subDiffEx: Passes the output of generateSimulatedData() to differential...

View source: R/DownsampleMatrix.R

subDiffExR Documentation

Passes the output of generateSimulatedData() to differential expression tests, picking either t-tests or ANOVA for data with only two conditions or multiple conditions, respectively.


Passes the output of generateSimulatedData() to differential expression tests, picking either t-tests or ANOVA for data with only two conditions or multiple conditions, respectively.



subDiffExttest(countMatrix, class.labels, test.type = "t.equalvar")

subDiffExANOVA(countMatrix, condition)



Matrix. The output of generateSimulatedData(), where the first row contains condition labels.


Matrix. A simulated counts matrix, sans labels.


Factor. The condition labels for the simulated cells. Will be coerced into 1's and 0's.


Type of test to perform. The default is t.equalvar.


Factor. The condition labels for the simulated cells.


subDiffEx(): A vector of fdr-adjusted p-values for all genes. Nonviable results (such as for genes with 0 counts in a simulated dataset) are coerced to 1.

subDiffExttest(): A vector of fdr-adjusted p-values for all genes. Nonviable results (such as for genes with 0 counts in a simulated dataset) are coerced to 1.

subDiffExANOVA(): A vector of fdr-adjusted p-values for all genes. Nonviable results (such as for genes with 0 counts in a simulated dataset) are coerced to 1.


  • subDiffEx():

  • subDiffExttest(): Runs t-tests on all genes in a simulated dataset with 2 conditions, and adjusts for FDR.

  • subDiffExANOVA(): Runs ANOVA on all genes in a simulated dataset with more than 2 conditions, and adjusts for FDR.


res <- generateSimulatedData(
         totalReads = 1000, cells=10,
         originalData = assay(mouseBrainSubsetSCE, "counts"),
         realLabels = colData(mouseBrainSubsetSCE)[, "level1class"])
tempSigDiff <- subDiffEx(res)

#sort first 100 expressed genes
ord <- rownames(mouseBrainSubsetSCE)[
  order(rowSums(assay(mouseBrainSubsetSCE, "counts")),
        decreasing = TRUE)][seq(100)]
#subset to those first 100 genes
subset <- mouseBrainSubsetSCE[ord, ]
res <- generateSimulatedData(totalReads = 1000, cells=10,
                             originalData = assay(subset, "counts"),
                             realLabels = colData(subset)[, "level1class"])
realLabels <- res[1, ]
output <- res[-1, ]
fdr <- subDiffExttest(output, realLabels)

#sort first 100 expressed genes
ord <- rownames(mouseBrainSubsetSCE)[
  order(rowSums(assay(mouseBrainSubsetSCE, "counts")),
        decreasing = TRUE)][seq(100)]
# subset to those first 100 genes
subset <- mouseBrainSubsetSCE[ord, ]
res <- generateSimulatedData(totalReads = 1000, cells=10,
                             originalData = assay(subset, "counts"),
                             realLabels = colData(subset)[, "level2class"])
realLabels <- res[1, ]
output <- res[-1, ]
fdr <- subDiffExANOVA(output, realLabels)

compbiomed/singleCellTK documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 2:43 p.m.