# Expected VAF for a mutation mapping to a clonal CNA segment
# with certain minor/ Major alelles, with a number of copies (of the mutation)
# fixed (either 1 or more), with a sample purity.
# m - minor allele
# M - Major allele
# p - purity
# mut.allele - mutation multiplicity
expected_vaf_fun = function(m, M, mut.allele, p)
P = m + M
expected_mutant_reads = mut.allele * p
expected_sequencing_depth = 2 * (1 - p) + p * P
expected_mutant_reads / expected_sequencing_depth
# Expected VAF for a general peak, using expected_vaf_fun
expectations_generalised = function(m, M, p, karyotype = NULL)
karyotype = strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]]
m = karyotype[2] %>% as.numeric()
M = karyotype[1] %>% as.numeric()
minor_peaks = lapply(1:m, function(i){
minor = m,
Major = M,
ploidy = m + M,
multiplicity = i,
purity = p,
peak = expected_vaf_fun(m, M, mut.allele = i, p)
Major_peaks = lapply(1:M, function(i){
minor = m,
Major = M,
ploidy = m + M,
multiplicity = i,
purity = p,
peak = expected_vaf_fun(m, M, mut.allele = i, p)
Reduce(bind_rows, minor_peaks),
Reduce(bind_rows, Major_peaks)
) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(karyotype = paste(Major, minor, sep = ':')) %>%
filter(multiplicity > 0)
# Expectations for subclonal peaks - linear evolution model
# expectations_subclonal_linear = function(CCF_1, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, purity)
# {
# CCF_2 = 1 - CCF_1
# ploidy_1 = strsplit(karyotype_1, ":")[[1]] %>% as.numeric() %>% sum
# ploidy_2 = strsplit(karyotype_2, ":")[[1]] %>% as.numeric() %>% sum
# peak1 = peak2 = peak3 = peak4 = peak5 = NA
# role1 = role2 = role3 = role4 = role5 = NA
# # Equations - denominator is always the same
# den = 2 * (1 - purity) + ploidy_1 * CCF_1 * purity + ploidy_2 * CCF_2 *
# purity
# if ((karyotype_1 == "1:0" & karyotype_2 == "1:1") |
# (karyotype_1 == "1:1" & karyotype_2 == "1:0"))
# {
# # 1:0 1:1 - 1:1 1:0
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:0" & karyotype_2 == "2:1")
# {
# # 1:0 2:1
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = 'shared'
# role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:1" & karyotype_2 == "1:0")
# {
# # 2:1 1:0
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = 'shared'
# role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:0" & karyotype_2 == "2:2")
# {
# # 1:0 2:2
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:2" & karyotype_2 == "1:0")
# {
# # 2:2 1:0
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:1" & karyotype_2 == "2:1")
# {
# # 1:1 2:1
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:0" & karyotype_2 == "2:0")
# {
# # 1:0 2:0
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:0" & karyotype_2 == "1:0")
# {
# # 2:0 1:0
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:1" & karyotype_2 == "1:1")
# {
# # 2:1 1:1
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_2 + 2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:1" & karyotype_2 == "2:0")
# {
# # 1:1 2:0
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:0" & karyotype_2 == "1:1")
# {
# # 2:0 1:1
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_2 + 2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "1:1" & karyotype_2 == "2:2")
# {
# # 1:1 2:2
# peak1 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4= 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:2" & karyotype_2 == "1:1")
# {
# # 2:2 1:1
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# role1 = 'shared'
# role2 = role3 = role4= 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:1" & karyotype_2 == "2:2")
# {
# # 2:1 2:2
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak5 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = role3 = 'shared'
# role4 = role5 = 'private'
# }
# if (karyotype_1 == "2:2" & karyotype_2 == "2:1")
# {
# # 2:2 2:1
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_2 + 2 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak5 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = role3 = 'shared'
# role4 = role5 = 'private'
# }
# if ((karyotype_1 == "2:1" &
# karyotype_2 == "2:0") |
# (karyotype_1 == "2:0" & karyotype_2 == "2:1"))
# {
# # 2:1 2:0 - 2:0 2:1
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = 'shared'
# role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# if ((karyotype_1 == "2:2" &
# karyotype_2 == "2:0") |
# (karyotype_1 == "2:0" & karyotype_2 == "2:2"))
# {
# # 2:2, 2:0 - 2:0 2:2
# peak1 = ((2 * CCF_1 + 2 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak2 = ((1 * CCF_1 + 1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# peak3 = ((1 * CCF_1) * purity) / den
# peak4 = ((1 * CCF_2) * purity) / den
# role1 = role2 = 'shared'
# role3 = role4 = 'private'
# }
# df = data.frame(
# karyotype_1 = karyotype_1,
# karyotype_2 = karyotype_2,
# CCF_1 = CCF_1,
# CCF_2 = CCF_2,
# peak = c(peak1, peak2, peak3, peak4, peak5),
# role = c(role1, role2, role3, role4, role5)
# )
# df = df[complete.cases(df), ]
# return(df)
# }
# # Expectations for subclonal peaks - branching evolution model
# expectations_subclonal_branching = function(CCF_1, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, purity)
# {
# CCF_2 = 1 - CCF_1
# # Subclones ploidies
# ploidy_1 = strsplit(karyotype_1, ':')[[1]] %>% as.numeric() %>% sum # p_1
# ploidy_2 = strsplit(karyotype_2, ':')[[1]] %>% as.numeric() %>% sum # p_2
# # Multiplicities expected - m_i_j ~ multiplicity j in clone i
# m_1_1 = m_1_2 = 1
# m_2_1 = m_2_2 = 2
# # Common denominator
# denominator =
# (1 - purity) * 2 +
# ploidy_1 * CCF_1 * purity +
# ploidy_2 * CCF_2 * purity
# # Numerator subclones - v_i_j ~ reads from peak at multiplicity j in clone i
# v_1_1 = m_1_1 * CCF_1 * purity
# v_2_1 = m_2_1 * CCF_1 * purity
# v_1_2 = m_1_2 * CCF_2 * purity
# v_2_2 = m_2_2 * CCF_2 * purity
# # VAF peaks subclones ~ peak at multiplicity j in clone i
# peak_1_1 = v_1_1 / denominator
# peak_2_1 = v_2_1 / denominator
# peak_1_2 = v_1_2 / denominator
# peak_2_2 = v_2_2 / denominator
# # Filter unused peaks
# if (karyotype_1 %in% c("1:0", "1:1"))
# peak_2_1 = NA
# if (karyotype_2 %in% c("1:0", "1:1"))
# peak_2_2 = NA
# df = data.frame(
# karyotype_1 = karyotype_1,
# karyotype_2 = karyotype_2,
# CCF_1 = CCF_1,
# CCF_2 = CCF_2,
# peak = c(peak_1_1, peak_2_1, peak_1_2, peak_2_2),
# role = 'private'
# )
# df[complete.cases(df), ]
# }
# Expectations for subclonal peaks - all models
expectations_subclonal = function(starting, CCF_1, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, purity)
any_LOH = (strsplit(starting, split = ':')[[1]] == "0") %>% any
no_LOH1 = (strsplit(karyotype_1, split = ':')[[1]] != "0") %>% all
no_LOH2 = (strsplit(karyotype_2, split = ':')[[1]] != "0") %>% all
if(any_LOH & (no_LOH1 | no_LOH2))
cli::cli_abort("No evolution model can reach {.field {karyotype_1}} /
{.field {karyotype_2}} from {.field {starting}}.
Rerun with with different parameters, aborting!")
# el = expectations_subclonal_linear(CCF_1, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, purity)
# if(nrow(el) > 0) el = el %>% mutate(model = 'linear')
# es = expectations_subclonal_branching(CCF_1, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, purity)
# if(nrow(es) > 0) es = es %>% mutate(model = 'branching')
# bind_rows(el, es)
# getters
get_mutations = function(copy_state, allele = NULL){
mutations = copy_state %>% pull(mutations) %>% unlist()
mutations = copy_state %>% filter(allele == !!allele) %>% pull(mutations) %>% unlist()
get_alleles = function(copy_state){
# generate a new mutation ID
new_mutation = function(copy_state){
used = copy_state %>% get_mutations()
id = NULL
id = sample(LETTERS, 8, replace = TRUE) %>% paste(collapse = "")
if(!id %in% used ) break
# Add mutations to all alleles
mutation = function(copy_state){
for(i in 1:nrow(copy_state))
muts = copy_state$mutations[[i]] %>% unlist()
muts = list(c(muts, copy_state %>% new_mutation))
copy_state$mutations[[i]] = muts
# Amplify allele
amplify = function(copy_state){
augment = function(which_allele)
mutations_allele = copy_state %>% get_mutations(allele = which_allele)
maj_min = substr(which_allele, 0, 1)
n_allele = gsub(x = which_allele, 'A', "") %>% gsub(pattern = 'B', replacement = "") %>%
# New allele can be +1, unless there are other alleles with larger number
new_allele = paste(maj_min, n_allele + 1, sep = '')
while(new_allele %in% (copy_state %>% get_alleles())) {
n_allele = n_allele + 1
new_allele = paste(maj_min, n_allele + 1, sep = '')
new_entry = copy_state %>% filter(allele == which_allele)
new_entry$allele = new_allele
copy_state %>% bind_rows(new_entry) %>% dplyr::arrange(allele)
copy_state %>%
get_alleles() %>%
# Delete allele
delete = function(copy_state){
cancel = function(which_allele)
mutations_allele = copy_state %>% get_mutations(allele = which_allele)
copy_state %>% filter(allele != which_allele) %>% arrange(allele)
copy_state %>%
get_alleles() %>%
# genome_double
genome_double = function(copy_state){
copy_of = copy_state
for(i in 1:nrow(copy_of))
ni_allele = substr(copy_state$allele[i], 2, nchar(copy_state$allele[i])) %>% as.numeric
ci_allele = substr(copy_state$allele[i], 0, 1)
# New allele can be +1, unless there are other alleles with larger number
new_t = paste0(ci_allele, ni_allele + 1)
while(new_t %in% (copy_state %>% bind_rows(copy_of) %>% get_alleles()) %>% unique) {
ni_allele = ni_allele + 1
new_t = paste0(ci_allele, ni_allele + 1)
copy_of$allele[i] = new_t
# copy_of$allele[i] = paste0(ci_allele, ni_allele + 1)
copy_state %>% bind_rows(copy_of) %>% arrange(allele) %>% list()
# Multiplicity
multiplicities = function(copy_state){
copy_state %>% get_mutations() %>% table()
# Get stast
as_karyotype = function(copy_state){
tab_counts = copy_state %>% get_alleles() %>% substr(0, 1) %>% table() %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
state = as.numeric(tab_counts) %>% paste(collapse = ':')
if(!grepl(":", state)) state = paste0(state, ':0')
as_ploidy = function(copy_state){
copy_state %>% nrow()
# Evolution models
evolve = function(copy_state, target)
if(copy_state %>% as_karyotype() == target) return(copy_state %>% mutation() %>% list())
cap = (target %>% strsplit(split = ':'))[[1]] %>% as.numeric %>% sum
cap = 2 * cap
current_state = original_state = list(copy_state)
amp_new_state = lapply(current_state, amplify) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)
del_new_state = lapply(current_state, delete) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)
wgs_new_state = lapply(current_state, genome_double) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE)
# Filter by capping
amp_new_state = amp_new_state[sapply(amp_new_state, as_ploidy) <= cap]
del_new_state = del_new_state[sapply(del_new_state, as_ploidy) <= cap]
wgs_new_state = wgs_new_state[sapply(wgs_new_state, as_ploidy) <= cap]
current_state = amp_new_state %>%
append(del_new_state) %>%
what_we_have = current_state %>% sapply(as_karyotype)
# print(what_we_have)
if(target %in% what_we_have) {
target_state = current_state[which(target == what_we_have)]
# Remove duplicates - based on allele identities
identities = sapply(target_state, function(x) x$allele %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = ''))
target_state = target_state[which(!duplicated(identities))]
return(target_state %>% lapply(mutation))
# initial state
initial_state = function(target)
copy_state = data.frame(allele = c("A1", "B1")) %>% as_tibble()
copy_state$mutations = NULL
copy_state$mutations[[1]] = list()
copy_state$mutations[[2]] = list()
copy_state = copy_state %>% mutation()
if(target == "1:1") return(copy_state)
else evolve(copy_state, target)[[1]]
# Compute peaks
get_peaks = function(clone_1, clone_2, CCF_1, purity)
clone_1 %>% get_mutations(),
clone_2 %>% get_mutations()
) %>%
m_c1 = clone_1 %>% get_mutations() %>% table() %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(x = n * CCF_1,
karyotype_1 = clone_1 %>% as_karyotype(),
genotype_1 = clone_1 %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
colnames(m_c1)[1] = 'mutation'
m_c2 = clone_2 %>% get_mutations() %>% table() %>% as_tibble() %>%
mutate(x = n * (1 - CCF_1),
karyotype_2 = clone_2 %>% as_karyotype(),
genotype_2 = clone_2 %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
colnames(m_c2)[1] = 'mutation'
denominator = 2 * (1-purity) +
purity * ( CCF_1 * (clone_1 %>% as_ploidy()) + (1 - CCF_1) * (clone_2 %>% as_ploidy()))
m_c1 %>%
dplyr::full_join(m_c2, by = 'mutation', suffix = c('.clone_1', '.clone_2')) %>%
tidyr::replace_na(list(n.clone_1 = 0, x.clone_1 = 0, n.clone_2 = 0, x.clone_2 = 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(peak = (x.clone_1 + x.clone_2) * purity) %>%
dplyr::distinct(peak, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(peak = peak/denominator) %>%
dplyr::select(mutation, karyotype_1, genotype_1, karyotype_2, genotype_2, n.clone_1, n.clone_2, peak) %>%
branching_evolution = function(starting, left, right, CCF_1, purity)
start = initial_state(starting)
branch_left = start %>% evolve(left)
branch_right = start %>% evolve(right)
solutions = tidyr::expand_grid(L = seq_along(branch_left), R = seq_along(branch_right))
solutions = lapply(1:nrow(solutions), function(i) {
clone_1 = branch_left[[solutions$L[i]]],
clone_2 = branch_right[[solutions$R[i]]],
solutions_id = lapply(solutions, function(x) x$peak %>% paste(collapse= ';'))
solutions = solutions[!duplicated(solutions_id)]
lapply(solutions, function(x){
geno_1 = x$genotype_1
geno_1 = geno_1[!is.na(geno_1)] %>% unique
geno_2 = x$genotype_2
geno_2 = geno_2[!is.na(geno_2)] %>% unique
x$genotype_initial = start %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
x$model = 'branching'
x$model_id = paste0(x$genotype_initial[1], " -> ", geno_1, " | ", geno_2)
x %>% mutate(role = ifelse(is.na(karyotype_1) | is.na(karyotype_2), "private", 'shared'))
linear_evolution = function(starting, first_child, second_child, CCF_1, purity)
start = initial_state(starting)
first_children = start %>% evolve(first_child) # generate tibble with possible first children
second_children = lapply(first_children, function(x) evolve(x, second_child))
solutions = lapply(first_children %>% seq_along, function(i) {
second_children[[i]] %>% lapply(function(y) {
get_peaks(clone_1 = first_children[[i]],
clone_2 = y,
}) %>% unlist(recursive=FALSE)
solutions_id = lapply(solutions, function(x) x$peak %>% paste(collapse= ';'))
solutions = solutions[!duplicated(solutions_id)]
lapply(solutions, function(x){
geno_1 = x$genotype_1
geno_1 = geno_1[!is.na(geno_1)] %>% unique
geno_2 = x$genotype_2
geno_2 = geno_2[!is.na(geno_2)] %>% unique
x$genotype_initial = start %>% get_alleles() %>% sort() %>% paste(collapse = '')
x$model = 'linear'
x$model_id = paste0(x$genotype_initial[1], " -> ", geno_1, " -> ", geno_2)
x %>% mutate(role = ifelse(is.na(karyotype_1) | is.na(karyotype_2), "private", 'shared'))
b_model = suppressWarnings(branching_evolution(starting, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, CCF_1, purity)) %>%
Reduce(f = bind_rows)
l1_model = NULL
if((grepl("0", karyotype_1) & grepl("0", karyotype_2)) | !grepl("0", karyotype_1))
l1_model = suppressWarnings(linear_evolution(starting, karyotype_1, karyotype_2, CCF_1, purity)) %>%
Reduce(f = bind_rows)
l2_model = NULL
if((grepl("0", karyotype_2) & grepl("0", karyotype_1)) | !grepl("0", karyotype_2))
l2_model = suppressWarnings(linear_evolution(starting, karyotype_2, karyotype_1, 1-CCF_1, purity)) %>%
Reduce(f = bind_rows)
return(bind_rows(b_model, l1_model, l2_model))
# Compute CCF values from mutation multiplicity
# m - minor allele
# M - Major allele
# p - purity
# mut.allele - mutation multiplicity
ccf_adjustment_fun = function(v, m, M, p, mut.allele = 1)
CN = as.numeric(m) + as.numeric(M)
v = as.numeric(v)
p = as.numeric(p)
mut.allele = as.numeric(mut.allele)
v * ((CN - 2) * p + 2) / (mut.allele * p)
# Compute sample purity from mutation multiplicity
# m - minor allele
# M - Major allele
# p - purity
# mut.allele - mutation multiplicity
purity_estimation_fun = function(v, m, M, mut.allele = 1)
CN = as.numeric(m) + as.numeric(M)
v = as.numeric(v)
mut.allele = as.numeric(mut.allele)
(2 * v) / (mut.allele + v * (2 - CN))
# Tetraploid (m = M = 2), VAF 50% -- pure tumour!
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .5, m = 2, M = 2, mut.allele = 2)
# # Triploid (m = 1, M = 2), VAF 2/3% -- pure tumour!
# purity_estimation_fun(v = 2/3, m = 1, M = 2, mut.allele = 2)
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .66, m = 1, M = 2, mut.allele = 2)
# # Diploid balanced (m = M = 1), VAF 50% -- pure tumour!
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .5, m = 1, M = 1, mut.allele = 1)
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .06, m = 1, M = 1, mut.allele = 1)
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .06, m = 2, M = 2, mut.allele = 2)
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .06, m = 0, M = 1, mut.allele = 1)
# purity_estimation_fun(v = .06, m = 1, M = 1, mut.allele = 1)
# Compute VAF values from CCF and mutation multiplicity
# m - minor allele
# M - Major allele
# p - purity
# mut.allele - mutation multiplicity
vaf_from_ccf = function(ccf, m, M, p, mut.allele = 1)
CN = as.numeric(m) + as.numeric(M)
ccf = as.numeric(ccf)
p = as.numeric(p)
mut.allele = as.numeric(mut.allele)
(mut.allele * p * ccf) / ((CN - 2) * p + 2)
# vaf_from_ccf(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# vaf_from_ccf(.3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# vaf_from_ccf(1, 1, 2, 1, 1)
# formula: delta_vaf= 2*multiplicty*epsilon_error/((2+purity(ploidy-2))^2)
#compute delta_vaf for all karyotypes and multiplicity given epsilon_error and purity
delta_vaf_karyo = function(epsilon_error, purity)
compute_vaf_error <-
ploidy) {
delta_vaf = (2 * multiplicity * epsilon_error) / ((2 + purity * (ploidy -
2)) ^ 2)
delta_10 <-
karyotype = "1:0",
mutation_multiplicity = 1,
delta_vaf = compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 1, 1)
delta_11 <-
karyotype = "1:1",
mutation_multiplicity = 1,
delta_vaf = compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 1, 2)
delta_20 <- tibble(
karyotype = "2:0",
mutation_multiplicity = c(1, 2),
delta_vaf = c(
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 1, 2),
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 2, 2)
delta_21 <- tibble(
karyotype = "2:1",
mutation_multiplicity = c(1, 2),
delta_vaf = c(
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 1, 3),
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 2, 3)
delta_22 <- tibble(
karyotype = "2:2",
mutation_multiplicity = c(1, 2),
delta_vaf = c(
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 1, 4),
compute_vaf_error(epsilon_error, purity, 2, 4)
Delta_vaf <- rbind(delta_10, delta_11, delta_20, delta_21, delta_22)
# invert vaf(purity) and compute purity from vaf,ploidy and muliplicity
purity_from_vaf <- function(vaf,ploidy,multiplicity){
purity <- (2*vaf)/(multiplicity + (2-ploidy)*vaf)
# get vaf,delta_vaf and karyotype(ploidy,multiplicty) and return delta_purity
compute_delta_purity <- function(vaf,delta_vaf,ploidy,multiplicity){
if (purity_from_vaf(vaf, ploidy, multiplicity) > 1) {
"Incompatible VAF, ploidy and multiplicity: the computed score might be unreliable"
delta_purity <- (2*multiplicity*delta_vaf)/((multiplicity + vaf*(2-ploidy))^2)
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