prepare_input_data = function(mutations, cna, tumour_purity)
# Input data types and fortification
stopifnot(is_tibble(mutations) |
stopifnot(is_tibble(cna) |
stopifnot(tumour_purity > 0 |
tumour_purity <= 1 | !
# Input mutations
ref_nucleotides = c("A", "C", "T", "G")
alt_nucleotides = c("A", "C", "T", "G")
mutations = fortify_mutation_calls(mutations) %>%
type = ifelse(
(ref %in% ref_nucleotides) & (alt %in% alt_nucleotides),
all_mutations = mutations
# Check specific mappability features for driver
driver_mutations = NULL
if(all(c("is_driver", "driver_label") %in% colnames(all_mutations)))
driver_mutations = all_mutations %>% filter(is_driver)
if(nrow(driver_mutations) == 0) driver_mutations = NULL
cli::cli_alert_success("Found annotated driver mutations: {.field {driver_mutations$driver_label}}.")
nsnvs = (all_mutations$type == "SNV") %>% sum()
nindel = nrow(all_mutations) - nsnvs
psnvs = round(nsnvs/(nsnvs + nindel) * 100)
cli::cli_alert_success("Fortified calls for {.field {nrow(all_mutations)}} somatic mutations: {.field {nsnvs}} SNVs ({.field {psnvs}%}) and {.field {nindel}} indels.")
# CNAs - clonal and subclonal
cna_all = fortify_CNA_segments(cna)
cna_clonal = cna_all$clonal %>% mutate(segment_id = paste(chr, from, to, Major, minor, CCF, sep = ':'))
cna_subclonal = cna_all$subclonal
if(!is.null(cna_subclonal)) cna_subclonal = cna_subclonal %>%
mutate(segment_id = paste(chr, from, to, Major, minor, CCF, sep = ':'))
ncnacl = cna_clonal %>% nrow()
ncnasbcl = ifelse(is.null(cna_subclonal), 0, cna_subclonal %>% nrow())
cli::cli_alert_success("Fortified CNAs for {.field {ncnacl + ncnasbcl}} segments: {.field {ncnacl}} clonal and {.field {ncnasbcl}} subclonal.")
# Mapping mutations
# cli::cli_alert_info("Mapping {.field {nrow(snvs)}} mutations")
# paste0("Input ",
# 'n = ',
# nrow(snvs),
# " mutations for ",
# nrow(cna),
# " CNA segments (",
# ncnacl,
# " clonal, ",
# ncnasbcl,
# " subclonal)"
# )
# )
# Mapping mutations to clonal segments
mutations = map_mutations_to_clonal_segments(mutations, cna_clonal)
# Notify NA (not mapped)
not_mappable = sum($karyotype))
if(not_mappable > 0)
# cli::cli_alert_danger('{.field {not_mappable}} mutations cannot be mapped to clonal CNAs and will be removed.')
mutations = mutations %>% dplyr::filter(!
nmutations = nrow(mutations)
# Tabular of mapping per segments (count)
tab = mutations %>%
group_by(segment_id) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
# Stats about mappability
num_mappable = sum(!$karyotype))
perc_mappable = round(num_mappable / nsnvs * 100)
# cat("\n")
"{.field {num_mappable}} mutations mapped to clonal CNAs."
# Mapping mutations subclonal segments
cna_subclonal = map_mutations_to_subclonal_segments(mutations = all_mutations, cna_subclonal)
if(nrow(cna_subclonal) == 0)
cna_subclonal = NULL
cli::cli_alert_info("No mutations mapped to subclonal CNAs.")
nsubcl = sapply(cna_subclonal$mutations, nrow) %>% sum
"{.field {nsubcl}} mutations mapped to subclonal CNAs."
# Check if we mapped all the drivers
idfy = function(x) { x %>% dplyr::mutate(id = paste(chr, from, to, ref, alt)) }
ids_clonal = mutations %>% idfy %>% pull(id)
ids_subclonal = NULL
ids_subclonal = cna_subclonal$mutations %>%
Reduce(f = dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
idfy %>% pull(id)
all_ids = c(ids_clonal, ids_subclonal)
driver_ids = driver_mutations %>% idfy %>% pull(id)
missing_drivers = which(!(driver_ids %in% all_ids), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(length(missing_drivers) > 0)
missing = driver_mutations$driver_label[missing_drivers]
missing = paste("Driver(s): ", paste(missing, collapse = ', '))
"Driver cannot be mapped - out of any segment!",
header = missing,
float = "center",
col = 'white',
border_col = 'black',
background_col = 'indianred3'
) %>% cat
# cli::boxx(
# "Lost driver mutation(s) during mappability (reported below) - out of any segment!",
# float = "center",
# col = 'white',
# background_col = 'red'
# ) %>% cat
# cat("\n")
# driver_mutations[missing_drivers, ] %>%
# dplyr::select(
# chr, from, to, ref, alt, NV, DP, VAF,
# is_driver, driver_label
# ) %>%
# print()
return(list(mutations = mutations, cna_clonal = cna_clonal, cna_subclonal = cna_subclonal, tab = tab))
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