
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#' An S4 class to represent distribution fitting.
#' @slot observation Raw data input containing loss sizes for severity analysis and number of losses for frequency analysis.
#' @slot fitdata Processed data for distribution fitting. Frequency data may be provided as occurrence dates. The class will transform them into frequency data before distribution fitting.
#' @slot trend Index object for detrending the data.
#' @slot startDate Start date of claim data used for distribution fitting. The trend Index should also start from the same date (year-month).
#' @slot endDate End date of claim data used for distribution fitting.
#' @slot trail Trial Distribution object to start fitting.
#' @slot fitted Fitted Distribution object.
#' @slot reportLag Report lag distribution to adjust frequency data.
#' @slot iLag Whether to adjust the frequency data with report lag distribution.
#' @slot method Distribution fitting method. Maximum likelihood estimation (mle), moment matching estimation(mme) and quantile matching estimation(qme) are available.
#' @slot probs A vector containing the percentiles to be matched if qme is used for fitting.
#' @slot ifreq A boolean indicating whether it is frequency data or severity data.
#' @slot idate A boolean indicating whether frequency data is provided as occurrence dates (TRUE) or number of occurrences (FALSE).
#' @slot datelist A vector containing occurrence dates. It could be a data field in a claim file.
#' @slot freq A character string indicating the frequency: "Annual" or "Monthly".
#' @slot iDL A boolean indicating whether deductible and limit is considered in distribution fitting.
#' @slot limit A vector containing the limit for each claim.
#' @slot deductible A vector containing the deductible for each claim.
#' @slot p0 A number that is the probability of having a zero-amount claim after deductible.
#' @slot dof Degree of freedom.
#' @slot psd A vector containing the standard deviation of parameter estimation. It is only available for mle.
#' @slot aic Akaike information criterion.
#' @slot bic Bayesian information criterion.
#' @slot chisq Chi-Squared Test Statistic.
#' @slot pchisq p-value of Chi-Squared Test.
#' @slot kstest K-S Test Statistic. Only used for continuous distribution.
#' @slot pkstest p-value of K-S Test. Only used for continuous distribution.
#' @slot soutput Distribution fitting summary.

  slots = c(
    observation = "data.frame",
    fitdata = "vector",
    trend = "Index",
    startDate = "Date",
    endDate = "Date",
    trial = "Distribution",
    fitted = "Distribution",
    reportLag = "Distribution",
    iLag = "logical",
    method = "character",
    probs = "vector",
    ifreq = "logical",
    idate = "logical",
    freq = "character",
    iDL = "logical",
    limit = "vector",
    deductible = "vector",
    p0 = "numeric",
    dof = "numeric",
    psd = "vector",
    loglik = "numeric",
    aic = "numeric",
    bic = "numeric",
    chisq = "numeric",
    pchisq = "numeric",
    kstest = "numeric",
    pkstest = "numeric",
    soutput = "data.frame"
  prototype = list(
    fitdata = vector(),
    startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
    endDate = as.Date("2016-12-31"),
    trend = new("Index", monthlyIndex = rep(1, 360)),
    trial = new("Normal"),
    fitted = new("Normal"),
    reportLag = new("Exponential"),
    iLag = FALSE,
    method = "mle",
    ifreq = TRUE,
    idate = FALSE,
    freq = "Monthly",
    iDL = FALSE,
    limit = vector(),
    deductible = vector(),
    p0 = NaN,
    dof = 0,
    psd = vector(),
    aic = 0,
    bic = 0,
    chisq = 0,
    pchisq = 0,
    kstest = 0,
    pkstest = 0,
    soutput = data.frame(matrix(NA, 1, 12))

#' @rdname getObservation-methods
#' @aliases getObservation,ANY-method
setMethod("getObservation", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getFitdata", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getFitdata"))
setMethod("getFitdata", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

#' @rdname getTrend-methods
#' @aliases getTrend,ANY-method
setMethod("getTrend", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getFittedDist", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getFittedDist"))
setMethod("getFittedDist", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getMean", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getMean"))
setMethod("getMean", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getSd", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getSd"))
setMethod("getSd", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getDoF", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getDoF"))
setMethod("getDoF", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getPSD", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getPSD"))
setMethod("getPSD", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getAIC", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getAIC"))
setMethod("getAIC", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getBIC", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getBIC"))
setMethod("getBIC", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getChiSq", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getChiSq"))
setMethod("getChiSq", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getpChiSq", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getpChiSq"))
setMethod("getpChiSq", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getiDate", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getiDate"))
setMethod("getiDate", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getFreq", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getFreq"))
setMethod("getFreq", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getfitmethod", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getfitmethod"))
setMethod("getfitmethod", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getfoutput", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getfoutput"))
setMethod("getfoutput", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setGeneric("getsoutput", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getsoutput"))
setMethod("getsoutput", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {

setReplaceMethod("setStartDate", signature("Index", "Date"), function(this, value) {
  this@startDate <- as.Date(value)

#' Set the trend with an Index Object.
#' @name setTrend<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value An Index Object
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' setTrend(xFit) <- findex
#' xFit@trend
#' @rdname setTrend-methods
#' @exportMethod setTrend<-
setGeneric("setTrend<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setTrend<-"))
#' @rdname setTrend-methods
#' @aliases setTrend,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setTrend", signature("FitDist", "Index"), function(this, value) {
  this@trend <- value

#' Set distribution fitting method.
#' @name setfitmethod<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value A character string: "mle", "mme", or "qme"
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' setfitmethod(xFit) <- "mme"
#' xFit@method
#' @rdname setfitmethod-methods
#' @exportMethod setfitmethod<-
setGeneric("setfitmethod<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setfitmethod<-"))
#' @rdname setfitmethod-methods
#' @aliases setfitmethod,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setfitmethod", signature("FitDist", "character"), function(this, value) {
  this@method <- value

#' Set whether occurrence dates will be used for frequency data.
#' @name setidate<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value A boolean
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = FALSE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' setidate(xFit) <- TRUE
#' xFit@idate
#' @rdname setidate-methods
#' @exportMethod setidate<-
setGeneric("setidate<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setidate<-"))
#' @rdname setidate-methods
#' @aliases setidate,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setidate", signature("FitDist", "logical"), function(this, value) {
  this@idate <- value

#' Set the data frequency.
#' @name setfreq<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value A character string: "Annual" or "Monthly"
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Annual"
#' )
#' setfreq(xFit) <- "Monthly"
#' xFit@freq
#' @rdname setfreq-methods
#' @exportMethod setfreq<-
setGeneric("setfreq<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setfreq<-"))
#' @rdname setfreq-methods
#' @aliases setfreq,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setfreq", signature("FitDist", "character"), function(this, value) {
  this@freq <- value

#' Set the data type: frequency or severity/time lag.
#' @name setifreq<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value A boolean
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' setifreq(xFit) <- FALSE
#' xFit@ifreq
#' @rdname setifreq-methods
#' @exportMethod setifreq<-
setGeneric("setifreq<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setifreq<-"))
#' @rdname setifreq-methods
#' @aliases setifreq,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setifreq", signature("FitDist", "logical"), function(this, value) {
  this@ifreq <- value

#' Set the percentiles to be matched. Only used when qme is chosen for fitting method.
#' @name setprobs<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param value A numeric vector with values between 0 and 1.
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' setprobs(xFit) <- c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
#' xFit@probs
#' @rdname setprobs-methods
#' @exportMethod setprobs<-
setGeneric("setprobs<-", function(this, ..., value) standardGeneric("setprobs<-"))
#' @rdname setprobs-methods
#' @aliases setprobs,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setprobs", signature("FitDist", "vector"), function(this, value) {
  this@probs <- value

#' @rdname setObservation-methods
#' @aliases setObservation,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setObservation", signature("FitDist", "matrix"), function(this, value) {
  if (!is.null(value)) {
    if (ncol(value) == 1) {
      value <- value[value[, 1] >= 0]
    } else {
      value <- value[value[, 2] >= 0] # assuming we use the first columns even we have more than two columns' data
  value <- value[!is.na(value)]

  this@observation <- value

#' Preparing the input data (observation) for distribution fitting, including detrending, translating occurrence dates to frequency data, etc.
#' @name setFitdata
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' xFit@fitdata
#' @rdname setFitdata-methods
#' @exportMethod setFitdata
setGeneric("setFitdata", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("setFitdata"))
#' @rdname setFitdata-methods
#' @aliases setFitdata,ANY-method
setMethod("setFitdata", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {
      if (ncol(object@observation) == 1 && object@idate == FALSE) {
        object@fitdata <- as.numeric(object@observation[, 1])
        object@p0 <- sum(object@fitdata <= 0) / length(object@fitdata) # p0 will be replaced by the fitted distribution function
        # object@fitdata <- object@fitdata[object@fitdata>0]
      } else if (ncol(object@observation) == 1 && object@idate == TRUE && object@ifreq == TRUE) {
        oldcol <- colnames(object@observation)
        object@observation <- as.data.frame(object@observation[object@observation[, 1] >= object@startDate, ]) # may cause a bug, need test more
        colnames(object@observation) <- oldcol
        if (object@freq == "Annual") {
          tmp <- as.matrix(table(format(as.Date(object@observation[, 1]), format = "%Y")))
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, rownames(tmp))
          class(tmp) <- "numeric"
          startYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 1, 4))
          endYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 1, 4))
          if (object@iLag == TRUE) {
            tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] / Probability(object@reportLag, (endYear - tmp[, 2]) * 365 + 182.5)
          di <- (tmp[, 2] - startYear) * 12 + 12
          di <- ifelse(di > 360, 360, ifelse(di < 1, 1, di))
          tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] / object@trend@monthlyIndex[di] * object@trend@seasonality[12]
          object@fitdata <- round(as.vector(tmp[, 1]))
        } else { # Monthly frequency
          tmp <- as.matrix(table(format(as.Date(object@observation[, 1]), format = "%Y-%m")))
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, rownames(tmp))
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, as.numeric(substr(tmp[, 2], 1, 4)), as.numeric(substr(tmp[, 2], 6, 7)))
          tmp <- tmp[, -2]
          class(tmp) <- "numeric"
          startYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 1, 4))
          startMonth <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 6, 7))
          endYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 1, 4))
          endMonth <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 6, 7))
          if (object@iLag == TRUE) {
            tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] / Probability(object@reportLag, (endYear - tmp[, 2]) * 365 + (endMonth - tmp[, 3]) * 30 + 15)
          di <- (tmp[, 2] - startYear) * 12 + (tmp[, 3] - startMonth) + 1
          di <- ifelse(di > 360, 360, ifelse(di < 1, 1, di))
          tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] / object@trend@monthlyIndex[di]
          object@fitdata <- round(as.vector(tmp[, 1]))
      } else if (object@ifreq == FALSE) {
        # object@observation <- object@observation[object@observation[,1] >= object@startDate,]
        startYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 1, 4))
        startMonth <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 6, 7))
        tmp <- cbind(object@observation, as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@observation[, 1]), 1, 4)), as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@observation[, 1]), 6, 7)))
        tmp <- tmp[, -1]
        di <- (tmp[, 2] - startYear) * 12 + (tmp[, 3] - startMonth) + 1
        di <- ifelse(di > 360, 360, ifelse(di < 1, 1, di))
        tmp[, 1] <- tmp[, 1] / object@trend@monthlyIndex[di]
        object@fitdata <- as.vector(tmp[, 1])
        object@p0 <- sum(object@fitdata <= 0) / length(object@fitdata) # p0 will be replaced by the fitted distribution function
        # object@fitdata <- object@fitdata[object@fitdata>0]
        if (object@iDL == TRUE) {
          object@deductible <- object@observation[, 3]
          object@limit <- object@observation[, 4]
          if (sum(ifelse((!is.na(object@limit) & object@limit < object@fitdata), TRUE, FALSE)) > 0) {
            stop("loss is greater than limit for some records. Please check the data.")
      } else {
        object@observation <- object@observation[object@observation[, 1] >= object@startDate, ]
        if (object@freq == "Annual") {
          startYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 1, 4))
          tmp <- cbind(object@observation, as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@observation[, 1]), 1, 4)))
          tmp <- tmp[, -1]
          colnames(tmp) <- c("data", "year")
          tmp <- aggregate(data ~ year, data = tmp, FUN = "sum")
          endYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 1, 4))
          if (object@iLag == TRUE) {
            tmp$data <- tmp$data / Probability(object@reportLag, (endYear - tmp$year) * 365 + 182.5)
          di <- (tmp$year - startYear) * 12 + 12
          di <- ifelse(di > 360, 360, ifelse(di < 1, 1, di))
          tmp$data <- tmp$data / object@trend@monthlyIndex[di] * object@trend@seasonality[12]
          object@fitdata <- round(as.vector(tmp$data))
        } else { # Monthly frequency
          startYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 1, 4))
          startMonth <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@trend@startDate), 6, 7))
          tmp <- cbind(object@observation, substr(as.character(object@observation[, 1]), 1, 7))
          tmp <- tmp[, -1]
          colnames(tmp) <- c("data", "ym")
          tmp <- aggregate(data ~ ym, data = tmp, FUN = "sum")
          tmp <- cbind(tmp, as.numeric(substr(tmp$ym, 1, 4)), as.numeric(substr(tmp$ym, 6, 7)))
          tmp <- tmp[, !colnames(tmp) %in% c("ym")]
          endYear <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 1, 4))
          endMonth <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(object@endDate), 6, 7))
          if (object@iLag == TRUE) {
            tmp$data <- tmp$data / Probability(object@reportLag, (endYear - tmp[, 2]) * 365 + (endMonth - tmp[, 3]) * 30 + 15)
          di <- (tmp[, 2] - startYear) * 12 + (tmp[, 3] - startMonth) + 1
          di <- ifelse(di > 360, 360, ifelse(di < 1, 1, di))
          tmp$data <- tmp$data / object@trend@monthlyIndex[di]
          object@fitdata <- round(as.vector(tmp$data))
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for distribution fitting: ", err))

#' Distribution fitting and testing.
#' @name setTrialDist<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param value Distribution to fit to
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' observationPlot(xFit)
#' fitPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname setTrialDist-methods
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom fitdistrplus fitdist
#' @exportMethod setTrialDist<-
setGeneric("setTrialDist<-", function(this, value) standardGeneric("setTrialDist<-"))
#' @rdname setTrialDist-methods
#' @aliases setTrialDist,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setTrialDist", signature("FitDist", "Distribution"), function(this, value) {
      # require(fitdistrplus)
      this@trial <- value

      if (!is.null(this@fitdata)) {
        if (this@iDL == TRUE) {
          nl <- length(unique(this@limit))
          nl <- max(nl, length(unique(this@deductible)))
        } else {
          nl <- 0

        if (this@iDL == TRUE & nl == 1 & unique(this@deductible)[1] == 0 & sum(this@fitdata >= this@limit) == 0) {
          uni <- 1
        } else {
          uni <- 0

        if (fitClassName(value) == "empirical") {
          perc <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
          quantiles <- as.vector(quantile(this@fitdata, perc))
          distr <- as.matrix(cbind(perc, quantiles))
          this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
            min = value@min,
            max = value@max,
            empirical = distr,
            truncated = this@trial@truncated
          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), NA, NA, NA, round(this@p0, 4), NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
        } else if (this@iDL == FALSE | nl == 0 | uni == 1) {
          if (this@trial@truncated == TRUE) {
            struncate <- this@trial@truncated
            this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
            memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
            startvalue <- list()
            for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
              startvalue[[names(obj$estimate)[par]]] <- as.numeric(obj$estimate[par])
            this@trial@truncated <- struncate
          } else {
            startvalue <- fitStartValue(this@trial)
          if (this@method == "qme" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, probs = this@probs, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else if (this@method == "qme" & this@trial@truncated == TRUE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, probs = this@probs, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else if (this@method == "mme" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          } else if (this@method == "mle" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else {
            this@method <- "mle"
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)
          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$loglik)) {
            this@loglik <- obj$loglik
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$aic)) {
            this@aic <- obj$aic
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$bic)) {
            this@bic <- obj$bic
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          if (this@method == "mle") {
            this@psd <- obj$sd
          } else {
            this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(value) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[3]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, 0)
          } else {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, this@fitted@min)

          x <- this@fitdata + max(abs(this@fitdata)) * 0.0001 * runif(length(this@fitdata), 0, 1)
          if (!this@ifreq) {
            par <- unlist(params(this@fitted))
            pname <- paste("p", fitClassName(this@fitted), sep = "")
            if (length(par) == 1) {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par)
            } else {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par[1], par[2])
            this@kstest <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
            this@pkstest <- round(z$p.value, 5)
          } else {
            this@kstest <- NaN
            this@pkstest <- NaN

          m <- mean(x)
          s <- sqrt(var(x))

          mybreak <- c(m - 4 * s, m - 3 * s, m - 2 * s, m - s, m - s / 2, m - s / 4, m, m + s / 4, m + s / 2, m + s, m + 2 * s, m + 3 * s, m + 4 * s)
          if (this@ifreq) {
            mybreak <- mybreak[mybreak >= 0]
            mybreak <- unique(round(mybreak))
          } else {
            mybreak <- unique(mybreak)
          mycut <- cut(this@fitdata, breaks = mybreak)
          empirical <- as.vector(table(mycut))
          mybreak2 <- mybreak[seq(2, length(mybreak), by = 1)]
          mybreak1 <- mybreak[seq(1, length(mybreak) - 1, by = 1)]

          prob <- Probability(this@fitted, mybreak2) - Probability(this@fitted, mybreak1)
          z <- chisq.test(empirical, p = prob, rescale.p = TRUE)
          this@chisq <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
          this@pchisq <- round(z$p.value, 5)

          sdx <- ""
          if (length(this@psd) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(this@psd))) {
              sdx <- paste0(sdx, round(this@psd[i], 4), "; ")
          } else {
            sdx <- "NA"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 3), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))
        } else if (this@iDL == TRUE & nl == 1) {
          struncate <- this@trial@truncated
          this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
          memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
          obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          startvalue <- list()
          for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
            startvalue[[names(obj$estimate)[par]]] <- as.numeric(obj$estimate[par])
          this@trial@truncated <- struncate

          this@trial@truncated <- TRUE
          this@trial@min <- unique(this@deductible)[1]
          this@trial@max <- unique(this@limit)[1]
          this@method <- "mle"
          obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)

          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$loglik)) {
            this@loglik <- obj$loglik
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$aic)) {
            this@aic <- obj$aic
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$bic)) {
            this@bic <- obj$bic
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          if (this@method == "mle") {
            this@psd <- obj$sd
          } else {
            this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(value) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[3]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          # if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
          # 	this@p0 <- max(0,this@p0 - Probability(this@fitted,0))
          # } else {
          # 	this@p0 <- max(0,this@p0 - Probability(this@fitted,this@fitted@min))
          # }

          if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, 0)
          } else {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, this@fitted@min)

          x <- this@fitdata + max(abs(this@fitdata)) * 0.0001 * runif(1, 0, 1)
          if (!this@ifreq) {
            par <- unlist(params(this@fitted))
            pname <- paste("p", fitClassName(this@fitted), sep = "")
            if (length(par) == 1) {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par)
            } else {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par[1], par[2])
            this@kstest <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
            this@pkstest <- round(z$p.value, 5)
          } else {
            this@kstest <- NaN
            this@pkstest <- NaN

          m <- mean(x)
          s <- sqrt(var(x))

          mybreak <- c(m - 4 * s, m - 3 * s, m - 2 * s, m - s, m - s / 2, m - s / 4, m, m + s / 4, m + s / 2, m + s, m + 2 * s, m + 3 * s, m + 4 * s)
          if (this@ifreq) {
            mybreak <- mybreak[mybreak >= 0]
            mybreak <- unique(round(mybreak))
          } else {
            mybreak <- unique(mybreak)
          mycut <- cut(this@fitdata, breaks = mybreak)
          empirical <- as.vector(table(mycut))
          mybreak2 <- mybreak[seq(2, length(mybreak), by = 1)]
          mybreak1 <- mybreak[seq(1, length(mybreak) - 1, by = 1)]

          prob <- Probability(this@fitted, mybreak2) - Probability(this@fitted, mybreak1)
          z <- chisq.test(empirical, p = prob, rescale.p = TRUE)
          this@chisq <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
          this@pchisq <- round(z$p.value, 5)

          sdx <- ""
          if (length(this@psd) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(this@psd))) {
              sdx <- paste0(sdx, round(this@psd[i], 4), "; ")
          } else {
            sdx <- "NA"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 3), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))

          this@fitted@truncated <- FALSE
        } else {
          struncate <- this@trial@truncated
          this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
          memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
          obj <- fitdist(pmax(0.01, this@fitdata), distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          startvalue <- vector()
          for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
            startvalue <- c(startvalue, as.numeric(obj$estimate[par]))

          obj <- optim(par = startvalue, fn = nloglik, dist = this@trial, fitdata = this@fitdata, deductible = this@deductible, limit = this@limit, control = list(trace = 1)) # ,  maxit=300, fnscale=c(-10, -10), parscale=c(10,10), factr=0.001, pgtol=0.01, abstol=0.01, reltol=0.01))

          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@loglik <- -obj$value
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@aic <- 2 * nParameter(this@trial) + 2 * obj$value
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@bic <- length(this@fitdata) * nParameter(this@trial) + 2 * obj$value
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(this@trial) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$par[2]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$par[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$par[3]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          this@p0 <- mean(Probability(this@fitted, this@deductible))

          # this@p0 <- max(0, this@p0 - mean(Probability(this@fitted, this@deductible)))

          this@kstest <- NaN
          this@pkstest <- NaN
          this@chisq <- NaN
          this@pchisq <- NaN

          sdx <- ""
          if (obj$convergence == 0) {
            sdx <- "successful convergence"
          } else if (obj$convergence == 1) {
            sdx <- "max iteration"
          } else {
            sdx <- "failed convergence"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 5), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))

          this@fitted@truncated <- FALSE
      this@fitted@fitsucc <- TRUE
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for distribution fitting: ", err))
      this@fitted@fitsucc <- FALSE
      this@soutput[1, ] <- c(value, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)

#' Distribution fitting and testing. Same as setTrialDist except for error tolerance.
#' @name setTrialDistErr<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param value Distribution to fit to
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDistErr(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' observationPlot(xFit)
#' fitPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname setTrialDistErr-methods
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom fitdistrplus fitdist
#' @exportMethod setTrialDistErr<-
setGeneric("setTrialDistErr<-", function(this, value) standardGeneric("setTrialDistErr<-"))
#' @rdname setTrialDistErr-methods
#' @aliases setTrialDistErr,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setTrialDistErr", signature("FitDist", "Distribution"), function(this, value) {
      # require(fitdistrplus)
      this@trial <- value

      if (!is.null(this@fitdata)) {
        if (this@iDL == TRUE) {
          nl <- length(unique(this@limit))
          nl <- max(nl, length(unique(this@deductible)))
        } else {
          nl <- 0

        if (this@iDL == TRUE & nl == 1 & unique(this@deductible)[1] == 0 & sum(this@fitdata >= this@limit) == 0) {
          uni <- 1
        } else {
          uni <- 0

        if (fitClassName(value) == "empirical") {
          perc <- seq(0, 1, 0.001)
          quantiles <- as.vector(quantile(this@fitdata, perc))
          distr <- as.matrix(cbind(perc, quantiles))
          this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
            min = value@min,
            max = value@max,
            empirical = distr,
            truncated = this@trial@truncated
          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), NA, NA, NA, round(this@p0, 4), NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
        } else if (this@iDL == FALSE | nl == 0 | uni == 1) {
          if (this@trial@truncated == TRUE) {
            struncate <- this@trial@truncated
            this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
            memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
            startvalue <- list()
            for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
              startvalue[[names(obj$estimate)[par]]] <- as.numeric(obj$estimate[par])
            this@trial@truncated <- struncate
          } else {
            startvalue <- fitStartValue(this@trial)
          if (this@method == "qme" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, probs = this@probs, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else if (this@method == "qme" & this@trial@truncated == TRUE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, probs = this@probs, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else if (this@method == "mme" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          } else if (this@method == "mle" & this@trial@truncated == FALSE) {
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)
          } else {
            this@method <- "mle"
            obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)
          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$loglik)) {
            this@loglik <- obj$loglik
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$aic)) {
            this@aic <- obj$aic
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$bic)) {
            this@bic <- obj$bic
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          if (this@method == "mle") {
            this@psd <- obj$sd
          } else {
            this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(value) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[3]),
              min = value@min,
              max = value@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, 0)
          } else {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, this@fitted@min)

          x <- this@fitdata + max(abs(this@fitdata)) * 0.0001 * runif(length(this@fitdata), 0, 1)
          if (!this@ifreq) {
            par <- unlist(params(this@fitted))
            pname <- paste("p", fitClassName(this@fitted), sep = "")
            if (length(par) == 1) {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par)
            } else {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par[1], par[2])
            this@kstest <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
            this@pkstest <- round(z$p.value, 5)
          } else {
            this@kstest <- NaN
            this@pkstest <- NaN

          m <- mean(x)
          s <- sqrt(var(x))

          mybreak <- c(m - 4 * s, m - 3 * s, m - 2 * s, m - s, m - s / 2, m - s / 4, m, m + s / 4, m + s / 2, m + s, m + 2 * s, m + 3 * s, m + 4 * s)
          if (this@ifreq) {
            mybreak <- mybreak[mybreak >= 0]
            mybreak <- unique(round(mybreak))
          } else {
            mybreak <- unique(mybreak)
          mycut <- cut(this@fitdata, breaks = mybreak)
          empirical <- as.vector(table(mycut))
          mybreak2 <- mybreak[seq(2, length(mybreak), by = 1)]
          mybreak1 <- mybreak[seq(1, length(mybreak) - 1, by = 1)]

          prob <- Probability(this@fitted, mybreak2) - Probability(this@fitted, mybreak1)
          z <- chisq.test(empirical, p = prob, rescale.p = TRUE)
          this@chisq <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
          this@pchisq <- round(z$p.value, 5)

          sdx <- ""
          if (length(this@psd) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(this@psd))) {
              sdx <- paste0(sdx, round(this@psd[i], 4), "; ")
          } else {
            sdx <- "NA"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 3), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))
        } else if (this@iDL == TRUE & nl == 1) {
          struncate <- this@trial@truncated
          this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
          memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
          obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          startvalue <- list()
          for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
            startvalue[[names(obj$estimate)[par]]] <- as.numeric(obj$estimate[par])
          this@trial@truncated <- struncate

          this@trial@truncated <- TRUE
          this@trial@min <- unique(this@deductible)[1]
          this@trial@max <- unique(this@limit)[1]
          this@method <- "mle"
          obj <- fitdist(this@fitdata, distr = fitClassName(this@trial), startvalue, fix.arg = list(min = this@trial@min, max = this@trial@max), method = this@method, discrete = this@ifreq)

          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$loglik)) {
            this@loglik <- obj$loglik
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$aic)) {
            this@aic <- obj$aic
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$bic)) {
            this@bic <- obj$bic
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          if (this@method == "mle") {
            this@psd <- obj$sd
          } else {
            this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(value) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$estimate[3]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          # if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
          # 	this@p0 <- max(0,this@p0 - Probability(this@fitted,0))
          # } else {
          # 	this@p0 <- max(0,this@p0 - Probability(this@fitted,this@fitted@min))
          # }

          if (this@fitted@truncated == TRUE) {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, 0)
          } else {
            this@p0 <- Probability(this@fitted, this@fitted@min)

          x <- this@fitdata + max(abs(this@fitdata)) * 0.0001 * runif(length(this@fitdata), 0, 1)
          if (!this@ifreq) {
            par <- unlist(params(this@fitted))
            pname <- paste("p", fitClassName(this@fitted), sep = "")
            if (length(par) == 1) {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par)
            } else {
              z <- ks.test(x, pname, par[1], par[2])
            this@kstest <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
            this@pkstest <- round(z$p.value, 5)
          } else {
            this@kstest <- NaN
            this@pkstest <- NaN

          m <- mean(x)
          s <- sqrt(var(x))

          mybreak <- c(m - 4 * s, m - 3 * s, m - 2 * s, m - s, m - s / 2, m - s / 4, m, m + s / 4, m + s / 2, m + s, m + 2 * s, m + 3 * s, m + 4 * s)
          if (this@ifreq) {
            mybreak <- mybreak[mybreak >= 0]
            mybreak <- unique(round(mybreak))
          } else {
            mybreak <- unique(mybreak)
          mycut <- cut(this@fitdata, breaks = mybreak)
          empirical <- as.vector(table(mycut))
          mybreak2 <- mybreak[seq(2, length(mybreak), by = 1)]
          mybreak1 <- mybreak[seq(1, length(mybreak) - 1, by = 1)]

          prob <- Probability(this@fitted, mybreak2) - Probability(this@fitted, mybreak1)
          z <- chisq.test(empirical, p = prob, rescale.p = TRUE)
          this@chisq <- round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3)
          this@pchisq <- round(z$p.value, 5)

          sdx <- ""
          if (length(this@psd) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(this@psd))) {
              sdx <- paste0(sdx, round(this@psd[i], 4), "; ")
          } else {
            sdx <- "NA"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 3), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))
          this@fitted@truncated <- FALSE
        } else {
          struncate <- this@trial@truncated
          this@trial@truncated <- FALSE
          memp <- function(x, order) mean(x^order)
          obj <- fitdist(pmax(0.01, this@fitdata), distr = fitClassName(this@trial), fitStartValue(this@trial), method = "mme", discrete = this@ifreq, memp = memp, order = c(1:nParameter(value)))
          startvalue <- vector()
          for (par in c(1:length(obj$estimate))) {
            startvalue <- c(startvalue, as.numeric(obj$estimate[par]))

          obj <- optim(par = startvalue, fn = nloglik, dist = this@trial, fitdata = this@fitdata, deductible = this@deductible, limit = this@limit) # ,control=list(trace=1))#,  maxit=300, fnscale=c(10, 10), parscale=c(10,10), factr=0.001, pgtol=0.01, abstol=0.01, reltol=0.01))

          this@dof <- length(this@fitdata) - nParameter(this@trial)

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@loglik <- -obj$value
          } else {
            this@loglik <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@aic <- 2 * nParameter(this@trial) + 2 * obj$value
          } else {
            this@aic <- NaN

          if (!is.null(obj$value)) {
            this@bic <- length(this@fitdata) * nParameter(this@trial) + 2 * obj$value
          } else {
            this@bic <- NaN

          this@psd <- vector()

          if (nParameter(this@trial) == 1) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else if (nParameter(value) == 2) {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$par[2]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated
          } else {
            this@fitted <- new(objName(this@trial),
              p1 = as.numeric(obj$par[1]),
              p2 = as.numeric(obj$par[2]),
              p3 = as.numeric(obj$par[3]),
              min = this@trial@min,
              max = this@trial@max,
              truncated = this@trial@truncated

          this@p0 <- mean(Probability(this@fitted, this@deductible))

          # this@p0 <- max(0, this@p0 - mean(Probability(this@fitted, this@deductible)))

          this@kstest <- NaN
          this@pkstest <- NaN
          this@chisq <- NaN
          this@pchisq <- NaN

          sdx <- ""
          if (obj$convergence == 0) {
            sdx <- "successful convergence"
          } else if (obj$convergence == 1) {
            sdx <- "max iteration"
          } else {
            sdx <- "failed convergence"

          params <- ""

          if (length(params(this@fitted)) > 0) {
            for (i in c(1:length(params(this@fitted)))) {
              params <- paste0(params, names(params(this@fitted))[i], ":", round(as.numeric(params(this@fitted)[i]), 5), "; ")
          } else {
            params <- "NA"

          this@soutput <- data.frame(
            Distribution = character(),
            Method = character(),
            Parameter = character(),
            SD = character(),
            p0 = numeric(),
            DoF = integer(),
            ChiSq = double(),
            p = double(),
            KS = double(),
            pks = double(),
            loglik = double(),
            AIC = double(),
            BIC = double(),
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

          this@soutput[1, ] <- c(objName(this@fitted), this@method, params, sdx, round(this@p0, 4), round(this@dof, 0), round(this@chisq, 2), round(this@pchisq, 2), round(this@kstest, 2), round(this@pkstest, 2), round(this@loglik, 2), round(this@aic, 2), round(this@bic, 2))

          this@fitted@truncated <- FALSE
      this@fitted@fitsucc <- TRUE
    error = function(err) {
      # message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for distribution fitting: ", err))
      this@soutput[1, ] <- c(value, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
      this@fitted@fitsucc <- FALSE

#' Directly set the fitted distribution without fitting it to the data.
#' @name setFittedDist<-
#' @param this FitDist Object
#' @param value Fitted distribution
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@fitted
#' @rdname setFittedDist-methods
#' @exportMethod setFittedDist<-
setGeneric("setFittedDist<-", function(this, value) standardGeneric("setFittedDist<-"))
#' @rdname setFittedDist-methods
#' @aliases setFittedDist,ANY-method
setReplaceMethod("setFittedDist", signature("FitDist", "Distribution"), function(this, value) {
  this@fitted <- value

#' Compare the raw data and fitted distribution on density, CDF, Q-Q plot and P-P plot
#' @name fitPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' fitPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname fitPlot-methods
#' @exportMethod fitPlot
setGeneric("fitPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("fitPlot"))
#' @rdname fitPlot-methods
#' @aliases fitPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("fitPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
      x <- getFitdata(object)

      # draw some basic features with fitted fitted, for a good visual compare
      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        y <- object@fitted
        if (object@iDL == TRUE) {
          avgDeductible <- mean(object@deductible)
          avgLimit <- mean(object@limit)
          y@min <- avgDeductible
          y@max <- avgLimit
          y@truncated <- TRUE
        d0 <- density(x) # ,bw=1e-5
        d1 <- density(doSample(y, length(object@fitdata)), na.rm = TRUE) # ,bw=1e-5
        plot(range(d0$x, d1$x), range(d0$y, d1$y), type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "Density", main = "Probability Density Function")
        lines(d0, col = "blue")
        lines(d1, col = "red")
        # 		legend("topright",c("observed",objName(y)),lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2.5,2.5),col=c("blue","red"))

        ysample <- doSample(y, 1000)
        plot(ecdf(x), main = "Cumulative Distribution Function", col = "blue")
        d1 <- ecdf(ysample)
        plot(d1, col = "red", add = TRUE) # type="l",
        legend("bottomright", c("observed", objName(y)), lty = c(1, 1), lwd = c(2.5, 2.5), col = c("blue", "red"))

        # 		hist(ysample,breaks=15, main="Histogram of the Fitted Result", xlab="Fitted", ylab="Frequency", col="red")

        qqplot(object@fitdata, doSample(y, length(object@fitdata)), ylim = (c(min(object@fitdata), max(object@fitdata))), main = "Q-Q Plot", xlab = "Observed Quantile", ylab = "Fitted Quantile")
        abline(0, 1)

        probDist <- Probability(y, object@fitdata)
        plot(ppoints(length(object@fitdata)), sort(probDist), main = "P-P Plot", xlab = "Observed Probability", ylab = "Expected Probability")
        abline(0, 1)
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for plotting fitted distribution: ", err))

#' Plotting the data for distribution fitting
#' @name observationPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' observationPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname observationPlot-methods
#' @exportMethod observationPlot
setGeneric("observationPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("observationPlot"))
#' @rdname observationPlot-methods
#' @aliases observationPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("observationPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
      x <- getFitdata(object)

      # draw some basic features
      plot(density(x), main = "Observation Empirical Density", col = "blue")
      plot(ecdf(x), main = "Observation Empirical CDF", col = "blue")
      hist(x, breaks = 15, main = "Histogram of the Observation", xlab = "observations", ylab = "Frequency", col = "blue")
      plot(object@trend@monthlyIndex, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Index")
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for plotting observation data: ", err))

#' Plotting the PDF of data and fitted distribution
#' @name PDFPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' PDFPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname PDFPlot-methods
#' @export PDFPlot
setGeneric("PDFPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("PDFPlot"))
#' @rdname PDFPlot-methods
#' @aliases PDFPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("PDFPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      x <- getFitdata(object)

      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        y <- object@fitted

        d0 <- density(x)
        d1 <- density(doSample(y, length(object@fitdata)))
        plot(range(d0$x, d1$x), range(d0$y, d1$y), type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "Density", main = "Probability Density Function")
        lines(d0, col = "blue")
        lines(d1, col = "red")
        legend("topright", c("observed", "fitted"), lty = c(1, 1), lwd = c(2.5, 2.5), col = c("blue", "red"))
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for PDF plot in distribution fitting: ", err))

setGeneric("CDFPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("CDFPlot"))

#' Plotting the CDF of data and fitted distribution
#' @name CDFPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' CDFPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname CDFPlot
#' @export
setMethod("CDFPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      x <- getFitdata(object)

      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        y <- object@fitted

        ysample <- doSample(y, 1000)
        plot(ecdf(x), main = "Cumulative Distribution Fun.", col = "blue")
        d1 <- ecdf(ysample)
        plot(d1, col = "red", add = TRUE) # type="l",
        legend("bottomright", c("observed", objName(y)), lty = c(1, 1), lwd = c(2.5, 2.5), col = c("blue", "red"))
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for CDF plot in distribution fitting: ", err))

#' Q-Q Plot of data and fitted distribution
#' @name QQPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' QQPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname QQPlot-methods
#' @exportMethod QQPlot
setGeneric("QQPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("QQPlot"))
#' @rdname QQPlot-methods
#' @aliases QQPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("QQPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        qqplot(object@fitdata, doSample(object@fitted, length(object@fitdata)), ylim = (c(min(object@fitdata), max(object@fitdata))), main = "Q-Q Plot", xlab = "Observed Quantile", ylab = "Fitted Quantile")

      abline(0, 1)
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for QQ plot in distribution fitting: ", err))

#' P-P Plot of data and fitted distribution
#' @name PPPlot
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @examples
#' library(cascsim)
#' data(claimdata)
#' # frequecy fitting example
#' findex <- new("Index", startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"), tabulate = TRUE, monthlyIndex = c(
#'   rep(1, 11),
#'   cumprod(c(1, rep(1.5^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.5, rep((1.3 / 1.5)^(1 / 12), 11))),
#'   cumprod(c(1.3, rep((1.35 / 1.3)^(1 / 12), 11))), cumprod(c(1.35, rep((1.4 / 1.35)^(1 / 12), 11))), 1.4
#' ))
#' rawdata <- as.data.frame(as.Date(claimdata[(claimdata[, "LoB"] == "Auto" &
#'   claimdata[, "Type"] == "H"), ]$occurrenceDate))
#' colnames(rawdata) <- "occurrenceDate"
#' xFit <- new("FitDist",
#'   observation = rawdata, trend = findex, startDate = as.Date("2012-01-01"),
#'   method = "mle", ifreq = TRUE, idate = TRUE, freq = "Monthly"
#' )
#' xFit <- setFitdata(xFit)
#' setTrialDist(xFit) <- new("Poisson")
#' xFit@soutput
#' observationPlot(xFit)
#' PPPlot(xFit)
#' @rdname PPPlot-methods
#' @exportMethod PPPlot
setGeneric("PPPlot", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("PPPlot"))
#' @rdname PPPlot-methods
#' @aliases PPPlot,ANY-method
setMethod("PPPlot", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        probDist <- Probability(object@fitted, object@fitdata)
        plot(ppoints(length(object@fitdata)), sort(probDist), main = "P-P Plot", xlab = "Observed Probability", ylab = "Expected Probability")
        # qqplot(object@observation, doSample(object@fitted, length(object@observation)), ylim=(c(min(object@observation), max(object@observation))), main="QQ-Plot observation vs. fitted distr")

      abline(0, 1)
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for PP plot in distribution fitting: ", err))

#' K-S Test
#' @name KSTest
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @param n Number of samples, should not be used in current setting
#' @rdname KSTest-methods
setGeneric("KSTest", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("KSTest"))
#' @rdname KSTest-methods
#' @aliases KSTest,ANY-method
setMethod("KSTest", signature("FitDist"), function(object, n = missing) {
      if (missing(n) || n == 1) {
        # let us do some prepare for ks.test
        x <- object@fitdata + max(abs(object@fitdata)) * 0.0001 * runif(length(object@fitdata), 0, 1)

        par <- unlist(params(object@fitted))
        pname <- paste("p", fitClassName(object@fitted), sep = "")

        if (length(par) == 1) {
          z <- ks.test(x, pname, par)
        } else {
          z <- ks.test(x, pname, par[1], par[2])

        return(paste("Statistic=", round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3), ", P-Value=", round(z$p.value, 5), ", Alternative Hypothesis: ", z$alternative, sep = ""))
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for K-S Test: ", err))

#' Chi-Squared Test
#' @name ChiSqrTest
#' @param object FitDist Object
#' @param ... Additional function arguments
#' @rdname ChiSqrTest-methods
setGeneric("ChiSqrTest", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ChiSqrTest"))
#' @rdname ChiSqrTest-methods
#' @aliases ChiSqrTest,ANY-method
setMethod("ChiSqrTest", signature("FitDist"), function(object) {
      m <- mean(object@fitdata)
      s <- sqrt(var(object@fitdata))

      mybreak <- c(m - 4 * s, m - 3 * s, m - 2 * s, m - s, m - s / 2, m - s / 4, m, m + s / 4, m + s / 2, m + s, m + 2 * s, m + 3 * s, m + 4 * s)

      if (object@ifreq) {
        mybreak <- mybreak[mybreak >= 0]
        mybreak <- unique(round(mybreak))
      } else {
        mybreak <- unique(mybreak)

      mycut <- cut(object@fitdata, breaks = mybreak)
      empirical <- as.vector(table(mycut))
      mybreak2 <- mybreak[seq(2, length(mybreak), by = 1)]
      mybreak1 <- mybreak[seq(1, length(mybreak) - 1, by = 1)]

      prob <- Probability(object@fitted, mybreak2) - Probability(object@fitted, mybreak1)

      z <- chisq.test(empirical, p = prob, rescale.p = TRUE)
      return(paste("X-Squared=", round(as.numeric(z$statistic), 3), ", df=", round(as.numeric(z$parameter), 5), ", P-Value=", round(z$p.value, 5), sep = ""))
    error = function(err) {
      message(paste0(">>>Critical Error for Chi-Squared Test: ", err))
casact/cascsim documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 11:53 p.m.