# Peak detection for simple karyotypes (more sofisticated algorithm) - rightmost peak matching
peak_detector = function(mutations,
VAF_tolerance = 0.001,
matching_epsilon = 0.015,
kernel_adjust = 1,
p = 0.005,
# expectation = CNAqc:::expected_vaf_peak(AB[1], AB[2], tumour_purity)
# mutations = w %>%
# dplyr::sample_n(size = nrow(w), replace = TRUE)
xy_peaks = den = NULL
# Smoothed Gaussian kernel for VAF
y = mutations %>% dplyr::pull(VAF)
den = density(y, kernel = 'gaussian', adjust = kernel_adjust)
in_range = den$x >= min(y) & den$x <= max(y)
in_range = TRUE
input_peakdetection = matrix(cbind(x = den$x[in_range], y = den$y[in_range]), ncol = 2)
colnames(input_peakdetection) = c('x', 'y')
# Test 5 parametrisations of peakPick neighlim
pks = Reduce(dplyr::bind_rows,
function(n) {
pk = peakPick::peakpick(mat = input_peakdetection, neighlim = n)
input_peakdetection[pk[, 2], , drop = FALSE] %>% as.data.frame()
})) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::arrange(x) %>%
dplyr::mutate(x = round(x, 2), y = round(y, 2)) %>%
dplyr::distinct(x, .keep_all = TRUE)
# print(pks)
hst = hist(mutations$VAF, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.01), plot = F)$counts
pks$counts_per_bin = hst[round(pks$x * 100)]
# xy_peaks = pks %>%
# # dplyr::mutate(discarded = counts_per_bin < sum(hst) * p)
# dplyr::mutate(discarded = y <= 0.01)
# Use KDE if required only
if (KDE)
# Heuristic to remove low-density peaks
xy_peaks = pks %>%
# dplyr::mutate(discarded = counts_per_bin < sum(hst) * p)
dplyr::mutate(discarded = y <= max(pks$y) * (1 / 20),
from = 'KDE')
if (any(xy_peaks$discarded))
# cli::cli_alert_warning("Some KDE peaks have been removed")
# xy_peaks %>%
# filter(discarded) %>%
# print
# BMix clustering
if (y %>% unique() %>% length() > 1)
bm = BMix::bmixfit(
data.frame(successes = mutations$NV, trials = mutations$DP),
K.BetaBinomials = 0,
K.Binomials = 1:4,
silent = TRUE
# plot.bmix(bm, data = data.frame(successes = rc$NV, trials = rc$DP))
llxy = NULL
for (b in names(bm$B.params))
w_den = which.min(abs(den$x - bm$B.params[b]))
tnw = tibble(x = den$x[w_den],
y = den$y[w_den],
# counts_per_bin = bm$pi[b] * (mutations %>% nrow), # Wrong
discarded = FALSE)
# Counts are counted the same way regardless it is a BMix fit or not.
tnw$counts_per_bin = hst[round(tnw$x * 100)]
llxy = llxy %>%
xy_peaks = xy_peaks %>% bind_rows(llxy %>% mutate(from = 'BMix'))
# Handle special case where everything is discarded by including the one
# with highest value of counts_per_bin (just that).
if (all(xy_peaks$discarded)) {
xy_peaks = xy_peaks %>%
mutate(discarded = ifelse(
counts_per_bin == max(xy_peaks$counts_per_bin),
# Again, if the if-clause above did not suffice to find peaks, raise a stop error
if (all(xy_peaks$discarded))
stop("Cannot find peaks for this karyotype, raising an error (check the data distribution).")
# linear combination of the weight, split by number of peaks to match
weight = filtered_qc_mutations %>%
filter(karyotype == mutations$karyotype[1]) %>%
weight = weight / nrow(expectation)
###### ###### ###### ###### ######
# # Plot
# plot_data = ggplot(data = mutations, aes(VAF)) +
# geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = 0.01, alpha = .3) +
# geom_line(
# data = data.frame(x = den$x, y = den$y),
# aes(x = x, y = y),
# size = .3,
# color = 'black'
# ) +
# CNAqc:::my_ggplot_theme() +
# labs(
# title = paste0("Karyotype ", mutations$karyotype[1]),
# subtitle = paste0('w = ', round(weight, 3), ' (n = ', nrow(mutations), ')'),
# y = 'KDE'
# ) +
# # geom_hline(
# # yintercept = sum(hst) * 0.005,
# # color = 'darkred',
# # linetype = 'dashed',
# # size = .3
# # ) +
# theme(
# legend.position = 'bottom'
# ) +
# xlim(0, 1)
# Add points for peaks to plot
# plot_data = plot_data +
# geom_point(data = xy_peaks,
# aes(x = x, y = y, shape = discarded, size = counts_per_bin),
# # size = 1.5,
# show.legend = FALSE
# ) +
# scale_shape_manual(values = c(`TRUE` = 1, `FALSE` = 16)) +
# scale_size(range = c(1, 3))
# Compute matching
# 1) sort the expected peaks and the xy_peaks by expected VAF
# 2) combine them and subtract
expectation = expectation %>% arrange(desc(peak))
match_xy_peaks = xy_peaks %>%
filter(!discarded) %>%
arrange(desc(x)) %>%
filter(row_number() <= nrow(expectation))
# Handle the special case where we have less peaks that the ones we need to
# match. In this case we match everything to the same peak
if (nrow(match_xy_peaks) < nrow(expectation)) {
entry = match_xy_peaks[1,]
missing = nrow(expectation) - nrow(match_xy_peaks)
for (s in 1:missing)
match_xy_peaks = bind_rows(match_xy_peaks, entry)
expectation = dplyr::bind_cols(expectation, match_xy_peaks)
# Distance in VAF space, converted to purity space
expectation = expectation %>%
offset_VAF = peak - x,
# VAF space
offset = compute_delta_purity(
vaf = x,
delta_vaf = offset_VAF,
ploidy = strsplit(mutations$karyotype[1], ':') %>% unlist %>% as.numeric() %>% sum(),
multiplicity = mutation_multiplicity
# expectation$matched = abs(expectation$offset) <= matching_epsilon
expectation$weight = weight
expectation$epsilon = matching_epsilon
expectation$VAF_tolerance = VAF_tolerance
expectation$matched = NA
for (i in 1:nrow(expectation))
expectation$matched[i] = overlap_bands(
peak = expectation$x[i],
tolerance = VAF_tolerance,
left_extremum = expectation$peak[i] - matching_epsilon[i],
right_extremum = expectation$peak[i] + matching_epsilon[i]
# Add expectation peaks, and matching colors
# plot_data = plot_data +
# geom_point(
# data = expectation,
# aes(x = x, y = y, color = matched),
# size = 2,
# shape = 4,
# show.legend = FALSE
# ) +
# geom_segment(
# data = expectation,
# aes(x = x, y = y, xend = peak, yend = y, color = matched),
# show.legend = FALSE
# )+
# annotate(
# geom = 'rect',
# xmin = expectation$peak - matching_epsilon,
# xmax = expectation$peak + matching_epsilon,
# ymin = 0,
# ymax = Inf,
# color = NA,
# alpha = .4,
# fill = 'steelblue'
# ) +
# geom_vline(
# data = expectation,
# aes(xintercept = peak, color = matched),
# size = .7,
# linetype = 'longdash',
# show.legend = FALSE
# ) +
# scale_color_manual(values = c(`TRUE` = 'forestgreen', `FALSE` = 'red'))
# Annotate the offset number
# cex_opt = getOption('CNAqc_cex', default = 1)
# plot_data = plot_data +
# ggrepel::geom_text_repel(
# data = expectation %>% filter(!matched),
# aes(x = x, y = y, label = round(offset, 2), color = matched),
# nudge_x = 0,
# nudge_y = 0,
# size = 3 * cex_opt,
# show.legend = FALSE
# )
# # plot_data
matching = expectation,
# plot = plot_data,
density = den,
xy_peaks = xy_peaks
# Peak detection for simple karyotypes (more sofisticated algorithm) - closest peak matching
peak_detector_closest_hit_match = function(mutations,
VAF_tolerance = 0.001,
matching_epsilon = 0.015,
kernel_adjust = 1,
p = 0.005,
xy_peaks = den = NULL
# Smoothed Gaussian kernel for VAF
y = mutations %>% dplyr::pull(VAF)
den = density(y,
kernel = 'gaussian',
adjust = kernel_adjust,
na.rm = T)
in_range = den$x >= min(y, na.rm = T) & den$x <= max(y, na.rm = T)
in_range = TRUE
# den = density(y, kernel = 'gaussian', adjust = 0.5)
# plot(den)
input_peakdetection = matrix(cbind(x = den$x[in_range], y = den$y[in_range]), ncol = 2)
colnames(input_peakdetection) = c('x', 'y')
# Test 5 parametrisations of peakPick neighlim
pks = Reduce(dplyr::bind_rows,
function(n) {
pk = peakPick::peakpick(mat = input_peakdetection, neighlim = n)
input_peakdetection[pk[, 2], , drop = FALSE] %>% as.data.frame()
})) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::arrange(x) %>%
dplyr::mutate(x = round(x, 2), y = round(y, 2)) %>%
dplyr::distinct(x, .keep_all = TRUE)
# print(pks)
hst = hist(mutations$VAF, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.01), plot = F)$counts
pks$counts_per_bin = hst[round(pks$x * 100)]
# Run KDE if required only
if (KDE)
# Heuristic to remove low-density peaks
xy_peaks = pks %>%
# dplyr::mutate(discarded = counts_per_bin < sum(hst) * p)
dplyr::mutate(discarded = y <= max(pks$y) * (1 / 20),
from = 'KDE')
if (any(xy_peaks$discarded))
# cli::cli_alert_warning("Some peaks have been removed")
# xy_peaks %>%
# filter(discarded) %>%
# print
# BMix clustering
if (y %>% unique() %>% length() > 1)
# invisible(capture.output(
bm = BMix::bmixfit(
data.frame(successes = mutations$NV, trials = mutations$DP),
K.BetaBinomials = 0,
K.Binomials = 1:4,
silent = TRUE
# ))
# plot.bmix(bm, data = data.frame(successes = rc$NV, trials = rc$DP))
llxy = NULL
for (b in names(bm$B.params))
w_den = which.min(abs(den$x - bm$B.params[b]))
tnw = tibble(x = den$x[w_den],
y = den$y[w_den],
# counts_per_bin = bm$pi[b] * (mutations %>% nrow), # Wrong
discarded = FALSE)
# Counts are counted the same way regardless it is a BMix fit or not.
tnw$counts_per_bin = hst[round(tnw$x * 100)]
llxy = llxy %>%
xy_peaks = xy_peaks %>% bind_rows(llxy %>% mutate(from = 'BMix'))
# tibble(
# `x`= bm$B.params,
# `y` =
# )
# Handle special case where everything is discarded by including the one
# with highest value of counts_per_bin (just that).
if (all(xy_peaks$discarded)) {
xy_peaks = xy_peaks %>%
mutate(discarded = ifelse(
counts_per_bin == max(xy_peaks$counts_per_bin),
# Again, if the if-clause above did not suffice to find peaks, raise a stop error
if (all(xy_peaks$discarded))
stop("Cannot find peaks for this karyotype, raising an error (check the data distribution).")
# linear combination of the weight, split by number of peaks to match
weight = filtered_qc_mutations %>%
filter(karyotype == mutations$karyotype[1]) %>%
weight = weight / nrow(expectation)
###### ###### ###### ###### ######
# Compute matching ~ get any possible match given the expectation
# 1) sort the expected peaks and the xy_peaks by expected VAF
# 2) combine them and subtract
get_match = function(p)
not_discarded = xy_peaks %>% filter(!discarded)
distances = abs(not_discarded$x - expectation$peak[p])
id_match = which.min(distances)
if (length(id_match) == 0)
matched_peaks = lapply(seq_along(expectation$peak), get_match)
# Matching table
matching = expectation %>%
dplyr::bind_cols(Reduce(dplyr::bind_rows, matched_peaks))
# Distance in VAF space, converted to purity space
matching = matching %>%
rowwise() %>%
offset_VAF = peak - x,
# VAF space
offset = compute_delta_purity(
vaf = x,
delta_vaf = offset_VAF,
ploidy = strsplit(mutations$karyotype[1], ':') %>% unlist %>% as.numeric() %>% sum(),
multiplicity = mutation_multiplicity
# matching$matched = abs(matching$offset) <= matching_epsilon
matching$weight = weight
matching$epsilon = matching_epsilon
matching$VAF_tolerance = VAF_tolerance
matching$matched = NA
for (i in 1:nrow(expectation))
matching$matched[i] = overlap_bands(
peak = matching$x[i],
tolerance = VAF_tolerance,
left_extremum = matching$peak[i] - matching_epsilon[i],
right_extremum = matching$peak[i] + matching_epsilon[i]
# Density estimated
density = den
# Peaks
peaks = xy_peaks
matching = matching,
density = den,
xy_peaks = xy_peaks
# Auxiliary functions peak-matching for simple karyotypes
overlap_bands = function(peak,
# if(peak + tolerance >= left_extremum & peak + tolerance <= right_extremum)
# return(TRUE)
# if(peak - tolerance >= left_extremum & peak - tolerance <= right_extremum)
# return(TRUE)
M = max(peak - tolerance, left_extremum) <= min(peak + tolerance, right_extremum)
# KDE-based pure peak detection (for general karyptypes and subclonal CNAs)
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