
Defines functions swSR swSstar swAbsoluteSalinity swConservativeTemperature swViscosity swTheta swSpiciness2 swSpiciness1 swSpiciness0 swSpiciness swSpice swSpecificHeat swSoundSpeed swSoundAbsorption swSigma4 swSigma3 swSigma2 swSigma1 swSigma0 swSigmaTheta swSigmaT swSigma swRho swLapseRate swDynamicHeight swZ swDepth swThermalConductivity swBeta swAlphaOverBeta swAlpha swTFreeze swTSrho swSTrho swSCTp swCSTp swPressure swN2 swRrho lookWithin T90fromT48 T90fromT68 T68fromT90 computableWaterProperties locationForGsw

Documented in computableWaterProperties locationForGsw lookWithin swAbsoluteSalinity swAlpha swAlphaOverBeta swBeta swConservativeTemperature swCSTp swDepth swDynamicHeight swLapseRate swN2 swPressure swRho swRrho swSCTp swSigma swSigma0 swSigma1 swSigma2 swSigma3 swSigma4 swSigmaT swSigmaTheta swSoundAbsorption swSoundSpeed swSpecificHeat swSpice swSpiciness0 swSpiciness1 swSpiciness2 swSR swSstar swSTrho swTFreeze swThermalConductivity swTheta swTSrho swViscosity swZ T68fromT90 T90fromT48 T90fromT68

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Alter Longitude and Latitude for gsw Computations
#' This function repeats location information as required by some seawater
#' functions, e.g. [swAbsoluteSalinity()], that use the `gsw` package to compute
#' seawater properties in the Gibbs Seawater formulation. It seems unlikely that
#' users will need to call this function directly in routine work.
#' Several `gsw` functions require location information to be matched up with
#' hydrographic information.  The scheme depends on the dimensionality of the
#' hydrographic variables and the location variables. For example, the
#' [ctd-class] stores `salinity` etc in vectors, an stores just one
#' longitude-latitude pair for each vector.  By contrast, the [argo-class]
#' stores `salinity` etc as matrices, and stores e.g. `longitude` as a vector of
#' length matching the first dimension of `salinity`.
#' @param x an [oce-class] object.
#' @return `locationForGsw` returns a list containing `longitude` and
#' `latitude`, with dimensionality matching `pressure` in the `data` slot of
#' `x`.  If `x` lacks location information (in either its `metadata` or `data`
#' slot) or lacks `pressure` in its data slot, then the returned list will hold
#' NULL values for both `longitude` and `latitude`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
locationForGsw <- function(x) {
    if (!inherits(x, "oce")) {
        stop("x must be an oce-class object")
    pressure <- x@data$pressure
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        return(list(longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL))
    longitude <- x[["longitude"]]
    latitude <- x[["latitude"]]
    if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
        return(list(longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL))
    if (is.array(pressure)) {
        dim <- dim(pressure)
        longitude <- rep(longitude, each = dim[1])
        dim(longitude) <- dim
        latitude <- rep(latitude, each = dim[1])
        dim(latitude) <- dim
    } else {
        np <- length(pressure)
        longitude <- rep(longitude[1], length.out = np)
        latitude <- rep(latitude[1], length.out = np)
    dim <- dim(pressure)
    list(longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)

#' Determine Available Derived Water Properties
#' This determines what things can be derived from the supplied
#' variables.  For example, if `salinity`, `temperature`,
#' and `pressure` are supplied, then potential temperature, sound
#' speed, and several other things can be derived.  If, in addition,
#' `longitude` and `latitude` are supplied, then Absolute Salinity,
#' Conservative Temperature, and some other things can be derived.
#' Similarly, `nitrate` can be computed from `NO2+NO3` together
#' with `nitrate`, and `nitrite` can be computed from `NO2+NO3`
#' together with `nitrate`.
#' See the \dQuote{Examples} for a full listing.
#' @param x a specification of the names of known variables.  This
#' may be (a) an [oce-class] object, in which case the names are
#' determined by calling [names()] on the `data` slot of `x`, or
#' (b) a vector of character values indicating the names.
#' @return [computableWaterProperties()] returns a sorted
#' character vector holding the names of computable
#' water properties, or NULL, if there are no computable values.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Example 1
#' data(ctd)
#' computableWaterProperties(ctd)
#' # Example 2: nothing an be computed from just salinity
#' computableWaterProperties("salinity")
#' # Example 3: quite a lot can be computed from this trio of values
#' computableWaterProperties(c("salinity", "temperature", "pressure"))
#' # Example 4: now we can get TEOS-10 values as well
#' computableWaterProperties(c(
#'     "salinity", "temperature", "pressure",
#'     "longitude", "latitude"
#' ))
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
computableWaterProperties <- function(x) {
    res <- NULL
    names <- if (inherits(x, "oce")) unique(c(names(x@metadata), names(x@data))) else x
    haveSTP <- all(c("salinity", "temperature", "pressure") %in% names)
    haveLocation <- all(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names)
    if (haveSTP) {
        res <- c(res, c(
            "theta", paste("potential", "temperature"), "z",
            "depth", "spice", "Rrho", "RrhoSF", "sigmaTheta", "SP",
            "density", "N2", paste("sound", "speed")
        if (haveLocation) {
            res <- c(
                res, "SR", "Sstar",
                paste0("sigma", 0:4),
                "SA", paste("Absolute", "Salinity"),
                "CT", paste("Conservative", "Temperature"),
                paste0("spiciness", 0:2)
    # It is possible to compute nitrate from NO2+NO3 and nitrite, if
    # it's not stored in the object already.  This occurs in data(section).
    # I also added a similar scheme for nitrite, although I don't know
    # whether that condition ever happens, in practice.
    if (!("nitrate" %in% names) && ("NO2+NO3" %in% names) && ("nitrite" %in% names)) {
        res <- c(res, "nitrate")
    if (!("nitrite" %in% names) && ("NO2+NO3" %in% names) && ("nitrate" %in% names)) {
        res <- c(res, "nitrite")
    # Remove things that were in the original data.
    res <- res[!(res %in% names)]
    # remove duplicates, and sort

#' Convert From ITS-90 to IPTS-68 Temperature
#' @template temperatureConversionTemplate
#' @param temperature numeric vector of temperatures]in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the ITS-90 scale.
#' @return Corresponding temperatures in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the IPTS-68 scale.
T68fromT90 <- function(temperature) temperature * 1.00024

#' Convert From IPTS-68 to ITS-90 Temperature
#' @template temperatureConversionTemplate
#' @param temperature numeric vector of temperatures in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the IPTS-68 scale.
#' @return Corresponding temperatures in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the ITS-90 scale.
T90fromT68 <- function(temperature) temperature / 1.00024

#' Convert From ITS-48 to ITS-90 Temperature
#' @template temperatureConversionTemplate
#' @param temperature Vector of temperatures in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the IPTS-48 scale.
#' @return Corresponding temperatures in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the ITS-90 scale.
T90fromT48 <- function(temperature) (temperature - 4.4e-6 * temperature * (100 - temperature)) / 1.00024

#' Look Within the First Element of a List for Replacement Values
#' This is a helper function used by some seawater functions
#' (with names starting with `sw`) to
#' facilitate the specification of water properties either with
#' distinct arguments, or with data stored within an `oce`
#' object that is the first argument.
#' If `list[1]` is not an `oce` object, then the
#' return value of `lookWithin` is the same as the input
#' value, except that (a) `eos` is completed to either
#' `"gsw"` or `"unesco"` and (b) if `longitude`
#' and `latitude` are within `list[1]`, then they
#' are possibly lengthened, to have the same length as the first
#' item in the `data` slot of `list[1]`.
#' The examples may clarify this somewhat.
#' @param list A list of elements, typically arguments that will be used in sw functions.
#' @return A list with elements of the same names but possibly filled in from the first element.
#' @examples
#' # 1. If first item is not a CTD object, just return the input
#' lookWithin(list(a = 1, b = 2)) # returns a list
#' # 2. Extract salinity from a CTD object
#' data(ctd)
#' str(lookWithin(list(salinity = ctd)))
#' # 3. Extract salinity and temperature. Note that the
#' # value specified for temperature is ignored; all that matters
#' # is that temperature is named.
#' str(lookWithin(list(salinity = ctd, temperature = NULL)))
#' # 4. How it is used by swRho()
#' rho1 <- swRho(ctd, eos = "unesco")
#' rho2 <- swRho(ctd[["salinity"]], ctd[["temperature"]], ctd[["pressure"]], eos = "unesco")
#' stopifnot(all.equal(rho1, rho2))
lookWithin <- function(list) {
    n <- length(list)
    names <- names(list)
    list1 <- list[[1]]
    if (inherits(list[[1]], "oce")) {
        for (i in 1:n) {
            if ("eos" != names[i]) {
                # Note: the accessor [[]] will return temperature
                # in ITS-90 regardless of how it is stored, and similarly pressure
                # in dbar and salinity in FIXME: what unit to use??
                        list[[i]] <- list1[[names[i], "nowarn"]]
                    silent = TRUE
        if (inherits(list1, "ctd")) {
            nrows <- length(list[[names[1]]])
            if (length(list[["longitude"]])) {
                list[["longitude"]] <- rep(mean(list[["longitude"]], na.rm = TRUE), nrows)
            if (length(list[["latitude"]])) {
                list[["latitude"]] <- rep(mean(list[["latitude"]], na.rm = TRUE), nrows)
        # FIXME: should special-case some other object types
    if ("eos" %in% names) {
        list[["eos"]] <- match.arg(list[["eos"]], c("unesco", "gsw"))

#' Density Ratio
#' Compute density ratio for a `ctd` object.  An error (perhaps with some hints)
#' is issued for any other type of object.
#' If `eos="unesco"`, the work is done by calculating salinity and
#' potential-temperature derivatives from smoothing splines whose properties
#' are governed by `smoothingLength` or `df`.  If
#' `sense="diffusive"` the definition is
#' \eqn{(beta*dS/dz)/(alpha*d(theta)/dz)}{(beta*dS/dz)/(alpha*d(theta)/dz)} and
#' the reciprocal for `"finger"`.
#' If `eos="gsw"`, the work is done by extracting absolute salinity and
#' conservative temperature, smoothing with a smoothing spline as in the
#' `"unesco"` case, and then calling [gsw::gsw_Turner_Rsubrho()]
#' on these smoothed fields. Since the gsw function works on mid-point
#' pressures, [approx()] is used to interpolate back to the original
#' pressures.
#' If the default arguments are acceptable, `ctd[["Rrho"]]` may be used
#' instead of `swRrho(ctd)`.
#' @param ctd an [oce-class] object that holds `salinity`, `temperature`, and
#' `pressure`.  If `eos` is `"gsw"`, then it must also hold `longitude` and
#' `latitude`.
#' @param sense an indication of the sense of double diffusion under study and
#' therefore of the definition of Rrho; see \dQuote{Details}
#' @param smoothingLength ignored if `df` supplied, but otherwise the
#' latter is calculated as the number of data points, divided by the number
#' within a depth interval of `smoothingLength` metres.
#' @param df if given, this is provided to [smooth.spline()].
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Density ratio defined in either the `"diffusive"` or
#' `"finger"` sense.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Chantelle Layton
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' u <- swRrho(ctd, eos = "unesco")
#' g <- swRrho(ctd, eos = "gsw")
#' p <- ctd[["p"]]
#' plot(u, p, ylim = rev(range(p)), type = "l", xlab = expression(R[rho]))
#' lines(g, p, lty = 2, col = "red")
#' legend("topright", lty = 1:2, legend = c("unesco", "gsw"), col = c("black", "red"))
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swRrho <- function(
    sense = c("diffusive", "finger"),
    smoothingLength = 10, df,
    eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (!inherits(ctd, "oce")) {
        stop("method is only for objects of class 'oce'")
    oceDebug(debug, "swRho(..., sense=\"", sense, "\", eos=\"", eos, "\") START\n")
    temperature <- ctd[["temperature"]]
    pressure <- ctd[["pressure"]]
    salinity <- ctd[["salinity"]] # overwrites
    location <- locationForGsw(ctd)
    longitude <- location$longitude
    latitude <- location$latitude
    sense <- match.arg(sense)
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    if (debug > 0) {
    # If the data are in matrix form, split into columns and call this again
    # to compute each column.  We need this because it is derivative-based, so
    # casting the matrices into vectors will not work properly.
    if (is.matrix(salinity)) {
        rval <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(salinity), ncol = ncol(salinity))
        for (col in seq_len(ncol(salinity))) {
            # message("col=", col)
            CTD <- as.ctd(
                salinity = salinity[, col],
                temperature = temperature[, col],
                pressure = pressure[, col],
                longitude = longitude[, col],
                latitude = latitude[, col]
            rval[, col] <- swRrho(CTD, sense = sense, debug = debug)
        # message("all ok")
    ok <- !is.na(pressure) & !is.na(salinity) & !is.na(temperature)
    nok <- sum(ok)
    np <- length(pressure)
    # message("nok = ",nok, ", np = ",np)
    # smooth.spline issues warnings if under 4 good data, and we
    # don't want that noise.
    if (nok < 4L) {
        return(rep(NA, length.out = np))
    A <- smoothingLength / mean(diff(pressure), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (missing(df)) {
        df <- nok / A
    if (df > nok) {
        df <- nok / 2
    # message("df=", df, ", eos=", eos)
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        theta <- ctd[["theta"]]
        ok <- !is.na(pressure) & !is.na(salinity) & !is.na(temperature)
        # infer d(theta)/dp and d(salinity)/dp from smoothing splines
        temperatureSpline <- smooth.spline(pressure[ok], temperature[ok], df = df)
        salinitySpline <- smooth.spline(pressure[ok], salinity[ok], df = df)
        # Smooth temperature and salinity to get smoothed alpha and beta
        CTD <- as.ctd(predict(salinitySpline, pressure)$y, predict(temperatureSpline, pressure)$y, pressure)
        alpha <- swAlpha(CTD, eos = "unesco")
        beta <- swBeta(CTD, eos = "unesco")
        # Using alpha ... is that right, since we have theta?
        thetaSpline <- smooth.spline(pressure[ok], theta[ok], df = df)
        dthetadp <- predict(thetaSpline, pressure, deriv = 1)$y
        dsalinitydp <- predict(salinitySpline, pressure, deriv = 1)$y
        Rrho <- if (sense == "diffusive") {
            (beta * dsalinitydp) / (alpha * dthetadp)
        } else {
            (alpha * dthetadp) / (beta * dsalinitydp)
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- ctd[["SA"]]
        CT <- ctd[["CT"]]
        ok <- is.finite(pressure) & is.finite(SA) & is.finite(CT)
        # 'ok' is used since the gsw routine and approx have trouble with NA
        SA <- SA[ok]
        CT <- CT[ok]
        pressure <- pressure[ok]
        oceDebug(debug, "about to smooth.spline() for SA and CT, with df =", df, "\n")
        SA <- predict(smooth.spline(pressure, SA, df = df), pressure)$y
        CT <- predict(smooth.spline(pressure, CT, df = df), pressure)$y
        # message("did SA and CT splines with df=", df)
        # message("DAN 1 gsw part (sw.R:366)")
        a <- gsw::gsw_Turner_Rsubrho(SA, CT, pressure)
        # message("DAN 2")
        Rrho <- a$Rsubrho
        # message("DAN 4")
        Rrho <- approx(a$p_mid, a$Rsubrho, pressure, rule = 2)$y
        # message("DAN 5")
        if (sense == "diffusive") {
            Rrho <- 1 / Rrho
        res <- rep(NA, np)
        res[ok] <- Rrho
        res[res == 9e15] <- NA
        Rrho <- res
        # message("DAN 6 (all done with gsw part)")

#' Squared Buoyancy Frequency for Seawater
#' Compute \eqn{N^2}{N^2}, the square of the buoyancy frequency for a seawater
#' profile.
#' Smoothing is often useful prior to computing buoyancy frequency, and so this
#' may optionally be done with [smooth.spline()], unless
#' `df=NA`, in which case raw data are used.  If `df` is not
#' provided, a possibly reasonable value computed from an analysis of the
#' profile, based on the number of pressure levels.
#' The core of the method involves computing potential density referenced to median
#' pressure, using the UNESCO-style [swSigmaTheta] function, and then differentiating
#' this with respect to pressure. The `derivs` argument is used
#' to control how this is done, as follows.
#' * If `derivs` is not supplied, the action is as though it were
#' given as the string `"smoothing"`
#' * If `derivs` equals `"simple"`, then the derivative of
#' density with respect to pressure is calculated as the ratio of first-order
#' derivatives of density and pressure, each calculated using
#' [diff()].  (A zero is appended at the top level.)
#' * If `derivs` equals `"smoothing"`, then the processing
#' depends on the number of data in the profile, and on whether `df` is
#' given as an optional argument.  When the number of points exceeds 4, and
#' when `df` exceeds 1, [smooth.spline()] is used to calculate
#' smoothing spline representation the variation of density as a function of
#' pressure, and derivatives are extracted from the spline using
#' `predict`.  Otherwise, density is smoothed using [smooth()],
#' and derivatives are calculated as with the `"simple"` method.
#' * If `derivs` is a function taking two arguments (first pressure,
#' then density) then that function is called directly to calculate the
#' derivative, and no smoothing is done before or after that call.
#' For precise work, it makes sense to skip `swN2` entirely, choosing
#' whether, what, and how to smooth based on an understanding of fundamental
#' principles as well as data practicalities.
#' @param pressure either pressure (dbar) (in which case `sigmaTheta` must
#' be provided) *or* an object of class `ctd` object (in which case
#' `sigmaTheta` is inferred from the object.
#' @param sigmaTheta Surface-referenced potential density minus 1000
#' (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @param derivs optional argument to control how the derivative
#' \eqn{d\sigma_\theta/dp}{d(sigmaTheta)/d(pressure)} is calculated.  This may
#' be a character string or a function of two arguments.  See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @param df argument passed to [smooth.spline()] if this function is
#' used for smoothing; set to `NA` to prevent smoothing.
#' @param \dots additional argument, passed to [smooth.spline()], in
#' the case that `derivs="smoothing"`.  See \dQuote{Details}.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @seealso The [gsw::gsw_Nsquared()] function of the \CRANpkg{gsw}
#' provides an alternative to this, as formulated in the GSW system. It
#' has a more sophisticated treatment of potential density, but it is based
#' on simple first-difference derivatives, so its results may require
#' smoothing, depending on the dataset and purpose of the analysis.
#' @return Square of buoyancy frequency (\eqn{radian^2/s^2}{radian^2/s^2}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' # Left panel: density
#' p <- ctd[["pressure"]]
#' ylim <- rev(range(p))
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' plot(ctd[["sigmaTheta"]], p, ylim = ylim, type = "l", xlab = expression(sigma[theta]))
#' # Right panel: N2, with default settings (black) and with df=2 (red)
#' N2 <- swN2(ctd)
#' plot(N2, p, ylim = ylim, xlab = "N2 [1/s^2]", ylab = "p", type = "l")
#' lines(swN2(ctd, df = 3), p, col = 2)
#' @section Deprecation Notice:
#' Until 2019 April 11, `swN2` had an argument named `eos`. However,
#' this did not work as stated, unless the first argument was a `ctd`
#' object. Besides, the argument name was inherently deceptive, because the UNESCO
#' scheme does not specify how N2 is to be calculated.
#' Nothing is really lost by making this change, because the new default is the
#' same as was previously available with the `eos="unesco"`
#' setup, and the gsw-formulated estimate of N2 is provided
#' by [gsw::gsw_Nsquared()] in the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swN2 <- function(pressure, sigmaTheta = NULL, derivs, df, debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...) {
    oceDebug(debug, "swN2(...) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    # cat("swN2(..., df=", df, ")\n",sep="")
    # useSmoothing <- !missing(df) && is.finite(df)
    if (inherits(pressure, "oce")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "swN2() with an oce object as first argument ...\n")
        p <- pressure[["pressure"]]
        pref <- 0 # median(p, na.rm = TRUE)
        sigmaTheta <- swSigmaTheta(pressure, referencePressure = pref, eos = "unesco")
        pressure <- p
    } else {
        oceDebug(debug, "swN2() with vectors for pressure, sigmaTheta\n")
    #>if (inherits(pressure, "ctd")) {
    #>    if (!is.null(sigmaTheta))
    #>        warning("sigmaTheta is ignored, since first argument was a ctd object\n")
    #>    oceDebug(debug, "first parameter is a 'ctd', so get data from it\n")
    #>    pref <- median(pressure[["pressure"]], na.rm=TRUE)
    #>    oceDebug(debug, "setting referencePressure to ", pref, "\n", sep="")
    #>    sigmaTheta <- swSigmaTheta(pressure, referencePressure=pref, eos="unesco") # NOTE: UNESCO used
    #>    pressure <- pressure[["pressure"]] # over-writes pressure
    if (missing(derivs)) {
        derivs <- "smoothing"
    if (is.matrix(pressure)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "pressure is a matrix\n")
        res <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(pressure), ncol = ncol(pressure))
        for (icol in seq_len(ncol(p))) {
            oceDebug(debug, "   handling column ", icol)
            res[, icol] <- swN2(pressure[, icol], sigmaTheta[, icol], derivs, df, debug = debug, ...)
        oceDebug(debug, "returning a matrix of N2\n")
    ok <- !is.na(pressure) & !is.na(sigmaTheta)
    if (is.character(derivs)) {
        if (derivs == "simple") {
            sigmaThetaDeriv <- c(0, diff(sigmaTheta) / diff(pressure))
        } else if (derivs == "smoothing") {
            depthsAll <- sum(ok)
            depths <- length(unique(pressure[ok]))
            if (missing(df)) {
                df <- if (depths > 100) {
                    floor(depths / 10)
                } # at least 10
                else if (depths > 20) {
                    floor(depths / 3)
                } # at least 7
                else if (depths > 10) {
                    floor(depths / 2)
                } # at least 5
                else {
                oceDebug(debug, "df not supplied; set to ", df, ", given ", depthsAll, " depths, ", depths, " of which are distinct\n", sep = "")
            if (depths > 4 && df > 5) {
                oceDebug(debug, "using smooth.spline with df=", df, "\n", sep = "")
                sigmaThetaSmooth <- smooth.spline(pressure[ok], sigmaTheta[ok], df = df)
                sigmaThetaDeriv <- rep(NA, length(pressure))
                sigmaThetaDeriv[ok] <- predict(sigmaThetaSmooth, pressure[ok], deriv = 1)$y
            } else {
                oceDebug(debug, "using smooth.spline with df not specified\n")
                sigmaThetaSmooth <- as.numeric(smooth(sigmaTheta[ok]))
                sigmaThetaDeriv <- rep(NA, length(pressure))
                sigmaThetaDeriv[ok] <- c(0, diff(sigmaThetaSmooth) / diff(pressure[ok]))
        } else {
            stop("derivs must be 'simple', 'smoothing', or a function")
    } else {
        if (!is.function(derivs)) {
            stop("derivs must be 'smoothing', 'simple', or a function")
        sigmaThetaDeriv <- derivs(pressure, sigmaTheta)
    # FIXME (DK 2016-05-04) I am not sure I like the following since it
    # uses a standardized rho_0. But it's from some official source I think.
    # Must check this. (UNESCO book?)
    res <- ifelse(ok, 9.8 * 9.8 * 1e-4 * sigmaThetaDeriv, NA)
    oceDebug(debug, "END swN2()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Water Pressure
#' Compute seawater pressure from depth by inverting [swDepth()]
#' using [uniroot()].
#' If `eos="unesco"` this is done by numerical inversion of
#' [swDepth()] is done using [uniroot()]. If
#' `eos="gsw"`, it is done using [gsw::gsw_p_from_z()] in the
#' \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' @param depth distance below the surface in metres.
#' @param latitude Latitude in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}N.
#' @param eos indication of formulation to be used, either `"unesco"` or
#' `"gsw"`.
#' @return Pressure in dbar.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Unesco 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental
#' properties of seawater, 1983. *Unesco Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci.*, No. 44,
#' 53 pp.
#' @examples
#' swPressure(9712.653, 30, eos = "unesco") # 10000
#' swPressure(9712.653, 30, eos = "gsw") #  9998.863
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swPressure <- function(depth, latitude = 45, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(depth)) {
        stop("must supply depth")
    # FIXME-gsw add gsw version
    ndepth <- length(depth)
    if (length(latitude) < ndepth) {
        latitude <- rep(latitude, ndepth)
    res <- vector("numeric", ndepth)
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    # Takes 3.55s for 15225 points
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        for (i in 1:ndepth) {
            # FIXME: this loop is slow and should be done in C, like swCStp()
            res[i] <- if (depth[i] == 0) {
            } else {
                uniroot(function(p) depth[i] - swDepth(p, latitude[i], eos), interval = depth[i] * c(0.9, 1.1))$root
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        res <- gsw::gsw_p_from_z(-depth, latitude)
    } else {
        stop("eos must be 'unesco' or 'gsw'")

#' Electrical Conductivity Ratio From Salinity, Temperature and Pressure
#' Compute electrical conductivity ratio based on salinity, temperature, and
#' pressure (relative to the conductivity of seawater with salinity=35,
#' temperature68=15, and pressure=0).
#' If `eos="unesco"`, the calculation is done by a bisection root search
#' on the UNESCO formula relating salinity to conductivity, temperature, and
#' pressure (see [swSCTp()]).  If it is `"gsw"` then the
#' Gibbs-SeaWater formulation is used, via [gsw::gsw_C_from_SP()].
#' @param salinity practical salinity, or a CTD object (in which case its
#' temperature and pressure are used, and the next two arguments are ignored)
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see the examples, as well as the
#' \dQuote{Temperature units} section in the documentation for [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Conductivity ratio (unitless), i.e. the ratio of conductivity to the
#' conductivity at salinity=35, temperature=15 (IPTS-68 scale) and pressure=0,
#' which has numerical value 42.9140 mS/cm = 4.29140 S/m (see
#' Culkin and Smith, 1980, in the regression result cited at the bottom of
#' the left-hand column on page 23).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso For thermal (as opposed to electrical) conductivity, see
#' [swThermalConductivity()]. For computation of salinity from
#' electrical conductivity, see [swSCTp()].
#' @references
#' 1. Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for
#' computation of fundamental properties of seawater. *Unesco Technical
#' Papers in Marine Science*, *44*, 53 pp.
#' 2. Culkin, F., and Norman D. Smith, 1980. Determination of the concentration of
#' potassium chloride solution having the same electrical conductivity, at 15 C
#' and infinite frequency, as standard seawater of salinity 35.0000 ppt
#' (Chlorinity 19.37394 ppt). *IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering*,
#' *5*, pp 22-23.
#' @examples
#' stopifnot(abs(1.0 - swCSTp(35, T90fromT68(15), 0, eos = "unesco")) < 1e-7)
#' stopifnot(abs(1.0 - swCSTp(34.25045, T90fromT68(15), 2000, eos = "unesco")) < 1e-7)
#' stopifnot(abs(1.0 - swCSTp(34.25045, T90fromT68(15), 2000, eos = "gsw")) < 1e-7)
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swCSTp <- function(salinity, temperature = 15, pressure = 0, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        ctd <- salinity
        salinity <- ctd[["salinity"]]
        temperature <- ctd[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- ctd[["pressure"]]
    dim <- dim(salinity)
    salinity <- as.vector(salinity)
    temperature <- as.vector(temperature)
    pressure <- as.vector(pressure)
    n <- length(salinity)
    if (length(temperature) != n) {
        temperature <- rep(temperature, length.out = n)
    if (length(pressure) != n) {
        pressure <- rep(pressure, length.out = n)
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        # cat("S= ", paste(salinity, collapse=" "), "\n")
        # cat("T= ", paste(temperature, collapse=" "), "\n")
        # cat("p= ", paste(pressure, collapse=" "), "\n")
        res <- .C("sw_CSTp",
            as.integer(n), as.double(salinity), as.double(T68fromT90(temperature)), as.double(pressure),
            C = double(n), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else {
        # for the use of a constant, as opposed to a function call with (35,15,0), see
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/746
        res <- gsw::gsw_C_from_SP(SP = salinity, t = temperature, p = pressure) / 42.9140
    dim(res) <- dim

#' Practical Salinity From Electrical Conductivity, Temperature and Pressure
#' Calculate salinity from what is actually measured by a CTD, *i.e.*
#' conductivity, *in-situ* temperature and pressure.  Often this is done
#' by the CTD processing software, but sometimes it is helpful to do this
#' directly, *e.g.* when there is a concern about mismatches in sensor
#' response times.
#' Two variants are provided. First, if `eos` is
#' `"unesco"`, then salinity is calculated using
#' the UNESCO algorithm described by Fofonoff and Millard (1983) as in
#' reference 1. Second, if `eos` is `"gsw"`, then the
#' Gibbs-SeaWater formulation is used, via [gsw::gsw_SP_from_C()]
#' in the \CRANpkg{gsw} package. The latter starts with the same formula
#' as the former, but if this yields a Practical Salinity less than 2,
#' then the result is instead calculated using
#' formulae provided by Hill et al. (1986; reference 2), modified to match the
#' `"unesco"` value at Practical salinity equal to 2 (reference 3).
#' @param conductivity a measure of conductivity (see also `conductivityUnit`)
#' or an `oce` object holding hydrographic information. In the second case,
#' all the other arguments to `swSCTp` are ignored.
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar).
#' @param conductivityUnit string indicating the unit used for conductivity.
#' This may be `"ratio"` or `""` (meaning conductivity ratio),
#' `"mS/cm"` or `"S/m"`.  Note that the ratio mode assumes that
#' measured conductivity has been divided by the standard conductivity
#' of 4.2914 S/m.  In dealing with unfamiliar data for which the measurement
#' unit has not been recorded, it can be sensible to try all three possibilities
#' for `conductivityUnit`, to see which yields the most sensible salinities.
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Practical Salinity.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso For thermal (as opposed to electrical) conductivity, see
#' [swThermalConductivity()].  For computation of electrical
#' conductivity from salinity, see [swCSTp()].
#' @references
#' 1. Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for
#' computation of fundamental properties of seawater. *Unesco Technical
#' Papers in Marine Science*, *44*, 53 pp.
#' 2.  K. Hill, T. Dauphinee, and D. Woods. \dQuote{The Extension of the Practical
#' Salinity Scale 1978 to Low Salinities.} IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 11,
#' no. 1 (January 1986): 109-12.
#' \doi{10.1109/JOE.1986.1145154}
#' 3. `gsw_from_SP` online documentation, available at
#' `http://www.teos-10.org/pubs/gsw/html/gsw_C_from_SP.html`
#' @examples
#' # 1. Demonstrate agreement with test value in UNESCO documents
#' swSCTp(1, T90fromT68(15), 0, eos = "unesco") # expect 35
#' # 2. Demonstrate agreement of gsw and unesco, S>2 case
#' swSCTp(1, T90fromT68(15), 0, eos = "gsw") # again, expect 35
#' # 3. Demonstrate close values even in very brackish water
#' swSCTp(0.02, 10, 100, eos = "gsw") # 0.6013981
#' swSCTp(0.02, 10, 100, eos = "unesco") # 0.6011721
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSCTp <- function(
    conductivity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    conductivityUnit, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    C0 <- 42.9140 # Culkin and Smith (1980)
    # FIXME-gsw add gsw version
    if (missing(conductivity)) {
        stop("must supply conductivity (which may be S or a CTD object)")
    if (missing(conductivityUnit)) {
        conductivityUnit <- ""
    } else {
        if (is.list(conductivityUnit) && "unit" %in% names(conductivityUnit)) {
            conductivityUnit <- conductivityUnit$unit
        if (is.expression(conductivityUnit)) {
            conductivityUnit <- as.character(conductivityUnit)
        if (conductivityUnit == "ratio") {
            conductivityUnit <- ""
    if (conductivityUnit != "" && conductivityUnit != "mS/cm" && conductivityUnit != "S/m") {
        stop("conductivity unit must be \"\", \"mS/cm\", or \"S/m\"")
    if (inherits(conductivity, "oce")) {
        if (inherits(conductivity, "rsk")) {
            ctd <- as.ctd(conductivity)
        } else {
            ctd <- conductivity
        # cat("< ", paste(names(ctd@data), collapse=" "), " >\n", sep="")
        conductivity <- ctd[["conductivity"]]
        if (is.null(conductivity)) {
            stop("this CTD object has no conductivity")
        # Use unit from within the object, but may be overridden after this block.
        tmp <- ctd[["conductivityUnit"]]
        if (is.list(tmp) && "unit" %in% names(tmp)) {
            conductivityUnit <- as.character(tmp$unit)
        temperature <- ctd[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- ctd[["pressure"]]
    if (is.list(conductivityUnit)) {
        conductivityUnit <- as.character(conductivityUnit$unit)
    if (!length(conductivityUnit)) {
        conductivityUnit <- ""
    if (conductivityUnit == "mS/cm") {
        conductivity <- conductivity / C0
    } else if (conductivityUnit == "S/m") {
        conductivity <- conductivity / (C0 / 10)
    } else {
        conductivity <- conductivity
    # Now, "conductivity" is in ratio form
    dim <- dim(conductivity)
    nC <- length(conductivity)
    nT <- length(temperature)
    if (nC != nT) {
        stop("lengths of conductivity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nC, " and ", nT)
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        pressure <- rep(0, nC)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nC != np) {
        stop("lengths of conductivity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nC, " and ", np)
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        #> message("swSCTp() unesco; conductivity[1]=", conductivity[1], ", temperature[1]=", temperature[1], ", pressure[1]=", pressure[1])
        res <- .C("sw_salinity",
            as.double(T68fromT90(temperature)), # original formula is in IPTS-68 but we now use ITS-90
            value = double(nC),
            NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        # we don't need to convert to IPTS-68 for the gsw formulation, because it is already formulated
        # to work with ITS-90
        #> message("swSCTp() gsw; conductivity[1]=", conductivity[1], ", temperature[1]=", temperature[1], ", pressure[1]=", pressure[1])
        res <- gsw::gsw_SP_from_C(C0 * conductivity, temperature, pressure)
    dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Salinity From Temperature and Density
#' Compute Practical or Absolute Salinity, given in-situ or Conservative
#' Temperature, density, and pressure. This is mainly used to draw isopycnal
#' lines on TS diagrams, hence the dual meanings for salinity and temperature,
#' depending on the value of `eos`.
#' For `eos="unesco"`, finds the practical salinity that yields the given
#' density, with the given in-situ temperature and pressure.  The method is a
#' bisection search with a salinity tolerance of 0.001.  For `eos="gsw"`,
#' the function [gsw::gsw_SA_from_rho()] in the \CRANpkg{gsw}
#' package is used
#' to infer Absolute Salinity from Conservative Temperature.
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param density *in-situ* density or sigma value (\eqn{kg/m^3}{kg/m^3})
#' @param pressure *in-situ* pressure (dbar)
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` (see references 1 and 2)
#' or `"gsw"` (see references 3 and 4).
#' @return Practical Salinity, if `eos="unesco"`, or Absolute Salinity, if
#' `eos="gsw"`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [swTSrho()]
#' @references
#' 1. Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for computation of
#' fundamental properties of seawater. *Unesco Technical Papers in Marine
#' Science*, *44*, 53 pp
#' 2. Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic Press, New
#' York, 662 pp.
#' 3. IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO (2010). The international thermodynamic equation of
#' seawater-2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  Technical
#' Report 56, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guide.
#' 4. McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' swSTrho(10, 22, 0, eos = "gsw") # 28.76285
#' swSTrho(10, 22, 0, eos = "unesco") # 28.651625
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSTrho <- function(temperature, density, pressure, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    # cat(file=stderr(), "swSTrho(", temperature[1], ", ", density[1], ", ", pressure[1], ", ", eos, "\n", sep="")
    # cat(file=stderr(), vectorShow(length(temperature)))
    # FIXME-gsw add gsw version
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    teos <- eos == "gsw" # FIXME still the best way?
    dim <- dim(temperature)
    nt <- length(temperature)
    nrho <- length(density)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nrho == 1) density <- rep(density, nt)
    if (np == 1) pressure <- rep(pressure, nt)
    if (nt == 1) temperature <- rep(temperature, nt)
    sigma <- ifelse(density > 500, density - 1000, density)
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        # cat(file=stderr(), "  about to call C function sw_strho()\n")
        res <- .C("sw_strho",
            S = double(nt),
            NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
        # NAOK=TRUE)$S # permits dyn.load() on changing .so
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        density <- ifelse(density < 900, density + 1000, density)
        res <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_rho(density, temperature, pressure) # assumes temperature=CT
    dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Temperature from Salinity and Density
#' Compute *in-situ* temperature, given salinity, density, and pressure.
#' Finds the temperature that yields the given density, with the given salinity
#' and pressure.  The method is a bisection search with temperature tolerance
#' 0.001 \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C.
#' @param salinity *in-situ* salinity (PSU)
#' @param density *in-situ* density or sigma value (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3})
#' @param pressure *in-situ* pressure (dbar)
#' @param eos equation of state to be used, either `"unesco"` or
#' `"gsw"` (ignored at present).
#' @return *In-situ* temperature in \eqn{^\circ}{deg}C on the ITS-90
#' scale.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso [swSTrho()]
#' @references Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for
#' computation of fundamental properties of seawater. *Unesco Technical
#' Papers in Marine Science*, *44*, 53 pp
#' Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic Press, New
#' York, 662 pp.
#' @examples
#' swTSrho(35, 23, 0, eos = "unesco") # 26.11301
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swTSrho <- function(salinity, density, pressure = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    # cat(file=stderr(), "swTSrho(", salinity[1],", ", density[1], ", ", pressure[1], ", ", eos, "\n")
    # cat(file=stderr(), vectorShow(length(salinity)))
    # FIXME-gsw add gsw version
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    teos <- eos == "gsw"
    dim <- dim(salinity)
    nS <- length(salinity)
    nrho <- length(density)
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        pressure <- rep(0, nS)
    if (length(pressure) == 1) {
        pressure <- rep(pressure[1], length.out = nS)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nS != nrho) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and rho must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nrho, ", respectively")
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    for (i in 1:nS) {
        # FIXME: avoid loops
        sig <- density[i]
        if (sig > 500) {
            sig <- sig - 1000
        # FIXME: is this right for all equations of state? I doubt it
        this.T <- .C("sw_tsrho",
            temperature = double(1),
            NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
        this.T <- T90fromT68(this.T)
        if (i == 1) res <- this.T else res <- c(res, this.T)
    dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Freezing Temperature
#' Compute in-situ freezing temperature of seawater, using either the UNESCO
#' formulation (computed as in Section 5 of Fofonoff and Millard, 1983) or the
#' GSW formulation (computed by using [gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP()] to get Absolute
#' Salinity, and then [gsw::gsw_t_freezing()] to get the freezing temperature).
#' If the first argument is an `oce` object, and if the `pressure` argument is
#' `NULL`, then the pressure is sought within the first argument. In the case of
#' `eos="gsw"`, then a similar procedure also applies to the `longitude` and
#' `latitude` arguments.
#' @param salinity Either practical salinity (PSU) or a `ctd` object from which
#' practical salinity and pressure (plus in the `eos="gsw"` case,
#' longitude and latitude) are inferred.
#' @param pressure Seawater pressure (dbar).
#' @param longitude Longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude Latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param saturation_fraction The saturation fraction of dissolved air in seawater,
#' ignored if `eos="unesco"`).
#' @param eos The equation of state, either `"unesco"` (Fofonoff and Millard,
#' 1983; Gill 1982) or `"gsw"` (IOC, SCOR and IAPSO 2010; McDougall and Barker
#' 2011).
#' @return Temperature (degC), defined on the ITS-90 scale.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' Fofonoff, N. P., and R. C. Millard. Algorithms for Computation of
#' Fundamental Properties of Seawater. UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine
#' Research. SCOR working group on Evaluation of CTD data; UNESCO/ICES/SCOR/IAPSO
#' Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards, 1983.
#' Gill, A E. Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics. New York, NY, USA: Academic Press,
#' 1982.
#' IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO (2010). The international thermodynamic equation of
#' seawater-2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  Technical
#' Report 56, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guide, 2010.
#' McDougall, Trevor J., and Paul M. Barker. Getting Started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox. SCOR/IAPSO WG127, 2011.
#' @examples
#' # 1. Test for a check-value given in reference 1. This value, -2.588567 degC,
#' # is in the 1968 temperature scale (IPTS-68), but swTFreeze reports
#' # in the newer ITS-90 scale, so we must convert before checking.
#' Tcheck <- -2.588567 # IPTS-68
#' T <- swTFreeze(salinity = 40, pressure = 500, eos = "unesco")
#' stopifnot(abs(Tcheck - T68fromT90(T)) < 1e-6)
#' # 2. Compare unesco and gsw formulations.
#' data(ctd)
#' p <- ctd[["pressure"]]
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 2), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
#' plot(swTFreeze(ctd, eos = "unesco"),
#'     p,
#'     xlab = "unesco", ylim = rev(range(p))
#' )
#' plot(swTFreeze(ctd, eos = "unesco") - swTFreeze(ctd, eos = "gsw"),
#'     p,
#'     xlab = "unesco-gsw", ylim = rev(range(p))
#' )
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swTFreeze <- function(
    salinity, pressure = NULL, longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL,
    saturation_fraction = 1, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must supply salinity (which may be S or a CTD object)")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        if (is.null(pressure)) {
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        stop("must supply pressure")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        # Note: the pressure in the next line is for computing SA; see below.
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude, pressure = pressure))
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, pressure = pressure))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        # Note that l$pressure is used for computing SA, but not for gsw_t_freezing().
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        res <- gsw::gsw_t_freezing(SA = SA, p = l$pressure, saturation_fraction = saturation_fraction)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- (-.0575 + 1.710523e-3 * sqrt(abs(l$salinity)) - 2.154996e-4 * l$salinity) * l$salinity - 7.53e-4 * l$pressure
        res <- T90fromT68(res)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Thermal Expansion Coefficient
#' Compute \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}, the thermal expansion coefficient for seawater.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Value in 1/degC.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references The `eos="unesco"` formulae are based on the UNESCO
#' equation of state, but are formulated empirically by Trevor J. McDougall,
#' 1987, Neutral Surfaces, Journal of Physical Oceanography, volume 17, pages
#' 1950-1964. The `eos="gsw"` formulae come from GSW; see references in
#' the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swAlpha <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = 0,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (length(l$pressure) == 1) l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (l$eos == "unesco") {
        res <- swAlphaOverBeta(l$salinity, l$temperature, l$pressure, eos = "unesco") * swBeta(l$salinity, l$temperature, l$pressure, eos = "unesco")
    } else if (l$eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_alpha(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = l$pressure)

#' Ratio of Seawater Thermal Expansion Coefficient to Haline Contraction Coefficient
#' Compute \eqn{\alpha/\beta}{alpha/beta} using McDougall's (1987) algorithm.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C)
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Value in psu/\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references The `eos="unesco"` formulae are based on the UNESCO
#' equation of state, but are formulated empirically by Trevor J. McDougall,
#' 1987, Neutral Surfaces, Journal of Physical Oceanography, volume 17, pages
#' 1950-1964. The `eos="gsw"` formulae come from GSW; see references in
#' the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @examples
#' swAlphaOverBeta(40, 10, 4000, eos = "unesco") # 0.3476
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swAlphaOverBeta <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    if (is.null(l$temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (is.null(l$pressure)) pressure <- 0
    if (length(l$pressure) != nS) l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    if (l$eos == "gsw") {
        # not likely to be called since gsw has a direct function for alpha, but put this here anyway
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_alpha_on_beta(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = l$pressure)
    } else if (l$eos == "unesco") {
        theta <- swTheta(l$salinity, l$temperature, l$pressure, eos = "unesco")
        res <- .C("sw_alpha_over_beta", as.integer(nS),
            as.double(l$salinity), as.double(theta), as.double(l$pressure),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Haline Contraction Coefficient
#' Compute \eqn{\beta}{beta}, the haline contraction coefficient for seawater.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure seawater pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Value in 1/psu.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references The `eos="unesco"` formulae are based on the UNESCO
#' equation of state, but are formulated empirically by Trevor J. McDougall,
#' 1987, Neutral Surfaces, Journal of Physical Oceanography, volume 17, pages
#' 1950-1964. The `eos="gsw"` formulae come from GSW; see references in
#' the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swBeta <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = 0,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (length(l$pressure) == 1) l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_beta(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = l$pressure)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
        theta <- swTheta(l$salinity, l$temperature, l$pressure, eos = "unesco") # the formula is i.t.o. theta
        res <- .C("sw_beta", as.integer(nS),
            as.double(l$salinity), as.double(theta), as.double(l$pressure),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

# thermal (not electrical) conductivity, using Caldwell (1974) as of 2015-jan-9
# NOTE: no gsw equivalent

#' Seawater Thermal Conductivity
#' Compute seawater thermal conductivity, in \eqn{W
#' m^{-1\circ}C^{-1}}{W/(m*degC)}
#' Caldwell's (1974) detailed formulation is used.  To be specific, his
#' equation 6 to calculate K, and his two sentences above that equation are
#' used to infer this to be K(0,T,S) in his notation of equation 7. Then,
#' application of his equations 7 and 8 is straightforward. He states an
#' accuracy for this method of 0.3 percent.  (See the check against his Table 1
#' in the \dQuote{Examples}.)
#' @param salinity salinity (PSU), or a `ctd` object, in which case
#' `temperature` and `pressure` will be ignored.
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @return Conductivity of seawater in \eqn{W m^{-1} {^\circ} C^{-1}}{W/(m*degC)}.
#' To calculate thermal diffusivity in \eqn{m^2/s^2}, divide by the
#' product of density and specific heat, as in the example.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Caldwell, Douglas R., 1974. Thermal conductivity of seawater,
#' *Deep-sea Research*, *21*, 131-137.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Values in m^2/s, a unit that is often used instead of W/(m*degC).
#' swThermalConductivity(35, 10, 100) / (swRho(35, 10, 100) * swSpecificHeat(35, 10, 100)) # ocean
#' swThermalConductivity(0, 20, 0) / (swRho(0, 20, 0) * swSpecificHeat(0, 20, 0)) # lab
#' # Caldwell Table 1 gives 1478e-6 cal/(cm*sec*degC) at 31.5 o/oo, 10degC, 1kbar
#' joulePerCalorie <- 4.18400
#' cmPerM <- 100
#' swThermalConductivity(31.5, 10, 1000) / joulePerCalorie / cmPerM
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swThermalConductivity <- function(salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure))
    # below is formula used prior to 2015-jan-9
    # return(0.57057 * (1 + l$temperature * (0.003 - 1.025e-05 * l$temperature) + 0.000653 * l$pressure - 0.00029 * l$salinity))
    S <- l$salinity
    # nolint start T_and_F_symbol_linter
    T <- T68fromT90(l$temperature)
    p <- l$pressure / 1e3 # Caldwell formula is for kbar, not dbar
    if (TRUE) {
        K <- 1.3507e-3 + 4.061e-6 * T + (-1.412e-8) * T^2 # Caldwell eq 6
        f <- 0.0690 + (-8e-5) * T + (-0.0020) * p + (-0.00010) * S # Caldwell eq 8
        cond <- K * (1 + f) # Caldwell eq 7
    } else {
        cond <- 0.001365 * (1 + 0.003 * T - 1.025e-5 * T^2 + 0.0653 * p - 0.00029 * S)
    # nolint end T_and_F_symbol_linter
    418.400 * cond # convert from cal/(cm*sec*degC) to J/(m*sec*degC)

#' Water Depth
#' Retrieve or compute depth below the surface, i.e. a positive number within
#' the water column.  If the first parameter is an oce object that has an
#' element named `"depth"` in its `data` slot, then return that value.
#' Otherwise, compute depth from a formula that includes pressure and latitude,
#' as explained in \dQuote{Details}.
#' For the calculated case, the method depends on the value of `eos` parameter.
#' If this is `"unesco"`, then depth is calculated from pressure using Saunders
#' and Fofonoff's method, with the formula refitted for 1980 UNESCO equation of
#' state (reference 1).  On the other hand, if it is `eos="gsw"`, then
#' [gsw::gsw_z_from_p()] from the \CRANpkg{gsw} package (references 2 and 3) is
#' used.
#' @param pressure either pressure (dbar), in which case `latitude` must also
#' be given, or a `ctd` object, in which case `latitude` will be inferred
#' from the object.
#' @param latitude numeric value for latitude in degrees North.
#' @param eos character value indicating the formulation to be used, either
#' `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return [swDepth] returns depth below the ocean surface, in metres.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' 1. Unesco 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental
#' properties of seawater, 1983. *Unesco Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci.*, No. 44,
#' 53 pp.
#' 2. IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO (2010). The international thermodynamic equation of
#' seawater-2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  Technical
#' Report 56, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guide.
#' 3. McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' d <- swDepth(10, 45)
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swDepth <- function(pressure, latitude = 45, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
                    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    # FIXME-gsw need a gsw version but it is not in the C library as of Dec 2014
    oceDebug(debug, "swDepth(...) START\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)
    if (missing(pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    if (inherits(pressure, "oce")) {
        x <- pressure # store this for clarity
        if ("depth" %in% names(x@data)) {
        oceDebug(debug, "swDepth() with an oce object as first argument ...\n")
        location <- locationForGsw(x)
        if (!is.null(location$latitude)) {
            latitude <- location$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
    dim <- dim(pressure)
    l <- lookWithin(list(pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    l$latitude <- latitude
    if (any(is.na(l$latitude))) {
        l$latitude <- 45
    } # default to mid latitudes
    if (l$eos == "unesco") {
        l$latitude <- l$latitude * atan2(1, 1) / 45
        x <- sin(l$latitude)^2
        gr <- 9.780318 * (1.0 + (5.2788e-3 + 2.36e-5 * x) * x) + 1.092e-6 * l$pressure
        res <- (((-1.82e-15 * l$pressure + 2.279e-10) * l$pressure - 2.2512e-5) * l$pressure + 9.72659) * l$pressure / gr
    } else if (l$eos == "gsw") {
        res <- -gsw::gsw_z_from_p(
            p = as.vector(l$pressure),
            latitude = as.vector(l$latitude)
        dim(res) <- dim(l$pressure)
    oceDebug(debug, "END swDepth()\n", sep = "", unindent = 1)

#' Vertical Coordinate
#' Compute height above the surface. This is the negative of depth,
#' and so is defined simply in terms of [swDepth()].
#' @inheritParams swDepth
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swZ <- function(pressure, latitude = 45, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
                debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    # FIXME-gsw need a gsw version but it is not in the C library as of Dec 2014
    if (missing(pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    -swDepth(pressure = pressure, latitude = latitude, eos = eos)

#' Dynamic Height of a Seawater Profile
#' Compute the dynamic height of a column of seawater.
#' If the first argument is a `section`, then dynamic height is calculated
#' for each station within a section, and returns a list containing distance
#' along the section along with dynamic height.
#' If the first argument is a `ctd`, then this returns just a single
#' value, the dynamic height.
#' If `eos="unesco"`, processing is as follows.  First, a piecewise-linear
#' model of the density variation with pressure is developed using
#' [stats::approxfun()]. (The option `rule=2` is used to
#' extrapolate the uppermost density up to the surface, preventing a possible a
#' bias for bottle data, in which the first depth may be a few metres below the
#' surface.) A second function is constructed as the density of water with
#' salinity 35PSU, temperature of 0\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C, and pressure as in the
#' `ctd`. The difference of the reciprocals of these densities, is then
#' integrated with [stats::integrate()] with pressure limits `0`
#' to `referencePressure`.  (For improved numerical results, the variables
#' are scaled before the integration, making both independent and dependent
#' variables be of order one.)
#' If `eos="gsw"`, [gsw::gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height()] is used
#' to calculate a result in m^2/s^2, and this is divided by
#' 9.7963\eqn{m/s^2}{m/s^2}.
#' If pressures are out of order, the data are sorted. If any pressure
#' is repeated, only the first level is used.
#' If there are under 4 remaining distinct
#' pressures, `NA` is returned, with a warning.
#' @param x a [section-class] object.
#' @param referencePressure reference pressure (dbar). If this exceeds the
#' highest pressure supplied to [swDynamicHeight()], then that highest
#' pressure is used, instead of the supplied value of
#' `referencePressure`.
#' @param subdivisions number of subdivisions for call to
#' [integrate()].  (The default value is considerably larger than the
#' default for [integrate()], because otherwise some test profiles
#' failed to integrate.
#' @param rel.tol absolute tolerance for call to [integrate()].  Note
#' that this call is made in scaled coordinates, i.e. pressure is divided by
#' its maximum value, and dz/dp is also divided by its maximum.
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return In the first form, a list containing `distance`, the distance
#' (km( from the first station in the section and `height`, the dynamic
#' height (m). In the second form, a single value, containing the
#' dynamic height (m).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic
#' Press, New York, 662 pp.
#' @section Sample of Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' library(oce)
#' data(section)
#' # Dynamic height and geostrophy
#' par(mfcol=c(2, 2))
#' par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 2, 1))
#' # Left-hand column: whole section
#' # (The smoothing lowers Gulf Stream speed greatly)
#' westToEast <- subset(section, 1<=stationId&stationId<=123)
#' dh <- swDynamicHeight(westToEast)
#' plot(dh$distance, dh$height, type="p", xlab="", ylab="dyn. height [m]")
#' ok <- !is.na(dh$height)
#' smu <- supsmu(dh$distance, dh$height)
#' lines(smu, col="blue")
#' f <- coriolis(section[["station", 1]][["latitude"]])
#' g <- gravity(section[["station", 1]][["latitude"]])
#' v <- diff(smu$y)/diff(smu$x) * g / f / 1e3 # 1e3 converts to m
#' plot(smu$x[-1], v, type="l", col="blue", xlab="distance [km]", ylab="velocity (m/s)")
#' # right-hand column: gulf stream region, unsmoothed
#' gs <- subset(section, 102<=stationId&stationId<=124)
#' dh.gs <- swDynamicHeight(gs)
#' plot(dh.gs$distance, dh.gs$height, type="b", xlab="", ylab="dyn. height [m]")
#' v <- diff(dh.gs$height)/diff(dh.gs$distance) * g / f / 1e3
#' plot(dh.gs$distance[-1], v, type="l", col="blue",
#'   xlab="distance [km]", ylab="velocity (m/s)")
#' }
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swDynamicHeight <- function(
    x, referencePressure = 2000,
    subdivisions = 500, rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25,
    eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    eos <- match.arg(eos, c("unesco", "gsw"))
    height <- function(ctd, referencePressure, subdivisions, rel.tol, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
        if (sum(!is.na(ctd@data$pressure)) < 2) {
        g <- if (is.na(ctd@metadata$latitude)) 9.8 else gravity(ctd@metadata$latitude)
        p <- ctd[["pressure"]]
        np <- length(p)
        p_ref <- min(max(p, na.rm = TRUE), referencePressure)
        if (eos == "unesco") {
            rho <- swRho(ctd, eos = eos)
            if (sum(!is.na(rho)) < 2) {
            # 1e4 converts decibar to Pa
            dzdp <- ((1 / rho - 1 / swRho(rep(35, np), rep(0, np), p, eos = eos)) / g) * 1e4
            # Scale both pressure and dz/dp to make integration work better (issue 499)
            max <- max(dzdp, na.rm = TRUE)
            integrand <- approxfun(p / p_ref, dzdp / max, rule = 2)
            # plot(dzdp/max, ctd@data$pressure/referencePressure, type="l")
            res <- integrate(integrand, 0, 1,
                subdivisions = subdivisions, rel.tol = rel.tol
            )$value * p_ref * max
        } else { # "gsw"
            if (np > 3) {
                o <- order(p)
                p <- p[o]
                SA <- ctd[["SA"]][o]
                CT <- ctd[["CT"]][o]
                # handle repeated values
                dp0 <- diff(p) == 0
                if (any(dp0)) {
                    SA <- SA[!dp0]
                    CT <- CT[!dp0]
                    p <- p[!dp0]
                    g <- 9.7963 # NOTE: do not use local gravity; the gsw is defined to use this value
                    if (length(p) < 4) {
                        warning("In swDynamicHeight() : returning NA since < 4 levels", call. = FALSE)
                        res <- NA
                    } else {
                        res <- gsw::gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = p, p_ref = p_ref)[1] / g
                } else {
                    res <- gsw::gsw_geo_strf_dyn_height(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = p, p_ref = p_ref)[1] / g
                res[is.nan(res)] <- NA
            } else {
                warning("In swDynamicHeight() : returning NA since < 4 levels", call. = FALSE)
                res <- NA
    if (inherits(x, "section")) {
        lon0 <- x@data$station[[1]]@metadata$longitude
        lat0 <- x@data$station[[1]]@metadata$latitude
        ns <- length(x@data$station)
        d <- vector("numeric", ns)
        h <- vector("numeric", ns)
        for (i in 1:ns) {
            d[i] <- geodDist(x@data$station[[i]]@metadata$longitude, x@data$station[[i]]@metadata$latitude, lon0, lat0)
            h[i] <- height(x@data$station[[i]], referencePressure, subdivisions = subdivisions, rel.tol = rel.tol, eos = eos)
        return(list(distance = d, height = h))
    } else if (inherits(x, "ctd")) {
        return(height(x, referencePressure, subdivisions = subdivisions, rel.tol = rel.tol, eos = eos))
    } else {
        stop("method is only for objects of class '", "section", " or '", "ctd", "'")

#' Seawater Lapse Rate
#' Compute adiabatic lapse rate
#' If `eos="unesco"`, the density is calculated using the UNESCO equation
#' of state for seawater (references 1 and 2), and if `eos="gsw"`, the GSW formulation
#' (references 3 and 4) is used.
#' @param salinity either salinity (PSU) (in which case `temperature` and
#' `pressure` must be provided) *or* a `ctd` object (in which
#' case `salinity`, `temperature` and `pressure` are determined
#' from the object, and must not be provided in the argument list).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` (references 1 and 2)
#' or `"gsw"` (references 3 and 4).
#' @return Lapse rate (\eqn{deg}{deg}C/m).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for
#' computation of fundamental properties of seawater.
#' *Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science*,
#' *44*, 53 pp.  (Section 7, pages 38-40)
#' @examples
#' lr <- swLapseRate(40, 40, 10000) # 3.255976e-4
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swLapseRate <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    if (is.null(l$temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (is.null(l$pressure)) {
        l$pressure <- rep(0, length.out = nS)
    if (length(l$pressure) == 1) {
        l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure[1], length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- .C("sw_lapserate", as.integer(nS), as.double(l$salinity), as.double(T68fromT90(l$temperature)), as.double(l$pressure),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        # the 1e4 is to convert from 1/Pa to 1/dbar
        res <- 1e4 * gsw::gsw_adiabatic_lapse_rate_from_CT(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = l$pressure)
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"unesco\" or \"eos\"")
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim
} # swLapseRate

#' Seawater Density
#' Compute \eqn{\rho}{rho}, the *in-situ* density of seawater.
#' If `eos="unesco"`, the density is calculated using the UNESCO equation
#' of state for seawater (references 1 and 2), and if `eos="gsw"`, the GSW formulation
#' (references 3 and 4) is used.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object, in
#' which case `salinity`, `temperature` (in the ITS-90 scale; see
#' next item), etc. are inferred from the object, ignoring the
#' other parameters, if they are supplied.
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale.  This scale is used by GSW-style calculation (as
#' requested by setting `eos="gsw"`), and is the value contained within
#' `ctd` objects (and probably most other objects created with data
#' acquired in the past decade or two). Since the UNESCO-style calculation is
#' based on IPTS-68, the temperature is converted within the present function,
#' using [T68fromT90()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` (references 1 and 2)
#' or `"gsw"` (references 3 and 4).
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return *In-situ* density (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @section Temperature units: The UNESCO formulae are defined in terms of
#' temperature measured on the IPTS-68 scale, whereas the replacement GSW
#' formulae are based on the ITS-90 scale. Prior to the addition of GSW
#' capabilities, the various `sw*` functions took temperature to be in
#' IPTS-68 units. As GSW capabilities were added in early 2015, the assumed
#' unit of `temperature` was taken to be ITS-90.  This change means that
#' old code has to be modified, by replacing e.g. `swRho(S, T, p)` with
#' `swRho(S, T90fromT68(T), p)`. At typical oceanic values, the difference
#' between the two scales is a few millidegrees.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso Related density routines include [swSigma0()] (and
#' equivalents at other pressure horizons), [swSigmaT()], and
#' [swSigmaTheta()].
#' @references
#' 1. Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for computation of
#' fundamental properties of seawater.
#' *Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science*,
#' *44*, 53 pp.
#' 2. Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic Press, New
#' York, 662 pp.
#' 3. IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO (2010). The international thermodynamic equation of
#' seawater-2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  Technical
#' Report 56, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guide.
#' 4. McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # The numbers in the comments are the check values listed in reference 1;
#' # note that temperature in that reference was on the T68 scale, but that
#' # the present function works with the ITS-90 scale, so a conversion
#' # is required.
#' swRho(35, T90fromT68(5), 0, eos = "unesco") # 1027.67547
#' swRho(35, T90fromT68(5), 10000, eos = "unesco") # 1069.48914
#' swRho(35, T90fromT68(25), 0, eos = "unesco") # 1023.34306
#' swRho(35, T90fromT68(25), 10000, eos = "unesco") # 1062.53817
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swRho <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        if (eos == "gsw") { # do not need these for UNESCO calculations
            longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
        salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else { # must be "unesco"
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    if (is.null(l$temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    if (is.null(l$pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (is.null(l$pressure)) l$pressure <- 0
    if (length(l$pressure) == 1) l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- .C("sw_rho", as.integer(nS), as.double(l$salinity),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_rho(SA, CT, p = l$pressure)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Density Anomaly
#' Compute \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma}, the density of seawater, minus 1000
#' kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}), as computed with [swRho()], minus-
#' 1000 kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' swSigma(35, 13, 1000, longitude = 300, latitude = 30, eos = "gsw") # 30.82374
#' swSigma(35, T90fromT68(13), 1000, eos = "unesco") # 30.8183
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    swRho(salinity, temperature, pressure,
        longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    ) - 1000

#' Seawater Quasi-Potential Density Anomaly
#' Compute \eqn{\sigma_t}{sigma-t}, a rough estimate of potential density of
#' seawater, minus 1000 kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}.
#' If the first argument is an [oce-class] object, then salinity, etc., are
#' extracted from it, and used for the calculation.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Quasi-potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}), defined as the
#' density calculated with pressure set to zero.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @examples
#' swSigmaT(35, 13, 1000, longitude = 300, latitude = 30, eos = "gsw") # 26.39623
#' swSigmaT(35, T90fromT68(13), 1000, eos = "unesco") # 26.39354
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigmaT <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
        swRho(l$salinity, l$temperature,
            pressure = rep(0, length(l$salinity)),
            longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude, eos = l$eos
        ) - 1000
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
        swRho(l$salinity, l$temperature,
            pressure = rep(0, length(l$salinity)),
            eos = l$eos
        ) - 1000

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly
#' Compute the potential density (minus 1000 kg/m^3) that seawater would have if raised
#' adiabatically to the surface.  In the UNESCO system, this quantity is
#' is denoted \eqn{\sigma_\theta}{sigma-theta} (hence the function name), but in
#' the GSW system, a somewhat related quantity is denoted `sigma0`. (In a
#' deep-water CTD cast, the RMS deviation between sigma-theta and sigma0 is
#' typically of order 0.0003 kg/m^3, corresponding to a temperature shift of
#' about 0.002C, so the distinction between the quantities is not large.)
#' If the first argument is an `oce` object, then salinity, etc., are
#' extracted from it, and used for the calculation instead of any values
#' provided in the other arguments.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @param referencePressure The reference pressure, in dbar.
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}), defined as
#' \eqn{\sigma_\theta=\rho(S,\theta(S,t,p),0}{sigma_theta=rho(S,theta(S,t,p),0)}
#' - 1000 kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @examples
#' stopifnot(abs(26.4212790994 - swSigmaTheta(35, 13, 1000, eos = "unesco")) < 1e-7)
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigmaTheta <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL, referencePressure = 0,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    # message("DEBUG: in swSigmaTheta with eos=", eos, ", referencePressure=", referencePressure)
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    oceDebug(debug, "swSigmaTheta() START\n")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        oceDebug(debug, "  first parameter is an oce object, so extracting data from it\n")
        temperature <- x[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- x[["pressure"]]
        location <- locationForGsw(x)
        # cat(vectorShow(location))
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- location$longitude
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- location$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(longitude))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
        # we're done extracting other things, so now it's safe to rewrite 'salinity'
        salinity <- x[["salinity"]]
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
    if (is.null(temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    dim <- dim(salinity)
    nS <- length(salinity)
    nt <- length(temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (np == 1) {
        pressure <- rep(pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    referencePressure <- rep(referencePressure[1], length.out = nS)
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        theta <- swTheta(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            referencePressure = referencePressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
        res <- swRho(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = theta, pressure = referencePressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
        ) - 1000.0
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        oceDebug(debug, "swSigmaTheta() handing following to gsw_SA_from_SP()\n")
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(salinity)))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(pressure)))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(longitude)))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(latitude)))
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(
            SP = as.vector(salinity),
            p = as.vector(pressure),
            longitude = as.vector(longitude),
            latitude = as.vector(latitude)
        # CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA=SA, p=pressure, t=temperature)
        oceDebug(debug, "in swSigmaTheta about to call gsw_rho_t_exact()\n")
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(SA)))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(temperature)))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(as.vector(referencePressure)))
        res <- gsw::gsw_pot_rho_t_exact(
            SA = as.vector(SA),
            t = as.vector(temperature),
            p = as.vector(pressure),
            p_ref = as.vector(referencePressure)
        ) - 1000.0
        # res <- gsw::gsw_sigma0(SA=SA, CT=CT)
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\"; \"", eos, "\" is not acceptable.")
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to Surface Pressure
#' Compute the potential density of seawater (minus
#' 1000 kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}), referenced to surface pressure. This is done using
#' [gsw::gsw_sigma0()] if `eos="gsw"`, or using [swSigmaTheta()] if it is
#' `"unesco"`. (The difference between the formulations is typically
#' under 0.01 kg/m^3, corresponding to a few millidegrees of temperature.)
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma0 <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
            salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity, l$pressure, l$longitude, l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA, l$temperature, l$pressure)
        gsw::gsw_sigma0(SA = SA, CT = CT)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, referencePressure = 0,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but it is \"", eos, "\"")

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 1000db Pressure
#' This is analogous to [swSigma0()], but referenced to 1000db pressure.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma1 <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
            salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity, l$pressure, l$longitude, l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA, l$temperature, l$pressure)
        gsw::gsw_sigma1(SA = SA, CT = CT)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, referencePressure = 1000,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but it is \"", eos, "\"")

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 2000db Pressure
#' This is analogous to [swSigma0()], but referenced to 2000db pressure.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma2 <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
            salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity, l$pressure, l$longitude, l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA, l$temperature, l$pressure)
        gsw::gsw_sigma2(SA = SA, CT = CT)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, referencePressure = 2000,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but it is \"", eos, "\"")

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 3000db Pressure
#' This is analogous to [swSigma0()], but referenced to 3000db pressure.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma3 <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
            salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity, l$pressure, l$longitude, l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA, l$temperature, l$pressure)
        gsw::gsw_sigma3(SA = SA, CT = CT)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, referencePressure = 3000,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but it is \"", eos, "\"")

#' Seawater Potential Density Anomaly Referenced to 4000db Pressure
#' This is analogous to [swSigma0()], but referenced to 4000db pressure.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Potential density anomaly (kg/m\eqn{^3}{^3}).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references See citations provided in the [swRho()] documentation.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSigma4 <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
            pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
            salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity, l$pressure, l$longitude, l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA, l$temperature, l$pressure)
        gsw::gsw_sigma4(SA = SA, CT = CT)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, referencePressure = 4000,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        stop("eos must be either \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but it is \"", eos, "\"")

#' Seawater Sound Absorption
#' Compute the sound absorption of seawater, in dB/m
#' Salinity and pH are ignored in this formulation.  Several formulae may be
#' found in the literature, and they give results differing by 10 percent, as
#' shown in reference 3 for example.  For this reason, it is likely that more
#' formulations will be added to this function, and entirely possible that the
#' default may change.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @param frequency The frequency of sound, in Hz.
#' @param formulation character string indicating the formulation to use, either
#' of `"fischer-simmons"` or `"francois-garrison"`; see \dQuote{References}.
#' @param pH seawater pH
#' @return Sound absorption in dB/m.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' 1. F. H. Fisher and V. P. Simmons, 1977.  Sound absorption in
#' sea water.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 62(3), 558-564.
#' 2. R. E. Francois and G. R. Garrison, 1982.  Sound absorption based on
#' ocean measurements.  Part II: Boric acid contribution and equation for total
#' absorption.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 72(6):1879-1890.
#' 3. `http://resource.npl.co.uk/acoustics/techguides/seaabsorption/`
#' @examples
#' # Fisher & Simmons (1977 table IV) gives 0.52 dB/km for 35 PSU, 5 degC, 500 atm
#' # (4990 dbar of water)a and 10 kHz
#' alpha <- swSoundAbsorption(35, 4, 4990, 10e3)
#' # reproduce part of Fig 8 of Francois and Garrison (1982 Fig 8)
#' f <- 1e3 * 10^(seq(-1, 3, 0.1)) # in KHz
#' plot(f / 1000, 1e3 * swSoundAbsorption(f, 35, 10, 0, formulation = "fr"),
#'     xlab = " Freq [kHz]", ylab = " dB/km", type = "l", log = "xy"
#' )
#' lines(f / 1000, 1e3 * swSoundAbsorption(f, 0, 10, 0, formulation = "fr"), lty = "dashed")
#' legend("topleft", lty = c("solid", "dashed"), legend = c("S=35", "S=0"))
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSoundAbsorption <- function(
    frequency, salinity, temperature, pressure, pH = 8,
    formulation = c("fisher-simmons", "francois-garrison")) {
    formulation <- match.arg(formulation)
    # nolint start T_and_F_symbol_linter
    if (formulation == "fisher-simmons") {
        # Equation numbers are from Fisher & Simmons (1977); see help page for ref
        p <- 1 + pressure / 10 # add atmophere, then convert water part from dbar
        S <- salinity
        T <- T68fromT90(temperature)
        f <- frequency
        A1 <- 1.03e-8 + 2.36e-10 * T - 5.22e-12 * T^2 # (5)
        f1 <- 1.32e3 * (T + 273.1) * exp(-1700 / (T + 273.1)) # (6)
        A2 <- 5.62e-8 + 7.52e-10 * T # (7)
        f2 <- 1.55e7 * (T + 273.1) * exp(-3052 / (T + 273.1)) # (8)
        P2 <- 1 - 10.3e-4 * p + 3.7e-7 * p^2 # (9)
        A3 <- (55.9 - 2.37 * T + 4.77e-2 * T^2 - 3.48e-4 * T^3) * 1e-15 # (10)
        P3 <- 1 - 3.84e-4 * p + 7.57e-8 * p^2 # (11)
        alpha <- (A1 * f1 * f^2) / (f1^2 + f^2) + (A2 * P2 * f2 * f^2) / (f2^2 + f^2) + A3 * P3 * f^2 # (3a)
        alpha <- alpha * 8686 / 1000 # dB/m
    } else if (formulation == "francois-garrison") {
        S <- salinity
        T <- T68fromT90(temperature)
        D <- pressure # FIXME: approximation
        c <- 1412 + 3.21 * T + 1.19 * S + 0.0167 * D # sound speed m/s
        f <- frequency / 1000 # convert to kHz
        theta <- 273 + T
        # f1 in kHz
        f1 <- 2.8 * sqrt(S / 35) * 10^(4 - 1245 / theta) # nolint (space before left parenthesis)
        # subscript 1 for boric acid contribution
        # A1 in dB / km / kHz
        A1 <- 8.86 / c * 10^(0.78 * pH - 5) # nolint (space before left parenthesis)
        P1 <- 1
        # MgSO4 contribution
        A2 <- 21.44 * (S / c) * (1 + 0.025 * T) # dB / km / kHz
        P2 <- 1 - 1.37e-4 * D + 6.2e-9 * D^2
        # f2 in kHz
        f2 <- (8.17 * 10^(8 - 1990 / theta)) / (1 + 0.0018 * (S - 35)) # nolint (space before left parenthesis)
        # pure water contribution
        A3 <- 3.964e-4 - 1.146e-5 * T + 1.45e-7 * T^2 - 6.5e-10 * T^3 # dB / km / kHz^2
        P3 <- 1 - 3.83e-5 * D + 4.9e-10 * D^2
        alpha <- (A1 * P1 * f1 * f^2) / (f^2 + f1^2) + (A2 * P2 * f2 * f^2) / (f^2 + f2^2) + A3 * P3 * f^2
        alpha <- alpha / 1000
    # nolint end T_and_F_symbol_linter

#' Seawater Sound Speed
#' Compute the seawater speed of sound.
#' If `eos="unesco"`, the sound speed is calculated using the formulation
#' in section 9 of Fofonoff and Millard (1983). If `eos="gsw"`, then the
#' [gsw::gsw_sound_speed()] function from the
#' \CRANpkg{gsw} package is used.
#' @inheritParams swRho
#' @return Sound speed (m/s).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for
#' computation of fundamental properties of seawater.
#' *Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science*,
#' *44*, 53 pp.  (See section 9.)
#' @examples
#' swSoundSpeed(40, T90fromT68(40), 10000) # 1731.995 (p48 of Fofonoff + Millard 1983)
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSoundSpeed <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    if (is.null(l$temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    if (is.null(l$pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    # np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- .C("sw_svel", as.integer(nS), as.double(l$salinity), as.double(T68fromT90(l$temperature)), as.double(l$pressure),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_sound_speed(SA = SA, CT = CT, p = l$pressure)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Specific Heat
# Source= http://sam.ucsd.edu/sio210/propseawater/ppsw_fortran/ppsw.f
# check value: cpsw = 3849.500 j/(kg deg. c) for s = 40 (ipss-78),
#' Compute specific heat of seawater.
#' If the first argument is a `ctd` object, then salinity, etc, are
#' extracted from it, and used for the calculation.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale.
#' @param pressure seawater pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` or `"gsw"`.
#' @return Specific heat (J/kg/degC).
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references Millero et. al., J. Geophys. Res. 78 (1973), 4499-4507
#' Millero et. al., UNESCO report 38 (1981), 99-188.
#' @examples
#' swSpecificHeat(40, T90fromT68(40), 10000, eos = "unesco") # 3949.499
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSpecificHeat <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = 0,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
            if (is.null(longitude)) {
                longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
            if (is.null(latitude)) {
                latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, eos = eos
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure, eos = eos))
    if (is.null(l$temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (length(l$pressure) == 1) l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- .Fortran("cp_driver", as.double(l$salinity), as.double(T68fromT90(l$temperature)), as.double(l$pressure),
            CP = double(nS)
    } else {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        res <- gsw::gsw_cp_t_exact(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Spiciness
#' Compute seawater "spice", a variable that is in some sense orthogonal to
#' density in TS space.  Larger spice values correspond to relative warm and
#' salty water, compared with smaller spice values. Two distinct variants exist.
#' If `eos="unesco"` then Flament's (2002) formulation is used. If `eos="gsw"`
#' then [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()] is used to compute a newer variant that is part
#' of the Gibbs SeaWater formulation (McDougall and Krzysik, 2015). See the
#' \dQuote{Examples} section for a graphical illustration of the difference in a
#' typical coastal case.
#' If the first argument is a `ctd` object, then salinity, temperature and
#' pressure values are extracted from it, and used for the calculation. For
#' the `eos="gsw"` case, longitude and latitude are also extracted, because
#' these are required by [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()].
#' Roughly speaking, seawater with a high spiciness is relatively warm and
#' salty compared with less spicy water. Another interpretation is that spice
#' is a variable measuring distance orthogonal to isopycnal lines on TS
#' diagrams (if the diagrams are scaled to make the isopycnals run at 45
#' degrees). Note that pressure, longitude and latitude are all
#' ignored in the Flament definition.
#' @param salinity either salinity (PSU) (in which case `temperature` and
#' `pressure` must be provided) *or* a `ctd` object (in which
#' case `salinity`, `temperature` and `pressure` are determined
#' from the object, and must not be provided in the argument list).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C) on the
#' ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure Seawater pressure (dbar) (only used if `eos` is
#' `"gsw"`); see \dQuote{Details}..
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos` is
#' `"gsw"`; see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos` is
#' `"gsw"`; see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos Character value specifying the equation of state, either
#' `"unesco"` (for the Flament formulation, although this is not actually part
#' of UNESCO) or `"gsw"` for the Gibbs SeaWater formulation.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Flament-formulated spice \eqn{kg/m^3} if `eos` is `"unesco"`
#' or surface-referenced GSW spiciness0 \eqn{kg/m^3} if `eos` is `"gsw"`,
#' the latter provided by [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()], and hence aimed
#' at application within the top half-kilometre of the ocean.
#' @author Dan Kelley coded this, merely an interface to the code described
#' by references 1 and 2.
#' @examples
#' # Compare unesco and gsw formulations
#' library(oce)
#' data(ctd)
#' p <- ctd[["pressure"]]
#' U <- swSpice(ctd, eos = "unesco")
#' G <- swSpice(ctd, eos = "gsw")
#' xlim <- range(c(U, G), na.rm = TRUE)
#' ylim <- rev(range(p))
#' plot(U, p,
#'     xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
#'     xlab = "Measure of Spiciness", ylab = "Pressure (dbar)"
#' )
#' points(G, p, col = 2)
#' legend("topleft", col = 1:2, pch = 1, legend = c("unesco", "gsw"))
#' @references
#' 1. Flament, P. \dQuote{A State Variable for Characterizing Water Masses and Their
#' Diffusive Stability: Spiciness.} Progress in Oceanography, Observations of the
#' 1997-98 El Nino along the West Coast of North America, 54, no. 1
#' (July 1, 2002):493-501.
#' \doi{10.1016/S0079-6611(02)00065-4}
#' 2. McDougall, Trevor J., and Oliver A. Krzysik. \dQuote{Spiciness.}
#' Journal of Marine Research 73, no. 5 (September 1, 2015): 141-52.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater spiciness
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSpice <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(eos))
    if (eos != "gsw" && eos != "unesco") {
        stop("eos must be \"gsw\" or \"unesco\", but \"", eos, "\" was given")
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]]
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
    if (eos == "gsw" && is.null(pressure)) {
        stop("must provide pressure")
    dim <- dim(salinity)
    nS <- length(salinity)
    nt <- length(temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    if (is.null(pressure)) pressure <- rep(0, nS)
    if (length(pressure) == 1) pressure <- rep(pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    if (eos == "unesco") {
        res <- .C("sw_spice", as.integer(nS), as.double(salinity),
            as.double(T68fromT90(temperature)), as.double(pressure),
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
    } else if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = salinity, p = pressure, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)
        CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = temperature, p = pressure)
        res <- gsw::gsw_spiciness0(SA, CT)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

# Internal function used by swSpiciness0(), swSpiciness1() and swSpiciness2()
swSpiciness <- function(
    salinity = NULL, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, referencePressure = NULL) {
    if (is.null(salinity)) stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        temperature <- salinity[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- salinity[["pressure"]]
        longitude <- salinity[["longitude"]]
        latitude <- salinity[["latitude"]]
        salinity <- salinity[["salinity"]] # overwrites
    if (is.null(temperature)) stop("must supply temperature")
    if (is.null(longitude)) stop("must supply longitude")
    if (is.null(latitude)) stop("must supply latitude")
    if (is.null(pressure)) stop("must provide pressure")
    if (is.null(referencePressure)) stop("must provide referencePressure")
    if (length(referencePressure) != 1) stop("referencePressure must be of length 1")
    if (referencePressure != 0 && referencePressure != 1000 && referencePressure != 2000) {
        stop("referencePressure must be 0, 1000 or 2000, but it is ", referencePressure)
    dim <- dim(salinity)
    nS <- length(salinity)
    nT <- length(temperature)
    np <- length(pressure)
    if (nS != nT) stop("lengths of salinity (", nS, ") and temperature (", nT, ") disagree")
    if (nS != np) stop("lengths of salinity (", nS, ") and pressure (", np, ") disagree")
    # FIXME: what if e.g. length(latitude) == length(salinity) etc?
    SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = salinity, p = pressure, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude)
    CT <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = temperature, p = pressure)
    res <- if (referencePressure[1] == 0) {
        gsw::gsw_spiciness0(SA, CT)
    } else if (referencePressure[1] == 1000) {
        gsw::gsw_spiciness1(SA, CT)
    } else if (referencePressure[1] == 2000) {
        gsw::gsw_spiciness2(SA, CT)
    if (!is.null(dim)) dim(res) <- dim

#' Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to Surface Pressure
#' Computes seawater spiciness using [gsw::gsw_spiciness0()] for surface
#' referenced computation.
#' @param salinity either salinity, or an oce object that contains salinity,
#' temperature, pressure, longitude and latitude.
#' @param temperature in-situ temperature (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param pressure seawater pressure in dbar (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param longitude,latitude observation location (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object).
#' @return seawater spiciness with respect to a reference pressure of 0 dbar
#' (that is, the sea surface), as defined in the `gsw` (TEOS-10)
#' system (McDougall et al, 2011).
#' @references
#' McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater spiciness
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
#' @author Dan Kelley
swSpiciness0 <- function(salinity, temperature, pressure, longitude, latitude) {
        salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
        longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, referencePressure = 0

#' Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 1000 dbar Pressure
#' Computes seawater spiciness using [gsw::gsw_spiciness1()] for
#' a reference pressure of 1000 dbar.
#' @param salinity either salinity, or an oce object that contains salinity,
#' temperature, pressure, longitude and latitude.
#' @param temperature in-situ temperature (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param pressure seawater pressure in dbar (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param longitude,latitude observation location (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object).
#' @return seawater spiciness with respect to a reference pressure of 1000 dbar,
#' as defined in the `gsw` (TEOS-10)
#' system (McDougall et al, 2011) and computed with [gsw::gsw_spiciness1()].
#' @references
#' McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater spiciness
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
#' @author Dan Kelley
swSpiciness1 <- function(salinity, temperature, pressure, longitude, latitude) {
        salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
        longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, referencePressure = 1000

#' Spiciness in gsw System, Referenced to 2000 dbar Pressure
#' Computes seawater spiciness using [gsw::gsw_spiciness2()] for
#' a reference pressure of 2000 dbar.
#' @param salinity either salinity, or an oce object that contains salinity,
#' temperature, pressure, longitude and latitude.
#' @param temperature in-situ temperature (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param pressure seawater pressure in dbar (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object)
#' @param longitude,latitude observation location (ignored if `salinity` is an oce object).
#' @return seawater spiciness with respect to a reference pressure of 2000 dbar,
#' as defined in the `gsw` (TEOS-10)
#' system (McDougall et al, 2011) and computed with [gsw::gsw_spiciness2()].
#' @references
#' McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @family functions that calculate seawater spiciness
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
#' @author Dan Kelley
swSpiciness2 <- function(salinity, temperature, pressure, longitude, latitude) {
        salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure,
        longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, referencePressure = 2000

#' Seawater Potential Temperature (UNESCO Version)
#' Compute the potential temperature of seawater, denoted \eqn{\theta}{theta}
#' in the UNESCO system, and `pt` in the GSW system.
#' Different formulae are used depending on the equation of state. If `eos`
#' is `"unesco"`, the method of Fofonoff *et al.* (1983) is used
#' (see references 1 and 2).
#' Otherwise, `swTheta` uses [gsw::gsw_pt_from_t()] from
#' the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' If the first argument is a `ctd` or `section` object, then values
#' for salinity, etc., are extracted from it, and used for the calculation, and
#' the corresponding arguments to the present function are ignored.
#' @param salinity either salinity (PSU) (in which case `temperature` and
#' `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in which
#' case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()], and the examples below.
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param referencePressure reference pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`;
#' see \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param latitude latitude of observation (only used if `eos="gsw"`; see
#' \dQuote{Details}).
#' @param eos equation of state, either `"unesco"` (references 1 and 2) or `"gsw"`
#' (references 3 and 4).
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Potential temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C) of seawater, referenced
#' to pressure `referencePressure`.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references
#' 1. Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr, 1983. Algorithms for computation of
#' fundamental properties of seawater.
#' *Unesco Technical Papers in Marine Science*, *44*, 53 pp
#' 2. Gill, A.E., 1982. *Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics*, Academic Press, New
#' York, 662 pp.
#' 3. IOC, SCOR, and IAPSO (2010). The international thermodynamic equation of
#' seawater-2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.  Technical
#' Report 56, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guide.
#' 4. McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with TEOS-10 and
#' the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp., SCOR/IAPSO WG127,
#' ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' library(oce)
#' # Example 1: test value from Fofonoff et al., 1983
#' stopifnot(abs(36.8818748026 - swTheta(40, T90fromT68(40), 10000, 0, eos = "unesco")) < 0.0000000001)
#' # Example 2: a deep-water station. Note that theta and CT are
#' # visually identical on this scale.
#' data(section)
#' stn <- section[["station", 70]]
#' plotProfile(stn, "temperature", ylim = c(6000, 1000))
#' lines(stn[["theta"]], stn[["pressure"]], col = 2)
#' lines(stn[["CT"]], stn[["pressure"]], col = 4, lty = 2)
#' legend("bottomright",
#'     lwd = 1, col = c(1, 2, 4), lty = c(1, 1, 2),
#'     legend = c("in-situ", "theta", "CT"),
#'     title = sprintf("MAD(theta-CT)=%.4f", mean(abs(stn[["theta"]] - stn[["CT"]])))
#' )
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swTheta <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL, referencePressure = 0,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"),
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    oceDebug(debug, "swTheta(..., referencePressure=", referencePressure, ", eos=\"", eos, "\")\n")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        oceDebug(debug, "  first parameter is an oce object, so extracting data from it\n")
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        temperature <- x[["temperature"]]
        pressure <- x[["pressure"]]
        location <- locationForGsw(x)
        longitude <- location$longitude
        latitude <- location$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(longitude))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
        salinity <- x[["salinity"]]
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            stop("must supply longitude")
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("must supply latitude")
        l <- lookWithin(list(
            salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure
        l$latitude <- latitude
        l$longitude <- longitude
    } else {
        l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure))
    # message("sw.R:3147")
    # cat(str(l))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (np == 1L) {
        l$pressure <- rep(l$pressure, length.out = nS)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    referencePressure <- rep(referencePressure[1], length.out = nS)
    if (eos == "gsw") {
        SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(SP = l$salinity, p = l$pressure, longitude = l$longitude, latitude = l$latitude)
        res <- gsw::gsw_pt_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature, p = l$pressure, p_ref = referencePressure)
    } else if (eos == "unesco") {
        # message("DAN it is unesco")
        # Note the conversion to the T68 scale, because that's the scale
        # used by the UNESCO formula.
        res <- .C("theta_UNESCO_1983",
            value = double(nS), NAOK = TRUE, PACKAGE = "oce"
        res <- T90fromT68(res)
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Viscosity
#' Compute viscosity of seawater, in \eqn{Pa\cdot s}{Pa*s}
#' If the first argument is a `ctd` object, then salinity, temperature and
#' pressure values are extracted from it, and used for the calculation.
#' The result is determined from a regression of the data provided in Table 87
#' of Dorsey (1940). The fit matches the table to within 0.2 percent at worst,
#' and with average absolute error of 0.07 percent. The maximum deviation from
#' the table is one unit in the last decimal place.
#' No pressure dependence was reported by Dorsey (1940).
#' @param salinity either salinity (PSU) (in which case `temperature` and
#' `pressure` must be provided) *or* a `ctd` object (in which
#' case `salinity`, `temperature` and `pressure` are determined
#' from the object, and must not be provided in the argument list).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()], and the examples below.
#' @return Viscosity of seawater in \eqn{Pa\cdot s}{Pa*s}.  Divide by density
#' to get kinematic viscosity in \eqn{m^2/s}{m^2/s}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @references N. Ernest Dorsey (1940),
#' *Properties of ordinary Water-substance*,
#' American Chemical Society Monograph Series.  Reinhold
#' Publishing.
#' @examples
#' swViscosity(30, 10) # 0.001383779
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swViscosity <- function(salinity, temperature) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (missing(temperature)) {
        stop("must provide temperature")
    l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature))
    0.001798525 + l$salinity * (2.634749e-06 - 7.088328e-10 *
        l$temperature^2 + l$salinity * (-4.702342e-09 + l$salinity *
        (5.32178e-11))) + l$temperature * (-6.293088e-05 +
        l$temperature * (1.716685e-06 + l$temperature * (-3.479273e-08
        + l$temperature * (+3.566255e-10))))

#' Seawater Conservative Temperature (GSW Formulation)
#' Compute seawater Conservative Temperature, according to the GSW/TEOS-10
#' formulation.
#' If the first argument is an `oce` object, then values for salinity,
#' etc., are extracted from it, and used for the calculation, and the
#' corresponding arguments to the present function are ignored.
#' The conservative temperature is calculated using the TEOS-10 function
#' [gsw::gsw_CT_from_t] from the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param temperature *in-situ* temperature (\eqn{^\circ}{deg}C), defined
#' on the ITS-90 scale; see \dQuote{Temperature units} in the documentation for
#' [swRho()].
#' @param pressure pressure (dbar)
#' @param longitude longitude of observation.
#' @param latitude latitude of observation.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Conservative temperature in degrees Celcius.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso The related TEOS-10 quantity ``absolute salinity'' may be computed
#' with [swAbsoluteSalinity()].  For a ctd object, conservative
#' temperature may also be recovered by indexing as e.g.
#' \code{ctd[["conservativeTemperature"]]} or \code{ctd[["CT"]]}.
# NOTE: the markdown-Rd translator balks on the above if backticks are used
#' @references McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with
#' TEOS-10 and the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp.,
#' SCOR/IAPSO WG127, ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' swConservativeTemperature(35, 10, 1000, 188, 4) # 9.86883
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swConservativeTemperature <- function(
    salinity, temperature = NULL, pressure = NULL,
    longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL,
    debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        oceDebug(debug, "swConservativeTemperature() with an oce object as first argument START\n")
        location <- locationForGsw(x)
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- location$longitude
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- location$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(longitude))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
    if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
        stop("need longitude and latitude to compute CT")
    # we already have properly dimensioned longitude and latitude, so don't look
    # within the object for them.
    l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, temperature = temperature, pressure = pressure))
    l$longitude <- longitude
    l$latitude <- latitude
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    nt <- length(l$temperature)
    if (nS != nt) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and temperature must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", nt, ", respectively")
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    # make longitude and latitude dimensions match salinity
    if (length(l$longitude) < nS) {
        l$longitude <- rep(l$longitude, length.out = nS)
        dim(l$longitude) <- dim
    if (length(l$latitude) < nS) {
        l$latitude <- rep(l$latitude, length.out = nS)
        dim(l$latitude) <- dim
    bad <- is.na(l$salinity) | is.na(l$temperature) | is.na(l$pressure)
    SA <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(
        SP = l$salinity[!bad], p = l$pressure[!bad],
        longitude = l$longitude[!bad], latitude = l$latitude[!bad]
    good <- gsw::gsw_CT_from_t(SA = SA, t = l$temperature[!bad], p = l$pressure[!bad])
    res <- rep(NA, nS)
    res[!bad] <- good
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Absolute Salinity (GSW Formulation)
#' Compute the seawater Absolute Salinity, according to the GSW/TEOS-10
#' formulation with [gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP()] in the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' Typically, this is a fraction of a unit
#' higher than practical salinity as defined in the UNESCO formulae.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case `temperature`
#' and `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object (in
#' which case `salinity`, etc. are inferred from the object).
#' @param pressure pressure in dbar.
#' @param longitude longitude of observation.
#' @param latitude latitude of observation.
#' @template debugTemplate
#' @return Absolute Salinity in \eqn{g/kg}{g/kg}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso The related TEOS-10 quantity ``conservative temperature'' may be
#' computed with [swConservativeTemperature()].  For a ctd object,
#' absolute salinity may also be recovered by indexing as e.g.
#' \code{ctd[["absoluteSalinity"]]} or \code{ctd[["SA"]]}.
# NOTE: the markdown-Rd translator balks on the above if backticks are used
#' @references McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with
#' TEOS-10 and the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp.,
#' SCOR/IAPSO WG127, ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' swAbsoluteSalinity(35.5, 300, 260, 16) # 35.67136
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swAbsoluteSalinity <- function(salinity, pressure = NULL, longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL,
                               debug = getOption("oceDebug")) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        if (!"salinity" %in% names(x@data)) {
            stop("this oce object lacks salinity, so SA cannot be computed")
        oceDebug(debug, "swAbsoluteSalinity() with an oce object as first argument ...\n")
        location <- locationForGsw(x)
        # cat(vectorShow(location))
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- location$longitude
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- location$latitude
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(longitude))
        oceDebug(debug, vectorShow(latitude))
        if (is.null(pressure)) {
            pressure <- x[["pressure"]]
    if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
        stop("need longitude and latitude to compute SA")
    if (is.null(pressure)) {
        stop("need pressure to compute SA")
    if (length(longitude) != length(pressure)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude (", length(longitude), ") and pressure (", length(pressure), ") do not match")
    if (length(latitude) != length(pressure)) {
        stop("lengths of latitude (", length(latitude), ") and pressure (", length(pressure), ") do not match")
    # we already have properly dimensioned longitude and latitude, so don't look
    # within the object for them.
    l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, pressure = pressure))
    l$longitude <- longitude
    l$latitude <- latitude
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity and pressure must agree, but they are ", nS, " and ", np, ", respectively")
    # make longitude and latitude dimensions match salinity
    if (length(l$longitude) < nS) {
        l$longitude <- rep(l$longitude, length.out = nS)
        dim(l$longitude) <- dim
    if (length(l$latitude) < nS) {
        l$latitude <- rep(l$latitude, length.out = nS)
        dim(l$latitude) <- dim
    bad <- is.na(l$salinity) | is.na(l$pressure) | is.na(l$longitude) | is.na(l$latitude)
    good <- gsw::gsw_SA_from_SP(l$salinity[!bad], l$pressure[!bad], l$longitude[!bad], l$latitude[!bad])
    res <- rep(NA, nS)
    res[!bad] <- good
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Preformed Salinity (GSW Formulation)
#' Compute seawater Preformed Salinity (S*), according to the GSW/TEOS-10
#' formulation with [gsw::gsw_Sstar_from_SA()] in the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity (in which case
#' `pressure` must be provided) *or* an `oce` object with
#' `salinity` and `pressure` in its data slot, and with
#' `longitude` and `latitude` either there, or in the metadata
#' slot.
#' @param pressure pressure in dbar.
#' @param longitude longitude of observation.
#' @param latitude latitude of observation.
#' @return Preformed Salinity, S*, in \eqn{g/kg}{g/kg}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso For some objects, S-star may also be recovered by
#' indexing as e.g. \code{ctd[["Sstar"]]}.
#' @references McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with
#' TEOS-10 and the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp.,
#' SCOR/IAPSO WG127, ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' swSstar(35.5, 300, 260, 16) # 35.66601
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSstar <- function(salinity, pressure = NULL, longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        for (item in c("salinity", "pressure")) {
            if (!item %in% names(x@data)) {
                stop("this oce object lacks ", item, ", so SA cannot be computed")
        # https://github.com/dankelley/oce/issues/1911
        # Create new longitude and latitude, to match the length or
        # dimensionality of pressure.  The argo-class is a special case,
        # because it has vectors of longitude and latitude, of length
        # that matches dim(pressure)[2].  However, it seems prudent
        # to base our method on the shapes of the data, not on
        # the object class, as a way to address not only argo but
        # also perhaps any future-defined object that has this
        # characteristic.
        pressure <- x@data$pressure
        # temperature <- x@data$temperature
        salinity <- x@data$salinity
        if (is.null(longitude)) {
            longitude <- x[["longitude"]]
        if (is.null(latitude)) {
            latitude <- x[["latitude"]]
        if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
            stop("need longitude and latitude to compute Sstar")
        if (is.array(pressure)) {
            nlevels <- dim(pressure)[1]
            longitude <- rep(longitude, each = nlevels)
            latitude <- rep(latitude, each = nlevels)
        } else {
            np <- length(pressure)
            longitude <- rep(longitude[1], length.out = np)
            latitude <- rep(latitude[1], length.out = np)
    if (is.null(longitude) || is.null(latitude)) {
        stop("need longitude and latitude to compute Sstar")
    if (length(longitude) != length(pressure)) {
        stop("lengths of longitude and pressure must match")
    if (length(latitude) != length(pressure)) {
        stop("lengths of latitude and pressure must match")
    l <- lookWithin(list(salinity = salinity, pressure = pressure, longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude))
    dim <- dim(l$salinity)
    nS <- length(l$salinity)
    np <- length(l$pressure)
    if (nS != np) {
        stop("lengths of salinity (", nS, ") and pressure (", np, ") disagree")
    bad <- is.na(l$salinity) | is.na(l$pressure) | is.na(l$longitude) | is.na(l$latitude)
    resGood <- gsw::gsw_Sstar_from_SP(SP = l$salinity[!bad], l$pressure[!bad], longitude = l$longitude[!bad], latitude = l$latitude[!bad])
    res <- rep(NA, nS)
    res[!bad] <- resGood
    if (!is.null(dim)) {
        dim(res) <- dim

#' Seawater Reference Salinity (GSW Formulation)
#' Compute seawater Reference Salinity (SR), according to the GSW/TEOS-10
#' formulation with [gsw::gsw_SR_from_SP()] in the \CRANpkg{gsw} package.
#' @param salinity either practical salinity or an `oce` object
#' that holds salinity in its data slot.
#' @return Reference Salinity, SR, in \eqn{g/kg}{g/kg}.
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @seealso For some objects, SR may also be recovered by indexing as e.g.
#' \code{ctd[["SR"]]}.
#' @references McDougall, T.J. and P.M. Barker, 2011: Getting started with
#' TEOS-10 and the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, 28pp.,
#' SCOR/IAPSO WG127, ISBN 978-0-646-55621-5.
#' @examples
#' SR <- swSR(35.0) # 35.16504
#' @family functions that calculate seawater properties
swSR <- function(salinity) {
    if (missing(salinity)) {
        stop("must provide salinity")
    if (inherits(salinity, "oce")) {
        x <- salinity # store this for clarity
        if (!"salinity" %in% names(x@data)) {
            stop("this oce object lacks salinity, so SR cannot be computed")
        salinity <- x@data$salinity
dankelley/oce documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:04 p.m.