enrichResult: The enrichResult class.

enrichResult-classR Documentation

The enrichResult class.


I create enrichResult objects in each of the xxx2enrich().


I am not completely certain how to properly use roxygen to make available classes from another package. It looks like I should just need to do 'importClassesFrom package class', but I thought I already did that? I have a series of functions which coerce various enrichment results to DOSE's enrichResult. I thought this class was actually in a package named soemthing like 'enrich' but I think that was just one of my fever dreams. In any event, I am going to mess around here and try to stop the error: '## Error in getClass(Class, where = topenv(parent.frame())): ## "enrichResult" is not a defined class' from making me sad.

One note, this seems only to be a problem in my containerized version of hpgltools, opening the possibility that this is dependency mismanagement.

elsayed-lab/hpgltools documentation built on May 9, 2024, 5:02 a.m.