
Defines functions read.adp.ad2cp ad2cpCodeToName is.ad2cp ad2cpHeaderValue ad2cpDefaultDataItem adpAd2cpFileTrim

Documented in ad2cpCodeToName ad2cpHeaderValue adpAd2cpFileTrim is.ad2cp read.adp.ad2cp

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Trim an AD2CP File
#' Create an AD2CP file by copying the first `n` data chunks (regions starting
#' with `0xa5`, etc) of another such file. This can be useful in supplying
#' small sample files for bug reports.
#' @param infile name of an AD2CP file.
#' @param n integer indicating the number of data chunks to keep. The default is
#' to keep 100 chunks, a common choice for sample files.
#' @param outfile optional name of the new AD2CP file to be created. If this is not
#' supplied, a default is used, by adding `_trimmed` to the base filename, e.g.
#' if `infile` is `"a.ad2cp"` then `outfile` will be `a_trimmed.ad2cp`.
#' @param debug an integer value indicating the level of debugging. If
#' this is 1L, then a brief indication is given of the processing steps. If it
#' is > 1L, then information is given about each data chunk, which can yield
#' very extensive output.
#' @return `adpAd2cpFileTrim()` returns the name of the output file, `outfile`, as
#' provided or constructed.
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to ad2cp data
#' @family functions that trim data files
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Can only be run by the developer, since it uses a private file.
#' f  <- "~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp/byg_trimmed.ad2cp"
#' if (file.exists(f))
#'     adpAd2cpFileTrim(f, 100L) # this file is already trimmed to 200 chunks
#' }
#' @author Dan Kelley
adpAd2cpFileTrim <- function(infile, n = 100L, outfile, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, "adpAd2cpFileTrim(infile=\"", infile, "\", n=", n, ", debug=", debug, ") START\n", unindent = 1)
    debug <- ifelse(debug < 1, 0L, ifelse(debug < 2, 1, 2))
    if (missing(infile)) {
        stop("must provide 'infile'")
    n <- as.integer(n)
    if (n < 1L) {
        stop("'n' must be a positive number, but it is ", n)
    if (missing(outfile)) {
        # outfile <- gsub("(.*).ad2cp", "\\1_trimmed.ad2cp", infile)
        outfile <- gsub("^(.*)\\.([^.]*)$", "\\1_trimmed.\\2", infile)
        oceDebug(debug, "created outfile value \"", outfile, "\"")
    r <- read.oce(infile, which = "??")
    nmax <- length(r$start)
    if (n >= nmax) {
        stop("maximum allowed 'n' for this file is ", nmax)
    # add 1 to profile count; go back 1 char before that
    last <- r$start[n + 1L] - 1L
    buf <- readBin(infile, "raw", n = last)
    writeBin(buf, outfile, useBytes = TRUE)
    oceDebug(debug, "END adpAd2cpFileTrim\n", unindent = 1)

# private function
ad2cpDefaultDataItem <- function(x, j = NULL, order = c(
                                     "burst", "average",
                                     "bottomTrack", "interleavedBurst", "burstAltimeterRaw",
                                     "DVLBottomTrack", "DVLWaterTrack", "echosounder", "echosounderRaw",
                                     "altimeter", "averageAltimeter"
                                 )) {
    if (!is.ad2cp(x)) {
        stop("x is not an AD2CP object")
    dataNames <- names(x@data)
    if (is.null(j) || nchar(j) == 0) {
        i <- which(order %in% dataNames)
        if (length(i)) order[i[1]] else stop("ad2cp object does not contain any of '", paste(order, collapse = "', '"), "'")
    } else {
        if (j %in% dataNames) j else stop("ad2cp object does not contain data item '", j, "'")

#' Infer an Item From a Nortek AD2CP File Header
#' @param x an [adp-class] object that holds AD2CP data.
#' @param key Character value that identifies a particular line in the file
#' header.
#' @param item Character value indicating the name of the item sought.
#' @param numeric Logical value indicating whether to convert the return value
#' from a string to a numerical value.
#' @param default Optional value to be used if the item is not found in the
#' header, or if the header is `NULL` (as in the case of a split-up file
#' that lacks the initial header information)
#' @return String or number interpreted from the `x[["text"]]`, or `NULL`,
#' if the desired item is not found there, or if `x` is not of the required
#' class and variety.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' if (file.exists("a.ad2cp")) {
#'     d <- read.oce("a.ad2cp")
#'     # The examples start with the line in x[["text"]][[1]]; note that in the second
#'     # example, it would be insuficient to use a key of "BEAMCFGLIST", because that will
#'     # yield 4 lines, and the function is not designed to handle that.
#'     # ID,STR=\"Signature1000\",SN=123456
#'     type <- ad2cpHeaderValue(d, "ID", "STR", numeric=FALSE)
#'     serialNumber <- ad2cpHeaderValue(d, "ID", "SN")
#'     # BEAMCFGLIST,BEAM=1,THETA=25.00,PHI=0.00,FREQ=1000,BW=25,BRD=1,HWBEAM=1,ZNOM=60.00
#'     beam1Angle <- ad2cpHeaderValue(d, "BEAMCFGLIST,BEAM=1", "THETA")
#'     frequency <- ad2cpHeaderValue(d, "BEAMCFGLIST,BEAM=1", "FREQ", default=NA)
#' }
#' }
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to ad2cp data
#' @author Dan Kelley
ad2cpHeaderValue <- function(x, key, item, numeric = TRUE, default) {
    if (missing(x)) {
        stop("must provide x")
    if (is.null(x)) {
    if (is.character(x)) {
        header <- x
    } else if (is.ad2cp(x)) {
        header <- x[["header"]]
        if (is.null(header)) {
    } else {
        stop("x must be either a character value or an AD2CP object")
    if (missing(key)) {
        stop("must provide key")
    if (missing(item)) {
        stop("must provide item")
    if (is.null(header)) {
        return(if (missing(default)) NULL else default)
    key2 <- paste("^", key, ",", sep = "")
    hline <- header[grep(key2, header)]
    if (length(hline) > 1) {
        stop("header line is not distinct; try using a comma at the end of key")
    if (0 == length(hline)) {
        return(if (missing(default)) NULL else default)
    if (0 == length(grep(item, hline))) {
        return(if (missing(default)) NULL else default)
    res <- gsub(paste("^.*", item, "=([^,]*).*$", sep = ""), "\\1", hline)
    if (nchar(res)) {
        res <- if (numeric) as.numeric(res) else gsub("\"", "", res)
    } else {
        res <- if (missing(default)) NULL else default

#' Test Whether Item is a ad2cp-Type adp Object
#' @param x an [oce] object.
#' @return Logical value indicating whether `x` is an [adp-class] object,
#' with `fileType` in its `metadata` slot equal to `"AD2CP"`.
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to ad2cp data
#' @author Dan Kelley
is.ad2cp <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "adp")) {
    } else {
        fileType <- x@metadata$fileType
        (!is.null(fileType)) && fileType == "AD2CP"

#' Map AD2CP ID Code to oce Name
#' As explained in Nortek (2022, section 6.1, page 80), AD2CP files use a
#' hexadecimal (in R, "raw") code to indicate the nature of each data chunk, and
#' [read.adp.ad2cp()] uses the present function as it analyses AD2CP files.
#' The mapping from code (hex or decimal) to oce name is as follows.
#' | code (raw) | code (integer) |            oce name |
#' |      ----: |          ----: |               ----: |
#' | ---------- | -------------- |   ----------------- |
#' |     `0x15` |             21 |             `burst` |
#' |     `0x16` |             22 |           `average` |
#' |     `0x17` |             23 |       `bottomTrack` |
#' |     `0x18` |             24 |  `interleavedBurst` |
#' |     `0x1a` |             26 | `burstAltimeterRaw` |
#' |     `0x1b` |             27 |    `DVLBottomTrack` |
#' |     `0x1c` |             28 |       `echosounder` |
#' |     `0x1d` |             29 |     `DVLWaterTrack` |
#' |     `0x1e` |             30 |         `altimeter` |
#' |     `0x1f` |             31 |  `averageAltimeter` |
#' |     `0x23` |             35 |    `echosounderRaw` |
#' |     `0xa0` |            160 |              `text` |
#' @param code a [raw] (or corresponding integer) vector indicating the IDs of
#' interest, or NULL to get a summary of possible values.
#' @param prefix logical value indicating whether to show the raw value as a
#' prefix (e.g. `"0x1c=echosounder"` as opposed to `"echosounder"`).
#' @return An indication of the mapping.  If `code` is NULL, this is a data
#' frame.  Otherwise, it is a character vector with the relevant mappings,
#' with the raw form of the code linked with the name, as in the example.
#' @examples
#' stopifnot(ad2cpCodeToName(0x15) == "0x15=burst")
#' @references
#' Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS,
#' March 31, 2022.
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to ad2cp data
#' @author Dan Kelley
ad2cpCodeToName <- function(code = NULL, prefix = TRUE) {
    table <- c(
        burst = as.raw(0x15),
        average = as.raw(0x16),
        bottomTrack = as.raw(0x17),
        interleavedBurst = as.raw(0x18),
        burstAltimeterRaw = as.raw(0x1a),
        DVLBottomTrack = as.raw(0x1b),
        echosounder = as.raw(0x1c),
        DVLWaterTrack = as.raw(0x1d),
        altimeter = as.raw(0x1e),
        averageAltimeter = as.raw(0x1f),
        echosounderRaw = as.raw(0x23),
        text = as.raw(0xa0)
    if (is.null(code)) {
        rval <- data.frame(
            "code" = paste0("0x", as.raw(table), " (=", as.integer(table), ")"),
            "name" = names(table)
    } else {
        code <- as.raw(code)
        rval <- rep("", length(code))
        tnames <- names(table)
        for (i in seq_along(code)) {
            m <- match(code[i], table)
            rval[i] <- if (prefix) {
                paste0("0x", as.raw(code[i]), "=", if (is.na(m)) "?" else tnames[m])
            } else {

#' Read an adp File in Nortek AD2CP Format
#' This function is under active development and may change without notice.  In
#' contrast with other `oce` reading functions, [read.adp.ad2cp()] focusses just
#' on one data type within the source file.  Another difference is that it can
#' either return an object holding the data or just a data frame holding a
#' description of the data types in the file; indeed, the latter is the default.
#' See \dQuote{Details} for more on the reasons for these departures from the
#' usual `oce` pattern.
#' Why does [read.adp.ad2cp()] focus only on parts of the data file? The answer
#' lies in the AD2CP format itself, which may combine data subsets of such
#' differing natures as to break with the `oce` system of pairing a `metadata`
#' slot with a `data` slot.  For example, in a conventional ADP dataset, the
#' `metadata` slot has items for the sampling times, the number of beams, the
#' blanking distance, the cell size, the number of cells, etc.  Such items have
#' a natural pairing with elements of the `data` slot, and `oce` uses this
#' pairing in constructing plots and other items. However, an AD2CP file might
#' combine such data with echosounder measurements, and these will have
#' different values for number of beams and so forth.  This poses a challenge
#' in naming conventions within the `oce` object, with ripple effects for
#' plotting and data access.  Those ripple effects would extend beyond `oce`
#' itself to user code.  To avoid such problems, [read.adp.ad2cp()]
#' is designed to focus on one data type at a time, relying on users to
#' keep track of the resultant object, perhaps to combine it with other objects
#' from within the AD2CP file or other files, in the normal R manner.
#' The permitted values for `dataType` are shown in the table below;
#' the `dataType` argument of [read.adp.ad2cp()] may be chosen from any
#' of the three columns in this table.
#' | code (raw) | code (integer) |            oce name |
#' |      ----: |          ----: |               ----: |
#' | ---------- | -------------- |   ----------------- |
#' |     `0x15` |             21 |             `burst` |
#' |     `0x16` |             22 |           `average` |
#' |     `0x17` |             23 |       `bottomTrack` |
#' |     `0x18` |             24 |  `interleavedBurst` |
#' |     `0x1a` |             26 | `burstAltimeterRaw` |
#' |     `0x1b` |             27 |    `DVLBottomTrack` |
#' |     `0x1c` |             28 |       `echosounder` |
#' |     `0x1d` |             29 |     `DVLWaterTrack` |
#' |     `0x1e` |             30 |         `altimeter` |
#' |     `0x1f` |             31 |  `averageAltimeter` |
#' |     `0x23` |             35 |    `echosounderRaw` |
#' |     `0xa0` |            160 |              `text` |
# The coding is based mainly on descriptions in various versions of a Nortek
# manual (see \dQuote{References}). However, there are some gaps and
# contradictions in these manuals, owing partly to evolution of the data
# format. These things posed a challenge in the writing of [read.adp.ad2cp()].
# Thankfully, personnel in Nortek technical support team were able to supply
# the help that was needed.
# Comments in the code, along with some warnings and messages that may be
# issued during processing, are used to highlight some areas that may need
# attention in revisions to this function.
# Early in the year 2022, support was added for 12-byte headers. Until
# August 2022, this support was provisional and the results were unlikely
# to be correct. However, personal contacts with Nortek experts shed
# a great deal of light on the format, and so the present results are
# thought to be correct.  At about the same time, support was added for
# what oce calls `echosounderRaw` format, the details of which were
# kindly communicated by Nortek personnel, in lieu of official documentation
# that had not yet been finalized.
# The \dQuote{References} section lists some manuals that were consulted during
# the coding of `read.adp.ad2cp()].  Since instruments evolve over time, one
# might think that Nortek (2022) would be the best place to start, in coding to
# read AD2CP files. That would be a mistake, because that manual (as of August
# 2022) employs a new presentation style that is less straightforward than the
# older manuals, with some significant gaps (e.g. no discussion of the checksum
# computation method) and errors (e.g. in stating storage classes, whether
# floating-point or integer).  A new manual is expected soon, however, and this
# is expected to lead the way revision of this function and its documentation.
# 2. The Nortek (2022) explanation of the data format differs from the older
# explanations and is arguably more difficult to understand.  With the new
# leading-underscore format (see Nortek 2022, page 79), information is spread
# throughout the document, making it challenging to understand data fields in
# isolation.  The older documents laid things out more clearly, e.g. the
# average/burst format is laid out in detail, *in one place* on pages 57 to 64
# of Nortek, with the optional fields being clearly labelled in the rightmost
# column of Table 6.1.3.
# 3. Nortek (2022) does not always specify units correctly.  For example, on
# page 82, Pressure is said to have "Unit \[dBar\]" in green text, but the
# black text above states "Raw data given as 0.001 dBar". If the stated storage
# class (uint32) is to be believed, then it seems clear that the unit must be
# 0.001 dBar, so the green text should be ignored.  The same can be said of
# items throughout the data-format tables. In coding `read.adp.ad2cp()], the
# green "Unit" text was ignored in basically every case.
# Second, Nortek (2022) contains significant errors, e.g. the following.
# 1. Nortek (2022 page 89) states the storage class for "Altimeter
# data. Altimeter distance" (called `AltimeterDistance` by the present function)
# to be `int32`, but Nortek (2017, 2018) both state it to be `float32`. Tests
# with actual datasets make it clear that the format is `float32`, since wild
# result are inferred by following the Nortek (2022) guidance.
# 2. As above, but for "AST data.AST distance" (called `ASTDistance` by the
# present function).
#' @param file a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to
#' load.
#' @param from an integer indicating the index number of the first record to
#' read. This must equal 1, for this version of `read.adp.ad2cp`.  (If not
#' provided, `from` defaults to 1.)
#' @param by ignored.
#' @param to an integer indicating the final record to read. If `to` is 0L,
#' which is the default, then the value is changed internally to 1e9, and
#' reading stops at the end of the file.
#' @param dataType an indication of the data type to be extracted.  If this is
#' NULL (the default) then `read.adp.ad2cp()` returns a data frame indicating
#' the data type occurrence rate in the file.  Otherwise, `dataType` must be
#' either a numeric or character value (see \dQuote{Details}).  In the numeric
#' case, which includes both base-10 numbers and `raw` values, `dataType` is
#' converted to an integer that is taken to indicate the data type via ID. The
#' permitted values follow the Nortek convention, a summary of which is shown
#' the table at the start of the \dQuote{Details} section.  In the character
#' case, it must be a string taken from that same table.
#' @param dataSet a positive integer that indicates which of the possibly
#' several data sets stored within a file is to be focussed upon.  By
#' default, the first data set is chosen. Note that data sets are found
#' by trying to match each text data chunk against the regular expression
#' @param tz a character value indicating time zone. This is used in
#' interpreting times stored in the file.
# @param ignoreChecksums a logical value indicating whether to ignore
# checksums.  This is FALSE by default, meaning that any data chunk with an
# improper checksum is ignored.  It may be necessary to set this to TRUE to
# parse some problematic files, but users are asked to report issues in
# such cases.  (This parameter may be removed without notice.)
#' @param longitude,latitude numerical values indicating the observation
#' location.
#' @param plan optional integer specifying which 'plan' to focus on (see
# reference 1 for the meaning of 'plan').  If this is not given, it defaults to
# the most common plan in the requested subset of the data.
#- @param type optional character value indicating the type of Nortek
#- instrument.  Normally, this is inferred from the file contents, but
#- if an error is reported that no header is found, the user may
#- find it useful to set the `type` argument. The permitted choices are
#- `"Signature100"`, `"Signature250"`, `"Signature500"`, and
#- `"Signature1000"`.
#' @param TOC a logical value.  If this is FALSE (the default) then
#' the other parameters of the function are used to select data from
#' the indicated `filename`, and an [adp-class] object is returned.
#' However, if `TOC` is TRUE, then the number of datasets held within
#' the file is returned.
#' @param debug an integer value indicating the level of debugging.  Set to 1 to
#' get a moderate amount of debugging information, from the R code only, to 2 to
#' get some debugging information from the C++ code that is used to parse the
#' data chunks, or to 3 for intensive debugging at both levels.
#' @param orientation,distance,monitor,despike ignored, provided only for
#' calling compatibility with other functions that read [adp-class]
#' files.  A warning is issued if any of these is supplied in a call
#' to `read.adp.ad2cp()`.
#' @param \dots ignored parameters that might be passed to `read.adp.ad2cp()`
#' by [read.oce()].
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' d <- read.adp.ad2cp("~/test.ad2cp", to=100) # or read.oce()
#' }
#' @return `read.adp.ad2cp()` returns either an [adp-class] object or
#' the number of data sets within the file, according to the value
#' of `TOC`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS,
#' 2017.
#' Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS,
#' 2018.
#' Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS,
#' March 31, 2022.
# Nortek AS. \dQuote{Operations Manual - Signature 250, 500 and 1000.} Nortek AS,
# September 21, 2018.
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family things related to ad2cp data
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # You can run this within the oce directory, if you clone from github.
#' file <- "tests/testthat/local_data/ad2cp/S102791A002_Barrow_v2.ad2cp"
#' if (file.exists(file)) {
#'     library(oce)
#'     d <- read.oce(file)
#' }
#' @family functions that read adp data
#' @template adReadingMethodTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
read.adp.ad2cp <- function(
    from = 1L, to = 0L, by = 1L, dataType = NULL, dataSet = 1L,
    tz = getOption("oceTz"), longitude = NA, latitude = NA, plan, TOC = FALSE,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug"),
    orientation, distance, monitor, despike, # ignored; warning issued if provided
    ...) {
    if (!is.logical(TOC)) {
        stop("TOC must be a logical value, but it is ", TOC)
    dataSet <- as.integer(dataSet)
    if (dataSet < 1L) {
        stop("dataSet=", dataSet, " is not permitted; please supply a positive integer")
    originalParameters <- list(
        from = from, to = to, by = by, dataSet = dataSet, dataType = dataType,
        tz = tz, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
    i0v <- 0L # global variable that some functions alter using <<-
    i <- 0L # global variable that some functions alter using <<-
    dataTypeChoices <- list(
        "burst" = 0x15,
        "average" = 0x16,
        "bottomTrack" = 0x17,
        "interleavedBurst" = 0x18,
        "burstAltimeterRaw" = 0x1a,
        "DVLBottomTrack" = 0x1b,
        "echosounder" = 0x1c,
        "DVLWaterTrack" = 0x1d,
        "altimeter" = 0x1e,
        "averageAltimeter" = 0x1f,
        "echosounderRaw" = 0x23
    dataTypeOrig <- dataType
    if (!is.null(dataType)) {
        # oceDebug(debug, "original dataType=\"", dataType, "\n")
        if (length(dataType) > 1L) {
            stop("length of dataType (", length(dataType), ") must not exceed 1")
        if (is.character(dataType)) {
            if (!identical(dataType, "TOC")) {
                if (dataType %in% names(dataTypeChoices)) {
                    dataType <- dataTypeChoices[[dataType]]
                } else {
                        "dataType=\"", dataType, "\" not understood; try one of: \"",
                        paste(names(dataTypeChoices), collapse = "\", \""), "\""
        } else if (is.numeric(dataType)) {
            dataType <- as.integer(dataType)
            if (!(dataType %in% as.integer(dataTypeChoices))) {
                    "dataType=", dataType, " not understood; try one of: ",
                    paste(as.integer(dataTypeChoices), collapse = ", ")
        } else {
            stop("dataType must be character or numeric")
    # Interpret other parameters
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    debug <- min(3L, max(0L, as.integer(debug)))
    if (is.null(dataType) && !TOC) {
        stop("must supply 'dataType'; hint: use read.adp.ad2cp(filename,TOC=TRUE) to discover file contents")
    if (!missing(orientation)) {
        warning("ignoring 'orientation' (see documentation)")
    if (!missing(distance)) {
        warning("ignoring 'distance' (see documentation)")
    if (!missing(monitor)) {
        warning("ignoring 'monitor' (see documentation)")
    if (!missing(despike)) {
        warning("ignoring 'despike' (see documentation)")
    fromGiven <- !missing(from)
    toGiven <- !missing(to)
    byGiven <- !missing(by)
    planGiven <- !missing(plan)
    if ((fromGiven && toGiven) && !(from < to) && to != 0L) {
        stop("require from<to but got from=", from, " and to=", to)

    oceDebug(debug, "read.adp.ad2cp(filename",
        ", dataType=0x", as.raw(dataType), " (original was ", dataTypeOrig, ")",
        ", from=", if (fromGiven) format(from) else "(missing)",
        ", to=", if (toGiven) to else "(missing)",
        ", by=", if (byGiven) by else "(missing)",
        "  plan=", if (planGiven) plan else "(missing)",
        ", debug=", debug,
        # ", ignoreChecksums=", ignoreChecksums,
        ", ...) START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    #- if (typeGiven) {
    #-     typeAllowed <- c("Signature100", "Signature250", "Signature500", "Signature1000")
    #-     typei <- pmatch(type, typeAllowed)
    #-     if (is.na(typei))
    #-         stop("type must be \"Signature100\", \"Signature250\", \"Signature500\", or \"Signature1000\", but it is \"", type, "\"")
    #-     type <- typeAllowed[typei]
    #- }
    # Check from, to, and by.
    if (!fromGiven) {
        from <- 1L
    from <- as.integer(from)
    if (from < 1L) {
        stop("from=", from, " is not allowed; use a value of 1 or more")
    if (!toGiven) {
        to <- 0L
    to <- as.integer(to)
    if (to < 0L) {
        stop("to=", to, " is not allowed; use a value of 0 (for all data) or more (for specified limit)")
    if (to == 0) {
        to <- 1e9
    } # this should be enough to read any file
    if (!byGiven) {
        by <- 1L
    by <- as.integer(by)
    if (by < 1L) {
        stop("by=", by, " is not allowed; use a value of 1 or more")
    oceDebug(debug, "after some analysis, have from=", from, ", to=", to, " and by=", by, "\n", sep = "")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "rb")
    } else {
        filename <- "(connection)"
    if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
        stop("`file` must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        filename <- "(connection)"
        open(file, "rb")
    # Read whole file into a buffer
    seek(file, 0, "start")
    seek(file, where = 0, origin = "end")
    fileSize <- seek(file, where = 0)
    seek(file, 0, "start")
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(fileSize))
    buf <- readBin(file, what = "raw", n = fileSize, size = 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "first 10 bytes in file: ",
        paste(paste("0x", head(buf, 10), sep = ""), collapse = " "), "\n",
        sep = ""
    headerSize <- as.integer(buf[2])
    oceDebug(debug, "headerSize:", headerSize, "\n")
    ID <- buf[3]
    oceDebug(debug, "ID: 0x", ID, " (NB: 0x15=burst data record; 0x16=avg data record; 0x17=bottom ",
        "track record; 0x18=interleaved data record; 0xa0=string data record, e.g. GPS NMEA, ",
        "comment from the FWRITE command)\n",
        sep = ""
    dataSize <- readBin(buf[5:6], what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
    oceDebug(debug, "dataSize:", dataSize, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "buf[1+headerSize+dataSize=", 1 + headerSize + dataSize, "]=0x", buf[1 + headerSize + dataSize], " (expect 0xa5)\n", sep = "")
    # Note that we read the *whole* file; from, to and by are used later, for
    # the particular plan,dataSet,dataType value that is the focus here.  We use
    # from, to and by in a few lines, when focusIndex is defined.
    nav <- do_ldc_ad2cp_in_file(filename, from = 1L, to = 1e9, by = 1L, DEBUG = debug - 1L)
    d <- list(buf = buf, index = nav$index, headerLength = nav$headerLength, dataLength = nav$dataLength, id = nav$id)
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(length(d$index)))
    N <- length(d$index)
    #-message("L635 N=",N,", to=", to)
    # Set up object, with key metadata to allow other functions to work.
    res <- new("adp")
    # FIXME: THIS IS WRONG: we should be focussing on d focussed by focusIndex.
    firstData <- which(d$id != 0xa0)[1] # first non-text chunk
    serialNumber <- readBin(d$buf[d$index[firstData] + 5:8], "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
    # Create pointers for accessing 1-byte, 2-byte, and 4-byte chunks
    oceDebug(debug, "focussing on ", length(d$index), " data records\n")
    # .pointer2 <- as.vector(t(cbind(pointer1, 1 + pointer1))) # rbind() would be fine, too.
    # .pointer4 <- as.vector(t(cbind(pointer1, 1 + pointer1, 2 + pointer1, 3 + pointer1)))
    # Below indicates that gappyIndex() is about 6 times faster on a small file
    # (1477 chunks) This won't matter for such a small file, but it will for
    # larger files.  My tests with 1e6 points suggests factor >100 speedup; for
    # more, see https://github.com/dankelley/oce/wiki/fast-indexing
    #> browser()
    #> microbenchmark(
    #>     as.vector(t(cbind(pointer1, 1 + pointer1, 2 + pointer1, 3 + pointer1))),
    #>     pointer4NEW <- gappyIndex(pointer1, 0, 3)
    #>     )
    # .pointer2NEW <- gappyIndex(pointer1, 0, 2)
    # .pointer4NEW <- gappyIndex(pointer1, 0, 4)
    # .if (!all.equal(pointer2, pointer2NEW))
    # .    warning("DEVELOPER NOTE: pointer2NEW != pointer2 at spot 1")
    # .if (!all.equal(pointer4, pointer4NEW))
    # .    warning("DEVELOPER NOTE: pointer4NEW != pointer4 at spot 1")
    pointer1 <- d$index
    pointer2 <- gappyIndex(d$index, 0, 2)
    pointer4 <- gappyIndex(d$index, 0, 4)
    # {{{
    # Construct an array to store the bits within the 'status' vector. The nortek
    # docs refer to the first bit as 0, which becomes [1, ] in this array. Note
    # that we may drop some elements (if they are not in the current 'plan')
    # later, depending on 'keep'.
    status <- intToBits(readBin(d$buf[pointer4 + 69L], "integer", size = 4L, n = N, endian = "little"))
    #-message("L665 ", vectorShow(status, showNewline=FALSE))
    #-message("L666 ", vectorShow(N, showNewline=FALSE))
    dim(status) <- c(32L, N)
    # Interpret status, but note that items will be subsetted later (see 'keep')
    # Read blankingDistanceInCm.  This is bit 1 in the Nortek (2022 table 6.3
    # page 85) zero-based notation is index 2 in R.
    # NOTE: 2022-08-29 Nortek informs me that the blankingDistance is *always*
    # in mm, for echosounder=0x1c data, so we alter that here. Nortek considers
    # this a bug, and has plans to alter how this works, but we issue a warning
    # here to let the user know that their dataSet is (in this one set of bits)
    # faulty.
    blankingDistanceInCm <- as.integer(status[2L, ])
    echosounderChunks <- which(d$id == 0x1c)
    if (length(echosounderChunks)) {
        if (any(blankingDistanceInCm[echosounderChunks])) {
            warning("In read.adp.ad2cp() : setting blankingDistanceInCm to FALSE for echosounder to ",
                "handle an error noted by Nortek on 2022-08-29",
                call. = FALSE
            if (debug > 0) {
                df <- data.frame(
                    id = paste0("0x", as.raw(d$id)),
                    blankingDistanceInCmOriginal = blankingDistanceInCm
            blankingDistanceInCm[echosounderChunks] <- FALSE
            if (debug > 0) {
                df$blankingDistanceInCmUpdated <- blankingDistanceInCm
    # Bit 16 in Nortek (zero-based) notation is bit 17 here.
    # count from 0, so it is bit 17 here.
    activeConfiguration <- as.integer(status[17L, ])
    #-message("L698 ", vectorShow(activeConfiguration, showNewline=FALSE))
    # Decode the orientation from bits 25-27 in 0-offset notation, i.e. 26-28 here.
    # Note that reference [1 table 1 page 55] only has some of the
    # permitted codes, but the updated manual [3 table 1 page 64], has more,
    # including the value 7 that is used in the three sample files available
    # to the author as of late December, 2018.
    orientation1 <- as.integer(status[26L, ])
    orientation2 <- as.integer(status[27L, ])
    orientation3 <- as.integer(status[28L, ])
    O <- orientation1 + 2L * orientation2 + 4L * orientation3
    orientation <- c("xup", "xdown", "yup", "ydown", "zup", "zdown", "-", "AHRS")[O + 1]
    # TEST below is a test of whether I have the bits wrong. Comparison
    # TEST with the header in 4 files suggests I am doing this right.
    # TEST message(vectorShow(O))
    # TEST message(vectorShow(orientation))
    # TEST O2 <- 4*orientation1 + 2*orientation2 + orientation3
    # TEST message(vectorShow(O2))
    # TEST orientation2 <- c("xup", "xdown", "yup", "ydown", "zup", "zdown", "-", "AHRS")[O2+1]
    # TEST message(vectorShow(orientation2))
    # TEST message("I think O1/orientation is correct")

    # Plan (active configuration)
    # If the 'plan' argument is missing, we select the most common one in the data subset.
    # See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2050 which shows that, as of
    # 2023-03, it is quite unclear what to do with plan.
    # TEST message("table(activeConfiguration):")
    # TEST print(table(activeConfiguration))
    # message("FIXME saving activeConfiguration to activeConfiguration.rda");save(activeConfiguration,file="activeConfiguration.rda")
    if (!planGiven) {
        u <- unique(activeConfiguration)
        nu <- length(u)
        if (nu == 1) {
            plan <- activeConfiguration[1]
            message("In read.adp.ad2cp() : setting plan=", plan, ", the only value in the file")
        } else {
            plan <- u[which.max(unlist(lapply(u, function(x) sum(activeConfiguration == x))))]
            acTable <- table(activeConfiguration)
                "In read.adp.ad2cp() : setting plan=", plan,
                ", the most common value in this file; ",
                paste(names(acTable), " occurs ", unname(acTable), " time[s]", sep = "", collapse = "; ")
            # message("A table of plan values is as follows")
            # print(acTable, file=stderr())
    # Find text blocks, some of which are configuration headers. This code has
    # altered substantially over time, as I've come to learn more about the data
    # format, and studied some sample files.  Be on the lookout for old variable
    # names that don't quite make sense anymore.
    #- header <- NULL
    idText <- which(d$id == 0xa0) # text chunk
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(idText))
    textBlocks <- lapply(idText, function(i) {
        chars <- rawToChar(d$buf[seq.int(2L + d$index[i], by = 1L, length.out = -1L + d$dataLength[i])])
        strsplit(chars, "\r\n")[[1]]
    # Find configuration (AKA header) blocks, as opposed to other strings.
    textBlockIsConfig <- sapply(textBlocks, function(b) grepl("^GETCLOCKSTR,TIME=", b[[1]]))
    configText <- textBlocks[textBlockIsConfig]
    numberOfDataSets <- length(configText)
    oceDebug(debug, "This file has ", pluralize(numberOfDataSets, "data set"), "\n")
    # nolint start object_usage_linter
    commentText <- textBlocks[!textBlockIsConfig]
    # nolint end object_usage_linter
    if (dataSet > numberOfDataSets) {
        stop("Cannot access dataSet ", dataSet, " because the file contains only ", pluralize(numberOfDataSets, "dataset"))
    dataSetTime <- as.POSIXct(sapply(
        function(h) gsub(".*=\"(.*)\"", "\\1", h[1])
    ), tz = "UTC")
    dataSetStart <- idText[textBlockIsConfig]
    dataSetEnd <- c(diff(dataSetStart), length(d$id))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(dataSetStart))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(dataSetEnd))
    if (TOC) {
        rval <- list()
        for (ds in seq_len(numberOfDataSets)) {
            #<2053>#See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/2053
            #<2053>cat("dataSet ", ds, ", starting at ", format(dataSetTime[ds]), " ", tz, ", contains\n", sep="")
            look <- seq(dataSetStart[ds], dataSetEnd[ds])
            t <- table(d$id[look])
            names <- names(t)
            tv <- as.vector(t)
            #<2043>for (i in seq_along(names)) {
            #<2043>    cat("    ", pluralize(tv[i], "record"), " with dataType ", names[i],
            #<2043>        " (\"", ad2cpCodeToName(names[i], prefix=FALSE), "\")\n", sep="")
            rval[[paste("dataSet", ds, "at", format(dataSetTime[ds]))]] <-
                    `ID hex` = paste0("0x", as.raw(as.integer(names))),
                    `ID dec` = as.integer(names),
                    `dataType` = ad2cpCodeToName(names, prefix = FALSE),
                    Count = tv
    # We have handled the TOC case.
    oceDebug(debug, "this is not a TOC call\n")
    if (dataSet > numberOfDataSets) {
            "cannot access dataSet=", dataSet, " because this file contains only ",
            pluralize(numberOfDataSets, "dataset")
    # Extract the header, and the 'type' named therein.
    header <- configText[[dataSet]]
    type <- gsub(".*STR=\"([^\"]*)\".*$", "\\1", header[grep("^ID,", header)])
    # Build up an index sieve.
    dataSetKeep <- rep(FALSE, length(d$index))
    dataSetKeep[seq.int(dataSetStart[dataSet], dataSetEnd[dataSet])] <- TRUE
    planKeep <- activeConfiguration == plan
    dataTypeKeep <- d$id == dataType
    # Is the user asking for a plan that is not in the file?
    if (sum(planKeep) == 0L) {
            "there are no data for plan=", plan, "; try one of the following values instead: ",
            paste(unique(activeConfiguration), collapse = " ")
    # Internal checks -- should never fail.
    if (length(planKeep) != length(dataSetKeep)) {
            "length(planKeep)=", length(planKeep), " != length(dataSetKeep)=",
            length(dataSetKeep), "; please report error to developers"
    if (length(planKeep) != length(dataTypeKeep)) {
            "length(planKeep)=", length(planKeep), " != length(datatypeKeep)=",
            length(dataTypeKeep), "; please report error to developers"
    keep <- planKeep & dataSetKeep & dataTypeKeep
    if (sum(keep) < length(keep)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "retaining ", sum(keep), " records, or ", round(100 * sum(keep) / length(keep), 4), "% of file\n")
        keep2 <- which(keep)
        keep3 <- keep2[seq(from = from, to = min(to, length(keep2)), by = by)]
        N <- length(keep3)
        d$index <- d$index[keep3]
        d$headerLength <- d$headerLength[keep3]
        d$dataLength <- d$dataLength[keep3]
        d$id <- d$id[keep3]
        status <- status[, keep3, drop = FALSE]
        # message(vectorShow(blankingDistanceInCm))
        blankingDistanceInCm <- blankingDistanceInCm[keep3]
        # message(vectorShow(blankingDistanceInCm))
        activeConfiguration <- activeConfiguration[keep3]
        orientation1 <- orientation1[keep3]
        orientation2 <- orientation2[keep3]
        orientation3 <- orientation3[keep3]
        orientation <- orientation[keep3]
        pointer1 <- d$index
        pointer2 <- as.vector(t(cbind(pointer1, 1 + pointer1))) # rbind() would be fine, too.
        pointer4 <- as.vector(t(cbind(pointer1, 1 + pointer1, 2 + pointer1, 3 + pointer1)))
        pointer2NEW <- gappyIndex(pointer1, 0, 2)
        pointer4NEW <- gappyIndex(pointer1, 0, 4)
        if (!all.equal(pointer2, pointer2NEW)) {
            warning("DEVELOPER NOTE: pointer2NEW != pointer2 at spot 2")
        if (!all.equal(pointer4, pointer4NEW)) {
            warning("DEVELOPER NOTE: pointer4NEW != pointer4 at spot 2")
        oceDebug(debug, "focussing on ", length(pointer1), " records (after subsetting for plan=", plan,
            ", dataSet=", dataSet, ", and dataType=", dataType, ")\n",
            sep = ""
    # if (debug > 0) {
    #    oceDebug(debug, "below is table() of the 'plan' values in this subset of the file:\n")
    #    print(table(activeConfiguration))
    # }

    # commonData (Nortek 2022 Table 6.2 Page 81)
    commonData <- list()

    # "Version" in Nortek (2022 table 6.2 page 81)
    # NB. this can vary across IDs, e.g. in private test file f2, the text chunk
    # (i.e. the header) has version 16, while the other records had version 3.
    commonData$version <- as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 1L])
    commonData$offsetOfData <- as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 2L])
    commonData$configuration <- local({
        tmp <- rawToBits(d$buf[pointer2 + 3L]) == 0x01
        dim(tmp) <- c(16, N)
    # The above block can be done as below, if R is new enough to offer |>.
    #> commonData$configuration <- (rawToBits(d$buf[pointer2+3L]) == 0x01) |> matrix(byrow=TRUE, ncol=16L)

    commonData$serialNumber <- readBin(d$buf[pointer4 + 5L], "integer", n = N, size = 4L)
    # The vectorization scheme used in this function assumes that configurations
    # match within a given ID type.  This seems like a reasonable assumption,
    # and one backed up by the impression of a Nortek representative, but I do
    # not see definitive statement of the requirement in any documentation
    # I've studied. Since we *need* this to be true in order to read the data in
    # vectorized way, we *insist* on it here, rather than trying to catch
    # problems later. Use local() to avoid polluting namespace.
            debug, "Checking commonData$configuration (a ",
            paste(dim(commonData$configuration), collapse = "x"),
            " matrix) consistency within columns\n"
        badID <- 0L
        for (id in as.raw(unique(d$id))) {
            config <- commonData$configuration[d$id == id, ]
            if (is.matrix(config)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "    checking id ", ad2cpCodeToName(id), "\n")
                badColumn <- 0L
                for (column in seq(2L, ncol(config))) {
                    numberDifferent <- sum(config[, column] != config[1, column])
                    if (numberDifferent > 0L) {
                        oceDebug(debug, "        column ", column, " has inconsistencies in ", numberDifferent,
                            " of the ", nrow(config), " rows\n",
                            sep = ""
                        warning("In read.adp.adp2cp() : id ", ad2cpCodeToName(id), " column ", column,
                            " has inconsistencies in ", numberDifferent, " of the ", nrow(config), " rows\n",
                            sep = "", call. = FALSE
                    if (numberDifferent > 0L) {
                        badColumn <- badColumn + 1L
                if (badColumn == 0L) {
                    oceDebug(debug, "        no inconsistencies in any column\n")
                } else {
                    badID <- badID + 1L
                    warning("In read.adp.ad2cp() : id ", ad2cpCodeToName(id),
                        " has non-uniform commonData$configuration within ", badColumn, " columns\n",
                        sep = "", call. = FALSE
        if (badID > 0L) {
            oceDebug(debug, "    summary: commonData$configuration inconsistencies for ", badID, " ID type(s)\n")
            warning("In read.adp.adp2cp() : found commonData$configuration inconsistencies for ", badID, " ID type(s)\n",
                sep = "", call. = FALSE
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "no ID types had inconsistencies\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "finished checking commonData$configuration consistency\n")
    # Extract columns as simply-named flags, for convenience. The variable
    # names to which the assignments are made apply to average/burst data.
    # UNUSED pressureValid <- configuration[, 1]
    # UNUSED temperatureValid <- configuration[, 2]
    # UNUSED compassValid <- configuration[, 3]
    # UNUSED tiltValid <- configuration[, 4]
    # configuration[, 5] -

    # BOOKMARK 1 define *Included, used later in reading
    configuration <- commonData$configuration # FIXME: remove this later
    velocityIncluded <- configuration[, 6]
    amplitudeIncluded <- configuration[, 7]
    correlationIncluded <- configuration[, 8]
    altimeterIncluded <- configuration[, 9]
    altimeterRawIncluded <- configuration[, 10]
    ASTIncluded <- configuration[, 11]
    echosounderIncluded <- configuration[, 12]
    AHRSIncluded <- configuration[, 13]
    percentGoodIncluded <- configuration[, 14]
    stdDevIncluded <- configuration[, 15]
    # We skip bit 16, which  is called 'unused' in Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature
    # Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS, 2017.
    # configuration[, 16] "Unused" in 2017 Signature
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(velocityIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(amplitudeIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(correlationIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(altimeterIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(altimeterRawIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(ASTIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(echosounderIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(AHRSIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(percentGoodIncluded))
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(stdDevIncluded))
    # Now, start decoding actual data.
    # Decode time. Note that the 100usec part sometimes exceeds 1s, when
    # multiplied by 1e4.  But we get the same result as nortek-supplied matlab
    # code in a test file, so I won't worry about this, assuming instead that
    # this is a quirk of the nortek setup.
    time <- ISOdatetime(
        year = 1900 + as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 9]),
        month = 1 + as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 10]),
        day = as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 11]),
        hour = as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 12]),
        min = as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 13]),
        sec = as.integer(d$buf[pointer1 + 14]) +
            1e-4 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 15], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little"),
        tz = "UTC"
    soundSpeed <- 0.1 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 17], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    temperature <- 0.01 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 19], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    # FIXME: docs say pressure is uint32, but R does not handle unsigned 32-bit chunks
    # TEST<-list(buf=d$buf, pointer4=pointer4);save(TEST,file="TEST.rda")
    pressure <- 0.001 * readBin(d$buf[pointer4 + 21L], "integer", size = 4L, n = N, endian = "little")
    heading <- 0.01 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 25L], "integer", size = 2L, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    pitch <- 0.01 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 27L], "integer", size = 2L, n = N, endian = "little")
    roll <- 0.01 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 29L], "integer", size = 2L, n = N, endian = "little")
    # See Nortek (2022) section 6.5, page 88 for bit-packing scheme used for BCC.
    # BCC (beam, coordinate system, and cell) uses packed bits to hold info on
    # the number of beams, coordinate-system, and the number cells. There are
    # two cases [1 page 49]:
    # case 1: Standard bit 9-0 ncell; bit 11-10 coord (00=enu, 01=xyz, 10=beam, 11=NA); bit 15-12 nbeams
    # case 2: bit 15-0 number of echo sounder cells
    # As for 'configuration' above, we set this up as a matrix of 0s and 1s,
    # with rows corresponding to times, for easy transformation into integers.
    # BCC case 1
    BCC <- ifelse(0x01 == rawToBits(d$buf[pointer2 + 31]), 1L, 0L)
    dim(BCC) <- c(16, N)
    BCC <- t(BCC)
    # Use Horner's rule for clarity (for lispers, anyway!)
    # nolint start commas_linter
    ncells <- BCC[, 1] + 2 * (BCC[, 2] + 2 * (BCC[, 3] + 2 * (BCC[, 4] + 2 * (BCC[, 5] + 2 * (BCC[, 6] + 2 * (BCC[, 7] + 2 * (BCC[, 8] + 2 * (BCC[, 9] + 2 * BCC[, 10]))))))))
    nbeams <- BCC[, 13] + 2L * (BCC[, 14L] + 2L * (BCC[, 15L] + 2L * BCC[, 16L]))
    # nolint end commas_linter
    # b00=enu, b01=xyz, b10=beam, b11=- [1 page 49]
    coordinateSystem <- c("enu", "xyz", "beam", "?")[1 + BCC[, 11] + 2 * BCC[, 12]]
    # BCC case 2
    # nolint start object_useage_linter
    ncellsEchosounderWholeFile <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 31], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    # nolint end object_useage_linter
    # cell size is recorded in mm [1, table 6.1.2, page 49]
    cellSize <- 0.001 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 33], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    # BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-1 (see also BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-2 and -3, below)
    # Update 2022-08-29 Nortek informs me that the factor is always 1e-3
    # for echosounder data, and that the factor stored here ought to be
    # ignored until they fix the bug. Since the code in this block is not yet
    # cognizant of the data type, we just read it, and change it to 1e-3 later
    # on (BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-3 below) later, for echosounderRaw data
    # only.
    # Nortek (2017 table 6.1.2 page 49) indicates that blanking distance is
    # recorded in cm but Nortek (2022 section 6.4 page 85) says it is in either
    # cm or mm, depending on an element in status (bit 1 in notation of Nortek
    # 2022 page 87). Perhaps the ability to store in mm was added later?
    # However, in tests/testthat/test_ad2cp_2.R, the value inferred from
    # assuming that Nortek (2022) is correct does not match with the header
    # (header says 2.000 for echosounder but the method below yields 20).
    # Given this confusion, it seems sensible to define blankingDistance
    # here, *but* to change it later, if the file has a header and if that
    # header indicates a different value (at BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-2).
    tmp <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 35L], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    blankingDistanceFactor <- ifelse(blankingDistanceInCm == 1, 1e-2, 1e-3)
    blankingDistance <- blankingDistanceFactor * tmp
    oceDebug(debug, "Steps in the computation of blanking distance\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "    ", vectorShow(tmp, n = 10))
    oceDebug(debug, "    ", vectorShow(blankingDistanceInCm, n = 10))
    oceDebug(debug, "    ", vectorShow(blankingDistanceFactor, n = 10))
    oceDebug(debug, "    ", vectorShow(blankingDistance, n = 10))
    nominalCorrelation <- readBin(d$buf[pointer1 + 37], "integer", size = 1, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    # Magnetometer (Table 6.2, page 82, ref 1b)
    magnetometer <- matrix(0.0, nrow = N, ncol = 3)
    magnetometer[, 1] <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 41], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    magnetometer[, 2] <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 43], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    magnetometer[, 3] <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 45], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    # Accelerometer (Table 6.2, page 82, ref 1b)
    # IMOS https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L555
    #  AccRawX starts at idx+46
    #  IMOS_pointer = oce_pointer - 1
    accelerometer <- matrix(0.0, nrow = N, ncol = 3)
    accelerometer[, 1] <- 1.0 / 16384.0 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 47], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    accelerometer[, 2] <- 1.0 / 16384.0 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 49], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    accelerometer[, 3] <- 1.0 / 16384.0 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 51], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    # NOTE: all things below this are true only for current-profiler data; see
    # page 82 of Nortek (2022) for the vexing issue of ambiguityVelocity being
    # 2 bytes for current-profiler data but 4 bytes for bottom-track data.
    datasetDescription <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 55], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    transmitEnergy <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 57], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = FALSE, endian = "little")
    # FIXME: next, using offset 59, is true only for currents ("average" or "burst").
    # Nortek (2022) page 82.
    velocityFactor <- 10^readBin(d$buf[pointer1 + 59], "integer", size = 1, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    oceDebug(debug, "velocityFactor=", velocityFactor[1], " (for current-profiler data ONLY)\n")
    # 0.001 for 'average' in private file ~/Dropbox/oce_secret_data/ad2cp_secret_1.ad2cp
    powerLevel <- readBin(d$buf[pointer1 + 60], "integer", size = 1, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    temperatureMagnetometer <- 0.001 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 61], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    # See https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1957 for a discussion of the
    # unit of temperatureRTC.  Nortek (2022) says it is in degC, but a
    # previous manual says it is in 0.01C; the latter produces values that make
    # sense (e.g. approx 20C for an in-air test) so that's used here.
    temperatureRTC <- 0.01 * readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 63], "integer", size = 2, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
    # UNUSED error <- readBin(d$buf[pointer2 + 65], "integer", size=4, n=N, endian="little") # FIXME: UNUSED

    # status0, byte 67:68, skipped
    # status,  byte 69:71, already read above so we could infer activeConfiguration

    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(status[2, ]))
    ensemble <- readBin(d$buf[pointer4 + 73], "integer", size = 4, n = N, endian = "little")

    # Limitations
    nconfiguration <- length(unique(activeConfiguration))
    if (1 < nconfiguration) {
        cat("developer-aimed information:\n")
            "This file has ", nconfiguration, " active configurations, but ",
            "read.adp.ad2cp() can only handle one. ",
            "Please contact the oce developers if you need to work with this file."
    # Record-type keys and phrases in documentation [1, sec 6.1, page 47]
    # 0x15 - Burst Data Record.
    # 0x16 - Average Data Record.
    # 0x17 - Bottom Track Data Record (nb. IMOS does this wrong)
    # 0x18 - Interleaved Burst Data Record (beam 5).
    # 0x1A - Burst Altimeter Raw Record.
    # 0x1B - DVL Bottom Track Record.
    # 0x1C - Echo Sounder Record. (cf. IMOS does not handle)
    # 0x1D - DVL Water Track Record. (cf. IMOS does not handle)
    # 0x1E - Altimeter Record.
    # 0x1F - Avg Altimeter Raw Record.
    # 0x23 - echosounder-raw (undocumented)
    # 0xA0 - String Data Record, eg. GPS NMEA data, comment from the FWRITE command.
    # Set up pointers to records matching these keys.
    #-message("DAN 1");browser()
    p <- list(
        burst = which(d$id == 0x15),
        average = which(d$id == 0x16),
        bottomTrack = which(d$id == 0x17),
        interleavedBurst = which(d$id == 0x18),
        burstAltimeterRaw = which(d$id == 0x1a),
        DVLBottomTrack = which(d$id == 0x1b),
        echosounder = which(d$id == 0x1c),
        DVLWaterTrack = which(d$id == 0x1d),
        altimeter = which(d$id == 0x1e),
        echosounderRaw = which(d$id == 0x23),
        averageAltimeter = which(d$id == 0x1f)

    # x Try to retrieved a named item from the data buffer.
    # x
    # x This checks external variable `haveItem` to see whether the data item
    # x indicated by `name` is available in external raw vector `buf`.  If so, the
    # x item is retrieved from the starting at position indicated by external
    # x variable `i0v`, and `i0v` is then increased to prepare for the next call to
    # x this function.
    # x
    # x @param object a list containing what is known so far. A possibly-modified
    # x value of this is returned.
    # x
    # x @param name character value naming the item.
    # x
    # x @param i integer vector that points to starting spots of relevant chunks.
    # x
    # x @param type character value naming the type of chunk. This is used to
    # x look scaling factors for velocity.
    # x
    # x @return a list defined by adding the named item to `object`, if it
    # x is present in the dataset.
    # x
    # x @references
    # x
    # x Nortek AS. \dQuote{Signature Integration 55|250|500|1000kHz.} Nortek AS,
    # x 2017.
    # x
    # x @author Dan Kelley
    getItemFromBuf <- function(object, name, i, type, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
        NB <- object$numberOfBeams
        NC <- object$numberOfCells
        NP <- length(object$time) # already defined
        # oceDebug(debug, "  ... NP=",NP,", NB=", NB, ", NC=", NC, "\n")
        NBC <- NB * NC
        oceDebug(debug, "getItemFromBuf: NB=", NB, ", NC=", NC, ", NBC=", NBC, ", NP=", NP, "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "   ", vectorShow(i))
        if (name == "v") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   v starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            velocityFactor <- velocityFactor[p[[type]][1]]
            oceDebug(debug, "   velocityFactor=", velocityFactor, " for type=", type, "\n")
            if (NBC > 0L) {
                iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L * NBC)
                oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(i))
                oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(i0v))
                v <- velocityFactor * readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NP * NBC, endian = "little")
                object$v <- array(double(), dim = c(NP, NC, NB))
                for (ip in 1:NP) {
                    look <- seq(1L + (ip - 1L) * NBC, length.out = NBC)
                    # if (ip < 5L) # FIXME: remove this
                    #    cat("ip=",ip,": ",vectorShow(look))
                    object$v[ip, , ] <- matrix(v[look], ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
                i0v <<- i0v + 2L * NBC
        } else if (name == "a") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   a starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            if (NBC > 0L) {
                iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, NBC)
                a <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "raw", size = 1L, n = NP * NBC, endian = "little")
                object$a <- array(raw(), dim = c(NP, NC, NB))
                for (ip in 1:NP) {
                    look <- seq(1L + (ip - 1L) * NBC, length.out = NBC)
                    object$a[ip, , ] <- matrix(a[look], ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
                i0v <<- i0v + NBC
        } else if (name == "q") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   q starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            if (NBC > 0L) {
                iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, NBC)
                q <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "raw", size = 1L, n = NP * NBC, endian = "little")
                object$q <- array(q, dim = c(NP, NB, NC))
                q <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "raw", size = 1L, n = NP * NBC, endian = "little")
                object$q <- array(raw(), dim = c(NP, NC, NB))
                for (ip in 1:NP) {
                    look <- seq(1L + (ip - 1L) * NBC, length.out = NBC)
                    object$q[ip, , ] <- matrix(q[look], ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
                i0v <<- i0v + NBC
        } else if (name == "altimeter") {
            # Nortek 2022 p89 (top) states altimeterDistance is int32, but the
            # values obtained with that setting ar crazy (e.g. 1109925788 m),
            # and Nortek 2017 p51 bottom states that it is a float value.
            oceDebug(debug, "   altimeter starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$altimeter <- list()
            object$altimeter$distance <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little", signed = TRUE)
            # message(vectorShow(object$altimeterDistance))
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$altimeter$quality <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NP, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$altimeter$status <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NP, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L
        } else if (name == "AST") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   AST starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AST <- list()
            object$AST$distance <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little")
            # message(vectorShow(object$ASTDistance))
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$AST$quality <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NP, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$AST$offset <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NP, endian = "little", signed = TRUE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AST$pressure <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little")
            # message(vectorShow(object$ASTPressure))
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            # The 2017 manual states there are 8 more bytes, named 'spare', and
            # the 2022 manual agrees that there is an 8-byte spacer, by stating
            # that the next occurs at ALTIRAW+8).
            i0v <<- i0v + 8L
        } else if (name == "altimeterRaw") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   altimeterRaw starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            # sampling characteristics
            object$altimeterRaw <- list()
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            NS <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little") # no. samples (tmp var)
            dNS <- diff(range(NS))
            if (0 != dNS) {
                stop("altimeterRawNumberOfSamples not all equal.  Range is ", dNS[1], " to ", dNS[2])
            NS <- NS[1]
            object$altimeterRaw$numberOfSamples <- NS
            object$altimeterRaw$blankingDistance <- object$blankingDistance
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L # skip the 4 bytes we just read
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$altimeterRaw$sampleDistance <- 1e-4 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = 1, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            # data
            object$altimeterRaw$time <- object$time
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L * NS)
            tmp <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP * NS)
            object$altimeterRaw$samples <- matrix(tmp, nrow = NP, ncol = NS, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L * NS
            # Constructed vector of altimeterRaw sample distances.
            object$altimeterRaw$distance <-
                object$blankingDistance + object$altimeterRaw$sampleDistance * seq_len(object$altimeterRaw$numberOfSamples)
        } else if (name == "echosounder") {
            # Nortek (2017 p52): each profile has NC*16 bits
            oceDebug(debug, "   echosounder starts at i[1]=", i[1], ", i0v=", i0v, " (NC=", NC, ", NP=", NP, ")\n")
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L * NC)
            # iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L*NC)
            tmp <- readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", signed = FALSE, n = NP * NC)
            dim(tmp) <- c(NC, NP)
            object$echosounder <- t(tmp)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L * NC
        } else if (name == "AHRS") {
            oceDebug(debug, "   AHRS starts at i0v=", i0v, "\n")
            # AHRSRotationMatrix
            object$AHRS <- list(
                rotationMatrix = NULL,
                quaternions = list(w = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL),
                gyro = list(x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL)
            object$AHRS$rotationMatrix <- array(double(), dim = c(NP, 3L, 3L))
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 9L * 4L)
            tmp <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP * 9L)
            for (ip in 1:NP) {
                look <- seq(1L + (ip - 1L) * 9L, length.out = 9L)
                # read by row, given docs say M11, then M12, then M13, etc.
                object$AHRS$rotationMatrix[ip, , ] <- matrix(tmp[look], ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) # note byrow
            i0v <<- i0v + 9L * 4L
            # AHSR$quaternions$w, $x, $y and $z
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$quaternions$w <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$quaternions$x <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$quaternions$y <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$quaternions$z <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            # AHSR$gyro$x, $y, $z
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$gyro$x <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$gyro$y <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$AHRS$gyro$z <- readBin(buf[iv], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
        } else if (name == "percentgood") {
            # Nortek (2017) page 53: 8 bits, unsigned, appears after AHRS gyro z
            oceDebug(debug, "   percentgood starts at i0v=", i0v, "; see Nortek (2017) p53\n")
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
            object$percentgood <- as.integer(buf[iv])
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L
        } else if (name == "stdDev") {
            # Nortek (2017) page 53-54: appears after percentgood
            oceDebug(debug, "    stdDev starts at i0v=", i0v, "; see Nortek (2017) p53-54\n")
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$stdDevPitch <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L # advance for next subitem
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$stdDevRoll <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L # advance for next subitem
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$stdDevHeading <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L # advance for next subitem
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$stdDevPressure <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L # advance for next subitem
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L)
            object$stdDev <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, endian = "little", n = NP)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L # advance for next subitem
            i0v <<- i0v + 24 # skip over "dummy" (last item listed in N2017 p54)
        } else {
            stop("unknown item, name=\"", name, "\"")
        # oceDebug(debug, "    after handling \"", name, "\", i0v=", i0v, "\n")

    readBurstAltimeterRaw <- function(id, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd' and 'configuration'
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(look))
        configuration0 <- configuration[look[1], ]
        rval <- list(
            configuration = configuration0,
            numberOfBeams = nbeams[look[1]],
            numberOfCells = ncells[look[1]],
            originalCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            oceCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            cellSize = cellSize[look[1]],
            nominalCorrelation = nominalCorrelation[look],
            blankingDistance = blankingDistance[look[1]],
            ensemble = ensemble[look],
            time = time[look],
            orientation = orientation[look],
            soundSpeed = soundSpeed[look],
            temperature = temperature[look], # "temperature pressure sensor"
            pressure = pressure[look],
            heading = heading[look], pitch = pitch[look], roll = roll[look],
            magnetometer = magnetometer[look, ],
            accelerometer = accelerometer[look, ],
            datasetDescription = datasetDescription[look],
            temperatureMagnetometer = temperatureMagnetometer[look],
            temperatureRTC = temperatureRTC[look],
            transmitEnergy = transmitEnergy[look],
            powerLevel = powerLevel[look]
        oceDebug(debug, "configuration0=", paste(ifelse(configuration0, "T", "F"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
        oceDebug(debug, "vector-read 'burstAltimeterRaw' records (0x1a) START\n")
        # See CR's snapshot at
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1959#issuecomment-1141409542
        # which is p89 of Nortek AS. "Signature Integration
        # 55|250|500|1000kHz." Nortek AS, March 31, 2022)
        i <<- d$index[look] # pointers to "burstAltimeterRaw" chunks in buf
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(i, n = 4))
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        i0v <<- 77 # pointer to data (incremented by getItemFromBuf() later).
        NP <- length(i) # number of profiles of this type
        NC <- rval$numberOfCells # number of cells for v,a,q
        NB <- rval$numberOfBeams # number of beams for v,a,q
        p1 <- p$burstAltimeterRaw[1]
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        # Nortek (2022 page 89) "Altimeter raw data.NumRawSamples at ALLTIRAWSTART + 8
        # print(configuration0)
        if (configuration0[6]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "v", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[7]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "a", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[8]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "q", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[9]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "altimeter", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[11]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "AST", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[10]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "altimeterRaw", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[12]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "echosounder", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[13]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "AHRS", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[14]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "percentgood", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[15]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "stdDev", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "END vector-read for type=", type, "\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    } # readBurstAltimeterRaw

    # See Nortek 2022 (draft preview mid-Aug 2022) section 2.4
    readEchosounderRaw <- function(id, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd'
        type <- gsub(".*=", "", ad2cpCodeToName(id))
        oceDebug(debug, "readEchosounderRaw(id=0x", id, ") i.e. type=", type, " START\n")
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(look))
        lookIndex <- d$index[look]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(lookIndex))

        # FIXME: need nav here, unless we store headerLength in d.  And I
        # *really* think we want to store that, because it keeps coming
        # up.  I think first nav is the text, though.  I think
        # below works...
        #> Browse[2]> d$buf[nav$start[which(d$id==id)[1]+1]+seq(1,11)]
        #> [1] a5 0c 23 10 a0 3e 00 00 92 24 86
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        rval <- list()
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        offsetOfData <- as.integer(d$buf[d$index[look[1]] + 2L])
        # oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(offsetOfData, showNewline=FALSE),
        #    " (expect 240 for local_data/ad2cp/ad2cp_01.ad2cp)\n")
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        serialNumber <- readBin(d$buf[17 + 0:3 + lookIndex[1]], "integer", size = 4L)
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        # oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(serialNumber, showNewline=FALSE),
        #    " (expect 101135 for local_data/ad2cp/ad2cp_01.ad2cp)\n")
        numberOfSamples <- readBin(buf[21 + 0:3 + lookIndex[1]], "integer", size = 4L)
        # oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(numberOfSamples, showNewline=FALSE),
        #    " (expect 1974 for local_data/ad2cp/ad2cp_01.ad2cp)\n")
        # startSampleIndex is the echosounderRaw index at which
        # distance from sensor equals blanking distance.
        startSampleIndex <- readBin(buf[25 + 0:3 + lookIndex[1]], "integer", size = 4L)
        samplingRate <- readBin(buf[29 + 0:3 + lookIndex[1]], "numeric", size = 4L, endian = "little")
        iv <- gappyIndex(lookIndex, offsetOfData + 1L, 2L * 4L * numberOfSamples)
        NP <- length(lookIndex)
        # Extract in simple steps to enable checking.  The format is inferred
        # from an email thread in and around 2022-08-23, in lieu of up-to-date
        # Nortek documents at that time.
        # . message(vectorShow(NP))
        # . message(vectorShow(iv))
        # . tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "numeric", size=4L, endian="little",
        # .    n=2L*NP*numberOfSamples)
        tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, endian = "little", n = 2L * NP * numberOfSamples)
        # . message(vectorShow(tmp))
        tmp <- as.numeric(tmp) / 2^31
        # . message(vectorShow(tmp))
        ntmp <- length(tmp)
        odd <- seq(1L, ntmp, by = 2)
        even <- seq(2L, ntmp, by = 2)
        real <- tmp[odd]
        imaginary <- tmp[even]
        samples <- t(matrix(complex(real = real, imaginary = imaginary), byrow = FALSE, ncol = NP))
        # FIXME: add distance,time as for echosounder
        # The below shows that we *cannot* use the cellSize (it is zero for a
        # test file).
        # . Browse[1]> cellSize
        # .  [1] 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00  0.00  0.75 10.00 10.00 10.00
        # . [10]  0.00  0.75
        # . Browse[1]> filename
        # . [1] "/Users/kelley/git/oce/tests/testthat/local_data/ad2cp/ad2cp_01.ad2cp"
        # . message("  ", vectorShow(look[1]))
        # . message("  ", vectorShow(blankingDistance[look[1]]))
        # . message("  ", vectorShow(cellSize[look[1]]))
        iv <- gappyIndex(lookIndex, 3, 1)
        year <- as.integer(buf[iv]) + 1900
        month <- as.integer(buf[iv + 1]) + 1
        day <- as.integer(buf[iv + 2])
        hour <- as.integer(buf[iv + 3])
        min <- as.integer(buf[iv + 4])
        sec <- as.integer(buf[iv + 5])
        hsec <- as.integer(buf[iv + 6])
        time <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec + 0.01 * hsec, tz = "UTC")
            time = time,
            numberOfSamples = numberOfSamples,
            samplingRate = samplingRate,
            startSampleIndex = startSampleIndex,
            samples = samples
    } # readEchosounderRaw

    # This is intended to handle burst, average, altimeter, ... records:
    # anything but bottom-track.
    readProfile <- function(id, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd' and 'configuration'
        type <- gsub(".*=", "", ad2cpCodeToName(id))
        oceDebug(debug, "readProfile(id=0x", id, ") # i.e. type=", type, " START\n")
        # str(d)
        #    List of 4
        #    $ buf   : raw [1:305988694] a5 0a a0 10 ...
        #    $ index : int [1:99] 5530 6704 9254 10428 11602 12776 13950 15124 16298 17472 ...
        #    $ length: int [1:99] 1164 2540 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 ...
        #    $ id    : int [1:99] 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ...
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        lookIndex <- d$index[look]
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        # message("burstOrAverage: offsetOfData=", vectorShow(as.integer(d$buf[d$index[look[1]] + 2L])))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(look))
        configuration0 <- configuration[look[1], ]
        velocityIncluded <- configuration0[6]
        amplitudeIncluded <- configuration0[7]
        correlationIncluded <- configuration0[8]
        altimeterIncluded <- configuration0[9]
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        altimeterRawIncluded <- configuration0[10]
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        ASTIncluded <- configuration0[11]
        echosounderIncluded <- configuration0[12]
        AHRSIncluded <- configuration0[13]
        percentGoodIncluded <- configuration0[14]
        stdDevIncluded <- configuration0[15]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(velocityIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(amplitudeIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(correlationIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(altimeterIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(ASTIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(echosounderIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(AHRSIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(percentGoodIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(stdDevIncluded))

        rval <- list(
            configuration = configuration0,
            numberOfBeams = nbeams[look[1]],
            numberOfCells = ncells[look[1]],
            originalCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            oceCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            cellSize = cellSize[look[1]],
            nominalCorrelation = nominalCorrelation[look],
            blankingDistance = blankingDistance[look[1]],
            ensemble = ensemble[look],
            time = time[look],
            orientation = orientation[look],
            soundSpeed = soundSpeed[look],
            temperature = temperature[look], # "temperature pressure sensor"
            pressure = pressure[look],
            heading = heading[look], pitch = pitch[look], roll = roll[look],
            magnetometer = magnetometer[look, ],
            accelerometer = accelerometer[look, ],
            datasetDescription = datasetDescription[look],
            temperatureMagnetometer = temperatureMagnetometer[look],
            temperatureRTC = temperatureRTC[look],
            transmitEnergy = transmitEnergy[look],
            powerLevel = powerLevel[look]
        i <<- d$index[look] # pointers to "average" chunks in buf
        i0v <<- 77 # pointer to data (incremented by getItemFromBuf() later).
        NP <- length(i) # number of profiles of this type
        NC <- rval$numberOfCells # number of cells for v,a,q
        NB <- rval$numberOfBeams # number of beams for v,a,q
        rval$distance <- rval$blankingDistance + rval$cellSize * seq_len(rval$numberOfCells)
        oceDebug(debug, "  NP=", NP, ", NB=", NB, ", NC=", NC, "\n", sep = "")
        oceDebug(debug, "configuration0=", paste(ifelse(configuration0, "T", "F"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
        if (configuration0[6]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "v", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[7]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "a", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[8]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "q", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[9]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "altimeter", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[11]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "AST", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[10]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "altimeterRaw", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[12]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "echosounder", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[13]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "AHRS", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[14]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "percentgood", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        if (configuration0[15]) {
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "stdDev", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "END vector-read for type=", type, "\n")
    } # readProfile

    # Nortek (2022 page 93 ) "6.7 _DF20BottomTrack"
    readTrack <- function(id, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd' and 'configuration'
        # id will be 0x17 for bottomTrack
        type <- gsub(".*=", "", ad2cpCodeToName(id))
        oceDebug(debug, "readTrack(id=0x", id, ") # i.e. type=", type, "\n")
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        lookIndex <- d$index[look]
        offsetOfData <- as.integer(d$buf[d$index[look[1]] + 2L])
        oceDebug(debug, "bottom-track (is this 79+1?)", vectorShow(offsetOfData))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(lookIndex))
        configuration0 <- configuration[look[1], ]
        velocityIncluded <- configuration0[6]
        amplitudeIncluded <- configuration0[7]
        correlationIncluded <- configuration0[8]
        altimeterIncluded <- configuration0[9]
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        altimeterRawIncluded <- configuration0[10]
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        ASTIncluded <- configuration0[11]
        echosounderIncluded <- configuration0[12]
        AHRSIncluded <- configuration0[13]
        percentGoodIncluded <- configuration0[14]
        stdDevIncluded <- configuration0[15]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(velocityIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(amplitudeIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(correlationIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(altimeterIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(ASTIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(echosounderIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(AHRSIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(percentGoodIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(stdDevIncluded))
        rval <- list(
            configuration = configuration0,
            numberOfBeams = nbeams[look[1]],
            numberOfCells = ncells[look[1]],
            originalCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            oceCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            cellSize = cellSize[look[1]],
            nominalCorrelation = nominalCorrelation[look],
            blankingDistance = blankingDistance[look[1]],
            ensemble = ensemble[look],
            time = time[look],
            orientation = orientation[look],
            soundSpeed = soundSpeed[look],
            temperature = temperature[look], # "temperature pressure sensor"
            pressure = pressure[look],
            heading = heading[look], pitch = pitch[look], roll = roll[look],
            magnetometer = magnetometer[look, ],
            accelerometer = accelerometer[look, ],
            datasetDescription = datasetDescription[look],
            temperatureMagnetometer = temperatureMagnetometer[look],
            temperatureRTC = temperatureRTC[look],
            transmitEnergy = transmitEnergy[look],
            powerLevel = powerLevel[look]
        i <- d$index[look] # pointers to "average" chunks in buf
        oceDebug(debug, "in readTrack: ", vectorShow(i))
        # message(vectorShow(commonData$offsetOfData))
        # IMOS https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L561
        #  IMOS_pointer = oce_pointer - 3
        #  Q: is IMOS taking ambiguity-velocity to
        #  be 2 bytes, as for currents?  My reading
        #  of Nortek (2022 page 80) is that for
        #  _DF20BottomTrack, ambiguity-velocity is 4 bytes, whereas it is 2
        #  bytes for _currentProfileData.  See
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1980#issuecomment-1188992788
        # for more context on this.
        rval$velocityFactor <- 10^readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 61L], "integer", size = 1, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(rval$velocityFactor))
        # message(vectorShow(rval$velocityFactor))
        # Nortek (2022 page 94, 52 in zero-indexed notation)
        # IMOS uses idx+52 for ambiguityVelocity
        #   https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L558
        #   IMOS_pointer = oce_pointer - 1
        rval$ambiguityVelocity <- rval$velocityFactor * readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 53:56], "integer", size = 4L, n = 1)
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(rval$ambiguityVelocity))
        # message(vectorShow(rval$ambiguityVelocity))
        # NOTE: pointer is 2 bytes past pointer for e.g. burst/average
        NP <- length(i) # number of profiles of this type
        NB <- rval$numberOfBeams # number of beams for v,a,q
        oceDebug(debug, "  NP=", NP, ", NB=", NB, "\n", sep = "")
        oceDebug(debug, "configuration0=", paste(ifelse(configuration0, "T", "F"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
        # NOTE: imos uses idx+72 for ensembleCounter
        # https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L567
        # oce_pointer = imos_pointer - 3
        i0v <<- 75L
        # ensemble counter Nortek (2017) p62
        iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
        rval$ensemble <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little")
        # message(vectorShow(rval$ensemble))
        #<> #message(vectorShow(commonData$offsetOfData[look]))
        #<> offsetOfData <- commonData$offsetOfData[look]
        #<> #message(vectorShow(offsetOfData))
        #<> if (any(offsetOfData != offsetOfData[1])) {
        #<>     print(offsetOfData)
        #<>     stop("offsetOfData for bottom-track (printed above) are non-uniform")
        #<> }
        i0v <<- i0v + 4L
        # velocity [Nortek 2017 p60 table 6.1.3]
        if (configuration0[6]) {
            # message("reading v with i0v=", i0v, " (NB=", NB, ")")
            # message("FIXME: only read velo if flag is set")
            # message("about to read velo with i[1]=", i[1], ", i0v=",i0v,", NB=", NB)
            # message("configuration0: ", paste(configuration0, collapse=" "))
            # ! i0v <- i0v - 2L # test (gives v ~ -14,000 m/s)
            # ! i0v <- i0v + 2L # test (gives v ~ -1,500 and -15,000 m/s)
            oceDebug(debug, "reading bottom-track v with velocityFactor=", rval$velocityFactor, ":", vectorShow(i0v))
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L * NB)
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little")
            rval$v <- rval$velocityFactor * matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L * NB
        # distance.  See configuration information at Nortek (2017, Table 6.1.3,
        # p60-62) and Nortek (2022, Table 6.7, p93-94).
        if (configuration0[8]) {
            # message("read distance with i0v=", i0v)
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L * NB)
            oceDebug(debug, "reading bottom-track distance: ", vectorShow(i0v))
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little")
            rval$distance <- 1e-3 * matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L * NB
        # figure-of-merit [Nortek 2017, Table 6.1.3, pages 60 and 62]
        if (configuration0[9]) {
            # message("read figure-of-merit with i0v=", i0v)
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L * NB)
            oceDebug(debug, "reading bottom-track figureOfMerit: ", vectorShow(i0v))
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            rval$figureOfMerit <- matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L * NB
    } # readTrack

    # nolint start object_useage_linter
    readInterleavedBurst <- function(id, debug=getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd' and 'configuration'
    # nolint end object_useage_linter
        type <- gsub(".*=", "", ad2cpCodeToName(id))
        oceDebug(debug, "readInterleavedBurst(id=0x", id, ") # i.e. type=", type, "\n")
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        lookIndex <- d$index[look]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(lookIndex))
        configuration0 <- configuration[look[1], ]
        velocityIncluded <- configuration0[6]
        amplitudeIncluded <- configuration0[7]
        correlationIncluded <- configuration0[8]
        altimeterIncluded <- configuration0[9]
        # nolint start object_useage_linter
        altimeterRawIncluded <- configuration0[10]
        # nolint end object_useage_linter
        ASTIncluded <- configuration0[11]
        echosounderIncluded <- configuration0[12]
        AHRSIncluded <- configuration0[13]
        percentGoodIncluded <- configuration0[14]
        stdDevIncluded <- configuration0[15]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(velocityIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(amplitudeIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(correlationIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(altimeterIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(ASTIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(echosounderIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(AHRSIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(percentGoodIncluded))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(stdDevIncluded))
        rval <- list(
            configuration = configuration0,
            numberOfBeams = nbeams[look[1]],
            numberOfCells = ncells[look[1]],
            originalCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            oceCoordinate = coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            cellSize = cellSize[look[1]],
            nominalCorrelation = nominalCorrelation[look],
            blankingDistance = blankingDistance[look[1]],
            ensemble = ensemble[look],
            time = time[look],
            orientation = orientation[look],
            soundSpeed = soundSpeed[look],
            temperature = temperature[look], # "temperature pressure sensor"
            pressure = pressure[look],
            heading = heading[look], pitch = pitch[look], roll = roll[look],
            magnetometer = magnetometer[look, ],
            accelerometer = accelerometer[look, ],
            datasetDescription = datasetDescription[look],
            temperatureMagnetometer = temperatureMagnetometer[look],
            temperatureRTC = temperatureRTC[look],
            transmitEnergy = transmitEnergy[look],
            powerLevel = powerLevel[look]
        i <- d$index[look] # pointers to "average" chunks in buf
        oceDebug(debug, "in readInterleavedBurst: ", vectorShow(i))
        # message(vectorShow(commonData$offsetOfData))
        # IMOS https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L561
        #  IMOS_pointer = oce_pointer - 3
        #  Q: is IMOS taking ambiguity-velocity to
        #  be 2 bytes, as for currents?  My reading
        #  of Nortek (2022 page 80) is that for
        #  _DF20BottomTrack, ambiguity-velocity is 4 bytes, whereas it is 2
        #  bytes for _currentProfileData.  See
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1980#issuecomment-1188992788
        # for more context on this.
        rval$velocityFactor <- 10^readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 61L], "integer", size = 1, n = N, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
        # message(vectorShow(rval$velocityFactor))
        # Nortek (2022 page 94, 52 in zero-indexed notation)
        # IMOS uses idx+52 for ambiguityVelocity
        #   https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L558
        #   IMOS_pointer = oce_pointer - 1
        rval$ambiguityVelocity <- rval$velocityFactor * readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 53:56], "integer", size = 4L, n = 1)
        # message(vectorShow(rval$ambiguityVelocity))
        i0v <<- 77 # pointer to data (incremented by getItemFromBuf() later).
        NP <- length(i) # number of profiles of this type
        NB <- rval$numberOfBeams # number of beams for v,a,q
        oceDebug(debug, "  NP=", NP, ", NB=", NB, "\n", sep = "")
        oceDebug(debug, "configuration0=", paste(ifelse(configuration0, "T", "F"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
        # NOTE: imos uses idx+72 for ensembleCounter
        # https://github.com/aodn/imos-toolbox/blob/e19c8c604cd062a7212cdedafe11436209336ba5/Parser/readAD2CPBinary.m#L567
        # oce_pointer = imos_pointer - 3
        i0v <<- 75L # FIXME: don't these start at 77???
        # ensemble counter Nortek (2017) p62
        iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L)
        rval$ensemble <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NP, endian = "little")
        # message(vectorShow(rval$ensemble))
        # message(vectorShow(commonData$offsetOfData[look]))
        offsetOfData <- commonData$offsetOfData[look]
        # message(vectorShow(offsetOfData))
        if (any(offsetOfData != offsetOfData[1])) {
            stop("offsetOfData for bottom-track (printed above) are non-uniform")
        i0v <<- 1L + offsetOfData[1]
        # velocity [Nortek 2017 p60 table 6.1.3]
        if (configuration0[6]) {
            # message("FIXME: only read velo if flag is set")
            # message("about to read velo with i[1]=", i[1], ", i0v=",i0v,", NB=", NB)
            # message("configuration0: ", paste(configuration0, collapse=" "))
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L * NB)
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little")
            rval$v <- rval$velocityFactor * matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L * NB
        } else {
            # message("no velo data")
        # distance [Nortek 2017, Table 6.1.3, pages 60 and 62]
        if (configuration0[8]) {
            # message("read distance with i0v=", i0v)
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 4L * NB)
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 4L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little")
            rval$distance <- 1e-3 * matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 4L * NB
        # figure-of-merit [Nortek 2017, Table 6.1.3, pages 60 and 62]
        if (configuration0[9]) {
            # message("read figure-of-merit with i0v=", i0v)
            iv <- gappyIndex(i, i0v, 2L * NB)
            tmp <- readBin(d$buf[iv], "integer", size = 2L, n = NB * NP, endian = "little", signed = FALSE)
            rval$figureOfMerit <- matrix(tmp, ncol = NB, byrow = FALSE)
            i0v <<- i0v + 2L * NB
    } # readInterleavedBurst

    readEchosounder <- function(id, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) # uses global 'd' and 'configuration'
        # Nortek (2022 page 87) "Section 6.4 EchosounderDataV3"
        type <- gsub(".*=", "", ad2cpCodeToName(id))
        oceDebug(debug, "readEchosounder(id=0x", id, ") # i.e. type=", type, " START\n")
        # str(d)
        #    List of 4
        #    $ buf   : raw [1:305988694] a5 0a a0 10 ...
        #    $ index : int [1:99] 5530 6704 9254 10428 11602 12776 13950 15124 16298 17472 ...
        #    $ length: int [1:99] 1164 2540 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 1164 ...
        #    $ id    : int [1:99] 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 ...
        look <- which(d$id == id)
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(look))
        lookIndex <- d$index[look]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(lookIndex))
        offsetOfData <- commonData$offsetOfData[look]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(offsetOfData))
        # According to Nortek (2022, Section 6.4, page 88), the only
        # configuration flag is whether we have echosounder data, which seems a
        # bit odd because the whole point of an echosounder ID must be that we
        # have echosounder data.  Anyway, we will use that.
        configuration0 <- configuration[look[1], ]
        echosounderIncluded0 <- configuration0[12]
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(echosounderIncluded0))

        rval <- list(
            configuration = configuration,
            # numberOfBeams=nbeams[look[1]],
            numberOfCells = readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 31:32], "integer", size = 2L, n = 1, endian = "little", signed = FALSE),
            # originalCoordinate=coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            # oceCoordinate=coordinateSystem[look[1]],
            # Nortek (2022 Table 6.4 page 87) does not state a factor on
            # frequency, but a sample file states 500 in the header lines, and
            # the number I read with the next line is 5000, so I assume this a
            # guess worth making.
            frequency = 0.1 * readBin(d$buf[lookIndex[1] + 53:54], "integer", size = 2L, n = 1L, endian = "little", signed = FALSE),
            cellSize = cellSize[look[1]],
            nominalCorrelation = nominalCorrelation[look],
            blankingDistance = blankingDistance[look[1]],
            ensemble = ensemble[look],
            time = time[look],
            orientation = orientation[look],
            soundSpeed = soundSpeed[look],
            temperature = temperature[look], # "temperature pressure sensor"
            pressure = pressure[look],
            heading = heading[look], pitch = pitch[look], roll = roll[look],
            magnetometer = magnetometer[look, ],
            accelerometer = accelerometer[look, ],
            datasetDescription = datasetDescription[look],
            temperatureMagnetometer = temperatureMagnetometer[look],
            temperatureRTC = temperatureRTC[look],
            transmitEnergy = transmitEnergy[look],
            powerLevel = powerLevel[look]
        rval$distance <- rval$blankingDistance + seq(0, by = rval$cellSize, length.out = rval$numberOfCells)
        i <- d$index[look] # pointers to "echosounder" chunks in buf
        oceDebug(debug, "in readEchosounder: ", vectorShow(i))
        i0v <<- 1L + offsetOfData[1] # pointer to data (incremented by getItemFromBuf() later).
        oceDebug(debug, "in readEchosounder: ", vectorShow(i0v))
        NP <- length(i) # number of profiles of this type
        oceDebug(debug, "in readEchosounder: ", vectorShow(NP))
        oceDebug(debug, "configuration0=", paste(ifelse(configuration0, "T", "F"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
        if (configuration0[12]) { # read echosounder, if included
            rval <- getItemFromBuf(rval, "echosounder", i = i, type = type, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "END vector-read for type=", type, "\n")
    } # readEchosounder

    data <- list()

    # The following conditional blocks handle the vectorized reading of various
    # data ID classes.  Although the data format is described in many manuals,
    # this code started with Nortek (2017), DK's copy of which is highly
    # marked-up, and so most citations are in that context (referring to certain
    # page numbers).
    # Note that the second index of configuration, tested below, does not match
    # the order of the data.  In particular notice that the data have order:
    # altimeter/AST/altimeterRaw but these are columns 9/11/10 in the
    # configuration matrix. Careful reading of Nortek (2017) Table 6.1.2 should
    # come before changing the code!
    # BOOKMARK A: vectorized reading
    # Nortek (2017 p 48) "6.1.2 Burst/Average Data Record Definition (DF3)"
    if (0x15 == dataType) { # 0x15=burst
        if (length(p$burst) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (burst) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = as.raw(dataType), debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", dataType, "(burst): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    # Nortek (2017 p 48) "6.1.2 Burst/Average Data Record Definition (DF3)"
    if (0x16 == dataType) { # 0x16=average
        if (length(p$average) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (average) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = as.raw(dataType), debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", dataType, "(average): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> # Nortek (2017 p60) "6.1.3 Bottom Track Data Record Definition (DF20)"
    #<FIXME> if ("bottomTrack" %in% dataType && length(p$bottomTrack) > 0) # 0x17
    #<FIXME>     data$bottomTrack <- readTrack(id=as.raw(0x17), debug=debug)
    if (0x17 == dataType) { # 0x17=bottomTrack
        if (length(p$bottomTrack) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", as.raw(dataTypeOrig), " (bottomTrack) in file")
        data <- readTrack(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", as.raw(dataType), "(bottomTrack): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("interleavedBurst" %in% which && length(p$interleavedBurst) > 0) # 0x18
    #<FIXME>     data$interleavedBurst <- readProfile(id=as.raw(0x18), debug=debug)
    if (0x18 == dataType) { # 0x18=interleavedBurst
        if (length(p$interleavedBurst) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (interleavedBurst) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = as.raw(dataType), debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", dataType, "(interleavedBurst): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("burstAltimeterRaw" %in% which && length(p$burstAltimeterRaw) > 0L) # 0x1a
    #<FIXME>     data$burstAltimeterRaw <- readBurstAltimeterRaw(id=as.raw(0x1a), debug=debug-1L)
    if (0x1a == dataType) { # 0x1a=burstAltimeterRaw
        if (length(p$burstAltimeterRaw) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", as.raw(dataTypeOrig), " (burstAltimeterRaw) in file")
        data <- readBurstAltimeterRaw(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", as.raw(dataType), "(burstAltimeterRaw): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("DVLBottomTrack" %in% which && length(p$DVLBottomTrack) > 0) # 0x1b
    #<FIXME>     data$DVLBottomTrack <- readTrack(id=as.raw(0x1b), debug=debug-1L)
    if (0x1b == dataType) { # 0x1b=DVLBottomTrack
        if (length(p$DVLBottomTrack) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", as.raw(dataTypeOrig), " (DVLBottomTrack) in file")
        data <- readTrack(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "dataType=", as.raw(dataType), "(DVLBottomTrack): move some things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "oceCoordinate",
            "orientation", "originalCoordinate"
        )) {
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "  transferring ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("echosounder" %in% which && length(p$echosounder) > 0) # 0x1c
    #<FIXME>     data$echosounder <- readEchosounder(id=as.raw(0x1c), debug=debug)
    if (0x1c == dataType) { # 0x1c=echosounder
        if (length(p$echosounder) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (echosounder) in file")
        data <- readEchosounder(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        oceDebug(debug, "FIXME: move some (echosounder) things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "orientation"
        )) { # not same as above
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "moving ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("DVLWaterTrack" %in% which && length(p$DVLWaterTrack) > 0) # 0x1d
    #<FIXME>     data$DVLWaterTrack <- readTrack(id=as.raw(0x1d), debug=debug)
    if (0x1d == dataType) { # 0x1d=DVLWaterTrack
        if (length(p$echosounder) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (DVLWaterTrack) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        message("FIXME: move some (DVLWaterTrack) things from data to metadata")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "orientation"
        )) { # not same as above
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "moving ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("altimeter" %in% which && length(p$altimeter) > 0) # 0x1e
    #<FIXME>     data$altimeter <- readProfile(id=as.raw(0x1e), debug=debug)
    if (0x1e == dataType) { # 0x1e=altimeter
        if (length(p$echosounder) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (altimeter) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        message("FIXME: move some (altimeter) things from data to metadata")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "orientation"
        )) { # not same as above
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "moving ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("averageAltimeter" %in% which && length(p$averageAltimeter) > 0) # 0x1f
    #<FIXME>     data$averageAltimeter <- readProfile(id=as.raw(0x1f), debug=debug)
    if (0x1f == dataType) { # 0x1f=averageAltimeter
        if (length(p$echosounder) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (averageAltimeter) in file")
        data <- readProfile(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        message("FIXME: move some (averageAltimeter) things from data to metadata")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "orientation"
        )) { # not same as above
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "moving ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL
    #<FIXME> if ("echosounderRaw" %in% which && length(p$echosounderRaw) > 0) # 0x23
    #<FIXME>     data$echosounderRaw <- readEchosounderRaw(id=as.raw(0x23), debug=debug)
    if (0x23 == dataType) { # 0x23=echosounderRaw
        if (length(p$echosounder) < 1L) {
            stop("no dataType=", dataTypeOrig, " (echosounderRaw) in file")
        data <- readEchosounderRaw(id = dataType, debug = debug)
        # 2022-08-26: I asked Nortek how to compute distance for echosounderRaw, and
        # the answer involves the blankingDistance.  But, in my sample file at
        # tests/testthat/local_data/ad2cp/ad2cp_01.ad2cp, the blankingDistance for
        # echosounderRaw is 0, and so I'm guessing (pending more information from
        # Nortek) that the idea is to use the blankingDistance in the (now possibly updated)
        # ... honestly, this is a mess and I am not 100% sure what to do, lacking
        # confidence until Nortek updates their documentation.  One thing, though:
        # the code below is based on the old model for ad2cp object structure, in
        # which we stored both 'echosounder' and 'echosounderRaw', but in the new
        # model we do not do that.  I am simply skipping this for now 2022-10-08
        # but printing a message.
        # Compute cellSize using a formula inferred from an email by
        # Nortek's Ragnar Ekker on 2022-09-01.
        # 1. Should we use the integer `startSampleIndex` that is in the
        # file, or should we compute it using the formula provided by
        # Ragnar?  The former is an integer value that is 16 in a sample
        # file, and if that's typical then rounding might be expected to
        # give about 3% error in the results for `cellSize` and thus
        # `distance`.

        # 2. What `soundSpeed` should be used?  It varies from profile to
        # profile. But, perhaps we should use a constant value, if that's
        # what was used in some computations that led to the data creation.
        # The graph above uses the integer value. If the calculated
        # `startSampleIndex` were used instead, the peak would shift from
        # 282m to 270m=
        # `r round(with(d@data$echosounderRaw,cellSize2*282/cellSize))` m.
        XMIT1 <- 1e-3 * ad2cpHeaderValue(header, "GETECHO", "XMIT1")
        BD <- ad2cpHeaderValue(header, "GETECHO", "BD")
        if (is.null(XMIT1) || is.null(BD)) {
            warning("cannot infer distance for echosounderRaw record; set to 1, 2, which is almost certainly very wrong")
            data$distance <- seq_len(data$numberOfSamples)
        } else {
            L <- 0.5 * XMIT1 * soundSpeed[1] + BD
            samplingRate <- data$samplingRate
            startSampleIndex <- (XMIT1 + 2 * BD / soundSpeed[1]) * samplingRate
            # FIXME: which cellSize to use?  I think Ragnar suggested computing
            # it, rather than using the rounded value in the dataset.
            data$cellSize <- L / startSampleIndex
            # data$cellSize <- L / data$startSampleIndex
            data$distance <- seq(0, by = data$cellSize, length.out = data$numberOfSamples)
                debug, "read.adp.ad2cp() : computing echosounderRaw$distance based ",
                " on my interpretation of an email sent by RE/Nortek on 2022-09-01"
            # the above contradicts an email sent by EB/Nortek on 2022-08-28 but
            # I am told that this earlier one was erroneous.
        oceDebug(debug, "move some (echosounderRaw) things from data to metadata\n")
        for (name in c(
            "blankingDistance", "cellSize", "configuration", "datasetDescription",
            "frequency", "numberOfBeams", "numberOfCells", "numberOfSamples", "orientation",
            "samplingRate", "startSampleIndex"
        )) { # not same as above
            if (name %in% names(data)) {
                oceDebug(debug, "moving ", name, " from data to metadata\n")
                res@metadata[name] <- data[name]
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "  deleting ", name, " from data, without moving to metadata\n")
            data[name] <- NULL

    # Use header as the final word, if it contradicts what we inferred above.
    if (!is.null(header)) {
        if (0x1c == dataType) { # 0x1c=echosounder
            # BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-2 (see also BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-1, above)
            BD <- ad2cpHeaderValue(header, "GETECHO", "BD")
            if (res@metadata$blankingDistance != BD) {
                warning("In read.adp.ad2cp() : inferred echosounder$blankingDistance (", res@metadata$blankingDistance,
                    "m) does not match the header GETECHO value (", BD,
                    "m); the latter value was used\n",
                    call. = FALSE
                res@metadata$blankingDistance <- BD
    # FIXME: I bet some other types should not be getting distance defined.
    if (!(dataType %in% c("bottomTrack"))) {
        data$distance <- res@metadata$blankingDistance + seq(1, by = res@metadata$cellSize, length.out = res@metadata$numberOfCells)
    # 2022-08-29 BOOKMARK-blankingDistance-03
    # I am informed by Nortek that the blankingDistance is always 1e-3 for
    # echosounderRaw data.  So, we set that (and issue a warning so that users
    # will know about this alteration) and then compute a distance vector for
    # possible later use.
    #| if (2L == sum(c("echosounder", "echosounderRaw") %in% names(data))) {
    #|     if ("blankingDistance" %in% names(data$echosounder) && "startSampleIndex" %in% names(data$echosounderRaw)) {
    #|         message("computing echosounderRaw$distance using formula from private communication with Nortek dated 2022-08-28")
    #|         data$echosounderRaw$cellsize <- data$echosounder$blankingDistance / data$echosounderRaw$startSampleIndex
    #|         data$echosounderRaw$distance <- seq(0, by=
    data #| $echosounderRaw$cellsize, length.out=data$echosounderRaw$numberOfSamples)
    #|     }
    #| }

    # Insert metadata
    # res@metadata$id <- id
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    res@metadata$powerLevel <- powerLevel
    res@metadata$status <- status
    res@metadata$activeConfiguration <- activeConfiguration
    res@metadata$orientation <- orientation
    res@metadata$manufacturer <- "nortek"
    res@metadata$fileType <- "AD2CP"
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- serialNumber
    res@metadata$header <- header
    res@metadata$orientation <- orientation
    #- Warn if we had to guess the type
    #-if (!typeGiven) {
    #-    type <- "Signature1000"
    #-    warning("defaulting 'type' to '", type, "', since no header was found in the file, and the 'type' argument was not provided")
    res@metadata$type <- type
    res@metadata$declination <- ad2cpHeaderValue(x = header, key = "GETUSER", item = "DECL", default = NA)
    res@metadata$frequency <- ad2cpHeaderValue(x = header, key = "BEAMCFGLIST,BEAM=1", item = "FREQ", default = NA)
    res@metadata$beamAngle <- switch(type,
        "Signature1000" = 25,
        "Signature500" = 25,
        "Signature250" = 20
    # Note: metadata$transformationMatrix is not defined; we make "[[" compute
    # that, because the user may realize that x@metadata$beamAngle is wrong,
    # and want to correct it.  This makes ad2cp different from other adp
    # types.  Also, we must remove the overall coordinate (created by
    # initializer) since it has no meaning here.
    # res@metadata$oceCoordinate <- NULL
    # Remove some metadata that make don't sense for the dataType
    if (dataType %in% c(0x1c, 0x1e, 0x23)) {
        # 0x1c=echosounder 0x1e=altimeter 0x23=echosounderRaw
        res@metadata$units$v <- NULL
        res@metadata$oceCoordinate <- NULL
        res@metadata$orientation <- NULL
    res@metadata$dataType <- dataType
    # Insert data
    res@data <- data
    # Insert processingLog
    processingLog <- with(
        paste("read.adp.ad2cp(file=\"", filename, "\"",
            ", from=", from, ", to=", to, ", by=", by,
            ", dataSet=", dataSet, ", dataType=", dataType, ", tz=", tz,
            ", longitude=", longitude, ", latitude=", latitude, ")",
            sep = ""
    res@processingLog <- processingLogItem(processingLog)
    oceDebug(debug, "END read.adp.ad2cp()\n", unindent = 1)
dankelley/oce documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 10:45 a.m.