plotSCEViolin | R Documentation |
Visualizes values stored in any slot of a SingleCellExperiment object via a violin plot.
feature = NULL,
sample = NULL,
dimension = NULL,
groupBy = NULL,
violin = TRUE,
boxplot = TRUE,
dots = TRUE,
plotOrder = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
axisSize = 10,
axisLabelSize = 10,
dotSize = 0.1,
transparency = 1,
defaultTheme = TRUE,
gridLine = FALSE,
summary = NULL,
title = NULL,
titleSize = NULL,
hcutoff = NULL,
hcolor = "red",
hsize = 1,
hlinetype = 1,
vcutoff = NULL,
vcolor = "red",
vsize = 1,
vlinetype = 1,
combinePlot = "none",
plotLabels = NULL
inSCE |
Input SingleCellExperiment object with saved dimension reduction components or a variable with saved results. Required. |
slotName |
Desired slot of SingleCellExperiment used for plotting. Possible options: "assays", "colData", "metadata", "reducedDims". Required. |
itemName |
Desired vector within the slot used for plotting. Required. |
feature |
Desired name of feature stored in assay of SingleCellExperiment object. Only used when "assays" slotName is selected. Default NULL. |
sample |
Character vector. Indicates which sample each cell belongs to. |
dimension |
Desired dimension(s) stored in the specified reducedDims. Either an integer which indicates the column(s) or a character vector specifies column name(s). By default, the 1st dimension/column will be used. Only used when "reducedDims" slotName is selected. Default NULL. |
groupBy |
Groupings for each numeric value. A user may input a vector equal length to the number of the samples in the SingleCellExperiment object, or can be retrieved from the colData slot. Default NULL. |
violin |
Boolean. If TRUE, will plot the violin plot. Default TRUE. |
boxplot |
Boolean. If TRUE, will plot boxplots for each violin plot. Default TRUE. |
dots |
Boolean. If TRUE, will plot dots for each violin plot. Default TRUE. |
plotOrder |
Character vector. If set, reorders the violin plots in the order of the character vector when 'groupBy' is set. Default NULL. |
xlab |
Character vector. Label for x-axis. Default NULL. |
ylab |
Character vector. Label for y-axis. Default NULL. |
axisSize |
Size of x/y-axis ticks. Default 10. |
axisLabelSize |
Size of x/y-axis labels. Default 10. |
dotSize |
Size of dots. Default 0.1. |
transparency |
Transparency of the dots, values will be 0-1. Default 1. |
defaultTheme |
Removes grid in plot and sets axis title size to 10 when TRUE. Default TRUE. |
gridLine |
Adds a horizontal grid line if TRUE. Will still be drawn even if defaultTheme is TRUE. Default FALSE. |
summary |
Adds a summary statistic, as well as a crossbar to the violin plot. Options are "mean" or "median". Default NULL. |
title |
Title of plot. Default NULL. |
titleSize |
Size of title of plot. Default 15. |
hcutoff |
Adds a horizontal line with the y-intercept at given value. Default NULL. |
hcolor |
Character. A color available from 'colors()'. Controls the color of the horizontal cutoff line, if drawn. Default 'black'. |
hsize |
Size of horizontal line, if drawn. Default 0.5. |
hlinetype |
Type of horizontal line, if drawn. can be specified with either an integer or a name (0 = blank, 1 = solid, 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted, 4 = dotdash, 5 = longdash, 6 = twodash). Default 1. |
vcutoff |
Adds a vertical line with the x-intercept at given value. Default NULL. |
vcolor |
Character. A color available from 'colors()'. Controls the color of the vertical cutoff line, if drawn. Default 'black'. |
vsize |
Size of vertical line, if drawn. Default 0.5. |
vlinetype |
Type of vertical line, if drawn. can be specified with either an integer or a name (0 = blank, 1 = solid, 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted, 4 = dotdash, 5 = longdash, 6 = twodash). Default 1. |
combinePlot |
Must be either "all", "sample", or "none". "all" will combine all plots into a single .ggplot object, while "sample" will output a list of plots separated by sample. Default "none". |
plotLabels |
labels to each plot. If set to "default", will use the name of the samples as the labels. If set to "none", no label will be plotted. |
a ggplot of the violin plot.
inSCE = mouseBrainSubsetSCE, slotName = "assays",
itemName = "counts", feature = "Apoe", groupBy = "sex"
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