
validate_adiv <- function (var = "adiv", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("OTUs", "Shannon", "Chao1", "Simpson", "InvSimpson")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, all_option = ".all", ...)

validate_bdiv <- function (var = "bdiv", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("UniFrac", "Jaccard", "Bray-Curtis", "Manhattan", "Euclidean")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, all_option = ".all", ...)

validate_ord <- function (var = "ord", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("PCoA", "tSNE", "NMDS", "UMAP")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, all_option = ".all", ...)

validate_dist <- function (var = "dist", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, all_option = ".all", ...)

validate_clust <- function (var = "clust", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("average", "ward", "mcquitty", "single", "median", "complete", "centroid")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, all_option = ".all", ...)

validate_unc <- function (var = "unc", env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- c("asis", "singly", "grouped", "drop")
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, ...)

validate_tree <- function (var = "tree", env = parent.frame(), evar = var, null_ok = FALSE) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is(x, 'phylo'))        return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is_scalar_character(x)) {
    x <- read_tree(x)
    assign(var, x, pos = env)
    return (invisible(NULL))
  stop("`", evar, "` must be a phylo-class object, such as from read_tree().")

validate_taxa <- function (var = "taxa", env = parent.frame(), evar = var, null_ok = FALSE) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is.null(x))             stop ("`", evar, "` can't be NULL.")
  if (anyNA(x))               stop ("`", evar, "` can't be NA.")
  if (!(is.numeric(x) || is.character(x)))
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be one number or a character vector.")
  if (is.numeric(x) && length(x) > 1)
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be one number or a character vector.")
  if (is.numeric(x) && x <= 0)
    stop ("When numeric, `", evar, "` must be greater than zero.")
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_rank <- function (var = "rank", env = parent.frame(), evar = var, null_ok = FALSE, ...) {
  #   0     1      2      3     4     5      6
  # .otu Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus
  #   0    -6     -5     -4    -3    -2     -1
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  x       <- ifelse(tolower(x) == "otu", ".otu", x)
  biom    <- get("biom", pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  choices <- biom$ranks
  if (is_integerish(x)) {
    n <- length(choices)
    x <- ifelse(
      test = x >= 0, 
      yes  = choices[pmin(x + 1, n)], 
      no   = choices[pmax(n + x, 1)] )
  validate_var_choices('x', choices, null_ok = null_ok, evar = var, ...)
  assign(var, x, pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_bool <- function (var, env = parent.frame(), evar = var, max = 1, null_ok = FALSE, default = NULL) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is.null(x)) x <- default
  if (!is_logical(x) || anyNA(x))
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be TRUE or FALSE.")
  validate_var_length(evar, x, max, null_ok)
  assign(var, x, pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_formula <- function (var = "formula", env = parent.frame(), evar = var) {
  f <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  # Sanity check user-specified regression formula.
  if (!is_formula(f) || !identical(all.vars(f), c("y", "x")))
    cli_abort("`{evar}` must be a formula of the form y ~ x.")
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_layers <- function (var = "layers", choices, env = parent.frame(), ...) {
  choices <- strsplit(choices, '', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (!is_scalar_character(x) || is.na(x) || nchar(trimws(x)) == 0)
    cli_abort("{.arg {var}} must be a single string, not {.val {x}}")
  x <- strsplit(trimws(x), '', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  assign(var, x, pos = env)
  validate_var_choices(var, choices, env, max = Inf, ...)

validate_var_choices <- function (
    var, choices, env = parent.frame(), evar = var, max = 1, 
    null_ok = FALSE, na_ok = FALSE, dne_ok = FALSE, all_option = NULL ) {
  if (!hasName(env, var)) {
    if (dne_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
    cli_abort("{.var {var}} does not exist.")
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (length(x) == 0) x <- NULL # Convert character(0) to NULL
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) {
    assign(var, x, pos = env)
    return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is.data.frame(choices)) choices <- colnames(choices)
  if (!missing(all_option) && eq(x, all_option)) {
    x <- choices
  } else {
    if (!is_character(x) && !is_na(x))
        fmt = "`%s` must be character, not %s",
        paste(collapse = ", ", class(x)) ))
    pm <- pmatch(tolower(x), tolower(choices))
    invalid_na <- which(is.na(pm))
    if (na_ok) invalid_na %<>% setdiff(which(is.na(x)))
    if (length(invalid_na) > 0)
        fmt = "Invalid `%s` option(s): %s\nChoices are: %s",
        paste(collapse = ", ", x[invalid_na]), 
        paste(collapse = ", ", choices) ))
    x <- choices[pm]
  if (!na_ok && anyNA(x)) stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be NA.")
  if (length(x) > max)    stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be length ", length(x),".")
  assign(var, x, pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_var_range <- function (
    var, range = c(-Inf, Inf), env = parent.frame(), evar = var, 
    n = NA, int = FALSE, null_ok = FALSE, na_ok = FALSE, dne_ok = FALSE ) {
  if (!hasName(env, var)) {
    if (dne_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
    cli_abort("{.var {var}} does not exist.")
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  if (!na_ok && anyNA(x))     stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be NA.")
  if (!null_ok && is.null(x)) stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be NULL.")
  if (!is.numeric(x) && !all(is.na(x)))
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be numeric.")
  if (!is.na(n) && length(x) != n)
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be length ", n, ", not ", length(x), ".")
  if (isTRUE(int) && any(!is.na(x) & x %% 1 != 0))
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be whole numbers.")
  if (any(!is.na(x) & (x < min(range) | x > max(range))))
    stop ("`", evar, "` must be between ", min(range), " and ", max(range), ".")
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_var_length <- function (evar, x, max, null_ok, na_ok = FALSE) {
  if (!na_ok && anyNA(x))     stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be NA.")
  if (!null_ok && is.null(x)) stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be NULL.")
  if (length(x) > max)        stop ("`", evar, "` cannot be length ", length(x),".")
  return (invisible(NULL))

#' Convert all *.by params into long form.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' Examples values for color.by:
#' "Body Site"
#' c("Body Site" = "okabe")
#' list("Body Site")
#' list("Body Site" = "okabe")
#' list("Body Site" = list(values = "okabe", name = "Swab Location"))
#' list("Body Site" = list(values = c("red", "green", "blue"), name = "Swab Location"))
#' list("Body Site" = list(values = c(Saliva = "red", Stool = "green"), name = "Swab Location"))
#' c("Body Site", "Sex")
#' c("Body Site" = "okabe", "Sex")
#' c("Body Site" = "okabe", "Sex" = "muted")
#' list("Body Site", "Sex")
validate_meta_aes <- function (var, env = parent.frame(), null_ok = FALSE, aes = NULL, ...) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  if (exists('biom', env)) {
    biom    <- get("biom", pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
    choices <- biom$fields
    is_num  <- sapply(USE.NAMES = TRUE, choices, function (i) is.numeric(biom$metadata[[i]]))
  else if (exists('df', env)) {
    df      <- get("df", pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
    choices <- colnames(df)
    is_num  <- sapply(USE.NAMES = TRUE, choices, function (i) is.numeric(df[[i]]))
  else {
    cli_abort("Can't find `biom` or `df` for validate_meta_aes().")
  # Allow ".all" option.
  if (eq(x, ".all")) x <- choices[-1]
  # Initial pass - convert `x` to a named list.
  results <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    key <- names(x)[[i]]
    val <- x[[i]]
    if (isTRUE(nzchar(key))) {
      results[[key]] <- val
    } else {
      results[[val]] <- list()
  # Remove prefixes and confirm metadata fields exist.
  col_names <- names(results)
  validate_meta('col_names', evar = var, null_ok = null_ok, ...)
  if (any(duplicated(names(results))))
    stop ("Duplicate metadata fields specified in `", var, "`.")
  names(results) <- col_names
  for (i in c("within", "between", "revsort"))
    attr(results, i) <- attr(col_names, i, exact = TRUE)
  remove("col_names", "i")
  # Check each metadata field's specs.
  for (col_name in names(results)) {
    col_spec <- results[[col_name]]
    col_type <- ifelse(is_num[[col_name]], "num", "cat")
    # Convert short-hand specification to long-form.
    result <- local({
      if (is_list(col_spec))                      return (col_spec)
      if (aes == "color" && is_palette(col_spec)) return (list(color = col_spec))
      if (col_type == "cat") {
        if (is.numeric(col_spec))
          cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, can't subset categorical field {.field {col_name}} by numeric values: {.val {col_spec}}")
        return (list(values = col_spec))
      } else if (col_type == "num") {
        if (!is.numeric(col_spec) || length(col_spec) == 0)
          cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, can't subset numeric field {.field {col_name}} by {.type {col_spec}}: {.val {col_spec}}")
        return (list(range = col_spec))
    # Only allow 'range' if numeric; 'values' if categorical.
    if (hasName(result, 'range')) {
      x <- result[['range']]
      if (col_type != "num")
        cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, can't apply numeric range to non-numeric {.field {col_name}} field.")
      if (!is.numeric(x) || length(x) == 0)
        cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, range for {.field {col_name}} must be numeric, not {.type {x}} of length {length(x)}: {.val {x}}")
    if (hasName(result, 'values')) {
      x <- result[['values']]
      if (col_type != "cat")
        cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, can't filter by `values` on non-categorical {.field {col_name}} field. Use {.code range = c(min, max)} instead.")
      if (!is.character(result[['values']]) && !eq(var, "shape.by"))
        cli_abort("In {.arg {var}}, values for {.field {col_name}} must be a character vector, not {.type {x}}: {.val {x}}")
    attr(result, 'col_name') <- col_name
    attr(result, 'col_type') <- col_type
    results[[col_name]] <- result
  if (length(results) == 0)
    results <- NULL
  assign(var, results, pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))

#' Combines metadata variable's comparison attributes 
#' together with `within` and `between`.
#' * Updates `within` and `between` in caller's environment. 
#' * Variables named in `vars` are stripped of '!=' and '==' prefixes.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal

validate_var_cmp <- function (vars, env = parent.frame()) {
  within  <- get('within',  pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  between <- get('between', pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  for (var in vars) {
    x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
    if (!is.character(x)) next
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      xi <- x[[i]]
      if (is.na(xi)) next
      if (startsWith(xi, '==')) within  %<>% c(substr(xi, 3, nchar(xi)))
      if (startsWith(xi, '!=')) between %<>% c(substr(xi, 3, nchar(xi)))
      if (startsWith(xi, '==') || startsWith(xi, '!=')) {
        x[[i]] <- substr(xi, 3, nchar(xi))
    assign(var, x, pos = env)
  assign('within',  within,  pos = env)
  assign('between', between, pos = env)

validate_meta_cmp <- function (...) {
  cli_abort('validate_meta_cmp() has been replaced by validate_cmp().')

#' Ensures that `var` corresponds to a metadata field.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal

validate_biom_field <- function (
    var, env = parent.frame(), evar = var, 
    null_ok = FALSE, max = 1, col_type = NULL ) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  biom <- get('biom', pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  df   <- env$biom$metadata
    var      = 'x', 
    evar     = var, 
    null_ok  = null_ok, 
    max      = max, 
    col_type = col_type, 
    force    = FALSE )
  assign(var, x, pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))

validate_df_field <- function (
    var, env = parent.frame(), evar = var, 
    null_ok = FALSE, max = 1, col_type = NULL, force = TRUE ) {
  x <- get(var, pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  if (is.null(x) && null_ok) return (invisible(NULL))
  df      <- get('df', pos = env, inherits = FALSE)
  choices <- colnames(df)
  is_num  <- if (!is.null(col_type)) lapply(df, is.numeric)
  if (eq(x, '.all')) {
    x <- setdiff(choices, '.sample')
    # Exit early if '.all' resolved to NULL
    if (is.null(x) && null_ok) {
      assign(var, x, pos = env)
      return (invisible(NULL))
  if (is_null(x))       cli_abort("`{evar}` cannot be NULL.")
  if (!is_character(x)) cli_abort("`{evar}` should be character, not {.type {x}}.")
  if (length(x) > max)  cli_abort("`{evar}` cannot be length ", length(x), ".")
  if (anyNA(x))         cli_abort("`{evar}` cannot be NA.")
  x <- trimws(x)
  if (!all(nzchar(x)))  cli_abort("`{evar}` cannot be ''.")
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    xi <- x[[i]]
    # Check for valid name and (optionally) type.
    if (!xi %in% choices)
      validate_var_choices('xi', choices, evar = evar)
    if (eq(col_type, "cat") && isTRUE(force)) {
      df[[xi]] %<>% refactor()
      is_num[[xi]] <- FALSE
    if (eq(col_type, "cat") && is_num[[xi]])
      cli_abort("`{evar}` field '{xi}' is not categorical.")
    if (eq(col_type, "num") && !is_num[[xi]])
      cli_abort("`{evar}` field '{xi}' is not numeric.")
    x[[i]] <- xi
  if (isTRUE(force))
    assign('df', df, pos = env)
  assign(var, unique(x), pos = env)
  return (invisible(NULL))
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:38 a.m.