##' initialize_Theta(n, N, trees, lambda_s)
##' A function that initializes the diagonal entries of a MHN based on the
##' relative frequencies of each event starting from root.
##' @param n Number of events in the MHNs
##' @param N Sample size
##' @param trees Mutation tree structures
##' @param lambda_s Rate of the sampling event
##' @return An n-by-n matrix representing the initialized MHN
##' @importFrom stats runif
initialize_Theta <- function(n, N, trees, lambda_s) {
initial_Theta <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (l in c(1:N)) {
tree <- trees[[l]]
in_tree_nodes <- tree$nodes[tree$in_tree]
in_tree_pa <- tree$parents[tree$in_tree]
for (k in c(2:sum(tree$in_tree))) {
j <- in_tree_nodes[k]
if (in_tree_pa[k] == 1) {
initial_Theta[j, j] <- initial_Theta[j, j] + 1
epsilon <- runif(n, 1e-4, 1e-3) # a vector of random small numbers
diag(initial_Theta) <- diag(initial_Theta) / N
temp <- (diag(initial_Theta) + epsilon) / (1 - diag(initial_Theta) + epsilon) * lambda_s
diag(initial_Theta) <- log(temp)
off_diagonals <- which(initial_Theta == 0)
# also randomize the off diagonal entries with small numbers
initial_Theta[off_diagonals] <- runif(length(off_diagonals), 1e-4, 1e-3) *
sample(c(-1, 1), length(off_diagonals), replace = TRUE)
##' @name learn_MHN
##' @title Learn a Mutual Hazard Network from a set of mutation trees
##' @description This function learns a Mutual Hazard Network from a set of mutation trees
##' in the format of a TreeMHN object.
##' @param tree_obj A TreeMHN object
##' @param gamma Penalization parameter in the objective function (Default: 0.5).
##' @param lambda_s Sampling rate (Default: 1).
##' @param Theta_init Initial value of the MHN provided to the optimization procedure (Default: NULL).
##' @param M Number of Monte Carlo samples to be drawn (Default: 100).
##' @param iterations Number of iterations for the EM/MCEM algorithm (Default: 500).
##' @param to_mask An integer vector of indices by column, which is used to mask the
##' off-diagonal entries of an MHN (Default: an empty vector).
##' @param use_EM A boolean value to determine whether the EM/MCEM algorithm is used (Default: FALSE).
##' @param verbose A boolean value to determine whether optimization steps are printed (Default: FALSE).
##' @param MC_threshold A threshold on the maximum number of subtrees of a given tree,
##' above which Monte Carlo sampling will be used (Default: 500).
##' @param increment_M The step size to increment the number of Monte Carlo samples (Default: 0).
##' @param increment_M_bound The upper bound on the number of Monte Carlo samples (Default: 500).
##' @param return_Theta_only A boolean value to determine whether the function returns only the estimated
##' @param use_MLE A boolean value to determine whether the MLE algorithm is used (Default: FALSE).
##' Theta or the TreeMHN object containing the estimated Theta and other parameters (Default: TRUE).
##' @return A Mutual Hazard Network Theta
##' @author Xiang Ge Luo
##' @importFrom stats optim
##' @export
learn_MHN <- function(tree_obj, gamma = 0.5, lambda_s = 1, Theta_init = NULL,
M = 100, iterations = 500, to_mask = integer(0),
use_EM = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, MC_threshold = 500,
increment_M = 0, increment_M_bound = 500, return_Theta_only = TRUE,
use_MLE = FALSE) {
n <- tree_obj$n
N <- tree_obj$N
trees <- tree_obj$trees
N_patients <- tree_obj$N_patients ## New
weights <- tree_obj$weights ## New
smallest_tree_size <- min(sapply(trees, function(tree) sum(tree$in_tree) - 1))
# initialize Theta
if (is.null(Theta_init)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Initializing Theta...\n")
Theta <- initialize_Theta(n, N, trees, lambda_s)
} else if (nrow(Theta_init) != n) {
stop("The dimension of the provided MHN is different from n. Please check again...")
} else {
Theta <- Theta_init
round <- 1
reltol <- Inf
ll <- -1e10
if (verbose) {
cat("Checking whether MCEM is needed...\n")
MC_flags <- get_MC_flags(N, n, trees, MC_threshold)
if ((any(MC_flags) || use_EM) && (!use_MLE)) { # EM/MCEM
# Re-order trees such that trees with exact inference go first
nr_exact <- N - sum(MC_flags)
timed_trees <- list()
comp_geno_vec <- list()
node_labels_vec <- list()
for (i in order(MC_flags)) {
tree <- trees[[i]]
tree$time_diffs <- numeric(0) # Initialize the time difference vector
if (!MC_flags[i]) { # if exact inference is needed
p <- build_poset(tree)
comp_geno_vec <- append(comp_geno_vec, list(compatible_genotypes(p)))
node_labels_vec <- append(node_labels_vec, list(get_node_labels(p)))
timed_trees <- append(timed_trees, list(tree))
log_prob_vec <- rep(0, N) # initializing log-likelihood vector
if (verbose) {
cat("Running hybrid EM/MCEM...\n")
while ((round < iterations) && (reltol > 1e-6)) {
cat("EM iteration round: ", round, "\n")
# E-step
start_time <- Sys.time()
n, N, timed_trees, Theta, lambda_s, M, log_prob_vec,
comp_geno_vec, node_labels_vec, nr_exact
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
# M-step
start_time <- Sys.time()
optim_res <- optim(Theta, full_MHN_objective, full_MHN_grad, timed_trees,
gamma, n, N, lambda_s, to_mask, weights, N_patients, smallest_tree_size,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = -10, upper = 10,
control = list(
fnscale = -1,
trace = 0,
maxit = 100,
factr = 1e10
Theta <- optim_res$par
round <- round + 1
reltol <- abs(optim_res$value - ll) / abs(ll)
if (M < increment_M_bound) {
M <- M + increment_M
ll <- optim_res$value
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
cat("Complete-data log-likelihood: ", ll, "\n")
} else {
while ((round < iterations) && (reltol > 1e-6)) {
# E-step
n, N, timed_trees, Theta, lambda_s, M, log_prob_vec,
comp_geno_vec, node_labels_vec, nr_exact
# M-step
optim_res <- optim(Theta, full_MHN_objective, full_MHN_grad, timed_trees,
gamma, n, N, lambda_s, to_mask, weights, N_patients, smallest_tree_size,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = -10, upper = 10,
control = list(
fnscale = -1,
trace = 0,
maxit = 100,
factr = 1e10
Theta <- optim_res$par
round <- round + 1
reltol <- abs(optim_res$value - ll) / abs(ll)
if (M < increment_M_bound) {
M <- M + increment_M
ll <- optim_res$value
} else { # MLE
if (verbose) {
cat("Running MLE...\n")
obj_grad_help <- obj_grad_helper(n, N, trees, Theta, lambda_s)
tr_mat_vec <- obj_grad_help$tr_mat_vec
comp_geno_vec <- obj_grad_help$comp_geno_vec
node_labels_vec <- obj_grad_help$node_labels_vec
log_prob_vec <- obj_grad_help$log_prob_vec
optim_res <- optim(Theta, obs_MHN_objective, obs_MHN_grad, n, N, lambda_s, trees,
gamma, tr_mat_vec, log_prob_vec, comp_geno_vec, node_labels_vec,
to_mask, weights, N_patients, smallest_tree_size,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = -10, upper = 10,
control = list(
fnscale = -1,
trace = verbose,
maxit = iterations,
factr = 1e10
Theta <- optim_res$par
# Set masked elements to zero
if (length(to_mask) > 0) {
Theta[to_mask] <- 0
if (return_Theta_only) {
} else {
tree_obj$Theta <- Theta
tree_obj$log_prob_vec <- log_prob_vec
##' get_MC_flags(N, trees)
##' A function that determines whether Monte Carlo sampling is needed for each tree
##' @param N Sample size
##' @param n Number of events
##' @param trees Mutation tree structures
##' @param MC_threshold A threshold on the maximum number of subtrees of a given tree,
##' above which Monte Carlo sampling will be used (Default: 500).
##' @return A boolean vector indicating whether Monte Carlo sampling is used for each tree
get_MC_flags <- function(N, n, trees, MC_threshold) {
MC_flags <- logical(N)
for (i in c(1:N)) {
tree <- trees[[i]]
if ((n <= 10) & (sum(tree$in_tree) > (n + 1))) {
MC_flags[i] <- TRUE
} else if ((n > 10) & (sum(tree$in_tree) > (n / 2 + 1))) {
MC_flags[i] <- TRUE
} else {
p <- build_poset(tree)
comp_geno <- compatible_genotypes(p)
if (nrow(comp_geno) < MC_threshold) {
MC_flags[i] <- FALSE
} else {
MC_flags[i] <- TRUE
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