
Defines functions landsatTrim landsatAdd read.landsat read.landsatmeta

Documented in landsatAdd landsatTrim read.landsat

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Class to Store Landsat Satellite Data
#' This class holds landsat data. Such are available at several
#' websites (e.g. reference 1).
#' Although the various functions may work for other satellites, the
#' discussion here focusses on Landsat 8 and Landsat 7.
#' @templateVar class landsat
#' @templateVar dataExample {}
#' @templateVar metadataExample {}
#' @template slot_summary
#' @template slot_put
#' @template slot_get
#' @section Data storage:
#' The data are stored with 16-bit resolution.  Oce
#' breaks these 16 bits up into most-significant and least-significant bytes.
#' For example, the aerosol band of a Landsat object named `x` are
#' contained within `x@@data$aerosol$msb` and `x@@data$aerosol$lsb`,
#' each of which is a matrix of raw values.  The results may be combined as e.g.
#' \preformatted{
#' 256L*as.integer(x@@data[[i]]$msb) + as.integer(x@@data[[i]]$lsb)
#' }
#' and this is what is returned by executing `x[["aerosol"]]`.
#' Landsat data files typically occupy approximately a
#' gigabyte of storage.  That means that corresponding Oce objects are about
#' the same size, and this can pose significant problems on computers with
#' less than 8GB of memory.  It is sensible to specify bands of interest when
#' reading data with [read.landsat()], and also to use
#' [landsatTrim()] to isolate geographical regions that need
#' processing.
#' Experts may need to get direct access to the data, and this is easy because
#' all Landsat objects (regardless of satellite) use a similar storage form.
#' Band information is stored in byte form, to conserve space.  Two bytes are
#' used for each pixel in Landsat-8 objects, with just one for other objects.
#' For example, if a Landsat-8 object named `L` contains the `tirs1`
#' band, the most- and least-significant bytes will be stored in matrices
#' `L@@data$tirs1$msb` and `L@@data$tirs1$lsb`.  A similar Landsat-7
#' object would have the same items, but `msb` would be just the value
#' `0x00`.
#' Derived bands, which may be added to a landsat object with
#' [landsatAdd()], are not stored in byte matrices.  Instead they
#' are stored in numerical matrices, which means that they use 4X more storage
#' space for Landsat-8 images, and 8X more storage space for other satellites.
#' A computer needs at least 8GB of RAM to work with such data.
#' @section Landsat 8:
#' The Landsat 8 satellite has 11 frequency bands, listed below (see reference 2]).
#' \preformatted{
#' .------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
#' | Band | Band                      | Band         | Wavelength    | Resolution |
#' | No.  | Contents                  | Name         | (micrometers) |   (meters) |
#' |------+---------------------------+--------------+---------------+------------|
#' |    1 | Coastal aerosol           | aerosol      |  0.43 -  0.45 |         30 |
#' |    2 | Blue                      | blue         |  0.45 -  0.51 |         30 |
#' |    3 | Green                     | green        |  0.53 -  0.59 |         30 |
#' |    4 | Red                       | red          |  0.64 -  0.67 |         30 |
#' |    5 | Near Infrared (NIR)       | nir          |  0.85 -  0.88 |         30 |
#' |    6 | SWIR 1                    | swir1        |  1.57 -  1.65 |         30 |
#' |    7 | SWIR 2                    | swir2        |  2.11 -  2.29 |         30 |
#' |    8 | Panchromatic              | panchromatic |  0.50 -  0.68 |         15 |
#' |    9 | Cirrus                    | cirrus       |  1.36 -  1.38 |         30 |
#' |   10 | Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 1 | tirs1        | 10.60 - 11.19 |        100 |
#' |   11 | Thermal Infrared (TIRS) 2 | tirs2        | 11.50 - 12.51 |        100 |
#' .------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
#' }
#' In addition to the above, setting `band="terralook"` may be used as
#' an abbreviation for `band=c("red", "green", "nir")`.
#' Band 8 is panchromatic, and has the highest resolution.  For convenience of
#' programming, [read.landsat()] subsamples the `tirs1` and
#' `tirs2` bands to the 30m resolution of the other bands.  See Reference
#' 3 for information about the evolution of Landsat 8 calibration
#' coefficients, which as of summer 2014 are still subject to change.
#' @section Landsat 7:
#' Band information is as follows (from reference 8).  The names are not official, but
#' are set up to roughly correspond with Landsat-8 names, according to wavelength.
#' An exception is the Landsat-7 bands named `tirs1` and `tirs2`, which
#' are at two different gain settings, with identical wavelength span for
#' each, which roughly matches the range of the Landsat-8 bands `tirs1`
#' and `tirs2` combined.  This may seem confusing, but it lets code like
#' `plot(im, band="tirs1")` to work with both Landsat-8 and Landsat-7.
#' \preformatted{
#' .------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
#' | Band | Band                      | Band         | Wavelength    | Resolution |
#' | No.  | Contents                  | Name         | (micrometers) |   (meters) |
#' |------+---------------------------+--------------+---------------+------------|
#' |    1 | Blue                      | blue         |  0.45 -  0.52 |         30 |
#' |    2 | Green                     | green        |  0.52 -  0.60 |         30 |
#' |    3 | Red                       | red          |  0.63 -  0.69 |         30 |
#' |    4 | Near IR                   | nir          |  0.77 -  0.90 |         30 |
#' |    5 | SWIR                      | swir1        |  1.55 -  1.75 |         30 |
#' |    6 | Thermal IR                | tirs1        | 10.4  - 12.50 |         30 |
#' |    7 | Thermal IR                | tirs2        | 10.4  - 12.50 |         30 |
#' |    8 | SWIR                      | swir2        |  2.09 -  2.35 |         30 |
#' |    9 | Panchromatic              | panchromatic |  0.52 -  0.90 |         15 |
#' .------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' Data from AMSR satellites are handled with [amsr-class].
#' A file containing Landsat data may be read with [read.landsat()] or
#' [read.oce()], and one such file is provided by the \CRANpkg{ocedata}
#' package as a dataset named `landsat`.
#' Plots may be made with [plot,landsat-method()].  Since plotting can be quite
#' slow, decimation is available both in the plotting function and as the separate
#' function [decimate()].  Images may be subsetted with
#' [landsatTrim()].
#' @references
#' 1. See the USGS "glovis" web site.
#' 2. see landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/?page_id=5377
#' 3. see landsat.usgs.gov/calibration_notices.php
#' 4. `https://dankelley.github.io/r/2014/07/01/landsat.html`
#' 5. `https://scienceofdoom.com/2010/12/27/emissivity-of-the-ocean/`
#' 6. see landsat.usgs.gov/Landsat8_Using_Product.php
#' 7. see landsathandbook.gsfc.nasa.gov/pdfs/Landsat7_Handbook.pdf
#' 8. see landsat.usgs.gov/band_designations_landsat_satellites.php
#' 9. Yu, X. X. Guo and Z. Wu., 2014. Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from
#' Landsat 8 TIRS-Comparison between Radiative Transfer Equation-Based Method,
#' Split Window Algorithm and Single Channel Method, *Remote Sensing*, 6,
#' 9829-9652.  `https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/6/10/9829`
#' 10. Rajeshwari, A., and N. D. Mani, 2014.  Estimation of land surface
#' temperature of Dindigul district using Landsat 8 data. *International
#'     Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology*, 3(5), 122-126.
#' 11. Konda, M. Imasato N., Nishi, K., and T. Toda, 1994.  Measurement of the Sea
#' Surface Emissivity.  *Journal of Oceanography*, 50, 17:30.
#' \doi{10.1007/BF02233853}
# \code{http://www.terrapub.co.jp/journals/JO/pdf/5001/50010017.pdf}
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family classes holding satellite data
#' @family things related to landsat data
setClass("landsat", contains = "satellite")

#' Sample landsat Data
#' This is a subset of the Landsat-8 image designated LC80080292014065LGN00, an
#' image from March 2014 that covers Nova Scotia and portions of the Bay of
#' Fundy and the Scotian Shelf. The image is decimated to reduce the memory
#' requirements of this package, yielding a spatial resolution of about 2km.
#' @details
#' The original data were downloaded from the USGS earthexplorer website, although
#' other sites can also be used to uncover it by name.  The original
#' data were decimated by a factor of 100 in longitude and latitude,
#' to reduce the file size from 1G to 100K.
#' @name landsat
#' @docType data
#' @family satellite datasets provided with oce
#' @family datasets provided with oce
#' @family things related to landsat data

    f = "show",
    signature = "landsat",
    definition = function(object) {
        cat("Landsat object, ID", object@metadata$header$landsat_scene_id, "\n")
        dataNames <- names(object@data)
        if (length(dataNames)) {
            cat("Data (bands or calculated):\n")
            for (b in seq_along(dataNames)) {
                dim <- if (is.list(object@data[[b]])) dim(object@data[[b]]$lsb) else dim(object@data[[b]])
                cat("  \"", dataNames[b], "\" has dimension c(", dim[1], ",", dim[2], ")\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            cat("Object contains no band data.\n")

    f = "initialize",
    signature = "landsat",
    definition = function(.Object, filename, ...) {
        .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
        if (!missing(filename)) {
            .Object@metadata$filename <- filename
        .Object@processingLog$time <- presentTime()
        .Object@processingLog$value <- "create 'landsat' object"

#' Summarize a landsat Object
#' Provides a summary of a some information about a [landsat-class] object.
#' @param object A [landsat-class] object.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to landsat data
    f = "summary",
    signature = "landsat",
    definition = function(object, ...) {
        cat("Landsat Summary\n---------------\n\n")
        showMetadataItem(object, "filename", "Data file:           ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "time", "Time:                ")
        showMetadataItem(object, "spacecraft", "Spacecraft:          ")
        cat(sprintf("* Header file:         %s\n", object@metadata$headerfilename))
        cat(sprintf("* UTM zone:             %d (used for whole image)\n", object@metadata$zoneUTM))
            "* UTM lower left:      %7.0f easting %7.0f northing (m)\n",
            "* UTM upper right:     %7.0f easting %7.0f northing (m)\n",
        cat(sprintf("* Lower left:          %fE %fN\n", object@metadata$lllon, object@metadata$lllat))
        cat(sprintf("* Lower right:         %fE %fN\n", object@metadata$lrlon, object@metadata$lrlat))
        cat(sprintf("* Upper right:         %fE %fN\n", object@metadata$urlon, object@metadata$urlat))
        cat(sprintf("* Upper left:          %fE %fN\n", object@metadata$ullon, object@metadata$ullat))
        for (name in names(object@data)) {
            object@data[[name]] <- object[[name]] # translate to science units
        invisible(callNextMethod()) # summary

#' @title Extract Something From a landsat Object
#' @param x a [landsat-class] object.
#' @templateVar class landsat
#' @section Details of the Specialized Method:
#' If `i` is `"?"`, then the return value is a list
#' containing four items, each of which is a character vector
#' holding the names of things that can be accessed with `[[`.
#' The `data` and `metadata` items hold the names of
#' entries in the object's data and metadata
#' slots, respectively. The `data` entries are difficult
#' to deal with directly, and so users are advised to
#' use `dataDerived` instead.
#' *Accessing band data.*  The data may be accessed with e.g.
#' `landsat[["panchromatic"]]`, for the panchromatic band.  If a new
#' ``band'' is added with [landsatAdd()], it may be referred by
#' name.  In all cases, a second argument can be provided, to govern
#' decimation.  If this is missing, all the relevant data are returned.  If
#' this is present and equal to `TRUE`, then the data will be
#' automatically decimated (subsampled) to give approximately 800 elements in
#' the longest side of the matrix.  If this is present and numerical, then its
#' value governs decimation.  For example,
#' \code{landsat[["panchromatic",TRUE]]} will auto-decimate, typically
#' reducing the grid width and height from 16000 to about 800.  Similarly,
#' \code{landsat[["panchromatic",10]]} will reduce width and height to about
#' 1600.  On machines with limited RAM (e.g. under about 6GB), decimation is a
#' good idea in almost all processing steps.  It also makes sense for
#' plotting, and in fact is done through the `decimate` argument of
#' [plot,landsat-method()].
#' *Accessing derived data.*  One may retrieve several derived quantities
#' that are calculated from data stored in the object:
#' `landsat[["longitude"]]` and `landsat[["latitude"]]` give pixel
#' locations.  Accessing `landsat[["temperature"]]` creates an estimate
#' of ground temperature as follows (see reference 4).  First, the ``count value'' in
#' band 10, denoted \eqn{b_{10}}{b_10} say, is scaled with coefficients stored
#' in the image metadata using
#' \eqn{\lambda_L=b_{10}M_L+A_L}{lambda_L=b_10*M_L+A_L} where \eqn{M_L}{M_L}
#' and \eqn{A_L}{A_L} are values stored in the metadata (e.g.  the first in
#' `landsat@@metadata$header$radiance_mult_band_10`) Then the result is
#' used, again with coefficients in the metadata, to compute Celcius
#' temperature \eqn{T=K_2/ln(\epsilon
#'     K_1/\lambda_L+1)-273.15}{T=K_2/ln(epsilon*K_1/\lambda_L+1)-273.15}.
#' The value of the emissivity \eqn{\epsilon}{epsilon} is set to unity by
#' [read.landsat()], although it can be changed easily later, by
#' assigning a new value to `landsat@@metadata$emissivity`. The default
#' emissivity value set by [read.landsat()] is from reference 11, and is
#' within the oceanic range suggested by reference 5. Adjustment is as simple as
#' altering `landsat@@metadata$emissivity`. This value can be a single
#' number meant to apply for the whole image, or a matrix with dimensions
#' matching those of band 10.  The matrix case is probably more useful for
#' images of land, where one might wish to account for the different
#' emissivities of soil and vegetation, etc.; for example, Table 4 of
#' reference 9 lists 0.9668 for soil and 0.9863 for vegetation,
#' while Table 5 of reference 10 lists 0.971 and 0.987 for the same quantities.
#' *Accessing metadata.* Anything in the metadata can be accessed by
#' name, e.g. `landsat[["time"]]`.  Note that some items are simply
#' copied over from the source data file and are not altered by e.g.
#' decimation.  An exception is the lat-lon box, which is altered by
#' [landsatTrim()].
#' @template sub_subTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to landsat data
    f = "[[",
    signature(x = "landsat", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ...) {
        debug <- getOption("oceDebug")
        oceDebug(debug, "landsat [[ START\n", unindent = 1)
        if (missing(i)) {
            stop("Must name a landsat item to retrieve, e.g. '[[\"panchromatic\"]]'", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(i) > 1L) {
            stop("[[,landsat-method requires length(i) to be of 1\n")
        if (!is.character(i)) {
            stop("landsat item must be specified by name", call. = FALSE)
        dataDerived <- c("longitude", "latitude", "temperature", "panchromatic")
        if (i == "?") {
                metadata = sort(names(x@metadata)),
                metadataDerived = NULL,
                data = sort(names(x@data)),
                dataDerived = sort(dataDerived)
        # Handle cases one by one, starting with simplest.
        if (!(is.na(pmatch(i, "longitude")))) {
            # FIXME: ignoring decimation (may be best, anyway)
            b1 <- x@data[[1]]
            dim <- if (is.list(b1)) dim(b1$lsb) else dim(b1)
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
            return(x@metadata$lllon + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[1]) * (x@metadata$urlon - x@metadata$lllon))
        if (!(is.na(pmatch(i, "latitude")))) {
            # FIXME: ignoring decimation (may be best, anyway)
            b1 <- x@data[[1]]
            dim <- if (is.list(b1)) dim(b1$lsb) else dim(b1)
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
            return(x@metadata$lllat + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[2]) * (x@metadata$urlat - x@metadata$lllat))
        if (is.character(i) && !is.na(pmatch(i, names(x@metadata)))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
        d <- NULL # check for this later to see found data
        if (!is.na(pmatch(i, "temperature"))) {
            if (!("tirs1" %in% names(x@data))) {
                stop("cannot compute temperature without \"tirs1\" band")
            if (!is.list(x@data$tirs1)) {
                stop("the \"tirs1\" band is not stored in two-byte format")
            # First, determine whether decimation is needed.
            decimate <- 1 # decimation step
            emissivity <- if ("emissivity" %in% names(x@metadata)) x@metadata$emissivity else 1
            dim <- dim(x@data$tirs1$lsb)
            maxdim <- max(dim)
            ilook <- seq.int(1L, dim[1], by = 1L)
            jlook <- seq.int(1L, dim[2], by = 1L)
            if (!missing(j)) {
                if (is.logical(j)) {
                    decimate <- if (j) max(as.integer(round(maxdim / 800)), 1) else 1
                } else {
                    if (round(j) < 1) {
                        stop("cannot decimate by a step smaller than 1, but got ", j)
                    decimate <- as.integer(round(j))
                    if (decimate > min(dim)) {
                        stop("cannot decimate by a step larger than image dimension")
                ilook <- seq.int(1, dim[1], by = decimate)
                jlook <- seq.int(1, dim[2], by = decimate)
            spacecraft <- if (is.null(x@metadata$spacecraft)) "LANDSAT_8" else x@metadata$spacecraft
            if (spacecraft == "LANDSAT_8") {
                oceDebug(debug, "temperature for landsat-8\n")
                if (!("tirs1" %in% names(x@data))) {
                    stop("cannot calculate Landsat temperature because no \"tirs1\" band in object", call. = FALSE)
                ML <- x@metadata$header$radiance_mult_band_10
                AL <- x@metadata$header$radiance_add_band_10
                K1 <- x@metadata$header$k1_constant_band_10
                K2 <- x@metadata$header$k2_constant_band_10
                oceDebug(debug, "ML=", ML, "# @metadata$header$radiance_mult_band_10\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "AL=", AL, "# @metadata$header$radiance_add_band_10\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "K1=", K1, "# @metadata$header$k1_constant_band_10\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "K2=", K2, "# @metadata$header$k2_constant_band_10\n")
                if (is.matrix(emissivity)) {
                    emissivity <- emissivity[ilook, jlook]
                msb <- x@data$tirs1$msb[ilook, jlook]
                lsb <- x@data$tirs1$lsb[ilook, jlook]
                dim <- dim(msb)
                d <- 256L * as.integer(msb) + as.integer(lsb)
                na <- d == 0
                Llambda <- ML * d + AL
                # avoid warnings on the 0 Llambda values (from band gaps)
                options <- options("warn")
                options(warn = -1)
                d <- K2 / log(emissivity * K1 / Llambda + 1)
                options(warn = options$warn)
                d <- d - 273.15
                d[na] <- NA
                dim(d) <- dim
                oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
            } else if (spacecraft == "LANDSAT_7") {
                # band 6, tirs1
                oceDebug(debug, "temperature for landsat-7\n")
                ML <- x@metadata$header$radiance_mult_band_6_vcid_1
                AL <- x@metadata$header$radiance_add_band_6_vcid_1
                K1 <- 666.09 # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5
                K2 <- 1282.71 # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5
                oceDebug(debug, "ML=", ML, "# @metadata$header$radiance_mult_band_6_vcid_1\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "AL=", AL, "# @metadata$header$radiance_add_band_6_vcid_1\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "K1=", K1, "# Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "K2=", K2, "# Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5\n")
                # d <- 256L*as.integer(x@data$tirs1$msb) + as.integer(x@data$tirs1$lsb)
                if (is.matrix(emissivity)) {
                    emissivity <- emissivity[ilook, jlook]
                d <- x@data$tirs1$lsb[ilook, jlook]
                dim <- dim(d)
                d <- as.integer(d)
                na <- d == 0
                # rm(x) # may help if space is tight
                Llambda <- ML * d + AL
                # avoid warnings on the 0 Llambda values (from band gaps)
                options <- options("warn")
                options(warn = -1)
                d <- K2 / log(emissivity * K1 / Llambda + 1)
                options(warn = options$warn)
                d <- d - 273.15
                d[na] <- NA
                dim(d) <- dim
                oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
            } else if (spacecraft == "LANDSAT_5") {
                # band 6, tirs1
                message("FIXME: should handle temperature for landsat-5\n")
                K1 <- 607.76 # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5
                K2 <- 1260.56 # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5
                message("K1=", K1, " # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5")
                message("K2=", K2, " # Landsat7_Handbook.pdf Table 11.5")
                d <- as.integer(x@data$tirs1$lsb[ilook, jlook])
                stop("landsat-5 is not converted AT ALL\n")
            } else {
                stop("unknown satellite: ", x@metadata$spacecraft)
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
        # message("i:", i, " before")
        iorig <- i
        if (is.character(i)) {
            ii <- pmatch(i, names(x@data))
            if (!is.na(ii)) {
                i <- ii
        if (is.na(ii)) {
            stop("this landsat object lacks a band named \"", i, "\"", call. = FALSE)
        oceDebug(getOption("oceDebug"), "band:", iorig, "\n")
        isList <- is.list(x@data[[i]])
        if (isList) {
            msb <- x@data[[i]]$msb
            lsb <- x@data[[i]]$lsb
        } else {
            d <- x@data[[i]]
        # rm(x)                    # may help if memory is tight
        dim <- if (isList) dim(lsb) else dim(d) # altered if decimation
        # message("dim=c(", dim[1], ",", dim[2], ") originally")
        # e.g. image[["panchromatic", TRUE]]
        if (!missing(j) && is.logical(j) && j) {
            maxdim <- max(dim)
            if (maxdim > 800) {
                decimate <- max(as.integer(round(maxdim / 800)), 1)
                ilook <- seq.int(1, dim[1], by = decimate)
                jlook <- seq.int(1, dim[2], by = decimate)
                if (isList) {
                    lsb <- lsb[ilook, jlook] # rewrite in place, possibly saving memory
                    res <- if (is.null(dim(msb))) {
                    } else {
                        256L * as.integer(msb[ilook, jlook]) + as.integer(lsb)
                    dim(res) <- dim(lsb)
                    oceDebug(getOption("oceDebug"), "END \"[[\"\n", unindent = 1)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(getOption("oceDebug"), "END \"[[\"\n", unindent = 1)
                    return(d[ilook, jlook])
        # e.g. image[["panchromatic", 10]]
        if (!missing(j) && is.numeric(j)) {
            j <- as.integer(round(j))
            if (j > 1) {
                ilook <- seq.int(1, dim[1], by = j)
                jlook <- seq.int(1, dim[2], by = j)
                if (isList) {
                    if (!is.null(dim(msb))) {
                        msb <- msb[ilook, jlook]
                    lsb <- lsb[ilook, jlook]
                    res <- 256L * as.integer(msb) + as.integer(lsb)
                    dim(res) <- dim(lsb)
                    oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
                } else {
                    d <- d[ilook, jlook]
                    oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
        # OK, no decimation is requested, so just return the desired value.
        if (isList) {
            res <- 256L * as.integer(msb) + as.integer(lsb)
            dim(res) <- dim(lsb)
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "END landsat [[\n", unindent = 1)

#' @title Replace Parts of a landsat Object
#' @param x a [landsat-class] object.
#' @template sub_subsetTemplate
#' @family things related to landsat data
    f = "[[<-",
    signature(x = "landsat", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
    definition = function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
        callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, ..., value = value) # [[<-

#' Plot a landsat Object
#' Plot the data within a landsat image, or information computed from the
#' data. The second category includes possibilities such as an estimate of
#' surface temperature and the `"terralook"` estimate of a natural-color
#' view.
#' @details
#' For Landsat-8 data, the `band` may be
#' one of: `"aerosol"`, `"blue"`, `"green"`, `"red"`,
#' `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"swir2"`, `"panchromatic"`,
#' `"cirrus"`, `"tirs1"`, or `"tirs2"`.
#' For Landsat-7 data, `band` may be one of `"blue"`, `"green"`, `"red"`,
#' `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"tirs1"`, `"tirs2"`,
#' `"swir2"`, or `"panchromatic"`.
#' For Landsat data prior to
#' Landsat-7, `band` may be one of `"blue"`, `"green"`,
#' `"red"`, `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"tirs1"`,
#' `"tirs2"`, or `"swir2"`.
#' If `band` is not given, the
#' (`"tirs1"`) will be used if it exists in the object data, or
#' otherwise the first band will be used.
#' In addition to the above there are also some pseudo-bands that
#' can be plotted, as follows.
#' * Setting `band="temperature"` will plot an estimate
#' of at-satellite brightness temperature, computed from the
#' `tirs1` band.
#' * Setting `band="terralook"` will plot a sort of natural
#' color by combining the `red`, `green`, `blue` and
#' `nir` bands according to the formula provided at
#' `https://lta.cr.usgs.gov/terralook/what_is_terralook` (a
#' website that worked once, but failed as of Feb 2, 2017), namely
#' that the `red`-band data are provided as the `red`
#' argument of the [rgb()] function, while
#' the `green` argument is computed as
#' 2/3 of the `green`-band data plus 1/3 of the `nir`-band data, and
#' the `blue` argument is computed as 2/3 of the `green`-band
#' data minus 1/3 of the `nir`-band data. (This is not a typo: the
#' `blue` band is not used.)
#' @param x a [landsat-class] object.
#' @param band If given, the name of the band.  For Landsat-8 data, this may be
#' one of: `"aerosol"`, `"blue"`, `"green"`, `"red"`,
#' `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"swir2"`, `"panchromatic"`,
#' `"cirrus"`, `"tirs1"`, or `"tirs2"`.  For Landsat-7 data,
#' this may be one of `"blue"`, `"green"`, `"red"`,
#' `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"tirs1"`, `"tirs2"`,
#' `"swir2"`, or `"panchromatic"`.  For Landsat data prior to
#' Landsat-7, this may be one of `"blue"`, `"green"`,
#' `"red"`, `"nir"`, `"swir1"`, `"tirs1"`,
#' `"tirs2"`, or `"swir2"`.  If `band` is not given, the
#' (`"tirs1"`) will be used if it exists in the object data, or
#' otherwise the first band will be used.  In addition to the above, using
#' `band="temperature"` will plot an estimate of at-satellite
#' brightness temperature, computed from the `tirs1` band, and
#' `band="terralook"` will plot a sort of natural color by combining
#' the `red`, `green`, `blue` and `nir` bands
#' according to the formula provided at
#' `https://lta.cr.usgs.gov/terralook/what_is_terralook` (a
#' website that worked once, but failed as of Feb 2, 2017).
#' @param which Desired plot type; 1=image, 2=histogram.
#' @param decimate An indication of the desired decimation,
#' passed to [imagep()] for image plots.
#' The default yields faster plotting.  Some decimation is sensible for
#' full-size images, since no graphical displays can show 16 thousand pixels
#' on a side.
#' @param zlim Either a pair of numbers giving the limits for the colorscale,
#' or `"histogram"` to have a flattened histogram (i.e. to maximally
#' increase contrast throughout the domain.)  If not given, the 1 and 99
#' percent quantiles are calculated and used as limits.
#' @param utm A logical value indicating whether to use UTS (easting and northing) instead
#' of longitude and latitude on plot.
#' @param col Either a function yielding colors, taking a single integer
#' argument with the desired number of colors, or the string
#' `"natural"`, which combines the information in the `red`,
#' `green` and `blue` bands and produces a natural-hue image.  In
#' the latter case, the band designation is ignored, and the object must
#' contain the three color bands.
#' @param drawPalette Indication of the type of palette to draw, if
#' any. See [imagep()] for details.
#' @param showBandName A logical indicating whether the band name is to
#' plotted in the top margin, near the right-hand side.
#' @param alpha.f Argument used if `col="natural"`, to adjust colors
#' with [adjustcolor()].
#' @param red.f Argument used if `col="natural"`, to adjust colors with
#' [adjustcolor()].  Higher values of `red.f` cause red hues
#' to be emphasized (e.g. dry land).
#' @param green.f Argument used if `col="natural"`, to adjust colors with
#' [adjustcolor()].  Higher values of `green.f` emphasize
#' green hues (e.g. forests).
#' @param blue.f Argument used if `band="terralook"`, to adjust colors with
#' [adjustcolor()].  Higher values of `blue.f` emphasize blue
#' hues (e.g. ocean).
#' @param offset Argument used if `band="terralook"`, to adjust colors with
#' [adjustcolor()].
#' @param transform Argument used if `band="terralook"`, to adjust colors
#' with [adjustcolor()].
#' @param debug Set to a positive value to get debugging information during
#' processing.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to plotting functions.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to landsat data
#' @family functions that plot oce data
#' @aliases plot.landsat
    f = "plot",
    signature = signature("landsat"),
    definition = function(x, band, which = 1, decimate = TRUE, zlim, utm = FALSE,
                          col = oce.colorsPalette,
                          drawPalette = TRUE,
                          showBandName = TRUE,
                          alpha.f = 1, red.f = 1.7, green.f = 1.5, blue.f = 6,
                          offset = c(0, -0.05, -0.2, 0),
                          transform = diag(c(red.f, green.f, blue.f, alpha.f)),
                          debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
        oceDebug(debug, "plot,landsat-method(..., which=c(", paste(which, collapse = ","),
            "), decimate=", decimate,
            ", zlim=", if (missing(zlim)) "(missing)" else zlim,
            ", ...) START\n",
            sep = "", unindent = 1
        if (!length(x@data)) {
            warning("In plot,landsat-method(): object contains no band data\n", call. = FALSE)
        terralook <- FALSE
        datanames <- names(x@data)
        spacecraft <- if (is.null(x@metadata$spacecraft)) "LANDSAT_8" else x@metadata$spacecraft
        d <- NULL
        kelley <- FALSE # FIXME:kelley
        if (which == 1) {
            if (!missing(band) && is.character(band) && !is.na(pmatch(band, "kelley"))) {
                kelley <- TRUE
                if (missing(drawPalette)) {
                    drawPalette <- FALSE
                if (!("red" %in% datanames && "green" %in% datanames && "blue" %in% datanames)) {
                    stop("band=\"kelley\" requires landsat object to contain \"red\", \"green\" and \"blue\"")
                message("'kelley' band -- TEMPORARY test; set debug=3 for more")
                r <- x[["red", decimate]]
                g <- x[["green", decimate]]
                b <- x[["blue", decimate]]
                dim <- dim(r)
                if (spacecraft == "LANDSAT_8") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "colors for landsat 8 (range 0 to 2^16-1)\n")
                    colors <- rgb(r, g, b, maxColorValue = 2^16 - 1)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "colors for landsat 7 (range 0 to 2^8-1)\n")
                    colors <- rgb(r, g, b, maxColorValue = 2^8 - 1)
                rm(list = c("r", "g", "b")) # clean up asap
                col <- unique(colors)
                d <- array(match(colors, col), dim = dim) # method of Clark Richards
                oceDebug(debug, "color compaction: ", floor(prod(dim) / length(col)), "\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "adjusting colors: orig=", paste(head(col), collapse = " "), "\n")
                col <- adjustcolor(col,
                    alpha.f = alpha.f, red.f = red.f, green.f = green.f, blue.f = blue.f,
                    offset = offset, transform = transform
                oceDebug(debug, "adjusting colors: new=", paste(head(col), collapse = " "), "\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "finished constucting image\n")
            } else if (!missing(band) && is.character(band) && !is.na(pmatch(band, "terralook"))) {
                terralook <- TRUE
                if (missing(drawPalette)) drawPalette <- FALSE
                if (!("red" %in% datanames && "green" %in% datanames && "nir" %in% datanames)) {
                    stop("band=\"terralook\" requires landsat object to contain \"red\", \"green\" and \"nir\"")
                oceDebug(debug, "extracting red data\n")
                r <- x[["red", decimate]]
                oceDebug(debug, "range(red): ", paste(range(r), collapse = " to "), "\n")
                dim <- dim(r)
                oceDebug(debug, "extracting green data\n")
                g23 <- 2 / 3 * x[["green", decimate]]
                oceDebug(debug, "range(green): ", paste(range(g23), collapse = " to "), "\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "extracting nir data\n")
                nir3 <- x[["nir", decimate]] / 3
                oceDebug(debug, "range(nir/3): ", paste(range(nir3), collapse = " to "), "\n")
                # formula from what_is_terralook website
                g <- g23 + nir3
                b <- g23 - nir3
                rm(list = c("g23", "nir3")) # clean up asap
                g[g < 0] <- 0
                b[b < 0] <- 0
                if (spacecraft == "LANDSAT_8") {
                    oceDebug(debug, "colors for landsat 8 (range 0 to 2^16-1)\n")
                    colors <- rgb(r, g, b, maxColorValue = 2^16 - 1)
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "colors for landsat 7 (range 0 to 2^8-1)\n")
                    colors <- rgb(r, g, b, maxColorValue = 2^8 - 1)
                rm(list = c("r", "g", "b")) # clean up asap
                col <- unique(colors)
                d <- array(match(colors, col), dim = dim) # method of Clark Richards
                oceDebug(debug, "color compaction: ", floor(prod(dim) / length(col)), "\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "adjusting colors: orig=", paste(head(col), collapse = " "), "\n")
                col <- adjustcolor(col,
                    alpha.f = alpha.f, red.f = red.f, green.f = green.f, blue.f = blue.f,
                    offset = offset, transform = transform
                oceDebug(debug, "adjusting colors: new=", paste(head(col), collapse = " "), "\n")
                oceDebug(debug, "finished constucting image\n")
                # end of band="terralook"; plot below
            } else {
                # not band="terralook"
                if (missing(band)) {
                    if ("tirs1" %in% names(x@data)) {
                        # different meanings landsat-8 and previous
                        oceDebug(debug, "using tirs1\n")
                        d <- x[["tirs1", decimate]]
                        band <- "tirs1"
                    } else {
                        oceDebug(debug, "using band named", datanames[1], "\n")
                        d <- x[[datanames[1], decimate]]
                        band <- datanames[1]
                    d[d == 0] <- NA # only makes sense for count data
                } else {
                    # See if band is stored in this object
                    knownBands <- c("temperature", datanames)
                    band <- band[1]
                    i <- pmatch(band, knownBands)
                    if (is.na(i)) {
                        stop("this landsat object has no band named \"", band, "\"", call. = FALSE)
                    band <- knownBands[i]
                    d <- x[[band, decimate]]
                    if (!any(!is.na(d))) {
                        if (band[1] == "temperature") {
                            stop("cannot compute landsat temperature; see e.g. http://landsat.usgs.gov/mission_headlines2015.php",
                                call. = FALSE
                        } else {
                            stop("landsat object has only missing values in the \"", band, "\" band", call. = FALSE)
                    if (all(d == 0)) {
                        stop("landsat object has only zero values in the \"", band, "\" band", call. = FALSE)
                    if (is.na(pmatch(band, "temperature"))) {
                        d[d == 0] <- NA # only makes sense for count data
            dim <- dim(d)
            lon <- x@metadata$lllon + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[1]) * (x@metadata$urlon - x@metadata$lllon)
            lat <- x@metadata$lllat + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[2]) * (x@metadata$urlat - x@metadata$lllat)
            oceDebug(debug, "old lon range: ", paste(range(lon), collapse = " to "), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "old lat range: ", paste(range(lat), collapse = " to "), "\n")
            LON0 <- 0.5 * (x@metadata$lllon + x@metadata$ullon)
            LON1 <- 0.5 * (x@metadata$lrlon + x@metadata$urlon)
            LAT0 <- 0.5 * (x@metadata$lllat + x@metadata$lrlat)
            LAT1 <- 0.5 * (x@metadata$ullat + x@metadata$urlat)
            lon <- LON0 + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[1]) * (LON1 - LON0)
            lat <- LAT0 + seq(0, 1, length.out = dim[2]) * (LAT1 - LAT0)
            oceDebug(debug, "new lon range: ", paste(range(lon), collapse = " to "), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "new lat range: ", paste(range(lat), collapse = " to "), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "dim: ", paste(dim, collapse = " "), "\n")
            asp <- 1 / cos(0.5 * (x@metadata$lllat + x@metadata$urlat) * pi / 180)
            if (missing(zlim) && !terralook && !kelley) {
                # FIXME:kelley
                zlim <- quantile(d, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
            if (utm) {
                if (!("llUTM" %in% names(x@metadata))) {
                    x@metadata$llUTM <- lonlat2utm(x@metadata$lllon, x@metadata$lllat, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
                    x@metadata$urUTM <- lonlat2utm(x@metadata$urlon, x@metadata$urlat, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
                    x = 0.001 * seq(x@metadata$llUTM$easting, x@metadata$urUTM$easting, length.out = dim[1]),
                    y = 0.001 * seq(x@metadata$llUTM$northing, x@metadata$urUTM$northing, length.out = dim[2]),
                    z = d, asp = 1, zlim = zlim, col = col, decimate = FALSE,
                    drawPalette = drawPalette, debug = debug - 1, ...
            } else {
                if ("breaks" %in% names(list(...))) {
                        x = lon, y = lat, z = d, asp = asp, col = col, decimate = FALSE,
                        drawPalette = drawPalette, debug = debug - 1, ...
                } else {
                        x = lon, y = lat, z = d, asp = asp, zlim = zlim, col = col, decimate = FALSE,
                        drawPalette = drawPalette, debug = debug - 1, ...
            if (showBandName && !terralook && !kelley) {
                mtext(band, side = 3, adj = 1, line = 0, cex = 1)
        } else if (which == 2) {
            if (missing(band)) {
                if ("tirs1" %in% names(x@data)) {
                    # different meanings landsat-8 and previous
                    oceDebug(debug, "using tirs1\n")
                    d <- x[["tirs1", decimate]]
                    band <- "tirs1"
                } else {
                    oceDebug(debug, "using band named", datanames[1], "\n")
                    d <- x[[datanames[1], decimate]]
                    band <- datanames[1]
            } else {
                d <- x[[band]]
            d[d == 0] <- NA # ignore 'data' outside footprint
            if ("breaks" %in% names(list(...))) {
                hist(d, xlab = "Value", main = "", ...)
            } else {
                hist(d, xlab = "Value", main = "", breaks = 100, ...)
            if (showBandName) {
                mtext(band, side = 3, adj = 1)
        } else {
            stop("unknown value of 'which'")
        oceDebug(debug, "END plot,landsat-method()\n", unindent = 1)

read.landsatmeta <- function(file, encoding = "latin1", debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    getItem <- function(info, name, numeric = TRUE) {
        line <- grep(paste("^[ ]*", name, "[ ]*=[ ]*", sep = ""), info)
        res <- NULL
        if (length(line)) {
            res <- strsplit(info[line[1]], "=")[[1]][2]
            res <- gsub("^[ ]+", "", res)
            res <- gsub("[ ]+$", "", res)
        res <- if (numeric) as.numeric(res) else gsub("\"", "", res)
        oceDebug(debug, "read.landsatmeta()/getItem(info,name=\"", name, "\") returning ", res, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.landsatmeta(file=\"", file, "\"\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    info <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
    date <- getItem(info, "DATE_ACQUIRED", numeric = FALSE)
    centerTime <- getItem(info, "SCENE_CENTER_TIME", numeric = FALSE)
    time <- as.POSIXct(paste(date, centerTime), tz = "UTC")
    spacecraft <- getItem(info, "SPACECRAFT_ID", numeric = FALSE)
    id <- getItem(info, "LANDSAT_SCENE_ID", numeric = FALSE)
    # Bounding region (not a latlon box!)
    ullat <- getItem(info, "CORNER_UL_LAT_PRODUCT")
    ullon <- getItem(info, "CORNER_UL_LON_PRODUCT")
    urlat <- getItem(info, "CORNER_UR_LAT_PRODUCT")
    urlon <- getItem(info, "CORNER_UR_LON_PRODUCT")
    lllat <- getItem(info, "CORNER_LL_LAT_PRODUCT")
    lllon <- getItem(info, "CORNER_LL_LON_PRODUCT")
    lrlat <- getItem(info, "CORNER_LR_LAT_PRODUCT")
    lrlon <- getItem(info, "CORNER_LR_LON_PRODUCT")
    zoneUTM <- getItem(info, "UTM_ZONE")
    llUTM <- list(
        easting = getItem(info, "CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT"),
        northing = getItem(info, "CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT"),
        zone = zoneUTM
    urUTM <- list(
        easting = getItem(info, "CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT"),
        northing = getItem(info, "CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT"),
        zone = zoneUTM
    # Cell sizes
    gridCellSizePanchromatic <- getItem(info, "GRID_CELL_SIZE_PANCHROMATIC")
    gridCellSizeReflective <- getItem(info, "GRID_CELL_SIZE_REFLECTIVE")
    gridCellSizeThermal <- getItem(info, "GRID_CELL_SIZE_THERMAL")
    # # Image dimensions
    # l <- getItem(info, "PANCHROMATIC_LINES")
    # s <- getItem(info, "PANCHROMATIC_SAMPLES")
    # dimPanchromatic <- c(l, s)         # or reverse?
    # l <- getItem(info, "REFLECTIVE_LINES")
    # s <- getItem(info, "REFLECTIVE_SAMPLES")
    # dimReflective <- c(l, s)
    # l <- getItem(info, "THERMAL_LINES")
    # s <- getItem(info, "THERMAL_SAMPLES")
    # dimThermal <- c(l, s)
    # Select just certain lines.  The header is short, so doing it by
    # steps, just in case the data format changes later and adjustment
    # is required.
    info2 <- info[grep("GROUP", info, invert = TRUE)] # delete grouping commands
    info3 <- info2[grep("=", info2)] # select assignments
    info4 <- gsub("^\\s+", "", info3) # remove leading whitespace
    info5 <- gsub("\\s+$", "", info4) # remove trailing whitespace
    S <- strsplit(info5, " = ")
    names <- as.character(lapply(S, function(s) s[[1]]))
    values <- gsub("\"", "", as.character(lapply(S, function(s) s[[2]]))) # FIXME: some are numeric
    header <- as.vector(values)
    names(header) <- tolower(names)
    header <- as.list(header)
    # Make numeric if possible
    for (i in seq_along(header)) {
        try(header[[i]] <- scan(text = header[[i]], quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    # Band (L4TM, L5TM, and L7ETM+) names from http://landsat.usgs.gov/best_spectral_bands_to_use.php
    if ("LANDSAT_4" == spacecraft) {
        bandnames <- c("blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "tirs1", "tirs2", "swir2")
        filesuffices <- c("B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6_VCID_1", "B6_VCID_2", "B7")
    } else if ("LANDSAT_5" == spacecraft) {
        bandnames <- c("blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "tirs1", "tirs2", "swir2")
        filesuffices <- c("B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6_VCID_1", "B6_VCID_2", "B7")
    } else if ("LANDSAT_7" == spacecraft) {
        bandnames <- c("blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "tirs1", "tirs2", "swir2", "panchromatic")
        filesuffices <- c("B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6_VCID_1", "B6_VCID_2", "B7", "B8")
    } else if ("LANDSAT_8" == spacecraft) {
        bandnames <- c("aerosol", "blue", "green", "red", "nir", "swir1", "swir2", "panchromatic", "cirrus", "tirs1", "tirs2")
        filesuffices <- c("B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "B6", "B7", "B8", "B9", "B10", "B11")
    } else {
        stop("spacecraft type ", spacecraft, " cannot be handled yet")
    filesuffices <- paste(filesuffices, ".TIF", sep = "")
    rval <- list(
        header = header,
        time = time, spacecraft = spacecraft, id = id,
        bandnames = bandnames, filesuffices = filesuffices,
        ullat = ullat, ullon = ullon, urlat = urlat, urlon = urlon, # possibly not needed with UTM
        lllat = lllat, lllon = lllon, lrlat = lrlat, lrlon = lrlon, # possibly not needed with UTM
        llUTM = llUTM, urUTM = urUTM, zoneUTM = zoneUTM,
        gridCellSizePanchromatic = gridCellSizePanchromatic,
        gridCellSizeReflective = gridCellSizeReflective,
        gridCellSizeThermal = gridCellSizeThermal
    oceDebug(debug, "END read.landsatmeta()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    # dimPanchromatic=dimPanchromatic,
    # dimReflective=dimReflective,
    # dimThermal=dimThermal)

#' Read a landsat File Directory
#' Read a landsat data file, producing an object of [landsat-class].
#' The actual reading is done with [tiff::readTIFF()] in the
#' \CRANpkg{tiff} package, so that package must be installed for
#' `read.landsat` to work.
#' @details
#' Landsat data are provided in directories that contain TIFF files and header
#' information, and `read.landsat` relies on a strict convention for the
#' names of the files in those directories.  Those file names were found by
#' inspection of some data, on the assumption that similar patterns will hold for
#' other datasets for any given satellite. This is a brittle approach and it
#' should be born in mind if `read.landsat` fails for a given dataset.
#' For Landsat 8, there are 11 bands, with names `"aerosol"` (band 1),
#' `"blue"` (band 2), `"green"` (band 3), `"red"` (band 4),
#' `"nir"` (band 5), `"swir1"` (band 6), `"swir2"` (band 7),
#' `"panchromatic"` (band 8), `"cirrus"` (band 9), `"tirs1"` (band
#' 10), and `"tirs2"` (band 11).
#' In addition to the above, setting `band="terralook"` may be used as
#' an abbreviation for `band=c("red", "green", "nir")`.
#' For Landsat 7, there 8 bands, with names `"blue"` (band 1), `"green"`
#' (band 2), `"red"` (band 3), `"nir"` (band 4), `"swir1"` (band
#' 5), `"tir1"` (band 6A), `"tir2"` (band 6B), `"swir2"` (band 7)
#' and `"panchromatic"` (band 8).
#' For Landsat 4 and 5, the bands similar to Landsat 7 but without
#' `"panchromatic"` (band 8).
#' @param file A connection or a character string giving the name of the file to
#' load.  This is a directory name containing the data.
#' @param band The bands to be read, by default all of the bands.  Use
#' `band=NULL` to skip the reading of bands, instead reading only the
#' image metadata, which is often enough to check if the image is of
#' interest in a given study. See \dQuote{Details} for the names of the
#' bands, some of which are pseudo-bands, computed from the actual data.
#' @param emissivity Value of the emissivity of the surface, stored as
#' `emissivity` in the `metadata` slot of the
#' resultant object. This is used in the
#' calculation of surface temperature, as explained in the discussion of
#' accessor functions for [landsat-class]. The default value is
#' from Konda et al.  (1994). These authors suggest an uncertainty of 0.04,
#' but a wider range of values can be found in the literature.  The value of
#' `metadata$emissivity` is easy to alter, either as a single value or
#' as a matrix, yielding flexibility of calculation.
#' @param decimate optional positive integer indicating the degree to which
#' the data should be subsampled after reading and before storage. Setting
#' this to 10 can speed up reading by a factor of 3 or more, but higher values
#' have diminishing effect.  In exploratory work, it is useful to set
#' `decimate=10`, to plot the image to determine a subregion
#' of interest, and then to use [landsatTrim()] to trim the image.
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @section Storage requirements:
#' Landsat data files (directories, really) are large, accounting for
#' approximately 1 gigabyte each.  The storage of the Oce object is
#' similar (see [landsat-class]).  In R, many operations involving
#' copying data, so that dealing with full-scale landsat images can overwhelm
#' computers with storage under 8GB.  For this reason, it is typical to read just
#' the bands that are of interest.  It is also helpful to use
#' [landsatTrim()] to trim the data to a geographical range, or
#' to use [decimate()] to get a coarse view of the domain, especially
#' early in an analysis.
#' @return A [landsat-class] object, with the conventional Oce
#' slots `metadata`, `data` and `processingLog`.  The
#' `metadata` is mainly intended for use by Oce functions, but for generality
#' it also contains an entry named `header` that represents the full image
#' header in a list (with names made lower-case).  The `data` slot holds
#' matrices of the data in the requested bands, and users may add extra matrices
#' if desired, e.g. to store calculated quantities.
#' @seealso
#' See the documentation for the [landsat-class] class
#' for more information on `landsat` objects,
#' especially band information.  Use [landsatTrim()] to trim Landsat
#' objects geographically and [landsatAdd()] to add new ``bands.''  The
#' accessor operator (`[[`) is used to access band information, full or
#' decimated, and to access certain derived quantities.  A sample dataset named
#' [landsat()] is provided by the \CRANpkg{oce} package.
#' @references
#' 1. Konda, M. Imasato N., Nishi, K., and T. Toda, 1994.  Measurement of the Sea
#' Surface Emissivity.  *Journal of Oceanography*, 50, 17:30.
#' \doi{10.1007/BF02233853}
# \code{http://www.terrapub.co.jp/journals/JO/pdf/5001/50010017.pdf}
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to landsat data
read.landsat <- function(
    band = "all",
    emissivity = 0.984,
    encoding = "latin1",
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.landsat(file=\"", file, "\",",
        if (length(band) > 1) {
            paste("band=c(\"", paste(band, collapse = "\",\""), "\")", sep = "")
        } else {
            paste("band=\"", band, "\"", sep = "")
        ", debug=", debug, ") START\n",
        sep = "", unindent = 1
    if (band[1] == "terralook") {
        band <- c("red", "green", "nir")
    decimateGiven <- !missing(decimate)
    if (decimateGiven && decimate < 1) {
        warning("invalid value of decimate (", decimate, ") being ignored")
    if (!requireNamespace("tiff", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("must install.packages(\"tiff\") to read landsat data")
    res <- new("landsat")
    file <- gsub("/$", "", file)
    actualfilename <- gsub("/$", "", file) # permit e.g. "LE71910202005194ASN00/"
    actualfilename <- gsub(".*/", "", actualfilename)
    headerfilename <- paste(file, "/", actualfilename, "_MTL.txt", sep = "")
    header <- read.landsatmeta(headerfilename, encoding = encoding, debug = debug - 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "file type: ", header$spacecraft, "\n")
    # convert to numerical bands (checks also that named bands are OK)
    if (!is.null(band)) {
        if (band[1] == "all") {
            band <- header$bandnames
        band2 <- rep(NA, length(band))
        for (b in seq_along(band)) {
            if (is.character(band[b])) {
                m <- pmatch(band[b], header$bandnames, nomatch = 0)
                if (0 == m) {
                        "band \"", band[b], "\" unknown; must be one of: \"",
                        paste(header$bandnames, collapse = "\" \"")
                } else {
                    band2[b] <- m
            } else {
                band2[b] <- band[b]
        band <- band2
        oceDebug(debug, "numerical version of band=c(", paste(band, collapse = ","), ")\n", sep = "")
    for (name in names(header)) {
        res@metadata[[name]] <- header[[name]]
    res@metadata$spacecraft <- header$spacecraft
    res@metadata$id <- header$id
    res@metadata$emissivity <- emissivity
    res@metadata$filename <- file
    res@metadata$headerfilename <- headerfilename
    # Bandnames differ by satellite.
    res@metadata$bands <- band
    actualfilename <- gsub(".*/", "", file)
    # res@metadata[["bandfiles"]] <- paste(file,"/",actualfilename,"_B",band,".TIF",sep="")
    options <- options("warn") # avoid readTIFF() warnings about geo tags
    options(warn = -1)
    availableFiles <- list.files(file, pattern = "TIF$", full.names = TRUE)
    for (b in seq_along(band)) {
        # 'band' is numeric
        bandfilename <- paste(file, "/", actualfilename, "_", header$filesuffices[band[b]], sep = "") # FIXME: 1 more layer of indexing?
        bandfilename <- availableFiles[grep(paste0(band[b], ".TIF"), availableFiles)]
        oceDebug(debug, "about to tiff::readTIFF(\"", bandfilename, "\") ...\n", sep = "")
        d <- tiff::readTIFF(bandfilename)
        oceDebug(debug, "    ... ok\n")
        if (decimateGiven) {
            dim <- dim(d)
            d <- d[seq.int(1, dim[1], by = decimate), seq.int(1, dim[2], by = decimate)]
        if ("LANDSAT_8" == header$spacecraft) {
            dd <- do_landsat_numeric_to_bytes(d, 16L)
            res@data[[header$bandnames[band[b]]]] <- list(
                msb = do_landsat_transpose_flip(dd$msb),
                lsb = do_landsat_transpose_flip(dd$lsb)
        } else {
            # FIXME: assume all others are 1-byte, like LANDSAT_7
            dd <- do_landsat_numeric_to_bytes(d, 8L)
            res@data[[header$bandnames[band[b]]]] <- list(
                msb = 0,
                lsb = do_landsat_transpose_flip(dd$lsb)
    options(warn = options$warn)
    res@metadata$satellite <- "landsat"
    res@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
        paste(deparse(match.call()), sep = "", collapse = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "END read.landsat()\n", unindent = 1)

#' Add a Band to a landsat Object
#' Add a band to a [landsat-class] object. Note that
#' it will be stored in numeric form, not raw form, and therefore
#' it will require much more storage than data read with
#' [read.landsat()].
#' @param x a [landsat-class] object.
#' @param data A matrix of data, with dimensions matching that of entries already in `x`.
#' @param name The name to be used for the data, i.e. the data can later be
#' accessed with `d[[name]]` where `d` is the name of the return value
#' from the present function.
#' @param debug A flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate amount of debugging
#' information, or a higher value for more debugging.
#' @return A [landsat-class] object, with a new data band.
#' @seealso
#' The documentation for the [landsat-class] class explains the
#' structure of landsat objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing
#' with them.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to landsat data
landsatAdd <- function(x, data, name, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!is.matrix(data)) {
        stop("data must be a matrix")
    if (missing(name)) {
        stop("must provide a name for the data")
    dimNew <- dim(data)
    dimOld <- dim(x@data[[1]]$msb)
    if (any(dimNew != dimOld)) {
        stop("dim(data) = c(", dimNew[1], ",", dimNew[2], ") must match existing dimension c(", dimOld[1], ",", dimOld[2], ")")
    res <- x
    res@data[[name]] <- data

#' Trim a landsat Image to a Geographical Region
#' Trim a landsat image to a latitude-longitude box. This is only an approximate
#' operation, because landsat images are provided in x-y coordinates, not
#' longitude-latitude coordinates.
#' @details
#' As of June 25, 2015, the matrices storing the image data are trimmed to indices
#' determined by linear interpolation based on the location of the `ll` and
#' `ur` corners within the lon-lat corners specified in the image data. (A
#' previous version trimmed in UTM space, and in fact this may be done in future
#' also, if a problem in lonlat/utm conversion is resolved.) An error results if
#' there is no intersection between the trimming box and the image box.
#' @param x a [landsat-class] object.
#' @param ll A list containing `longitude` and `latitude`, for the
#' lower-left corner of the portion of the image to retain, or a vector
#' with first element longitude and second element latitude. If provided,
#' then `ur` must also be provided, but `box` cannot.
#' @param ur A list containing `longitude` and `latitude`, for the
#' upper-right corner of the portion of the image to retain, or a vector
#' with first element longitude and second element latitude. If provided,
#' then `ll` must also be provided, but `box` cannot.
#' @param box A list containing `x` and `y` (each of length 2),
#' corresponding to the values for `ll` and `ur`, such as would
#' be produced by a call to `locator(2)`. If provided, neither
#' `ll` nor `ur` may be provided.
#' @param debug A flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or a higher value for more debugging.
#' @return A [landsat-class] object, with data having
#' been trimmed as specified.
#' @seealso
#' The documentation for the [landsat-class] class explains the
#' structure of landsat objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing
#' with them.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family things related to landsat data
landsatTrim <- function(x, ll, ur, box, debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!inherits(x, "landsat")) {
        stop("method is only for landsat objects")
    if (missing(ll) != missing(ur)) {
        stop("must provide both ll and ur, or neither")
    if (!missing(ll) && !missing(box)) {
        stop("cannot provide both box and (ll, ur)")
    if (missing(box)) {
        if (is.null(names(ll))) {
            ll <- list(longitude = ll[1], latitude = ll[2])
        if (is.null(names(ur))) {
            ur <- list(longitude = ur[1], latitude = ur[2])
    } else {
        ll <- list(longitude = box$x[1], latitude = box$y[1])
        ur <- list(longitude = box$x[2], latitude = box$y[2])
    oceDebug(debug, "ll:", ll$longitude, "E, ", ll$latitude, "N\n", sep = "")
    oceDebug(debug, "ur:", ur$longitude, "E, ", ur$latitude, "N\n", sep = "")
    if (2 != sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(ll))) {
        stop("'ll' must have named items 'longitude' and 'latitude'")
    if (2 != sum(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(ur))) {
        stop("'ur' must have named items 'longitude' and 'latitude'")
    # Trim to box, either by lon-lat (old way) or UTM (new way)
    ll$longitude <- max(ll$longitude, x@metadata$lllon)
    ur$longitude <- min(ur$longitude, x@metadata$urlon)
    ll$latitude <- max(ll$latitude, x@metadata$lllat)
    ur$latitude <- min(ur$latitude, x@metadata$urlat)
    if (!("llUTM" %in% names(x@metadata))) {
        oceDebug(debug, "adding llUTM and urUTM to metadata\n")
        x@metadata$llUTM <- lonlat2utm(x@metadata$lllon, x@metadata$lllat, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
        x@metadata$urUTM <- lonlat2utm(x@metadata$urlon, x@metadata$urlat, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
    oceDebug(debug, "metadata$zoneUTM:", x@metadata$zoneUTM, "\n")
    llTrimUTM <- lonlat2utm(ll, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
    urTrimUTM <- lonlat2utm(ur, zone = x@metadata$zoneUTM)
    oldEastingRange <- c(x@metadata$llUTM$easting, x@metadata$urUTM$easting)
    oldNorthingRange <- c(x@metadata$llUTM$northing, x@metadata$urUTM$northing)
    trimmedEastingRange <- c(llTrimUTM$easting, urTrimUTM$easting)
    trimmedNorthingRange <- c(llTrimUTM$northing, urTrimUTM$northing)
    eStart <- (trimmedEastingRange[1] - oldEastingRange[1]) / diff(oldEastingRange)
    eEnd <- (trimmedEastingRange[2] - oldEastingRange[1]) / diff(oldEastingRange)
    eStart <- min(max(eStart, 0), 1)
    eEnd <- min(max(eEnd, 0), 1)
    nStart <- (trimmedNorthingRange[1] - oldNorthingRange[1]) / diff(oldNorthingRange)
    nEnd <- (trimmedNorthingRange[2] - oldNorthingRange[1]) / diff(oldNorthingRange)
    nStart <- min(max(nStart, 0), 1)
    nEnd <- min(max(nEnd, 0), 1)
    oceDebug(debug, "llTrimUTM:", paste(llTrimUTM, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "urTrimUTM:", paste(urTrimUTM, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "oldEastingRange:     ", paste(oldEastingRange, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "oldNorthingRange:    ", paste(oldNorthingRange, collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "trimmedEastingRange: ", paste(round(trimmedEastingRange), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "trimmedNorthingRange:", paste(round(trimmedNorthingRange), collapse = " "), "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "eStart:", eStart, ", eEnd:", eEnd, "before trimming to (0,1)\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "      :", eStart, ", eEnd:", eEnd, "after trimming\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "nStart:", nStart, ", nEnd:", nEnd, "before trimming to (0,1)\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "      :", nStart, ", nEnd:", nEnd, "after trimming\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "Easting  trim range: eStart:", eStart, ", eEnd:", eEnd, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "Northing trim range: nStart:", nStart, ", nEnd:", nEnd, "\n")
    # Convert lat-lon limits to i-j indices
    for (b in seq_along(x@data)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "Trimming band", x@metadata$bands[b], "\n")
        isList <- is.list(x@data[[b]])
        dim <- if (isList) dim(x@data[[b]]$lsb) else dim(x@data[[b]])
        ilim <- round(c(
            1 + (dim[1] - 1) / (x@metadata$urlon - x@metadata$lllon) * (ll$longitude - x@metadata$lllon),
            1 + (dim[1] - 1) / (x@metadata$urlon - x@metadata$lllon) * (ur$longitude - x@metadata$lllon)
        ilim[1] <- max(1, ilim[1])
        ilim[2] <- min(ilim[2], dim[1])
        oceDebug(debug, "ilim:", ilim[1], "to", ilim[2], "\n")
        ilimUTM <- 1 + round((dim[1] - 1) * c(eStart, eEnd))
        ilim <- ilimUTM # FIXME: clean up this code
        oceDebug(debug, "ilimUTM:", ilimUTM[1], "to", ilimUTM[2], "\n")
        jlim <- round(c(
            1 + (dim[2] - 1) / (x@metadata$urlat - x@metadata$lllat) * (ll$latitude - x@metadata$lllat),
            1 + (dim[2] - 1) / (x@metadata$urlat - x@metadata$lllat) * (ur$latitude - x@metadata$lllat)
        jlim[1] <- max(1, jlim[1])
        jlim[2] <- min(jlim[2], dim[2])
        oceDebug(debug, "jlim:", jlim[1], "to", jlim[2], "\n")
        jlimUTM <- 1 + round((dim[2] - 1) * c(nStart, nEnd))
        jlim <- jlimUTM # FIXME: clean up this code
        oceDebug(debug, "jlimUTM:", jlimUTM[1], "to", jlimUTM[2], "\n")
        if (jlim[2] <= jlim[1] || ilim[2] <= ilim[1]) {
            stop("no intersection between landsat image and trimming box.")
        oceDebug(debug, "  trimming i to range ", ilim[1], ":", ilim[2], ", percent range ",
            ilim[1] / dim[1], " to ", ilim[2] / dim[1],
            sep = "", "\n"
        oceDebug(debug, "  trimming j to range ", jlim[1], ":", jlim[2], ", percent range ",
            jlim[1] / dim[2], " to ", jlim[2] / dim[2],
            sep = "", "\n"
        if (isList) {
            if (!is.null(dim(x@data[[b]]$msb))) {
                x@data[[b]]$msb <- x@data[[b]]$msb[seq.int(ilim[1], ilim[2]), seq.int(jlim[1], jlim[2])]
            x@data[[b]]$lsb <- x@data[[b]]$lsb[seq.int(ilim[1], ilim[2]), seq.int(jlim[1], jlim[2])]
        } else {
            x@data[[b]] <- x@data[[b]][seq.int(ilim[1], ilim[2]), seq.int(jlim[1], jlim[2])]
    # FIXME: there is diminishing need for the ll and ur numbers in lon-lat space
    x@metadata$lllon <- ll$longitude
    x@metadata$ullon <- ll$longitude
    x@metadata$lrlon <- ur$longitude
    x@metadata$urlon <- ur$longitude
    x@metadata$lllat <- ll$latitude
    x@metadata$lrlat <- ll$latitude
    x@metadata$urlat <- ur$latitude
    x@metadata$ullat <- ur$latitude
        debug, "OLD:",
        "lllon=", x@metadata$lllon,
        "lrlon=", x@metadata$lrlon,
        "ullon=", x@metadata$ullon,
        "urlon=", x@metadata$urlon, "\n        ",
        "lllat=", x@metadata$lllat,
        "lrlat=", x@metadata$lrlat,
        "ullat=", x@metadata$ullat,
        "urlat=", x@metadata$urlat, "\n"

    x@metadata$llUTM <- llTrimUTM
    x@metadata$urUTM <- urTrimUTM
    llE <- llTrimUTM$easting
    llN <- llTrimUTM$northing
    urE <- urTrimUTM$easting
    urN <- urTrimUTM$northing
    zone <- llTrimUTM$zone
    # hemisphere <- llTrimUTM$hemisphere # this fails in S hemisphere.
    hemisphere <- "N"
    # Go around the rectangle (in UTM space) to calculate the polygon (in lon-lat space)
    t <- utm2lonlat(easting = llE, northing = llN, zone = zone, hemisphere = hemisphere)
    x@metadata$lllon <- t$longitude
    x@metadata$lllat <- t$latitude
    t <- utm2lonlat(easting = llE, northing = urN, zone = zone, hemisphere = hemisphere)
    x@metadata$ullon <- t$longitude
    x@metadata$ullat <- t$latitude
    t <- utm2lonlat(easting = urE, northing = llN, zone = zone, hemisphere = hemisphere)
    x@metadata$lrlon <- t$longitude
    x@metadata$lrlat <- t$latitude
    t <- utm2lonlat(easting = urE, northing = urN, zone = zone, hemisphere = hemisphere)
    x@metadata$urlon <- t$longitude
    x@metadata$urlat <- t$latitude
        debug, "NEW:",
        "lllon=", x@metadata$lllon,
        "lrlon=", x@metadata$lrlon,
        "ullon=", x@metadata$ullon,
        "urlon=", x@metadata$urlon, "\n        ",
        "lllat=", x@metadata$lllat,
        "lrlat=", x@metadata$lrlat,
        "ullat=", x@metadata$ullat,
        "urlat=", x@metadata$urlat, "\n"
    x@processingLog <- processingLogAppend(
            "landsatTrim(x, ll=list(longitude=%f, latitude=%f), ur=list(longitude=%f, latitude=%f))",
            ll$longitude, ll$latitude, ur$longitude, ur$latitude
dankelley/oce documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 10:45 a.m.