
Defines functions mediate summary.mediate print.summary.mediate summary.mediate.mer print.summary.mediate.mer print.summary.mediate.mer.2 print.summary.mediate.mer.3 summary.mediate.order print.summary.mediate.order plot.process plot.mediate plot.process.mer plot.mediate.mer plot.process.order plot.mediate.order pval

Documented in mediate plot.mediate plot.mediate.mer plot.mediate.order print.summary.mediate print.summary.mediate.mer print.summary.mediate.mer.2 print.summary.mediate.mer.3 print.summary.mediate.order summary.mediate summary.mediate.mer summary.mediate.order

mediate <- function(model.m, model.y, sims = 1000, 
                    boot = FALSE, boot.ci.type = "perc",
                    treat = "treat.name", mediator = "med.name",
                    covariates = NULL, outcome = NULL,
                    control = NULL, conf.level = .95,
                    control.value = 0, treat.value = 1,
                    long = TRUE, dropobs = FALSE,
                    robustSE = FALSE, cluster = NULL, group.out = NULL, ...){
  cl <- match.call()
  # Warn users who still use INT option
  if(match("INT", names(cl), 0L)){
    warning("'INT' is deprecated - existence of interaction terms is now automatically detected from model formulas")
  # Warning for robustSE and cluster used with boot
  if(robustSE && boot){
    warning("'robustSE' is ignored for nonparametric bootstrap")
  if(!is.null(cluster) && boot){
    warning("'cluster' is ignored for nonparametric bootstrap")
  if(robustSE & !is.null(cluster)){
    stop("choose either `robustSE' or `cluster' option, not both")

  if(boot.ci.type != "bca" & boot.ci.type != "perc"){
      stop("choose either `bca' or `perc' for boot.ci.type")
  # Drop observations not common to both mediator and outcome models
    odata.m <- model.frame(model.m)
    odata.y <- model.frame(model.y)
      if(is.null(row.names(cluster)) &
           (nrow(odata.m)!=length(cluster) | nrow(odata.y)!=length(cluster))
        warning("cluster IDs may not correctly match original observations due to missing data")
      odata.y <- merge(odata.y, as.data.frame(cluster), sort=FALSE,
      rownames(odata.y) <- odata.y$Row.names
      odata.y <- odata.y[,-1L]
    newdata <- merge(odata.m, odata.y, sort=FALSE,
                     by=c("row.names", intersect(names(odata.m), names(odata.y))))
    rownames(newdata) <- newdata$Row.names
    newdata <- newdata[,-1L]
    rm(odata.m, odata.y)
    call.m <- getCall(model.m)
    call.y <- getCall(model.y)
    call.m$data <- call.y$data <- newdata
    if(c("(weights)") %in% names(newdata)){
      call.m$weights <- call.y$weights <- model.weights(newdata)
    model.m <- eval.parent(call.m)
    model.y <- eval.parent(call.y)
      cluster <- factor(newdata[, ncol(newdata)])  # factor drops missing levels
  # Model type indicators
  isGam.y <- inherits(model.y, "gam")
  isGam.m <- inherits(model.m, "gam")
  isGlm.y <- inherits(model.y, "glm")  # Note gam and bayesglm also inherits "glm"
  isGlm.m <- inherits(model.m, "glm")  # Note gam and bayesglm also inherits "glm"
  isLm.y <- inherits(model.y, "lm")    # Note gam, glm and bayesglm also inherit "lm"
  isLm.m <- inherits(model.m, "lm")    # Note gam, glm and bayesglm also inherit "lm"
  isVglm.y <- inherits(model.y, "vglm")
  isRq.y <- inherits(model.y, "rq")
  isRq.m <- inherits(model.m, "rq")
  isOrdered.y <- inherits(model.y, "polr")  # Note bayespolr also inherits "polr"
  isOrdered.m <- inherits(model.m, "polr")  # Note bayespolr also inherits "polr"
  isSurvreg.y <- inherits(model.y, "survreg")
  isSurvreg.m <- inherits(model.m, "survreg")
  isMer.y <- inherits(model.y, "merMod") # Note lmer and glmer do not inherit "lm" and "glm"
  isMer.m <- inherits(model.m, "merMod") # Note lmer and glmer do not inherit "lm" and "glm"
  # Record family and link of model.m if glmer 
  if(isMer.m && class(model.m)[[1]] == "glmerMod"){
    m.family <- as.character(model.m@call$family)
    if(m.family[1] == "binomial" && (is.na(m.family[2]) || m.family[2] == "logit")){
      M.fun <- binomial(link = "logit")
    } else if(m.family[1] == "binomial" && m.family[2] == "probit"){
      M.fun <- binomial(link = "probit")
    } else if(m.family[1] == "binomial" && m.family[2] == "cloglog"){ 
      M.fun <- binomial(link = "cloglog")
    } else if(m.family[1] == "poisson" && (is.na(m.family[2]) || m.family[2] == "log")){
      M.fun <- poisson(link = "log")
    } else if(m.family[1] == "poisson" && m.family[2] == "identity"){
      M.fun <- poisson(link = "identity")
    } else if(m.family[1] == "poisson" && m.family[2] == "sqrt"){
      M.fun <- poisson(link = "sqrt")
    } else {
      stop("glmer family for the mediation model not supported")
    } ### gamma & inverse gaussian excluded (no function to estimate parameters of S4 glmer vs. S3 glm)
  # Record family and link of model.y if glmer 
  if(isMer.y && class(model.y)[[1]] == "glmerMod"){
    y.family <- as.character(model.y@call$family)
    if(y.family[1] == "binomial" && (is.na(y.family[2]) || y.family[2] == "logit")){
      Y.fun <- binomial(link = "logit")
    } else if(y.family[1] == "binomial" && y.family[2] == "probit"){
      Y.fun <- binomial(link = "probit")
    } else if(y.family[1] == "binomial" && y.family[2] == "cloglog"){ 
      Y.fun <- binomial(link = "cloglog")
    } else if(y.family[1] == "poisson" && (is.na(y.family[2]) || y.family[2] == "log")){
      Y.fun <- poisson(link = "log")
    } else if(y.family[1] == "poisson" && y.family[2] == "identity"){
      Y.fun <- poisson(link = "identity")
    } else if(y.family[1] == "poisson" && y.family[2] == "sqrt"){
      Y.fun <- poisson(link = "sqrt")
    } else {
      stop("glmer family for the outcome model not supported")
    } ### gamma & inverse gaussian excluded (no function to estimate parameters of S4 glmer vs. S3 glm)
  # Record family of model.m if glm
    FamilyM <- model.m$family$family

  # Record family of model.m if glmer
  if(isMer.m && class(model.m)[[1]] == "glmerMod"){
    FamilyM <- M.fun$family
  # Record vfamily of model.y if vglm (currently only tobit)
    VfamilyY <- model.y@family@vfamily
  # Warning for unused options
  if(!is.null(control) && !isGam.y){
    warning("'control' is only used for GAM outcome models - ignored")
    control <- NULL
  if(!is.null(outcome) && !(isSurvreg.y && boot)){
    warning("'outcome' is only relevant for survival outcome models with bootstrap - ignored")
  # Model frames for M and Y models
  m.data <- model.frame(model.m)  # Call.M$data
  y.data <- model.frame(model.y)  # Call.Y$data

      row.names(m.data) <- 1:nrow(m.data)
      row.names(y.data) <- 1:nrow(y.data)

          m.weights <- as.data.frame(model.m$weights)
          m.name <- as.character(model.m$call$weights)  
          names(m.weights) <- m.name
          m.data <- cbind(m.data, m.weights)

          y.weights <- as.data.frame(model.y$weights)
          y.name <- as.character(model.y$call$weights)  
          names(y.weights) <- y.name
          y.data <- cbind(y.data, y.weights)

  # group-level mediator 
  if(isMer.y & !isMer.m){
    m.data <- eval(model.m$call$data, environment(formula(model.m)))  ### add group ID to m.data 
    m.data <- na.omit(m.data)
    y.data <- na.omit(y.data)
  # Specify group names
  if(isMer.m && isMer.y){
    med.group <- names(model.m@flist)
    out.group <- names(model.y@flist)
    n.med <- length(med.group)
    n.out <- length(out.group)
    if(n.med > 1 || n.out > 1){
      stop("mediate does not support more than two levels per model")
    } else {
      group.m <- med.group
      group.y <- out.group
      if(!is.null(group.out) && !(group.out %in% c(group.m, group.y))){
        warning("group.out does not match group names used in merMod")
      } else if(is.null(group.out)){
        group.out <- group.y
  } else if(!isMer.m && isMer.y){
    out.group <- names(model.y@flist)
    n.out <- length(out.group)
    if(n.out > 1){
      stop("mediate does not support more than two levels per model")
    } else {
      group.m <- NULL
      group.y <- out.group
      group.out <- group.y
  } else if(isMer.m && !isMer.y){
    med.group <- names(model.m@flist)
    n.med <- length(med.group)
    if(n.med > 1){
      stop("mediate does not support more than two levels per model")
    } else {
      group.m <- med.group
      group.y <- NULL
      group.out <- group.m
  } else {
    group.m <- NULL
    group.y <- NULL
    group.out <- NULL
  # group data if lmer or glmer 
    group.id.m <- m.data[,group.m]
  } else {
    group.id.m <- NULL
    group.id.y <- y.data[,group.y]	
  } else {
    group.id.y <- NULL
  # group data to be output in summary and plot if lmer or glmer 
  if(isMer.y && isMer.m){
    if(group.out == group.m){
      group.id <- m.data[,group.m]
      group.name <- group.m
    } else {
      group.id <- y.data[,group.y]     
      group.name <- group.y
  } else if(!isMer.y && isMer.m){
    group.id <- m.data[,group.m]   
    group.name <- group.m
  } else if(isMer.y && !isMer.m){   ### group-level mediator
    if(!(group.y %in% names(m.data))){
      stop("specify group-level variable in mediator data")
    } else {
      group.id <- y.data[,group.y]
      group.name <- group.y
      Y.ID<- sort(unique(group.id))
          M.ID <- sort(as.factor(m.data[,group.y]))
      } else {
          M.ID <- sort(as.vector(data.matrix(m.data[group.y])))
      if(length(Y.ID) != length(M.ID)){
        stop("groups do not match between mediator and outcome models")
      } else {
        if(FALSE %in% unique(Y.ID == M.ID)){
          stop("groups do not match between mediator and outcome models")
  } else {
    group.id <- NULL
    group.name <- NULL

  # Numbers of observations and categories
  n.m <- nrow(m.data)
  n.y <- nrow(y.data)
  if(!(isMer.y & !isMer.m)){   ### n.y and n.m are different when group-level mediator is used 
    if(n.m != n.y){
      stop("number of observations do not match between mediator and outcome models")
    } else{
      n <- n.m
    m <- length(sort(unique(model.frame(model.m)[,1])))
  # Extracting weights from models
  weights.m <- model.weights(m.data)
  weights.y <- model.weights(y.data)
  if(!is.null(weights.m) && isGlm.m && FamilyM == "binomial"){
    message("weights taken as sampling weights, not total number of trials")
  if(!is.null(weights.m) && isMer.m && class(model.m)[[1]] == "glmerMod" && FamilyM == "binomial"){
    message("weights taken as sampling weights, not total number of trials")
    weights.m <- rep(1,nrow(m.data))
    weights.y <- rep(1,nrow(y.data))
  if(!(isMer.y & !isMer.m)){
    if(!all(weights.m == weights.y)) {
      stop("weights on outcome and mediator models not identical")
    } else {
      weights <- weights.m
  } else{
    weights <- weights.y  ### group-level mediator  

  # Convert character treatment to factor
    m.data[,treat] <- factor(m.data[,treat])
    y.data[,treat] <- factor(y.data[,treat])
  # Convert character mediator to factor
    y.data[,mediator] <- factor(y.data[,mediator])
  # Factor treatment indicator
  isFactorT.m <- is.factor(m.data[,treat])
  isFactorT.y <- is.factor(y.data[,treat])
  if(isFactorT.m != isFactorT.y){
    stop("treatment variable types differ in mediator and outcome models")
  } else {
    isFactorT <- isFactorT.y
    t.levels <- levels(y.data[,treat])
    if(treat.value %in% t.levels & control.value %in% t.levels){
      cat.0 <- control.value
      cat.1 <- treat.value
    } else {
      cat.0 <- t.levels[1]
      cat.1 <- t.levels[2]
      warning("treatment and control values do not match factor levels; using ", cat.0, " and ", cat.1, " as control and treatment, respectively")
  } else {
    cat.0 <- control.value
    cat.1 <- treat.value
  # Factor mediator indicator
  isFactorM <- is.factor(y.data[,mediator])
    m.levels <- levels(y.data[,mediator])
  ## Define functions
  indexmax <- function(x){
    ## Return position of largest element in vector x
  getvcov <- function(dat, fm, cluster){
    ## Compute cluster robust standard errors
    ## fm is the model object
    cluster <- factor(cluster)  # remove missing levels and NA
    M <- nlevels(cluster)
    N <- sum(!is.na(cluster))
    K <- fm$rank
    dfc <- (M/(M-1))*((N-1)/(N-K))
    uj  <- apply(estfun(fm),2, function(x) tapply(x, cluster, sum));
    dfc*sandwich(fm, meat. = crossprod(uj)/N)
  if (!isOrdered.y) {
    ## Case I-1: Quasi-Bayesian Monte Carlo
      # Error if gam outcome or quantile mediator
      if(isGam.m | isGam.y | isRq.m){
        stop("'boot' must be 'TRUE' for models used")
      # Get mean and variance parameters for mediator simulations
      if(isSurvreg.m && is.null(survival::survreg.distributions[[model.m$dist]]$scale)){
        MModel.coef <- c(coef(model.m), log(model.m$scale))
        scalesim.m <- TRUE
      } else if(isMer.m){
        MModel.fixef <- lme4::fixef(model.m)
        MModel.ranef <- lme4::ranef(model.m)
        scalesim.m <- FALSE    	           	
      } else {
        MModel.coef <- coef(model.m)
        scalesim.m <- FALSE
              cat("Mediator model object does not contain 'Hessian';")
          k <- length(MModel.coef)
          MModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.m)[(1:k),(1:k)]
      } else if(isSurvreg.m){
          MModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.m)
      } else {
          if(robustSE & !isMer.m){
              MModel.var.cov <- vcovHC(model.m, ...)
          } else if(robustSE & isMer.m){
              MModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.m)
              warning("robustSE does not support mer class: non-robust SEs are computed for model.m")
          } else if(!is.null(cluster)){
                  warning("length of cluster vector differs from # of obs for mediator model")
              dta <- merge(m.data, as.data.frame(cluster), sort=FALSE,
              fm <- update(model.m, data=dta)
              MModel.var.cov <- getvcov(dta, fm, dta[,ncol(dta)])
          } else {
              MModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.m)
      # Get mean and variance parameters for outcome simulations
      if(isSurvreg.y && is.null(survival::survreg.distributions[[model.y$dist]]$scale)){
        YModel.coef <- c(coef(model.y), log(model.y$scale))
        scalesim.y <- TRUE  # indicates if survreg scale parameter is simulated
      } else if(isMer.y){
        YModel.fixef <- lme4::fixef(model.y)
        YModel.ranef <- lme4::ranef(model.y)
        scalesim.y <- FALSE    	           	
      } else {
        YModel.coef <- coef(model.y)
        scalesim.y <- FALSE
          YModel.var.cov <- summary(model.y, covariance=TRUE)$cov
      } else if(isSurvreg.y){
          YModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.y)
      } else {
          if(robustSE & !isMer.y){
              YModel.var.cov <- vcovHC(model.y, ...)
          } else if(robustSE & isMer.y){
              YModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.y)
              warning("robustSE does not support mer class: non-robust SEs are computed for model.y")
          } else if(!is.null(cluster)){
                  warning("length of cluster vector differs from # of obs for outcome model")
              dta <- merge(y.data, as.data.frame(cluster), sort=FALSE,
              fm <- update(model.y, data=dta)
              YModel.var.cov <- getvcov(dta, fm, dta[,ncol(dta)])
          } else {
              YModel.var.cov <- vcov(model.y)
      # Draw model coefficients from normal
      se.ranef.new <- function (object) {
          se.bygroup <- lme4::ranef(object, condVar = TRUE)
          n.groupings <- length(se.bygroup)
          for (m in 1:n.groupings) {
              vars.m <- attr(se.bygroup[[m]], "postVar")
              K <- dim(vars.m)[1]
              J <- dim(vars.m)[3]
              names.full <- dimnames(se.bygroup[[m]])
              se.bygroup[[m]] <- array(NA, c(J, K))
              for (j in 1:J) {
                  se.bygroup[[m]][j, ] <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(vars.m[, 
                                                                     , j])))
              dimnames(se.bygroup[[m]]) <- list(names.full[[1]], names.full[[2]])
          MModel.fixef.vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(model.m))
          MModel.fixef.sim <- rmvnorm(sims,mean=MModel.fixef,sigma=MModel.fixef.vcov)
          Nm.ranef <- ncol(lme4::ranef(model.m)[[1]]) 
          MModel.ranef.sim <- vector("list",Nm.ranef)
          for (d in 1:Nm.ranef){
              MModel.ranef.sim[[d]] <- matrix(rnorm(sims*nrow(lme4::ranef(model.m)[[1]]), mean = lme4::ranef(model.m)[[1]][,d], sd = se.ranef.new(model.m)[[1]][,d]), nrow = sims, byrow = TRUE)
      } else {
          if(sum(is.na(MModel.coef)) > 0){
              stop("NA in model coefficients; rerun models with nonsingular design matrix")
          MModel <- rmvnorm(sims, mean=MModel.coef, sigma=MModel.var.cov)
          YModel.fixef.vcov <- as.matrix(vcov(model.y))
          YModel.fixef.sim <- rmvnorm(sims,mean=YModel.fixef,sigma=YModel.fixef.vcov)
          Ny.ranef <- ncol(lme4::ranef(model.y)[[1]]) 
          YModel.ranef.sim <- vector("list",Ny.ranef)
          for (d in 1:Ny.ranef){
              YModel.ranef.sim[[d]] <- matrix(rnorm(sims*nrow(lme4::ranef(model.y)[[1]]), mean = lme4::ranef(model.y)[[1]][,d], sd = se.ranef.new(model.y)[[1]][,d]), nrow = sims, byrow = TRUE)
      } else {
          if(sum(is.na(YModel.coef)) > 0){
              stop("NA in model coefficients; rerun models with nonsingular design matrix")
          YModel <- rmvnorm(sims, mean=YModel.coef, sigma=YModel.var.cov)
      if(robustSE && (isSurvreg.m | isSurvreg.y)){
        warning("`robustSE' ignored for survival models; fit the model with `robust' option instead\n")
      if(!is.null(cluster) && (isSurvreg.m | isSurvreg.y)){
        warning("`cluster' ignored for survival models; fit the model with 'cluster()' term in the formula\n")
      ##  Mediator Predictions
      ### number of observations are different when group-level mediator is used
      if(isMer.y & !isMer.m){
        n <- n.m
      pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- m.data
        pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.1, levels = t.levels)
        pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.0, levels = t.levels)
      } else {
        pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.1
        pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.0

        for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
          vl <- names(covariates[p])
            pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(m.data[,vl]))
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
      mmat.t <- model.matrix(terms(model.m), data=pred.data.t)
      mmat.c <- model.matrix(terms(model.m), data=pred.data.c)
      ### Case I-1-a: GLM Mediator
        muM1 <- model.m$family$linkinv(tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.t))
        muM0 <- model.m$family$linkinv(tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.c))
        if(FamilyM == "poisson"){
          PredictM1 <- matrix(rpois(sims*n, lambda = muM1), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(rpois(sims*n, lambda = muM0), nrow = sims)
        } else if (FamilyM == "Gamma") {
          shape <- gamma.shape(model.m)$alpha
          PredictM1 <- matrix(rgamma(n*sims, shape = shape,
                                     scale = muM1/shape), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(rgamma(n*sims, shape = shape,
                                     scale = muM0/shape), nrow = sims)
        } else if (FamilyM == "binomial"){
          PredictM1 <- matrix(rbinom(n*sims, size = 1,
                                     prob = muM1), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(rbinom(n*sims, size = 1,
                                     prob = muM0), nrow = sims)
        } else if (FamilyM == "gaussian"){
          sigma <- sqrt(summary(model.m)$dispersion)
          error <- rnorm(sims*n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
          PredictM1 <- muM1 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
          PredictM0 <- muM0 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
        } else if (FamilyM == "inverse.gaussian"){
          disp <- summary(model.m)$dispersion
          PredictM1 <- matrix(SuppDists::rinvGauss(n*sims, nu = muM1,
                                                   lambda = 1/disp), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(SuppDists::rinvGauss(n*sims, nu = muM0,
                                                   lambda = 1/disp), nrow = sims)
        } else {
          stop("unsupported glm family")
        ### Case I-1-b: Ordered mediator
      } else if(isOrdered.m){
          linkfn <- plogis
        } else if(model.m$method=="probit") {
          linkfn <- pnorm
        } else {
          stop("unsupported polr method; use 'logistic' or 'probit'")
        m.cat <- sort(unique(model.frame(model.m)[,1]))
        lambda <- model.m$zeta
        mmat.t <- mmat.t[,-1]
        mmat.c <- mmat.c[,-1]
        ystar_m1 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.t)
        ystar_m0 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.c)
        PredictM1 <- matrix(,nrow=sims, ncol=n)
        PredictM0 <- matrix(,nrow=sims, ncol=n)
        for(i in 1:sims){
          cprobs_m1 <- matrix(NA,n,m)
          cprobs_m0 <- matrix(NA,n,m)
          probs_m1 <- matrix(NA,n,m)
          probs_m0 <- matrix(NA,n,m)
          for (j in 1:(m-1)) {  # loop to get category-specific probabilities
            cprobs_m1[,j] <- linkfn(lambda[j]-ystar_m1[i,])
            cprobs_m0[,j] <- linkfn(lambda[j]-ystar_m0[i,])
            # cumulative probabilities
            probs_m1[,m] <- 1-cprobs_m1[,m-1] # top category
            probs_m0[,m] <- 1-cprobs_m0[,m-1] # top category
            probs_m1[,1] <- cprobs_m1[,1]     # bottom category
            probs_m0[,1] <- cprobs_m0[,1]     # bottom category
          for (j in 2:(m-1)){  # middle categories
            probs_m1[,j] <- cprobs_m1[,j]-cprobs_m1[,j-1]
            probs_m0[,j] <- cprobs_m0[,j]-cprobs_m0[,j-1]
          draws_m1 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
          draws_m0 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
          for(ii in 1:n){
            draws_m1[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m1[ii,]))
            draws_m0[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m0[ii,]))
          PredictM1[i,] <- apply(draws_m1, 1, indexmax)
          PredictM0[i,] <- apply(draws_m0, 1, indexmax)
        ### Case I-1-c: Linear
      } else if(isLm.m){
        sigma <- summary(model.m)$sigma
        error <- rnorm(sims*n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
        muM1 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.t)
        muM0 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.c)
        PredictM1 <- muM1 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
        PredictM0 <- muM0 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
        ### Case I-1-d: Survreg
      } else if(isSurvreg.m){
        dd <- survival::survreg.distributions[[model.m$dist]]
        if (is.null(dd$itrans)){
          itrans <- function(x) x
        } else {
          itrans <- dd$itrans
        dname <- dd$dist
          dname <- model.m$dist
          scale <- exp(MModel[,ncol(MModel)])
          lpM1 <- tcrossprod(MModel[,1:(ncol(MModel)-1)], mmat.t)
          lpM0 <- tcrossprod(MModel[,1:(ncol(MModel)-1)], mmat.c)
        } else {
          scale <- dd$scale
          lpM1 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.t)
          lpM0 <- tcrossprod(MModel, mmat.c)
        error <- switch(dname,
                        extreme = log(rweibull(sims*n, shape=1, scale=1)),
                        gaussian = rnorm(sims*n),
                        logistic = rlogis(sims*n),
                        t = rt(sims*n, df=dd$parms))
        PredictM1 <- itrans(lpM1 + scale * matrix(error, nrow=sims))
        PredictM0 <- itrans(lpM0 + scale * matrix(error, nrow=sims))
        ### Case I-1-e: Linear Mixed Effect			
      } else if(isMer.m && class(model.m)[[1]]=="lmerMod"){
        M.RANEF1 <- M.RANEF0 <- 0
        for (d in 1:Nm.ranef){
          name <- colnames(lme4::ranef(model.m)[[1]])[d]
          if(name == "(Intercept)"){
            var1 <- var0 <- matrix(1,sims,n) ### RE intercept
          } else if(name == treat){  ### RE slope of treat
            var1 <- matrix(1,sims,n) ### T = 1
            var0 <- matrix(0,sims,n) ### T = 0
          else {
            var1 <- var0 <- matrix(data.matrix(m.data[name]),sims,n,byrow=T) ### RE slope of other variables
          MModel.ranef.sim.d <- MModel.ranef.sim[[d]]
          Z <- data.frame(MModel.ranef.sim.d)
            colnames(Z) <- levels(group.id.m)
            for (i in 1:n){
          } else {
            colnames(Z) <- sort(unique(group.id.m)) 
            for (i in 1:n){
          M.RANEF1 <- M.ranef*var1 + M.RANEF1   # sum of (random effects*corresponding covarites)  
          M.RANEF0 <- M.ranef*var0 + M.RANEF0
        sigma <- attr(lme4::VarCorr(model.m), "sc")        
        error <- rnorm(sims*n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
        muM1 <- tcrossprod(MModel.fixef.sim, mmat.t) + M.RANEF1
        muM0 <- tcrossprod(MModel.fixef.sim, mmat.c) + M.RANEF0
        PredictM1 <- muM1 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
        PredictM0 <- muM0 + matrix(error, nrow=sims)
        ### Case I-1-f: Generalized Linear Mixed Effect                  	
      } else if(isMer.m && class(model.m)[[1]]=="glmerMod"){
        M.RANEF1 <-M.RANEF0 <- 0 ### 1=RE for M(1); 0=RE for M(0)
        for (d in 1:Nm.ranef){
          name <- colnames(lme4::ranef(model.m)[[1]])[d]
          if(name == "(Intercept)"){
            var1 <- var0 <- matrix(1,sims,n) ### RE intercept
          } else if(name == treat){ ### RE slope of treat
            var1 <- matrix(1,sims,n) ### T = 1
            var0 <- matrix(0,sims,n) ### T = 0
          } else {
            var1 <- var0 <- matrix(data.matrix(m.data[name]),sims,n,byrow=T) ### RE slope of other variables
          MModel.ranef.sim.d <- MModel.ranef.sim[[d]]
          Z <- data.frame(MModel.ranef.sim.d)
            colnames(Z) <- levels(group.id.m)
            for (i in 1:n){
          } else {
            colnames(Z) <- sort(unique(group.id.m)) 
            for (i in 1:n){
          M.RANEF1 <- M.ranef*var1 + M.RANEF1   # sum of (random effects*corresponding covarites)  
          M.RANEF0 <- M.ranef*var0 + M.RANEF0
        muM1 <- M.fun$linkinv(tcrossprod(MModel.fixef.sim,mmat.t) + M.RANEF1)
        muM0 <- M.fun$linkinv(tcrossprod(MModel.fixef.sim,mmat.c) + M.RANEF0)
        FamilyM <- M.fun$family
        if(FamilyM == "poisson"){
          PredictM1 <- matrix(rpois(sims*n, lambda = muM1), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(rpois(sims*n, lambda = muM0), nrow = sims)
        } else if (FamilyM == "binomial"){
          PredictM1 <- matrix(rbinom(n*sims, size = 1,
                                     prob = muM1), nrow = sims)
          PredictM0 <- matrix(rbinom(n*sims, size = 1,
                                     prob = muM0), nrow = sims)
      } else {
        stop("mediator model is not yet implemented")

      ### group-level mediator : J -> NJ
      if(isMer.y & !isMer.m){
          J <- nrow(m.data)
              group.id.m <- as.factor(m.data[,group.y])
          } else {
              group.id.m <- as.vector(data.matrix(m.data[group.y]))
        v1 <- v0 <- matrix(NA, sims, length(group.id.y))
        num.m <- 1:J
        num.y <- 1:length(group.id.y)
        for (j in 1:J){
          id.y <- unique(group.id.y)[j]
          NUM.M <- num.m[group.id.m == id.y]
          NUM.Y <- num.y[group.id.y == id.y]
          v1[, NUM.Y] <- PredictM1[, NUM.M]
          v0[, NUM.Y] <- PredictM0[, NUM.M]
        PredictM1 <- v1
        PredictM0 <- v0
      rm(mmat.t, mmat.c)
      ##  Outcome Predictions
      ### number of observations are different when group-level mediator is used
      if(isMer.y & !isMer.m){
        n <- n.y

      effects.tmp <- array(NA, dim = c(n, sims, 4))

          Y.RANEF1 <- Y.RANEF2 <- Y.RANEF3 <- Y.RANEF4 <- 0
### 1=RE for Y(1,M(1)); 2=RE for Y(1,M(0)); 3=RE for Y(0,M(1)); 4=RE for Y(0,M(0))
          for (d in 1:Ny.ranef){
              name <- colnames(lme4::ranef(model.y)[[1]])[d]
              if(name == "(Intercept)"){
                  var1 <- var2 <- var3 <- var4 <- matrix(1,sims,n)
              } else if(name == treat){
                  var1 <- matrix(1,sims,n)
                  var2 <- matrix(1,sims,n)
                  var3 <- matrix(0,sims,n)
                  var4 <- matrix(0,sims,n)
              } else if(name == mediator){
                  var1 <- PredictM1
                  var2 <- PredictM0
                  var3 <- PredictM1
                  var4 <- PredictM0
              } else {
                  if(name %in% colnames(y.data)){
                      var1 <- var2 <- var3 <- var4 <- matrix(data.matrix(y.data[name]),sims,n,byrow=T)
                  } else {
                      int.term.name <- strsplit(name, ":")[[1]]
                      int.term <- rep(1, nrow(y.data))
                      for (p in 1:length(int.term.name)){
                          int.term <- y.data[int.term.name[p]][[1]] * int.term
                      var1 <- var2 <- var3 <- var4 <- matrix(int.term,sims,n,byrow=T)   
          YModel.ranef.sim.d <- YModel.ranef.sim[[d]]
          Z <- data.frame(YModel.ranef.sim.d)
            colnames(Z) <- levels(group.id.y)
            for (i in 1:n){
          } else {
            colnames(Z) <- sort(unique(group.id.y)) 
            for (i in 1:n){
          Y.RANEF1 <- Y.ranef*var1 + Y.RANEF1   # sum of (random effects*corresponding covarites)
          Y.RANEF2 <- Y.ranef*var2 + Y.RANEF2
          Y.RANEF3 <- Y.ranef*var3 + Y.RANEF3
          Y.RANEF4 <- Y.ranef*var4 + Y.RANEF4

      for(e in 1:4){
        tt <- switch(e, c(1,1,1,0), c(0,0,1,0), c(1,0,1,1), c(1,0,0,0))
        Pr1 <- matrix(, nrow=n, ncol=sims)
        Pr0 <- matrix(, nrow=n, ncol=sims)
        for(j in 1:sims){
          pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- y.data
            for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
              vl <- names(covariates[p])
                pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(y.data[,vl]))
              } else {
                pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
          # Set treatment values
          cat.t <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.1, cat.0)
          cat.c <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.1, cat.0)
          cat.t.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.0, cat.1)
          cat.c.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.0, cat.1)
            pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.t, levels = t.levels)
            pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.c, levels = t.levels)
              pred.data.t[,control] <- factor(cat.t.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
              pred.data.c[,control] <- factor(cat.c.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.t
            pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.c
              pred.data.t[,control] <- cat.t.ctrl
              pred.data.c[,control] <- cat.c.ctrl
          # Set mediator values
          PredictMt <- PredictM1[j,] * tt[3] + PredictM0[j,] * (1 - tt[3])
          PredictMc <- PredictM1[j,] * tt[4] + PredictM0[j,] * (1 - tt[4])
          if(isFactorM) {
            pred.data.t[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMt, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
            pred.data.c[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMc, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,mediator] <- PredictMt
            pred.data.c[,mediator] <- PredictMc
          ymat.t <- model.matrix(terms(model.y), data=pred.data.t)
          ymat.c <- model.matrix(terms(model.y), data=pred.data.c)
            if(VfamilyY=="tobit") {
              Pr1.tmp <- ymat.t %*% YModel[j,-2]
              Pr0.tmp <- ymat.c %*% YModel[j,-2]
              Pr1[,j] <- pmin(pmax(Pr1.tmp, model.y@misc$Lower), model.y@misc$Upper)
              Pr0[,j] <- pmin(pmax(Pr0.tmp, model.y@misc$Lower), model.y@misc$Upper)
            } else {
              stop("outcome model is in unsupported vglm family")
          } else if(scalesim.y){
            Pr1[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel[j,1:(ncol(YModel)-1)])) %*% t(ymat.t)
            Pr0[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel[j,1:(ncol(YModel)-1)])) %*% t(ymat.c)
          } else if(isMer.y){ 
            if(e == 1){             ### mediation(1)
              Y.RANEF.A <- Y.RANEF1
              Y.RANEF.B <- Y.RANEF2
            } else if(e == 2){      ### mediation(0)
              Y.RANEF.A <- Y.RANEF3
              Y.RANEF.B <- Y.RANEF4
            } else if(e == 3){      ### direct(1)
              Y.RANEF.A <- Y.RANEF1
              Y.RANEF.B <- Y.RANEF3
            } else {                ### direct(0)
              Y.RANEF.A <- Y.RANEF2
              Y.RANEF.B <- Y.RANEF4
            Pr1[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel.fixef.sim[j,])) %*% t(ymat.t) + Y.RANEF.A[j,]
            Pr0[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel.fixef.sim[j,])) %*% t(ymat.c) + Y.RANEF.B[j,]                  
          } else {
            Pr1[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel[j,])) %*% t(ymat.t)
            Pr0[,j] <- t(as.matrix(YModel[j,])) %*% t(ymat.c)
          rm(ymat.t, ymat.c, pred.data.t, pred.data.c)
          Pr1 <- apply(Pr1, 2, model.y$family$linkinv)
          Pr0 <- apply(Pr0, 2, model.y$family$linkinv)
        } else if(isSurvreg.y){
          dd <- survival::survreg.distributions[[model.y$dist]]
          if (is.null(dd$itrans)){
            itrans <- function(x) x
          } else {
            itrans <- dd$itrans
          Pr1 <- apply(Pr1, 2, itrans)
          Pr0 <- apply(Pr0, 2, itrans)
        } else if(isMer.y && class(model.y)[[1]] == "glmerMod"){
          Pr1 <- apply(Pr1, 2, Y.fun$linkinv)
          Pr0 <- apply(Pr0, 2, Y.fun$linkinv)                	
        effects.tmp[,,e] <- Pr1 - Pr0 ### e=1:mediation(1); e=2:mediation(0); e=3:direct(1); e=4:direct(0)
        rm(Pr1, Pr0)
      if(!isMer.m && !isMer.y){
        rm(PredictM1, PredictM0, YModel, MModel)
      } else if(!isMer.m && isMer.y){
        rm(PredictM1, PredictM0, YModel.ranef.sim)
      } else {
        rm(PredictM1, PredictM0, MModel.ranef.sim)
      et1<-effects.tmp[,,1] ### mediation effect (1)
      et2<-effects.tmp[,,2] ### mediation effect (0)
      et3<-effects.tmp[,,3] ### direct effect (1)
      et4<-effects.tmp[,,4] ### direct effect (0)
      delta.1 <- t(as.matrix(apply(et1, 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)))
      delta.0 <- t(as.matrix(apply(et2, 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)))
      zeta.1 <- t(as.matrix(apply(et3, 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)))
      zeta.0 <- t(as.matrix(apply(et4, 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)))
      tau <- (zeta.1 + delta.0 + zeta.0 + delta.1)/2
      nu.0 <- delta.0/tau
      nu.1 <- delta.1/tau
      delta.avg <- (delta.1 + delta.0)/2
      zeta.avg <- (zeta.1 + zeta.0)/2
      nu.avg <- (nu.1 + nu.0)/2
      d0 <- mean(delta.0)			# mediation effect
      d1 <- mean(delta.1)
      z1 <- mean(zeta.1)			# direct effect
      z0 <- mean(zeta.0)
      tau.coef <- mean(tau)	  	        # total effect
      n0 <- median(nu.0)
      n1 <- median(nu.1)
      d.avg <- (d0 + d1)/2
      z.avg <- (z0 + z1)/2
      n.avg <- (n0 + n1)/2
      if(isMer.y | isMer.m){
        if(!is.null(group.m) && group.name == group.m){
          for (g in 1:G){0
                         delta.1.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et1[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g]]))
                         delta.0.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et2[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g]]))
                         zeta.1.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et3[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g]]))
                         zeta.0.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et4[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.m==unique(group.id.m)[g]]))
        } else {
          for (g in 1:G){
            delta.1.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et1[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g]]))
            delta.0.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et2[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g]]))
            zeta.1.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et3[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g]]))
            zeta.0.group[g,] <- t(apply(matrix(et4[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g],], ncol=sims), 2, weighted.mean, w=weights[group.id.y==unique(group.id.y)[g]]))
        tau.group <- (zeta.1.group + delta.0.group + zeta.0.group + delta.1.group)/2
        nu.0.group <- delta.0.group/tau.group
        nu.1.group <- delta.1.group/tau.group
        delta.avg.group <- (delta.1.group + delta.0.group)/2
        zeta.avg.group <- (zeta.1.group + zeta.0.group)/2
        nu.avg.group <- (nu.1.group + nu.0.group)/2
        d0.group <- apply(delta.0.group,1,mean)			# mediation effect
        d1.group <- apply(delta.1.group,1,mean)
        z1.group <- apply(zeta.1.group,1,mean)			# direct effect
        z0.group <- apply(zeta.0.group,1,mean)
        tau.coef.group <- apply(tau.group,1,mean)		# total effect
        n0.group <- apply(nu.0.group,1,median)
        n1.group <- apply(nu.1.group,1,median)
        d.avg.group <- (d0.group + d1.group)/2
        z.avg.group <- (z0.group + z1.group)/2
        n.avg.group <- (n0.group + n1.group)/2
      ## Case I-2: Nonparametric Bootstrap
    } else {
      # Error if lmer or glmer 
      if(isMer.m | isMer.y){
        stop("'boot' must be 'FALSE' for models used")
      Call.M <- getCall(model.m)
      Call.Y <- getCall(model.y)
      # Storage
      delta.1 <- matrix(NA, sims, 1)
      delta.0 <- matrix(NA, sims, 1)
      zeta.1 <- matrix(NA, sims, 1)
      zeta.0 <- matrix(NA, sims, 1)
      tau <- matrix(NA, sims, 1)
      # Bootstrap loop begins
      for(b in 1:(sims+1)){
        index <- sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)
        if(b == sims+1){  # in the final run, use the original data
          index <- 1:n
          if(ncol(model.m$y) > 2){
            stop("unsupported censoring type")
          mname <- names(m.data)[1]
          if(substr(mname, 1, 4) != "Surv"){
            stop("refit the survival model with `Surv' used directly in model formula")
          nc <- nchar(mediator)
          eventname <- substr(mname, 5 + nc + 3, nchar(mname) - 1)
          if(nchar(eventname) == 0){
            m.data.tmp <- data.frame(m.data,
            names(m.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(m.data)+1)] <- c(mname, mediator)
          } else {
            m.data.tmp <- data.frame(m.data,
            names(m.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(m.data)+(1:2))] <- c(mname, mediator, eventname)
          Call.M$data <- m.data.tmp[index,]
        } else {
          Call.M$data <- m.data[index,]
          if(ncol(model.y$y) > 2){
            stop("unsupported censoring type")
          yname <- names(y.data)[1]
          if(substr(yname, 1, 4) != "Surv"){
            stop("refit the survival model with `Surv' used directly in model formula")
            stop("`outcome' must be supplied for survreg outcome with boot")
          nc <- nchar(outcome)
          eventname <- substr(yname, 5 + nc + 3, nchar(yname) - 1)
          if(nchar(eventname) == 0){
            y.data.tmp <- data.frame(y.data,
            names(y.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(y.data)+1)] <- c(yname, outcome)
          } else {
            y.data.tmp <- data.frame(y.data,
            names(y.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(y.data)+(1:2))] <- c(yname, outcome, eventname)
          Call.Y$data <- y.data.tmp[index,]
        } else {
          Call.Y$data <- y.data[index,]
        Call.M$weights <- m.data[index,"(weights)"]
        Call.Y$weights  <- y.data[index,"(weights)"]
        if(isOrdered.m && length(unique(y.data[index,mediator]))!=m){
          stop("insufficient variation on mediator")
        # Refit Models with Resampled Data
        new.fit.M <- eval.parent(Call.M)
        new.fit.Y <- eval.parent(Call.Y)
        #  Mediator Predictions
        pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- m.data
          pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.1, levels = t.levels)
          pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.0, levels = t.levels)
        } else {
          pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.1
          pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.0
          for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
            vl <- names(covariates[p])
              pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(m.data[,vl]))
            } else {
              pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
        ### Case I-2-a: GLM Mediator (including GAMs)
          muM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response", newdata=pred.data.t)
          muM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response", newdata=pred.data.c)
          if(FamilyM == "poisson"){
            PredictM1 <- rpois(n, lambda = muM1)
            PredictM0 <- rpois(n, lambda = muM0)
          } else if (FamilyM == "Gamma") {
            shape <- gamma.shape(new.fit.M)$alpha
            PredictM1 <- rgamma(n, shape = shape, scale = muM1/shape)
            PredictM0 <- rgamma(n, shape = shape, scale = muM0/shape)
          } else if (FamilyM == "binomial"){
            PredictM1 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = muM1)
            PredictM0 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = muM0)
          } else if (FamilyM == "gaussian"){
            sigma <- sqrt(summary(new.fit.M)$dispersion)
            error <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
            PredictM1 <- muM1 + error
            PredictM0 <- muM0 + error
          } else if (FamilyM == "inverse.gaussian"){
            disp <- summary(new.fit.M)$dispersion
            PredictM1 <- SuppDists::rinvGauss(n, nu = muM1, lambda = 1/disp)
            PredictM0 <- SuppDists::rinvGauss(n, nu = muM0, lambda = 1/disp)
          } else {
            stop("unsupported glm family")
          ### Case I-2-b: Ordered Mediator
        } else if(isOrdered.m) {
          probs_m1 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.t, type="probs")
          probs_m0 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.c, type="probs")
          draws_m1 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
          draws_m0 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
          for(ii in 1:n){
            draws_m1[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m1[ii,]))
            draws_m0[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m0[ii,]))
          PredictM1 <- apply(draws_m1, 1, indexmax)
          PredictM0 <- apply(draws_m0, 1, indexmax)
          ### Case I-2-c: Quantile Regression for Mediator
        } else if(isRq.m){
          # Use inverse transform sampling to predict M
          call.new <- new.fit.M$call
          call.new$tau <- runif(n)
          newfits <- eval.parent(call.new)
          tt <- delete.response(terms(new.fit.M))
          m.t <- model.frame(tt, pred.data.t, xlev = new.fit.M$xlevels)
          m.c <- model.frame(tt, pred.data.c, xlev = new.fit.M$xlevels)
          X.t <- model.matrix(tt, m.t, contrasts = new.fit.M$contrasts)
          X.c <- model.matrix(tt, m.c, contrasts = new.fit.M$contrasts)
          rm(tt, m.t, m.c)
          PredictM1 <- rowSums(X.t * t(newfits$coefficients))
          PredictM0 <- rowSums(X.c * t(newfits$coefficients))
          rm(newfits, X.t, X.c)
          ### Case I-2-d: Linear
        } else if(isLm.m){
          sigma <- summary(new.fit.M)$sigma
          error <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
          PredictM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response",
                               newdata=pred.data.t) + error
          PredictM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response",
                               newdata=pred.data.c) + error
          ### Case I-2-e: Survreg
        } else if(isSurvreg.m){
          dd <- survival::survreg.distributions[[new.fit.M$dist]]
          if (is.null(dd$itrans)){
            itrans <- function(x) x
          } else {
            itrans <- dd$itrans
          dname <- dd$dist
            dname <- new.fit.M$dist
          scale <- new.fit.M$scale
          lpM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.t, type="linear")
          lpM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.c, type="linear")
          error <- switch(dname,
                          extreme = log(rweibull(n, shape=1, scale=1)),
                          gaussian = rnorm(n),
                          logistic = rlogis(n),
                          t = rt(n, df=dd$parms))
          PredictM1 <- as.numeric(itrans(lpM1 + scale * error))
          PredictM0 <- as.numeric(itrans(lpM0 + scale * error))
        } else {
          stop("mediator model is not yet implemented")
        #  Outcome Predictions
        effects.tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 4)
        for(e in 1:4){
          tt <- switch(e, c(1,1,1,0), c(0,0,1,0), c(1,0,1,1), c(1,0,0,0))
          pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- y.data
            for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
              vl <- names(covariates[p])
                pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(y.data[,vl]))
              } else {
                pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
          # Set treatment values
          cat.t <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.1, cat.0)
          cat.c <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.1, cat.0)
          cat.t.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.0, cat.1)
          cat.c.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.0, cat.1)
            pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.t, levels = t.levels)
            pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.c, levels = t.levels)
              pred.data.t[,control] <- factor(cat.t.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
              pred.data.c[,control] <- factor(cat.c.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.t
            pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.c
              pred.data.t[,control] <- cat.t.ctrl
              pred.data.c[,control] <- cat.c.ctrl
          # Set mediator values
          PredictM1.tmp <- PredictM1
          PredictM0.tmp <- PredictM0
          PredictMt <- PredictM1 * tt[3] + PredictM0 * (1 - tt[3])
          PredictMc <- PredictM1 * tt[4] + PredictM0 * (1 - tt[4])
          if(isFactorM) {
            pred.data.t[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMt, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
            pred.data.c[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMc, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,mediator] <- PredictMt
            pred.data.c[,mediator] <- PredictMc
            pr.1 <- predict(new.fit.Y, type="response",
                            newdata=pred.data.t, interval="none")
            pr.0 <- predict(new.fit.Y, type="response",
                            newdata=pred.data.c, interval="none")
          } else {
            pr.1 <- predict(new.fit.Y, type="response",
            pr.0 <- predict(new.fit.Y, type="response",
          pr.mat <- as.matrix(cbind(pr.1, pr.0))
          effects.tmp[,e] <- pr.mat[,1] - pr.mat[,2]
          rm(pred.data.t, pred.data.c, pr.1, pr.0, pr.mat)
        # Compute all QoIs
        if(b == sims+1){
          d1 <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,1], weights)
          d0 <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,2], weights)
          z1 <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,3], weights)
          z0 <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,4], weights)
        } else {
          delta.1[b] <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,1], weights)
          delta.0[b] <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,2], weights)
          zeta.1[b] <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,3], weights)
          zeta.0[b] <- weighted.mean(effects.tmp[,4], weights)
      }  # bootstrap loop ends
      tau.coef <- (d1 + d0 + z1 + z0)/2
      n0 <- d0/tau.coef
      n1 <- d1/tau.coef
      d.avg <- (d1 + d0)/2
      z.avg <- (z1 + z0)/2
      n.avg <- (n0 + n1)/2
      tau <- (delta.1 + delta.0 + zeta.1 + zeta.0)/2
      nu.0 <- delta.0/tau
      nu.1 <- delta.1/tau
      delta.avg <- (delta.0 + delta.1)/2
      zeta.avg <- (zeta.0 + zeta.1)/2
      nu.avg <- (nu.0 + nu.1)/2
    }  # nonpara boot branch ends
    ## Compute Outputs and Put Them Together
    low <- (1 - conf.level)/2
    high <- 1 - low

    if (boot & boot.ci.type == "bca"){
        BC.CI <- function(theta){
            z.inv <- length(theta[theta < mean(theta)])/sims
            z <- qnorm(z.inv)
            U <- (sims - 1) * (mean(theta) - theta)
            top <- sum(U^3)
            under <- 6 * (sum(U^2))^{3/2}
            a <- top / under
            lower.inv <-  pnorm(z + (z + qnorm(low))/(1 - a * (z + qnorm(low))))
            lower2 <- lower <- quantile(theta, lower.inv)
            upper.inv <-  pnorm(z + (z + qnorm(high))/(1 - a * (z + qnorm(high))))
            upper2 <- upper <- quantile(theta, upper.inv)
            return(c(lower, upper))      
        d0.ci <- BC.CI(delta.0)
        d1.ci <- BC.CI(delta.1)
        tau.ci <- BC.CI(tau)
        z1.ci <- BC.CI(zeta.1)
        z0.ci <- BC.CI(zeta.0)
        n0.ci <- BC.CI(nu.0)
        n1.ci <- BC.CI(nu.1)
        d.avg.ci <- BC.CI(delta.avg)
        z.avg.ci <- BC.CI(zeta.avg)
        n.avg.ci <- BC.CI(nu.avg)
    } else {
        d0.ci <- quantile(delta.0, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        d1.ci <- quantile(delta.1, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        tau.ci <- quantile(tau, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        z1.ci <- quantile(zeta.1, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        z0.ci <- quantile(zeta.0, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        n0.ci <- quantile(nu.0, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        n1.ci <- quantile(nu.1, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        d.avg.ci <- quantile(delta.avg, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        z.avg.ci <- quantile(zeta.avg, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
        n.avg.ci <- quantile(nu.avg, c(low,high), na.rm=TRUE)
    # p-values
    d0.p <- pval(delta.0, d0)
    d1.p <- pval(delta.1, d1)
    d.avg.p <- pval(delta.avg, d.avg)
    z0.p <- pval(zeta.0, z0)
    z1.p <- pval(zeta.1, z1)
    z.avg.p <- pval(zeta.avg, z.avg)        
    n0.p <- pval(nu.0, n0)
    n1.p <- pval(nu.1, n1)
    n.avg.p <- pval(nu.avg, n.avg)
    tau.p <- pval(tau, tau.coef)
    if(isMer.y | isMer.m){
      d0.ci.group <- t(apply(delta.0.group,1,QUANT))
      d1.ci.group <- t(apply(delta.1.group,1,QUANT))
      tau.ci.group <- t(apply(tau.group,1,QUANT))
      z1.ci.group <- t(apply(zeta.1.group,1,QUANT))
      z0.ci.group <- t(apply(zeta.0.group,1,QUANT))
      n0.ci.group <- t(apply(nu.0.group,1,QUANT))
      n1.ci.group <- t(apply(nu.1.group,1,QUANT))
      d.avg.ci.group <- t(apply(delta.avg.group,1,QUANT))
      z.avg.ci.group <- t(apply(zeta.avg.group,1,QUANT))
      n.avg.ci.group <- t(apply(nu.avg.group,1,QUANT))
      for (g in 1:G){
        d0.p.group[g] <- pval(delta.0.group[g,], d0.group[g])
        d1.p.group[g] <- pval(delta.1.group[g,], d1.group[g])
        d.avg.p.group[g] <- pval(delta.avg.group[g,], d.avg.group[g])
        z0.p.group[g] <- pval(zeta.0.group[g,], z0.group[g])
        z1.p.group[g] <- pval(zeta.1.group[g,], z1.group[g])
        z.avg.p.group[g] <- pval(zeta.avg.group[g,], z.avg.group[g])        
        n0.p.group[g] <- pval(nu.0.group[g,], n0.group[g])
        n1.p.group[g] <- pval(nu.1.group[g,], n1.group[g])
        n.avg.p.group[g] <- pval(nu.avg.group[g,], n.avg.group[g])
        tau.p.group[g] <- pval(tau.group[g,], tau.coef.group[g])
    # Detect whether models include T-M interaction
    INT <- paste(treat,mediator,sep=":") %in% attr(terms(model.y),"term.labels") |
      paste(mediator,treat,sep=":") %in% attr(terms(model.y),"term.labels")
    if(!INT & isGam.y){
      INT <- !isTRUE(all.equal(d0, d1))  # if gam, determine empirically
    if(long && !isMer.y && !isMer.m) {
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  d0.sims=delta.0, d1.sims=delta.1,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  z0.sims=zeta.0, z1.sims=zeta.1,
                  n0=n0, n1=n1, n0.ci=n0.ci, n1.ci=n1.ci,
                  n0.p=n0.p, n1.p=n1.p,
                  n0.sims=nu.0, n1.sims=nu.1,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  d.avg=d.avg, d.avg.p=d.avg.p, d.avg.ci=d.avg.ci, d.avg.sims=delta.avg,
                  z.avg=z.avg, z.avg.p=z.avg.p, z.avg.ci=z.avg.ci, z.avg.sims=zeta.avg,
                  n.avg=n.avg, n.avg.p=n.avg.p, n.avg.ci=n.avg.ci, n.avg.sims=nu.avg,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value,
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)
      class(out) <- "mediate"
    if(!long && !isMer.y && !isMer.m){
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  n0=n0, n1=n1, n0.ci=n0.ci, n1.ci=n1.ci,
                  n0.p=n0.p, n1.p=n1.p,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  d.avg=d.avg, d.avg.p=d.avg.p, d.avg.ci=d.avg.ci,
                  z.avg=z.avg, z.avg.p=z.avg.p, z.avg.ci=z.avg.ci,
                  n.avg=n.avg, n.avg.p=n.avg.p, n.avg.ci=n.avg.ci,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value,
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)
      class(out) <- "mediate"
    if(long && (isMer.y || isMer.m)) {
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  d0.sims=delta.0, d1.sims=delta.1,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  z0.sims=zeta.0, z1.sims=zeta.1,
                  n0=n0, n1=n1, n0.ci=n0.ci, n1.ci=n1.ci,
                  n0.p=n0.p, n1.p=n1.p,
                  n0.sims=nu.0, n1.sims=nu.1,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  d.avg=d.avg, d.avg.p=d.avg.p, d.avg.ci=d.avg.ci, d.avg.sims=delta.avg,
                  z.avg=z.avg, z.avg.p=z.avg.p, z.avg.ci=z.avg.ci, z.avg.sims=zeta.avg,
                  n.avg=n.avg, n.avg.p=n.avg.p, n.avg.ci=n.avg.ci, n.avg.sims=nu.avg,
                  d0.group=d0.group, d1.group=d1.group, d0.ci.group=d0.ci.group, d1.ci.group=d1.ci.group,
                  d0.p.group=d0.p.group, d1.p.group=d1.p.group,
                  d0.sims.group=delta.0.group, d1.sims.group=delta.1.group,
                  z0.group=z0.group, z1.group=z1.group, z0.ci.group=z0.ci.group, z1.ci.group=z1.ci.group,
                  z0.p.group=z0.p.group, z1.p.group=z1.p.group,
                  z0.sims.group=zeta.0.group, z1.sims.group=zeta.1.group,
                  n0.group=n0.group, n1.group=n1.group, n0.ci.group=n0.ci.group, n1.ci.group=n1.ci.group,
                  n0.p.group=n0.p.group, n1.p.group=n1.p.group,
                  n0.sims.group=nu.0.group, n1.sims.group=nu.1.group,
                  tau.coef.group=tau.coef.group, tau.ci.group=tau.ci.group, tau.p.group=tau.p.group,
                  d.avg.group=d.avg.group, d.avg.p.group=d.avg.p.group, d.avg.ci.group=d.avg.ci.group, d.avg.sims.group=delta.avg.group,
                  z.avg.group=z.avg.group, z.avg.p.group=z.avg.p.group, z.avg.ci.group=z.avg.ci.group, z.avg.sims.group=zeta.avg.group,
                  n.avg.group=n.avg.group, n.avg.p.group=n.avg.p.group, n.avg.ci.group=n.avg.ci.group, n.avg.sims.group=nu.avg.group,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value,
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)  
      class(out) <- "mediate.mer"
    if(!long && (isMer.y || isMer.m)){
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  n0=n0, n1=n1, n0.ci=n0.ci, n1.ci=n1.ci,
                  n0.p=n0.p, n1.p=n1.p,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  d.avg=d.avg, d.avg.p=d.avg.p, d.avg.ci=d.avg.ci,
                  z.avg=z.avg, z.avg.p=z.avg.p, z.avg.ci=z.avg.ci,
                  n.avg=n.avg, n.avg.p=n.avg.p, n.avg.ci=n.avg.ci,
                  d0.group=d0.group, d1.group=d1.group, d0.ci.group=d0.ci.group, d1.ci.group=d1.ci.group,
                  d0.p.group=d0.p.group, d1.p.group=d1.p.group,
                  z0.group=z0.group, z1.group=z1.group, z0.ci.group=z0.ci.group, z1.ci.group=z1.ci.group,
                  z0.p.group=z0.p.group, z1.p.group=z1.p.group,
                  n0.group=n0.group, n1.group=n1.group, n0.ci.group=n0.ci.group, n1.ci.group=n1.ci.group,
                  n0.p.group=n0.p.group, n1.p.group=n1.p.group,
                  tau.coef.group=tau.coef.group, tau.ci.group=tau.ci.group, tau.p.group=tau.p.group,
                  d.avg.group=d.avg.group, d.avg.p.group=d.avg.p.group, d.avg.ci.group=d.avg.ci.group,
                  z.avg.group=z.avg.group, z.avg.p.group=z.avg.p.group, z.avg.ci.group=z.avg.ci.group,
                  n.avg.group=n.avg.group, n.avg.p.group=n.avg.p.group, n.avg.ci.group=n.avg.ci.group,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value,
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)
      class(out) <- "mediate.mer"
  } else {
    if(boot != TRUE){
      warning("ordered outcome model can only be used with nonparametric bootstrap - option forced")
      boot <- TRUE
      stop("merMod class is not supported for ordered outcome")
    n.ycat <- length(unique(model.response(y.data)))
    # Storage
    delta.1 <- matrix(NA, sims, n.ycat)
    delta.0 <- matrix(NA, sims, n.ycat)
    zeta.1 <- matrix(NA, sims, n.ycat)
    zeta.0 <- matrix(NA, sims, n.ycat)
    tau <- matrix(NA, sims, n.ycat)
    # Bootstrap loop begins
    for(b in 1:(sims+1)){
      # Resampling Step
      index <- sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)
      if(b == sims + 1){  # use original data for the last iteration
        index <- 1:n
      Call.M <- model.m$call
      Call.Y <- model.y$call
        if(ncol(model.m$y) > 2){
          stop("unsupported censoring type")
        mname <- names(m.data)[1]
        if(substr(mname, 1, 4) != "Surv"){
          stop("refit the survival model with `Surv' used directly in model formula")
        nc <- nchar(mediator)
        eventname <- substr(mname, 5 + nc + 3, nchar(mname) - 1)
        if(nchar(eventname) == 0){
          m.data.tmp <- data.frame(m.data,
          names(m.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(m.data)+1)] <- c(mname, mediator)
        } else {
          m.data.tmp <- data.frame(m.data,
          names(m.data.tmp)[c(1L, ncol(m.data)+(1:2))] <- c(mname, mediator, eventname)
        Call.M$data <- m.data.tmp[index,]
      } else {
        Call.M$data <- m.data[index,]
      Call.Y$data <- y.data[index,]
      Call.M$weights <- m.data[index,"(weights)"]
      Call.Y$weights  <- y.data[index,"(weights)"]
      new.fit.M <- eval.parent(Call.M)
      new.fit.Y <- eval.parent(Call.Y)
      if(isOrdered.m && length(unique(y.data[index,mediator]))!=m){
        # Modify the coefficients when mediator has empty cells
        coefnames.y <- names(model.y$coefficients)
        coefnames.new.y <- names(new.fit.Y$coefficients)
        new.fit.Y.coef <- rep(0, length(coefnames.y))
        names(new.fit.Y.coef) <- coefnames.y
        new.fit.Y.coef[coefnames.new.y] <- new.fit.Y$coefficients
        new.fit.Y$coefficients <- new.fit.Y.coef
      # Mediator Predictions
      pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- m.data
        pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.1, levels = t.levels)
        pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.0, levels = t.levels)
      } else {
        pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.1
        pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.0
        for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
          vl <- names(covariates[p])
            pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(m.data[,vl]))
          } else {
            pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
      ### Case II-a: GLM Mediator (including GAMs)
        muM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response", newdata=pred.data.t)
        muM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response", newdata=pred.data.c)
        if(FamilyM == "poisson"){
          PredictM1 <- rpois(n, lambda = muM1)
          PredictM0 <- rpois(n, lambda = muM0)
        } else if (FamilyM == "Gamma") {
          shape <- gamma.shape(model.m)$alpha
          PredictM1 <- rgamma(n, shape = shape, scale = muM1/shape)
          PredictM0 <- rgamma(n, shape = shape, scale = muM0/shape)
        } else if (FamilyM == "binomial"){
          PredictM1 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = muM1)
          PredictM0 <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = muM0)
        } else if (FamilyM == "gaussian"){
          sigma <- sqrt(summary(model.m)$dispersion)
          error <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
          PredictM1 <- muM1 + error
          PredictM0 <- muM0 + error
        } else if (FamilyM == "inverse.gaussian"){
          disp <- summary(model.m)$dispersion
          PredictM1 <- SuppDists::rinvGauss(n, nu = muM1, lambda = 1/disp)
          PredictM0 <- SuppDists::rinvGauss(n, nu = muM0, lambda = 1/disp)
        } else {
          stop("unsupported glm family")
        ### Case II-b: Ordered Mediator
      } else if(isOrdered.m) {
        probs_m1 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="probs", newdata=pred.data.t)
        probs_m0 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="probs", newdata=pred.data.c)
        draws_m1 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
        draws_m0 <- matrix(NA, n, m)
        for(ii in 1:n){
          draws_m1[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m1[ii,]))
          draws_m0[ii,] <- t(rmultinom(1, 1, prob = probs_m0[ii,]))
        PredictM1 <- apply(draws_m1, 1, indexmax)
        PredictM0 <- apply(draws_m0, 1, indexmax)
        ### Case II-c: Quantile Regression for Mediator
      } else if(isRq.m){
        # Use inverse transform sampling to predict M
        call.new <- new.fit.M$call
        call.new$tau <- runif(n)
        newfits <- eval.parent(call.new)
        tt <- delete.response(terms(new.fit.M))
        m.t <- model.frame(tt, pred.data.t, xlev = new.fit.M$xlevels)
        m.c <- model.frame(tt, pred.data.c, xlev = new.fit.M$xlevels)
        X.t <- model.matrix(tt, m.t, contrasts = new.fit.M$contrasts)
        X.c <- model.matrix(tt, m.c, contrasts = new.fit.M$contrasts)
        rm(tt, m.t, m.c)
        PredictM1 <- rowSums(X.t * t(newfits$coefficients))
        PredictM0 <- rowSums(X.c * t(newfits$coefficients))
        rm(newfits, X.t, X.c)
        ### Case II-d: Linear
      } else if(isLm.m){
        sigma <- summary(new.fit.M)$sigma
        error <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sigma)
        PredictM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response",
                             newdata=pred.data.t) + error
        PredictM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, type="response",
                             newdata=pred.data.c) + error
        ### Case I-2-e: Survreg
      } else if(isSurvreg.m){
        dd <- survival::survreg.distributions[[new.fit.M$dist]]
        if (is.null(dd$itrans)){
          itrans <- function(x) x
        } else {
          itrans <- dd$itrans
        dname <- dd$dist
          dname <- new.fit.M$dist
        scale <- new.fit.M$scale
        lpM1 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.t, type="linear")
        lpM0 <- predict(new.fit.M, newdata=pred.data.c, type="linear")
        error <- switch(dname,
                        extreme = log(rweibull(n, shape=1, scale=1)),
                        gaussian = rnorm(n),
                        logistic = rlogis(n),
                        t = rt(n, df=dd$parms))
        PredictM1 <- as.numeric(itrans(lpM1 + scale * error))
        PredictM0 <- as.numeric(itrans(lpM0 + scale * error))
      } else {
        stop("mediator model is not yet implemented")
      #  Outcome Predictions
      effects.tmp <- array(NA, dim = c(n, n.ycat, 4))
      for(e in 1:4){
        tt <- switch(e, c(1,1,1,0), c(0,0,1,0), c(1,0,1,1), c(1,0,0,0))
        pred.data.t <- pred.data.c <- y.data
          for(p in 1:length(covariates)){
            vl <- names(covariates[p])
              pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- factor(covariates[[p]], levels = levels(y.data[,vl]))
            } else {
              pred.data.t[,vl] <- pred.data.c[,vl] <- covariates[[p]]
        # Set treatment values
        cat.t <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.1, cat.0)
        cat.c <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.1, cat.0)
        cat.t.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[1], cat.0, cat.1)
        cat.c.ctrl <- ifelse(tt[2], cat.0, cat.1)
          pred.data.t[,treat] <- factor(cat.t, levels = t.levels)
          pred.data.c[,treat] <- factor(cat.c, levels = t.levels)
            pred.data.t[,control] <- factor(cat.t.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
            pred.data.c[,control] <- factor(cat.c.ctrl, levels = t.levels)
        } else {
          pred.data.t[,treat] <- cat.t
          pred.data.c[,treat] <- cat.c
            pred.data.t[,control] <- cat.t.ctrl
            pred.data.c[,control] <- cat.c.ctrl
        # Set mediator values
        PredictM1.tmp <- PredictM1
        PredictM0.tmp <- PredictM0
        PredictMt <- PredictM1 * tt[3] + PredictM0 * (1 - tt[3])
        PredictMc <- PredictM1 * tt[4] + PredictM0 * (1 - tt[4])
        if(isFactorM) {
          pred.data.t[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMt, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
          pred.data.c[,mediator] <- factor(PredictMc, levels=1:m, labels=m.levels)
        } else {
          pred.data.t[,mediator] <- PredictMt
          pred.data.c[,mediator] <- PredictMc
        probs_p1 <- predict(new.fit.Y, newdata=pred.data.t, type="probs")
        probs_p0 <- predict(new.fit.Y, newdata=pred.data.c, type="probs")
        effects.tmp[,,e] <- probs_p1 - probs_p0
        rm(pred.data.t, pred.data.c, probs_p1, probs_p0)
      # Compute all QoIs
      if(b == sims+1){
        d1 <- apply(effects.tmp[,,1], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        d0 <- apply(effects.tmp[,,2], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        z1 <- apply(effects.tmp[,,3], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        z0 <- apply(effects.tmp[,,4], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
      } else {
        delta.1[b,] <- apply(effects.tmp[,,1], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        delta.0[b,] <- apply(effects.tmp[,,2], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        zeta.1[b,] <- apply(effects.tmp[,,3], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
        zeta.0[b,] <- apply(effects.tmp[,,4], 2, weighted.mean, w=weights)
    }  # Bootstrap loop ends
    tau.coef <- (d1 + d0 + z1 + z0)/2
    tau <- (zeta.1 + zeta.0 + delta.0 + delta.1)/2
    ## Compute Outputs and Put Them Together
    low <- (1 - conf.level)/2
    high <- 1 - low

    if(boot.ci.type == "bca"){
        BC.CI <- function(theta){
            z.inv <- length(theta[theta < mean(theta)])/sims
            z <- qnorm(z.inv)
            U <- (sims - 1) * (mean(theta) - theta)
            top <- sum(U^3)
            under <- 6 * (sum(U^2))^{3/2}
            a <- top / under
            lower.inv <-  pnorm(z + (z + qnorm(low))/(1 - a * (z + qnorm(low))))
            lower2 <- lower <- quantile(theta, lower.inv)
            upper.inv <-  pnorm(z + (z + qnorm(high))/(1 - a * (z + qnorm(high))))
            upper2 <- upper <- quantile(theta, upper.inv)
            return(c(lower, upper))      
        d0.ci <- BC.CI(delta.0)
        d1.ci <- BC.CI(delta.1)
        tau.ci <- BC.CI(tau)
        z1.ci <- BC.CI(zeta.1)
        z0.ci <- BC.CI(zeta.0)
    } else {
        CI <- function(theta){
            return(quantile(theta, c(low, high), na.rm = TRUE))
        d0.ci <- apply(delta.0, 2, CI)
        d1.ci <- apply(delta.1, 2, CI)
        tau.ci <- apply(tau, 2, CI)
        z1.ci <- apply(zeta.1, 2, CI)
        z0.ci <- apply(zeta.0, 2, CI)
    # p-values
    d0.p <- d1.p <- z0.p <- z1.p <- tau.p <- rep(NA, n.ycat)
    for(i in 1:n.ycat){
      d0.p[i] <- pval(delta.0[,i], d0[i])
      d1.p[i] <- pval(delta.1[,i], d1[i])
      z0.p[i] <- pval(zeta.0[,i], z0[i])
      z1.p[i] <- pval(zeta.1[,i], z1[i])
      tau.p[i] <- pval(tau[,i], tau.coef[i])
    # Detect whether models include T-M interaction
    INT <- paste(treat,mediator,sep=":") %in% attr(model.y$terms,"term.labels") |
      paste(mediator,treat,sep=":") %in% attr(model.y$terms,"term.labels")
    if(long) {
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  d0.sims=delta.0, d1.sims=delta.1,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  z1.sims=zeta.1, z0.sims=zeta.0, tau.sims=tau,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value, 
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)
    } else {
      out <- list(d0=d0, d1=d1, d0.ci=d0.ci, d1.ci=d1.ci,
                  d0.p=d0.p, d1.p=d1.p,
                  tau.coef=tau.coef, tau.ci=tau.ci, tau.p=tau.p,
                  z0=z0, z1=z1, z0.ci=z0.ci, z1.ci=z1.ci,
                  z0.p=z0.p, z1.p=z1.p,
                  boot=boot, boot.ci.type=boot.ci.type,
                  treat=treat, mediator=mediator,
                  INT=INT, conf.level=conf.level,
                  model.y=model.y, model.m=model.m,
                  control.value=control.value, treat.value=treat.value, 
                  nobs=n, sims=sims, call=cl,
                  robustSE = robustSE, cluster = cluster)
    class(out) <- "mediate.order"

summary.mediate <- function(object, ...){
  structure(object, class = c("summary.mediate", class(object)))

print.summary.mediate <- function(x, ...){
  clp <- 100 * x$conf.level
  cat("Causal Mediation Analysis \n\n")
    if(x$boot.ci.type == "perc"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method\n\n")
    } else if(x$boot.ci.type == "bca"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the BCa Method\n\n") 
  } else {
    cat("Quasi-Bayesian Confidence Intervals\n\n")
    cat("(Inference Conditional on the Covariate Values Specified in `covariates')\n\n")
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) ||
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") )
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
  if (printone){
    # Print only one set of values if lmY/quanY/linear gamY without interaction
    smat <- c(x$d1, x$d1.ci, x$d1.p)
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0, x$z0.ci, x$z0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef, x$tau.ci, x$tau.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0, x$n0.ci, x$n0.p))
    rownames(smat) <- c("ACME", "ADE",
                        "Total Effect", "Prop. Mediated")
  } else {
    smat <- c(x$d0, x$d0.ci, x$d0.p)
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d1, x$d1.ci, x$d1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0, x$z0.ci, x$z0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z1, x$z1.ci, x$z1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef, x$tau.ci, x$tau.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0, x$n0.ci, x$n0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n1, x$n1.ci, x$n1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d.avg, x$d.avg.ci, x$d.avg.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z.avg, x$z.avg.ci, x$z.avg.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n.avg, x$n.avg.ci, x$n.avg.p))
    rownames(smat) <- c("ACME (control)", "ACME (treated)",
                        "ADE (control)", "ADE (treated)",
                        "Total Effect",
                        "Prop. Mediated (control)",
                        "Prop. Mediated (treated)",
                        "ACME (average)",
                        "ADE (average)",
                        "Prop. Mediated (average)")
  colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                      paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value")
  printCoefmat(smat, digits=5)
  cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
  cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")

summary.mediate.mer <- function(object, output=c("default","byeffect","bygroup"),...){
  output <- match.arg(output)
         default = structure(object, class = c("summary.mediate.mer", class(object))),
         byeffect = structure(object, class = c("summary.mediate.mer.2", class(object))),   
         bygroup = structure(object, class = c("summary.mediate.mer.3", class(object))))

print.summary.mediate.mer <- function(x,...){  
  clp <- 100 * x$conf.level
  cat("Causal Mediation Analysis \n\n")

    if(x$boot.ci.type == "perc"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method\n\n")
    } else if(x$boot.ci.type == "bca"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the BCa Method\n\n") 
  } else {
    cat("Quasi-Bayesian Confidence Intervals\n\n")
    cat("(Inference Conditional on the Covariate Values Specified in `covariates')\n\n")
  cat("Mediator Groups:", x$group.m,"\n\n")
  cat("Outcome Groups:", x$group.y,"\n\n")
  cat("Output Based on Overall Averages Across Groups","\n\n")
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) || # lm or quantile
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||      # glm normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") ||             # surv normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "merMod") &&
                       x$model.y@call[[1]] == "lmer") )          # lmer
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
    smat <- c(x$d1, x$d1.ci, x$d1.p)
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0, x$z0.ci, x$z0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef, x$tau.ci, x$tau.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0, x$n0.ci, x$n0.p))
    rownames(smat) <- c("ACME", "ADE",
                        "Total Effect", "Prop. Mediated")
    smat <- c(x$d0, x$d0.ci, x$d0.p)
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d1, x$d1.ci, x$d1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0, x$z0.ci, x$z0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z1, x$z1.ci, x$z1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef, x$tau.ci, x$tau.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0, x$n0.ci, x$n0.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n1, x$n1.ci, x$n1.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d.avg, x$d.avg.ci, x$d.avg.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z.avg, x$z.avg.ci, x$z.avg.p))
    smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n.avg, x$n.avg.ci, x$n.avg.p))
    rownames(smat) <- c("ACME (control)", "ACME (treated)",
                        "ADE (control)", "ADE (treated)",
                        "Total Effect",
                        "Prop. Mediated (control)",
                        "Prop. Mediated (treated)",
                        "ACME (average)",
                        "ADE (average)",
                        "Prop. Mediated (average)")
  colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                      paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value")
  printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
  cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
  cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
print.summary.mediate.mer.2 <- function(x,...){
  clp <- 100 * x$conf.level
  cat("Causal Mediation Analysis \n\n")
    if(x$boot.ci.type == "perc"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method\n\n")
    } else if(x$boot.ci.type == "bca"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the BCa Method\n\n") 
  } else {
    cat("Quasi-Bayesian Confidence Intervals\n\n")
    cat("(Inference Conditional on the Covariate Values Specified in `covariates')\n\n")
  cat("Mediator Groups:", x$group.m,"\n\n")
  cat("Outcome Groups:", x$group.y,"\n\n")
  cat("Output Based on", x$group.name,"\n\n")
    gname <- levels(x$group.id)
  } else {
    gname <- sort(unique(x$group.id))
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) || # lm or quantile
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||      # glm normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") ||             # surv normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "merMod") &&
                       x$model.y@call[[1]] == "lmer") )          # lmer
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    smat<-cbind(x$z0.group, x$z0.ci.group, x$z0.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Total Effect","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$tau.coef.group, x$tau.ci.group, x$tau.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Prop. Mediated","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$n0.group, x$n0.ci.group, x$n0.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
    cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
    cat("ACME (control)","\n\n")
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("ACME (treated)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$d1.group, x$d1.ci.group, x$d1.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("ADE (control)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$z0.group, x$z0.ci.group, x$z0.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("ADE (treated)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$z1.group, x$z1.ci.group, x$z1.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Total Effect","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$tau.coef.group, x$tau.ci.group, x$tau.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Prop. Mediated (control)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$n0.group, x$n0.ci.group, x$n0.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Prop. Mediated (treated)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$n1.group, x$n1.ci.group, x$n1.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("ACME (average)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$d.avg.group, x$d.avg.ci.group, x$d.avg.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("ADE (average)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$z.avg.group, x$z.avg.ci.group, x$z.avg.p.group)
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Prop. Mediated (average)","\n\n")
    smat<-cbind(x$n.avg.group, x$n.avg.ci.group, x$n.avg.p.group)   
    rownames(smat) <- gname
    colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                        paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value") 
    printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
    cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
print.summary.mediate.mer.3 <- function(x,...){
  clp <- 100 * x$conf.level
  cat("Causal Mediation Analysis \n\n")

    if(x$boot.ci.type == "perc"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method\n\n")
    } else if(x$boot.ci.type == "bca"){
      cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the BCa Method\n\n") 
  } else {
    cat("Quasi-Bayesian Confidence Intervals\n\n")
    cat("(Inference Conditional on the Covariate Values Specified in `covariates')\n\n")
  cat("Mediator Groups:", x$group.m,"\n\n")
  cat("Outcome Groups:", x$group.y,"\n\n")
  cat("Output Based on", x$group.name,"\n\n")
    gname <- levels(x$group.id)
  } else {
    gname <- sort(unique(x$group.id))
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) || # lm or quantile
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||      # glm normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") ||             # surv normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "merMod") &&
                       x$model.y@call[[1]] == "lmer") )          # lmer
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
    for (g in 1:G){  
      smat <- c(x$d0.group[g], x$d0.ci.group[g,], x$d0.p.group[g])
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0.group[g], x$z0.ci.group[g,], x$z0.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef.group[g], x$tau.ci.group[g,], x$tau.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0.group[g], x$n0.ci.group[g,], x$n0.p.group[g]))
      rownames(smat) <- c("ACME", 
                          "Total Effect",
                          "Prop. Mediated") 
      colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                          paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value")             
      printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
    cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
    for (g in 1:G){  
      smat <- c(x$d0.group[g], x$d0.ci.group[g,], x$d0.p.group[g])
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d1.group[g], x$d1.ci.group[g,], x$d1.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z0.group[g], x$z0.ci.group[g,], x$z0.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z1.group[g], x$z1.ci.group[g,], x$z1.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$tau.coef.group[g], x$tau.ci.group[g,], x$tau.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n0.group[g], x$n0.ci.group[g,], x$n0.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n1.group[g], x$n1.ci.group[g,], x$n1.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$d.avg.group[g], x$d.avg.ci.group[g,], x$d.avg.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$z.avg.group[g], x$z.avg.ci.group[g,], x$z.avg.p.group[g]))
      smat <- rbind(smat, c(x$n.avg.group[g], x$n.avg.ci.group[g,], x$n.avg.p.group[g]))   
      rownames(smat) <- c("ACME (control)", "ACME (treated)",
                          "ADE (control)", "ADE (treated)",
                          "Total Effect",
                          "Prop. Mediated (control)",
                          "Prop. Mediated (treated)",
                          "ACME (average)",
                          "ADE (average)",
                          "Prop. Mediated (average)") 
      colnames(smat) <- c("Estimate", paste(clp, "% CI Lower", sep=""),
                          paste(clp, "% CI Upper", sep=""), "p-value")             
      printCoefmat(smat, digits=3)
    cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
    cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
summary.mediate.order <- function(object, ...){
  structure(object, class = c("summary.mediate.order", class(object)))

print.summary.mediate.order <- function(x, ...){
  tab.d0 <- rbind(x$d0, x$d0.ci, x$d0.p)
  tab.d1 <- rbind(x$d1, x$d1.ci, x$d1.p)
  tab.z0 <- rbind(x$z0, x$z0.ci, x$z0.p)
  tab.z1 <- rbind(x$z1, x$z1.ci, x$z1.p)
  tab.tau <- rbind(x$tau.coef, x$tau.ci, x$tau.p)
  # Outcome Table Labels
  y.lab <- sort(unique(levels(model.frame(x$model.y)[,1])))
  out.names <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(y.lab)){
    out.names.tmp <- paste("Pr(Y=",y.lab[i],")",sep="")
    out.names <- c(out.names, out.names.tmp)
  # Label Tables
  rownames(tab.d0)[1] <- "ACME (control) "
  rownames(tab.d0)[4] <- "p-value "
  colnames(tab.d0) <- out.names
  rownames(tab.d1)[1] <- "ACME (treated) "
  rownames(tab.d1)[4] <- "p-value "
  colnames(tab.d1) <- out.names
  rownames(tab.z0)[1] <- "ADE (control)  "
  rownames(tab.z0)[4] <- "p-value "
  colnames(tab.z0) <- out.names
  rownames(tab.z1)[1] <- "ADE (treated)  "
  rownames(tab.z1)[4] <- "p-value "
  colnames(tab.z1) <- out.names
  rownames(tab.tau)[1] <- "Total Effect  "
  rownames(tab.tau)[4] <- "p-value "
  colnames(tab.tau) <- out.names
  cat("Causal Mediation Analysis \n\n")

  if(x$boot.ci.type == "perc"){
    cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method\n\n")
  } else if(x$boot.ci.type == "bca"){
    cat("Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the BCa Method\n\n") 
    cat("(Inference Conditional on the Covariate Values Specified in `covariates')\n\n")
  print(tab.d0, digits=3)
  print(tab.d1, digits=3)
  print(tab.z0, digits=3)
  print(tab.z1, digits=3)
  print(tab.tau, digits=3)
  cat("Sample Size Used:", x$nobs,"\n\n")
  cat("Simulations:", x$sims,"\n\n")
plot.process <- function(model) {
  coef.vec.1 <- c(model$d1, model$z1)
  lower.vec.1 <- c(model$d1.ci[1], model$z1.ci[1])
  upper.vec.1 <- c(model$d1.ci[2], model$z1.ci[2])
  tau.vec <- c(model$tau.coef,model$tau.ci[1],model$tau.ci[2])
  range.1 <- range(model$d1.ci[1], model$z1.ci[1],model$tau.ci[1],
                   model$d1.ci[2], model$z1.ci[2],model$tau.ci[2])
  coef.vec.0 <- c(model$d0, model$z0)
  lower.vec.0 <- c(model$d0.ci[1], model$z0.ci[1])
  upper.vec.0 <- c(model$d0.ci[2], model$z0.ci[2])
  range.0 <- range(model$d0.ci[1], model$z0.ci[1],model$tau.ci[1],
                   model$d0.ci[2], model$z0.ci[2],model$tau.ci[2])
  return(list(coef.vec.1=coef.vec.1, lower.vec.1=lower.vec.1,
              upper.vec.1=upper.vec.1, coef.vec.0=coef.vec.0,
              lower.vec.0=lower.vec.0, upper.vec.0=upper.vec.0, tau.vec=tau.vec,
              range.1=range.1, range.0=range.0))

plot.mediate <- function(x, treatment = NULL, labels = NULL,
                         effect.type = c("indirect","direct","total"),
                         xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                         main = NULL, lwd = 1.5, cex = .85,
                         col = "black", ...){
  # Determine which graph to plot
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) ||
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") )
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
  effect.type <- match.arg(effect.type, several.ok=TRUE)
  IND <- "indirect" %in% effect.type
  DIR <- "direct" %in% effect.type
  TOT <- "total" %in% effect.type
      treatment <- 1
    } else {
      treatment <- c(0,1)
  } else {
    treatment <- switch(treatment,
                        control = 0,
                        treated = 1,
                        both = c(0,1))
  param <- plot.process(x)
  y.axis <- (IND + DIR + TOT):1
  # Set xlim
    if(length(treatment) > 1) {
      xlim <- range(param$range.1, param$range.0) * 1.2
    } else if (treatment == 1){
      xlim <- param$range.1 * 1.2
    } else {
      xlim <- param$range.0 * 1.2
  # Set ylim
    ylim <- c(min(y.axis) - 0.5, max(y.axis) + 0.5)
  # Create blank plot first
  plot(rep(0,IND+DIR+TOT), y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
       yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, ...)
  # Set offset values depending on number of bars to plot
  if(length(treatment) == 1){
    adj <- 0
  } else {
    adj <- 0.05
  if(1 %in% treatment){
    if(IND && DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.1, y.axis[1:2] + adj, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1, y.axis[1:2] + adj, param$upper.vec.1, y.axis[1:2] + adj,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
    if(IND && !DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.1[1], y.axis[1] + adj, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1[1], y.axis[1] + adj, param$upper.vec.1[1], y.axis[1] + adj,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
    if(!IND && DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.1[2], y.axis[1] + adj, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1[2], y.axis[1] + adj, param$upper.vec.1[2], y.axis[1] + adj,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
  if(0 %in% treatment) {
    if(IND && DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.0, y.axis[1:2] - adj, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0, y.axis[1:2] - adj, param$upper.vec.0, y.axis[1:2] - adj,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
    if(IND && !DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.0[1], y.axis[1] - adj, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0[1], y.axis[1] - adj, param$upper.vec.0[1], y.axis[1] - adj,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
    if(!IND && DIR) {
      points(param$coef.vec.0[2], y.axis[1] - adj, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0[2], y.axis[1] - adj, param$upper.vec.0[2], y.axis[1] - adj,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
  if (TOT) {
    points(param$tau.vec[1], 1 , type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
    segments(param$tau.vec[2], 1 , param$tau.vec[3], 1 ,
             lwd = lwd, col = col)
    labels <- c("ACME","ADE","Total\nEffect")[c(IND,DIR,TOT)]
  axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

plot.process.mer <- function(model) {
  coef.vec.1 <- c(model$d1, model$z1)
  lower.vec.1 <- c(model$d1.ci[1], model$z1.ci[1])
  upper.vec.1 <- c(model$d1.ci[2], model$z1.ci[2])
  tau.vec <- c(model$tau.coef,model$tau.ci[1],model$tau.ci[2])
  range.1 <- range(model$d1.ci[1], model$z1.ci[1],model$tau.ci[1],
                   model$d1.ci[2], model$z1.ci[2],model$tau.ci[2])
  coef.vec.0 <- c(model$d0, model$z0)
  lower.vec.0 <- c(model$d0.ci[1], model$z0.ci[1])
  upper.vec.0 <- c(model$d0.ci[2], model$z0.ci[2])
  range.0 <- range(model$d0.ci[1], model$z0.ci[1],model$tau.ci[1],
                   model$d0.ci[2], model$z0.ci[2],model$tau.ci[2])
  coef.vec.0.group <- cbind(model$d0.group, model$z0.group)
  lower.vec.0.group <- cbind(model$d0.ci.group[,1], model$z0.ci.group[,1])
  upper.vec.0.group <- cbind(model$d0.ci.group[,2], model$z0.ci.group[,2])
  coef.vec.1.group <- cbind(model$d1.group, model$z1.group)
  lower.vec.1.group <- cbind(model$d1.ci.group[,1], model$z1.ci.group[,1])
  upper.vec.1.group <- cbind(model$d1.ci.group[,2], model$z1.ci.group[,2])
  tau.vec.group <- cbind(model$tau.coef.group, model$tau.ci.group[,1], model$tau.ci.group[,2])
  return(list(coef.vec.1=coef.vec.1, lower.vec.1=lower.vec.1,
              upper.vec.1=upper.vec.1, coef.vec.0=coef.vec.0,
              lower.vec.0=lower.vec.0, upper.vec.0=upper.vec.0, tau.vec=tau.vec,
              range.1=range.1, range.0=range.0,coef.vec.1.group=coef.vec.1.group, lower.vec.1.group=lower.vec.1.group,
              upper.vec.1.group=upper.vec.1.group, coef.vec.0.group=coef.vec.0.group,
              lower.vec.0.group=lower.vec.0.group, upper.vec.0.group=upper.vec.0.group, tau.vec.group=tau.vec.group))

plot.mediate.mer <- function(x, treatment = NULL, group.plots = FALSE,
                             ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < nplots, 
                             xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                             main = NULL, lwd = 1.5, cex = .85,
                             col = "black", ...){
  param <- plot.process.mer(x)
  isLinear.y <- (	(class(x$model.y)[1] %in% c("lm", "rq")) || # lm or quantile
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "glm") &&
                       x$model.y$family$family == "gaussian" &&
                       x$model.y$family$link == "identity") ||      # glm normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "survreg") &&
                       x$model.y$dist == "gaussian") ||             # surv normal
                    (inherits(x$model.y, "merMod") &&
                       x$model.y@call[[1]] == "lmer") )          # lmer
  printone <- !x$INT && isLinear.y
      treatment <- 1
    } else {
      treatment <- c(0,1)
  } else {
    treatment <- switch(treatment,
                        control = 0,
                        treated = 1,
                        both = c(0,1))
  nplots <- 1 + group.plots * (2 * length(treatment) + 1)  # n of plots necessary
    oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
  # 1. Summary plot for population effects
  labels = c("ACME","ADE","Total\nEffect")
  y.axis <- c(length(param$coef.vec.1):.5)
  y.axis <- y.axis + 1
    if(length(treatment) > 1) {
      xlim <- range(param$range.1, param$range.0) * 1.2
    } else if (treatment == 1){
      xlim <- param$range.1 * 1.2
    } else {
      xlim <- param$range.0 * 1.2
    ylim <- c(min(y.axis) -1- 0.5, max(y.axis) + 0.5)
  plot(param$coef.vec.1, y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
       yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, ...)
  if(length(treatment) == 1){
    adj <- 0
  } else {
    adj <- 0.05
  if(1 %in% treatment){
    points(param$coef.vec.1, y.axis + adj, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
    segments(param$lower.vec.1, y.axis + adj, param$upper.vec.1, y.axis + adj,
             lwd = lwd, col = col)
    points(param$tau.vec[1], 1, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
    segments(param$tau.vec[2], 1 , param$tau.vec[3], 1 ,
             lwd = lwd, col = col)
  if(0 %in% treatment) {
    points(param$coef.vec.0, y.axis - adj, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
    segments(param$lower.vec.0, y.axis - adj, param$upper.vec.0, y.axis - adj,
             lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
  y.axis.new <- c(3,2,1)
  axis(2, at = y.axis.new, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
  # 2. Group effects    
      labels <- levels(x$group.id)
    } else {
      labels = sort(unique(x$group.id))
    if(0 %in% treatment){
      y.axis <- c(length(param$coef.vec.0.group[,1]):.5)
      y.axis <- y.axis + 1
      xlim <- c(param$lower.vec.0.group[,1], param$coef.vec.0.group[,1], param$upper.vec.0.group[,1]) 
      MIN <- ifelse(min(xlim)>0, min(xlim)*0.9, min(xlim)*1.1)
      MAX <- ifelse(max(xlim)>0, max(xlim)*1.1, max(xlim)*0.9)
      xlim <- c(MIN, MAX)
      ylim <- c(min(y.axis), max(y.axis))
      plot(param$coef.vec.0.group[,1], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "ACME (control)", ...)
      points(param$coef.vec.0.group[,1], y.axis, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0.group[,1], y.axis, param$upper.vec.0.group[,1], y.axis,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
      axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
    if(1 %in% treatment){
      y.axis <- c(length(param$coef.vec.1.group[,1]):.5)
      y.axis <- y.axis + 1
      xlim <- c(param$lower.vec.1.group[,1], param$coef.vec.1.group[,1], param$upper.vec.1.group[,1])
      MIN <- ifelse(min(xlim)>0, min(xlim)*0.9, min(xlim)*1.1)
      MAX <- ifelse(max(xlim)>0, max(xlim)*1.1, max(xlim)*0.9)
      xlim <- c(MIN, MAX)
      ylim <- c(min(y.axis), max(y.axis))
      plot(param$coef.vec.1.group[,1], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = ifelse(printone, "ACME", "ACME (treated)"), ...)
      points(param$coef.vec.1.group[,1], y.axis, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1.group[,1], y.axis, param$upper.vec.1.group[,1], y.axis,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
      axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
    if(0 %in% treatment){
      y.axis <- c(length(param$coef.vec.0.group[,2]):.5)
      y.axis <- y.axis + 1
      xlim <- c(param$lower.vec.0.group[,2], param$coef.vec.0.group[,2], param$upper.vec.0.group[,2])
      MIN <- ifelse(min(xlim)>0, min(xlim)*0.9, min(xlim)*1.1)
      MAX <- ifelse(max(xlim)>0, max(xlim)*1.1, max(xlim)*0.9)
      xlim <- c(MIN, MAX)
      ylim <- c(min(y.axis), max(y.axis))
      plot(param$coef.vec.0.group[,2], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "ADE (control)", ...)
      points(param$coef.vec.0.group[,2], y.axis, type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0.group[,2], y.axis, param$upper.vec.0.group[,2], y.axis,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
      axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
    if(1 %in% treatment){
      y.axis <- c(length(param$coef.vec.1.group[,2]):.5)
      y.axis <- y.axis + 1
      xlim <- c(param$lower.vec.1.group[,2], param$coef.vec.1.group[,2], param$upper.vec.1.group[,2])
      MIN <- ifelse(min(xlim)>0, min(xlim)*0.9, min(xlim)*1.1)
      MAX <- ifelse(max(xlim)>0, max(xlim)*1.1, max(xlim)*0.9)
      xlim <- c(MIN, MAX)
      ylim <- c(min(y.axis), max(y.axis))
      plot(param$coef.vec.1.group[,2], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
           yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = ifelse(printone, "ADE", "ADE (treated)"), ...)
      points(param$coef.vec.1.group[,2], y.axis, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1.group[,2], y.axis, param$upper.vec.1.group[,2], y.axis,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
      axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
    y.axis <- c(length(param$tau.vec.group[,1]):.5)
    y.axis <- y.axis + 1
    xlim <- c(param$tau.vec.group[,1], param$tau.vec.group[,2], param$tau.vec.group[,3])
    MIN <- ifelse(min(xlim)>0, min(xlim)*0.9, min(xlim)*1.1)
    MAX <- ifelse(max(xlim)>0, max(xlim)*1.1, max(xlim)*0.9)
    xlim <- c(MIN, MAX)
    ylim <- c(min(y.axis), max(y.axis))
    plot(param$tau.vec.group[,1], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
         yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = "Total\nEffect", ...)
    points(param$tau.vec.group[,1], y.axis , type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
    segments(param$tau.vec.group[,2], y.axis , param$tau.vec.group[,3], y.axis ,
             lwd = lwd, col = col)
    axis(2, at = y.axis, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
    abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

plot.process.order <- function(model){
  length <- length(model$d1)
  coef.vec.1 <- lower.vec.1 <- upper.vec.1 <-
    coef.vec.0 <- lower.vec.0 <- upper.vec.0 <- matrix(NA,ncol=2,nrow=length)
  for(j in 1:length){
    coef.vec.1[j,] <- c(model$d1[j], model$z1[j])
    lower.vec.1[j,] <- c(model$d1.ci[1,j], model$z1.ci[1,j])
    upper.vec.1[j,] <- c(model$d1.ci[2,j], model$z1.ci[2,j])
    coef.vec.0[j,] <- c(model$d0[j], model$z0[j])
    lower.vec.0[j,] <- c(model$d0.ci[1,j], model$z0.ci[1,j])
    upper.vec.0[j,] <- c(model$d0.ci[2,j], model$z0.ci[2,j])
    tau.vec[j,] <- c(model$tau.coef[j], model$tau.ci[1,j], model$tau.ci[2,j])
  range.1 <- range(model$d1.ci[1,], model$z1.ci[1,],model$tau.ci[1,],
                   model$d1.ci[2,], model$z1.ci[2,],model$tau.ci[2,])
  range.0 <- range(model$d0.ci[1,], model$z0.ci[1,],model$tau.ci[1,],
                   model$d0.ci[2,], model$z0.ci[2,],model$tau.ci[2,])
  return(list(coef.vec.1=coef.vec.1, lower.vec.1=lower.vec.1,
              upper.vec.1=upper.vec.1, coef.vec.0=coef.vec.0,
              lower.vec.0=lower.vec.0, upper.vec.0=upper.vec.0,
              range.1=range.1, range.0=range.0, length=length))

plot.mediate.order <- function(x, treatment = NULL,
                               labels = c("ACME","ADE","Total\nEffect"),
                               xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                               main = NULL, lwd = 1.5, cex = .85,
                               col = "black", ...){
  # Determine which graph to plot
      treatment <- c(0,1)
    } else {
      treatment <- 1
  } else {
    treatment <- switch(treatment,
                        control = 0,
                        treated = 1,
                        both = c(0,1))
  param <- plot.process.order(x)
  y.axis <- c(ncol(param$coef.vec.1):.5)
  y.axis <- y.axis + 1
  # create indicator for y.axis, descending so labels go from top to bottom
  # Set xlim
    if(length(treatment) > 1) {
      xlim <- range(param$range.1, param$range.0) * 1.2
    } else if (treatment == 1){
      xlim <- param$range.1 * 1.2
    } else {
      xlim <- param$range.0 * 1.2
  # Set ylim
    ylim <- c(min(y.axis) - 1 - 0.5, max(y.axis) + 0.5)
  # Plot
  plot(param$coef.vec.1[1,], y.axis, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
       yaxt = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, main = main, ...)
  # Set offset values depending on number of bars to plot
  if(length(treatment) == 1){
    adj <- 0
  } else {
    adj <- 0.05
  if(1 %in% treatment){
    adj.1 <- adj * nrow(param$coef.vec.1)
    for(z in 1:nrow(param$coef.vec.1)){
      points(param$coef.vec.1[z,], y.axis + adj.1,
             type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.1[z,], y.axis + adj.1,
               param$upper.vec.1[z,], y.axis + adj.1,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
      points(param$tau.vec[z,1], 1 + adj.1 ,
             type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$tau.vec[z,2], 1 + adj.1 ,
               param$tau.vec[z,3], 1 + adj.1 ,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
      adj.1 <- adj.1 - 0.05
  if(0 %in% treatment) {
    adj.0 <- adj
    for(z in 1:nrow(param$coef.vec.0)){
      points(param$coef.vec.0[z,], y.axis - adj.0,
             type = "p", pch = 1, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$lower.vec.0[z,], y.axis - adj.0,
               param$upper.vec.0[z,], y.axis - adj.0,
               lwd = lwd, lty = 3, col = col)
      adj.0 <- adj.0 + 0.05
  if (treatment[1]==0 & length(treatment)==1){
    adj.1 <- adj * nrow(param$coef.vec.1)
    for(z in 1:nrow(param$tau.vec)){
      points(param$tau.vec[z,1], 1 + adj.1 ,
             type = "p", pch = 19, cex = cex, col = col)
      segments(param$tau.vec[z,2], 1 + adj.1 ,
               param$tau.vec[z,3], 1 +adj.1 ,
               lwd = lwd, col = col)
      adj.1 <- adj.1 - 0.05
  y.axis.new <- c(3,2,1)
  axis(2, at = y.axis.new, labels = labels, las = 1, tick = TRUE, ...)
  abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

pval <- function(x, xhat){
  ## Compute p-values
  if (xhat == 0) out <- 1
  else {
    out <- 2 * min(sum(x > 0), sum(x < 0)) / length(x)
  return(min(out, 1))
carter-allen/mediation documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 8:45 a.m.