
#' @title Model Optimization and Metrics
#' @description Optimizes each model based upon the parameters provided 
#' either by the internal \code{\link{denovo.grid}} function or by the user.
#' @param trainVars Data used to fit the model
#' @param trainGroup Group identifiers for the training data
#' @param method A vector of strings listing models to be optimized 
#' @param k.folds Number of folds generated during cross-validation.  
#' Default \code{"k.folds = 10"}
#' @param repeats Number of times cross-validation repeated.  
#' Default \code{"repeats = 3"}
#' @param res Resolution of model optimization grid.  Default \code{"res = 3"}
#' @param grid Optional list of grids containing parameters to optimize 
#' for each algorithm. Default \code{"grid = NULL"} lets function 
#' create grid determined by \code{"res"}
#' @param metric Criteria for model optimization.  Available options 
#' are \code{"Accuracy"} (Predication Accuracy), \code{"Kappa"} 
#' (Kappa Statistic), and \code{"AUC-ROC"} 
#' (Area Under the Curve - Receiver Operator Curve)
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing 
#' is allowed via foreach package
#' @param verbose Character argument specifying how much output progress 
#' to print. Options are 'none', 'minimal' or 'full'.
#' @param theDots List of additional arguments provided in the initial 
#' classification and features selection function
#' @return Basically a list with the following elements:
#' @return \item{method}{Vector of strings listing models that 
#' were optimized}
#' @return \item{performance}{Performance generated internally to 
#' optimize model}
#' @return \item{bestTune}{List of paramaters chosen for each model}
#' @return \item{dots}{List of extra arguments initially provided}
#' @return \item{metric}{Criteria that was used for model optimization}
#' @return \item{finalModels}{The fitted models with the 'optimum' parameters}
#' @return \item{performance.metrics}{The performance metrics calculated 
#' internally for each resulting prediction}
#' @return \item{tune.metrics}{The results from each tune}
#' @return \item{perfNames}{The names of the performance metrics}
#' @return \item{comp.catch}{If the optimal PLSDA model contains only 1 
#' component, the model must be refit with 2 components.  This catches the 
#' 1 component parameter so feature selection and further performance
#' analysis can be conducted on the 1 component.}
#' @author Charles E. Determan Jr.
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @importFrom caret createMultiFolds best
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
#' @export

optimize.model <- function(
    k.folds = 10,
    repeats = 3,
    res = 3, 
    grid = NULL,
    metric = "Accuracy",
    #savePerformanceMetrics = NULL,
    allowParallel = FALSE,
    verbose = 'none',
    theDots = NULL)
    classLevels <- levels(as.factor(trainGroup))
    nr <- nrow(trainVars)
    # for repeated cross-validation
    # creates a list of samples used for models
    # LOO uses every sample so repeating is a moot point
    if(!k.folds == "LOO"){
        # because this was a beast of an error initially to find
        inTrain <- caret::createMultiFolds(trainGroup, 
                                           k = k.folds, 
                                           times = repeats)
        # get the remaining samples for testing group
        outTrain <- lapply(inTrain, 
                           function(inTrain, total) total[-unique(inTrain)],
                           total = seq(nr))  
        # check if any only 1 index
        ind <- which(lapply(outTrain, length) == 1)
        # if only 1 index, randomly take one and add to outTrain
        if(length(ind) > 0){
            for(d in seq(along = ind)){
                move.ind <- sample(inTrain[[ind[d]]], 1)
                inTrain[[ind[d]]] <- inTrain[[ind[d]]][-move.ind]
                outTrain[[ind[d]]] <- sort(c(outTrain[[ind[d]]], move.ind))
        # for LOO cross-validation
        inTrain <- caret::createFolds(trainGroup, 
                                      returnTrain = TRUE)
        outTrain <- lapply(inTrain, 
                           function(inTrain, total) total[-unique(inTrain)],
                           total = seq(nr)) 
    ## combine variables and classes to make following functions simpler
    trainData <- as.data.frame(trainVars)
    trainData$.classes <- trainGroup
        grid <- denovo.grid(data = trainData, method = method, res = res)
    # TO DO
    # verify user provided grid is okay
    ## get instructions to guide the loops within the modelTuner
    tune.guide <- tune.instructions(method, grid)
    ## run some data thru the summary function and see what we get  
    ## get phoney performance to obtain the names of the outputs
    testOutput <- vector("list", length(method))
    for(i in seq(along = method)){
        tmp <- data.frame(pred = sample(trainGroup, 
                                        min(10, length(trainGroup))),
                          obs = sample(trainGroup, 
                                       min(10, length(trainGroup))))
        testOutput[[i]] <- tmp
    perfNames <- lapply(lapply(testOutput,
                               FUN = perf.calc,
                               lev = classLevels,
                               model = method), names)
    names(perfNames) <- method
    # tune each model  
        tmp <- modelTuner_loo(trainData = trainData, 
                              guide = tune.guide, 
                              method = method,
                              inTrain = inTrain, 
                              outTrain = outTrain, 
                              lev = classLevels, 
                              verbose = verbose,
                              allowParallel = allowParallel,
                              theDots = theDots)
        tmp <- modelTuner(trainData = trainData, 
                          guide = tune.guide, 
                          method = method,
                          inTrain = inTrain, 
                          outTrain = outTrain, 
                          lev = classLevels, 
                          verbose = verbose,
                          allowParallel = allowParallel,
                          theDots = theDots)
    if(all(names(tmp) == c("performance","tunes"))){
        performance <- list(tmp$performance)
        tune.results <- list(tmp$tunes)
        performance <- vector("list", length(method))
        tune.results <- vector("list", length(method))
        for(i in seq(along = method)){
            performance[[i]] <- tmp[[i]]$performance
            tune.results[[i]] <- tmp[[i]]$tunes
    tune.cm <- vector("list", length(method))
    for(i in seq(along = tune.results)){
        if(length(grep("^\\cell", colnames(tune.results[[i]]))) > 0)
            tune.cm[[i]] <- 
                tune.results[[i]][, !(names(tune.results[[i]]) 
                                      %in% perfNames[[i]])]
            tune.results[[i]] <- 
                tune.results[[i]][, -grep("^\\cell", 
        } else tune.cm <- NULL
            names(tune.cm) <- method
    # all possible parameter names
    paramNames <- levels(tune.guide[[1]]$model$parameter)
    if(verbose == 'minimal' | verbose == 'full'){
        cat("\nAggregating results\n")
    perfCols <- sapply(performance, names)
    perfCols <- lapply(perfCols, 
                       FUN = function(x,y) x[!(x %in% y)])
    ## Sort the tuning parameters from least complex to most complex  
    ## lapply only works if one method being run
    #performance <- lapply(performance, "byComplexity", model = method)
    ## mapply only works if multiple methods being run
    #mapply("byComplexity", performance, method)
    # Defaulted to using a simple loop
    #modified from caret:::byComplexity
    for(i in seq(along=method)){
        performance[[i]] <- byComplexity2(performance[[i]], method[i])
    if(verbose == 'minimal' | verbose == 'full'){
        cat("Selecting tuning parameters\n")
    ## Select the "optimal" tuning parameter.
    bestIter <- vector("list", length(performance))
    for(i in seq(along=performance)){
        bestIter[[i]] <- caret::best(performance[[i]], metric, maximize=TRUE)
    # make sure a model was chosen for each method and that it is 
    # only one option
    if(any(unlist(lapply(bestIter, is.na))) || 
           any(unlist(lapply(bestIter, length)) != 1)){
        stop("final tuning parameters could not be determined")
    # extract the tune parameters for each model
    # added unlist to tuning parameters after modifying first lapply to 
    # choose parameter specifically
    tune.parameters <- 
        lapply(lapply(tune.guide, "[[", 4), function(x) x["parameter"])
    bestTune <- vector("list", length(method))
    for(i in seq(along = method)){
        bestTune[[i]] <- 
                             drop = FALSE]
    ## Rename parameters to have '.' at the start of each
        newnames <- 
                   FUN = function(x) names(x) = paste(".", names(x), sep=""))
        for(i in seq(along = newnames)){
            names(bestTune[[i]]) <- newnames[[i]]
        colnames(bestTune[[1]]) <- paste(".", colnames(bestTune[[1]]), sep="")
    ## Restore original order of performance
    for(m in seq(along = method)){
        orderList <- list()
        for(i in seq(along = tune.guide[[m]]$model$parameter))
            orderList[[i]] <- 
        names(orderList) <- as.character(tune.guide[[m]]$model$parameter)    
        performance[[m]] <- performance[[m]][do.call("order", orderList),]
    if(verbose == "full")
        for (i in seq(along=method)){
                paste(paste(gsub("^\\.", "",
                                 names(bestTune[[i]])), "=",
                      collapse = ", "),
                paste("on full training set for", method[i])
    # a check for plsda models - if ncomp = 1 we need to retain it 
    # to use later during feature selection as a warning
    if(any(method == "plsda")){
        catch <- which(method == "plsda")
        if(bestTune[[catch]] == 1){
            plsda.comp.catch  <- 1
            plsda.comp.catch <- NULL
        plsda.comp.catch <- NULL

    finalModel <- vector("list", length(method))
    for(i in seq(along = method)){
        finalModel[[i]] <- 
            training(data = trainData,
                     method = method[i],
                     tuneValue = as.data.frame(bestTune[[i]]),
                     obsLevels = classLevels,
                     theDots = theDots)  
    finalModel <- lapply(finalModel, function(x) x = x$fit)
    names(finalModel) <- method
    ## To use predict.train and automatically use the optimal 
    # lambda we need to save it
    if(any(method %in% "glmnet")){
        m <- which(method == "glmnet")
        finalModel[[m]]$lambdaOpt <- bestTune[[m]]$.lambda
    #endTime <- proc.time()
    #times <- list(everything = endTime - startTime,
    #              final = finalTime)
    out <-list(
        methods = method,
        performance = performance,
        bestTune = bestTune,
        dots = theDots,
        metric = metric,
        finalModels = finalModel,
        tune.metrics = tune.cm,
        perfNames = perfNames,
        comp.catch = plsda.comp.catch
cdeterman/OmicsMarkeR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:35 p.m.