## MJ: priority for refactoring
plot.egf <-
type = c("interval", "cumulative", "rt"),
time_as = c("Date", "numeric"),
delta = 1,
log = TRUE,
zero = NA,
show_predict = TRUE,
show_doubling = FALSE,
level = 0.95,
control = egf_control_plot(),
cache = NULL,
plot = TRUE,
subset = NULL,
order = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
main = NULL,
sub = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
...) {
## Validate arguments ------------------------------------------------------
type <- match.arg(type)
if (x$model$day_of_week > 0L)
delta <- 1
else stopifnot(isNumber(delta), delta > 0)
show_predict <- min(2L, max(0L, as.integer(show_predict)))
if (x$model$curve %in% c("exponential", "logistic", "richards")) {
show_doubling <- min(2L, max(0L, as.integer(show_doubling)))
show_asymptote <-
as.integer(type == "rt" && x$model$curve != "exponential")
else {
show_doubling <- 0L
show_asymptote <- 0L
if (plot) {
time_as <- match.arg(time_as)
if (!is.null(zero)) {
if (type == "rt")
zero <- NULL
else if (is.na(zero))
zero <- as.double(zero)
else stopifnot(isNumber(zero), zero > 0)
if (any(c(show_predict, show_doubling) == 2L))
stopifnot(isNumber(level), level > 0, level < 1)
stopifnot(inherits(control, "egf_control_plot"))
if (!is.null(cache))
stopifnot(inherits(cache, "plot.egf"))
if (!is.null(xlim)) {
if (!is.numeric(xlim))
xlim <- try(julian(as.Date(xlim)))
length(xlim) == 2L,
xlim[1L] < xlim[2L])
if (!is.null(ylim))
length(ylim) == 2L,
ylim[1L] < ylim[2L])
## Subset and order time series, fitting windows ---------------------------
frame_ts <- model.frame(x, full = TRUE)
frame_windows <- frame_windows_bak <- model.frame(x, "windows")
frame_combined <- model.frame(x, "combined")
subset <- egf_eval_subset(subset, frame_combined, parent.frame())
if (length(subset) == 0L)
stop(gettextf("'%s' is empty; nothing to plot", "subset"),
domain = NA)
order <- egf_eval_order(order, frame_combined, parent.frame())
subset <- order[order %in% subset]
frame_windows <- frame_windows[subset, , drop = FALSE]
lts <- as.character(unique(frame_windows$ts))
frame_windows$ts <- factor(frame_windows$ts, levels = lts)
reorder <- do.call(base::order, unname(frame_windows[c("ts", "start")]))
subset <- subset[reorder]
frame_windows <- frame_windows[reorder, , drop = FALSE]
lw <- as.character(frame_windows$window)
frame_windows$window <- factor(frame_windows$window, levels = lw)
frame_ts$ts <- factor(frame_ts$ts, levels = lts)
frame_ts$window <- factor(frame_ts$window, levels = lw)
frame_ts <- frame_ts[!is.na(frame_ts$ts), , drop = FALSE]
## Finalize annotation -----------------------------------------------------
if (plot) {
n <- nlevels(frame_ts$ts)
subset1 <- subset[match(lts, frame_windows$ts, 0L)]
nplot <- n
main <- egf_eval_label(main, frame_combined, parent.frame())[subset1]
if (is.null(main))
main <- levels(frame_ts$ts)
sub <- egf_eval_label(sub, frame_combined, parent.frame())[subset1]
if (is.null(sub))
sub <- ""
main <- rep_len(main, nplot)
sub <- rep_len(sub, nplot)
if (is.null(xlab))
xlab <- switch(time_as, Date = "", numeric = "time")
if (type == "rt") {
if (is.null(ylab))
ylab <- c("per capita growth rate", "doubling time")
else if ((is.character(ylab) || is.expression(ylab)) &&
length(ylab) == 1L)
ylab <- c(ylab, "doubling time")
else {
if (is.null(ylab))
ylab <- paste(type, "incidence")
## Augment 'cache' ---------------------------------------------------------
## If necessary, initialize
if (is.null(cache))
cache <- data.frame(var = factor(),
ts = factor(),
window = factor(),
time = double(0L),
value = double(0L),
se = double(0L))
nc <- names(cache)
## If necessary, augment 'cache' with predicted values
## of whatever is being plotted and standard errors
if (show_predict > 0L) {
ok <-
cache$var == sprintf("log(%s)", type) &
!(show_predict == 2L & is.na(cache$se))
required <- setdiff(lw, cache$window[ok])
if (length(required) > 0L) {
m <- match(required, frame_windows_bak$window, 0L)
time_split <- Map(seq.int,
from = frame_windows_bak$start[m],
to = frame_windows_bak$end[m],
by = delta)
px <- .__predict.egf(x,
what = type,
time = unlist1(time_split),
window = rep.int(frame_windows_bak$window[m],
log = TRUE,
se = (show_predict == 2L))
if (show_predict == 1L)
px$se <- NA_real_
cache <- rbind(cache, px[nc])
## If necessary, augment 'cache' with fitted values of 'log(r)'
## and standard errors
if (show_doubling > 0L || show_asymptote > 0L) {
ok <- cache$var == "log(r)" & !(show_doubling == 2L & is.na(cache$se))
required <- setdiff(lw, cache$window[ok])
if (length(required) > 0L) {
fx <- fitted(x,
top = "log(r)",
class = TRUE,
se = (show_doubling == 2L),
subset = (frame_windows_bak$window %in% required))
if (show_doubling != 2L)
fx$se <- NA_real_
fx$time <- NA_real_
names(fx)[match("top", names(fx), 0L)] <- "var"
cache <- rbind(cache, fx[nc])
## Clean up
o <- do.call(base::order, unname(cache[-5L]))
cache <- cache[o, , drop = FALSE]
i <- !duplicated(cache[1:4])
cache <- cache[i, , drop = FALSE]
row.names(cache) <- NULL
class(cache) <- c("plot.egf", oldClass(cache))
## If not plotting, then return
if (!plot)
## If plotting, then create an instruction to return
## 'cache' if the low level plot function throws an error
cache_bak <- cache
message(gettextf("augmented '%s' returned despite error", "cache"),
domain = NA)
## Extract only those rows of 'cache' needed by the low level plot function
lvar <- c(sprintf("log(%s)", type), if (show_doubling > 0L) "log(r)")
cache[1:3] <- Map(factor, cache[1:3], levels = list(lvar, lts, lw))
i <- complete.cases(cache[1:3])
cache <- cache[i, , drop = FALSE]
## Augment with confidence intervals
cache[c("lower", "upper")] <- list(NA_real_)
i <-
(show_predict == 2L & cache$var == sprintf("log(%s)", type)) |
(show_doubling == 2L & cache$var == "log(r)")
if (any(i))
cache[i, c("lower", "upper")] <-
do.call(wald, c(cache[i, c("value", "se"), drop = FALSE],
list(level = level)))
## Augment 'control' -------------------------------------------------------
ogp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
on.exit(par(ogp), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
## Gather parameter values necessary to determine text dimensions ...
## those not specified in 'control' are obtained from 'gp'
par(cex = 1)
gp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (is.list(control$axis$y)) {
nms <- setdiff(c("mgp", "cex.axis", "font.axis", "family"),
control$axis$y[nms] <- gp[nms]
if (is.list(control$title$sub)) {
nms <- setdiff(c("mgp", "cex.sub", "font.sub", "family"),
control$title$sub[nms] <- gp[nms]
if (is.list(control$title$ylab)) {
nms <- setdiff(c("mgp", "cex.lab", "font.lab", "family"),
control$title$ylab[nms] <- gp[nms]
for (s in c("ci", "value", "legend"))
if (is.list(control$doubling[[s]])) {
nms <- setdiff(c("adj", "cex", "font", "family"),
control$doubling[[s]][nms] <- gp[nms]
## Distinguish minor and major axes ...
if (time_as == "Date" && is.list(args <- control$axis$x)) {
nms <- setdiff(c("mgp", "cex.axis"), names(args))
args[nms] <- gp[nms]
args <- rep.int(list(args), 2L)
names(args) <- c("minor", "major")
args$major$mgp[1:2] <- args$minor$mgp[1:2] + 1.5
args$major$cex.axis <- args$minor$cex.axis * 1.15
args$major$tick <- FALSE
control$axis$x <- args
## Misc --------------------------------------------------------------------
## Approximation of per capita growth rate from cumulative counts
## is much less noisy but sensitive to the (unknown) initial value,
## so retrieve the predicted initial value and hope that it's reasonable
if (type == "rt") {
px <- .__predict.egf(x,
what = "cumulative",
time = frame_windows$start,
window = frame_windows$window,
log = FALSE,
se = FALSE)
frame_windows$c0 <-
px$value[match(frame_windows$window, px$window, 0L)]
## Plot and return ---------------------------------------------------------
.plot.egf.worker(frame_ts = frame_ts,
frame_windows = frame_windows,
cache = cache,
type = type,
time_as = time_as,
delta = delta,
log = log,
zero = zero,
show_predict = show_predict,
show_doubling = show_doubling,
show_asymptote = show_asymptote,
level = level,
control = control,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
main = main,
sub = sub,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab)
## Discard exit instructions if low level plot function runs without error
.plot.egf.worker <-
function(frame_ts, frame_windows, cache,
type, time_as, delta, log, zero,
show_predict, show_doubling, show_asymptote,
level, control, xlim, ylim, main, sub, xlab, ylab) {
n <- nlevels(frame_ts$ts)
formula <- as.formula(call("~", as.name(type), quote(time)))
xlim_bak <- xlim
ylim_bak <- ylim
elu <- c("value", "lower", "upper")
## Graphical parameters
ogp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
gp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(n)) { # loop over plots
data <- frame_ts[unclass(frame_ts$ts) == i, , drop = FALSE]
data_windows <- frame_windows[unclass(frame_windows$ts) == i, , drop = FALSE]
if (show_doubling > 0L) {
cache_r <- cache[unclass(cache$ts) == i & cache$var == "log(r)", , drop = FALSE]
cache_r[elu] <- exp(cache_r[elu])
if (show_predict > 0L) {
cache_predict <- cache[unclass(cache$ts) == i & cache$var == sprintf("log(%s)", type), , drop = FALSE]
cache_predict[elu] <- exp(cache_predict[elu])
data$delta <- c(NA, diff(data$time))
data[[type]] <-
interval = c(NA, data$x[-1L]) * delta / data$delta,
cumulative = c(0, cumsum(data$x[-1L])),
rt = local({
f <-
function(x, x0)
c(0.5 * diff(log(cumsum(c(x0, x))), lag = 2), NA)
y <- unsplit(Map(f,
x = split(data$x,
drop = TRUE),
x0 = data_windows$c0),
drop = TRUE)
y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
if (log && is.null(zero))
data[[type]][data[[type]] == 0] <- NA
data$pty <-
if (type == "interval")
factor(sign(data$delta - delta),
levels = c(0, -1, 1),
labels = c("main", "short", "long"))
else factor("main")
## Axis limits (x)
xlim <- xlim_bak
if (is.null(xlim))
xlim <- range(data$time)
## Axis limits (y)
ylim <- ylim_bak
if (is.null(ylim)) {
y <- data[[type]]
if (type == "rt" && show_predict > 0L)
y <- c(y, unlist1(cache_predict[elu]))
y <- y[!is.na(y)]
if (length(y) == 0L || all(y == 0))
ylim <- c(if (log) 0.1 else 0, 1)
else if (!log)
ylim <- c(0, 1.04 * max(y))
else if (type == "rt") {
ry <- range(y)
ylim <- exp(base::log(ry) +
c(-1, 1) * 0.04 * diff(base::log(ry)))
ylim[!is.finite(ylim)] <- ry[!is.finite(ylim)]
else if (all(y == 0 | y >= 1) && any(y > 1))
ylim <- exp(c(-0.04, 1.04) * log(max(y)))
else {
ry <- range(y[y > 0])
ylim <- exp(base::log(ry) +
c(-1, 1) * 0.04 * diff(base::log(ry)))
ylim[!is.finite(ylim)] <- ry[!is.finite(ylim)]
if (log && !is.null(zero))
data[[type]][data[[type]] == 0] <-
if (is.na(zero)) ylim[1L] else zero
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
log = if (log) "y" else "")
## Fitting windows
if (is.list(args <- control$window)) {
args[c("xleft", "xright")] <- data_windows[c("start", "end")]
args[c("ybottom", "ytop")] <- as.list(ylim)
do.call(rect, args)
## Observed data
for (s in levels(data$pty))
if (is.list(args <- control$data[[s]])) {
reserved <- c("formula", "data", "subset", "x", "y")
args[names(args) %in% reserved] <- NULL
args <- c(list(formula = formula, data = data,
subset = (data$pty == s)),
do.call(points, args)
## Confidence bands on predicted curves
if (show_predict == 2L && is.list(args <- control$predict$ci))
for (px in split(cache_predict, cache_predict$window, drop = TRUE)) {
if (type == "cumulative") {
c0 <- data[[type]][match(px$time[1L], data$time, 0L)]
if (is.na(c0))
px$lower <- c0 + px$lower - px$lower[1L]
px$upper <- c0 + px$upper - px$upper[1L]
args$x <- c(px$time, rev(px$time))
args$y <- c(px$lower, rev(px$upper))
do.call(polygon, args)
## Predicted curves
if (show_predict > 0L && is.list(args <- control$predict$value))
for (px in split(cache_predict, cache_predict$window, drop = TRUE)) {
if (type == "cumulative") {
c0 <- data[[type]][match(px$time[1L], data$time, 0L)]
if (is.na(c0))
px$value <- c0 + px$value - px$value[1L]
reserved <- c("formula", "data", "subset", "x", "y")
args[names(args) %in% reserved] <- NULL
args <- c(list(formula = value ~ time, data = px), args)
do.call(lines, args)
## Asymptote
if (show_asymptote > 0L && is.list(args <- control$asymptote)) {
args[c("x0", "x1")] <- data_windows[c("start", "end")]
args[c("y0", "y1")] <- cache_r["value"]
do.call(segments, args)
## Box
if (is.list(args <- control$box))
do.call(box, args)
## Axis (x)
if (is.list(args <- control$axis$x)) {
args$side <- 1
do.call(switch(time_as, Date = Daxis, baxis), args)
## Axis title (x)
if (time_as == "numeric" && is.list(args <- control$title$xlab)) {
args$xlab <- xlab
do.call(title, args)
## Axis (y)
if (is.list(args1 <- control$axis$y)) {
args1$side <- 2
args1$las <- 1
args1$at <- axTicks(side = 2)
args1$labels <-
if (type != "rt" && max(args1$at) >= 1e+05)
else as.character(args1$at)
do.call(baxis, args1)
width <- max(strwidth(args1$labels,
units = "inches",
cex = args1$cex.axis,
font = args1$font.axis,
family = args1$family))
line <- args1$mgp[2L] +
diff(grconvertX(c(0, width), "inches", "lines")) + 0.75
## Axis title (y)
if (is.list(args2 <- control$title$ylab)) {
args2$ylab <- ylab[[1L]]
if (is.list(args1))
args2$line <- line
else {
line <- args2$line
if (is.null(line))
line <- args2$line <- args2$mgp[1L]
do.call(title, args2)
width <- strheight(args2$ylab,
units = "inches",
cex = args2$cex.lab,
font = args2$font.lab,
family = args2$family)
line <- line +
diff(grconvertX(c(0, width), "inches", "lines")) + 1.25
if (type == "rt" && log) {
## Axis (y), outer
if (is.list(args1)) {
par(new = TRUE)
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = base::log(2) / ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", log = "y")
args1$at <- axTicks(side = 2)
args1$labels <- as.character(args1$at)
args1$mgp <- line + args1$mgp
do.call(baxis, args1)
width <- max(strwidth(args1$labels,
units = "inches",
cex = args1$cex.axis,
font = args1$font.axis,
family = args1$family))
line <- args1$mgp[2L] +
diff(grconvertX(c(0, width), "inches", "lines")) + 0.75
par(new = TRUE)
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", log = "y")
## Axis title (y), outer
if (is.list(args2)) {
args2$ylab <- ylab[[2L]]
args2$line <- line
do.call(title, args2)
## Initial doubling times
if (show_doubling > 0L && is.list(args <- control$doubling)) {
doubling <- as.list(base::log(2) / cache_r[elu])
names(doubling) <- elu[c(1L, 3L, 2L)]
doubling$labels <- c(ci = sprintf("(%.3g%% CI)", 100 * level),
value = "value",
legend = "initial doubling time:")
w <-
function(s, l) {
if (!is.list(l))
units = "user",
cex = l$cex * gp$cex,
font = l$font,
family = l$family)
doubling$widths <- mapply(w,
s = doubling$labels,
l = args[names(doubling$labels)])
h <-
function(s, l) {
if (!is.list(l))
height <- strheight(s,
units = "inches",
cex = l$cex * gp$cex,
font = l$font,
family = l$family)
diff(grconvertY(c(0, height), "inches", "lines"))
doubling$heights <- mapply(h,
s = doubling$labels,
l = args[names(doubling$labels)])
doubling$lines <- rep.int(0.25, 5L)
names(doubling$lines) <-
paste0(rep.int(c("", "label_"), c(2L, 3L)),
names(doubling$labels)[c(1:2, 1:3)])
if (show_doubling == 2L && is.list(args$ci))
doubling$lines[-1L] <- doubling$lines[["ci"]] +
doubling$heights[["ci"]] + 0.15
if (is.list(args$value))
doubling$lines[-(1:2)] <- doubling$lines[["value"]] +
doubling$heights[["value"]] + 1
if (show_doubling == 2L && is.list(args$ci))
doubling$lines[-(1:3)] <- doubling$lines[["label_ci"]] +
doubling$heights[["ci"]] + 0.15
if (is.list(args$value))
doubling$lines[-(1:4)] <- doubling$lines[["label_value"]] +
doubling$heights[["value"]] + 0.25
## Legend
if (show_legend <- is.list(args$legend)) {
adj <- args$legend$adj
x_legend <- xlim[1L] + adj *
max(0, xlim[2L] - xlim[1L] - doubling$widths[["legend"]])
x_body <- x_legend + doubling$widths[["legend"]] -
0.5 * max(doubling$widths[c("value", "ci")])
args$legend$text <- doubling$labels[["legend"]]
args$legend$side <- 3
args$legend$line <- doubling$lines[["label_legend"]]
args$legend$at <- x_legend
args$legend$adj <- 0
args$legend$padj <- 0
args$legend$cex <- args$legend$cex * gp$cex
do.call(mtext, args$legend)
## Values
if (is.list(args$value)) {
args$value$text <-
c(sprintf("%.1f", doubling$value),
if (show_legend) doubling$labels[["value"]])
args$value$side <- 3
args$value$line <-
if (show_legend) doubling$lines[["label_value"]])
args$value$at <-
c((data_windows$start + data_windows$end) / 2,
if (show_legend) x_body)
args$value$adj <- 0.5
args$value$padj <- 0
args$value$cex <- args$value$cex * gp$cex
do.call(mtext, args$value)
## Confidence intervals
if (show_doubling == 2L && is.list(args$ci)) {
args$ci$text <-
c(sprintf("(%.1f, %.1f)", doubling$lower, doubling$upper),
if (show_legend) doubling$labels[["ci"]])
args$ci$side <- 3
args$ci$line <-
c(rep.int(doubling$lines[["ci"]], nrow(data_windows)),
if (show_legend) doubling$lines[["label_ci"]])
args$ci$at <-
c((data_windows$start + data_windows$end) / 2,
if (show_legend) x_body)
args$ci$adj <- 0.5
args$ci$padj <- 0
args$ci$cex <- args$ci$cex * gp$cex
do.call(mtext, args$ci)
## Plot subtitle
if (is.list(args1 <- control$title$sub)) {
args1$main <- sub[i]
names(args1) <- base::sub("\\.sub$", ".main", names(args1))
if (show_doubling > 0L && is.list(control$doubling))
args1$line <- doubling$lines[["value"]] +
doubling$heights[["value"]] + 1
else if (is.null(args1$line))
args1$line <- args1$mgp[1L] + 1
do.call(title, args1)
height <- strheight(args1$main,
units = "inches",
cex = args1$cex.main,
font = args1$font.main,
family = args1$family)
line <- args1$line +
diff(grconvertY(c(0, height), "inches", "lines")) + 0.25
## Plot title
if (is.list(args2 <- control$title$main)) {
args2$main <- main[i]
if (is.list(args1))
args2$line <- line
else if (show_doubling > 0L && is.list(control$doubling))
args2$line <- doubling$lines[["value"]] +
doubling$heights[["value"]] + 1
do.call(title, args2)
} # loop over plots
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