
Defines functions plot_mutation_multiplicity_entropy mutmult_two_copies_rough mutmult_two_copies_entropy mutmult_single_copy

mutmult_single_copy = function(x, karyotype)
  cli::cli_rule("Computing mutation multiplicity for single-copy karyotype {.field {karyotype}}")

  A = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][1])
  B = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][2])

  # Karyotype specific mutations - clonal segments
  cl_seg = x$cna %>%
    dplyr::filter(CCF == 1) %>%

  mutations_k = x$mutations %>%
    dplyr::filter(karyotype == !!karyotype, segment_id %in% cl_seg) %>%
      mutation_multiplicity = 1,
      CCF = ccf_adjustment_fun(VAF, B, A, x$purity, mutation_multiplicity)

  return(list(mutations = mutations_k, params = NULL))

# OLD IMPLEMENTATION -- removed with the automatic peak detection
# mutmult_two_copies = function(x, karyotype, entropy_quantile)
# {
#   cli::cli_rule(
#     "Computing mutation multiplicity for karyotype {.field {karyotype}} ~ q = {.value {entropy_quantile}}"
#   )
#   A = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][1])
#   B = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][2])
#   # Karyotype specific mutations - clonal segments
#   cl_seg = x$cna %>%
#     dplyr::filter(CCF == 1) %>%
#     dplyr::pull(segment_id)
#   mutations_k = x$mutations %>%
#     dplyr::filter(karyotype == !!karyotype, segment_id %in% cl_seg)
#   # Expected VAF for 1 and 2 copies of the mutation
#   #
#   # Assumption: the aneuploidy state is immediately reached
#   # out of a 1:1 state, and therefore we only care about
#   # mutations in 1 copy (pre), and 2 copies (post).
#   expectation = CNAqc:::expected_vaf_peak(A, B, x$purity) %>%
#     mutate(label = ifelse(mutation_multiplicity == 1, "One copy", "Two copies"))
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   cli::cli_alert_info("Expected Binomial peak(s) for these calls (1 and 2 copies)")
#   pioDisp(expectation)
#   # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#   # Entropy-derived heuristic for the detection of points
#   # that are difficult to assign
#   # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#   # We build 2 template Binomial densities to capture:
#   #
#   # - Bin(p1, n), events before aneuploidy
#   # - Bin(p2, n), events after aneuploidy
#   #
#   # In both cases we take as overal number of trials (n)
#   # the median coverage, and use for the success parameters
#   # p1 and p2 the expected peaks as of ASCAT equation.
#   #
#   # Assumptions:
#   # - overdispersion is small to justify a Binomial instead
#   #   of a Beta-Binomial model;
#   # - trials are well-represented with the median coverage;
#   p_1 = expectation$peak[1]
#   p_2 = expectation$peak[2]
#   n = ceiling(med_coverage)
#   # Bin(p1, n) and Bin(p2, n)
#   d_1 = CNAqc:::binomial_density(p_1, n, N_bins = 1000)
#   d_2 = CNAqc:::binomial_density(p_2, n, N_bins = 1000)
#   # Then we obtain the Binomial quantile ranges for these
#   # two distributions, which we use to consider only assingments
#   # that have a minimum probability support
#   rg_1 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_1, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)
#   rg_2 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_2, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)
#   # We want to create a mixture model: pi_1 * Bin(p1, n) + (1 - pi_1) * Bin(p2, n)
#   # to model the mixture of those two Binomial distributions. To determine
#   # the mixing proportions of this mixture we do some empirical trick of
#   # get the number of observations between the two Binomial quantile ranges
#   # that we have just computed.
#   n_rg_1 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_1[1], VAF < rg_1[2]) %>% nrow
#   n_rg_2 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_2[1], VAF < rg_2[2]) %>% nrow
#   # Compute the actual mixing proportions, and re-scale the densities accordingly
#   mixing = c(n_rg_1, n_rg_2) / (n_rg_1 + n_rg_2)
#   d_1$mixture_y = d_1$y * mixing[1]
#   d_2$mixture_y = d_2$y * mixing[2]
#   cli::cli_alert_info("Mixing pre/ post aneuploidy: {.value {round(mixing, 2)}}")
#   # Now we need to decide how to assign a point in order to determine the actual mutation
#   # multeplicity. We want this to be using the entropy of a 2-class model, and the
#   # magnitude of the differential of the entropy
#   joint = CNAqc:::entropy_profile_2_class(d_1, d_2)
#   # q-Quantile of the entropy that we try to cut out, profiled in between the
#   # two Binomial peaks (fluctuations outside are generally irrelevant)
#   profile_entropy = joint %>%
#     filter(x > p_1, x < p_2)
#   q = quantile(profile_entropy$diff, entropy_quantile)
#   filtered_profile_entropy = profile_entropy %>% dplyr::filter(diff > q)
#   # Points determined cutting the H(x)
#   lp = filtered_profile_entropy$x[1]
#   rp = filtered_profile_entropy$x[nrow(filtered_profile_entropy)]
#   cli::cli_alert_info("H(x)-derived cutoffs: [{.value {lp}}; {.value {rp}}]")
#   # Assignemnts based on lp
#   mutations_k = mutations_k %>%
#     rowwise() %>%
#     mutate(
#       mutation_multiplicity = case_when(VAF < lp ~ '1',
#                                              VAF > rp ~ '2',
#                                              TRUE ~ 'NA'),
#      mutation_multiplicity = as.numeric(mutation_multiplicity),
#      CCF = ifelse(
#        !is.na(mutation_multiplicity),
#        ccf_adjustment_fun(VAF, B, A, x$purity, mutation_multiplicity),
#        NA)
#     ) %>%
#     ungroup()
#   return(list(
#     mutations = mutations_k,
#     params = list(
#       expectation = expectation,
#       joint = joint,
#       profile_entropy = profile_entropy,
#       filtered_profile_entropy = filtered_profile_entropy,
#       entropy_quantile = entropy_quantile,
#       p_12 = c(p_1, p_2),
#       d_12 = c(d_1, d_2),
#       rg_12 = c(rg_1, rg_2)
#     )
#   ))
# }
# plot_mutation_multiplicity_entropy = function(x, karyotype)
# {
#   computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
#   mutations_k = computation$mutations
#   # Mono-peak
#   magnitude_plot = class_plot = entropy_plot = ggplot() + geom_blank()
#   colors = c(`1` = 'forestgreen',
#              `2` = 'darkorange3',
#              `NA` = 'indianred2')
#   colors = wesanderson::wes_palette("Royal1", n = 3, type = 'discrete')
#   if(!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     # Double peaks
#     profile_entropy = computation$params$profile_entropy
#     filtered_profile_entropy = computation$params$filtered_profile_entropy
#     entropy_quantile = computation$params$entropy_quantile
#     joint = computation$params$joint
#     p_12 = computation$params$p_12
#     lp = profile_entropy$x[1]
#     rp = profile_entropy$x[nrow(profile_entropy)]
#     q = quantile(profile_entropy$diff, entropy_quantile)
#     # Magnitude plot
#     magnitude_plot =
#         ggplot(profile_entropy) +
#         geom_histogram(aes(diff), bins = 100) +
#         geom_vline(
#           xintercept = q,
#           color = 'darkred',
#           linetype = 'dashed',
#           size = .3
#         ) +
#         labs(
#           title = bquote(partialdiff * 'H(x) ~ ' ~ hat(q) ~ '=' ~ .(entropy_quantile)),
#           y = 'Magnitude',
#           x = bquote(partialdiff * 'H(x)')
#         ) +
#         CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme()
#       class_plot =
#         ggplot(joint) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = x, y = A), color = 'darkred', linetype = 'dashed') +
#         geom_vline(xintercept = p_12,
#                    color = 'black',
#                    linetype = 'dashed') +
#         CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#         labs(title = paste0("Binomial Mixture"),
#              y = 'Density',
#              x = 'VAF')
#       # Entropy plot
#       entropy_plot = ggplot(joint) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = x, y = entropy), color = 'black', size = .3) +
#         geom_line(aes(x = x, y = diff), color = 'darkred', size = .3) +
#         geom_line(
#           data = profile_entropy,
#           aes(x = x, y = entropy),
#           color = 'black',
#           size = .3
#         ) +
#         geom_vline(
#           xintercept = c(lp, rp),
#           color = 'steelblue',
#           linetype = 'dashed'
#         ) +
#         CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#         labs(
#           title = bquote("H(x) ~ I = [" * .(round(lp, 2)) * '; ' * .(round(rp, 2)) * ']'),
#           subtitle = paste0(),
#           y = 'Profile',
#           x = bquote('H(x) (black) and' ~ partialdiff * 'H(x) (red)')
#         )
#     } # end: with multiple peaks
#   # Mutation plots
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   mutation_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(VAF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#       geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#       xlim(0, 1) +
#       CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#       scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#       scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#       guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#       labs(
#         y = paste0('Density (simulated ', med_coverage, 'x)'),
#         title = paste0("Mutation multiplicity")
#       )
#   if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     d_12 = computation$params$d_12
#     rg_12 = computation$params$rg_12
#     expectation = computation$params$expectation
#     mutation_plot = mutation_plot +
#       geom_line(
#         data = data.frame(d_12[1:3]) %>% bind_rows(data.frame(d_12[2 * 1:3])) ,
#         aes(x = x, y = mixture_y),
#         inherit.aes = FALSE,
#         size = .3
#       ) +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = rg_12,
#                  linetype = 3,
#                size = .4) +
#     geom_vline(
#       data = expectation,
#       size = .5,
#       linetype = 'dashed',
#       color = 'indianred2',
#       aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
#     )
#   }
#     # CCF plots
#     CCF_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(CCF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#       geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#       CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#       scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#       scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#       guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#       labs(y = paste0('Density'),
#            title = paste0("CCF for ", karyotype)) +
#       xlim(0, NA)
#     figure = cowplot::plot_grid(
#       CCF_plot,
#       mutation_plot,
#       class_plot,
#       entropy_plot,
#       magnitude_plot,
#       # cowplot::plot_grid(magnitude_plot, entropy_plot, align = 'v', nrow = 2),
#       align = 'h',
#       axis = 'b',
#       ncol = 5
#       # scale = c(1, .8)
#     )
#     return(figure)
# }

mutmult_two_copies_entropy = function(x, karyotype)
    "Computing mutation multiplicity for karyotype {.field {karyotype}} using the entropy method."

  A = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][1])
  B = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][2])

  # Karyotype specific mutations - clonal segments
  cl_seg = x$cna %>%
    dplyr::filter(CCF == 1) %>%

  mutations_k = x$mutations %>%
    dplyr::filter(karyotype == !!karyotype, segment_id %in% cl_seg)

  # Expected VAF for 1 and 2 copies of the mutation
  # Assumption: the aneuploidy state is immediately reached
  # out of a 1:1 state, and therefore we only care about
  # mutations in 1 copy (pre), and 2 copies (post).
  expectation = CNAqc:::expected_vaf_peak(A, B, x$purity) %>%
    mutate(label = ifelse(mutation_multiplicity == 1, "One copy", "Two copies"))

  med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)

    "Expected Binomial peak(s) for these calls (1 and 2 copies): {.value {expectation$peak}}"

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # Entropy-derived heuristic for the detection of points
  # that are difficult to assign
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # We build 2 template Binomial densities to capture:
  # - Bin(p1, n), events before aneuploidy
  # - Bin(p2, n), events after aneuploidy
  # In both cases we take as overal number of trials (n)
  # the median coverage, and use for the success parameters
  # p1 and p2 the expected peaks as of ASCAT equation.
  # Assumptions:
  # - overdispersion is small to justify a Binomial instead
  #   of a Beta-Binomial model;
  # - trials are well-represented with the median coverage;
  p_1 = expectation$peak[1]
  p_2 = expectation$peak[2]

  n = ceiling(med_coverage)

  # Bin(p1, n) and Bin(p2, n)
  d_1 = CNAqc:::binomial_density(p_1, n, N_bins = 1000)
  d_2 = CNAqc:::binomial_density(p_2, n, N_bins = 1000)

  # Then we obtain the Binomial quantile ranges for these
  # two distributions, which we use to consider only assingments
  # that have a minimum probability support
  rg_1 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_1, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)
  rg_2 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_2, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)

  # We want to create a mixture model: pi_1 * Bin(p1, n) + (1 - pi_1) * Bin(p2, n)
  # to model the mixture of those two Binomial distributions. To determine
  # the mixing proportions of this mixture we do some empirical trick of
  # get the number of observations between the two Binomial quantile ranges
  # that we have just computed.
  n_rg_1 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_1[1], VAF < rg_1[2]) %>% nrow
  n_rg_2 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_2[1], VAF < rg_2[2]) %>% nrow

  # Compute the actual mixing proportions, and re-scale the densities accordingly
  mixing = c(n_rg_1, n_rg_2) / (n_rg_1 + n_rg_2)
  d_1$mixture_y = d_1$y * mixing[1]
  d_2$mixture_y = d_2$y * mixing[2]

  cli::cli_alert_info("Mixing pre/ post aneuploidy: {.value {round(mixing, 2)}}")

  # Now we need to decide how to assign a point in order to determine the actual mutation
  # multeplicity. We want this to be using the entropy of a 2-class model, and the
  # magnitude of the differential of the entropy
  joint = CNAqc:::entropy_profile_2_class(d_1, d_2)

  # if(any(duplicated(joint))) joint = joint[!duplicated(joint), ]

  # Prifile the entropy via peak detection
  entropy_profile_x = joint$x
  entropy_profile = joint$entropy

  input_peakdetection = matrix(cbind(x = entropy_profile_x, y = entropy_profile), ncol = 2)
  colnames(input_peakdetection) = c('x', 'y')

  # Peaks detection with these parameters seems to work often
  peaks =  peakPick::peakpick(
    mat = input_peakdetection,
    neighlim = 1,
    deriv.lim = 0.01,
    peak.min.sd = 0,
    peak.npos = 1

  xy_peaks = input_peakdetection[peaks[, 2], , drop = FALSE] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(x = x,
           y = x)

  if (nrow(xy_peaks) == 0) {
    cli::cli_alert_danger("No peaks detected for CCF computation, will not compute values for this karyotype.")


  # Points in the centre where there is a violation of the peaks are the actual points we want
  central = entropy_profile_x[which.max(entropy_profile)]

  # signal = entropy_profile
  # J = joint %>%
  #   dplyr::distinct(x, entropy)
  # entropy_profile_x =
  # entropy_profile = joint$entropy
  # dy = J$entropy[-1] - J$entropy[-length(J$entropy)]
  # dx = J$x[-1] - J$x[-length(J$x)]
  # dydx = dy/dx
  #   infl <- c(FALSE, diff(diff(dydx)>0)!=0)
  #   points(J$x[infl ], dydx[infl ], col="blue", pch = 3)
  # abline(v=dydx)
  # mdy = abs(median(dy))
  # lp = rp = which.max(J$entropy)
  #   repeat{
  #     lp = lp - 1
  #     if(lp == 1 | abs(dy[lp]) > mdy) break
  #   }
  #   repeat{
  #     rp = rp + 1
  #     if(rp == length(J$entropy) | abs(dy[rp]) > mdy) break
  #   }

  lp = xy_peaks %>% dplyr::filter(x < central) %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(x)) %>% dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1) %>% dplyr::pull(x)
  rp = xy_peaks %>% dplyr::filter(x > central) %>% dplyr::arrange(x) %>% dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1) %>% dplyr::pull(x)

  if (length(lp) == 0 | length(rp) == 0) {
      "No suitable range of uncertainty detected for CCF, will not compute values for this karyotype."


  cli::cli_alert_info("Not assignamble area: [{.value {lp}}; {.value {rp}}]")

  # Assignemnts based on lp
  mutations_k = mutations_k %>%
    rowwise() %>%
      mutation_multiplicity = case_when(VAF <= lp ~ '1',
                                        VAF > rp ~ '2',
                                        TRUE ~ 'NA'),
      mutation_multiplicity = ifelse(
        !is.na(mutation_multiplicity) & mutation_multiplicity != "NA",
      CCF = ifelse(
        CNAqc:::ccf_adjustment_fun(VAF, B, A, x$purity, mutation_multiplicity),
    ) %>%

    mutations = mutations_k,
    params = list(
      expectation = expectation,
      joint = joint,
      cuts = c(lp, rp),
      method = 'ENTROPY'

mutmult_two_copies_rough = function(x, karyotype)
    "Computing mutation multiplicity for karyotype {.field {karyotype}} using raw VAF cuts."

  A = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][1])
  B = as.numeric(strsplit(karyotype, ':')[[1]][2])

  # Karyotype specific mutations - clonal segments
  cl_seg = x$cna %>%
    dplyr::filter(CCF == 1) %>%

  mutations_k = x$mutations %>%
    dplyr::filter(karyotype == !!karyotype, segment_id %in% cl_seg)

  # Expected VAF for 1 and 2 copies of the mutation as for the entropy case
  expectation = CNAqc:::expected_vaf_peak(A, B, x$purity) %>%
    mutate(label = ifelse(mutation_multiplicity == 1, "One copy", "Two copies"))

  med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)

    "Expected Binomial peak(s) for these calls (1 and 2 copies): {.value {expectation$peak}}."

  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  # Rough-derived heuristic for the detection of points that are difficult to assign
  # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  p_1 = expectation$peak[1]
  p_2 = expectation$peak[2]

  n = ceiling(med_coverage)

  # We get quantiles as for the entropy
  rg_1 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_1, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)
  rg_2 = CNAqc:::binomial_quantile_ranges(p_2, n, quantile_left = 0.01, quantile_right = 0.99)

  # We create the mixture model: pi_1 * Bin(p1, n) + (1 - pi_1) * Bin(p2, n)
  # as with the entropy
  n_rg_1 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_1[1], VAF < rg_1[2]) %>% nrow
  n_rg_2 = mutations_k %>% filter(VAF > rg_2[1], VAF < rg_2[2]) %>% nrow

  # So the algebraic midpoint is (p_2 - p_1)/2, we instead split |p_1-p_2|
  # proportionally to n_rg_1 and n_rg_2, normalised
  mixing = c(n_rg_1, n_rg_2) / (n_rg_1 + n_rg_2)
  t_split = p_1 + (p_2 - p_1) * mixing[1]

    "Mutations per peak: n = {.value {n_rg_1}}, n = {.value {n_rg_2}}. The hard cut is t = {.value {t_split}}."

  # Assignemnts based on lp
  mutations_k = mutations_k %>%
    rowwise() %>%
      mutation_multiplicity = case_when(VAF <= t_split ~ '1',
                                        VAF > t_split ~ '2',
                                        TRUE ~ 'NA'),
      mutation_multiplicity = as.numeric(mutation_multiplicity),
      CCF = ifelse(
        CNAqc:::ccf_adjustment_fun(VAF, B, A, x$purity, mutation_multiplicity),
    ) %>%

    mutations = mutations_k,
    params = list(
      expectation = expectation,
      cuts = t_split,
      method = 'ROUGH'

# plot_mutation_multiplicity_entropy = function(x, karyotype)
# {
#    # Process
#   computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
#   mutations_k = computation$mutations
#   QC = computation$QC_table$QC
#   # Mono-peak
#   magnitude_plot = class_plot = entropy_plot = ggplot() + geom_blank()
#   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set1')
#   # colors = wesanderson::wes_palette("Royal1", n = 3, type = 'discrete')
#   if(!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     # Double peaks
#     joint = computation$params$joint
#     lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
#     rp = computation$params$cuts[2]
#     # Entropy plot
#     entropy_plot = ggplot(joint) +
#       geom_line(aes(x = x, y = entropy), color = 'black', size = .3) +
#       geom_vline(
#         xintercept = c(lp, rp),
#         color = 'red',
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         size = .3
#       ) +
#       CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#       labs(
#         title = bquote("NA in [" * .(round(lp, 2)) * '; ' * .(round(rp, 2)) * ']'),
#         y = 'Profile',
#         x = bquote('Entropy H(x)')
#       )
#   } # end: with multiple peaks
#   # piechart
#   ns_counts = sum(is.na(mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity))
#   pieplot = mutations_k %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(mutation_multiplicity) %>%
#     dplyr::summarise(n = n()) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(mutation_multiplicity = paste0(mutation_multiplicity)) %>%
#     ggplot(
#       aes(x = 1, y = n, fill = mutation_multiplicity)
#     ) +
#     geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0(''),
#       title = paste0("Assignments (NA = ", ns_counts, ")")
#     ) +
#     coord_polar(theta = 'y') +
#     theme(
#       axis.title.y = element_blank(),
#       axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
#       axis.text.y = element_blank()
#       ) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies'))
#   # Mutation plots
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   mutation_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(VAF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     xlim(0, 1) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0('Density (', med_coverage, 'x)'),
#       title = paste0("Mutation multiplicity")
#     )
#   if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
#     rp = computation$params$cuts[2]
#     # d_12 = computation$params$d_12
#     # rg_12 = computation$params$rg_12
#     expectation = computation$params$expectation
#     mutation_plot = mutation_plot +
#       geom_vline(
#         data = expectation,
#         size = .7,
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         color = 'steelblue',
#         aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
#       ) +
#       geom_vline(
#         xintercept = c(lp, rp),
#         color = 'red',
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         size = .3
#       )
#     }
#   # CCF plots
#   CCF_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(CCF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(bins = 100, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(y = paste0('Density'),
#          title = paste0("CCF for ", karyotype)) +
#     xlim(0, NA)
#   # Plot assembly
#   # panel = ggpubr::ggarrange(mutation_plot, CCF_plot, pieplot, ncol = 3, nrow = 1, common.legend = T, legend = 'bottom')
#   figure = cowplot::plot_grid(
#     qc_plot(CCF_plot, QC),
#     mutation_plot,
#     entropy_plot,
#     pieplot,
#     align = 'h',
#     axis = 'b',
#     ncol = 4
#   )
#   return(figure)
# }

plot_mutation_multiplicity_entropy = function(x, karyotype)
  method = x$CCF_estimates[[1]]$QC_table$method

  # Process
  computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
  mutations_k = computation$mutations %>%
    dplyr::mutate(karyotype = paste(karyotype, method))

  QC = computation$QC_table$QC

  # Mono-peak
  magnitude_plot = class_plot = entropy_plot = ggplot() + geom_blank()

  colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set1')

  # Join long
  which_ccf = x$CCF_estimates %>% names
  which_na = x$CCF_estimates %>% names

  ccf_label = paste0("CCF (",  mutations_k$karyotype[1], ')')

  ns_counts = sum(is.na(mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity))
  ns_counts = ns_counts / nrow(mutations_k)
  ns_counts = format(ns_counts * 100, digits = 2)

  vaf_label = paste0("VAF (", ns_counts, '% NA', ')')

  join_ln = bind_rows(
      value = mutations_k$CCF,
      Multiplicity = mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity
    ) %>% mutate(var = ccf_label,
                 x = row_number()),
      value = mutations_k$VAF,
      Multiplicity = mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity
    ) %>% mutate(var = vaf_label,
                 x = row_number())

  QC_table = Reduce(bind_rows,
                    lapply(x$CCF_estimates, function(w)
                      w$QC_table)) %>%
    filter(karyotype == !!karyotype) %>%

  color = 'forestgreen'
  if (QC_table == "FAIL")
    color = 'indianred3'

  nccf = paste0("(n = ", sum(!is.na(mutations_k$CCF)), ')')
  caption = bquote(bold(.(karyotype)) ~ .(nccf))

  oneplot = ggplot2::ggplot(join_ln, ggplot2::aes(value, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins = 100, aes(fill = factor(Multiplicity))) +
    CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
    # scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors, na.value = 'gray') +
    ggplot2::guides(color = 'none') +
    ggplot2::labs(y = paste0('Density'),
                  title = caption) +
    ggplot2::xlim(-0.01, NA) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ var, scales = 'free_x') +
    # labs(caption = caption) +
    # theme(plot.title = element_text(color = color)) +
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = color),
      legend.position = c(0, .98),
      legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = ggplot2::alpha('gainsboro', 0.1)),
      legend.justification = c(0, 1)
    ) +
    ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(NULL, nrow = 1)) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = 'Value by multiplicity')

  # oneplot +
  #   ggrepel::geom_label_repel(
  #     data = ccf_qc %>% mutate(y = delta_points * (row_number()), fill = QC),
  #     aes(x = x, y = max_y - y, label = paste(karyotype, QC)),
  #     size = 2,
  #     # fill = 'red',
  #     color = 'purple4',
  #     fill = 'yellow',
  #     # fill = ifelse(ccf_qc$value == "PASS", "forestgreen", "indianred3"),
  #     inherit.aes = F
  #   )

  if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
    max_y = max(ggplot_build(oneplot)$data[[1]]$y)

    # Double peaks
    joint = computation$params$joint
    joint$entropy = joint$entropy / max(joint$entropy)
    joint$entropy = joint$entropy * max_y

    lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
    rp = computation$params$cuts[2]

    oneplot = oneplot +
        data = joint %>% mutate(var = rev(join_ln$var)[1]),
        ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = entropy),
        color = 'azure4',
        size = .5,
        inherit.aes = T,
        linetype = 'longdash'
      ) +
        data = data.frame(xintercept = c(lp, rp)) %>% mutate(var = rev(join_ln$var)[1]),
        ggplot2::aes(xintercept = xintercept),
        color = 'chocolate2',
        linetype = 'dashed',
        size = .3

    # TODO: consider ..
    # expectation = computation$params$expectation
    # oneplot +
    #   geom_vline(
    #     data = expectation,
    #     size = .7,
    #     linetype = 'dashed',
    #     color = 'steelblue',
    #     aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
    #   ) +
    #   geom_vline(
    #     xintercept = c(lp, rp),
    #     color = 'red',
    #     linetype = 'dashed',
    #     size = .3
    #   )




# plot_mutation_multiplicity_rough = function(x, karyotype)
# {
#   # Process
#   computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
#   mutations_k = computation$mutations
#   QC = computation$QC_table$QC
#   # Mono-peak
#   magnitude_plot = class_plot = entropy_plot = ggplot() + geom_blank()
#   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set2')
#   # colors = wesanderson::wes_palette("Zissou1", n = 3, type = 'discrete')[c(1,3)]
#   # piechart
#   ns_counts = sum(is.na(mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity))
#   pieplot = mutations_k %>%
#     dplyr::group_by(mutation_multiplicity) %>%
#     dplyr::summarise(n = n()) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(mutation_multiplicity = paste0(mutation_multiplicity)) %>%
#     ggplot(
#       aes(x = 1, y = n, fill = mutation_multiplicity)
#     ) +
#     geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0(''),
#       title = paste0("Assignments (NA = ", ns_counts, ")")
#     ) +
#     coord_polar(theta = 'y') +
#     theme(
#       axis.title.y = element_blank(),
#       axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
#       axis.text.y = element_blank()
#     ) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies'))
#   # Mutation plots
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   cuts = computation$params$cuts
#   mutation_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(VAF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     xlim(0, 1) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0('Density (', med_coverage, 'x)'),
#       title = paste0("Mutation multiplicity")
#     )
#   if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
#     rp = computation$params$cuts[2]
#     # d_12 = computation$params$d_12
#     # rg_12 = computation$params$rg_12
#     expectation = computation$params$expectation
#     mutation_plot = mutation_plot +
#       geom_vline(
#         data = expectation,
#         size = .7,
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         color = 'steelblue',
#         aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
#       ) +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = cuts, size = .3, linetype = 'dashed')
#   }
#   # CCF plots
#   CCF_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(CCF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(bins = 100, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(y = paste0('Density'),
#          title = paste0("CCF for ", karyotype)) +
#     xlim(0, NA)
#   # Plot assembly
#   # panel = ggpubr::ggarrange(mutation_plot, CCF_plot, pieplot, ncol = 3, nrow = 1, common.legend = T, legend = 'bottom')
#   figure = cowplot::plot_grid(
#     qc_plot(CCF_plot, QC),
#     mutation_plot,
#     entropy_plot,
#     pieplot,
#     align = 'h',
#     axis = 'b',
#     ncol = 4
#   )
#   return(figure)
# }

plot_mutation_multiplicity_rough = function(x, karyotype)
  method = x$CCF_estimates[[1]]$QC_table$method

  # Process
  computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
  mutations_k = computation$mutations %>%
    dplyr::mutate(karyotype = paste(karyotype, method))

  # Process
  computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
  mutations_k = computation$mutations

  # Mono-peak
  magnitude_plot = class_plot = entropy_plot = ggplot() + geom_blank()

  colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set1')

  # Join long
  which_ccf = x$CCF_estimates %>% names
  which_na = x$CCF_estimates %>% names

  ccf_label = paste0("CCF (",  mutations_k$karyotype[1], ')')

  ns_counts = sum(is.na(mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity))
  ns_counts = ns_counts / nrow(mutations_k)
  ns_counts = format(ns_counts * 100, digits = 2)

  vaf_label = paste0("VAF (", ns_counts, '% NA', ')')

  join_ln = bind_rows(
      value = mutations_k$CCF,
      Multiplicity = mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity
    ) %>% mutate(var = ccf_label,
                 x = row_number()),
      value = mutations_k$VAF,
      Multiplicity = mutations_k$mutation_multiplicity
    ) %>% mutate(var = vaf_label,
                 x = row_number())

  QC_table = Reduce(bind_rows,
                    lapply(x$CCF_estimates, function(w)
                      w$QC_table)) %>%
    filter(karyotype == !!karyotype) %>%

  color = 'forestgreen'
  if (QC_table == "FAIL")
    color = 'indianred3'

  nccf = paste0("(n = ", sum(!is.na(mutations_k$CCF)), ')')
  caption = bquote(bold(.(karyotype)) ~ .(nccf))

  oneplot = ggplot2::ggplot(join_ln, ggplot2::aes(value, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins = 100, ggplot2::aes(fill = factor(Multiplicity))) +
    CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
    # scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors, na.value = 'gray') +
    ggplot2::guides(color = 'none') +
    ggplot2::labs(y = paste0('Density'),
                  title = caption) +
    ggplot2::xlim(-0.01, NA) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ var, scales = 'free_x') +
    # labs(caption = caption) +
    # theme(plot.title = element_text(color = color)) +
      strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = color),
      legend.position = c(0, .98),
      legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = alpha('gainsboro', 0.1)),
      legend.justification = c(0, 1)
    ) +
    ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(NULL, nrow = 1)) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = 'Value by multiplicity')

  # oneplot +
  #   ggrepel::geom_label_repel(
  #     data = ccf_qc %>% mutate(y = delta_points * (row_number()), fill = QC),
  #     aes(x = x, y = max_y - y, label = paste(karyotype, QC)),
  #     size = 2,
  #     # fill = 'red',
  #     color = 'purple4',
  #     fill = 'yellow',
  #     # fill = ifelse(ccf_qc$value == "PASS", "forestgreen", "indianred3"),
  #     inherit.aes = F
  #   )

  if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
    expectation = computation$params$cuts

    oneplot = oneplot +
        data = data.frame(x = expectation) %>% mutate(var = rev(join_ln$var)[1]),
        ggplot2::aes(xintercept = expectation),
        size = .5,
        linetype = 'dashed',
        color = 'black',
        inherit.aes = T
      ) +
        data = computation$params$expectation %>% mutate(var = rev(join_ln$var)[1]),
        size = .7,
        linetype = 'dashed',
        color = 'gray',
        ggplot2::aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)



# plot_mutation_multiplicity_rough_strip = function(x, karyotype)
# {
#   # Process
#   computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
#   mutations_k = computation$mutations
#   QC = computation$QC_table$QC
#   # Mono-peak
#   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set2')
#   # colors = wesanderson::wes_palette("Zissou1", n = 3, type = 'discrete')[c(1,3)]
#   # Mutation plots
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   cuts = computation$params$cuts
#   mutation_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(VAF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     xlim(0, 1) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0('Density (', med_coverage, 'x)'),
#       title = paste0("Mutation multiplicity ", karyotype)
#     )
#   if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
#     rp = computation$params$cuts[2]
#     expectation = computation$params$expectation
#     mutation_plot = mutation_plot +
#       geom_vline(
#         data = expectation,
#         size = .7,
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         color = 'steelblue',
#         aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
#       ) +
#       geom_vline(xintercept = cuts, size = .3, linetype = 'dashed')
#   }
#   return(CNAqc:::qc_plot(mutation_plot, QC))
# }

# plot_mutation_multiplicity_entropy_strip = function(x, karyotype)
# {
#   # Process
#   computation = x$CCF_estimates[[karyotype]]
#   mutations_k = computation$mutations
#   QC = computation$QC_table$QC
#   # Mono-peak
#   colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 3, name = 'Set1')
#   # colors = wesanderson::wes_palette("Royal1", n = 3, type = 'discrete')
#   # Mutation plots
#   med_coverage = median(mutations_k$DP, na.rm = TRUE)
#   mutation_plot = ggplot(mutations_k, aes(VAF, y = ..count.. / sum(..count..))) +
#     geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, aes(fill = paste(mutation_multiplicity))) +
#     xlim(0, 1) +
#     CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
#     scale_color_manual(values = colors) +
#     scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
#     guides(color = FALSE, fill = guide_legend('Copies')) +
#     labs(
#       y = paste0('Density (', med_coverage, 'x)'),
#       title = paste0("Mutation multiplicity ", karyotype)
#     )
#   if (!(karyotype %in% c('1:1', '1:0')))
#   {
#     lp = computation$params$cuts[1]
#     rp = computation$params$cuts[2]
#     expectation = computation$params$expectation
#     mutation_plot = mutation_plot +
#       geom_vline(
#         data = expectation,
#         size = .7,
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         color = 'steelblue',
#         aes(xintercept = peak, color = label)
#       ) +
#       geom_vline(
#         xintercept = c(lp, rp),
#         color = 'red',
#         linetype = 'dashed',
#         size = .3
#       )
#   }
#   return(CNAqc:::qc_plot(mutation_plot, QC))
# }

# Function to a border to a plot
qc_plot = function(x, QC)
  qc = ifelse(QC == "FAIL", "indianred3", 'forestgreen')

  x +
      title = ggplot2::element_text(color = qc),
      panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = qc,
                                           fill = NA)
caravagnalab/CNAqc documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 3:54 a.m.