changeSub: Change substances in the environment

changeSubR Documentation

Change substances in the environment


The generic function changeSub changes specific substances in the environment.


changeSub(object, smax, mediac, unit = "mmol/cell")

## S4 method for signature 'Arena'
changeSub(object, smax, mediac, unit = "mmol/cell")



An object of class Arena.


A number or vector of numbers indicating the maximum substance concentration per grid cell.


A character vector giving the names of substances, which should be added to the environment (the default takes all possible substances).


A character used as chemical unit to set the amount of the substances to be added (valid values are: mmol/cell, mmol/cm2, mmol/arena, mM)


If nothing but object is given, then all possible substrates are initilized with a concentration of 0. Afterwards, changeSub can be used to modify the concentrations of specific substances.

See Also

Arena-class and addSubs


data(Ec_core, envir = environment()) #get Escherichia coli core metabolic model
bac <- Bac(Ec_core,deathrate=0.05,
           minweight=0.05,growtype="exponential") #initialize a bacterium
arena <- Arena(n=20,m=20) #initialize the environment
arena <- addOrg(arena,bac,amount=10) #add 10 organisms
arena <- addSubs(arena) #add all substances with no concentrations.
arena <- changeSub(arena,20,c("EX_glc(e)","EX_o2(e)","EX_pi(e)")) 
#add substances glucose, oxygen and phosphate

euba/BacArena documentation built on March 27, 2024, 2:33 p.m.