(x) x != '')]
  # Specified parameters
  w_params = which(params %in% parameters)
  parameters = parameters[params] %>% as.vector
  # Substitute the default with the one specified
  w_specified = which(names(values) %in% names(parameters))
  values[w_specified] = parameters[names(values)[w_specified]]

# unpack(initial.solution = 3, n = 123412421, riop=',,', params = c('initial.solution', 'max.iterations', 'n'), fun = revolver_fit)

# The loop with an error-handling function. That's good to iterate
# untill the required number of resamples has been computed. This
# function assumes that all the parallel stuff has been created beforehand
# jackknife_aux_err_function = function(cohort, resamples, leave.out, options.fit, options.clustering) {
#   r = foreach(num = 1:resamples, .packages = c("crayon", "igraph", 'matrixStats', 'matrixcalc'), .export = ls(globalenv())) %dopar%
#   # for(num in 1:resamples)
#   {
#     # Error handling is explicit here
#     tryCatch(
#       {
#         # Remove patients in "group"
#         subsetted.cohort = revolver_deletePatients(
#           cohort,
#           sample( # randomized subsampling
#             cohort$patients,
#             round(length(cohort$patients) * leave.out))
#         )
#         # Get the list of recurrent drivers, and remove the others
#         table = clonal.subclonal.table(subsetted.cohort)
#         table = table[table$Counts > 1, ]
#         subsetted.cohort = revolver_subsetDrivers(subsetted.cohort, rownames(table))
#         # Fit the cohort, compute the distance, and the clusters
#         fit = revolver_fit(subsetted.cohort, initial.solution = options.fit$initial.solution, transitive.orderings = options.fit$transitive.orderings, restarts = options.fit$restarts)
#         fit = revolver_evo_distance(fit, use.GL = options.clustering$use.GL, transitive.closure = options.clustering$transitive.closure)
#         fit = revolver_cluster(fit,
#                                # plot.clusters = FALSE, plot.groups = FALSE,
#                                hc.method = options.clustering$hc.method,
#                                min.group.size = options.clustering$min.group.size,
#                                # cutoff.features_annotation = options.clustering$cutoff.features_annotation,
#                                split.method  = options.clustering$split.method)
#         # Results from the features
#         features = revolver.featureMatrix(fit)
#         result = list(cluster = fit$cluster, features = features)
#         # if(dump.partial) save(result, file = paste('Jackknife-', paste(sample(LETTERS, 10, TRUE), collapse = ''), '.RData', sep = ''))
#         result
#       },
#       error = function(e) { # Errors intercepted output a NULL
#         # sink("error.jacknife.log")
#         # print(e)
#         # sink()
#         return(NULL)
#       },
#       finally = { }
#     )
#   }
#   # print(r)
#   # Filter entries that are NULL
#   mask = sapply(r, function(w) !all(is.null(w)))
#   # print(mask)
#   # print(result)
#   r[mask]
# }
caravagn/revolver documentation built on May 21, 2022, 5:48 p.m.