
Defines functions get_exposures signature_present compute_signatures_waic compute_signatures_waic

Documented in compute_signatures_waic get_exposures signature_present

#' Compute the MCMC sample space of exposure vectors
#' At the heart of SignIT is the MCMC sampling of signature exposure solutions.
#' This function provides a convenient wrapper around the MCMC sampling steps.
#' It constructs the STAN model, runs it, and then returns the result in a well formatted list.
#' @param mutation_catalog      Data frame with columns mutation_type, count. The mutation types
#'                              must be equivalent to those in reference_signatures.
#' @param reference_signatures  Reference mutation signatures, such as that output from get_reference_signatures.
#' @param n_chains              Number of MCMC chains
#' @param n_iter                Number of iterations per chain. Total iterations will be n_chains times n_iter.
#' @param n_adapt               Number of burn-in iterations
#' @return List containing the MCMC samples, as well as other data such as reference signatures and mutation catalog.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import readr
#' @import parallel
#' @export

get_exposures <- function(
    reference_signatures = NULL, 
    priors = NULL,
    n_chains = 4, 
    n_iter = 200, 
    n_adapt = 200, 
    n_cores = 1,
    stan_model = NULL,
    quiet = FALSE
) {
    if (get_os() == 'windows' && n_cores > 1) {
        stop("Multicore processing is not available on Windows. Please leave n_cores = 1")

    if (is.null(stan_model)) {
        if (is.null(priors)) {
            stan_model <- stanmodels$signature_model
        } else {
            stan_model <- stanmodels$signature_model_prior
                all(priors$prior < 1),
                all(priors$prior > 0)

    if (! 'mutation_type' %in% names(mutation_catalog) || ! 'count' %in% names(mutation_catalog)) {
             Mutation catalog is not properly formatted. 
             Must have two columns: mutation_type (character) and count (integer)

    if (is.null(reference_signatures)) {
        reference_signatures <- get_reference_signatures()

    reference_signatures <- normalize_reference_signatures(reference_signatures)

    signature_names <- reference_signatures %>% select(-mutation_type) %>% colnames
    n_mutations <- sum(mutation_catalog$count)

    if (n_mutations > 0) {
        stan_data = list(
            N = sum(mutation_catalog$count),
            S = reference_signatures %>% select(-mutation_type) %>% dim %>% .[2],
            R = reference_signatures %>% dim %>% .[1],
            v = mutation_catalog$count,
            ref_signatures = reference_signatures %>% reference_signatures_as_matrix(mutation_catalog)
        if (! is.null(priors)) {
            stan_data$prior = priors %>%
                mutate(signature = factor(signature, levels = signature_names)) %>%
                arrange(signature) %>%

        progress_base = interactive() && !isatty(stdout()) && !identical(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO"), "1")

        stan_object <- sampling(
            object = stan_model,
            data = stan_data,
            chains = n_chains,
            iter = n_iter + n_adapt,
            warmup = n_adapt,
            cores = n_cores,
            control = list(
            open_progress = (! quiet) && progress_base,
            show_messages = ! quiet,
            refresh = if_else(quiet, -1, 10)

        fit <- stan_object %>% as.array
        exposure_chain <- fit[, , grepl('exposure', dimnames(fit)$parameters)] %>% 
            plyr::adply(2, function(z) { as_tibble(z) }) %>% 
                iteration = row_number(), 
                chain = factor(chains) %>% as.integer
            ) %>% 
            select(-chains) %>% 
            `colnames<-`(c(signature_names, 'iteration', 'chain')) %>% 
            gather(signature, exposure, -iteration, -chain) %>% 
            as_tibble %>%
                signature = factor(signature, levels = signature_names),
                exposure = exposure * n_mutations
    } else {
        warning('Your dataset contained zero mutations. Returning zero exposure vector.')
        exposure_chain <- crossing(
            chain = 1:n_chains,
            iteration = 1:n_iter,
            signature = signature_names,
            exposure = 0
        ) %>%
            signature = factor(signature, levels = signature_names)

        stan_object <- NULL

  signature_present_table <- signature_present(exposure_chain, n_mutations)
    sampling_tool = 'stan',
    mutation_catalog = mutation_catalog,
    exposure_chain = exposure_chain,
    signatures_present = signature_present_table,
    reference_signatures = reference_signatures,
    signature_names = signature_names,
    n_mutations = n_mutations,
    model = stan_object

#' Determine Presence or Absence of Signatures
#' @param exposure_chain    Exposure chain table, part of output from get_exposures().
#' @return Table indicating the presence or absence of each signature.
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @import MASS
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

signature_present <- function(exposure_chain, n_mutations) {
  z_value = ifelse(n_mutations < 30000, 1, 32.26 * log10(n_mutations) - 143.421)

  exposure_chain %>%
    plyr::ddply('signature', function(signature_chain) {
      normal_fit <- fitdistr(signature_chain$exposure, 'normal')
        ~mean, ~sd,
      ) %>%
          lCI = mean - z_value * sd,
          uCI = mean + z_value * sd
    }) %>%
      signature_present = lCI > 0
    ) %>%
    select(signature, signature_present)

#' Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion for Signatures
#' @param mcmc_output    Output from \code{\link{get_exposures}}.
#' @return WAIC value
#' @import loo
#' @export

compute_signatures_waic <- function(mcmc_output) {
    log_lik <- extract_log_lik(mcmc_output$model)

#' Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion for Signatures
#' @param mcmc_output    Output from \code{\link{get_exposures}}.
#' @return WAIC value
#' @import loo
#' @export

compute_signatures_waic <- function(mcmc_output) {
    log_lik <- extract_log_lik(mcmc_output$model)
eyzhao/SignIT documentation built on Dec. 6, 2019, 11:45 a.m.