Man pages for daewoooo/SaaRclust
R Package to cluster long sequencing reads into chromosomes to facilitate de novo genome assembly.

clusters2rangesConvert saarclust object into 'GRanges-class' object.
collapseBinsCollapse consecutive bins with the same ID value
countDirectionalReadsCount directional reads.
countProbCalculate probability of PacBio reads having WW, CC or WC...
countProbOldCalculate probability of PacBio reads having WW, CC or WC...
counts2rangesReport W & C counts and cluster ID as 'GRanges-class' object.
EMclustEM (Expectation maximization) function
estimateThetaEstimate theta values based on hard clustering
exportClusteredReadsPrint names of long reads into separate files based on soft...
exportGenomicLocationsExport best cluster IDs for each PB read
filterInputFilter input data from the minimap
findAntiparallelClustersGet pairs of clusters likely coming from the same chromosome...
findClusterPartnersGet pairs of clusters coming from the same chromosome that...
findClusterPartners2Get pairs of clusters coming from the same chromosome with...
findClusterPartners_maxMatchGet pairs of clusters coming from the same chromosome that...
findClusterPartners_simpleGet pairs of clusters coming from the same chromosome with...
findSplitedClustersGet pairs of clusters likely coming from the same chromosome
flipCountsReverse orientation of directional read counts
gammaFunctionCalculate gamma function of EM algorithm
getClusterAccCheck clustering accuracy
getClusterIdentityPerChrExport corresponding clusters for true chromosome
getClusterIdentityPerChrPerDirExport corresponding cluster for true chromosome and...
getQualMeasureObtain summary measures of minimap output.
getRepresentativeAlignmentsImport representative PacBio alignments.
hardClustHard clustering using k-means
hardClustAccuracyComputes the performance of the hard clustering algorithm
importBamsImport BAM(s) and count reads
importDataImport pre-processed output from the minimap
importOldTestDataImport old output from the minimap
importTestDataImport output from the minimap
kahansumAlternative sum function to reduce numerical error caused by...
maxWandCratiosFeaturesGet the feature vector based on the maxW,C ratios
mergeClustersHierarchical clustering for merging the kmeans clusters.
mergeSplitedClustersMerge splitted clusters
plotClustAccuracyPlot accuracy of clustring in respect to known location of...
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap of responsibilities of each PB reads for each...
plotQualMeasurePlot data quality measures.
plotReadAlignmentsPlot coverage of short reads mapped on top of PB reads
plotReadMappingDistPlot distribution of short reads mapped on top of PB reads
plotThetaEstimatesPlot theta estimates resulting from EM algorithm.
randomThetaSimulate random theta estimates for cell type
readBamFileAsGRangesImport BAM file into GRanges
rescaleThetaRescale theta values for WC cell type
runSaaRclustWrapper function to run saarclust pipeline.
SaaRclustWrapper function to run saarclust pipeline for a given number...
thetaRescaleRescale theta values for WC cell type.
WandCratiosFeaturesGet the feature vector based on both W and C ratios
WminusCratiosFeaturesGet the feature vector based on the WmiunsC ratios
daewoooo/SaaRclust documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:50 p.m.