## These are the options I tend to favor
## tt <- devtools::load_all("~/hpgltools")
knitr::opts_knit$set(progress = TRUE,
                     verbose = TRUE,
                     width = 90,
                     echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE,
                      fig.width = 8,
                      fig.height = 8,
                      dpi = 96)
old_options <- options(digits = 4,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       knitr.duplicate.label = "allow")
ggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 10))
rmd_file <- "c-03_fission_differential_expression.Rmd"

Example hpgltool usage with a real data set (fission)

This document aims to provide further examples in how to use the hpgltools.

Note to self, the header has rmarkdown::pdf_document instead of html_document or html_vignette because it gets some bullcrap error 'margins too large'...

Setting up

Here are the commands I invoke to get ready to play with new data, including everything required to install hpgltools, the software it uses, and the fission data.

tt <- sm(library(fission))
tt <- data(fission)

Annotation collection

Later on in this, I will do some ontology shenanigans. But I can grab some annotations from biomart now.

pombe_annotations <- load_biomart_annotations(
    host = "fungi.ensembl.org",
    trymart = "fungal_mart",
    trydataset = "spombe_eg_gene",
    gene_requests = c("pombase_transcript", "ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_transcript_id",
                      "hgnc_symbol", "description", "gene_biotype"),
    species = "spombe", overwrite = TRUE)
pombe_mart <- pombe_annotations[["mart"]]
annotations <- pombe_annotations[["annotation"]]
rownames(annotations) <- make.names(gsub(pattern = "\\.\\d+$",
                                         replacement = "",
                                         x = rownames(annotations)), unique = TRUE)

Data import

All the work I do in Dr. El-Sayed's lab makes some pretty hard assumptions about how data is stored. As a result, to use the fission data set I will do a little bit of shenanigans to match it to the expected format. Now that I have played a little with fission, I think its format is quite nice and am likely to have my experiment class instead be a SummarizedExperiment.

## Extract the meta data from the fission dataset
meta <- as.data.frame(fission@colData)
## Make conditions and batches
meta[["condition"]] <- paste(meta[["strain"]], meta[["minute"]], sep = ".")
meta[["batch"]] <- meta[["replicate"]]
meta[["sample.id"]] <- rownames(meta)
## Grab the count data
fission_data <- fission@assays[["data"]][["counts"]]
## This will make an experiment superclass called 'expt' and it contains
## an ExpressionSet along with any arbitrary additional information one might want to include.
## Along the way it writes a Rdata file which is by default called 'expt.Rdata'
fission_expt <- create_expt(metadata = meta,
                            count_dataframe = fission_data,
                            gene_info = annotations)

Some simple differential expression analyses

Travis wisely imposes a limit on the amount of time for building vignettes. My tools by default will attempt all possible pairwise comparisons, which takes a long time. Therefore I am going to take a subset of the data and limit these comparisons to that.

fun_data <- subset_expt(fission_expt,
                        subset = "condition=='wt.120'|condition=='wt.30'")
fun_filt <- normalize_expt(fun_data, filter = "simple")
fun_norm <- sm(normalize_expt(fun_filt, batch = "limma", norm = "quant",
                              transform = "log2", convert = "cpm"))

Try using limma first

limma_comparison <- sm(limma_pairwise(fun_data))
scatter_wt_mut <- extract_coefficient_scatter(limma_comparison, type = "limma",
                                              x = "wt30", y = "wt120")
scatter_wt_mut[["both_histogram"]][["plot"]] +
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 0.20))
ma_wt_mut <- extract_de_plots(limma_comparison, type = "limma")

Then DESeq2

deseq_comparison <- sm(deseq2_pairwise(fun_data))
scatter_wt_mut <- extract_coefficient_scatter(deseq_comparison, type = "deseq",
                                              x = "wt30", y = "wt120", gvis_filename = NULL)
plots_wt_mut <- extract_de_plots(deseq_comparison, type = "deseq")


edger_comparison <- sm(edger_pairwise(fun_data, model_batch = TRUE))
plots_wt_mut <- extract_de_plots(edger_comparison, type = "edger")
scatter_wt_mut <- extract_coefficient_scatter(edger_comparison, type = "edger",
                                              x = "wt30", y = "wt120", gvis_filename = NULL)


```{r simple_edger2 ebseq_comparison <- sm(ebseq_pairwise(fun_data)) head(ebseq_comparison$all_tables[[1]])

## My stupid basic comparison

basic_comparison <- sm(basic_pairwise(fun_data))
scatter_wt_mut <- extract_coefficient_scatter(basic_comparison, type = "basic",
                                              x = "wt30", y = "wt120")
plots_wt_mut <- extract_de_plots(basic_comparison, type = "basic")

Combine them all

all_comparisons <- sm(all_pairwise(fun_data, model_batch = TRUE, parallel = FALSE))
all_combined <- sm(combine_de_tables(all_comparisons, excel = FALSE))
head(all_combined$data[[1]], n = 3)
sig_genes <- sm(extract_significant_genes(all_combined, excel = FALSE))
head(sig_genes$limma$ups[[1]], n = 3)

## Here we see that edger and deseq agree the least:

## And here we can look at the set of 'significant' genes according to various tools:
yeast_sig <- sm(extract_significant_genes(all_combined, excel = FALSE))
yeast_barplots <- sm(significant_barplots(combined = all_combined))

Setting up

Since I didn't acquire this data in a 'normal' way, I am going to post-generate a gff file which may be used by clusterprofiler, topgo, and gostats.

Therefore, I am going to make use of TxDb to make the requisite gff file.

limma_results <- limma_comparison[["all_tables"]]
## The set of comparisons performed
table <- limma_results[["wt30_vs_wt120"]]
gene_names <- rownames(table)

updown_genes <- get_sig_genes(table, p = 0.05, lfc = 0.4, p_column = "P.Value")
tt <- please_install("GenomicFeatures")
tt <- please_install("biomaRt")
available_marts <- biomaRt::listMarts(host = "fungi.ensembl.org")
ensembl_mart <- biomaRt::useMart("fungi_mart", host = "fungi.ensembl.org")
available_datasets <- biomaRt::listDatasets(ensembl_mart)
pombe_hit <- grep(pattern = "pombe", x = available_datasets[["description"]])
pombe_name <- available_datasets[pombe_hit, "dataset"]
pombe_mart <- biomaRt::useDataset(pombe_name, mart = ensembl_mart)

pombe_goids <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = c("pombase_transcript", "go_id"),
                              values = gene_names, mart = pombe_mart)
colnames(pombe_goids) <- c("ID", "GO")

Setting up with hpgltools

The above worked, it provided a table of ID and ontology. It was however a bit fraught. Here is another way.

## In theory, the above should work with a single function call:
pombe_goids_simple <- load_biomart_go(species = "spombe", overwrite = TRUE,
                                      dl_rows = c("pombase_transcript", "go_id"),
                                      host = "fungi.ensembl.org")

## This used to work, but does so no longer and I do not know why.
## pombe <- sm(GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromBiomart(biomart = "fungal_mart",
##                                                  dataset = "spombe_eg_gene",
##                                                  host = "fungi.ensembl.org"))

## I bet I can get all this information from ensembl now.
## This was found at the bottom of: https://www.biostars.org/p/232005/
link <- "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/release-34/fungi/gff3/schizosaccharomyces_pombe/Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.ASM294v2.34.gff3.gz"
pombe <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(link, format = "gff3", taxonomyId = 4896,
                                          organism = "Schizosaccharomyces pombe")

pombe_transcripts <- as.data.frame(GenomicFeatures::transcriptsBy(pombe))
lengths <- pombe_transcripts[, c("group_name","width")]
colnames(lengths) <- c("ID","width")
## Something useful I didn't notice before:
## makeTranscriptDbFromGFF()  ## From GenomicFeatures, much like my own gff2df()
gff_from_txdb <- GenomicFeatures::asGFF(pombe)
## why is GeneID: getting prefixed to the IDs!?
gff_from_txdb$ID <- gsub(x = gff_from_txdb$ID, pattern = "GeneID:", replacement = "")
written_gff <- rtracklayer::export.gff3(gff_from_txdb, con = "pombe.gff")

GOSeq test

Since I changed the annotation source of this data, I need to rethink my strategy for matching up the IDs of the genes and their go/lengths.

test_genes <- updown_genes[["down_genes"]]
lengths[["ID"]] <- gsub(x = lengths[["ID"]], pattern = "^gene:", replacement = "")
lengths[["ID"]] <- gsub(x = lengths[["ID"]], pattern = "\\.1$", replacement = "")
pombe_goids[["ID"]] <- gsub(x = pombe_goids[["ID"]], pattern = "\\.1$", replacement = "")
goseq_result <- simple_goseq(sig_genes = test_genes, go_db = pombe_goids,
                                length_db = lengths)

test_genes <- updown_genes[["up_genes"]]
goseq_result <- simple_goseq(sig_genes = test_genes, go_db = pombe_goids,
                             length_db = lengths)

ClusterProfiler test

clusterProfiler really prefers an orgdb instance to use, which is probably smart, as they are pretty nice. Sadly, there is no pre-defined orgdb for pombe...

## holy crap makeOrgPackageFromNCBI is slow, no slower than some of mine, so who am I to complain.
if (! "org.Spombe.eg.db" %in% installed.packages()) {
  orgdb <- AnnotationForge::makeOrgPackageFromNCBI(
                                version = "0.1", author = "atb <abelew@gmail.com>",
                                maintainer = "atb <abelew@gmail.com>", tax_id = "4896",
                                genus = "Schizosaccharomyces", species = "pombe")
  ## This created the directory 'org.spombe.eg.db'

## Don't forget to remove the terminal .1 from the gene names...
## If you do forget this, it will fail for no easily visible reason until you remember
## this and get really mad at yourself.
##rownames(test_genes) <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = rownames(test_genes))
##pombe_goids[["ID"]] <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = pombe_goids[["ID"]])
cp_result <- simple_clusterprofiler(sig_genes = test_genes, do_david = FALSE, do_gsea = FALSE,
                                    de_table = all_combined[["data"]][[1]],
                                    orgdb = org.Spombe.eg.db, orgdb_to = "ALIAS")
## Yay bar plots!
## Get rid of those stupid terminal .1s.
##rownames(test_genes) <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = rownames(test_genes))
##pombe_goids[["ID"]] <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = pombe_goids[["ID"]])
tp_result <- simple_topgo(sig_genes = test_genes, go_db = pombe_goids, pval_column = "limma_adjp")

## Get rid of those stupid terminal .1s.
##rownames(test_genes) <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = rownames(test_genes))
pombe_goids[["ID"]] <- gsub(pattern = ".1$", replacement = "", x = pombe_goids[["ID"]])
## universe_merge is the column in the final data frame when.
## gff_type is the field in the gff file providing the id, this may be redundant with
## universe merge, that is something to check on...
gst_result <- sm(simple_gostats(sig_genes = test_genes, go_db = pombe_goids, universe_merge = "id",
                                gff_type = "gene",
                                gff = "pombe.gff", pval_column = "limma_adjp"))

elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.