
Defines functions moreboxplot plotDnf hamSim fuzzyindex plot.mnem_sim simData clustNEM plot.mnem_mcmc plot.mnem plot.bootmnem bootstrap mnem mnemk getIC getAffinity mnemh createApp plotConvergence.mnem fitacc transitive.closure scoreAdj nem

Documented in bootstrap clustNEM createApp fitacc fuzzyindex getAffinity getIC hamSim mnem mnemh mnemk moreboxplot nem plot.bootmnem plotConvergence.mnem plotDnf plot.mnem plot.mnem_mcmc plot.mnem_sim scoreAdj simData transitive.closure

#' Implementation of the original NEM
#' Infers a signalling pathway from perturbation experiments.
#' @param D data matrix with observed genes as rows and knock-down
#' experiments as columns
#' @param search either "greedy", "modules" or "exhaustive" (not
#' recommended for more than five S-genes)
#' @param start either NULL ("null") or a specific network to start
#' the greedy
#' @param method "llr" for log odds or p-values densities or "disc"
#' for binary data
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param parallel NULL for no parallel optimization or an integer
#' for the number of threads
#' @param reduce reduce search space (TRUE) for exhaustive search
#' @param weights a numeric vector of weights for the columns of D
#' @param runs the number of runs for the greedy search
#' @param verbose for verbose output (TRUE)
#' @param redSpace reduced search space for exhaustive search;
#' see result of exhaustive
#' search with reduce = TRUE
#' @param trans.close if TRUE uses the transitive closure of adj
#' @param subtopo optional matrix with the subtopology theta as
#' adjacency matrix
#' @param prior a prior network matrix for adj
#' @param ratio if FALSE uses alternative distance for the model score
#' @param domean if TRUE summarizes duplicate columns
#' @param modulesize the max number of S-genes included in one module
#' for search = "modules"
#' @param fpfn numeric vector of length two with false positive and
#' false negative rates
#' @param Rho optional perturbation matrix
#' @param logtype log base of the log odds
#' @param modified if TRUE, assumes a preprocessed data matrix
#' @param tree if TRUE forces tree; does not allow converging edges
#' @param learnRates if TRUE learns rates for false positives/negatives
#' @param stepSize numerical step size for learning rates
#' @param ... optional parameters for future search methods
#' @return transitively closed matrix or graphNEL
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @import graph
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs
#' @examples
#' D <- matrix(rnorm(100*3), 100, 3)
#' colnames(D) <- 1:3
#' rownames(D) <- 1:100
#' adj <- diag(3)
#' colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- 1:3
#' scoreAdj(D, adj)
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
nem <- function(D, search = "greedy", start = NULL, method = "llr",
                marginal = FALSE,
                parallel = NULL, reduce = FALSE, weights = NULL, runs = 1,
                verbose = FALSE, redSpace = NULL,
                trans.close = TRUE, subtopo = NULL, prior = NULL,
                ratio = TRUE, domean = TRUE, modulesize = 5,
                fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1), Rho = NULL, logtype = 2,
                modified = FALSE, tree = FALSE, learnRates = FALSE,
                stepSize = 0.01, ...) {
    if (method %in% "disc") {
        Ddisc <- D
        D[which(Ddisc == 1)] <- log((1-fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
        D[which(Ddisc == 0)] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1-fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
        method <- "llr"
    get.insertions <- get.ins.fast
    get.reversions <- get.rev.tc
    get.deletions <- get.del.tc
    D.backup <- D
    if (!modified) {
        D <- modData(D)
        colnames(D) <- gsub("\\..*", "", colnames(D))
    if (is.null(Rho)) {
        Rho <- getRho(D)
    if ("modules" %in% search) {
        if (length(search) > 1) {
            search <- search[-which(search %in% "modules")]
        } else {
            search <- "greedy"
        if (length(unique(colnames(D))) > modulesize) {
            start <- modules(D, method = method, weights = weights,
                             reduce = reduce, verbose = verbose, start = start,
                             trans.close = trans.close, redSpace = redSpace,
                             subtopo = subtopo, fpfn = fpfn,
                             ratio = ratio, parallel = parallel, prior = prior,
                             modulesize = modulesize, search = search,
                             domean = domean, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype)
        if (search %in% "exhaustive") {
            search <- "greedy"
    if (length(unique(colnames(D))) == ncol(D)) {
        domean <- FALSE
    Sgenes <- NULL
    if (domean) {
        D <- doMean(D, weights = weights, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype)
        weights <- NULL
        Rho <- getRho(D)
        Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
        domean <- FALSE
    if (is.null(Sgenes)) {
        Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
    if (is.null(start)) {
        start2 <- "null"
        start <- better <- matrix(0, length(Sgenes), length(Sgenes))
        diag(start) <- 1
        colnames(start) <- rownames(start) <- Sgenes
    } else {
        if (length(start) == 1) {
            if (!(search %in% "estimate")) {
                start2 <- start
                start <- better <- matrix(0, length(Sgenes), length(Sgenes))
                diag(start) <- 1
                colnames(start) <- rownames(start) <- Sgenes
            } else {
                better <- matrix(0, length(Sgenes), length(Sgenes))
                start2 <- start
        } else {
            better <- start2 <- start
            diag(start) <- 1
            colnames(start) <- rownames(start) <- Sgenes
    diag(better) <- 1
    colnames(better) <- rownames(better) <- Sgenes
    score <- scoreAdj(D, better, method = method, marginal = marginal,
                      weights = weights,
                      subtopo = subtopo,
                      prior = prior, ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfn,
                      Rho = Rho)
    score <- score$score
    oldscore <- score
    allscores <- score

    if (!is.null(parallel)) {
        sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = parallel)

    if (search %in% "small") {
        search <- "greedy"
        max_iter <- 1
    } else {
        max_iter <- Inf

    guess <- FALSE
    if (search %in% "fast") {
        search <- "greedy"
        guess <- TRUE

    if (search %in% "greedy") {
        P <- oldadj <- NULL
        if (guess) {
            better <- nem(D, search = "estimate", start = start,
                          method = method, parallel = parallel,
                          reduce = reduce, weights = weights, runs = runs,
                          verbose = verbose, redSpace = redSpace,
                          trans.close = trans.close, subtopo = subtopo,
                          prior = prior, ratio = ratio, domean = domean,
                          fpfn = fpfn, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype,
                          modified = modified, Sgenes = Sgenes,
                          marginal = marginal)$adj
            better <- mytc(better)
        for (iter in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (iter > 1) {
                better <- matrix(sample(c(0,1),nrow(better)*ncol(better),
                                       replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.9,0.1)),
                colnames(better) <- rownames(better) <-
                    sample(Sgenes, length(Sgenes))
                better[lower.tri(better)] <- 0
                diag(better) <- 1
                better <- better[order(as.numeric(rownames(better))),
                score <- scoreAdj(D, better, method = method,
                                  marginal = marginal,
                                  weights = weights,
                                  subtopo = subtopo, prior = prior,
                                  ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfn,
                                  Rho = Rho)
                P <- score$subweights
                oldadj <- better
                score <- score$score
                oldscore <- score
                allscores <- score
            stop <- FALSE
            count <- 0
            while(!stop) {
                oldadj <- better
                doScores <- function(i) {
                    new <- models[[i]]
                    score <- scoreAdj(D, new, method = method,
                                      marginal = marginal,
                                      weights = weights,
                                      subtopo = subtopo, prior = prior,
                                      ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfn,
                                      Rho = Rho, P = P, oldadj = oldadj,
                                      trans.close = FALSE)
                    P <- score$subweights
                    score <- score$score
                    return(list(score, P))
                if (tree) {
                    models <- unique(c(get.insertions(better,tree=TRUE),
                } else {
                    models <- unique(c(get.insertions(better),
                if (is.null(parallel)) {
                    scores <- unlist(lapply((seq_len(length(models))),
                                            doScores), recursive = FALSE)
                } else {
                    scores <- unlist(sfLapply((seq_len(length(models))),
                                              doScores), recursive = FALSE)
                Ps <- scores[seq_len(length(models))*2]
                scores <- unlist(scores[seq_len(length(models))*2 - 1])
                scores[is.na(scores)] <- 0
                bestidx <- which.max(scores)
                best <- models[[bestidx]]
                changeRates <- FALSE
                if (learnRates) {
                    rateScore <- numeric(4)
                    for (i in seq(4)) {
                        fpfnNew <- fpfn
                        imod <- i %% 2 + 1
                        if (i > 2) {
                            fpfnNew[imod] <- min(fpfn[imod]+stepSize,
                        } else {
                            fpfnNew[imod] <- max(fpfn[imod]-stepSize,
                        Dtmp <- D
                        Dtmp[D>0] <- log((1-fpfnNew[2])/fpfnNew[1])/
                        Dtmp[D<0] <- log(fpfnNew[2]/(1-fpfnNew[1]))/
                        rateScore[i] <- scoreAdj(Dtmp, better, method = method,
                                          marginal = marginal,
                                          weights = weights,
                                          subtopo = subtopo, prior = prior,
                                          ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfnNew,
                                          Rho = Rho)$score
                    if (max(rateScore) > max(scores, na.rm = TRUE)) {
                        best <- better
                        imod <- which.max(rateScore) %% 2 + 1
                        if (which.max(rateScore) > 2) {
                            fpfn[imod] <- min(fpfn[imod]+stepSize,
                        } else {
                            fpfn[imod] <- max(fpfn[imod]-stepSize,
                        scores[which(scores==max(scores, na.rm=TRUE))[1]] <-
                        D[D>0] <- log((1-fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
                        D[D<0] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1-fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
                if ((max(scores, na.rm = TRUE) > oldscore |
                    ((max(scores, na.rm = TRUE) == oldscore &
                     sum(better == 1) > sum(best == 1))))
                    & count < max_iter) {
                    better <- best
                    oldscore <- max(scores)
                    allscores <- c(allscores, oldscore)
                    P <- Ps[[which.max(scores)]]
                } else {
                    stop <- TRUE
                count <- count + 1
            if (iter > 1) {
                if (oldscore > oldscore2) {
                    better2 <- better
                    allscores2 <- allscores
                    oldscore2 <- oldscore
            } else {
                better2 <- better
                allscores2 <- allscores
                oldscore2 <- oldscore
        better <- better2
        allscores <- allscores2
        oldscore <- oldscore2

    if (search %in% "exhaustive") {
        models <- enumerate.models(length(Sgenes), Sgenes,
                                   trans.close = trans.close,
                                   verbose = verbose)
        doScores <- function(i) {
            adj <- models[[i]]
            score <- scoreAdj(D, adj, method = method, marginal = marginal,
                              weights = weights,
                              subtopo = subtopo, prior = prior,
                              ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfn,
                              Rho = Rho)
            score <- score$score
        if (is.null(parallel)) {
            scores <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(models)), doScores))
        } else {
            scores <- unlist(sfLapply(seq_len(length(models)), doScores))
        best <- which.max(scores)
        better <- mytc(models[[best]])
        allscores <- scores
        oldscore <- max(scores)
        diag(better) <- 1

    if (search %in% "estimate") {
        if (!is.null(weights)) {
            Dw <- D*rep(weights, rep(nrow(D), ncol(D)))
            weights <- NULL
        } else {
            Dw <- D
        tmp <- nemEst(Dw, start = "null", method = method, fpfn = fpfn,
                      Rho = Rho, domean = domean, modified = TRUE, ...)
        tmp1 <- nemEst(Dw, start = "full", method = method, fpfn = fpfn,
                       Rho = Rho, domean = domean, modified = TRUE, ...)
        if (tmp1$ll > tmp$ll) { tmp <- tmp1 }
        if (is.matrix(start2)) {
            tmp2 <- nemEst(Dw, start = start2, method = method, fpfn = fpfn,
                           Rho = Rho, domean = domean, modified = TRUE, ...)
            if (tmp2$ll > tmp$ll) { tmp <- tmp2 }
        better <- tmp$phi
        oldscore <- tmp$ll
        allscores <- tmp$lls
        subweights <- Dw%*%cbind(t(Rho)%*%tmp$phi, 0)

    if (!is.null(parallel)) {

    if (is.null(subtopo)) {
        subtopo <- scoreAdj(D, better, method = method, marginal = marginal,
                            weights = weights,
                            prior = prior,
                            ratio = ratio, fpfn = fpfn,
                            Rho = Rho, dotopo = TRUE)
        subweights <- subtopo$subweights
        subtopo <- subtopo$subtopo
    } else {
        subweights <- P

    better <- transitive.reduction(better)
    better <- better[order(as.numeric(rownames(better))),
    nem <- list(adj = better, score = oldscore, scores = allscores,
                redSpace = redSpace, subtopo = subtopo, D = D.backup,
                subweights = subweights, fpfn = fpfn)
#' Network score
#' Computes the fit (score of a network) of the data given a network matrix
#' @param D data matrix; use modified = FALSE
#' @param adj adjacency matrix of the network phi
#' @param method either llr if D consists of log odds or disc,
#' if D is binary
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param logtype log base of the log odds
#' @param weights a numeric vector of weights for the columns of D
#' @param trans.close if TRUE uses the transitive closure of adj
#' @param subtopo optional matrix with the subtopology theta as
#' adjacency matrix
#' @param prior a prior network matrix for adj
#' @param ratio if FALSE uses alternative distance for the model score
#' @param fpfn numeric vector of length two with false positive and
#' false negative rates
#' @param Rho optional perturbation matrix
#' @param dotopo if TRUE computes and returns the subtopology theta (optional)
#' @param P previous score matrix (only used internally)
#' @param oldadj previous adjacency matrix (only used internally)
#' @param modified if TRUE, assumes a prepocessed data matrix
#' @return transitively closed matrix or graphNEL
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @import graph
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs
#' @examples
#' D <- matrix(rnorm(100*3), 100, 3)
#' colnames(D) <- 1:3
#' rownames(D) <- 1:100
#' adj <- diag(3)
#' colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- 1:3
#' scoreAdj(D, adj)
scoreAdj <- function(D, adj, method = "llr", marginal = FALSE,
                     logtype = 2, weights = NULL,
                     trans.close = TRUE, subtopo = NULL,
                     prior = NULL, ratio = TRUE, fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1),
                     Rho = NULL, dotopo = FALSE,
                     P = NULL, oldadj = NULL, modified = TRUE) {
    if (!modified) { D <- modData(D) }
    if (method %in% "disc") {
        D[which(D == 1)] <- log((1 - fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
        D[which(D == 0)] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1 - fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
        method <- "llr"
    if (trans.close) {
        adj <- mytc(adj)
    if (is.null(Rho)) {
        adj1 <- adj[colnames(D), ]
    } else {
        adj1 <- t(Rho)%*%adj
        adj1[which(adj1 > 1)] <- 1
    if (method %in% "llr") {
        ll <- "max"
        if (is.null(P) | is.null(oldadj)) {
            score <- llrScore(D, adj1, weights = weights, ratio = ratio)
        } else {
            score <- P
            changeidx <- unique(floor(which(adj != oldadj)/nrow(adj)+0.99))
            score[, changeidx] <- llrScore(D, adj1[, changeidx],
                                           weights = weights, ratio = ratio)
        if (is.null(subtopo) & dotopo) {
            subtopo <- maxCol_row(cbind(0, score))
            subtopo <- subtopo - 1
        subweights <- score
        score <- cbind(0, score)
        if (!marginal) {
            score <- sum(matrixStats::rowMaxs(score))
        } else {
            pscore <- logtype^score
            score <- sum(log(rowSums(pscore))/log(logtype))
    } else if (method %in% "cor") {
        isConstant <- function(x) {
            mu <- mean(x)
            sigma <- sd(x)
            p <- dnorm(x,mu,sigma)
            p <- mean(p)
        if (is.null(subtopo)) {
            theta <- abs(cor(adj,t(data)))
            naCors <- which(is.na(theta),arr.ind=TRUE)
            theta[naCors] <- apply(data[naCors[,2],],1,isConstant)
            subweights <- t(theta)
            theta2 <- theta2theta(theta)
            theta <- theta*0
            theta[cbind(theta2,1:ncol(theta))] <- 1
        } else {
            theta <- theta2theta(subtopo,adj)
        Fmat <- adj%*%theta
        Fcor <- cor(t(data),Fmat)
        naCors <- which(is.na(Fcor),arr.ind=TRUE)
        Fcor[naCors] <- 1/apply(data[naCors[,2],],1,isConstant)
        score <- log(abs(Fcor))/log(logtype)
        score <- sum(diag(score),na.rm=TRUE)
        if (is.null(subtopo) & dotopo) {
            subtopo <- theta2
    } else if (method %in% "lm") {
    if (!is.null(prior)) {
        prior <- transitive.reduction(prior)
        adj <- transitive.reduction(adj)
        score <- score - sum(abs(prior - adj))/length(prior)
    return(list(score = score, subtopo = subtopo, subweights = subweights))
#' Transitive reduction
#' Computes the transitive reduction of an adjacency
#' matrix or graphNEL object.
#' Originally imported from the package 'nem'.
#' @param g adjacency matrix or graphNEL object
#' @author Holger Froehlich
#' @references R. Sedgewick, Algorithms, Pearson, 2002.
#' @return transitively reduced adjacency matrix
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' g <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0), 3)
#' rownames(g) <- colnames(g) <- seq_len(3)
#' g.tr <- transitive.reduction(g)
transitive.reduction <- function (g) {
    if (!(is(g, "matrix") | is(g, "graphNEL")))
        stop("Input must be an adjacency matrix or graphNEL object")
    if (is(g, "graphNEL")) {
        g = as(g, "matrix")
    g = transitive.closure(g)
    g = g - diag(diag(g))
    type = (g > 1) * 1 - (g < 0) * 1
    for (y in seq_len(nrow(g))) {
        for (x in seq_len(nrow(g))) {
            if (g[x, y] != 0) {
                for (j in seq_len(nrow(g))) {
                  if ((g[y, j] != 0) & sign(type[x, j]) * sign(type[x,
                    y]) * sign(type[y, j]) != -1) {
                    g[x, j] = 0
#' Transitive closure of a directed acyclic graph (dag)
#' Computes the transitive closure of a dag or only of a
#' deletion/addition of an edge
#' @param g graph as matrix or graphNEL object
#' @param u index of the parent of an edge (optional)
#' @param v index of the child of an edge (optional)
#' @return transitively closed matrix or graphNEL
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @import graph
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' g <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0), 3)
#' transitive.closure(g)
transitive.closure <- function(g, u = NULL, v = NULL) {
    if (is(g, "graphNEL")) {
        a <- as(g, "matrix")
    } else if (is(g, "matrix")) {
        a <- g
    } else {
        stop("g has to be a matrix or graphNEL object")
    gtc <- mytc(a, u = u, v = v)
    if (is(g, "graphNEL")) {
        gtc <- as(gtc, "graphNEL")
#' Simulation accuracy.
#' Computes the accuracy of the fit between simulated and
#' inferred mixture.
#' @param x mnem object
#' @param y simulation object or another mnem object
#' @param strict if TRUE, accounts for over/underfitting, i.e.
#' the number of components
#' @param unique if TRUE, phis of x and y are made unique each
#' (FALSE if strict is TRUE)
#' @param type type of accuracy. "ham" for hamming, "sens" for
#' sensitivity and "spec for Specificity"
#' @return plot of EM convergence
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' fitacc(result, sim)
#' fitacc(result, sim, type = "sens")
#' fitacc(result, sim, type = "spec")
#' fitacc(result, sim, strict = TRUE, type = "sens")
#' fitacc(result, sim, strict = TRUE, type = "spec")
fitacc <- function(x, y, strict = FALSE, unique = TRUE,
                   type = "ham") {
    nullcomp <- x$nullcomp
    if (nullcomp) {
        x$comp[[length(x$comp)]] <- NULL
    for (i in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
        x$comp[[i]]$theta <- NULL
    if (strict) {
        unique <- FALSE
    if (is.null(y$Nem)) {
        y2 <- y
        y$Nem <- list()
        for (i in seq_len(length(y$comp))) {
            y$Nem[[i]] <- y2$comp[[i]]$phi
    if (unique) {
        x <- unique(x$comp)
        y <- unique(y$Nem)
    } else {
        x <- x$comp
        y <- y$Nem
    xn <- length(x)
    yn <- length(y)
    n <- nrow(x[[1]]$phi)
    if (strict) {
        score <- 0
        while(length(x) > 0 & length(y) > 0) {
            couple <- numeric(2)
            best <- -Inf
            for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
                for (j in seq_len(length(y))) {
                    A <- mytc(x[[i]]$phi)
                    B <- mytc(y[[j]])
                    tmp <- (n*(n-1) - sum(abs(A - B)))/(n*(n-1))
                    comp <- tmp >= best
                    comp2 <- TRUE
                    if (type %in% "sens") {
                        tp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 1)
                        fn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 1)
                        tmp <- tp/(tp+fn)
                        comp2 <- tmp >= best
                    } else if (type %in% "spec") {
                        tn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 0)
                        fp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 0)
                        tmp <- tn/(tn+fp)
                        comp2 <- tmp >= best
                    if (comp & comp2) {
                        couple <- c(i,j)
                        best <- tmp
            score <- best + score
            x[[couple[1]]] <- NULL
            y[[couple[2]]] <- NULL
        if (length(x) != 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
                A <- mytc(x[[i]]$phi)
                B <- diag(n)*0
                if (type %in% "ham") {
                    tmp <- (n*(n-1) - sum(abs(A - B)))/(n*(n-1))
                } else if (type %in% "sens") {
                    tp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 1)
                    fn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 1)
                    tmp <- tp/(tp+fn)
                    tmp <- 0
                } else if (type %in% "spec") {
                    tn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 0)
                    fp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 0)
                    tmp <- tn/(tn+fp)
                score <- score + tmp
        if (length(y) != 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(y))) {
                A <- diag(n)*0
                B <- mytc(y[[i]])
                if (type %in% "ham") {
                    tmp <- (n*(n-1) - sum(abs(A - B)))/(n*(n-1))
                } else if (type %in% "sens") {
                    tp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 1)
                    fn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 1)
                    tmp <- tp/(tp+fn)
                } else if (type %in% "spec") {
                    tn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 0)
                    fp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 0)
                    tmp <- tn/(tn+fp)
                score <- score + tmp
        score <- score/max(c(xn,yn))
    } else {
        xmax <- numeric(xn)
        ymax <- numeric(yn)
        best <- -Inf
        for (i in seq_len(xn)) {
            for (j in seq_len(yn)) {
                A <- mytc(x[[i]]$phi)
                B <- mytc(y[[j]])
                if (type %in% "ham") {
                    tmp <- (n*(n-1) - sum(abs(A - B)))/(n*(n-1))
                } else if (type %in% "sens") {
                    tp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 1)
                    fn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 1)
                    tmp <- tp/(tp+fn)
                } else if (type %in% "spec") {
                    tn <- sum(A == 0 & B == 0)
                    fp <- sum(A == 1 & B == 0)
                    tmp <- tn/(tn+fp)
                if (tmp >= best) {
                    couple <- c(i,j)
                    best <- tmp
                if (tmp > xmax[i]) {
                    xmax[i] <- tmp
                if (tmp > ymax[j]) {
                    ymax[j] <- tmp
        score <- sum(c(xmax,ymax))/(xn+yn)
#' Plot convergence of EM
#' Generic function plotting convergence diagnostics for different methods.
#' @param x object with convergence statistics
#' @param ... additional parameters for the specific object type
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return plot of EM convergence
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' plotConvergence(result)
plotConvergence <- function (x, ...) {
#' Plot convergence of EM
#' This function plots the convergence of the different EM iterations (four
#' figures, e.g. par(mfrow=(2,2))).
#' @param x mnem object
#' @param col vector of colors for the iterations
#' @param type see ?plot.default
#' @param convergence difference of when two log likelihoods
#' are considered equal; see also convergence for the function
#' mnem()
#' @param ... additional parameters for the plots/lines functions
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return plot of EM convergence
#' @export
#' @method plotConvergence mnem
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' plotConvergence(result)
plotConvergence.mnem <- function(x, col = NULL, type = "b",
                                 convergence = 0.1, ...) {
    runs <- length(x$limits)
    if (is.null(col)) {
        col <- rgb(runif(runs),runif(runs),runif(runs),0.75)
    ymin <- Inf
    xmax <- 0
    maxll <- -Inf
    maxllcount <- 0
    minlen <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
        if (max(x$limits[[i]]$lls) - maxll > convergence) {
            maxll <- max(x$limits[[i]]$lls)
            maxllcount <- 0
        if (abs(max(x$limits[[i]]$lls) - maxll) <= convergence) {
            maxllcount <- maxllcount + 1
        if (length(x$limits[[i]]$lls) == 2) {
            minlen <- minlen + 1
        ymin <- min(c(ymin, x$limits[[i]]$lls))
        xmax <- max(c(xmax, length(x$limits[[i]]$lls)))
    for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            plot(x$limits[[i]]$lls, col = col[i], ylim = c(ymin, max(x$lls)),
                 xlim = c(1, xmax), xlab = "EM iterations", ylab = "log odds",
                 type = type,
                 main = paste0(maxllcount,
                               " (",
                               round(maxllcount/runs*100, 2),
                               "%) run(s) with maximum log odds at ",
                               convergence, " distance\n",
                               minlen, " (", round(minlen/runs*100, 2),
                               "%) run(s) started in local optimum"),
        } else {
            lines(x$limits[[i]]$lls, col = col[i], type = type, ...)
    if (!is.null(x$limits[[1]]$phievo)) {
        ymin <- Inf
        ymax <- -Inf
        xmax <- 0
        maxll <- -Inf
        maxllcount <- 0
        minlen <- 0
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (max(x$limits[[i]]$phievo) - maxll > convergence) {
                maxll <- max(x$limits[[i]]$phievo)
                maxllcount <- 0
            if (abs(max(x$limits[[i]]$phievo) - maxll) <= convergence) {
                maxllcount <- maxllcount + 1
            if (length(x$limits[[i]]$phievo) == 2) {
                minlen <- minlen + 1
            ymin <- min(c(ymin, x$limits[[i]]$phievo))
            ymax <- max(c(ymax, x$limits[[i]]$phievo))
            xmax <- max(c(xmax, length(x$limits[[i]]$phievo)))
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (i == 1) {
                plot(x$limits[[i]]$phievo, col = col[i], ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
                     xlim = c(1, xmax), xlab = "EM iterations",
                     main = expression(evolution ~ of ~ phi),
                     ylab = "edge changes",
                     type = type,
            } else {
                lines(x$limits[[i]]$phievo, col = col[i], type = type, ...)
        ymin <- Inf
        ymax <- -Inf
        xmax <- 0
        maxll <- -Inf
        maxllcount <- 0
        minlen <- 0
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (max(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo) - maxll > convergence) {
                maxll <- max(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo)
                maxllcount <- 0
            if (abs(max(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo) - maxll) <= convergence) {
                maxllcount <- maxllcount + 1
            if (length(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo) == 2) {
                minlen <- minlen + 1
            ymin <- min(c(ymin, x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo))
            ymax <- max(c(ymax, x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo))
            xmax <- max(c(xmax, length(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo)))
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (i == 1) {
                plot(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo, col = col[i], ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
                     xlim = c(1, xmax), xlab = "EM iterations",
                     main = expression(evolution ~ of ~ theta),
                     ylab = "edge changes",
                     type = type,
            } else {
                lines(x$limits[[i]]$thetaevo, col = col[i], type = type, ...)
        ymin <- Inf
        ymax <- -Inf
        xmax <- 0
        maxll <- -Inf
        maxllcount <- 0
        minlen <- 0
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (max(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo) - maxll > convergence) {
                maxll <- max(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo)
                maxllcount <- 0
            if (abs(max(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo) - maxll) <= convergence) {
                maxllcount <- maxllcount + 1
            if (length(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo) == 2) {
                minlen <- minlen + 1
            ymin <- min(c(ymin, x$limits[[i]]$mwevo))
            ymax <- max(c(ymax, x$limits[[i]]$mwevo))
            xmax <- max(c(xmax, length(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo)))
        for (i in seq_len(runs)) {
            if (i == 1) {
                plot(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo, col = col[i], ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
                     xlim = c(1, xmax), xlab = "EM iterations",
                     main = expression(evolution ~ of ~ pi),
                     ylab = "sum of absolute distances",
                     type = type,
            } else {
                lines(x$limits[[i]]$mwevo, col = col[i], type = type, ...)
#' Creating app data.
#' This function is for the reproduction of the application
#' results in the vignette and publication. See the publication
#' Pirkl & Beerenwinkel (2018) on how to download the data files:
#' GSE92872_CROP-seq_Jurkat_TCR.digital_expression.csv
#' k562_both_filt.txt
#' GSM2396861_k562_ccycle_cbc_gbc_dict.csv
#' GSM2396858_k562_tfs_7_cbc_gbc_dict.csv
#' @param sets numeric vector with the data sets: 1 (CROPseq),
#' 2, 3 (both PERTURBseq); default is all three
#' @param m number of Sgenes (for testing)
#' @param n number of most variable E-genes (for testing)
#' @param o number of samples per S-gene (for testing)
#' @param maxk maximum number of component in mnem inference (default: 5)
#' @param parallel number of threads for parallelisation
#' @param path path to the data files path/file.csv: "path/"
#' @param types types of data/analysis; "data" creates the gene expression
#' matrix, "lods" includes the log odds, "mnem" additionally performes the
#' mixture nem analysis; default c("data", "lods", "mnem")
#' @param allcrop if TRUE, does not restrict and uses the full CROPseq dataset
#' @param multi if TRUE, includes cells with more than one perturbed gene
#' @param file path and filename of the rda file with the raw data from the
#' command "data <- createApp(..., types = "data")"
#' @param ... additional parameters for the mixture nem function
#' @return app data object
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table
#' @import snowfall Linnorm
#' @examples
#' ## recreate the app data object (takes very long, i.e. days)
#' createApp()
#' }
#' data(app)
createApp <- function(sets = seq_len(3), m = NULL, n = NULL, o = NULL,
                      maxk = 5, parallel = NULL, path = "",
                      types = c("data", "lods", "mnem"),
                      allcrop = FALSE, multi = FALSE, file = NULL, ...) {
    if ("mnem" %in% types) {
        types <- c(types, "lods")
    if ("lods" %in% types & is.null(file)) {
        types <- c(types, "data")
    data <- lods <- NULL
    ## load datasets
    barcodes <- list()
    if ("data" %in% types) {
        datas <- list()
        if (1 %in% sets) {
            datafile <- "GSE92872_CROP-seq_Jurkat_TCR.digital_expression.csv"
            data <- fread(paste0(path, datafile), data.table = FALSE)
            data.backup <- data
            counts <- data[, grep("condition|^stim", colnames(data))]
            counts <- counts[-(seq_len(5)), -1]
            counts <- matrix(as.numeric(as.character(unlist(counts))),
            rownames(counts) <- data[6:nrow(data), 1]
            colnames(counts) <- data[4, grep("^stim", colnames(data))]
            colnames(counts)[which(colnames(counts) %in% "CTRL")] <- ""
            counts <- counts[, -grep("DHODH|MVD|TUBB", colnames(counts))]
            data <- counts
            barcodes[[1]] <- colnames(data)
            if (!is.null(n)) {
                var <- apply(data, 1, var)
                data <- data[order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n)], ,
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(m)) {
                Sgenes <- unique(c("", naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))))
                data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% Sgenes[seq_len(m+1)]),
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(o)) {
                Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
                idx <- NULL
                for (i in Sgenes) {
                    idx <- c(idx, which(colnames(data) %in% i)[seq_len(o)])
                data <- data[, idx]
            datas[[1]] <- data
        if (2 %in% sets | 3 %in% sets) {
            data <- fread(paste0(path, "k562_both_filt.txt"))
            rns <- data$GENE
            tmp <- grep("cc7d", colnames(data))
            data1 <- data[, ..tmp]
            tmp <- grep("p7d", colnames(data))
            data2 <- data[, ..tmp]
            ## alternative:
            ## data <- read.table(paste0(path, "k562_both_filt.txt"),
            ## header = TRUE)
            ## rns <- data$GENE
            ## tmp <- grep("cc7d", colnames(data))
            ## data1 <- data[, tmp]
            ## tmp <- grep("p7d", colnames(data))
            ## data2 <- data[, tmp]
            data <- data1
            data <- as.matrix(data)
            rownames(data) <- rns
            if (!is.null(n)) {
                var <- apply(data, 1, var)
                data <- data[order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n)], ,
                             drop = FALSE]
            datafile <- "GSM2396861_k562_ccycle_cbc_gbc_dict.csv"
            c2g <- read.table(paste0(path, datafile), fill = TRUE, sep = ",")
            cn <- character(ncol(data))
            for (i in seq_len(length(c2g[[1]]))) {
                cells <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(c2g[[2]][[i]]), ", "))
                cn[which(colnames(data) %in% cells)] <- paste(cn[
                    which(colnames(data) %in% cells)],
                    gsub("^c_|^c_sg|^m_|_[0-9]$|_10$", "",
                         as.character(c2g[[1]][[i]])), sep = "_")
            barcodes[[2]] <- colnames(data)
            colnames(data) <- gsub("^_|^_p_sg|^_p_", "", cn)
            colnames(data)[grep("INTER", colnames(data))] <- ""
            if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0 & !multi) {
                data <- data[, -grep("_", colnames(data))]
            if (!is.null(m)) {
                Sgenes <- unique(c("", naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))))
                data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% Sgenes[seq_len(m+1)]),
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(o)) {
                Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
                idx <- NULL
                for (i in Sgenes) {
                    idx <- c(idx, which(colnames(data) %in% i)[seq_len(o)])
                data <- data[, idx]
            datas[[2]] <- data
            data <- data2
            data <- as.matrix(data)
            rownames(data) <- rns
            if (!is.null(n)) {
                var <- apply(data, 1, var)
                data <- data[order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n)], ,
                             drop = FALSE]
            datafile <- "GSM2396858_k562_tfs_7_cbc_gbc_dict.csv"
            c2g <- read.table(paste0(path, datafile), fill = TRUE, sep = ",")
            cn <- character(ncol(data))
            for (i in seq_len(length(c2g[[1]]))) {
                cells <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(c2g[[2]][[i]]), ", "))
                cn[which(colnames(data) %in% cells)] <- paste(cn[
                    which(colnames(data) %in% cells)],
                    gsub("^c_|^c_sg|^m_|_[0-9]$|_10$", "",
                         as.character(c2g[[1]][[i]])), sep = "_")
            barcodes[[3]] <- colnames(data)
            colnames(data) <- gsub("^_|^_p_sg|^_p_", "", cn)
            colnames(data)[grep("INTER", colnames(data))] <- ""
            if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0 & !multi) {
                data <- data[, -grep("_", colnames(data))]
            if (!is.null(m)) {
                Sgenes <- unique(c("", naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))))
                data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% Sgenes[seq_len(m+1)]),
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(o)) {
                Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
                idx <- NULL
                for (i in Sgenes) {
                    idx <- c(idx, which(colnames(data) %in% i)[seq_len(o)])
                data <- data[, idx]
            datas[[3]] <- data
        if (4 %in% sets | 5 %in% sets) {
            data <- fread(paste0(path, "dc_both_filt_fix_tp10k.txt"))
            data.backup <- data
            rownames(data) <- data.backup$GENE
            if (!is.null(n)) {
                var <- apply(data, 1, var)
                data <- data[order(var, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(n)], ,
                             drop = FALSE]
            data <- data[, -1]
            data <- as.matrix(data)
            data1 <- data[, grep("0h", colnames(data))]
            data2 <- data[, grep("3h", colnames(data))]
            data <- data1
            datafile <- "GSM2396857_dc_0hr_cbc_gbc_dict.csv"
            c2g <- read.table(paste0(path, datafile), fill = TRUE, sep = ",")
            cn <- character(ncol(data))
            for (i in seq_len(length(c2g[[1]]))) {
                cells <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(c2g[[2]][[i]]), ", "))
                cn[which(colnames(data) %in% cells)] <- paste(cn[
                    which(colnames(data) %in% cells)],
                    gsub("^c_|^c_sg|^m_|_[0-9]$|_10$", "",
                         as.character(c2g[[1]][[i]])), sep = "_")
            barcodes[[4]] <- colnames(data)
            colnames(data) <- gsub("^_|^_p_sg|^_p_", "", cn)
            colnames(data)[grep("INTER", colnames(data))] <- ""
            if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0 & !multi) {
                data <- data[, -grep("_", colnames(data))]
            if (!is.null(m)) {
                Sgenes <- unique(c("", naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))))
                data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% Sgenes[seq_len(m+1)]),
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(o)) {
                Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
                idx <- NULL
                for (i in Sgenes) {
                    idx <- c(idx, which(colnames(data) %in% i)[seq_len(o)])
                data <- data[, idx]
            datas[[4]] <- data
            data <- data2
            datafile <- "GSM2396856_dc_3hr_cbc_gbc_dict_strict.csv"
            c2g <- read.table(paste0(path, datafile), fill = TRUE, sep = ",")
            cn <- character(ncol(data))
            for (i in seq_len(length(c2g[[1]]))) {
                cells <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(c2g[[2]][[i]]), ", "))
                cn[which(colnames(data) %in% cells)] <- paste(cn[
                    which(colnames(data) %in% cells)],
                    gsub("^c_|^c_sg|^m_|_[0-9]$|_10$", "",
                         as.character(c2g[[1]][[i]])), sep = "_")
            barcodes[[5]] <- colnames(data)
            colnames(data) <- gsub("^_|^_p_sg|^_p_", "", cn)
            colnames(data)[grep("INTER", colnames(data))] <- ""
            if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0 & !multi) {
                data <- data[, -grep("_", colnames(data))]
            if (!is.null(m)) {
                Sgenes <- unique(c("", naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))))
                data <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% Sgenes[seq_len(m+1)]),
                             drop = FALSE]
            if (!is.null(o)) {
                Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
                idx <- NULL
                for (i in Sgenes) {
                    idx <- c(idx, which(colnames(data) %in% i)[seq_len(o)])
                data <- data[, idx]
            datas[[5]] <- data
            data <- cbind(datas[[4]], datas[[5]])
            data <- exp(data) - 1
            exprslvl <- apply(data, 1, median)
            data <- data[which(exprslvl > 0), ]
            data <- Linnorm(data)
            datas[[4]] <- data[, seq_len(ncol(datas[[4]]))]
            datas[[5]] <- data[, -seq_len(ncol(datas[[4]]))]
            print("data normalized")
    } else {
        datas <- list()
        for (i in sets) {
            if (!is.null(data[[i]])) {
                datas[[i]] <- data[[i]]$data
    print("data loaded")
    ## dataset normalization, log odds computation and mnem inference
    app <- list()
    for (i in sets) {
        data <- datas[[i]]
        if ("lods" %in% types) {
            print(paste0("dataset ", i))
            ## data normalization
            if (i == 1) {
                exprslvl <- apply(data, 1, median)
                data <- data[which(exprslvl > 0), ]
                data <- t(t(data)/(colSums(data)/10000))
                data <- Linnorm(data)
                print("data normalized")
            } else if (i %in% c(2,3)) {
                data <- exp(data) - 1
                exprslvl <- apply(data, 1, median)
                data <- data[which(exprslvl > 0), ]
                data <- Linnorm(data)
                print("data normalized")
            ## log ratio calculation
            llr <- data*0
            C <- which(colnames(data) %in% "")
            distrPar <- function(i, data, C) {
                cdistr <- ecdf(data[i, C])
                llrcol <- numeric(ncol(data))
                for (j in which(!(colnames(data) %in% ""))) {
                    gene <- colnames(data)[j]
                    D <- which(colnames(data) %in% gene)
                    ddistr <- ecdf(data[i, D])
                    llrcol[j] <-
                        log2(min(ddistr(data[i, j]),
                                 1 -
                                 ddistr(data[i, j]))/min(cdistr(data[i,j]),
                                                         1 -
            if (is.null(parallel)) {
                llr <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), distrPar, data, C)
            } else {
                sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = parallel)
                llr <- sfLapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), distrPar, data, C)
            llr <- do.call("rbind", llr)
            llr[is.na(llr)] <- 0
            llr[is.infinite(llr)] <- max(llr[!is.infinite(llr)])
            colnames(llr) <- colnames(data)
            llr <- llr[, which(!(colnames(data) %in% ""))]
            rownames(llr) <- rownames(data)
            print("log ratios computed")
            ## mixture nem
            colnames(llr) <- toupper(colnames(llr))
            if (i == 1 & !allcrop) {
                cropgenes <- c("LCK", "ZAP70", "PTPN6", "DOK2",
                               "PTPN11", "EGR3", "LAT")
                lods <- llr[, which(colnames(llr) %in% cropgenes)]
            } else {
                lods <- llr
            badgenes <- "Tcrlibrary"
            badgenes <- grep(badgenes, rownames(lods))
            if (length(badgenes) > 0) {
                lods <- lods[-badgenes, ]
            sdev <- apply(lods, 1, sd)
            lods <- lods[which(sdev > sd(lods)), ]
            n <- length(unique(colnames(lods)))
            if ("mnem" %in% types) {
                bics <- rep(Inf, maxk)
                res <- list()
                for (k in seq_len(maxk)) {
                    res[[k]] <- mnem(lods, k = k, parallel = parallel, ...)
                app[[i]] <- res
                print("mixture nested effects model learned")
            } else {
                app[[i]] <- list(data = data, lods = lods,
                                 barcodes = barcodes[[i]])
        } else {
            app[[i]] <- list(data = data, barcodes = barcodes[[i]])
#' Hierarchical mixture.
#' This function does a hierarchical mixture. That means it uses the
#' approximate BIC to check, if there are more than one component. It
#' recursively splits the data if there is evidence for k > 1 components.
#' @param data data matrix either binary or log odds
#' @param k number of maximal components for each hierarchy leaf
#' @param logtype log type of the data
#' @param getprobspars list of parameters for the getProbs function
#' @param ... additional parameters for the mnem function
#' @return object of class mnem
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnemh(data, starts = 1, k = 1)
mnemh <- function(data, k = 2, logtype = 2, getprobspars = list(), ...) {
    D <- data
    data <- modData(data)
    n <- getSgeneN(data)
    Sgenes <- naturalsort(getSgenes(data))
    tmp <- mnemh.rec(data, k=k, logtype=logtype, ...)
    K <- length(tmp)/11
    comp <- res <- limits <- list()
    lls <- numeric(K)
    for (i in seq_len(K)) {
        lls[i] <- tmp[[(11+11*(i-1))]]
        comp[[i]] <- res[[i]] <- list()
        tmp2 <- tmp[[(2+11*(i-1))]]
        tmp3 <- tmp2[[1]]$phi
        thetatmp <- tmp[[(2+11*(i-1))]][[1]]$theta
        if (nrow(tmp2[[1]]$phi) < n) {
            tmpdata <- tmp[[(3+11*(i-1))]]
            inGenes <- naturalsort(getSgenes(tmpdata))
            tmpidx <- which(Sgenes %in% inGenes)
            if (max(thetatmp) > length(tmpidx)) {
                thetatmp[which(thetatmp == max(thetatmp))] <- length(Sgenes)+1
            for (j in seq_len(length(tmpidx))) {
                thetatmp <- gsub(j, tmpidx[j], thetatmp)
            outGenes <- Sgenes[which(!(Sgenes %in% inGenes))]
            tmpidx2 <- which(Sgenes %in% outGenes)
            colnames(tmp3) <- rownames(tmp3) <- tmpidx
            tmp3 <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow(tmp3)+length(outGenes),
                          rbind(matrix(0, length(outGenes), ncol(tmp3)), tmp3))
            colnames(tmp3)[seq_len(length(outGenes))] <-
                rownames(tmp3)[seq_len(length(outGenes))] <- tmpidx2
            tmp3 <- tmp3[naturalorder(rownames(tmp3)),
        res[[i]]$adj <- comp[[i]]$phi <- tmp3
        comp[[i]]$theta <- tmp[[(2+11*(i-1))]][[1]]$theta
        limits[[i]] <- list()
        limits[[i]]$ll <- tmp[[(6+11*(i-1))]]
    probs <- matrix(0, K, ncol(data))
    probs <- do.call(getProbs, c(list(probs=probs, k=K, data=data,
                                      res=res), getprobspars))
    colnames(probs$probs) <- colnames(D)
    res <- list(limits = limits, comp = comp, data = D, mw = probs$mw,
                probs = probs$probs, lls = lls, ll = probs$ll)
    class(res) <- "mnem"
#' Processed scRNAseq from pooled CRISPR screens
#' Example data: mnem results for
#' the Dixit et al., 2016 and Datlinger et al., pooled CRISPR screens.
#' For details see the vignette or function createApp().
#' @name app
#' @docType data
#' @usage app
#' @references Datlinger, P., Rendeiro, A., Schmidl, C., Krausgruber, T.,
#' Traxler, P., Klughammer, J., Schuster, L. C., Kuchler, A., Alpar, D.,
#' and Bock, C. (2017). Pooled crispr screening with single-cell transcriptome
#' readout. Nature Methods, 14, 297-301.
#' @references Dixit, A., Parnas, O., Li, B., Chen, J., Fulco, C. P.,
#' Jerby-Arnon, L., Marjanovic, N. D., Dionne, D., Burks, T., Raychowdhury, R.,
#' Adamson, B., Norman, T. M., Lander, E. S., Weissman, J. S., Friedman, N., and
#' Regev, A. (2016). Perturb-seq: Dissecting molecular circuits with scalable
#' single-cell rna profiling of pooled genetic screens. Cell, 167(7),
#' 1853-1866.e17.
#' @examples
#' data(app)
#' Calculate responsibilities.
#' This function calculates the responsibilities
#' of each component for all cells from the expected log distribution of the
#' hidden data.
#' @param x log odds for l cells and k components as a kxl matrix
#' @param affinity 0 for standard soft clustering, 1 for hard clustering
#' during inference (not recommended)
#' @param norm if TRUE normalises to probabilities (recommended)
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param mw mixture weights of the components
#' @param data data in log odds
#' @param complete if TRUE, complete data log likelihood is considered (for
#' very large data sets, e.g. 1000 cells and 1000 E-genes)
#' @return responsibilities as a kxl matrix (k components, l cells)
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' resp <- getAffinity(result$probs, mw = result$mw, data = data)
getAffinity <- function(x, affinity = 0, norm = TRUE, logtype = 2, mw = NULL,
                        data = matrix(0, 2, ncol(x)), complete = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(mw)) { mw <- rep(1, nrow(x))/nrow(x) }
    if (affinity == 1) {
        if (complete) {
            y <- apply(y, 2, function(x) {
                xmax <- max(x)
                maxnum <- 2^1023
                shrinkfac <- log(maxnum)/log(logtype)
                x <- x - (xmax - shrinkfac)
        y <- logtype^x
        y <- y*mw
        y <- apply(y, 2, function(x) {
            xnmax <- which(x < max(x))
            if (length(xnmax) > 0) {
                x[xnmax] <- 0
        if (is.null(dim(y))) {
            y <- matrix(y, nrow = 1)
        if (norm) {
            y[which(y != 0)] <- 1
    } else {
        if (nrow(x) > 1) {
            y <- x
            if (norm) {
                if (complete & any(y > 0)) {
                    y <- apply(y, 2, function(x) {
                        xmax <- max(x)
                        maxnum <- 2^1023
                        shrinkfac <- log(maxnum)/log(logtype)
                        x <- x - (xmax - shrinkfac/length(x))
                y <- logtype^y
                y <- y*mw
                y <- y/colSums(y)[col(y)]
        } else {
            y <- matrix(1, nrow(x), ncol(x))
    y[which(is.na(y) == TRUE)] <- 0
#' Calculate negative penalized log likelihood.
#' This function calculates
#' a negative penalized log likelihood given a object of class mnem. This
#' penalized likelihood is based on the normal likelihood and penalizes
#' complexity of the mixture components (i.e. the networks).
#' @param x mnem object
#' @param man logical. manual data penalty, e.g. man=TRUE and pen=2 for an
#' approximation of the Akaike Information Criterion
#' @param degree different degree of penalty for complexity: positive entries
#' of transitively reduced phis or phi^r (degree=0), phi^r and mixture
#' components minus one k-1 (1), phi^r, k-1 and positive entries of thetas (2),
#' positive entries of transitively closed phis or phi^t, k-1 (3), phi^t, theta,
#' k-1 (4, default), all entries of phis, thetas and k-1 (5)
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param pen penalty weight for the data (e.g. pen=2 for approximate Akaike
#' Information Criterion)
#' @param useF use F (see publication) as complexity instead of phi and theta
#' @param Fnorm normalize complexity of F, i.e. if two components have the
#' same entry in F, it is only counted once
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return penalized log likelihood
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' pen <- numeric(3)
#' result <- list()
#' for (k in seq_len(2)) {
#'     result[[k]] <- mnem(data, k = k, starts = 1)
#'     pen[k] <- getIC(result[[k]])
#' }
#' print(pen)
getIC <- function(x, man = FALSE, degree = 4, logtype = 2, pen = 2,
                  useF = FALSE, Fnorm = FALSE) {
    n <- ncol(x$data)
    if (useF) {
        for (i in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
            tmp <- mytc(x$comp[[i]]$phi)
            tmp2 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tmp),
                           ncol = length(x$comp[[i]]$theta))
            tmp3 <- x$comp[[i]]$theta
            tmp3[which(tmp3 > nrow(tmp2))] <- 0
            tmp2[cbind(tmp3, seq_len(ncol(tmp2)))] <- 1
            tmp4 <- tmp%*%tmp2
            if (i == 1) {
                fpar <- tmp4
            } else {
                fpar <- fpar + tmp4
        if (Fnorm) {
            fpar[which(fpar > 0)] <- 1
        fpar <- sum(fpar)
        fpar <- fpar + length(x$comp) - 1
    } else {
        if (degree != 5) {
            fpar <- 0
            for (i in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
                tmp <- transitive.reduction(x$comp[[i]]$phi)
                if (degree > 2) {
                    tmp <- mytc(x$comp[[i]]$phi)
                diag(tmp) <- 0
                fpar <- fpar + sum(tmp != 0)
            if (degree > 1 & (degree != 3)) {
                fpar <- fpar + length(x$comp)*length(x$comp[[1]]$theta)
        } else {
            fpar <-(length(x$comp[[1]]$phi)+
        if (degree > 0) {
            fpar <- fpar + length(x$comp) - 1
    LL <- max(x$ll)*log(logtype)
    if (man) {
        ic <- pen*fpar - 2*LL
    } else {
        ic <- log(n)*fpar - 2*LL
#' Learn the number of components K and optimize the mixture.
#' High level function for learning the number of components k, if unknown.
#' @param D data with cells indexing the columns and features (E-genes)
#' indexing the rows
#' @param ks vector of number of components k to test
#' @param man logical. manual data penalty, e.g. man=TRUE and pen=2 for an
#' approximation of the Akaike Information Criterion
#' @param degree different degree of penalty for complexity: positive entries
#' of transitively reduced phis or phi^r (degree=0), phi^r and mixture
#' components minus one k-1 (1), phi^r, k-1 and positive entries of thetas (2),
#' positive entries of transitively closed phis or phi^t, k-1 (3), phi^t, theta,
#' k-1 (4, default), all entries of phis, thetas and k-1 (5)
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param pen penalty weight for the data (e.g. pen=2 for approximate Akaike
#' Information Criterion)
#' @param useF use F (see publication) as complexity instead of phi and theta
#' @param Fnorm normalize complexity of F, i.e. if two components have the
#' same entry in F, it is only counted once
#' @param ... additional parameters for the mnem main function
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return list containing the result of the best k as an mnem object and the
#' raw and penalized log likelihoods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnemk(data, ks = seq_len(2), starts = 1)
mnemk <- function(D, ks = seq_len(5), man = FALSE, degree = 4, logtype = 2,
                  pen = 2, useF = FALSE, Fnorm = FALSE, ...) {
    kres <- list()
    kic <- numeric(length(ks))
    kll <- numeric(length(ks))
    for (i in ks) {
        kres[[i]] <- mnem(D, k = i, ...)
        kic[i] <- getIC(kres[[i]], man = man, degree = degree,
                        logtype = logtype, pen = pen, useF = useF,
                        Fnorm = Fnorm)
        kll[i] <- kres[[i]]$ll
    res <- list(best = kres[[which.min(kic)]], ics = kic, lls = kll)
#' Mixture NEMs - main function.
#' This function simultaneously learns a mixture
#' of causal networks and clusters of a cell population from single cell
#' perturbation data (e.g. log odds of fold change) with a multi-trait
#' readout. E.g. Pooled CRISPR scRNA-Seq data (Perturb-Seq. Dixit et al., 2016,
#' Crop-Seq. Datlinger et al., 2017).
#' @param D data with cells indexing the columns and features (E-genes)
#' indexing the rows
#' @param inference inference method "em" for expectation maximization or "mcmc" for markov chain monte carlo sampling
#' @param search search method for single network inference "greedy",
#' "exhaustive" or "modules" (also possible: "small", which is greedy with
#' only one edge change per M-step to make for a smooth convergence)
#' @param phi a list of n lists of k networks for n starts of the EM and
#' k components
#' @param theta a list of n lists of k attachment vector for the E-genes
#' for n starts of the EM and k components
#' @param mw mixture weights; if NULL estimated or uniform
#' @param method "llr" for log ratios or foldchanges as input (see ratio)
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param parallel number of threads for parallelization of the number of
#' em runs
#' @param reduce logical - reduce search space for exhaustive search to
#' unique networks
#' @param runs number of runs for greedy search
#' @param starts number of starts for the em or mcmc
#' @param type initialize with responsibilities either by "random",
#' "cluster" (each S-gene is clustered and the different S-gene clustered
#' differently combined for several starts),
#' "cluster2" (clustNEM is used to infer reasonable phis, which are then
#' used as a start for one EM run), "cluster3" (global clustering as a start),
#' or "networks" (initialize with random phis), inference='mcmc' only supports
#' 'networks' and 'empty' for unconncected networks phi
#' @param complete if TRUE, optimizes the expected complete log likelihood
#' of the model, otherwise the log likelihood of the observed data
#' @param p initial probabilities as a k (components) times l (cells) matrix
#' @param k number of components
#' @param kmax maximum number of components when k=NULL is inferred
#' @param verbose verbose output
#' @param max_iter maximum iterations (moves for inference='mcmc'.
#' adjust parameter  burnin)
#' @param parallel2 if parallel=NULL, number of threads for single component
#' optimization
#' @param converged absolute distance for convergence between new and old log
#' likelihood; if set to -Inf, the EM stops if neither the phis nor thetas were
#' changed in the most recent iteration
#' @param redSpace space for "exhaustive" search
#' @param affinity 0 is default for soft clustering, 1 is for hard clustering
#' @param evolution logical. If TRUE components are penelized for being
#' different from each other.
#' @param lambda smoothness value for the prior put on the components, if
#' evolution set to TRUE
#' @param subtopoX hard prior on theta as a vector with entry i equal to j,
#' if E-gene i is attached to S-gene j
#' @param ratio logical, if true data is log ratios, if false foldchanges
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param domean average the data, when calculating a single NEM (speed
#' improvment)
#' @param modulesize max number of S-genes per module in module search
#' @param compress compress networks after search (warning: penelized
#' likelihood not interpretable)
#' @param increase if set to FALSE, the algorithm will not stop if the
#' likelihood decreases
#' @param fpfn numeric vector of length two with false positive and false
#' negative rates for discrete data
#' @param Rho perturbation matrix with dimensions nxl with n S-genes and
#' l samples; either as probabilities with the sum of probabilities for a
#' sample less or equal to 1 or discrete with 1s and 0s
#' @param ksel character vector of methods for the inference of k; can combine
#' as the first two vlues "hc" (hierarchical clustering) or "kmeans" with
#' "silhouette", "BIC" or "AIC"; the third value is either "cor" for
#' correlation distance or any method accepted by the function 'dist'
#' @param nullcomp if TRUE, adds a null component (k+1)
#' @param tree if TRUE, restrict inference on trees (MCMC not included)
#' @param burnin number of iterations to be discarded prior to
#' analyzing the posterior distribution of the mcmc
#' @param hastings if set to TRUE, the Hastings ratio is calculated
#' @param nodeswitch if set to TRUE, node switching is allowed as a
#' move, additional to the edge moves
#' @param postgaps can be set to numeric. Determines after how
#' many iterations the next Phi mixture is added to the Phi edge Frequency
#' tracker in the mcmc
#' @param penalized if set to TRUE, the penalized likelihood will be
#' used for the mcmc.
#' Per default this is FALSE, since no component learning is involved and
#' sparcity is hence not enforced
#' @param accept_range the random probability the acceptance probability
#' is compared to (default: 1)
#' @param ... arguments to function nem
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return object of class mnem
#' \item{comp}{list of the component with each component being
#' a list of the causal network phi and the E-gene attachment theta}
#' \item{data}{input data matrix}
#' \item{limits}{list of results for all indpendent searches}
#' \item{ll}{log likelihood of the best model}
#' \item{lls}{log likelihood ascent of the best model search}
#' \item{mw}{vector with mixture weights}
#' \item{probs}{kxl matrix containing the cell log likelihoods
#' of the model}
#' @export
#' @import
#' cluster
#' graph
#' Rgraphviz
#' naturalsort
#' snowfall
#' lattice
#' stats4
#' stats
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
mnem <- function(D, inference = "em", search = "greedy", phi = NULL,
                 theta = NULL, mw = NULL, method = "llr", marginal = FALSE,
                 parallel = NULL, reduce = FALSE, runs = 1, starts = 3,
                 type = "networks", complete = FALSE,
                 p = NULL, k = NULL, kmax = 10, verbose = FALSE,
                 max_iter = 100, parallel2 = NULL, converged = -Inf,
                 redSpace = NULL, affinity = 0, evolution = FALSE, lambda = 1,
                 subtopoX = NULL, ratio = TRUE, logtype = 2,
                 domean = TRUE, modulesize = 5, compress = FALSE,
                 increase = TRUE, fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1), Rho = NULL,
                 ksel = c("kmeans", "silhouette", "cor"),
                 nullcomp = FALSE, tree = FALSE, burnin=10,
                 nodeswitch=TRUE, postgaps=10,
                 accept_range = 1, ...) {
    if (length(grep("_", colnames(D))) > 0 & is.null(Rho)) {
        Rho <- getRho(D)
    if (!is.null(k)) {
        if (k == 1) {
            type <- "random"
    if (nrow(D) > 10^3 & !complete) {
        print(paste0("The input data set consists of ", nrow(D), " E-genes ",
                     "and overall ", length(D), " data points. ",
                     "Consider option 'complete = TRUE', if the ",
                     "observed log-likelihood reaches infinity, i.e. error."))
    if (all(D %in% c(0,1))) { method <- "disc" }
    if (method %in% "disc") {
        D[which(D == 1)] <- log((1-fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
        D[which(D == 0)] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1-fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
        method <- "llr"
    if (reduce & search %in% "exhaustive" & is.null(redSpace)) {
        colnames(D) <- gsub("_.*", "", colnames(D))
        if (any(duplicated(colnames(D)) == TRUE)) {
            D <- D[, -which(duplicated(colnames(D)) == TRUE)]
        redSpace <- nem(D,
                        search = "exhaustive", reduce = TRUE,
                        verbose = verbose, parallel = c(parallel, parallel2),
                        subtopo = subtopoX, ratio = ratio, domean = FALSE,
                        modulesize = modulesize, logtype = logtype,
                        modified = TRUE, Sgenes = Sgenes, Rho = Rho,
                        marginal = marginal, tree = tree,...)$redSpace
    if (!is.null(parallel)) { if (parallel == 1) { parallel <- NULL } }
    D.backup <- D
    D <- modData(D)
    Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
    data <- D
    D <- NULL
    ## learn k:
    if (is.null(k) & is.null(phi) & is.null(p)) {
        if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0) {
            datak <- data
            colnames(datak) <- gsub("_", "", colnames(datak))
            datak <- modData(datak)
        } else {
            datak <- data
        tmp <- learnk(datak, kmax = kmax, ksel = ksel, starts = starts,
                      verbose = verbose)
        k <- tmp$k
        if (verbose) {
            print(paste("components detected: ", k, sep = ""))
        ks <- tmp$ks
    } else {
        if (!is.null(p)) {
            k <- nrow(p)
        } else if (!is.null(phi)) {
            k <- length(phi[[1]])
            starts <- length(phi)
        ks <- rep(k, length(Sgenes))
    if (is.null(mw)) {
        mw <- rep(1, k)/k
    if (!is.null(k)) {
        if ((type %in% "networks" | type %in% "networks2") & is.null(phi)) {
            meanet <- nem(D = data, search = search, start = phi,
                          method = method,
                          parallel = parallel2, reduce = reduce,
                          runs = runs,
                          verbose = verbose, redSpace = redSpace,
                          ratio = ratio, domean = domean,
                          modulesize = modulesize, Rho = Rho,
                          logtype = logtype, modified = TRUE, Sgenes = Sgenes,
                          marginal = marginal, tree = tree, ...)
            if (type %in% "networks2") {
                linets <- TRUE
            } else {
                linets <- FALSE
            init <- initComps(data, k, starts, verbose, meanet, linets = linets)
            probscl <- 0
        } else if (!is.null(phi)) {
            init <- phi
        } else {
            if (type %in% "cluster") {
                probscl <- initps(data, ks, k, starts = starts)
                init <- NULL
            } else if (type %in% c("cluster2", "cluster3")) {
                nem <- TRUE
                if (type %in% "cluster3") { nem <- FALSE }
                init <- clustNEM(data, nem = nem, k = k, starts = starts,
                                 search = search, method = method,
                                 parallel = parallel,
                                 runs = runs, verbose = verbose, ratio = ratio,
                                 domean = domean, modulesize = modulesize,
                                 Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype, modified = TRUE,
                                 tree = tree)
                if (type %in% "cluster2") {
                    mw <- init$mw
                    init <- list(A = unlist(init$comp, recursive = FALSE))
                } else {
                    p <- matrix(0.5, k, ncol(data))
                    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
                        p[i, which(init$cluster == i)] <- 1.5
                    init <- NULL
                starts <- 1
            } else {
                probscl <- 0
                init <- NULL
    } else {
        probscl <- 0
        mw <- 1
    if (!is.null(parallel)) { parallel2 <- NULL }
    res1 <- NULL
    if (starts <= 1) { parallel2 <- parallel; parallel <- NULL }
    if (!is.null(parallel)) { parallel2 <- NULL }
    if (nullcomp) {
        k <- k+1
    if (k == 1) {
        if (!is.null(init)) {
            start <- phi[[1]][[1]]
        } else {
            start <- NULL
        if (!is.null(theta)) {
            subtopoX <- theta[[1]][[1]]
        if (!is.null(parallel) & is.null(parallel2)) { parallel2 <- parallel }
        if (verbose) {
            print("no evidence for sub populations or k set to 1")
        limits <- list()
        limits[[1]] <- list()
        limits[[1]]$res <- list()
        limits[[1]]$res[[1]] <- nem(D = data, search = search, start = start,
                                    method = method,
                                    parallel = parallel2, reduce = reduce,
                                    runs = runs,
                                    verbose = verbose, redSpace = redSpace,
                                    ratio = ratio, domean = domean,
                                    modulesize = modulesize, Rho = Rho,
                                    logtype = logtype, modified = TRUE,
                                    Sgenes = Sgenes, subtopo = subtopoX,
                                    marginal = marginal, tree = tree, ...)
        limits[[1]]$res[[1]]$D <- NULL
        res <- list()
        res[[1]] <- list()
        res[[1]]$adj <- limits[[1]]$res[[1]]$adj
        res[[1]]$subtopo <- limits[[1]]$res[[1]]$subtopo
        n <- ncol(res[[1]]$adj)
        mw <- 1
        probs <- matrix(0, k, ncol(data))
        probs <- getProbs(probs, k, data, res, method, affinity,
                          converged, subtopoX, ratio, mw = mw, fpfn = fpfn,
                          Rho = Rho, complete = complete, nullcomp = nullcomp,
                          marginal = marginal)
        subtopoX <- probs$subtopoX
        limits[[1]]$lls <- limits[[1]]$ll <- probs$ll
        limits[[1]]$probs <- probs
        limits[[1]]$mw <- 1
    } else {
        if (inference %in% "em") {
            if (!is.null(parallel)) {
                sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = parallel)
            do_inits <- function(s) {
                if (!is.null(init)) {
                    res1 <- list()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(init[[s]]))) {
                        res1[[i]] <- list()
                        res1[[i]][["adj"]] <- init[[s]][[i]]
                        if (!is.null(theta)) {
                            res1[[i]][["subtopo"]] <- theta[[s]][[i]]
                    if (nullcomp) {
                        k <- length(res1) + 1
                        res1[[k]] <- list()
                        res1[[k]][["adj"]] <- res1[[i]][["adj"]]*0
                        res1[[k]][["subtopo"]] <- res1[[i]][["subtopo"]]*0
                        mw <- rep(1/k,k)
                    } else {
                        k <- length(res1)
                    n <- ncol(res1[[1]]$adj)
                    if (is.null(p)) {
                        probs <- matrix(0, k, ncol(data))
                        probs0 <- getProbs(probs, k, data, res1, method,
                                          affinity, converged, subtopoX,
                                          ratio, mw = mw, fpfn = fpfn,
                                          Rho = Rho, complete = complete,
                                          nullcomp = nullcomp,
                                          marginal = marginal)
                        subtopoX <- probs0$subtopoX
                        mw <- probs0$mw
                        ll <- probs0$ll
                        probs <- probs0
                    } else {
                        probs <- list()
                        p <- p*t(t(p)*apply(abs(data), 2, sum))
                        probs$probs <- log(p)/log(logtype)
                if (is.null(init)) {
                    if (is.null(p)) {
                        if (length(probscl) >= s & type %in% "cluster") {
                            probs <- probscl[[s]]
                        } else {
                            probs <- random_probs(k, data, logtype = logtype)
                    } else {
                        k <- nrow(p)
                        probs <- log(p)/log(logtype)
                    probs <- list()
                    probs$probs <- probs
                mw <- apply(getAffinity(probs$probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                                        logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
                                        complete = complete), 1,sum)
                mw <- mw/sum(mw)
                if (any(is.na(mw))) { mw <- rep(1, k)/k }
                if (verbose) {
                    print(paste("start...", s))
                limits <- list()
                ll <- -Inf
                # ll <- getLL(probs, logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
                #             complete = complete)
                llold <- bestll <- -Inf
                bestmw <- mw
                lls <- phievo <- thetaevo <- mwevo <- NULL
                count <- 0
                time0 <- TRUE
                probsold <- probs
                stop <- FALSE
                while (((((ll - llold > converged & abs(ll - llold) > 0 &
                           increase) |
                          (abs(ll - llold) > converged & !increase) &
                          count < max_iter)) | time0) & !stop) {
                              if (!time0) {
                                  if (ll - bestll > 0) {
                                      bestll <- ll; bestres <- res1
                                      bestprobs <- probs; bestmw <- mw
                                  llold <- ll
                                  probsold <- probs
                              res <- list()
                              postprobs <- getAffinity(probs$probs, affinity =
                                                       norm = TRUE, logtype =
                                                       mw = mw, data = data,
                                                       complete = complete)
                              edgechange <- 0
                              thetachange <- 0
                              for (i in seq_len(k)) {
                                  if (!is.null(res1) &
                                      !("modules" %in% search)) {
                                      start0 <- res1[[i]]$adj
                                  } else {
                                      start0 <- NULL
                                  n <- getSgeneN(data)
                                  dataF <- matrix(0, nrow(data), n)
                                  colnames(dataF) <- seq_len(n)
                                  nozero <- which(postprobs[i, ] != 0)
                                  if (length(nozero) != 0) {
                                      if (length(nozero) == ncol(data)) {
                                          dataR <- data
                                          postprobsR <- postprobs[i, ]
                                          RhoR <- Rho
                                      } else {
                                          dataR <- cbind(data[, nozero,
                                                              drop = FALSE],
                                          postprobsR <- c(postprobs[i, nozero],
                                                          rep(0, n))
                                          RhoR <- cbind(
                                              Rho[, nozero, drop = FALSE],
                                  } else {
                                      dataR <- dataF
                                      postprobsR <- rep(0, n)
                                      RhoR <- Rho
                                  if (!is.null(theta)) {
                                      thetaX <- theta[[s]][[i]]
                                  } else {
                                      thetaX <- NULL
                                  if (!nullcomp | i != k) {
                                      if (is.null(start0)) {
                                          res[[i]] <- nem(D = dataR,
                                                          weights = postprobsR,
                                                          search = search,
                                                          start = start0,
                                                          method = method,
                                                          parallel = parallel2,
                                                          reduce = reduce,
                                                          runs = runs,
                                                          verbose = verbose,
                                                          redSpace = redSpace,
                                                          ratio = ratio,
                                                          domean = domean,
                                                          modulesize =
                                                          Rho = RhoR,
                                                          logtype = logtype,
                                                          modified = TRUE,
                                                          Sgenes = Sgenes,
                                                          subtopo = thetaX,
                                                          marginal = marginal,
                                                          tree = tree, ...)
                                      } else {
                                          test01 <- list()
                                          test01scores <- numeric(2)
                                          for (j in seq_len(2)) {
                                              if (j == 2) {
                                                  start1 <- start0
                                              } else {
                                                  start1 <- start0*0
                                              test01[[j]] <-
                                                  nem(D = dataR,
                                                      weights =
                                                      search = search,
                                                      start = start1,
                                                      method = method,
                                                      parallel =
                                                      reduce = reduce,
                                                      runs = runs,
                                                      verbose = verbose,
                                                      redSpace =
                                                      ratio = ratio,
                                                      domean = domean,
                                                      odulesize =
                                                      Rho = RhoR,
                                                      logtype = logtype,
                                                      modified = TRUE,
                                                      Sgenes = Sgenes,
                                                      subtopo = thetaX,
                                                      marginal = marginal,
                                                      tree = tree, ...)
                                              test01scores[j] <-
                                          res[[i]] <-
                                  } else {
                                      res[[i]] <- list()
                                      res[[i]]$adj <- res[[i-1]]$adj*0
                                      res[[i]]$subtopo <- res[[i-1]]$subtopo*0
                                  edgechange <- edgechange +
                                      sum(abs(res[[i]]$adj - res1[[i]]$adj))
                                  thetachange <- thetachange +
                                      sum(res[[i]]$subtopo != res1[[i]]$subtopo)
                                  res[[i]]$D <- NULL
                                  res[[i]]$subweights <- NULL
                              evopen <- 0
                              if (evolution) {
                                  res <- sortAdj(res)$res
                                  evopen <- calcEvopen(res)
                              res1 <- res
                              ## E-step:
                              n <- ncol(res[[1]]$adj)
                              probs0 <- probsold
                              probs <- probsold
                              probs <- getProbs(probs$probs, k, data, res, method,
                                                affinity, converged,
                                                subtopoX, ratio,
                                                mw = mw, fpfn = fpfn,
                                                Rho = Rho, complete = complete,
                                                nullcomp = nullcomp,
                                                marginal = marginal)
                              if (probs$ll > probs0$ll) {
                                  probs0 <- probs
                              subtopoX <- probs0$subtopoX
                              probs <- probs0
                              modelsize <- n*n*k
                              datasize <- nrow(data)*ncol(data)*k
                              ll <- probs0$ll + evopen*datasize*(modelsize^-1)
                              mwold <- mw
                              mw <- apply(getAffinity(probs$probs,
                                                      affinity = affinity,
                                                      norm = TRUE,
                                                      logtype = logtype,
                                                      mw = mw,
                                                      data = data,
                                                      complete = complete),
                                          1, sum)
                              mw <- mw/sum(mw)
                              if(verbose) {
                                  print(paste("ll: ", ll, sep = ""))
                                  print(paste("changes in phi(s): ",
                                              edgechange, sep = ""))
                                  print(paste("changes in theta(s): ",
                                              thetachange, sep = ""))
                                  if (evolution) {
                                      print(paste("evolution penalty: ",
                                                  evopen, sep = ""))
                              lls <- c(lls, ll)
                              phievo <- c(phievo, edgechange)
                              thetaevo <- c(thetaevo, thetachange)
                              mwevo <- c(mwevo, sum(abs(mw-mwold)))
                              count <- count + 1
                              if (is.infinite(converged) & phievo[count] == 0
                                  & thetaevo[count] == 0 & !time0) {
                                  stop <- TRUE
                              time0 <- FALSE
                if (ll - bestll > 0) {
                    bestll <- ll; bestres <- res1
                    bestprobs <- probs; bestmw <- mw
                if (abs(ll - llold) > converged | llold > ll) {
                    if (verbose & (increase | max_iter <= count)) {
                        print("no convergence")
                limits <- list()
                limits$probs <- bestprobs
                limits$res <- bestres
                limits$lls <- lls
                limits$ll <- max(lls)
                limits$k <- k
                limits$subtopo <- subtopoX
                limits$mw <- bestmw
                limits$phievo <- phievo
                limits$thetaevo <- thetaevo
                limits$mwevo <- mwevo
            if (!is.null(parallel)) {
                limits <- sfLapply(seq_len(starts), do_inits)
            } else {
                limits <- lapply(seq_len(starts), do_inits)
            if (!is.null(parallel)) {
        if (inference %in% "mcmc"){
            res <- MCMC(Nems=k, Sgenes=length(Sgenes), data=data,
                        stop_counter=max_iter, burn_in=burnin,
                        starts=starts, Hastings=hastings,
                        Initialize=type, phi = phi,
                        logtype = logtype,
                        marginal = marginal,
                        complete = complete,
                        accept_range = accept_range)
            class(res) <- "mnem_mcmc"
        ## if (inference %in% "greedy") {
        ##     lls <- NULL
        ##     stop <- FALSE
        ##     probsold <- matrix(0, k, ncol(data))
        ##     while(!stop) {
        ##         evopen <- 0
        ##         for (i in seq_len(k)) {
        ##             probs0 <- list()
        ##             probs0$probs <- probsold
        ##             probs <- probsold
        ##             probs <- getProbs(probs, k, data, res, method,
        ##                               affinity, converged,
        ##                               subtopoX, ratio,
        ##                               mw = mw, fpfn = fpfn,
        ##                               Rho = Rho, complete = complete,
        ##                               marginal = marginal)
        ##             if (getLL(probs$probs, logtype = logtype,
        ##                       mw = mw, data = data, complete = complete) >
        ##                 getLL(probs0$probs, logtype = logtype, mw = mw,
        ##                       data = data, complete = complete)) {
        ##                 probs0 <- probs
        ##             }
        ##             subtopoX <- probs0$subtopoX
        ##             probs <- probs0$probs
        ##             modelsize <- n*n*k
        ##             datasize <- nrow(data)*ncol(data)*k
        ##             ll <- getLL(probs, logtype = logtype, mw = mw,
        ##                         data = data, complete = complete) +
        ##                 evopen*datasize*(modelsize^-1)
        ##         }
        ##     }
        ## }
    if (inference %in% "em"){
      best <- limits[[1]]
      if (length(limits) > 1) {
          for (i in 2:length(limits)) {
              if (max(best$ll) <= max(limits[[i]]$ll)) {
                  best <- limits[[i]]
      if (compress) {
          unique <- list()
          count <- 1
          added <- 1
          for (i in seq_len(length(best$res))) {
              if (i == 1) {
                  unique[[1]] <- best$res[[1]]
              count <- count + 1
              unique[[count]] <- best$res[[i]]
              added <- c(added, i)
              for (j in seq_len(length(unique)-1)) {
                  if (all(unique[[count]]$adj - unique[[j]]$adj  == 0)) {
                      unique[[count]] <- NULL
                      count <- count - 1
                      added <- added[-length(added)]
          dead <- NULL
          for (i in seq_len(length(unique))) {
              dups <- NULL
              a <- mytc(unique[[i]]$adj)
              for (j in seq_len(length(unique))) {
                  if (i %in% j | j %in% dead) { next() }
                  b <- mytc(unique[[j]]$adj)
                  dups <- c(dups, which(apply(abs(a - b), 1, sum) == 0))
              if (all(seq_len(nrow(unique[[i]]$adj)) %in% dups)) {
                  dead <- c(dead, i)
          if (is.null(dead)) {
              ulength <- seq_len(length(unique))
          } else {
              added <- added[-dead]
              ulength <- (seq_len(length(unique)))[-dead]
          count <- 0
          unique2 <- list()
          for (i in ulength) {
              count <- count + 1
              unique2[[count]] <- unique[[i]]    }
          unique <- unique2
          probs <- best$probs$probs[added, , drop = FALSE]
          colnames(probs) <- colnames(D.backup)
          postprobs <- getAffinity(probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                                   logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
                                   complete = complete)
          if (!is.null(dim(postprobs))) {
              lambda <- apply(postprobs, 1, sum)
              lambda0 <- lambda/sum(lambda)
              lambda <- best$mw
          } else {
              lambda <- 1
          comp <- list()
          for (i in seq_len(length(unique))) {
              comp[[i]] <- list()
              comp[[i]]$phi <- unique[[i]]$adj
              comp[[i]]$theta <- unique[[i]]$subtopo
      } else {
          probs <- best$probs$probs[, , drop = FALSE]
          colnames(probs) <- colnames(D.backup)
          postprobs <- getAffinity(probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                                   logtype = logtype, mw = best$mw, data = data,
                                   complete = complete)
          if (!is.null(dim(postprobs))) {
              lambda <- apply(postprobs, 1, sum)
              lambda0 <- lambda/sum(lambda)
              lambda <- best$mw
              if (k == 1) { lambda <- 1 }
          } else {
              lambda <- 1
          comp <- list()
          for (i in seq_len(length(best$res))) {
              comp[[i]] <- list()
              comp[[i]]$phi <- best$res[[i]]$adj
              comp[[i]]$theta <- best$res[[i]]$subtopo
      res <- list(limits = limits, comp = comp, data = D.backup, mw = lambda0,
                  probs = probs, lls = best$lls, phievo = best$phievo,
                  thetaevo = best$thetaevo, mwevo = best$mwevo,
                  ll = best$ll, complete = complete, Rho = Rho,
                  nullcomp = nullcomp)
      class(res) <- "mnem"
#' Bootstrap.
#' Run bootstrap simulations on the components (phi)  of an object of
#' class mnem.
#' @param x mnem object
#' @param size size of the booststrap simulations
#' @param p percentage of samples (e.g. for 100 E-genes p=0.5 means
#' sampling 50)
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param complete if TRUE, complete data log likelihood is considered (for
#' very large data sets, e.g. 1000 cells and 1000 E-genes)
#' @param ... additional parameters for the nem function
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return returns bootstrap support for each edge in each component (phi); list
#' of adjacency matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' boot <- bootstrap(result, size = 2)
bootstrap <- function(x, size = 1000, p = 1, logtype = 2, complete = FALSE,
                      ...) {
    data <- x$data
    post <- getAffinity(x$probs, logtype = logtype, mw = x$mw, data = data,
                        complete = complete)
    bootres <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
        dataR <- t(t(data)*post[i, ])
        bootres[[i]] <- x$comp[[i]]$phi*0
        for (j in seq_len(size)) {
            dataRR <- dataR[sample(seq_len(nrow(dataR)),
                                   ceiling(p*nrow(dataR)), replace = TRUE), ]
            res <- nem(dataRR, ...)
            bootres[[i]] <- bootres[[i]]+mytc(res$adj)
        bootres[[i]] <- bootres[[i]]/size
        colnames(bootres[[i]]) <- rownames(bootres[[i]]) <-
    class(bootres) <- "bootmnem"
#' Plot bootstrap mnem result.
#' @param x bootmnem object
#' @param reduce if TRUE transitively reduces the graphs
#' @param ... additional parameters for the plotting function plotDNF
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return visualization of bootstrap mnem result with Rgraphviz
#' @export
#' @method plot bootmnem
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' boot <- bootstrap(result, size = 2)
#' plot(boot)
plot.bootmnem <- function(x, reduce = TRUE, ...) {
    dnfs <- freqs <- NULL
    for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
        adj <- adj2 <- x[[i]]
        rownames(adj) <- colnames(adj) <- paste0(rownames(adj), "_", i)
        adj[which(adj <= 0.5)] <- 0
        if (reduce) {
            adj <- transitive.reduction(adj)*x[[i]]
        } else {
            adj <- x[[i]]
        adj2 <- adj
        adj2[which(adj > 0.5)] <- 0
        bidi <- which(adj2+t(adj2) > 0.5)
        adj[which(adj <= 0.5)] <- 0
        adj[bidi] <- (adj2+t(adj2))[bidi]
        diag(adj) <- 0
        dnf <- adj2dnf(apply(adj, c(1,2), ceiling))
        dnf <- dnf[-seq_len(nrow(adj))]
        freq <- as.vector(t(adj))
        freq <- freq[which(freq != 0)]
        dnfs <- c(dnfs, dnf)
        freqs <- c(freqs, freq)
    plotDnf(dnfs, edgelabel = freqs, ...)
#' Plot mnem result.
#' @param x mnem object
#' @param oma outer margin
#' @param main main text
#' @param anno annotate cells by their perturbed gene
#' @param cexAnno text size of the cell annotations
#' @param scale scale cells to show relative and not absolute distances
#' @param global if TRUE clusters all cells, if FALSE clusters cells within
#' a component
#' @param egenes show egene attachments, i.e. number of E-genes
#' assigned to each S-gene
#' @param sep seperate clusters and not put them on top of each other
#' for better visualization
#' @param tsne if TRUE use tsne instead of pca
#' @param affinity use hard clustering if TRUE
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data (e.g. 2 for log2 data or exp(1)
#' for natural)
#' @param cells show cell attachments, .i.e how many cells are assigned
#' to each S-gene
#' @param pch cell symbol
#' @param legend show legend
#' @param showdata show data if TRUE
#' @param bestCell show probability of best fitting cell for each S-gene
#' @param showprobs if TRUE, shows responsibilities for all cells and components
#' @param shownull if TRUE, shows the null node
#' @param ratio use log ratios (TRUE) or foldchanges (FALSE)
#' @param method "llr" for ratios
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param showweights if TRUE, shows mixture weights for all components
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return visualization of mnem result with Rgraphviz
#' @export
#' @method plot mnem
#' @import
#' cluster
#' graph
#' Rgraphviz
#' tsne
#' stats
#' @importFrom graphics layout par text
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' plot(result)
plot.mnem <- function(x, oma = c(3,1,1,3), main = "M&NEM", anno = TRUE,
                      cexAnno = 1, scale = NULL, global = TRUE, egenes = TRUE,
                      sep = FALSE, tsne = FALSE, affinity = 0, logtype = 2,
                      cells = TRUE, pch = ".", legend = FALSE, showdata = FALSE,
                      bestCell = TRUE, showprobs = FALSE, shownull = TRUE,
                      ratio = TRUE, method = "llr", marginal = FALSE,
                      showweights = TRUE, ...) {
    complete <- x$complete
    if (is.null(x$nullcomp)) {
        nullcomp <- FALSE
    } else {
        nullcomp <- x$nullcomp
    x2 <- x
    data <- x$data
    Rho <- x$Rho
    if (is.null(Rho)) {
        Rho <- getRho(data)
    if (nullcomp) {
        x$comp[[length(x$comp)]] <- NULL
    k <- length(x$comp)
    laymat <- rbind(seq_len(length(x$comp)+1),
                    c(length(x$comp)+2, rep(length(x$comp)+3,
    if (legend & !showdata) {
        laymat <- matrix(seq_len(length(x$comp)+1), nrow = 1)
    if (!legend & !showdata) {
        laymat <- matrix(seq_len(length(x$comp)), nrow = 1)
    if (!legend & showdata) {
        laymat <- rbind(seq_len(length(x$comp)),
                        c(length(x$comp)+1, rep(length(x$comp)+2,
    if (legend) {
        plotDnf(c("Sgenes=Egenes", "Egenes=Cells", "Cells=Fit"),
                edgecol = rep("transparent", 3),
                nodeshape = list(Sgenes = "circle", Egenes = "box",
                                 Cells = "diamond", Fit = "circle"),
                nodelabel = list(Sgenes = "signaling\ngenes",
                                 Egenes = "effect\nreporters",
                                 Cells = "single\ncells",
                                 Fit = "highest\nresponsibility"),
                nodeheight = list(Sgenes = 2, Egenes = 0.5,
                                  Cells = 0.5, Fit = 0.5),
                nodewidth = list(Sgenes = 2, Egenes = 0.5,
                                 Cells = 0.5, Fit = 0.5),
                layout = "circo")
    full <- x$comp[[1]]$phi
    mixnorm <- getAffinity(x$probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                           logtype = logtype, mw = x$mw, data = data,
                           complete = complete)
    mixnorm <- apply(mixnorm, 2, function(x) {
        xmax <- max(x)
        x[which(x != xmax)] <- 0
        x[which(x == xmax)] <- 1
    if (is.null(dim(mixnorm))) {
        mixnorm <- matrix(mixnorm, 1, length(mixnorm))
    realpct <- rowSums(mixnorm)
    realpct <- round(realpct/ncol(mixnorm), 3)*100
    unipct <- mixnorm
    unipct[, which(colSums(mixnorm) > 1)] <- 0
    unipct <- round(rowSums(unipct)/ncol(mixnorm), 3)*100
    Sgenes <- getSgenes(data)
    SgeneN <- getSgeneN(data)
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
        shared <- shared0 <- unique(colnames(mixnorm)[
            which(apply(mixnorm, 2,function(x)
                return(sum(x != 0))) != 1 & mixnorm[i, ] != 0)])
        net <- x$comp[[i]]$phi
        for (j in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
            colnames(net)[which(colnames(x$comp[[i]]$phi) %in% j)] <-
                rownames(net)[which(rownames(x$comp[[i]]$phi) %in% j)] <-
            shared[which(shared0 %in% j)] <- Sgenes[j]
        graph <- adj2dnf(net)
        pathedges <- length(graph)
        if (egenes) {
            enodes <- list()
            enodeshape <- list()
            enodeheight <- list()
            enodewidth <- list()
            probs <- x$probs
            if (is.null(x$comp[[i]]$theta)) {
                weights <- getAffinity(x$probs, affinity = affinity,
                                       norm = TRUE, logtype = logtype,
                                       mw = x$mw, data = data,
                                       complete = complete)
                subtopo <- scoreAdj(modData(data), x$comp[[i]]$phi,
                                    method = method, weights = weights[i, ],
                                    ratio = ratio, marginal = marginal,
            } else {
                subtopo <- x$comp[[i]]$theta
            for (j in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
                tmpN <- paste("_9247E", j, sep = "_")
                enodes[[tmpN]] <- sum(subtopo == j)
                enodeshape[[tmpN]] <- "box"
                enodewidth[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                enodeheight[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                if (tmpN != 0) {
                    graph <- c(graph, paste(Sgenes[j], tmpN, sep = "="))
            if (shownull) {
                enull <- sum(subtopo == 0)
                enodes[["_9247Null"]] <- "NULL"
                enodeshape[["_9247Null"]] <- "circle"
                enodewidth[["_9247Null"]] <- 1
                enodeheight[["_9247Null"]] <- 1
                if (enull > 0) {
                    nulltargets <- enull
                } else {
                    nulltargets <- sum(subtopo == (SgeneN+1))
                enodes[["_9247Nulltargets"]] <- nulltargets
                enodeshape[["_9247Nulltargets"]] <- "box"
                enodewidth[["_9247Nulltargets"]] <- 0.5
                enodeheight[["_9247Nulltargets"]] <- 0.5
                graph <- c(graph, "_9247Null=_9247Nulltargets")
        } else {
            enodes <- NULL
            enodeshape <- NULL
            enodeheight <- NULL
            enodewidth <- NULL
        if (cells) {
            datanorm <- modData(data)
            pnorm <- mixnorm
            if (is.null(dim(pnorm))) {
                pnorm <- matrix(pnorm, 1, length(pnorm))
            cnodes <- list()
            cnodeshape <- list()
            cnodeheight <- list()
            cnodewidth <- list()
            for (j in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
                tmpN <- paste("__9247C", j, sep = "_")
                cnodes[[tmpN]] <-
                    sum(Rho[j, which(pnorm[i, ] == 1)] > 0)
                cnodeshape[[tmpN]] <- "diamond"
                cnodewidth[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                cnodeheight[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                if (tmpN != 0) {
                    graph <- c(graph, paste(Sgenes[j], tmpN, sep = "="))
        } else {
            cnodes <- NULL
            cnodeshape <- NULL
            cnodeheight <- NULL
            cnodewidth <- NULL
        if (bestCell) {
            bnodes <- bnodeshape <- bnodeheight <- bnodewidth <- list()
            if (nrow(x$probs) > 1) {
                gam <- getAffinity(x$probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                                   logtype = logtype, mw = x$mw, data = data,
                                   complete = complete)
            } else {
                gam <- (logtype^x$probs)*x$mw
                gam <- gam/gam
            for (bnode in Sgenes) {
                tmpN <- paste0("_9247bnode", bnode)
                graph <- c(graph, paste0(bnode, "=_9247bnode", bnode))
                bnodes[[tmpN]] <-
                        i, grep(bnode, colnames(gam))]), 2)*100, "%")
                bnodeheight[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                bnodewidth[[tmpN]] <- 0.5
                bnodeshape[[tmpN]] <- "circle"
        } else {
            bnodes <- bnodeshape <- bnodeheight <- bnodewidth <- NULL
        edgecol <- c(rep("black", pathedges),
                     rep("grey", length(graph) - pathedges))
        if (showweights) {
            mainweights = paste("Cells: ",
                                realpct[i], "% (unique: ", unipct[i], "%)\n
Mixture weight: ", round(x$mw[i], 3)*100, "%", sep = "")
        } else {
            mainweights <- NULL
        plotDnf(graph, main = mainweights, bordercol = i+1, width = 1,
                connected = FALSE,
                nodelabel = c(cnodes, enodes, bnodes),
                nodeshape = c(cnodeshape, enodeshape, bnodeshape),
                nodewidth = c(cnodewidth, enodewidth, bnodewidth),
                nodeheight = c(cnodeheight, enodeheight, bnodeheight),
                edgecol = edgecol)
        full <- net + full
    if (showdata) {
        full[which(full > 1)] <- 1
        if (length(x$comp) > 1) {
        if (nrow(mixnorm) > 1) {
            pnorm <- getAffinity(x$probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
                                 logtype = logtype, mw = x$mw, data = data,
                                 complete = complete)
            if (is.null(dim(pnorm))) {
                pnorm <- matrix(pnorm, 1, length(pnorm))
            pcols <- rep(1, ncol(pnorm))
            pcols[which(apply(mixnorm, 2, max) == 1)] <-
                apply(mixnorm[, which(apply(mixnorm, 2, max) == 1)]*
                      ((matrix(seq_len(nrow(mixnorm)), nrow(mixnorm),
                                                            2, max) == 1),
                                               drop = FALSE]+1), 2, max)
            pcols[which(apply(mixnorm, 2, function(x)
                return(sum(x != 0))) != 1)] <- 1
            if (tsne) {
                pres <- list()
                pres$rotation <- tsne(t(pnorm))
            } else {
                pres <- prcomp(pnorm)
            if (nrow(x$probs) == 2) {
                pres <- list()
                pres$rotation <- t(pnorm)
            for (i in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
                    which(rownames(pres$rotation) %in% i)] <- Sgenes[i]
            jittered <- pres$rotation[, seq_len(2)]
            if (!sep) {
                global <- TRUE
            if (global) {
                if (tsne) {
                    prtmp <- list()
                    prtmp$rotation <- tsne(t(x$data))
                } else {
                    prtmp <- prcomp(x$data)
                jittered <- jittered*0
            if (is.null(scale) ) {
                if (global) {
                    scale <- 1
                } else {
                    scale <- (max(jittered) - min(jittered))*0.5
            for (i in naturalsort(unique(pcols))) {
                maxind0 <- which(pcols == i)
                if (!global) {
                    if (tsne) {
                        prtmp <- list()
                        prtmp$rotation <- tsne(t(x$data[, which(pcols == i)]))
                    } else {
                        prtmp <- prcomp(x$data[, which(pcols == i)])
                    maxind <- seq_len(nrow(prtmp$rotation))
                } else {
                    maxind <- maxind0
                if (sep) {
                    jittered[which(pcols == i), 1] <-
                        (prtmp$rotation[maxind, 1] -
                         mean(prtmp$rotation[maxind, 1]))*scale +
                        jittered[maxind0, 1]
                    jittered[which(pcols == i), 2] <-
                        (prtmp$rotation[maxind, 2] -
                         mean(prtmp$rotation[maxind, 2]))*scale +
                        jittered[maxind0, 2]
                } else {
                    if (!global) {
                        jittered[which(pcols == i), 1] <-
                            (prtmp$rotation[maxind, 1] -
                             mean(prtmp$rotation[maxind, 1]))
                        jittered[which(pcols == i), 2] <-
                            (prtmp$rotation[maxind, 2] -
                             mean(prtmp$rotation[maxind, 2]))
                    } else {
                        jittered[which(pcols == i), 1] <-
                            prtmp$rotation[maxind, 1]
                        jittered[which(pcols == i), 2] <-
                            prtmp$rotation[maxind, 2]
            if (anno) {
                cellnames <- apply(Rho, 2, function(x) {
                    y <- which(x > 0)
                    y <- paste(Sgenes[y], collapse = "_")
                plot(jittered, col = pcols, pch = "", main = main,
                     xlab = "pca1", ylab = "pca2")
                text(jittered[, 1],
                     jittered[, 2],
                     labels = cellnames,
                     srt = 45, pos = 1,
                     offset = 0, cex = cexAnno, col = pcols)
            } else {
                plot(jittered, col = pcols, main = main, pch = pch,
                     xlab = "pca1", ylab = "pca2")
            unique <- unique(pres$rotation[which(pcols != 1), seq_len(2)])
            if (all(dim(unique) != 0) & !global) {
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(unique))) {
                    for (j in seq_len(nrow(unique))) {
                        if (i == j) { next() }
                        lines(unique[c(i,j), ], lty = 3, col = "grey")

        } else {

            prtmp <- prcomp(x$data)

            plot(prtmp$rotation[, seq_len(2)], pch = ".")


#' Plot mnem_mcmc result.
#' @param x mnem_mcmc object
#' @param starts restarts of mcmc as used in mnem function
#' @param burnin number of iteration to start from
#' @param ... parameters for function ggplot2
#' @author Viktoria Brunner
#' @return visualization of mcmc result with Rgraphviz
#' @export
#' @method plot mnem_mcmc
#' @import
#' ggplot2
#' wesanderson
#' @importFrom graphics layout par text
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' result <- mnem(data, k = 2, starts = 1)
#' plot(result)
plot.mnem_mcmc <- function(x, starts = NULL, burnin = 0, ...) {
    if (is.null(starts)) {
        starts <- length(x$trace)
    colours <- wes_palette("FantasticFox1", starts, type = "continuous")
    df_trace <- data.frame("time"=x$trace_time[-seq_len(burnin)])
    for (i in 1:starts){
        df_trace$new_col <- x$trace[[i]][-seq_len(burnin)]
        names(df_trace)[names(df_trace) == 'new_col'] <- paste("trace", i,
                                                               sep = "")
    # p <- ggplot(data = df_trace, mapping = aes(x=time, y=trace1))
    # p + geom_line() + ylab("likelihood")
    plot(df_trace[[1]], df_trace[[2]], col = colours[1],
         ylim = c(min(df_trace[, -1]), max(df_trace[, -1])),
         xlab = 'mcmc iterations', ylab = 'log likelihood', ...)
    for (i in 3:(starts+1)) {
        lines(df_trace[[i]], col = colours[i-1], ...)
#' Cluster NEM.
#' This function clusters the data and performs standard nem on each cluster.
#' @param data data of log ratios with cells in columns and features in rows
#' @param k number of clusters to check
#' @param cluster given clustering has to correspond to the columns of data
#' @param starts number of random starts for the kmeans algorithm
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data
#' @param nem if FALSE only clusters the data
#' @param getprobspars list of parameters for the getProbs function
#' @param getaffinitypars list of parameters for the getAffinity function
#' @param Rho perturbation matrix with dimensions nxl with n S-genes and
#' l samples; either as probabilities with the sum of probabilities for a
#' sample less or equal to 1 or discrete with 1s and 0s
#' @param ... additional arguments for standard nem function
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return family of nems; the first k list entries hold full information of
#' the standard nem search
#' \item{comp}{list of all adjacency matrices phi}
#' \item{mw}{vector of mixture weights}
#' \item{probs}{fake cell probabilities (see mw: mixture weights)}
#' @export
#' @import
#' stats
#' cluster
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- (sim$data - 0.5)/0.5
#' data <- data + rnorm(length(data), 0, 1)
#' resulst <- clustNEM(data, k = 2:3)
clustNEM <- function(data, k = 2:10, cluster = NULL, starts = 1, logtype = 2,
                     nem = TRUE, getprobspars = list(),
                     getaffinitypars = list(), Rho = NULL, ...) {
    data <- modData(data)
    if (is.null(cluster)) {
        smax <- 0
        K <- 1
        res <- NULL
        for (i in k) {
            d <- (1 - cor(data))/2
            d <- as.dist(d)
            kres <- kmeans(d, i, nstart = starts)
            sres <- silhouette(kres$cluster, d)
            if (mean(sres[, 3]) > smax) {
                Kres <- kres
                K <- i
                smax <- mean(sres[, 3])
            } else {
    } else {
        Kres <- list()
        Kres$cluster <- cluster
        K <- max(cluster)
    res <- list()
    if (nem) {
        for (i in seq_len(K)) {
            if (sum(Kres$cluster == i) > 1 &
                    colnames(data[,which(Kres$cluster == i)]))) > 1) {
                datar <- data[, which(Kres$cluster == i)]
                Rhor <- Rho[, which(Kres$cluster == i)]
                res[[i]] <- nem(datar, Rho = Rhor, ...)
            } else {
                res[[i]] <- list()
                res[[i]]$adj <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
                rownames(res[[i]]$adj) <- colnames(res[[i]]$adj) <-
                    unique(colnames(data[, which(Kres$cluster == i),
                                         drop = FALSE]))
        res$comp <- list()
        res$mw <- numeric(K)
        Sgenes <- getSgeneN(data)
        for (i in seq_len(K)) {
            res$comp[[i]] <- list()
            tmp <- res[[i]]$adj
            if (nrow(tmp) < Sgenes) {
                smiss <- unique(colnames(data)[-which(colnames(data)
                                                      %in% colnames(tmp))])
                tmp <-
                    rbind(cbind(tmp, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(tmp),
                                            ncol = length(smiss))),
                          matrix(0, nrow = length(smiss),
                                 ncol =ncol(tmp) + length(smiss)))
                colnames(tmp)[(dim(res[[i]]$adj)[1]+1):nrow(tmp)] <-
                    rownames(tmp)[(dim(res[[i]]$adj)[1]+1):nrow(tmp)] <- smiss
                tmp <- tmp[order(rownames(tmp)), order(colnames(tmp))]
            res$comp[[i]]$phi <- tmp
            res$mw[i] <- sum(Kres$cluster == i)/ncol(data)
            res[[i]]$adj <- tmp
        n <- getSgeneN(data)
        probs <- matrix(0, K, ncol(data))
        probs <- do.call(getProbs, c(list(probs=probs, k=K, data=data,
                                          res=res, mw=res$mw, Rho=Rho),
        colnames(probs$probs) <- colnames(data)
        res$ll <- probs$ll
        res$probs <- probs$probs
        res$mw <- probs$mw
    res$cluster <- Kres$cluster
#' Simulate data.
#' This function simulates single cell data from a random
#' mixture of networks.
#' @param Sgenes number of Sgenes
#' @param Egenes number of Egenes
#' @param Nems number of components
#' @param reps number of replicates, if set (not realistic for cells)
#' @param mw mixture weights (has to be vector of length Nems)
#' @param evolution evolving and not purely random network, if set to TRUE
#' @param nCells number of cells
#' @param uninform number of uninformative Egenes
#' @param unitheta uniform theta, if TRUE
#' @param edgeprob edge probability, value between 0 and 1 for sparse or
#' dense networks or a range c(l,u) with lower and upper bound
#' @param multi a vector with the percentages of cell with multiple
#' perturbations, e.g. c(0.2,0.1,0) for 20% double and 10% triple and
#' no quadruple knock-downs
#' @param subsample range to subsample data. 1 means the full simulated data is
#' used
#' @param scalefree if TRUE, graph is scale free
#' @param badCells number of cells, which are just noise and not connected
#' to the ground truth network
#' @param exactProb logical; if TRUE generates random network with exact
#' fraction of edges provided by edgeprob
#' @param tree if TRUE, restricts dag to a tree
#' @param ... additional parameters for the scale free network
#' sampler (see 'nem' package)
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return simulation object with meta information and data
#' \item{Nem}{list of adjacency matrixes generatign the data}
#' \item{theta}{E-gene attachaments}
#' \item{data}{data matrix}
#' \item{index}{index for which Nem generated which cell
#' (data column)}
#' \item{mw}{vector of input mixture weights}
#' @export
#' @import
#' cluster
#' graph
#' Rgraphviz
#' tsne
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
simData <- function(Sgenes = 5, Egenes = 1,
                    Nems = 2, reps = NULL, mw = NULL, evolution = FALSE,
                    nCells = 1000, uninform = 0, unitheta = FALSE,
                    edgeprob = c(0,1), multi = FALSE, subsample = 1,
                    scalefree = FALSE, badCells = 0, exactProb = TRUE,
                    tree = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!is.null(mw) & Nems != length(mw)) {
        print(paste0("Vector of mixture weights 'mw' must be the length of the",
                     " number of komponents 'Nems'. Input 'Nems=", Nems,
                     " is overridden by the length ", length(mw),
                     " of 'mw'."))
        Nems <- length(mw)
    edgeprob2 <- 0
    if (length(edgeprob)==2) {
        edgeprob2 <- edgeprob
    if (multi[1] == FALSE) { multi <- rep(0, Sgenes-1) }
    if (length(multi) < Sgenes-1) {
        multi <- c(multi, rep(0, Sgenes - length(multi) - 1))
    Nem <- list()
    data <- NULL
    index <- NULL
    theta <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(Nems)) {
        if (length(edgeprob2)==2) {
            edgeprob <- runif(1,edgeprob2[1],edgeprob2[2])
        if (i == 1 | !evolution) {
            if (scalefree) {
                adj <- sampleRndNetwork(seq_len(Sgenes), DAG = TRUE, ...)
            } else {
                adj <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), Sgenes^2, replace = TRUE,
                                     prob = c(1-edgeprob, edgeprob)),
                              Sgenes, Sgenes)
                adj <- adj[order(apply(adj, 1, sum), decreasing = TRUE),
                           order(apply(adj, 2, sum), decreasing = FALSE)]
                adj[lower.tri(adj)] <- 0
                diag(adj) <- 1
                adj <- mytc(adj)
                while(sum(adj)-Sgenes >
                      & exactProb) {
                          over <- sum(adj) - Sgenes -
                              floor((Sgenes*(Sgenes/2) - Sgenes/2)*edgeprob)
                          adjtr <- transitive.reduction(adj)
                          adj[sample(which(adjtr == 1),
                                     min(over, sum(adjtr)))] <- 0
            colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- sample(seq_len(Sgenes),
            adj <- adj[order(as.numeric(rownames(adj))),
        } else {
            children <- which(apply(Nem[[(i-1)]], 1, sum) == 0)
            parents <- which(apply(Nem[[(i-1)]], 2, sum) == 0)
            if (length(children) > 1) {
                child <- sample(children, 1)
            } else {
                child <- children
            parents <- c(which(apply(Nem[[(i-1)]], 2, sum) == 0), child)
            if (length(parents) > 1) {
                if (child %in% parents) {
                    parent <- sample(parents[-which(parents %in% child)], 1)
                } else {
                    parent <- sample(parents, 1)
            } else {
                parent <- parents
            adj <- Nem[[(i-1)]]
            adj[, child] <- 0
            adj[child, parent] <- 1
            adj <- adj
        adj <- transitive.reduction(adj)
        if (tree) {
            for (j in 1:ncol(adj)) {
                if (sum(adj[,j]==1)>0) {
                    idx <- sample(which(adj[,j]==1),1)
                    adj[-idx,j] <- 0
        Nem[[i]] <- transitive.reduction(adj)
    for (i in seq_len(Nems)) {
        if (is.null(reps)) {
            reps2 <- ceiling(nCells/Sgenes)
        } else {
            reps2 <- reps
        adj <- mytc(Nem[[i]])
        data_tmp <- t(adj)
        colntmp <- rep(seq_len(ncol(data_tmp)), reps2)
        data_tmp <- data_tmp[, rep(seq_len(ncol(data_tmp)), reps2)]
        colnames(data_tmp) <- colntmp
        if (!is.null(mw)) {
            tmpsamp <- sample(seq_len(ncol(data_tmp)),
            data_tmp <- data_tmp[, tmpsamp, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
            mw <- rep(1/Nems, Nems)
            if (is.null(reps)) {
                data_tmp <- data_tmp[, seq_len(ceiling(nCells/Nems))]
        if (multi[1] == TRUE) {
            for (j in seq_len(Sgenes-1)) {
                data_fake <- matrix(0, 1, choose(Sgenes, j+1))
                colnames(data_fake) <- apply(combn(seq_len(Sgenes), j+1), 2,
                                             paste, collapse = "_")
                Rho <- getRho(data_fake)
                adj1 <- t(adj)%*%Rho
                adj1[which(adj1 > 1)] <- 1
                colnames(adj1) <- colnames(data_fake)
                data_tmp <- cbind(data_tmp, adj1)
                colnames(data_tmp)[-seq_len(ncol(data_tmp)-ncol(adj1))] <-
        } else {
            for (j in which(multi != 0)) {
                data_fake <- matrix(0, 1, choose(Sgenes, j+1))
                colnames(data_fake) <- apply(combn(seq_len(Sgenes), j+1), 2,
                                             paste, collapse = "_")
                Rho <- getRho(data_fake)
                adj1 <- t(adj)%*%Rho
                adj1[which(adj1 > 1)] <- 1
                colnames(adj1) <- colnames(data_fake)
                cells <- sample(which(!(seq_len(ncol(data_tmp)) %in%
                                        grep("_", colnames(data_tmp)))),
                                replace = TRUE)
                knockdowns <- sample(seq_len(ncol(adj1)),
                                     replace = TRUE)
                data_tmp[, cells] <- adj1[, knockdowns]
                colnames(data_tmp)[cells] <- colnames(adj1)[knockdowns]
        index <- c(index, rep(i, ncol(data_tmp)))
        data_tmp <- data_tmp[rep(seq_len(Sgenes), each = Egenes), ,
                             drop = FALSE]
        if (!unitheta) {
            eorder <- sample(seq_len(nrow(data_tmp)), nrow(data_tmp))
            data_tmp <- data_tmp[eorder, ]
            theta[[i]] <- as.numeric(c(rownames(data_tmp), rep(0, uninform)))
        data <- cbind(data, data_tmp)
    if (subsample < 1) {
        subsample <- sample(seq_len(ncol(data)), ceiling(ncol(data)*subsample))
        data <- data[, subsample]
        index <- rep(seq_len(Nems), each = Sgenes*reps)[subsample]
    if (uninform > 0) {
        data <- rbind(data, matrix(sample(c(0,1),
                                          ncol(data)*uninform, replace = TRUE),
                                   uninform, ncol(data)))
    if (badCells > 0) {
        baddata <- matrix(0,nrow(data),badCells)
        colnames(baddata) <- sample(seq_len(Sgenes),badCells,replace=TRUE)
        data <- cbind(data, baddata)
    sim <- list(Nem = Nem, theta = theta, data = data, index = index, mw = mw)
    class(sim) <- "mnem_sim"
#' Plot simulated mixture.
#' @param x mnem_sim object
#' @param data noisy data matrix (optional)
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data
#' @param fuzzypars list of parameters for the function fuzzyindex
#' @param ... additional parameters for the plotting function plotDNF
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return visualization of simulated mixture with Rgraphviz
#' @export
#' @method plot mnem_sim
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' plot(sim)
plot.mnem_sim <- function(x, data = NULL, logtype = 2, fuzzypars = list(), ...) {
    noisymix <- TRUE
    if (is.null(data)) {
        data <- x$data
        data[which(data == 0)] <- -1
        noisymix2 <- ""
        noisymix <- FALSE
    if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0) {
        Rho <- getRho(data)
    } else {
        Rho <- NULL
    fuzzypars <- c(list(x=x, data=data, logtype=logtype), fuzzypars)
    probs <- do.call(fuzzyindex, fuzzypars)
    mw <- probs$mw
    probs <- probs$probs
    mw2 <- unlist(apply(probs, 2, function(x) { return(which(x == max(x))) }))
    mw2 <- table(mw2)/ncol(probs)
    mw3 <- unlist(apply(probs, 2, function(x) {
        y <- which(x == max(x))
        if (length(y) > 1) {
        } else {
    mw3 <- table(mw3)/ncol(probs)
    for (i in seq(length(x$mw))) {
        if (noisymix) {
            noisymix2 <- paste0("\n\nNoisy Mixture weight: ",
                               round(mw[i]*100, 2), "%")
        tmp <- x$Nem[[i]]
        colnames(tmp) <- rownames(tmp) <- naturalsort(unique(colnames(data)))
        plotDnf(tmp, bordercol = i+1,
                main = paste0("Cells: ",
                              "% (unique ", round(mw3[i]*100), "%)",
                              "\n\nInput Mixture weight: ",
                              round(x$mw[i]*100), "%",
                              noisymix2), ...)
#' Calculate fuzzy ground truth.
#' Calculates responsibilities and mixture weights based on
#' the ground truth and noisy data.
#' @param x mnem_sim object
#' @param data noisy data matrix
#' @param logtype logarithm type of the data
#' @param complete if TRUE, complete data log likelihood is considered (for
#' very large data sets, e.g. 1000 cells and 1000 E-genes)
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param ... additional parameters for the function getAffinity
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return list with cell log odds mixture weights and log likelihood
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' data <- sim$data
#' data[which(sim$data == 1)] <- rnorm(sum(sim$data == 1), 1, 1)
#' data[which(sim$data == 0)] <- rnorm(sum(sim$data == 0), -1, 1)
#' fuzzy <- fuzzyindex(sim, data)
fuzzyindex <- function(x, data, logtype = 2, complete = FALSE,
                       marginal = FALSE, ...) {
    data <- modData(data)
    k <- length(x$Nem)
    res <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(k)) {
        res[[i]] <- list()
        res[[i]]$adj <- x$Nem[[i]]
        res[[i]]$subtopo <- x$theta[[i]]
    if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0) {
        Rho <- getRho(data)
    } else {
        Rho <- NULL
    n <- getSgeneN(data)
    probs <- matrix(0, k, ncol(x$data))
    probs <- getProbs(probs, k, data, res, mw = x$mw, logtype = logtype,
                      Rho=Rho, complete = complete, nullcomp = FALSE,
                      marginal = marginal)
    ll <- probs$ll
    mw <- probs$mw
    colnames(probs$probs) <- colnames(data)
    probs2 <- do.call(getAffinity, c(list(x=probs$probs, logtype=logtype,
                                          mw=mw), ...))
    return(list(probs = probs2, mw = mw, ll = ll))
#' Accuracy for two phis.
#' This function uses the hamming distance to calculate
#' an accuracy for two networks (phi).
#' @param a adjacency matrix (phi)
#' @param b adjacency matrix (phi)
#' @param diag if 1 includes diagonal in distance, if 0 not
#' @param symmetric comparing a to b is asymmetrical, if TRUE includes
#' comparison b to a
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return normalized hamming accuracy for a and b
#' @export
#' @import
#' cluster
#' graph
#' Rgraphviz
#' tsne
#' @examples
#' sim <- simData(Sgenes = 3, Egenes = 2, Nems = 2, mw = c(0.4,0.6))
#' similarity <- hamSim(sim$Nem[[1]], sim$Nem[[2]])
hamSim <- function(a, b, diag = 1, symmetric = TRUE) {
    Sgenes <- unique(colnames(a))
    ham <- numeric(ncol(b))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(b))) {
        c <- b[, i]
        tmp <- numeric(sum(colnames(a) %in% colnames(b)[i]))
        count <- 0
        for (j in which(colnames(a) %in% colnames(b)[i])) {
            d <- a[, j]
            count <- count + 1
            tmp[count] <- 1 - sum(abs(c - d))/(nrow(b) - 1*diag)
        ham[i] <- max(tmp)
    ham2 <- sum(ham)/length(ham)
    if (symmetric) {
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(a))) {
            c <- a[, i]
            tmp <- numeric(sum(colnames(b) %in% colnames(a)[i]))
            count <- 0
            for (j in which(colnames(b) %in% colnames(a)[i])) {
                d <- b[, j]
                count <- count + 1
                tmp[count] <- 1 - sum(abs(c - d))/(nrow(a) - 1*diag)
            ham[i] <- max(tmp)
        ham3 <- sum(ham)/length(ham)
    } else {
        ham3 <- 1
    ham <- min(c(ham2, ham3))
#' Plot disjunctive normal form.
#' This function visualizes a graph encoded as a disjunctive nromal form. See
#' the graphviz documentation for possible input arguments, like edgehead/tail:
#' https://graphviz.org/docs/attr-types/arrowType/
#' @param dnf Hyper-graph in disjunctive normal form,
#' e.g. c("A=B", "A=C+D", "E=!B") with the child on the left and the parents
#' on the right of the equation with "A=C+D" for A = C AND D. Alternatively,
#' dnf can be an adjacency matrix, which is converted on the fly to a
#' disjunctive normal form.
#' @param freq Frequency of hyper-edges which are placed on the edges.
#' @param stimuli Highlights vertices which can be stimulated.
#' @param signals Highlights vertices which regulate E-genes.
#' @param inhibitors Highlights vertices which can be inhibited.
#' @param connected If TRUE, only includes vertices which are connected to other
#' vertices.
#' @param CNOlist CNOlist object. Optional instead of stimuli, inhibitors or
#' signals. See package CellNOptR.
#' @param cex Global font size.
#' @param fontsize Vertice label size.
#' @param labelsize Edge label size.
#' @param type Different plot types. 2 for Rgraphviz and 1 for graph.
#' @param lwd Line width of nodeborder.
#' @param edgelwd Global edgeline width.
#' @param legend 0 shows no legend. 1 shows legend as a graph. 2 shows legend
#' in a standard box.
#' @param x x coordinate of box legend.
#' @param y y coordinate of box legend.
#' @param xjust Justification of legend box left, right or center (-1,1,0).
#' @param yjust Justification of legend box top, bottom or middle (-1,1,0).
#' @param width Vertice width.
#' @param height Vertice height.
#' @param layout Graph layout. See graphvizCapabilities()$layoutTypes.
#' @param main Main title.
#' @param sub Subtitle.
#' @param cex.main Main title font size.
#' @param cex.sub Subtitle font size.
#' @param col.sub Font color of subtitle.
#' @param fontcolor Global font color.
#' @param nodestates Binary state of each vertice.
#' @param simulate Simulate stimulation and inhibition of a list of vertices.
#' E.g. simulate = list(stimuli = c("A", "B"), inhibitors = c("C", "D")).
#' @param edgecol Vector with colors for every edge of the graph
#' (not hyper-graph). E.g. an AND gate consists of three distinct edges.
#' @param labels Vector with labels for the edges.
#' @param labelcol Vector with label colors for the edges.
#' @param nodelabel List of vertices with labels as input.
#' E.g. labels = list(A="test", B="label for B").
#' @param nodecol List of vertices with colors as input.
#' @param bordercol List of vertices with colors as input.
#' @param nodeshape List of vertices with shapes (diamond, box, square,...).
#' @param verbose Verbose output.
#' @param edgestyle set the edge style like dashed, can be numerical
#' @param nodeheight List of vertices with height as input.
#' @param nodewidth List of vertices with width as input.
#' @param edgewidth Vector with edge widths for individual edges.
#' @param lty Vector with edge styles (line, dotted,...).
#' @param hierarchy List with the hierarchy of the vertices.
#' E.g. list(top = c("A", "B"), bottom = c("C", "D")).
#' @param showall See "connected" above.
#' @param edgehead Vector with edge heads.
#' @param edgelabel Vector with edge labels.
#' @param edgetail Vector with edge tails.
#' @param bool If TRUE, only shows normal graph and no AND gates.
#' @param draw Do not plot the graph and only output the graphNEL object.
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @return Rgraphviz object
#' @export
#' @import
#' Rgraphviz
#' @examples
#' g <- c("!A+B+C=G", "C=G", "!D=G")
#' plotDnf(g)
plotDnf <- function(dnf = NULL, freq = NULL, stimuli = c(), signals = c(),
                    inhibitors = c(), connected = TRUE,  CNOlist = NULL,
                    cex = NULL, fontsize = NULL, labelsize = NULL, type = 2,
                    lwd = 1, edgelwd = 1, legend = 0, x = 0, y = 0, xjust = 0,
                    yjust = 0, width = 1, height = 1, layout = "dot", main = "",
                    sub = "",
                    cex.main = 1.5, cex.sub = 1, col.sub = "grey",
                    fontcolor = NULL, nodestates = NULL, simulate = NULL,
                    edgecol = NULL, labels = NULL,
                    labelcol = "blue", nodelabel = NULL, nodecol = NULL,
                    bordercol = NULL, nodeshape = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
                    edgestyle = NULL, nodeheight = NULL, nodewidth = NULL,
                    edgewidth = NULL, lty = NULL, hierarchy = NULL,
                    showall = FALSE, edgehead = NULL,
                    edgelabel = NULL, edgetail = NULL, bool = TRUE,
                    draw = TRUE, ...) {
    if (is.matrix(dnf)) {
        if (all(dnf == 0)) {
            diag(dnf) <- 1
        edgelwd <- edgelabel <- t(dnf)[which(t(dnf) != 0)]
        edgelabel <- round(edgelabel, 3)
        edgelwd <- edgelwd - min(edgelwd) + 1
        dnf[which(dnf != 0)] <- 1
        dnf <- dnf2 <- adj2dnf(dnf)
        dnf <- dnf[grep("=", dnf)]
        if (length(dnf) == 0) {
            dnf <- dnf2
        edgewidth <- edgelwd
        edgelwd <- NULL

    if (!bool & length(grep("\\+", dnf)) > 0) {
        dnf <- dnf[-grep("\\+", dnf)]

    graph <- dnf

    if (!is.null(hierarchy)) {
        if (!showall) {
            nodes <-
                unique(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(dnf, "=")), "\\+")))
            for (i in seq_len(length(hierarchy))) {
                hierarchy[[i]] <- intersect(hierarchy[[i]], nodes)
        graph2 <- NULL
        for (i in graph) {
            input <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
            output <- input[2]
            input <- gsub("!", "", unlist(strsplit(input[1], "\\+")))
            for (j in input) {
                graph2 <- c(graph2, paste(j, output, sep = "="))
            graph2 <- unique(graph2)
        hgraph <- NULL
        hgraph2 <- NULL
        for (i in seq_len(length(hierarchy)-1)) {
            for (j in hierarchy[[i]]) {
                for (k in hierarchy[[i+1]]) {
                    hgraph <- c(hgraph, paste(j, k, sep = "="))
                    hgraph2 <- c(hgraph2, paste(k, j, sep = "="))
        if (sum(hgraph %in% graph2) > 0) {
            hgraph <- hgraph[-which(hgraph %in% graph2)]
        if (sum(hgraph2 %in% graph2) > 0) {
            hgraph <- hgraph[-which(hgraph2 %in% graph2)]
        dnf <- c(graph, hgraph)
        ## update all the parameters e.g. edgestyle...
        if (is.null(edgecol)) {
            edgecol <- c(rep("black", length(grep("\\+", graph))+
                                      length(unlist(strsplit(graph, "\\+")))),
                         rep("transparent", length(hgraph)))
            dnf2 <- dnf
            if (length(grep("\\+", dnf2)) > 0) {
                dnf2[-grep("\\+", dnf2)] <- gsub("=", "",
                                                 dnf2[-grep("\\+", dnf2)])
            } else {
                dnf2 <- gsub("=", "", dnf2)
            edgecol[grep("!", unlist(strsplit(unlist(
                                  strsplit(dnf2,"\\+")), "=")))] <- "red"
        } else {
            if (length(edgecol) == 1) {
                edgecol <- c(rep(edgecol, length(grep("\\+", graph))+
                                              strsplit(graph, "\\+")))),
                             rep("transparent", length(hgraph)))
            } else {
                edgecol <- c(edgecol, rep("transparent", length(hgraph)))
    } else {
        if (is.null(lty) & !is.null(dnf)) {
            lty <- c(rep("solid", length(grep("\\+", graph))+
                                  length(unlist(strsplit(graph, "\\+")))))

    graph <- dnf

    dolegend <- FALSE
    if (is.null(dnf)) {
        dnf <- c("A=B")
        dolegend <- TRUE

    if (!is.null(simulate)) {
        nodestates <- simulateDnf(graph, stimuli = simulate$stimuli,
                                  inhibitors = simulate$inhibitors)

    if (is.null(freq)) {
        use.freq = FALSE
    } else {
        use.freq = TRUE
        if (is.null(labels)) {
            labels <- as.character(round(freq, 2)*100)
    if (is.null(labels)) {
        labels <- rep("", length(dnf))

    if (is.null(fontsize)) {
        fontsize <- ""
    if (is.null(labelsize)) {
        labelsize <- fontsize

    if (!is.null(CNOlist)) {
        if (length(stimuli) == 0) {
            stimuli <- colnames(CNOlist@stimuli)
        if (length(signals) == 0) {
            signals <- colnames(CNOlist@signals[[1]])
        if(length(inhibitors) == 0) {
            inhibitors <- colnames(CNOlist@inhibitors)

    if (connected) {
        Vneg <-unique(c(c(unique(unlist(strsplit(
            unlist(strsplit(dnf, "=")), "\\+"))))))
        if (length(grep("\\+", dnf)) > 0) {
            Vneg <- c(Vneg, paste("and", seq_len(length(grep("\\+", dnf))),
                                  sep = ""))
        V <- unique(gsub("!", "", Vneg))
        stimuli <- intersect(stimuli, V)
        signals <- intersect(signals, V)
        inhibitors <- intersect(inhibitors, V)
    } else {
        Vneg <- unique(c(c(unique(unlist(strsplit(
            unlist(strsplit(dnf, "=")), "\\+")))), stimuli,
            signals, inhibitors))
        if (length(grep("\\+", dnf)) > 0) {
            Vneg <- c(Vneg, paste("and", seq_len(length(grep("\\+", dnf))),
                                  sep = ""))
        V <- unique(gsub("!", "", Vneg))

    V <- sort(V)

    Vneg <- c(V, Vneg[grep("!", Vneg)])

    if (!is.null(nodecol)) {
        if (length(nodecol) == 1 & !is.list(nodecol)) {
            nodecol.tmp <- nodecol
            nodecol <- list()
            for (i in V) {
                if (length(grep("and", i)) == 0) {
                    nodecol[[i]] <- nodecol.tmp

    if (!is.null(bordercol)) {
        if (length(bordercol) == 1 & !is.list(bordercol)) {
            bordercol.tmp <- bordercol
            bordercol <- list()
            for (i in V) {
                if (length(grep("and", i)) == 0) {
                    bordercol[[i]] <- bordercol.tmp

    E <- list()

    for (i in V) {
        E[[i]] <- list()

    Eneg <- list()

    for (i in Vneg) {
        Eneg[[i]] <- list()

    count <- 0

    for (i in dnf) {
        tmp <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
        if (length(tmp)==1) {
            Eneg[[tmp]][["edges"]] <- c(Eneg[[tmp]][["edges"]], NULL)
            tmp <- gsub("!", "", tmp)
            E[[tmp]][["edges"]] <- c(E[[tmp]][["edges"]], NULL)
        } else {
            tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[1], "\\+"))
            if (length(tmp2) > 1) {
                count <- count + 1
                Eneg[[paste("and", count, sep = "")]][["edges"]] <-
                    c(Eneg[[paste("and", count, sep = "")]][["edges"]],
                      which(Vneg %in% tmp[2]))
                E[[paste("and", count, sep = "")]][["edges"]] <-
                    c(E[[paste("and", count, sep = "")]][["edges"]],
                      which(V %in% tmp[2]))
                for (j in tmp2) {
                    Eneg[[j]][["edges"]] <-
                          which(Vneg %in%paste("and", count, sep = "")))
                    j <- gsub("!", "", j)
                    E[[j]][["edges"]] <-
                          which(V %in% paste("and", count, sep = "")))
            } else {
                Eneg[[tmp2]][["edges"]] <-
                    c(Eneg[[tmp2]][["edges"]], which(Vneg %in% tmp[2]))
                tmp2 <- gsub("!", "", tmp2)
                E[[tmp2]][["edges"]] <-
                    c(E[[tmp2]][["edges"]], which(V %in% tmp[2]))

    g <- new("graphNEL",nodes=V,edgeL=E,edgemode="directed")

    gneg <- new("graphNEL",nodes=Vneg,edgeL=Eneg,edgemode="directed")

    nodes <- buildNodeList(g)

    edges <- buildEdgeList(g)

    nodesneg <- buildNodeList(gneg)

    edgesneg <- buildEdgeList(gneg)

    edgesnew <- list()

    for (i in sort(names(edges))) {
        edgesnew <- c(edgesnew, edges[[i]])

    names(edgesnew) <- sort(names(edges))

    edges <- edgesnew

    edgesnegnew <- list()

    for (i in names(edgesneg)) {
        edgesnegnew <- c(edgesnegnew, edgesneg[[i]])

    names(edgesnegnew) <- names(edgesneg)

    edgesneg <- edgesnegnew

    if (verbose) {
        print(paste("order of nodes: ", paste(names(nodes),
                                              collapse = ", "), sep = ""))
        print(paste("order of edges: ", paste(names(edges),
                                              collapse = ", "), sep = ""))

    edges <- edgesneg
    names(edges) <- gsub("!", "", names(edges))

    for (i in seq_len(length(edges))) {
        edges[[i]]@from <- gsub("!", "", edges[[i]]@from)
    nodeshape2 <- nodeshape
    nodeshape <- list()
    if (length(nodeshape2) == 1 & !(is.list(nodeshape2))) {
        for (i in seq_len(length(nodes))) {
            nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]] <- nodeshape2
    } else {
        nodeshape <- nodeshape2

    for (i in seq_len(length(nodes))) {
        nodes[[i]]@attrs$height <- height
        nodes[[i]]@attrs$width <- width
        if (!is.null(nodelabel[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$name <- nodelabel[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
        if (!is.null(nodeheight[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$height <- nodeheight[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
        if (!is.null(nodewidth[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$width <- nodewidth[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
        if (length(grep("and", nodes[[i]]@name)) > 0) {
            if (is.null(nodelabel)) {
                nodelabel <- list()
            nodelabel[[nodes[[i]]@name]] <- "AND"
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$label <- ""
            if (is.null(bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- "grey"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            if (is.null(nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- "box"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            if (is.null(nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- "grey"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$width <- "0.5"
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$height <- "0.5"
            if (type == 2) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fontsize <- "0"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fontsize <- "0"
        } else {
            nodes[[i]]@attrs$fontsize <- as.character(fontsize)
            if (is.null(nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- "white"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            if (is.null(nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- "ellipse"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            if (is.null(bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- "black"
            } else {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]]
            if (names(nodes)[i] %in% stimuli &
                is.null(nodeshape[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                if (type == 2) {
                    nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- "diamond"
                } else {
                    nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape <- "box"
            if (names(nodes)[i] %in% signals &
                is.null(nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- "lightblue"
            if (names(nodes)[i] %in% inhibitors &
                is.null(bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- "red"
        if (!is.null(nodestates)) {
            if (sum(names(nodestates) %in% nodes[[i]]@name) == 1) {
                if (nodestates[which(names(nodestates) %in%
                                     nodes[[i]]@name)] == 0) {
                    if (is.null(nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                        nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- "white"
                    if (is.null(bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                        nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- "black"
                if (nodestates[which(names(nodestates) %in%
                                     nodes[[i]]@name)] == 1) {
                    if (is.null(nodecol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                        nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor <- "green"
                    if (is.null(bordercol[[nodes[[i]]@name]])) {
                        nodes[[i]]@attrs$color <- "black"
    if (length(edges) > 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(length(edges))) {
            edges[[i]]@attrs$fontsize <- as.character(labelsize)
            if (length(grep("and", names(edges)[i])) > 0) {
                tmp <- unlist(strsplit(names(edges)[i], "~"))
                k <- grep("and", tmp)
                inputN <- length(grep(tmp[k], edges))
                k <- as.numeric(gsub("and", "", tmp[k]))
                ## try to get the index of the correct edgecol:
                k2 <- grep("\\+", dnf)[k]
                if (grep("and", tmp) == 2) {
                    inputN2 <-
                        which(gsub("!", "",
                                   unlist(strsplit(gsub("=.*", "",dnf[k2]),
                              %in% tmp[1])
                } else {
                    inputN2 <-
                        length(unlist(strsplit(gsub("=.*", "",
                                                    dnf[k2]), "\\+"))) + 1
                if (k2 == 1) {
                    edgecolindex <- inputN2
                } else {
                    if (length(grep("\\+", graph[seq_len(k2-1)])) == 0) {
                        edgecolindex <- length(graph[seq_len(k2-1)]) + inputN2
                    } else {
                        edgecolindex <-
                                                   "\\+"))) +
                            length(grep("\\+", dnf[seq_len(k2-1)])) + inputN2
                ## end
                inputN2 <- grep(tmp[1],
                                unlist(strsplit(dnf[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]],
                edges[[i]]@attrs$style <- lty[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]]
                edges[[i]]@attrs$label <- labels[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]]
                if (use.freq) {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <- freq[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]]
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$fontcolor <- "blue"
                if (!is.null(edgewidth)) {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <- edgewidth[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]]
                if (!is.null(edgestyle)) {
                    if (!is.na(edgestyle[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$style <- edgestyle[edgecolindex]
                if (!is.null(edgelabel)) {
                    if (!is.na(edgelabel[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$label <- edgelabel[edgecolindex]
                if (length(grep("!", names(edgesneg)[i])) > 0) {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- "tee"
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- "red"
                    if (!is.null(edgecol)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgecol[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- edgecol[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgehead)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgehead[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- edgehead[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgetail[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail <- edgetail[edgecolindex]
                } else {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- "open"
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- "black"
                    if (gsub("and.*", "and", tmp[1]) %in% "and") {
                        if (!is.null(edgecol)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgecol[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- edgecol[edgecolindex]
                        if (!is.null(edgehead)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgehead[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <-
                        if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgetail[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail <-
                    } else {
                        if (!is.null(edgecol)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgecol[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- edgecol[edgecolindex]
                        if (!is.null(edgehead)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgehead[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <-
                        if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                            if (!is.na(edgetail[grep("\\+", dnf)[k]])) {
                                edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail <-
            } else {
                tmp <- unlist(strsplit(names(edges)[i], "~"))
                if (length(grep("!", names(edgesneg)[i])) == 0) {
                    k2 <- grep(paste("^", tmp[1], "=", tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                } else {
                    k2 <- grep(paste("^!", tmp[1], "=", tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                if (k2 == 1) {
                    edgecolindex <- k2
                } else {
                    if (length(grep("\\+", dnf[seq_len(k2-1)])) == 0) {
                        edgecolindex <- k2
                    } else {
                        edgecolindex <-
                                                   "\\+"))) +
                            length(grep("\\+", dnf[seq_len(k2-1)])) + 1
                ## end
                if (length(grep("!", names(edgesneg)[i])) > 0) {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$style <-
                        lty[grep(paste("^!",tmp[1], "=", tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$label <-
                        labels[grep(paste("^!", tmp[1], "=",
                                          tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                    if (use.freq) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <-
                            freq[grep(paste("^!", tmp[1], "=",
                                            tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$fontcolor <- "blue"
                    if (!is.null(edgewidth)) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <-
                            edgewidth[grep(paste("^!", tmp[1], "=",
                                                 tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                    if (!is.null(edgestyle)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgestyle[grep(paste("^!",
                                                        tmp[1], "=",
                                                        tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                  dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$style <- edgestyle[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgelabel)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgelabel[grep(paste("^!",
                                                        tmp[1], "=",
                                                        tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                  dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$label <- edgelabel[edgecolindex]
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- "tee"
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- "red"
                    if (!is.null(edgecol)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgecol[grep(paste("^!",
                                                      tmp[1], "=",
                                                      tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- edgecol[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgehead)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgehead[grep(paste("^!",
                                                       tmp[1], "=",
                                                       tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                 dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- edgehead[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgetail[grep(paste("^!",
                                                       tmp[1], "=",
                                                       tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                 dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail <- edgetail[edgecolindex]
                } else {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$style <-
                        lty[grep(paste("^", tmp[1], "=",
                                       tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$label <-
                        labels[grep(paste("^", tmp[1], "=",
                                          tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                    if (use.freq) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <-
                                            tmp[1], "=",
                                            tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$fontcolor <- "blue"
                    if (!is.null(edgewidth)) {
                        edges[[i]]@attrs$weight <-
                            edgewidth[grep(paste("^", tmp[1], "=",
                                                 tmp[2], "$", sep = ""), dnf)]
                    if (!is.null(edgestyle)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgestyle[grep(paste("^",
                                                        tmp[1], "=",
                                                        tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                  dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$style <- edgestyle[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgelabel)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgelabel[grep(paste("^",
                                                        tmp[1], "=",
                                                        tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                  dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$label <- edgelabel[edgecolindex]
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- "open"
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- "black"
                    if (!is.null(edgecol)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgecol[grep(paste("^",
                                                      tmp[1], "=",
                                                      tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$color <- edgecol[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgehead)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgehead[grep(paste("^",
                                                       tmp[1], "=",
                                                       tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                 dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead <- edgehead[edgecolindex]
                    if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                        if (!is.na(edgetail[grep(paste("^",
                                                       tmp[1], "=",
                                                       tmp[2], "$", sep = ""),
                                                 dnf)])) {
                            edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail <- edgetail[edgecolindex]
    if (type == 1) {

        g2 <- agopen(name="boolean", nodes=nodes, recipEdges = "distinct",
                     edges=edges, edgeMode="undirected",
                     attrs=list(edge = list(),
                                graph = list(lwd = lwd),
                                node=list(lwd = lwd, fixedsize=FALSE)))

        plot(g2, "dot", lwd = lwd, ...)

    } else {

        arrowheads <- character()
        arrowtails <- character()
        arrowcolors <- character()
        arrowlabels <- character()
        arrowlwd <- character()
        arrowlty <- character()
        arrowfontsize <- character()
        if (length(edges) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(edges))) {
                if (length(edges[[i]]@attrs$style) == 0) {
                    edges[[i]]@attrs$style <- "solid"
                arrowlty <- c(arrowlty, edges[[i]]@attrs$style)
                arrowheads <- c(arrowheads, edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowhead)
                if (!is.null(edgetail)) {
                    arrowtails <- c(arrowtails, edges[[i]]@attrs$arrowtail)
                } else {
                    arrowtails <- c(arrowtails, "none")
                arrowcolors <- c(arrowcolors, edges[[i]]@attrs$color)
                arrowfontsize <- c(arrowfontsize, edges[[i]]@attrs$fontsize)
                arrowlwd <- c(arrowlwd, edges[[i]]@attrs$weight)
                arrowlabels <- c(arrowlabels, edges[[i]]@attrs$label)
        arrowlwd <- as.numeric(arrowlwd)

        graph.trans <- NULL
        and.count <- 0
        for (i in dnf) {
            if (length(grep("\\+", i)) > 0) {
                and.count <- and.count + 1
                output <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
                input <- unlist(strsplit(output[1], "\\+"))
                output <- output[2]
                for (i in input) {
                    graph.trans <-
                          paste(gsub("!", "", i), "~",
                                paste("and", and.count, sep = ""),
                                sep = ""))
                graph.trans <-
                    c(graph.trans, paste(paste("and", and.count, sep = ""),
                                         "~", output, sep = ""))
            } else {
                put <- unlist(strsplit(i, "="))
                graph.trans <-
                    c(graph.trans, paste(gsub("!", "", put[1]), "~",
                                         put[2], sep = ""))

        if (length(edgecol) == length(arrowcolors)) {
            edgecol <- edgecol[order(match(graph.trans, names(edges)))]
            arrowcolors <- edgecol

        nodeshapes <- character()
        nodecolors <- character()
        nodeheight <- character()
        nodewidth <- character()
        nodecolor <- character()

        for (i in seq_len(length(nodes))) {
            nodeshapes <- c(nodeshapes, nodes[[i]]@attrs$shape)
            nodecolors <- c(nodecolors, nodes[[i]]@attrs$fillcolor)
            nodeheight <- c(nodeheight, nodes[[i]]@attrs$height)
            nodewidth <- c(nodewidth, nodes[[i]]@attrs$width)
            nodecolor <- c(nodecolor, nodes[[i]]@attrs$color)

        nodeheight[which(nodeheight == "0.4")] <- "0.2"

        if (is.null(lty) & is.null(edgestyle)) {
            arrowlty <- rep("solid", length(edges))

        if (use.freq) {
            if (is.null(lty)) {
                if (edgestyle) {
                    arrowlty[which(as.numeric(arrowlabels) < 66)] <- "dashed"
                    arrowlty[which(as.numeric(arrowlabels) < 33)] <- "dotted"
            arrowlwd <- arrowlwd - min(arrowlwd)
            arrowlwd <- as.character((arrowlwd/max(arrowlwd)+0.1)*2*edgelwd)
        } else {
            if (is.null(edgewidth)) {
                arrowlwd <- rep(edgelwd, length(edges))

        if (is.null(edgewidth) & is.null(edgelabel)) {
            arrowlabels <- rep("", length(edges))

        if (length(arrowlty) == 0) {
            arrowlty <- rep("solid", length(edges))
        if (length(arrowlwd) == 0) {
            arrowlwd <- rep(lwd, length(edges))

        names(arrowfontsize) <- names(arrowheads) <- names(arrowtails) <-
            names(arrowcolors) <- names(arrowlwd) <- names(arrowlty) <-
            names(arrowlabels) <- names(edges)

        names(nodecolor) <- names(nodewidth) <- names(nodeheight) <-
            names(nodeshapes) <- names(nodecolors) <- names(nodes)

        if (length(unique(names(edges))) < length(names(edges))) {
            for (i in names(edges)[-which(duplicated(names(edges)) == TRUE)]) {
                getpos <- grep(paste("^", i, "$", sep = ""), names(edges))
                if (length(getpos) > 1) {
                    if (use.freq) {
                        if (arrowheads[getpos[1]] %in% "tee") {
                            arrowlabels[getpos[1]] <-
                                paste(paste(c("-", "+"),
                                            arrowlabels[getpos], sep = ""),
                                      collapse = "\n")
                        } else {
                            arrowlabels[getpos[1]] <-
                                paste(paste(c("+", "-"),
                                            arrowlabels[getpos], sep = ""),
                                      collapse = "\n")
                    } else {
                        if (is.null(edgelabel)) {
                            arrowlabels[getpos[1]] <- ""
                    arrowheads[getpos[1]] <- "odiamond"
                    if (is.null(edgecol)) {
                        arrowcolors[getpos[1]] <- "black"
                    } else {
                        if (is.na(edgecol[getpos[1]])) {
                            arrowcolors[getpos[1]] <- "black"
                    arrowlwd[getpos[1]] <-
        if (length(labels) == length(arrowlabels) & is.null(edgelabel)) {
            arrowlabels[!is.na(labels)] <- labels[!is.na(labels)]
        if (length(edgecol) == 1) {
            arrowcolors <- rep(edgecol, length(arrowcolors))
            names(arrowcolors) <- names(arrowlabels)

        if (legend == 1 | legend == 3) {
            if (dolegend) {
                start <- 1
                g@nodes <- c("LEGEND:", "STIMULUS", "INHIBITOR", "SIGNAL",
                             "NOTHING", "active", "inactive")
                g@edgeL <- list()
                g@edgeData@data <- list()
            } else {
                start <- length(g@nodes) + 1
                g@nodes <- c(g@nodes, "LEGEND:", "STIMULUS", "INHIBITOR",
                             "SIGNAL", "NOTHING", "active", "inactive")
            g@edgeL[["LEGEND:"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["STIMULUS"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["INHIBITOR"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["SIGNAL"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["NOTHING"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["active"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["inactive"]] <- list()
            g@edgeL[["LEGEND:"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+1)
            g@edgeL[["STIMULUS"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+2)
            g@edgeL[["INHIBITOR"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+3)
            g@edgeL[["SIGNAL"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+4)
            g@edgeL[["NOTHING"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+5)
            g@edgeL[["active"]][["edges"]] <- c(as.integer(start+6),
            g@edgeL[["inactive"]][["edges"]] <- as.integer(start+5)
            g@edgeData@data[["LEGEND:|STIMULUS"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["STIMULUS|INHIBITOR"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["INHIBITOR|SIGNAL"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["SIGNAL|NOTHING"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["NOTHING|active"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["active|inactive"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["active|NOTHING"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["inactive|active"]] <- list()
            g@edgeData@data[["LEGEND:|STIMULUS"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["STIMULUS|INHIBITOR"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["INHIBITOR|SIGNAL"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["SIGNAL|NOTHING"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["NOTHING|active"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["active|inactive"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["active|NOTHING"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            g@edgeData@data[["inactive|active"]][["weight"]] <- 1
            arrowheads <- c(arrowheads, "LEGEND:~STIMULUS" = "none",
                            "STIMULUS~INHIBITOR" = "open",
                            "INHIBITOR~SIGNAL" = "tee",
                            "SIGNAL~NOTHING" = "odiamond",
                            "NOTHING~active" = "open",
                            "active~inactive" = "tee", "active~NOTHING" = "tee",
                            "inactive~active" = "open")
            arrowcolors <- c(arrowcolors, "LEGEND:~STIMULUS" = "transparent",
                             "STIMULUS~INHIBITOR" = "black",
                             "INHIBITOR~SIGNAL" = "red",
                             "SIGNAL~NOTHING" = "blue",
                             "NOTHING~active" = "black",
                             "active~inactive" = "red",
                             "active~NOTHING" = "red",
                             "inactive~active" = "black")
            arrowlabels <- c(arrowlabels, "LEGEND:~STIMULUS" = "",
                             "STIMULUS~INHIBITOR" = "    positive",
                             "INHIBITOR~SIGNAL" = "    negative",
                             "SIGNAL~NOTHING" =
                                 "    ambiguous\npositive\nnegative",
                             "NOTHING~active" = "    bidirectional\ndifferent",
                             "active~inactive" = "    bidirectional\ndifferent",
                             "active~NOTHING" = "", "inactive~active" = "")
            nodecolors <- c(nodecolors, "LEGEND:" = "white",
                            "STIMULUS" = "white", "INHIBITOR" = "white",
                            "SIGNAL" = "lightblue", "NOTHING" = "white",
                            "active" = "green", "inactive" = "white")
            nodeheight <- c(nodeheight, "LEGEND:" = 0,
                            "STIMULUS" = as.character(max(nodeheight)),
                            "INHIBITOR" = as.character(max(nodeheight)),
                            "SIGNAL" = as.character(max(nodeheight)),
                            "NOTHING" = as.character(max(nodeheight)),
                            "active" = as.character(max(nodeheight)),
                            "inactive" = as.character(max(nodeheight)))
            nodewidth <- c(nodewidth, "LEGEND:" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "STIMULUS" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "INHIBITOR" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "SIGNAL" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "NOTHING" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "active" = as.character(max(nodewidth)),
                           "inactive" = as.character(max(nodewidth)))
            if (type == 2) {
                nodeshapes <- c(nodeshapes, "LEGEND:" = "box",
                                "STIMULUS" = "diamond", "INHIBITOR" = "ellipse",
                                "SIGNAL" = "ellipse", "NOTHING" = "ellipse",
                                "active" = "ellipse", "inactive" = "ellipse")
            } else {
                nodeshapes <- c(nodeshapes, "LEGEND:" = "box",
                                "STIMULUS" = "box", "INHIBITOR" = "ellipse",
                                "SIGNAL" = "ellipse", "NOTHING" = "ellipse",
                                "active" = "ellipse", "inactive" = "ellipse")
            nodecolor <- c(nodecolor, "LEGEND:" = "white", "STIMULUS" = "black",
                           "INHIBITOR" = "red", "SIGNAL" = "black",
                           "NOTHING" = "black", "active" = "black",
                           "inactive" = "black")
            dnf <- c(dnf, "NOTHING=active", "!active=NOTHING",
                     "!active=inactive", "inactive=active")
        nodelabels <- names(nodecolor)
        names(nodelabels) <- nodelabels
        for (i in seq_len(length(nodelabel))) {
            nodelabels[which(names(nodelabels) %in% names(nodelabel)[i])] <-
        g <- layoutGraph(g, edgeAttrs = list(arrowhead = arrowheads,
                                             color = arrowcolors,
                                             label = arrowlabels,
                                             arrowtail = arrowtails),
                         nodeAttrs = list(labels = nodelabels,
                                          color = nodecolor,
                                          height = nodeheight,
                                          width = nodewidth, shape = nodeshapes,
                                          fillcolor = nodecolors),
        graph.par(list(graph=list(main = main, sub = sub, cex.main = cex.main,
                                  cex.sub = cex.sub, col.sub = col.sub),
                       edges=list(textCol = labelcol, lwd = edgelwd,
                                  fontsize = labelsize),
                       nodes=list(lwd = lwd,fontsize = fontsize, cex = cex)))
        edgeRenderInfo(g) <- list(lty = arrowlty, lwd = arrowlwd,
                                  label = arrowlabels)
        if (length(edges) > 0) {
            for (i in names(g@renderInfo@edges$direction)) {
                input <- unlist(strsplit(i, "~"))
                output <- input[2]
                input <- input[1]
                ambig <- FALSE
                if (paste("!", input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf &
                    paste("", input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                    ambig <- TRUE
                if ((length(grep("and", i)) == 0 &
                     g@renderInfo@edges$direction[[i]] == "both") | ambig) {
                    pos <- which(names(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead) %in% i)
                    if (is.null(edgehead)) {
                        if (paste("!", input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] <- "tee"
                        if (paste(input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] <- "open"
                        if (paste("!", output, "=", input, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] <- "tee"
                        if (paste(output, "=", input, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] <- "open"
                        if (paste("!", output, "=", input, sep = "") %in% dnf &
                            paste("", output, "=", input, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] <- "odiamond"
                        if (paste("!", input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf &
                            paste("", input, "=", output, sep = "") %in% dnf) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] <- "odiamond"
                    if (is.null(edgecol)) {
                        if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] == "open" &
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] == "open") {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "black"
                        if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] == "tee" &
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] == "tee") {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "red"
                        if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] !=
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos]) {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "brown"
                        if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] == "odiamond" |
                            g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] == "odiamond") {
                            g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "blue"
                    } else {
                        if (is.null(edgecol)) { # is.na(edgecol[pos])
                            if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] == "open" &
                                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] == "open") {
                                g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "black"
                            if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] == "tee" &
                                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] == "tee") {
                                g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "red"
                            if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] !=
                                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos]) {
                                g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "brown"
                            if (g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail[pos] ==
                                "odiamond" |
                                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead[pos] ==
                                "odiamond") {
                                g@renderInfo@edges$col[pos] <- "blue"
        if (!is.null(simulate$draw)) {
            for (i in simulate$inhibitors) {
                g@nodes <- c(g@nodes, paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = ""))
                g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX <-
                          names(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX) %in% i)])
                g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY <-
                          names(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] + 200)
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust, "n")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$col <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$col, "transparent")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$col)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$fill <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$fill, "transparent")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$fill)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$shape <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$shape, "box")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$shape)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$style <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$style, "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$style)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$height <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$height, 2)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$height)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth, 1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth, 1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$label[[paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")]] <-
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                tmp.name <- paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@edgeL[[tmp.name]] <- list()
                g@edgeL[[tmp.name]][["edges"]] <- which(g@nodes %in% i)
                g@edgeData@data[[paste(tmp.name, "|", i, sep = "")]] <- list()
                g@edgeData@data[[paste(tmp.name, "|", i, sep = "")]]$weight <- 1
                g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom, tmp.name)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo, i)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelX <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelX, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelX)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelY <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelY, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelY)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$label <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$label, "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$label)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead, "tee")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail, "odot")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$col <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$col, "firebrick")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$col)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$lwd <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$lwd, lwd[1]*1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$lwd)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$lty <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$lty, "solid")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$lty)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$direction <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$direction, "forward")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$direction)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                ## calculate splines
                tmp.splines <-
                        which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY) %in% i)], 8)
                tmp.splines[c(7,5,3,1)] <-
                        which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] +
                        g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth[[i]] + 10,
                            which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] +
                        200 - g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth[[i]] - 10,
                        length.out = 4))
                tmp.splines[2] <- tmp.splines[2] + 50
                tmp.splines <- as.integer(tmp.splines)
                g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[paste(tmp.name, "~", i,
                                                  sep = "")]] <-
                for (j in seq_len(4)) {
                    tmpname <- paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                    g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[tmpname]][[1]]@cPoints[[j]]@x <-
                    tmpname <- paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                    g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[tmpname]][[1]]@cPoints[[j]]@y <-
            for (i in simulate$stimuli) {
                ## add the stimulating node
                g@nodes <- c(g@nodes, paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = ""))
                g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX) %in% i)])
                g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeX)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$nodeY)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] + 200)
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust, "n")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelJust)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$col <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$col, "transparent")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$col)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$fill <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$fill, "transparent")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$fill)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$shape <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$shape, "box")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$shape)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$style <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$style, "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$style)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$height <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@nodes$height, 2)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$height)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth, 1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth <- c(g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth, 1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$lWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@nodes$label[[paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")]] <-
                g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth <-
                          which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth) %in% i)])
                    length(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelWidth)] <-
                    paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                tmp.name <- paste(i, "_inhibited", sep = "")
                g@edgeL[[tmp.name]] <- list()
                g@edgeL[[tmp.name]][["edges"]] <- which(g@nodes %in% i)
                g@edgeData@data[[paste(tmp.name, "|", i, sep = "")]] <- list()
                g@edgeData@data[[paste(tmp.name, "|", i, sep = "")]]$weight <- 1
                g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom, tmp.name)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesFrom)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo, i)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$enamesTo)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelJust)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelX <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelX, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelX)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelY <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelY, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelY)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth, NA)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$labelWidth)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$label <- c(g@renderInfo@edges$label, "")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$label)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead, "open")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowhead)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail, "odot")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$arrowtail)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$col <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$col, "limegreen")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$col)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$lwd <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$lwd, lwd[1]*1)
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$lwd)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$lty <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$lty, "solid")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$lty)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$direction <-
                    c(g@renderInfo@edges$direction, "forward")
                    length(g@renderInfo@edges$direction)] <-
                    paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                tmp.splines <-
                        which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelY) %in% i)], 8)
                tmp.splines[c(7,5,3,1)] <-
                        which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] +
                        g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth[[i]] + 10,
                            which(names(g@renderInfo@nodes$labelX) %in% i)] +
                        200 - g@renderInfo@nodes$rWidth[[i]] - 10,
                        length.out = 4))
                tmp.splines[2] <- tmp.splines[2] + 50
                tmp.splines <- as.integer(tmp.splines)
                tmpname <- paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[tmpname]] <-
                for (j in seq_len(4)) {
                    tmpname <- paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                    g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[tmpname]][[1]]@cPoints[[j]]@x <-
                    tmpname <- paste(tmp.name, "~", i, sep = "")
                    g@renderInfo@edges$splines[[tmpname]][[1]]@cPoints[[j]]@y <-
            g@renderInfo@graph$bbox[2,1] <- g@renderInfo@graph$bbox[2,1] + 150
            g@renderInfo@graph$bbox[2,2] <- g@renderInfo@graph$bbox[2,2] + 25
        g <- g
        if (draw) {
            renderGraph(g, lwd = lwd, recipEdges = "distinct", ...)
    if (legend == 2 | legend == 3) {
        legend(x = x, y = y,
               legend = c("signals are blue",
                          "stimuli are diamonds/boxes",
                          "inhibitors have a red border",
                          "positive regulation is green ->",
                          "negative regulation is red -|",
                          "ambiguous regulation is black -o"),
               fill = c("lightblue", "white", "red", "green", "red", "black"),
               col = c("lightblue", "white", "red", "green", "red", "black"),
               yjust = yjust, xjust = xjust)
#' Boxplot with scatter and density options
#' Plots a boxplots plus x-axis randomised scatter and mirrored densities
#' to visualise a distribution.
#' @param x list, matrix or data.frame
#' @param box if TRUE, draws boxes
#' @param dens if TRUE, draws densities
#' @param scatter if set to "random", draws x-axis randomised scatter points
#' @param polygon if TRUE, filles the densities
#' @param sd standard deviation of the scatter
#' @param dcol color of the densities
#' @param scol color of the scatter points
#' @param dlty line type of the densities
#' @param dlwd line width of the densities
#' @param spch type of scatter points
#' @param gcol color of the grid
#' @param glty line type of the grid
#' @param glen length of the grid
#' @param gmin minimal point of the grid
#' @param gmax maximal point of the grid
#' @param ... optional parameters for boxplot or plot
#' @return transitively closed matrix or graphNEL
#' @author Martin Pirkl
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot axis
#' @examples
#' D <- matrix(rnorm(100*3), 100, 3)
#' moreboxplot(D)
moreboxplot <- function(x, box = TRUE, dens = TRUE, scatter = "no",
                      polygon = TRUE, sd = 0.1, dcol = NULL,
                      scol = NULL, dlty = 1,
                      dlwd = 1, spch = 1, gcol = rgb(0,0,0,0.5),
                      glty = 2, glen = 2001, gmin = -100, gmax = 100,
                      ...) {
  paras <- list(...)
  if (is.list(x)) {
    n <- length(x)
  } else {
    n <- ncol(x)
    y <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
      y[[i]] <- x[,i]
    x <- y
  if (box) {
    if (dens) {
      boxplot(x, col = "transparent", ...)
    } else {
      boxplot(x, ...)
  if (dens) {
    if (is.null(dcol) & !is.null(paras$col)) {
      dcol <- paras$col
    if (is.null(dcol)) {
      dcol <- rep(rgb(0,0,0,0.5),n)
    if (!box) {
      if (is.null(paras$ylim)) {
        yrange <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
          d <- density(y, na.rm = TRUE)
        plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0.5, n+0.5),
             ylim = c(min(yrange), max(yrange)), ...)
      } else {
        plot(0, 0, xlim = c(0.5, n+0.5), ...)
    if (length(dcol) == 1) { dcol <- rep(dcol, n) }
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      if (any(x[[i]] != max(x[[i]],na.rm = TRUE),na.rm = TRUE)) {
        d <- density(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
        dy <- d$y
        dx <- d$x
        dy <- dy/max(dy)*0.5
        dx[dx>max(unlist(x),na.rm=TRUE)] <- max(unlist(x),na.rm=TRUE)
        dx[dx<min(unlist(x),na.rm=TRUE)] <- min(unlist(x),na.rm=TRUE)
        lines(c(dy+i,-dy+i), rep(dx, 2), lty = dlty, lwd = dlwd,
              col = dcol[i])
        if (polygon) {
          polygon(c(dy+i,-dy+i), rep(dx, 2), col = dcol[i],
  if ("random" %in% scatter) {
    if (is.null(scol) & !is.null(paras$col)) {
      scol <- paras$col
    if (is.null(scol)) {
      scol <- rep(rgb(0,0,0,0.5),n)
    lines(rep(seq_len(n), unlist(lapply(x,length)))+rnorm(length(unlist(x)), 0, sd),
          as.vector(unlist(x)), type = "p",
          pch = spch, col = rep(scol, unlist(lapply(x,length))))
cbg-ethz/mnem documentation built on June 29, 2024, 1:56 p.m.