
#' Ordinate samples and taxa on a 2D plane based on beta diversity distances.
#' @inherit documentation_dist_test
#' @inherit documentation_default
#' @family beta_diversity
#' @family ordination
#' @family visualization
#' @param layers   One or more of 
#'        `c("point", "spider", "ellipse", "name", "mean", "taxon", "arrow")`. 
#'        The first four are sample-centric; the last three are taxa-centric. 
#'        Single letter abbreviations are also accepted. For instance, 
#'        `c("point", "ellipse")` is equivalent to `c("p", "e")` and `"pe"`. 
#'        See [plot types][plots] for examples of each. Default: `"pe"`
#' @param color.by,shape.by,facet.by,limit.by   Metadata columns to use for 
#'        aesthetics and partitioning. See below for details. 
#'        Default: `NULL`
#' @param ...   Parameters for layer geoms (e.g. [ggplot2::geom_point()]). 
#'        Prefixing parameter names with a layer name ensures that a particular 
#'        parameter is passed to, and only to, that layer. For instance, 
#'        \code{point.size = 2} or \code{p.size = 2} ensures only the points 
#'        have their size set to \code{2}. Points can also be controlled with 
#'        the \code{pt.} prefix.
#' @return A \code{ggplot2} plot. \cr
#'         The computed sample coordinates and ggplot command 
#'         are available as \code{$data} and \code{$code} respectively. \cr
#'         If \code{color.by} is given, then \code{$stats} and 
#'         \code{$stats$code} are set. \cr
#'         If \code{rank} is given, then \code{$data$taxa_coords}, 
#'         \code{$taxa_stats}, and \code{$taxa_stats$code} are set.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     library(rbiom)
#'     biom <- rarefy(hmp50)
#'     bdiv_ord_plot(biom, layers="pemt", stat.by="Body Site", rank="g")
bdiv_ord_plot <- function (
    biom, bdiv = "Bray-Curtis", ord = "UMAP", weighted = TRUE, layers = "petm", 
    stat.by = NULL, color.by = stat.by, shape.by = stat.by, facet.by = NULL, 
    colors = TRUE, shapes = TRUE,
    tree = NULL, test = "adonis2", seed = 0, permutations = 999, 
    rank = -1, taxa = 4, p.top = Inf, p.adj = "fdr", unc = "singly", caption = TRUE, ...) {
  biom <- as_rbiom(biom)
  validate_tree(null_ok = TRUE)
  # See if this result is already in the cache.
  params     <- slurp_env(..., .dots = TRUE)
  cache_file <- get_cache_file('bdiv_ord_plot', params)
  if (isTRUE(attr(cache_file, 'exists', exact = TRUE)))
    return (readRDS(cache_file))
  # Validate and restructure user's arguments.
  params <- list2env(params)
  with(params, {
    if (biom$n_samples < 4)
      cli_abort("At least four samples are needed for an ordination.")
    validate_rank(max = Inf, null_ok = TRUE)
    validate_biom_field('stat.by',  null_ok = TRUE, col_type = "cat")
    validate_biom_field('color.by', null_ok = TRUE)
    validate_biom_field('shape.by', null_ok = TRUE, col_type = "cat")
    validate_biom_field('facet.by', null_ok = TRUE, col_type = "cat")
  # Coordinates for ordination "points"
  with(params, {
    .ggdata <- bdiv_ord_table(
      biom         = biom, 
      bdiv         = bdiv,
      ord          = ord,
      weighted     = weighted,
      md           = c(color.by, shape.by),
      split.by     = facet.by,
      stat.by      = stat.by,
      tree         = tree,
      test         = test,
      seed         = seed,
      permutations = permutations,
      rank         = rank,
      taxa         = taxa,
      p.adj        = p.adj,
      p.top        = p.top,
      unc          = unc )
    .ggdata %<>% rename_cols('.sample' = ".label")
    .xcol  <- ".x"
    .ycol  <- ".y"
    .xmode <- "numeric"
    # Move stats tables/commands attrs from `p$data` to `p`.
    .plot_attrs <- list(
      stats      = attr(.ggdata, 'stats',      exact = TRUE),
      taxa_stats = attr(.ggdata, 'taxa_stats', exact = TRUE) )
    attr(.ggdata, 'stats')      <- NULL
    attr(.ggdata, 'taxa_stats') <- NULL
  # Initialize the `layers` object.
    params  = params, 
    choices = c( 'p' = "point", 'n' = "name",    's' = "spider", 
                 'n' = "name",  'd' = "density", 't' = "taxon",
                 'a' = "arrow", 'e' = "ellipse", 'm' = "mean" ))
  # Ignore shapes/etc without applicable layers.
  if (is.null(params$rank) || !any(has_layer(params, c('taxon', 'arrow', 'mean')))) {
    params$rank <- NULL
    del_layer(params, c('taxon', 'arrow', 'mean'))
  # aes() parameters - now handled by plot_build
  # specs <- list(
  #   "arrow"      = c('x', 'y', 'xend',  'yend'),
  #   "spider"     = c('x', 'y', 'xend',  'yend',  'color'),
  #   "ellipse"    = c('x', 'y',                   'color'),
  #   "point"      = c('x', 'y', 'shape', 'fill',  'color'),
  #   "name"       = c('x', 'y',          'label', 'color'),
  #   "stats_text" = c(                   'label'),
  #   "taxon"      = c('x', 'y', 'size',  'label'),
  #   "mean"       = c('x', 'y', 'size') )
  # Scale the size of biplot means and taxon labels
  if (has_layer(params, 'mean') || has_layer(params, 'taxon')) {
    if (has_layer(params, 'taxon') && has_layer(params, 'mean')) {
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'taxon', 
        'mapping|point.size' = ".size" )
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'continuous_scale',
        'scale_name' = "size",
        'palette'    = as.cmd(scales::area_pal(range = c(2,5))),
        'aesthetics' = c("size", "point.size"), 
        'name'       = "Taxa Abundance", 
        'labels'     = ~ paste0(. * 100, "%") )
    } else if (has_layer(params, 'mean')) {
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'scale_size', 
        'range'  = c(2, 5),
        'name'   = "Taxa Abundance",
        'labels' = ~ paste0(. * 100, "%") )
    } else {
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'scale_size', 
        'range' = c(2, 5) )
  if (eq(params$stat.by, params$color.by))
    if (has_layer(params, 'ellipse'))
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'ellipse', 
        'mapping|color' = params$stat.by )
  # Default aes and non-aes parameters
    params = params, 
    layer  = 'ggplot', 
    'mapping|x' = '.x', 
    'mapping|y' = '.y' )
    params = params, 
    layer = 'labs', 
    'x' = NULL, 
    'y' = NULL )
  if (has_layer(params, 'name'))
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'name', 
      'mapping|label' = ".label" )
  if (has_layer(params, 'mean'))
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'mean', 
      'alpha'        = 0.5, 
      'color'        = "darkgray",
      'mapping|size' = ".size" )
  if (has_layer(params, 'spider'))
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'spider', 
      'alpha'        = 0.4, 
      'size'         = 0.75,
      'mapping|xend' = ".xend",
      'mapping|yend' = ".yend" )
  if (has_layer(params, 'arrow'))
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'arrow', 
      'alpha'        = 0.4,
      'color'        = "darkgray", 
      'size'         = 0.75, 
      'arrow'        = arrow(ends="first", length=unit(.5,"cm")),
      'mapping|xend' = ".xend",
      'mapping|yend' = ".yend" )
  if (has_layer(params, 'taxon'))
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'taxon', 
      'show.legend'        = FALSE,
      'fill'               = alpha(c("white"), 0.8),
      'box.padding'        = 1,
      'segment.curvature'  = -0.1, 
      'segment.linetype'   = 8, 
      'max.overlaps'       = 100,
      'seed'               = 0,
      'mapping|size'       = ".size",
      'mapping|label'      = ".label" )
    params = params, 
    layer  = 'theme', 
    'axis.text'        = element_blank(),
    'axis.ticks'       = element_blank(),
    'panel.border'     = element_rect(color = "black", fill = FALSE, size = 1),
    'panel.grid.major' = element_blank(),
    'panel.grid.minor' = element_blank(),
    'panel.background' = element_rect(fill = "white"))
  # Create the plot and add each layer with its arguments.
  # Also attach the human-readable ggplot command.
  fig <- params %>%
    ordination_biplot() %>%
    ordination_facets() %>%
    ordination_spider() %>%
  attr(fig, 'cmd') <- current_cmd('bdiv_ord_plot')
  set_cache_value(cache_file, fig)

# Edit ggdata and taxa_coords for ggplot compatibility
ordination_biplot <- function (params) {
  if (is.null(params$rank))
    return (invisible(params))
  ggdata      <- params$.ggdata
  taxa_coords <- attr(ggdata, 'taxa_coords', exact = TRUE)
  if (is_null(taxa_coords))
    return (invisible(params))
  # Duplicate ggdata rows for each biplot rank
  if (length(params$rank) == 1) {
    ggdata[['.rank']] <- params$rank
  } else {
    ggdata <- local({
      df <- plyr::ldply(params$rank, function (rank) {
        data.frame(check.names = FALSE, ggdata, '.rank' = rank) })
      for (i in setdiff(names(attributes(ggdata)), names(attributes(df))))
        attr(df, i) <- attr(ggdata, i, exact = TRUE)
      return (df)
  # Restructure colnames for use in geom_segment()
  final_cols <- c(
    params$facet.by, '.facet', '.weighted', '.bdiv', '.ord', 
    '.rank', '.taxa', '.x', '.y', '.x0', '.y0', '.p.val', '.adj.p', '.size' )
  taxa_coords %<>% keep_cols(final_cols)
  taxa_coords %<>% rename_cols('.taxa' = ".label", '.x0' = ".xend", '.y0' = ".yend")
  attr(ggdata, 'taxa_coords') <- taxa_coords
  params$.ggdata              <- ggdata
  # To enable %>% chaining
  return (invisible(params))

# Faceting logic.
ordination_facets <- function (params) {
  ggdata       <- params$.ggdata
  sample_stats <- params$.plot_attrs$stats
  taxa_coords  <- attr(ggdata, 'taxa_coords',  exact = TRUE)
  ranks        <- params$rank
  # Facet strip text = facet.by, metrics, stats, and rank
  df <- ggdata
  # Put facet.by metadata in first.
  for (i in params$facet.by) {
    df %<>% within({
      .facet <- bool_switch(
        test  = exists(".facet", inherits = FALSE), 
        yes   = sprintf("%s - %s", .facet, as.character(get(i))), 
        no    = as.character(get(i)) )
  if (hasName(df, ".facet"))
    df %<>% within(.facet %<>% sprintf(fmt="**%s**"))
  # Next are metrics with multiple values.
  var_metrics <- c()
  df[['.weight']] <- ifelse(df[['.weighted']], "Weighted", "Unweighted")
  for (i in c('.weight', '.bdiv', '.ord')) {
    df[[i]] %<>% as.character()
    if (length(unique(df[[i]])) > 1)
      var_metrics %<>% c(i)
  if (length(var_metrics) == 0) {
    # Plot Title = "Weighted UniFrac PCoA (Phylum)"
    metric <- paste(collapse = " ", df[1, c('.weight', '.bdiv', '.ord')])
    if (length(ranks) == 1) metric <- sprintf("%s (%s)", metric, ranks)
    set_layer(params, 'labs', title = metric)
  } else if (length(var_metrics) == 1) {
    # Plot Title = "Weighted UniFrac (Phylum)"
    metric <- paste(collapse = " ", df[1, setdiff(c('.weight', '.bdiv', '.ord'), var_metrics)])
    if (length(ranks) == 1) metric <- sprintf("%s (%s)", metric, ranks)
    set_layer(params, 'labs', title = metric)
    # Facet Title = "Female - Saliva: PCoA (Phylum)"
    df[['.facet']] <- bool_switch(
      test = hasName(df, ".facet"), 
      yes  = sprintf("%s: %s", df[['.facet']], df[[var_metrics]]), 
      no   = sprintf("%s",     df[[var_metrics]]) )
  } else {
    # Plot Title = "Phylum"
    if (length(ranks) == 1) set_layer(params, 'labs', title = ranks)
    # Facet Title = "Female - Saliva<br>Weighted UniFrac PCoA (Phylum)"
    df[['.facet']] <- bool_switch(
      test = hasName(df, ".facet"), 
      yes  = sprintf("%s<br>%s %s %s", df[['.facet']], df[['.weight']], df[['.bdiv']], df[['.ord']]), 
      no   = sprintf("**%s %s %s**",                   df[['.weight']], df[['.bdiv']], df[['.ord']]) )
  # Append rank to facet title when showing multiple ranks.
  if (length(ranks) > 1)
    df[['.facet']] <- bool_switch(
      test  = hasName(df, ".facet"), 
      yes   = sprintf("%s (%s)", df[['.facet']], df[['.rank']]), 
      no    = sprintf("**%s**", df[['.rank']]) )
  # Last, add the statistics
  if (!is_null(sample_stats)) {
    # stats are agnostic of .ord and .rank
    stats_text <- with(
      data = plyr::join(df, sample_stats, by = c('.weighted', '.bdiv', params$facet.by)), 
      expr = sprintf(
        fmt = "*p* = %s; *stat* = %s; *z* = %s",
        format(.p.val, digits=3), 
        format(.stat,  digits=3), 
        format(.z,     digits=3) ))
    if (length(unique(stats_text)) == 1) {
      set_layer(params, 'labs',  subtitle = stats_text[[1]])
      set_layer(params, 'theme', plot.subtitle = element_markdown(size = 11))
    } else {
      df[['.facet']] <- bool_switch(
        test = hasName(df, ".facet"),
        yes  = sprintf("%s<br>%s", df[['.facet']], stats_text), 
        no   = stats_text )
    # Add caption below plot describing stats method.
    if (isTRUE(params$caption)) {
        params = params, 
        layer  = 'labs', 
        'caption' = sprintf(
          fmt = "Statistics computed with %s (%i permutations).", 
          params$permutations ))
      set_layer(params, 'theme', plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, face = "italic"))
  # Copy .facet column from df to taxa_coords
  if (!is_null(taxa_coords) && hasName(df, ".facet"))
    attr(df, 'taxa_coords') <- local({
      join_cols <- c('.weighted', '.bdiv', '.ord', '.rank', params$facet.by)
      join_cols <- intersect(join_cols, intersect(colnames(df), colnames(taxa_coords)))
          x     = taxa_coords, 
          y     = df[,c(join_cols, '.facet')], 
          by    = join_cols, 
          match = "first" ) %>% 
        drop_cols(join_cols) %>% 
  # These columns are now obsolete thanks to .facet / labs.
  df %<>% drop_cols('.weighted', '.bdiv', '.ord', '.rank', params$facet.by)
  # Overwrite facet.by with new .facet column.
  if (hasName(df, ".facet")) {
    df[['.facet']]  <- factor(df[['.facet']], levels = unique(df[['.facet']]))
    params$facet.by <- '.facet'
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'facet', 
      'scales' = "free" )
      params = params, 
      layer  = 'theme',
      'strip.background' = element_blank(),
      'strip.text'       = element_markdown(hjust=0) )
    if (!is.null(taxa_coords <- attr(df, 'taxa_coords', exact = TRUE))) {
      taxa_coords[['.facet']] %<>% factor(levels = levels(df[['.facet']]))
      attr(df, 'taxa_coords') <- taxa_coords
  } else {
    params$facet.by <- NULL
  # Make sure ggdata retains all its original attributes.
  for (i in names(attributes(ggdata)))
    if (is_null(attr(df, i, exact = TRUE)))
      attr(df, i) <- attr(ggdata, i, exact = TRUE)
  params$.ggdata <- df
  # To enable %>% chaining
  return (invisible(params))

# Construct data.frame for 'spider' lines
ordination_spider <- function (params) {
  if (!has_layer(params, 'spider'))
    return (invisible(params))
  ggdata <- params$.ggdata
  attr(ggdata, 'spider') <- plyr::ddply(
    .data      = as.data.frame(ggdata),
    .variables = ply_cols(c(params$facet.by, params$stat.by)), 
    .fun       = function (df) {
        check.names = FALSE,
        '.xend' = mean(df[['.x']]),
        '.yend' = mean(df[['.y']])
    }) %>% drop_cols(".id") %>% as_tibble()
  params$.ggdata <- ggdata
  # To enable %>% chaining
  return (invisible(params))
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:38 a.m.