runScrublet: Find doublets using 'scrublet'.

View source: R/scrublet_doubletDetection.R

runScrubletR Documentation

Find doublets using scrublet.


A wrapper function that calls scrub_doublets from python module scrublet. Simulates doublets from the observed data and uses a k-nearest-neighbor classifier to calculate a continuous scrublet_score (between 0 and 1) for each transcriptome. The score is automatically thresholded to generate scrublet_call, a boolean array that is TRUE for predicted doublets and FALSE otherwise.


  sample = NULL,
  useAssay = "counts",
  simDoubletRatio = 2,
  nNeighbors = NULL,
  minDist = NULL,
  expectedDoubletRate = 0.1,
  stdevDoubletRate = 0.02,
  syntheticDoubletUmiSubsampling = 1,
  useApproxNeighbors = TRUE,
  distanceMetric = "euclidean",
  getDoubletNeighborParents = FALSE,
  minCounts = 3,
  minCells = 3L,
  minGeneVariabilityPctl = 85,
  logTransform = FALSE,
  meanCenter = TRUE,
  normalizeVariance = TRUE,
  nPrinComps = 30L,
  tsneAngle = NULL,
  tsnePerplexity = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  seed = 12345



A SingleCellExperiment object.


Character vector or colData variable name. Indicates which sample each cell belongs to. Default NULL.


A string specifying which assay in the SCE to use. Default "counts".


Numeric. Number of doublets to simulate relative to the number of observed transcriptomes. Default 2.0.


Integer. Number of neighbors used to construct the KNN graph of observed transcriptomes and simulated doublets. If NULL, this is set to round(0.5 * sqrt(n_cells)). Default NULL.


Float Determines how tightly UMAP packs points together. If NULL, this is set to 0.1. Default NULL.


The estimated doublet rate for the experiment. Default 0.1.


Uncertainty in the expected doublet rate. Default 0.02.


Numeric. Rate for sampling UMIs when creating synthetic doublets. If 1.0, each doublet is created by simply adding the UMIs from two randomly sampled observed transcriptomes. For values less than 1, the UMI counts are added and then randomly sampled at the specified rate. Defuault 1.0.


Boolean. Use approximate nearest neighbor method (annoy) for the KNN classifier. Default TRUE.


Character. Distance metric used when finding nearest neighbors. See detail. Default "euclidean".


Boolean. If TRUE, return the parent transcriptomes that generated the doublet neighbors of each observed transcriptome. This information can be used to infer the cell states that generated a given doublet state. Default FALSE.


Numeric. Used for gene filtering prior to PCA. Genes expressed at fewer than minCounts in fewer than minCells are excluded. Default 3.


Integer. Used for gene filtering prior to PCA. Genes expressed at fewer than minCounts in fewer than minCells are excluded. Default 3.


Numeric. Used for gene filtering prior to PCA. Keep the most highly variable genes (in the top minGeneVariabilityPctl percentile), as measured by the v-statistic (Klein et al., Cell 2015). Default 85.


Boolean. If TRUE, log-transform the counts matrix (log1p(TPM)). sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD will be used for dimensionality reduction, unless meanCenter is TRUE. Default FALSE.


If TRUE, center the data such that each gene has a mean of 0. sklearn.decomposition.PCA will be used for dimensionality reduction. Default TRUE.


Boolean. If TRUE, normalize the data such that each gene has a variance of 1. sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD will be used for dimensionality reduction, unless meanCenter is TRUE. Default TRUE.


Integer. Number of principal components used to embed the transcriptomes prior to k-nearest-neighbor graph construction. Default 30.


Float. Determines angular size of a distant node as measured from a point in the t-SNE plot. If NULL, it is set to 0.5. Default NULL.


Integer. The number of nearest neighbors that is used in other manifold learning algorithms. If NULL, it is set to 30. Default NULL.


Boolean. If TRUE, print progress updates. Default TRUE.


Seed for the random number generator, can be set to NULL. Default 12345.


For the list of valid values for distanceMetric, see the documentation for annoy (if useApproxNeighbors is TRUE) or sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors (if useApproxNeighbors is FALSE).


A SingleCellExperiment object with scrub_doublets output appended to the colData slot. The columns include scrublet_score and scrublet_call.

See Also

plotScrubletResults, runCellQC


data(scExample, package = "singleCellTK")
## Not run: 
sce <- subsetSCECols(sce, colData = "type != 'EmptyDroplet'")
sce <- runScrublet(sce)

## End(Not run)

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.