fortify_CNA_segments = function(x)
C = colnames(x)
if(! stop("CNAs must be in dataframe format.")
# CCF column missing
if (!('CCF' %in% C))
x$CCF = 1
C = colnames(x)
"CNAs have no CCF, assuming clonal CNAs (CCF = 1)."
# CCF column all NA
if (x$CCF %>% %>% all)
x$CCF = 1
C = colnames(x)
"CNAs have NA in all CCF entries, assuming clonal CNAs (CCF = 1)."
# Test for subclonal
has_subclonal = (x$CCF < 1) %>% any(na.rm = TRUE)
if(has_subclonal) cli::cli_alert_info("{.field {sum(x$CCF < 1, na.rm = TRUE)}} subclonal CNAs detected in the data.")
# Check all other columns
required_columns = c('chr', 'from', 'to', 'Major', 'minor', "CCF")
if(has_subclonal) required_columns = c(required_columns, "Major_2", "minor_2")
if (!all(required_columns %in% C))
stop(cli::format_error("Bad CNA format; required columns are {.field {required_columns}}."))
# Split
clonal = x %>% dplyr::filter(CCF == 1) %>% distinct(chr, from, to, Major, minor, .keep_all = TRUE)
subclonal = x %>% dplyr::filter(CCF < 1) %>% distinct(chr, from, to, Major, minor, Major_2, minor_2, .keep_all = TRUE)
subclonal = NULL
# Check NA cases - clonal
with_NA_clonal = !complete.cases(clonal[, c('chr', 'from', 'to', 'Major', 'minor', "CCF"), drop = FALSE])
nna = sum(with_NA_clonal)
cli::cli_alert_danger("{.field {sum(with_NA_clonal)}} NA entrie(s) in clonal CNAs; segments will be removed.")
clonal = clonal[!with_NA_clonal, ]
if(nrow(clonal) == 0) stop("No more CNAs to work with?")
# Check NA cases - subclonal
with_NA_subclonal = !complete.cases(subclonal[, c('chr', 'from', 'to', 'Major', 'minor', "CCF", "Major_2", "minor_2"), drop = FALSE])
cli::cli_alert_danger("{.field {sum(with_NA_subclonal)}} NA entrie(s) in subclonal CNAs; segments will be removed.")
subclonal = subclonal[!with_NA_subclonal, ]
if(nrow(subclonal) == 0) {
has_subclonal = FALSE
subclonal = NULL}
# Enforce correct data types
clonal$from = enforce_numeric(clonal$from)
clonal$to = enforce_numeric(clonal$to)
clonal$Major = enforce_numeric(clonal$Major)
clonal$minor = enforce_numeric(clonal$minor)
if(has_subclonal) {
subclonal$Major_2 = enforce_numeric(subclonal$Major_2)
subclonal$minor_2 = enforce_numeric(subclonal$minor_2)
# if(has_subclonal)
# {
# x$Major_2 = enforce_numeric(x$Major_2)
# x$minor_2 = enforce_numeric(x$minor_2)
# }
if (!('length' %in% C))
clonal = clonal %>% dplyr::mutate(length = to - from)
if(has_subclonal) subclonal = subclonal %>% dplyr::mutate(length = to - from)
"Added segments length (in basepairs) to CNA segments."
# if('is_driver' %in% C)
# {
# if(!("gene" %in% C))
# {
# x = x %>% dplyr::mutate(gene = paste(chr, from, to, ref, alt, sep = ':'))
# cli::cli_alert_info("Driver annotation is present in mutation data (is_driver) but a gene column is missing, genome coordinates will be used in plotting.")
# }
# else
# cli::cli_alert_info("Driver annotation is present in mutation data (is_driver), will be used in plotting.")
# }
# Check chromosome format reference
if(!all(grepl("chr", clonal$chr)))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Formatting clonal CNA chromosome annotation as 'chr*'.")
clonal = clonal %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(chr = ifelse(
!grepl("chr", chr),
paste0('chr', chr),
if(!all(grepl("chr", subclonal$chr)))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Formatting subclonal CNA chromosome annotation as 'chr*'.")
subclonal = subclonal %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(chr = ifelse(
!grepl("chr", chr),
paste0('chr', chr),
return(list(clonal = clonal, subclonal = subclonal))
# Supported formats
# alt_chr = c('chr', 'chromosome', 'Chromosome')
# alt_from = c('from', 'pos', 'start', 'Start')
# alt_to = c('to', 'end', 'End')
# w_chr = which(alt_chr %in% C)
# w_from = which(alt_from %in% C)
# w_to = which(alt_to %in% C)
# # Stop if any is missing
# if(length(w_chr) == 0) stop('Chromosome in the wrong format; use any of ', paste(alt_chr, collapse = ', '))
# if(length(w_from) == 0) stop('Segment start in the wrong format; use any of ', paste(alt_from, collapse = ', '))
# if(length(w_to) == 0) stop('Segment end in the wrong format; use any of ', paste(alt_to, collapse = ', '))
fortify_mutation_calls = function(x)
C = colnames(x)
required_columns = c('chr', 'from', 'to', 'ref', 'alt', 'DP', 'NV', 'VAF')
if (!all(required_columns %in% C))
stop("Bad mutation format, see the manual.")
if(max(c(nchar(x$alt), nchar(x$ref))) > 1)
"Detected indels mutation (substitutions with >1 reference/alternative nucleotides)."
if(x[, required_columns] %>% %>% any()){
"NA values in some of the required mutation columns, these will be removed."
x = x[complete.cases(x[, required_columns]), ]
if(nrow(x) == 0) stop("No more mutations to work with?")
x$from = enforce_numeric(x$from)
x$to = enforce_numeric(x$to)
x$DP = enforce_numeric(x$DP)
x$NV = enforce_numeric(x$NV)
x$VAF = enforce_numeric(x$VAF)
# Complement required driver information if missing
if('is_driver' %in% colnames(x))
if(!('driver_label' %in% colnames(x)))
cli::cli_alert_danger("Drivers are annotated, but 'driver_label' column is missing; these annotations are useless.")
# cli::cli_alert_info("Drivers are annotated, but 'gene' column is missing, using mutation location.")
# x = x %>%
# dplyr::mutate(driver_label = paste(chr, from, to, ref, alt, sep = ':'))
# Check chromosome format reference
if(!all(grepl("chr", x$chr)))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Mutation chromosomes should be in the format 'chr*', I will add a 'chr' prefix.")
x = x %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(chr = ifelse(
!grepl("chr", chr),
paste0('chr', chr),
enforce_numeric = function(x) {
if (!all(is.numeric(x)))
warning("[CNAqc] Enforcing numeric for values: ", paste(head(x), collapse = ', '), ', ...')
x = as.numeric(paste(x))
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