consensusClusters: Get consensus clusters from CAGEr objects

consensusClustersGRR Documentation

Get consensus clusters from CAGEr objects


Extracts the information on consensus clusters from a CAGEr object.


consensusClustersGR(object, sample = NULL, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'CAGEexp'
consensusClustersGR(object, sample = NULL, qLow = NULL, qUp = NULL)


## S4 method for signature 'CAGEexp'



A CAGEr object.


Optional. Label of the CAGE dataset (experiment, sample) for which to extract sample-specific information on consensus clusters.

qLow, qUp

Lower and upper quantiles to compute interquantile width.


consensusClustersGR returns a ConsensusClusters object, which wraps the GRanges class. The score columns indicates the normalised expression value of each cluster, either across all samples (sample = NULL), or for the selected sample. The legacy tpm column may be removed in the future. When sample argument is NOT specified, total CAGE signal across all CAGE datasets (samples) is returned in the tpm column. When sample argument is specified, the tpm column contains CAGE signal of consensus clusters in that specific sample. In addition, sample-specific information is returned, including position of the dominant TSS, and (if applicable) interquantile width of the consensus clusters in the specified sample or otherwise, sample-agnostic information is returned.

consensusClustersSE returns the SummarizedExperiment stored in the consensusClusters experiment slot of the CAGEexp object.


Vanja Haberle

Charles Plessy

See Also


Other CAGEr accessor methods: CTSScoordinatesGR(), CTSScumulativesTagClusters(), CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(), CTSStagCountDF(), GeneExpDESeq2(), GeneExpSE(), expressionClasses(), filteredCTSSidx(), genomeName(), inputFiles(), inputFilesType(), librarySizes(), sampleLabels(), seqNameTotalsSE(), tagClustersGR()

Other CAGEr clusters functions: CTSScumulativesTagClusters(), CustomConsensusClusters(), aggregateTagClusters(), consensusClustersDESeq2(), cumulativeCTSSdistribution(), distclu(), paraclu(), plotInterquantileWidth(), quantilePositions(), tagClustersGR()


consensusClustersGR( exampleCAGEexp, sample = 2
                   , qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9)

charles-plessy/CAGEr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 4:35 p.m.