
#' @title Ensemble Classification & Feature Selection
#' @description Applies ensembles of models to high-dimensional data to both 
#' classify and determine important features for classification.  The 
#' function bootstraps a user-specified number of times to facilitate
#' stability metrics of features selected thereby providing an important 
#' metric for biomarker investigations, namely whether the important 
#' variables can be identified if the models are refit on 'different' data.
#' @param X A matrix containing numeric values of each feature
#' @param Y A factor vector containing group membership of samples
#' @param method A vector listing models to be fit.
#' Available options are \code{"plsda"} (Partial Least Squares 
#' Discriminant Analysis), \code{"rf"} (Random Forest), \code{"gbm"} 
#' (Gradient Boosting Machine), \code{"svm"} (Support Vector Machines), 
#' \code{"glmnet"} (Elastic-net Generalized Linear Model),
#'  and \code{"pam"} (Prediction Analysis of Microarrays)
#' @param k Number of bootstrapped interations
#' @param p Percent of data to by 'trained'
#' @param f Number of features desired.  Default is top 10% 
#' \code{"f = ceiling(ncol(variables)/10)"}.
#' If rank correlation is desired, set \code{"f = NULL"}
#' @param bags Number of iterations for ensemble bagging.  Default 
#' \code{"bags = 40"}
#' @param aggregation.metric String indicating which aggregation metric 
#' for features selected during bagging. Avialable options are \code{"CLA"} 
#' (Complete Linear), \code{"EM"} (Ensemble Mean), \code{"ES"} 
#' (Ensemble Stability), and \code{"EE"} (Ensemble Exponential)
#' @param stability.metric string indicating the type of stability metric.
#' Avialable options are \code{"jaccard"} (Jaccard Index/Tanimoto Distance),
#'  \code{"sorensen"} (Dice-Sorensen's Index), \code{"ochiai"} (Ochiai's Index),
#'  \code{"pof"} (Percent of Overlapping Features), \code{"kuncheva"} 
#'  (Kuncheva's Stability Measures), \code{"spearman"} (Spearman Rank 
#'  Correlation), and \code{"canberra"} (Canberra Distance)
#' @param optimize Logical argument determining if each model should 
#' be optimized. Default \code{"optimize = TRUE"}
#' @param optimize.resample Logical argument determining if each resample 
#' should be re-optimized. Default \code{"optimize.resample = FALSE"} - Only 
#' one optimization run, subsequent models use initially determined parameters
#' @param tuning.grid Optional list of grids containing parameters to optimize 
#' for each algorithm.  Default \code{"tuning.grid = NULL"} lets function 
#' create grid determined by \code{"res"}
#' @param k.folds Number of folds generated during cross-validation.  May 
#' optionally be set to \code{"LOO"} for leave-one-out cross-validation.  
#' Default \code{"k.folds = 10"}
#' @param repeats Number of times cross-validation repeated.  
#' Default \code{"repeats = 3"}
#' @param resolution Optional - Resolution of model optimization grid.  
#' Default \code{"res = 3"}
#' @param metric Criteria for model optimization.  Available options are 
#' \code{"Accuracy"} (Predication Accuracy), \code{"Kappa"} (Kappa Statistic), 
#' and \code{"AUC-ROC"} (Area Under the Curve - Receiver Operator Curve)
#' @param model.features Logical argument if should have number of features 
#' selected to be determined by the individual model runs.  Default 
#' \code{"model.features = FALSE"}
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing is 
#' allowed via foreach package. Default \code{allowParallel = FALSE}
#' @param verbose Character argument specifying how much output progress 
#' to print.  Options are 'none', 'minimal' or 'full'.
#' @param ... Extra arguments that the user would like to apply to the models
#' @return \item{Methods}{Vector of models fit to data}
#' @return \item{performance}{Performance metrics of each model and 
#' bootstrap iteration}
#' @return \item{RPT}{Robustness-Performance Trade-Off as defined in 
#' Saeys 2008}
#' @return \item{features}{List concerning features determined via each 
#' algorithms feature selection criteria.}
#' @return \itemize{
#'  \item{metric: Stability metric applied}
#'  \item{features: Matrix of selected features}
#'  \item{stability: Matrix of pairwise comparions and average stability}
#'  }
#' @return \item{stability.models}{Function perturbation metric - i.e. how 
#' similar are the features selected by each model.}
#' @return \item{all.tunes}{If \code{"optimize.resample = TRUE"} then returns 
#' list of optimized parameters for each bagging and bootstrap interation.}
#' @return \item{final.best.tunes}{If \code{"optimize.resample = TRUE"} then 
#' returns list of optimized parameters for each bootstrap of the bagged models
#' refit to aggregated selected features.}
#' @return \item{specs}{List with the
#' following elements:}
#' @return \itemize{
#'  \item{total.samples: Number of samples in original dataset}
#'  \item{number.features: Number of features in orginal dataset}
#'  \item{number.groups: Number of groups}
#'  \item{group.levels: The specific levels of the groups}
#'  \item{number.observations.group: Number of observations in each group}}
#' @author Charles Determan Jr
#' @references Saeys Y., Abeel T., et. al. (2008) \emph{Machine Learning and 
#' Knowledge Discovery in Databases}. 313-325. 
#' http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-87481-2_21
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fits <- fs.ensembl.stability(vars, 
#' groups, 
#' method = c("plsda", "rf"), 
#' f = 10,
#' k = 3, 
#' k.folds = 10, 
#' verbose = 'none')
#' }
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom caret createDataPartition
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
#' @export

fs.ensembl.stability <- 
             k = 10,
             p = 0.9,
             f = ceiling(ncol(X)/10),
             aggregation.metric = "CLA",
             stability.metric = "jaccard",
             optimize = TRUE,
             optimize.resample = FALSE,
             tuning.grid = NULL,
             k.folds = if(optimize) 10 else NULL,
             repeats = if(k.folds=="LOO") NULL else if(optimize) 3 else NULL,
             resolution = if(optimize) 3 else NULL,
             metric = "Accuracy",
             model.features = FALSE,
             allowParallel = FALSE,
             verbose = 'none',
        theDots <- list(...)
        verify(x = X, y = Y, method = method, na.rm = FALSE)
        f <- verify_fs(f = as.integer(f), 
                       stability.metric = stability.metric, 
                       model.features = model.features,
        if (is.null(colnames(X))){
            colnames(X) = paste(rep("X",ncol(X)),seq_len(ncol(X)), sep='') 
        if (is.null(rownames(X))) rownames(X) = 1:nrow(X)
        if(model.features == TRUE){
            stop("Error... Model derived features cannot be used for 
                 ensemble because all features are ranked and then subset.
                 \nSet model.features = FALSE")
        raw.data <- as.data.frame(X)
        raw.data$.classes <- Y
        method <- tolower(method)
        # number of groups
        num.group <- nlevels(Y)
        # what the groups are
        grp.levs <- levels(Y)  
        # how many obs in each group
        num.obs.group <- as.vector(table(Y))
        xNames <- colnames(X)
        # Create empty list for features identified by each chosen algorithm
        features <- vector("list", k)
        names(features) <- paste("Resample", seq(k), sep = ".")
        if(optimize == TRUE & optimize.resample == TRUE){
            bagged.tunes <- vector("list", k)
            names(bagged.tunes) <- paste("Resample", seq(k), sep=".")
            bagged.tunes <- NULL
        inTrain <- rlply(k, createDataPartition(Y, p = p, list = FALSE))
        #inTrain <- rlply(k, sample(nr, round(p*nr)))
        outTrain <- lapply(inTrain, 
                           function(inTrain, total) total[-unique(inTrain)],
                           total = seq(nr))    
        #i <- 1
        ### Stability Loop
        for (i in 1:k){      
            trainX <- X[inTrain[[i]],, drop=FALSE]
            trainY <- Y[inTrain[[i]], drop=FALSE]
            trainData <- as.data.frame(trainX)
            trainData$.classes <- trainY
            ## Bagging loop
            results.bagging <- 
                bagging.wrapper(X = trainX, 
                                Y = trainY, 
                                method = method,
                                bags = bags, 
                                f = f, 
                                aggregation.metric = aggregation.metric,
                                k.folds = k.folds,
                                repeats = repeats,
                                res = resolution,
                                tuning.grid = tuning.grid,
                                optimize = optimize,
                                optimize.resample = optimize.resample,
                                metric = metric,
                                model.features = model.features,
                                verbose = verbose,
                                allowParallel = allowParallel,
                                theDots = theDots)
            # store the best tune parameters for each iteration
                bagged.tunes[[i]] <- results.bagging$bestTunes
            # Store the features selected for stability analysis
            features[[i]] <- as.list(results.bagging$results$ensemble.results)
            ### Re-fitting models to reduced features
            # subset only those features which were selected
            trainData.new <- 
                       FUN = function(x){
                                     %in% c(as.vector(rownames(x)), ".classes")]
            if(optimize == TRUE){
                if(optimize.resample == TRUE){
                    tunedModel.new <- vector("list", length(method))
                    for(m in seq(along = method)){
                        tunedModel.new[[m]] <- 
                                trainVars = trainData.new[[m]][,!colnames(
                                    trainData.new[[m]]) %in% c(".classes")],
                                trainGroup = trainData.new[[m]]$.classes,
                                method = method[m],
                                k.folds = k.folds,
                                repeats = repeats,
                                res = resolution,
                                grid = tuning.grid,
                                metric = metric,
                                allowParallel = allowParallel,
                                verbose = verbose,
                                theDots = theDots)            
                    if(i == 1){
                        finalModel.new <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$finalModel)
                        new.best.tunes <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$bestTune)
                        names(new.best.tunes) <- method
                        tmp.model <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$finalModels)
                        tmp.tunes <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$bestTune)
                        names(tmp.tunes) <- method
                        finalModel.new <- c(finalModel.new, tmp.model)
                        new.best.tunes <- append(new.best.tunes, tmp.tunes)
                    # end of full optimize loop
                    if(i == 1){
                        tunedModel.new <- vector("list", length(method))
                        for(m in seq(along = method)){
                            tunedModel.new[[m]] <- 
                                    trainVars = 
                                            ) %in% c(".classes")],
                                    trainGroup = trainData.new[[m]]$.classes,
                                    method = method[m],
                                    k.folds = k.folds,
                                    repeats = repeats,
                                    res = resolution,
                                    grid = tuning.grid,
                                    metric = metric,
                                    allowParallel = allowParallel,
                                    verbose = verbose,
                                    theDots = theDots)  
                        tmp <- vector("list", length(method))
                        names(tmp) <- method
                        for(d in seq(along = method)){
                            tmp[[d]] <- 
                                    data = trainData.new[[d]],
                                    method = method[d],
                                    tuneValue = data.frame(
                                    obsLevels = grp.levs,
                                    theDots = theDots)$fit
                    if(i == 1){
                        finalModel.new <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$finalModels)
                        new.best.tunes <- 
                                   FUN = function(x) x$bestTune)
                        tmp.model <- lapply(tmp, FUN = function(x) x)
                        finalModel.new <- c(finalModel.new, tmp.model)
                } # end of single optimize loop
                # end of optimize loop
                names(theDots) <- paste(".", names(theDots), sep="")
                # sequester appropriate parameters to fit models
                args.seq <- sequester(theDots, method)
                # remove arguments used from theDots - also remove '.' 
                # from each
                names(theDots) <- sub(".", "", names(theDots))
                moreDots <- theDots[!names(theDots) %in% args.seq$pnames]
                if(length(moreDots) == 0){
                    moreDots <- NULL
                tunedModel.new <- vector("list", length(method))
                for(q in seq(along = method)){
                    tunedModel.new[[q]] <- 
                        training(data = trainData.new[[q]],
                                 method = method[q],
                                 tuneValue = args.seq$parameters[[q]],
                                 obsLevels = grp.levs,
                                 theDots = moreDots)$fit  
                if(i == 1){
                    finalModel.new <- 
                        sapply(tunedModel.new, FUN = function(x) x)
                    tmp.model <- lapply(tunedModel.new, FUN = function(x) x)
                    finalModel.new <- c(finalModel.new, tmp.model)
            } # end of non-optimized loop
        } # end stability loop
#         print(features)
#         print(str(features))
        if(stability.metric %in% c("spearman", "canberra")){
            final.features <- lapply(unlist(features, recursive=FALSE), 
                                     function(x) as.numeric(as.vector(unlist(x[xNames,]))))
            final.features <- lapply(unlist(features, recursive=FALSE), 
                                     function(x) as.vector(rownames(x)))
        names(final.features) <- 
            rep(method, length(finalModel.new)/length(method))
        ### Performance Metrics of Reduced Models
        final.metrics <- prediction.metrics(finalModel = finalModel.new,
                                            method = method,
                                            raw.data = raw.data,
                                            inTrain = inTrain,
                                            outTrain = outTrain,
                                            bestTune = new.best.tunes,
                                            features = final.features,
                                            grp.levs = grp.levs,
                                            stability.metric = stability.metric)
        ### Extract Performance Metrics
        if(optimize == TRUE){
            if(optimize.resample == TRUE){        
                colnames(final.metrics) <- 
                    gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(final.metrics))  
                performance <- vector("list", length(method))
                names(performance) <- method
                final.metrics <- 
                                  drop = FALSE]
                # sort the list elements so applied in the proper order
                method.names <- 
                               FUN = function(x){
                new.best.tunes <- 
                                         levels = method.names)]
                # dataframe retains colnames after split
                rownames(final.metrics) <- letters[seq(nrow(final.metrics))]
                test.final.metrics <- split(as.data.frame(final.metrics), 
                for(i in seq(along = test.final.metrics)){
                    rownames(test.final.metrics[[i]]) <- 1
                rownames(final.metrics) <- method.names
                all.model.perfs <- 
                           FUN = function(x, y) list(x,y), 
                           y = test.final.metrics, 
                           SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
                # name resamples within all.model.perfs
                samps <- 
                            paste("Resample", seq(k), sep = "."), 
                            each = 2), 
                for(i in seq(length(all.model.perfs))){
                    if(i == 1){
                        start = i
                        end = i+1
                    names(all.model.perfs[[i]]) <- samps[start:end]
                    start = start + 2
                    end = end + 2
                for(h in seq(along = method)){
                    x <- final.metrics[,!grepl("^cell", 
                                       drop = FALSE]
                    tmp <- subset(x, rownames(x) == method[h])
                    performance[[h]] <- c(colMeans(tmp, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                          apply(tmp, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
                    names(performance[[h]])[-(1:ncol(tmp))] <- 
                              sep = " ")
                    performance[[h]] <- t(data.frame(performance[[h]]))
                    rownames(performance[[h]]) <- 1
                colnames(final.metrics) <- 
                    gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(final.metrics))  
                performance <- vector("list", length(method))
                names(performance) <- method
                for(h in seq(along = method)){
                    x <- final.metrics[,!grepl("^cell", 
                                       drop = FALSE]
                    tmp <- subset(x, rownames(x) == method[h])
                    performance[[h]] <- c(colMeans(tmp, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                          apply(tmp, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
                    names(performance[[h]])[-(1:ncol(tmp))] <- 
                              sep = " ")
                    performance[[h]] <- 
                    colnames(performance[[h]]) <- 
                        gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(performance[[h]]))
                    rownames(performance[[h]]) <- 1
            colnames(final.metrics) <- 
                gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(final.metrics))  
            performance <- vector("list", length(method))
            names(performance) <- method
            for(h in seq(along = method)){
                x <- final.metrics[,!grepl("^cell", 
                                   drop = FALSE]
                tmp <- subset(x, rownames(x) == method[h])
                performance[[h]] <- c(colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                      apply(tmp, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
                names(performance[[h]])[-(1:ncol(tmp))] <- 
                          sep = " ")
                performance[[h]] <- 
                colnames(performance[[h]]) <- 
                    gsub("^\\.", "", colnames(performance[[h]]))
                rownames(performance[[h]]) <- 1
        # need to split features into length(method) dataframes 
        # for pairwise.stability
        results.stability <- vector("list", length(method))
        names(results.stability) <- method
        for(c in seq(along = method)){
               %in% c("jaccard", "kuncheva", "pof", "ochiai", "sorenson")){
                results.stability[[c]] <- 
                                names(final.features) == method[c]
                results.stability[[c]] <- 
                        names(final.features) == method[c]
                results.stability[[c]] <- 
        # Calculate All Pairwise Stability Measurements for each 
        # algorithm's set of features
        stability <- lapply(results.stability, 
                            stability.metric = stability.metric, 
                            nc= nc)

        # stability across algorithms 
        # (i.e. 'function perturbation' ensemble analysis)
        if(length(method) > 1){
            stability.models <- 
                pairwise.model.stability(features = results.stability,
                                         stability.metric = stability.metric,
                                         nc = nc)
            stability.models <- NULL
        # harmonic mean of stability and performance
        rpt.stab <- lapply(stability, FUN = function(x) x$overall)
        rpt.perf <- lapply(performance, 
                           FUN = function(x) as.data.frame(x)$Accuracy)

        rpt <- 
                   FUN = function(x,y) RPT(stability = x, performance = y), 
                   y = rpt.perf)
        # add stability metric to each respective algorithm
        for(i in 1:length(method)){
            results.stability[[i]] <- 
                list(metric = stability.metric, 
                     features = results.stability[[i]], 
                     stability = stability[[i]])
        specs = list(total.samples=nr, 
        ## add remainder of data
        overall <- 
            list(methods = method,
                 performance = performance,
                 RPT = rpt,
                 features = results.stability,
                 stability.models = stability.models,
                 all.tunes = bagged.tunes,  
                 final.best.tunes = if(optimize.resample){all.model.perfs
                 specs = specs 
cdeterman/OmicsMarkeR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m.