
# kcone.R Copyright 2015 Christian Diener <ch.diener@gmail.com> MIT license. See
# LICENSE for more information.

# Functions to analyze the k-cone

DC_SINGLECOL <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkred"))
DC_DIVCOL <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "tomato"))
DC_TRANSCOL <- colorRampPalette(c("seagreen", "darkgoldenrod1", "tomato"))

#' Calculates the euclidean norm of a vector
#' @export
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return The norm of the vector x.
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(10)
#' enorm(x)
enorm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x * x))

#' Get the k-cone from a given flux cone.
#' \code{kcone()} builds the k-cone from a given flux cone basis V and a set
#' of metabolic terms M by calculating \eqn{M^{-1}V}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{polytope_basis}} for a way to calculate the flux cone,
#'  \code{\link{ma_terms}} to get mass action term.
#' @export
#' @keywords k-cone basis
#' @param V The flux cone basis. Rows denote the dimensions and columns the
#'  individual basis vectors.
#' @param mats The metabolic terms. A vector with as many entries as rows in V.
#'  All entries hsould be larger than 0.
#' @param normalize Whether the basis vectors should be scaled to unit length.
#'  Not recommened for differential analysis.
#' @return The obtained k-cone as a matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' K <- kcone(V, runif(ncol(S)))
kcone <- function(V, mats, normalize = FALSE) {
    K <- diag(1 / mats) %*% V
    if (normalize)
        K <- apply(K, 2, function(x) x / enorm(x))
    K <- as.matrix(K)
    class(K) <- append(c("basis", "kcone"), class(K))

#' Gets the null-space for the given k-cone assuming that all reactions
#' are irreversible.
#' @seealso \code{\link{polytope_basis}} for arbitrary reversibility
#'  constraints.
#' @keywords basis, k-cone
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix to be used.
#' @param m_terms The metabolic terms.
#' @return A matrix containing the basis vectors in the columns.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) = c('A', 'B')
#' K <- kcone_null(S, runif(ncol(S)))
#' @importFrom MASS Null
#' @export
kcone_null <- function(s_matrix, m_terms) {
    SM <- s_matrix %*% diag(m_terms)

    basis <- Null(t(SM))
    class(basis) <- append("basis", class(basis))


#' Get the equality constraints for a given set of known equlibrium constants.
#' @seealso \code{\link{polytope_basis}} how to add those to polytope
#'  computation.
#' @keywords basis, k-cone
#' @param r A reaction list.
#' @param name Name of the annotation that contains the constants.
#' @param mats A vector of mass-action terms to integrate with the equalities. Useful
#'  if you want to constrain the flux cone rather than a k-cone. Default is
#'  NULL (do not use mass-action terms).
#' @return A n_r x n_e matrix containing the n_e constraints.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' x <- eryth
#' x[[4]]$Keq <- 10
#' co <- constrain_by_Keq(x)
#' @export
constrain_by_Keq <- function(r, name="Keq", mats=NULL) {
    if (!("reactions" %in% class(r)))
        stop("r must be of class 'reactions'!")

    n_r <- length(make_irreversible(r))
    if (is.null(mats)) mats <- rep(1, n_r)
    constraints <- NULL
    i <- 1
    for (ri in r) {
        keq <- ri[[name]]
        valid <- !is.null(keq)
        if (valid) valid <- is.finite(keq)
        if (ri$rev && valid) {
            x <- rep(0, n_r)
            x[i] <- mats[i + 1]
            x[i + 1] <- -mats[i] / keq
            constraints <- rbind(constraints, x)
            i <- i + 2
        } else i <- i + 1


#' Gets the polytope basis for a reaction system. The basis will be normalized
#' such that each vertex has a length of one.
#' @export
#' @keywords k-cone, basis
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix.
#' @param m_terms The metabolic terms for each reaction. Default to
#'  calculation of flux cone.
#' @param zero_eq An optional matrix of additional equality contraints. Must
#'  have as many columns as reactions in `s_matrix`.
#' @return A matrix containing the basis vectors (normalized to a sum of 1)
#'  in its columns.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) = c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' @importFrom rcdd d2q q2d
polytope_basis <- function(s_matrix, m_terms = rep(1, ncol(s_matrix)),
    zero_eq=NA) {
    mat <- m_terms
    const_matrix <- -diag(ncol(s_matrix))
    const_b <- rep(0, ncol(s_matrix))
    NC <- as.matrix(s_matrix %*% diag(mat))
    if (!is.na(zero_eq)) {
        NC <- rbind(NC, zero_eq)
        add_zeros <- nrow(zero_eq)
    } else add_zeros <- 0
    b <- rep(0, nrow(s_matrix) + add_zeros)

    hp <- makeH(d2q(const_matrix), d2q(const_b), d2q(NC), d2q(b))
    hp <- redundant(hp)$output
    vrep <- scdd(hp)
    vp <- q2d(vrep$output[, -1:-2])

    basis <- as.matrix(apply(t(vp), 2, function(x) x / enorm(x)))
    class(basis) <- append("basis", class(basis))


#' Translates the eigenvectors to the corresponding stability term.
#' @seealso \code{\link{stability_analysis}} for an analysis of the entire
#'  basis.
#' @export
#' @keywords stability
#' @param evs A vector of (complex) eigenvalues.
#' @return A single string of either stable, unstable, limit cycle or
#'  zero jacobian.
#' @examples
#' print(as.stability(c(0+2i, 0-3i)))
as.stability <- function(evs) {
    evs[abs(evs) < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0

    r <- evs
    if (all(Re(r) == 0) && any(Im(r) != 0))
        return("limit cycle")
    if (all(Re(r) == 0))
        return("zero jacobian")
    if (all(Re(r) <= 0))
        return("stable") else return("unstable")

#' Performs a stability analysis for each basis vector in a k-cone.
#' @seealso \code{\link{polytope_basis}} and \code{}\link{kcone} to
#'  calculate the k-cone.
#' @export
#' @keywords stability
#' @param basis A basis matrix, where each column denotes a basis vector.
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix of the model.
#' @param concs A named vector of metabolite concentrations.
#' @return A data frame containing the a string describing the type of
#'  stability along with its eigenvalues for each vector in the basis.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) = c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' concs <- runif(nrow(S))
#' names(concs) <- rownames(S)
#' K <- kcone(V, ma_terms(S, concs))
#' stab <- stability_analysis(K, S, concs)
stability_analysis <- function(basis, s_matrix, concs) {
    J <- jacobian(s_matrix, concs)
    evs <- NULL
    stab <- NULL

    if (!is.null(ncol(basis))) {
        nc <- ncol(basis)
        data <- lapply(1:ncol(basis), function(i) {
            b <- basis[, i] / enorm(basis[, i])
            evs <- t(eigen(s_matrix %*% diag(b) %*% J)$values)
            stab <- as.stability(evs)
            return(data.frame(what = stab, evs = evs))
    } else {
        nc <- 1
        b <- basis / enorm(basis)
        evs <- t(eigen(s_matrix %*% diag(b) %*% J)$values)
        stab <- as.stability(evs)
        data <- data.frame(what = stab, evs = evs)

    if (nc > 1)
        data <- do.call(rbind, data)
    res <- cbind(row.names = 1:nc, data)
    names(res)[1:nrow(s_matrix) + 1] <- paste0("ev", 1:nrow(s_matrix))


#' Calculates the occupation for a basis. Here, occupation denotes
#' the faction of basis vectors for each varibale where the variable
#' is not zero.
#' @seealso \code{\link{polytope_basis}} to get a k-cone.
#' @export
#' @keywords basis
#' @param basis A basis matrix, where each column denotes a basis vector.
#' @return A vector of length nrow(basis) containing the occupation for
#'  each dimension.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) = c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' occ <- occupation(V)
occupation <- function(basis) {
    if (!("basis" %in% class(basis)))
        stop("object is not a basis!")

    return(apply(basis, 1, function(r)
        sum(abs(r) > .Machine$double.eps) / length(r)))

#' Plots a heatmap of the basis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_red}} for a geometric visualization.
#' @export
#' @keywords basis, plot
#' @param b The basis matrix, containing the basis vectors in the columns.
#' @param n_cl The number of clusters individual basis vectors are grouped
#'  into. NA means no clustering is performed.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to pheatmap.
#' @return Nothing. Just plots :O
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' plot_basis(V)
plot_basis <- function(b, n_cl = NA, ...) {
    clustered <- FALSE

    if (!is.na(n_cl)) {
        write("Basis are very large. Reducing by clustering...", file = "")
        cl <- kmeans(t(b), centers = n_cl, iter.max = 100, nstart = 3)
            "Mean in-cluster distance: %g.",
            mean(sqrt(cl$withinss / cl$size))),
            file = "")
        b <- t(cl$centers)
        clustered <- TRUE

    if (clustered) {
        ann <- data.frame(n = cl$size)
        pheatmap(b, border_color = NA, color = DC_SINGLECOL(101), labels_row =
            1:nrow(b), annotation_col = ann)
    } else {
        pheatmap(b, border_color = NA, color = DC_SINGLECOL(101), labels_row =
            1:nrow(b), ...)

#' Plots a geometric visualization of the given k-cone reduced into
#' two dimensions.
#' Plotting the reduced k-cone is a two step procedure. Where the k-cones
#' are first projected into the two most informative dimensions by PCA. In
#' case the basis is very large this is followed by clustering of the basis
#' vectors to reduce overlap in the projection. In the plot, arrows denote
#' the basis vectors, or 'extreme rays' of the respective k-cones and the
#' shaded area denotes the interior of the k-cone into which all feasible
#' k vectors must fall.
#' \emph{Due to the dimension reduction and clustering \code{plot_red} is not a
#' fast function and plotting might take a few minutes for large cones.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_basis}} for heatmap of the basis.
#' @export
#' @keywords basis, plot
#' @param basis_list A list of basis to be reduced.
#' @param arrows Whether to draw the individual basis vectors or just the
#'  interior of the cone.
#' @param col If NULL colors are automatically generated from a green to red
#'  palette. If not NULL must be of the same length as basis_list and denotes
#'  the colors used to draw the individual basis.
#' @param n_cl The numbers of clusters to be used. If there are more than 1000
#'  basis vectors per basis, clustering is always performed since calculation
#'  of the convex hull (interior area of the cone) is extremely lengthy
#'  otherwise.
#' @param r_names Optional vector of names for the reactions (rows of the basis).
#'  If given those will be used to annotate the axes with the names of the six
#'  reactions carrying the largest absolute loadings in the respective principal
#'  component.
#' @return Nothing. Just plots :O
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' plot_red(list(V)) # A single basis is fine as long as it is a list
#' @importFrom stats sd prcomp predict kmeans
#' @importFrom graphics plot polygon
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
plot_red <- function(basis_list, arrows = TRUE, col = NULL,
                     n_cl = NULL, r_names=NULL) {
    if (!("list" %in% class(basis_list)))
        stop("basis_list must be a list!")

    b_rows <- sapply(basis_list, nrow)
    b_cols <- sapply(basis_list, ncol)

    if (length(basis_list) > 1 && sd(b_rows) > 0)
        stop("All bases need to have the same dimension!")
    if (any(b_rows < 2))
        stop("Bases must be at least 2-dimensional!")
    n <- length(basis_list)

    if (!is.null(r_names) && (length(r_names) != max(b_rows) ||
        !is.character(r_names))) stop(paste0(
            "r_names must be a character vector with as many entries",
            "as the maximum row number in basis_list!"))

    all_basis <- do.call(cbind, basis_list)

    if (nrow(all_basis) == 2) {
        pca <- list(sdev = c(1, 1))
        red <- lapply(basis_list, t)
        if (!is.null(r_names)) load_names <- as.matrix(r_names)
    } else {
        pca <- prcomp(t(all_basis))
        red <- lapply(basis_list, function(b) predict(pca, t(b))[, 1:2])
        if (!is.null(r_names))
            load_names <- t(apply(pca$rotation[, 1:2], 2, function(l)
                r_names[order(-abs(l))[1:min(4, min(b_rows))]]))

    if (max(b_cols) > 1000 || !is.null(n_cl)) {
        if (is.null(n_cl))
            n_cl <- ceiling(min(1000, sqrt(mean(b_cols) / 2)))

        write(sprintf("Bases are very large. Reducing to %d clusters...", n_cl),
            file = "")

        cl <- lapply(red, function(b) suppressWarnings(kmeans(b, centers = n_cl,
            iter.max = 1000, nstart = 11)))

        dists <- sapply(cl, function(x) mean(sqrt(x$withinss / x$size)))
        write(sprintf("Mean in-cluster distance: %g.", mean(dists)), file = "")

        red <- lapply(cl, function(x) x$centers)

    energy <- pca$sdev
    write(sprintf("Information captured in projection: %f%%.",
                  sum(energy[1:2]) / sum(energy) * 100), file = "")

    rs <- apply(do.call(rbind, red), 2, range)

    if (!is.null(r_names)) {
        xl <- paste0(load_names[1, ], collapse = ", ")
        yl <- paste0(load_names[2, ], collapse = ", ")
    } else {
        xl <- "PC 1"
        yl <- "PC 2"
    plot(NULL, xlim = rs[, 1], ylim = rs[, 2], xlab = xl, ylab = yl)

    if (is.null(col))
        pal <- DC_TRANSCOL(n) else if (length(basis_list) != length(col))
        stop("col mus be the same length as the basis list!") else pal <- col

    for (i in 1:n) {
        a <- apply(red[[i]], 1, angle)
        ro <- red[[i]][order(a), ]

        p <- rbind(ro, c(0, 0))
        red_ids <- redundant(makeV(d2q(p)))$redundant
        polygon(p[-red_ids, ], border = NA,
                col = adjustcolor(pal[i], alpha.f = 0.2))
        if (arrows) {
            arrows(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = ro[, 1], y1 = ro[, 2],
                   angle = 15, length = 0.05, col = pal[i])

# Helper function to calculate angles between tow vectors
angle <- function(x, y = 0:1, clockwise = TRUE) {
    theta <- acos(sum(x * y) / sqrt(sum(x * x) * sum(y * y)))
    if (clockwise && x[1] < 0)
        theta <- 2 * pi - theta

# Helper function to calculate the length ratio of two vectors
scaling <- function(x, y = 0:1) {
    s <- sum(x * x) / sum(y * y)

#' Evaluates whether a given point lies within a given k-cone. Assumes a
#' pointed cone (all reactions irreversible).
#' @export
#' @keywords basis
#' @param x A single point (vector) or multiple points (matrix with points as
#'  columns) to be checked.
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix of the k-cone to be used.
#' @param m_terms The metabolic terms of the k-cone.
#' @param tol The numerical accuracy of the check. Defaults to the square
#'  of the double accuracy.
#' @return A single boolean of vector of booleans indicating whether the
#'  point(s) lie within the k-cone.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' # Check whether a random point falls within the flux cone
#' inside(runif(ncol(S)), S, rep(1,ncol(S))) # probably not true
inside <- function(x, s_matrix, m_terms, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
    right <- s_matrix %*% diag(m_terms) %*% x

    if (is.null(dim(x)))
        return(all(right > -tol) & all(abs(right) < tol))
    return(apply(right, 2, function(r) all(abs(r) > -tol)))

#' Gets the eigendynamics for a given k.cone basis.
#' The eigendynamics for a given k-cone is the set of k vectors reproducing
#' the original k-cone with the most accuracy, using only k basis-vectors.
#' Here, only the first eigendynamics is guaranteed to be consistent with
#' the k-cone (all entries positive), all the additional eigendynamics can
#' be intepreted as fine tuning of the first eigendynamics.
#' @export
#' @keywords basis
#' @param basis The k-cone to be reduced.
#' @param n The number of eigendynamics to extract. Defaults to only the first.
#' @return A matrix containing the first k eigendynamics in its columns.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,-1,0, 0, -1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' V <- polytope_basis(S)
#' ed <- eigendynamics(V) # gets the eigenpathways
eigendynamics <- function(basis, n = 1) {
    if (is.null(dim(basis)))

    eps <- svd(basis)$u
    eps[abs(eps) < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0
    if (any(eps[, 1] < 0))
        eps <- -eps

    return(eps[, 1:n])

#' Helper function to get the differential regulation between two approximations
#' of kinetic constansts.
#' @seealso \code{\link{hyp}} for a complete differential analysis.
#' @param k1 A vector containing logs of kinetic constants >=0.
#' @param k2 A vector containing logs of kinetic constants >=0.
#' @param reacts A reaction lists.
#' @return A data frame containig the reaction indices, reactions, kind of regulation
#'  and log2-fold changes of k2 relative to k1. Log-fold changes where either of the
#'  constants is 0 are evaluated to 0.
#' @examples
#'  NULL
single_hyp <- function(k1, k2, reacts) {
    reacts <- make_irreversible(reacts)
    logfold <- k2 - k1

    if (any(!is.finite(logfold)))
        warning("Non-finite log-fold changes have been set to zero.")
    logfold[!is.finite(logfold)] <- 0

    idx <- id <- r_s <- kind <- fac <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(logfold)) {
        r <- reacts[[i]]
        idx <- c(idx, i)
        id <- c(id, r$abbreviation)
        r_s <- c(r_s, to_string(r, name = FALSE))
        kind <- c(kind, if (logfold[i] == 0) "same" else
                        if (logfold[i] > 0) "up" else "down")
        fac <- c(fac, logfold[i])

    res <- data.frame(idx = idx, name = id, reaction = r_s, log2_fold = fac)


#' Identifies hypothesis for differentially regulated reactions between a set of
#' normal and disease conditions.
#' \code{hyp()} is the main driver for differential analysis. It will perform
#'    the following steps:
#'  \enumerate{
#'  \item{Transform \code{normal} and \code{disease} to approximations for relative
#'  enzyme activities (not if type = "raw") by inversion.}
#'  \item{Calculate enzyme activity inter- and intra group log-fold changes and
#'  credible intervals.}
#'  \item{Estimate the dispersions with an empirical Bayes approximation and
#'  use this to extract significance.}
#'  \item{If type is "fva", it will perform a flux variability analysis to
#'  see whether differences can be due to variation in the fluxes alone.}
#'  }
#' @keywords hypothesis, k-cone, analysis
#' @param ma_terms A matrix or data frame containing the metabolic in the
#'  columns.
#' @param samples A factor or character string with either "normal" and
#'  "disease" entries or a single element named "ratio" if mass-action terms
#'  and fluxes are disease/normal ratios. Only required for type "exact".
#' @param fluxes Pre-compputed or measured fluxes with the same classification
#'  as in \code{samples}.
#' @param reacts The reaction list.
#' @param type The type of analysis to be performed. Either 'bias', 'exact',
#'  'fva' or 'raw' for a pass-through option.
#' @param sorted Whether the results should be sorted by p-value and mean log-fold
#'  change.
#' @param cred_level The confidence level for the confidence intervals.
#'  Defaults to 95\%.
#' @param obj Only needs to be set if type = 'fva'. Defines the
#'  objective reaction whose flux is maximized. Can be any of the acceptable
#'  formats for \code{\link{fba}}. The, probably, easiest import format is a
#'  single number denoting the index of the reaction that is the objective.
#' @param v_min The smallest allowed flux for each reaction for all reactions.
#'  Must be >=0. Can be of length 1 or \code{ncol(S)}. Set larger than zero to
#'  enforce a non-zero flux through a set of reactions.
#' @param alpha The minimum fraction of maximum objective value required during
#'  flux variability analysis. The default is 100\% of optimum.
#' @param correction_method A correction method for the multiple test p-values.
#'    Takes the same arguments as the method argument in p.adjust.
#' @param full If TRUE also returns the individual log fold changes along with
#'    the differential regulation data.
#' @return If full is FALSE only returns the generated hypothesis as a data
#'  frame. This is a data frame with the following columns:
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{idx}{The index of the reaction.}
#'  \item{name}{The name of the reaction/enzyme.}
#'  \item{reaction}{The actual reaction, e.g. A <=> B + C.}
#'  \item{type}{What type of regulation, "up", "down" or "same".}
#'  \item{sd_normal}{Standard deviation of the log2-fold changes between samples
#'      from the normal group.}
#'  \item{sd_disease}{Standard deviation of the log2-fold changes between samples
#'      of the disease vs normal group.}
#'  \item{mean_log_fold}{The mean log2-fold change between the disease and
#'      normal group.}
#'  \item{ci_low, ci_high}{The bayesian credible interval for the confidence
#'      level given by \code{cred_level}. Those are calculated using the bayesian
#'      bootstrap.}
#'  \item{pval}{The empricial Bayes estimate of the p-values.}
#'  \item{corr_pval}{The p-values corrected for multiple testing.}
#'  \item{fva_log_fold}{Only if type = "fva". The largest absolute log-fold
#'  change that can be explained by flux variability alone.}
#'  }
#'  If full is TRUE returns a list of generated hypothesis and the
#'  individual log fold changes between all reference basis and between
#'  reference and treatments. The full output will be a list with following
#'  elements:
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{hyp}{The generated hypotheses together with statistics and reactions.}
#'  \item{lfc_normal}{The log2-fold changes of enzyme activity within the normal
#'      group for each of the irreversible reactions. Those are never sorted, so
#'      the first entry corresponds to the first reaction, etc.}
#'  \item{lfc_disease}{The log2-fold changes of enzyme activity within between
#'      the disease and normal group for each of the irreversible reactions.
#'      Also never sorted.}
#'  \item{lfc_va}{Only if type=='fva'. The maximum log2-fold changes for
#'      the fluxes obtained by flux variability analysis. Also never sorted.}
#'  \item{fva}{Only if type=='fva'. The flux bounds obtained from flux
#'      variability analysis.}
#'  }
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' n <- length(make_irreversible(eryth))
#' ma_terms <- matrix(runif(6 * n), ncol=6)
#' samples <- rep(c("normal", "disease"), each = 3)
#' h <- hyp(eryth, samples, ma_terms)
#' head(h)
#' @importFrom limma makeContrasts lmFit contrasts.fit eBayes topTable
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix sd p.adjust
#' @importFrom stats rexp weighted.mean quantile
#' @export
hyp <- function(reacts, samples, ma_terms, fluxes = NA, type = "bias",
                correction_method = "BH", cred_level = 0.95, sorted = TRUE,
                obj = NULL, v_min = 1e-16, alpha = 1, full = FALSE) {
    # Create reference data
    ratio <- all(length(samples) == 1 & samples == "ratio")
    if (!ratio) {
        if (!all(samples %in% c("normal", "disease"))) stop(
            "If samples is a vector it must only contain normal/disease")
        normal <- samples == "normal"
        disease <- samples == "disease"
    if (!(type %in% c("raw", "bias", "exact", "fva")))
        stop("type must be either 'bias', 'exact', 'fva' or 'raw' :(")

    if (type != "raw") {
        ma_terms <- 1 / ma_terms
    M <- log(ma_terms, 2)
    if (type == "exact") M <- M * fluxes

    if (type == "fva") {
        S <- stoichiometry(reacts, sparse = TRUE)
        va <- fva(obj, S, 1, v_min, 1)
        if (length(obj) > 1 || !is.null(names(obj))) va <- va[-nrow(va), ]
        # Deal with numerical inaccuracies
        va[va < v_min] <- v_min
        lfc_va <- log(va[, 2], 2) - log(va[, 1], 2)

    res <- single_hyp(M[, 1], M[, 1], reacts)
    res <- res[, -ncol(res)]

    # create internal controls
    cref <- combn(which(normal), 2)
    lfc_n <- apply(cref, 2, function(idx) {
        h <- single_hyp(M[, idx[1]], M[, idx[2]], reacts)

    # Create differential analysis
    ctreat <- expand.grid(which(normal), which(disease))
    lfc_d <- apply(ctreat, 1, function(idx) {
        h <- single_hyp(M[, idx[1]], M[, idx[2]], reacts)

    # Generate model fits
    design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + factor(samples,
                           levels = c("normal", "disease")))
    colnames(design) <- c("normal", "disease")
    dfit <- lmFit(M, design)
    contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(disease - normal, levels = design)
    cfit <- contrasts.fit(dfit, contrast.matrix)
    cfit <- eBayes(cfit)

    tt <- topTable(cfit, number = nrow(M), confint = TRUE,
                   sort.by = "none", adjust.method = correction_method)
    # Generate statistics
    if (type == "exact") {
        vlfc <- rowMeans(log(fluxes[, disease], 2) - log(fluxes[, normal], 2))
    } else {
        vlfc <- -tt$logFC
    stats <- data.frame(
        sd_normal = apply(lfc_n, 1, sd), sd_disease =
        apply(lfc_d, 1, sd), k_lfc = tt$logFC, v_lfc = vlfc,
        ci_low = tt$CI.L, ci_high = tt$CI.R, pval = tt$P.Value,
        corr_pval = tt$adj.P.Val)

    if (type == "fva") {
        stats$fva_log_fold <- lfc_va
        stats$necessary <- abs(lfc_va) < abs(stats$k_lfc)
    res <- cbind(res, stats)
    if (type == "exact") {
        reg <- sapply(res$k_lfc, function(x) if (x == 0)
            "same" else if (x > 0) "up" else "down")
        res$type <- factor(reg)

    if (sorted)
        res <- res[order(res$corr_pval, -abs(res$k_lfc)), ]

    if (full) {
        lfc_n <- data.frame(normal = lfc_n)
        lfc_d <- data.frame(disease = lfc_d)
        res <- list(hyp = res, lfc_normal = lfc_n, lfc_disease = lfc_d)
        if (type == "fva") res <- c(res, list(fva = va, lfc_va = lfc_va))

cdiener/dycone documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:41 p.m.