#' CNAqc-based purity-optimisation pipeline for Sequenza.
#' @description This pipeline implements optimised allele-specific
#' copy number calling with Sequenza and CNAqc, optimising purity estimated
#' from data, and allele-specific segments.
#' Requirements:
#' 1. (Prerequisites) Run Sequenza utils steps outside R
#' a. Process a FASTA file to produce a GC Wiggle track file
#' b. Process BAM and Wiggle files to produce a seqz file:
#' c. Post-process by binning the original seqz file:
#' Instructions to customize these steps are available at
#' \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}
#' 2. This pipeline (\code{Sequenza_CNAqc}) optimizes CNA calling and purity
#' estimations using peak detection from CNAqc. Starting from a broad set of initial conditions
#' for purity (5\% to 100\%) the pipeline fits cellularity and ploidy values and dumps results.
#' Results are then quality controlled by peak detection via CNAqc. The analysis with CNAqc
#' can be carried out using either somatic mutations called by Sequenza, or an external set
#' of input calls.
#' 3. At every run the best solution by Sequenza is stored in a cache, and up to two alternative
#' solutions are generated: one optional by Sequenza, which might propose different exact values for
#' cellularity and ploidy; one by CNAqc, adjusting the current cellularity of the best Sequenza
#' solution. The alternative solutions are enqueued in a list L of cellularity and ploidy values
#' to be tested, based on their presence in the cache.
#' 4. Until the list L is empty, the point values of cellularity and ploidy are
#' tested repeating step 3, using ranges around the proposed values specified by
#' input parameters. Further refinement steps will restrict the Sequenza purity
#' range based on the score computed by \code{analyze_peaks}, which determines a purity
#' gradient.
#' 5. Each run is saved in a folder named \code{run-1}, \code{run-2}, etc.
#' When the list L is empty the pipeline stops and a symbolic link \code{final}
#' pointing to the best Sequenza solution, based on CNAqc score is created.
#' @note If at any time a purity proposal made by CNAqc leads
#' to inconsistent values (i.e., outside $[0,1]$) the pipeline stops prompting to the user
#' to adjust manually the range of \code{ploidy}.
#' @param sample_id The id of the sample.
#' @param seqz_file A binned \code{.seqz} file.
#' @param mutations If not NULL (default), an external set of mutation calls,
#' in tibble format. Must include colummns "chr", "from", "to", "NV", "NR", "VAF".
#' @param sex Sex of the patient from whom the sample is drawn.
#' @param cellularity Input to \code{sequenza.fit}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param ploidy Input to \code{sequenza.fit}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param reference Reference genome among supported by CNAqc (GRCh38 or hg19/GRCh37).
#' @param normalization.method Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param window Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param gamma Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param kmin Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param min.reads.baf Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param min.reads Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param min.reads.normal Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param max.mut.types Input to \code{sequenza.extract}, see \url{https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html}.
#' @param delta_cellularity When a proposed solution of purity and ploidy is tested,
#' Sequenza is run on an interval of purity centered at the proposed value, of half
#' width \code{delta_cellularity}.
#' @param delta_ploidy When a proposed solution of purity and ploidy is tested,
#' Sequenza is run on an interval of ploidy centered at the proposed value, of half
#' width \code{delta_ploidy}.
#' @param verbose If TRUE (default FALSE) at each Sequenza fitting step, print the updated
#' list of purity and ploidy pairs to test.
#' @param ... Optional parameters passed to the \code{analyse_peaks} function
#' by CNAqc. Tune these to change error tolerance or karyotypes to use for QC.
#' @return A \code{tibble} containing for each run its number
#' \code{run}, the solution values of \code{purity} and \code{ploidy}, the corresponding
#' CNAqc \code{score} and quality control status \code{QC}, a list \code{sequenza} of the
#' input and output of the Sequenza fitting procedure, and the object of class \code{CNAqc}
#' created by the \code{init()} and \code{analyze_peaks()} functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Install Sequenza package from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.html
#' install.packages("sequenza")
#' # Outside R
#' pip install sequenza-utils
#' # Process a FASTA file to produce a GC Wiggle track file
#' sequenza−utils gc_wiggle −w 50 --fasta hg19.fa -o hg19.gc50Base.wig.gz
#' # Process BAM and Wiggle files to produce a seqz file
#' sequenza−utils bam2seqz -n normal.bam -t tumor.bam --fasta hg19.fa \
#' -gc hg19.gc50Base.wig.gz -o out.seqz.gz
#' # Post-process by binning the original seqz file:
#' sequenza−utils seqz_binning --seqz out.seqz.gz -w 50 -o out small.seqz.gz
#' # Run this pipeline
#' Sequenza_CNAqc(
#' sample_id = 'tumour',
#' seqz_file = 'small.seqz.gz', # Binned file
#' mutations = dataset$mutations, # If using an external set of mutations
#' sex = "F", # If female
#' cellularity = c(0.05, 1),
#' ploidy = c(1.8, 5.4),
#' reference = 'GRCh38',
#' normalization.method = 'median',
#' window = 1e5,
#' gamma = 280,
#' kmin = 300,
#' min.reads.baf = 50,
#' min.reads = 50,
#' min.reads.normal = 15,
#' max.mut.types = 1,
#' delta_cellularity = 0.05,
#' delta_ploidy = 0.25,
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' }
Sequenza_CNAqc = function(sample_id,
mutations = NULL,
cellularity = c(0.05, 1),
ploidy = c(1.8, 5.4),
reference = 'GRCh38',
normalization.method = 'median',
window = 1e5,
gamma = 280,
kmin = 300,
min.reads.baf = 50,
min.reads = 50,
min.reads.normal = 15,
max.mut.types = 1,
delta_cellularity = 0.05,
delta_ploidy = 0.25,
verbose = FALSE,
# Auxiliary function: Sequenza check input parameters
Sequenza_check_inputs = function(sample_id,
if (!is.character(sample_id))
cli::cli_abort("Unrecogniseable sample id, will not proceed.")
cli::cli_alert("Sample id: {.field {sample_id}}")
if (!file.exists(seqzFile))
cli::cli_abort("File {.field {seqzFile}} does not exist, will not proceed.")
sz = format(object.size(seqzFile), units = "auto")
cli::cli_alert("Sequenza seqz file: {.value \"{seqzFile}\"} [{.field {sz}}]")
if (!(sex %in% c("M", "F")))
cli::cli_abort("Sex must be either female (F) or male (M).")
sx = dplyr::case_when(sex == "F" ~ "Female (F)",
sex == "M" ~ "Male (M)",)
cli::cli_alert("Sample sex: {.field {sx}}")
if ((cellularity %>% length() != 2) |
!(cellularity[1] %>% is.numeric()) |
!(cellularity[2] %>% is.numeric()))
cli::cli_abort("Cellularity needs to be a numeric vector with two values.")
"Testing cellularity (%) in [{.field {cellularity[1]}}, {.field {cellularity[2]}}]"
if ((ploidy %>% length() != 2) |
!(ploidy[1] %>% is.numeric()) |
!(ploidy[2] %>% is.numeric()))
cli::cli_abort("Ploidy needs to be a numeric vector with two values.")
cli::cli_alert("Testing ploidy (real-valued) in [{.field {ploidy[1]}}, {.field {ploidy[2]}}]")
if (!(reference %>% is.character()) |
!(reference %in% c("GRCh38", "GRCh37", "hg19")))
cli::cli_abort("Reference must be any of GRCh38 or hg19/GRCh37.")
cli::cli_alert("Reference genome: {.field {reference}}")
#### Check for Sequenza library ####
if (!require(sequenza)) {
cli::cli_abort("The R Sequenza package is not installed, will not proceed.")
cli::cli_h1("Sequenza CNA calling wrapper with CNAqc")
sample_id = sample_id,
seqzFile = seqz_file,
sex = sex,
cellularity = cellularity,
ploidy = ploidy,
reference = reference
#### If male use chrY, if female don't ####
is_female <- sex == "F"
chromosomes <- paste0("chr",c(1:22, "X"))
# chromosomes = 1:22
if (!as.logical(is_female)) {
chromosomes <- c(chromosomes, 'chrY')
#### Parameters that will be logged as RDS ####
run_params = list(
sample_id = sample_id,
seqz_file = seqz_file,
sex = sex,
chromosome.list = chromosomes,
normalization.method = normalization.method,
window = window,
gamma = gamma,
kmin = kmin,
min.reads.baf = min.reads.baf,
min.reads = min.reads,
min.reads.normal = min.reads.normal,
max.mut.types = max.mut.types
# cli::cli_h2("Extraction of required information [{crayon::blue('sequenza.extract')}]")
cli::cli_process_start("Seqz pre-processing [{crayon::blue('sequenza.extract')}]")
# Run sequenza.extract - with parameters optimised for Genomics England data (100x tumour WGS + 30X normal WGS)
seqzExt <- sequenza::sequenza.extract(
file = seqz_file,
chromosome.list = chromosomes,
normalization.method = normalization.method,
window = window,
gamma = gamma,
kmin = kmin,
min.reads.baf = min.reads.baf,
min.reads = min.reads,
min.reads.normal = min.reads.normal,
max.mut.types = max.mut.types,
verbose = TRUE)
run_index = 0
L_cache = L = NULL
repeat {
cli::cli_alert("List of parameters to test")
run_index = run_index + 1
# Handle a new run - special case for the first run
if (run_index > 1)
L_head = L %>% filter(row_number() == 1)
L = L %>% filter(row_number() > 1)
# First run - parameters determined by the user
cellularity = L_head$cellularity + c(-delta_cellularity, delta_cellularity)
ploidy = L_head$ploidy + c(-delta_ploidy, delta_ploidy)
# New run - parameters determined by the pipeline
L_cache_new = sequenza_fit_runner(seqzExt,
run = run_index,
out_dir = paste0("run_", run_index),
reference = reference,
L_cache = L_cache %>% bind_rows(L_cache_new)
# Obtain proposals
new_proposals = get_proposals(sequenza = L_cache$sequenza[[nrow(L_cache)]],
cnaqc = L_cache$cnaqc[[nrow(L_cache)]])
# Check them against the L_cache, create a list to go for
new_proposals = filter_proposals(
L_cache = L_cache,
new_proposals = new_proposals,
delta_c = delta_cellularity,
delta_p = delta_ploidy
cli::cli_alert("New proposal")
cli::cli_alert("Cached evaluations")
L = L %>% bind_rows(new_proposals)
if (L %>% nrow() == 0)
if(!("QC" %in% names(L_cache))) cli::cli_abort("CNAqc cannot run on this sample. Aborting the pipeline.")
# End of pipeline
best_run = L_cache %>%
filter(QC=="PASS") %>%
arrange(abs(score)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
if((best_run %>% length()) == 0){
best_run = L_cache %>%
arrange(abs(score)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
best_fit = which(L_cache$run == best_run)
qc_status = L_cache$QC[best_fit]
cli::cli_h2("Best fit with score {.field {L_cache$score[best_fit]}} and QC {.field {qc_status}}")
if(qc_status == "FAIL")
link = 'final',
target = L_cache$run[best_fit],
skip = FALSE,
overwrite = TRUE
# Plot all CNAqc results
pdf("./cnaqc_reports.pdf", onefile = TRUE, width = 18, height = 10)
lapply(L_cache$cnaqc %>% seq_along, function(x){
plot_segments(L_cache$cnaqc[[x]], highlight = c('2:0', '2:1', '2:2', '1:1', '1:0'))+
ggtitle(paste("Run", x)),
ncol = 1) %>% print()
# Save cumulative pipeline results
saveRDS(L_cache, file = "pipeline.rds")
# Return summary table
## Auxiliary function: Sequenza extract and fit data
sequenza_fit_runner = function(seqzExt,
# Auxiliary function: Sequenza outputs parser
parse_Sequenza_CNAs = function(out, x)
# Files required
segments_file = paste0(out, '/', x, "_segments.txt")
mutations_file = paste0(out, '/', x, "_mutations.txt")
purity_file = paste0(out, '/', x, "_confints_CP.txt")
alternatives_file = paste0(out, '/', x, "_alternative_solutions.txt")
if (!file.exists(segments_file))
stop(paste0("Missing required segments file: ", segments_file))
if (!file.exists(mutations_file))
stop(paste0("Missing required mutations file: ", mutations_file))
if (!file.exists(purity_file))
stop(paste0("Missing required solutions file: ", purity_file))
if (!file.exists(alternatives_file))
stop(paste0("Missing alternative solutions file: ", alternatives_file))
# Segments data -- with CNAq format conversion which is used in evoverse
segments = readr::read_tsv(segments_file, col_types = readr::cols()) %>%
chr = chromosome,
from = start.pos,
to = end.pos,
Major = A,
minor = B
) %>%
dplyr::select(chr, from, to, Major, minor, dplyr::everything())
# Mutations data -- with CNAq format conversion which is used in evoverse
mutations = readr::read_tsv(mutations_file, col_types = readr::cols()) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chromosome,
from = position,) %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
sep = '>',
into = c('ref', 'alt'),
remove = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(to = from + nchar(alt)) %>%
dplyr::select(chr, from, to, ref, alt, dplyr::everything())
# Solution data
solutions = readr::read_tsv(purity_file, col_types = readr::cols())
purity = solutions$cellularity[2]
ploidy = solutions$ploidy.estimate[2]
# Alternative solutions data
alternative_solutions = readr::read_tsv(alternatives_file, col_types = readr::cols())
fits = list()
fits$input = x
fits$out = out
fits$segments = segments
fits$mutations = mutations
fits$purity = purity
fits$ploidy = ploidy
fits$alternative_solutions = alternative_solutions
if (dir.exists(out_dir))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Directory {.field {out_dir}} already exists")
chr.fit = seqzExt$chromosomes %>% unique()
# Select only the more reliable autosomes for fitting cellularity and ploidy parameters
chr.fit = chr.fit[!(chr.fit %in% c('X', 'Y', 'chrX', 'chrY'))]
"Sequenza fit via CNAqc [{crayon::blue('sequenza.fit')}] - cellularity {.value {cellularity}}, ploidy {.value {ploidy}}"
# Run of sequenza.fit
if (cellularity[1] < 0)
cellularity[1] = 0.01
if (cellularity[1] > 1)
cellularity[1] = 1
if (cellularity[2] < 0)
cellularity[2] = 0.01
if (cellularity[2] > 1)
cellularity[2] = 1
if (ploidy[1] < 0)
ploidy[1] = 0.01
if (ploidy[2] < 0)
ploidy[2] = 0.01
if(run == 1){
nbins_cellularity = 100
nbins_ploidy = 50
} else {
nbins_cellularity = 10
nbins_ploidy = 10
paraSpace <- sequenza::sequenza.fit(
sequenza.extract = seqzExt,
cellularity = seq(cellularity[1], cellularity[2], length.out = nbins_cellularity),
ploidy = seq(ploidy[1], ploidy[2], length.out = nbins_ploidy),
chromosome.list = chr.fit,
female = as.logical(is_female)
# Dump results
sequenza.extract = seqzExt,
cp.table = paraSpace,
sample.id = sample_id,
out.dir = out_dir,
female = as.logical(is_female)
# Parse outputs
cli::cli_process_start("Quality control with CNAqc: {.field {out_dir}}")
fits = parse_Sequenza_CNAs(out_dir, x = sample_id)
# Perform QC, and save RDS
cnaqc_obj = tryCatch({
cli::cli_alert("Using Sequenza mutation calls")
mutations = fits$mutations %>%
rename(VAF = "F", DP = "good.reads") %>%
mutate(NV = as.integer(VAF * DP))
cli::cli_alert("Using the input set {.field {mutations}} as mutation calls")
mutations = mutations,
cna = fits$segments,
purity = fits$purity,
ref = reference
) %>%
error = function(e)
cli::cli_abort("CNAqc generated errors and cannot run on this sample. Aborting the pipeline.")
purity = fits$purity[1]
ploidy = fits$ploidy[1]
# show to screen
# L_cache = append(L_cache, list(c(purity,ploidy)))
run = out_dir,
purity = purity,
ploidy = ploidy,
score = cnaqc_obj$peaks_analysis$score,
QC = cnaqc_obj$peaks_analysis$QC,
sequenza = list(fits),
cnaqc = list(cnaqc_obj)
get_proposals = function(sequenza, cnaqc)
sqz = sequenza$alternative_solutions %>% select(-SLPP)
cnq = tibble(
cellularity = cnaqc$purity - cnaqc$peaks_analysis$score,
ploidy = sequenza$ploidy
cnq) %>%
dplyr::filter(cellularity <= 1 & cellularity > 0)
filter_proposals = function(L_cache,
bitmask = c()
for (i in 1:nrow(new_proposals))
cellularity_cache = abs(L_cache$purity - new_proposals$cellularity[i]) > delta_cellularity
ploidy_cache = abs(L_cache$ploidy - new_proposals$ploidy[i]) > delta_ploidy
bitmask = c(bitmask, all(cellularity_cache | ploidy_cache))
new_proposals %>%
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