
Defines functions fheatmap2 .fheatmap_features fheatmap

Documented in fheatmap

#' Approximate a facile heatmap function
#' This just wraps the [sparrow::mgheatmap2()] function, but can accept a
#' `facile_frame`
#' TODO: support batch correction over data retrieved from `x`
#' @export
#' @param colors a list of named color vectors. Names should correspond to
#'   columns in row or column annotation dataframes(?)
#' @examples
#' # the seed matters, because some samples don't have all assay data
#' set.seed(0xBEEF)
#' set.seed(0xBEE)
#' afds <- FacileData::an_fds()
#' asamples <- FacileData::samples(afds) |> 
#'   FacileData::with_sample_covariates() |> 
#'   dplyr::filter(cell_abbrev %in% c("IMM", "PT")) |> 
#'   dplyr::sample_n(10)
#' genes <- dplyr::tibble(
#'     name = c(
#'       "AOX1",   "DPEP1",  "CDH6", "NAT8",     # PT
#'       "S100A8", "JCHAIN", "CCL4", "FCER1G"),  # IMM
#'     class = rep(c("PT", "IMM"), each = 4)) |> 
#'   dplyr::inner_join(FacileData::features(afds), by = "name")
#' fheatmap(
#'   asamples,
#'   genes,
#'   bottom_annotation = c("cell_abbrev", "condition"),
#'   ba_annotation_name_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 16),
#'   colors = list(cell_abbrev = c(IMM = "firebrick", PT = "navy")),
#'   column_split = asamples$cell_abbrev
#'   )
fheatmap <- function(x, features = NULL, assay_name = NULL, gdb = NULL,
                     rename_rows = NULL, ...,
                     # top_annotation = NULL, bottom_annotation = NULL,
                     # top_annotation_params = list(),
                     # bottom_annotation_params = list(),
                     colors = NULL) {
  if (is(x, "facile_frame")) {
    features <- .fheatmap_features(features)
    if (is.null(assay_name)) {
      assay_name <- FacileData::assay_names(FacileData::fds(x))[1L]
    ainfo <- FacileData::assay_info(FacileData::fds(x), assay_name)
    if (!ainfo$assay_type == "rnaseq") {
      stop("fheatmap(facile_frame) only works for rnaseq data for now")
    x <- FacileData::with_assay_covariates(x)
    xo <- x
    sample.order <- paste(x$dataset, x$sample_id, sep ="__")
    # TODO:
    #   1. User should be able to specify assay to use for fheatmap
    #   2. the `class` param (DGEList) should be passed in here, with an
    #      attempt to guess what it is if missing, based on assay_type
    x <- FacileData::biocbox(x, "DGEList", features = features,
                             assay_name = assay_name,
                             update_libsizes = FALSE,
                             update_normfactors = FALSE)
    x$samples <- x$samples |> 
        lib.size = ifelse(
          # lib.size,
          mean(libsize, na.rm = TRUE),
        norm.factors = ifelse(
          # norm.factors,
          mean(normfactor, na.rm = TRUE),
      )) |> 
      select(-libsize, -normfactor)
    dropped <- attr(x, "samples_dropped")
    if (nrow(dropped) > 0L) {
      stop("These samples do not have assay data for `", assay_name, "`:\n",
           paste(dropped$dataset, dropped$sample_id, sep = "__"))
    stopifnot(setequal(sample.order, colnames(x)))
    # x <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(x)

  if (is.character(features)) {
    features <- x$genes[features,,drop=FALSE]
  no.feature <- setdiff(features$feature_id, rownames(x))
  if (length(no.feature) > 0) {
    stop("Missing features: ", paste(no.feature, collapse = ";"))
  x <- x[features$feature_id, sample.order]
  if (test_character(rename_rows)) {
      "need length(2) character vector" = {
        length(rename_rows) == 2
      "character vector references y$genes columns" = {
        all(rename_rows %in% names(x$genes))
    rename_rows <- x$genes[, rename_rows]
  if (!is.null(rename_rows)) {
    assert_multi_class(rename_rows, c("data.frame", "tbl"))
    stopifnot(ncol(rename_rows) == 2)

  dots <- list(...)
  tbannos <- intersect(c("top_annotation", "bottom_annotation"), names(dots))
  aparams <- setdiff(formalArgs(ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation), "...")
  # Did the user pass in a `top_annotation` or `bottom_annotation`?
  # If so, we'll take out the annotations from the y$samples data.frame, and
  # find the ta_* or ba_* prefixed params to tweak the annotation
  for (aname in tbannos) {
    avars <- assert_character(dots[[aname]])
    assert_subset(avars, colnames(x$samples))
    adf <- x$samples[, avars, drop = FALSE]
    arg.prefix <- if (aname == "top_annotation") "ta_" else "ba_"
    anno.argnames <- paste0(arg.prefix, aparams)
    args <- dots[intersect(anno.argnames, names(dots))]
    names(args) <- sub(paste0("^", arg.prefix) ,"", names(args))
    args$df <- adf
    acols <- NULL
    if (is.list(colors)) {
      cnames <- intersect(names(colors), colnames(adf))
      if (length(cnames) > 0) {
        acols <- colors[cnames]
    args$col <- acols
    ha <- do.call(ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation, args)
    dots[[aname]] <- ha
  dots$x <- x
  dots$features <- features
  dots$rename.rows <- rename_rows
  dots$colors <- colors

  do.call(fheatmap2, dots)

#' Helper function to extract features from whatever you have sent into the
#' [fheatmap()] function.
#' @noRd
.fheatmap_features <- function(features) {
  out <- NULL
  if (is(features, "data.frame")) {
    out <- features
  if (is(features, "GeneSetDb")) {
    out <- as.data.frame(features)
  if (is.data.frame(out)) {
      nrow(out) > 0,
  if (is.null(out)) {
    stop("Don't know how to extract features from object of type `",
         class(features)[1L], "`")

fheatmap2 <- function(
    x, features, col = NULL,
    aggregate.by = c("none", "ewm", "ewz", "zscore"),
    split = TRUE, scores = NULL, gs.order = NULL,
    name = NULL, rm.collection.prefix = TRUE,
    rm.dups = FALSE, recenter = FALSE, rescale = FALSE,
    center = FALSE, scale = FALSE,
    uncenter = FALSE, unscale = FALSE, rename.rows = NULL,
    zlim = NULL, transpose = FALSE,
    colors = NULL, ...,

    right_annotation_label = NULL,
    right_annotation_name_gp = grid::gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10),
    right_annotation_name_rot = NULL,
    right_annotation_gp = gpar(col = NA),
    right_annotation_legend_param = list(),

    left_annotation_label = NULL,
    left_annotation_name_gp = grid::gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 10),
    left_annotation_name_rot = NULL,
    left_annotation_gp = gpar(col = NA),
    left_annotation_legend_param = list()) {
  X <- sparrow:::as_matrix(x, ...)
    ncol(X) > 1L,
  if (is.null(scores)) {
    aggregate.by <- match.arg(aggregate.by)
  } else {
      length(aggregate.by) == 1L,
      aggregate.by %in% scores$method)

  # if (!is.null(gdb) && aggregate.by != "none") {
  #   if (!is(gdb, "GeneSetDb")) {
  #     gdb <- GeneSetDb(gdb)
  #   }
  # }

  drop1.split <- missing(split)
  stopifnot(is.logical(split) && length(split) == 1L)
  if (!is.null(scores)) stopifnot(is.data.frame(scores))
  if (!missing(zlim) && !is.null(zlim)) {
      length(zlim) == 2L,
      zlim[1L] < zlim[2])

  X <- sparrow::scale_rows(X, center = center, scale = scale)
  center. <- if (missing(uncenter)) attr(X, "scaled:center") else uncenter
  scale. <- if (missing(unscale)) attr(X, "scaled:scale") else unscale

  # gdbc.df <- NULL
  # if (!is.null(gdb)) {
  #   if (!is.data.frame(gdb)) {
  #     gdbc <- suppressWarnings(sparrow::conform(gdb, X, ...))
  #     gdbc.df <- as.data.frame(gdbc) # keep only genes that matched in gdb.df
  #   } else {
  #     # maintain order user wanted.
  #     gdbc.df <- dplyr::filter(gdb, .data$feature_id %in% rownames(X))
  #   }
  #   # Order genesets in requested (if any) order
  #   if (!is.null(gs.order)) {
  #     assert_character(gs.order, min.len = 1)
  #     gs.order <- unique(c(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]]))
  #     gs.order <- intersect(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]])
  #     assert_set_equal(gs.order, gdbc.df[["name"]])
  #     name. <- factor(gdbc.df[["name"]], gs.order)
  #     gdbc.df <- gdbc.df[order(name.),,drop = FALSE]
  #   }
  #   # Set this up so we can order the data.frame in the way requested by user
  #   gdbc.df$key <- sparrow::encode_gskey(gdbc.df)
  # }
  # if (aggregate.by == "none") {
  #   if (!is.null(gdbc.df)) {
  #     ridx <- if (rm.dups) unique(gdbc.df$feature_id) else gdbc.df$feature_id
  #     # We may have a sparse matrix at this point, turning it to dense for now,
  #     # but need to fix.
  #     X <- X[ridx,,drop=FALSE]
  #     if (is.numeric(recenter)) recenter <- recenter[ridx]
  #     if (is.numeric(center)) center <- center[ridx]
  #     split <- if (split) gdbc.df$key else NULL
  #   }
  # } else {
  #   stop("Haven't vetted geneset scoring in this version")
  #   if (is.null(scores)) {
  #     X <- sparrow::scoreSingleSamples(
  #       gdb, X, methods = aggregate.by, as.matrix = TRUE,
  #       center = FALSE, scale = FALSE,
  #       uncenter = center., unscale = scale., ...)
  #   } else {
  #     xs <- data.table::setDT(scores[scores[['method']] == aggregate.by,,drop=FALSE])
  #     xs[, key := sparrow::encode_gskey(xs)]
  #     xw <- data.table::dcast(xs, key ~ sample_id, value.var = "score")
  #     xw <- unique(xw, by = "key")
  #     X <- as.matrix(xw[, -1, with = FALSE])
  #     rownames(X) <- xw[[1]]
  #   }
  #   # If we want to split, it (only?) makes sense to split by collection
  #   split <- if (split) sparrow::split_gskey(rownames(X))$collection else NULL
  # }

  if (!isFALSE(recenter) || !isFALSE(rescale)) {
    X <- sparrow::scale_rows(X, center = recenter, scale = rescale)
    isna <- which(is.na(X), arr.ind = TRUE)
    if (nrow(isna) > 0L) {
      na.rows <- unique(isna[, "row"])
      if (length(na.rows) == nrow(X)) {
        stop("All rows removed after `scale`")
      warning(length(na.rows), " features NA'd during `scale`, ",
              "these are removed", immediate. = TRUE)
      X <- X[-na.rows,,drop = FALSE]
      split <- split[-na.rows]

  dots <- list(...)

  # side_annos <- intersect(c("right_annotation"), names(dots))
  side_annos <- intersect(c("right_annotation", "left_annotation"), names(dots))
  split <- NULL
  already.rearanged <- FALSE

  # for (aname in side_annos) {
  #   if (aname == "right_annotation") {
  #     name_gp <- right_annotation_name_gp
  #     alabel <- right_annotation_label
  #     arot <- right_annotation_name_rot
  #     gp <- right_annotation_gp
  #     alp <- right_annotation_legend_param
  #   } else {
  #     name_gp <- left_annotation_name_gp
  #     alabel <- left_annotation_label
  #     arot <- left_annotation_name_rot
  #     gp <- left_annotation_gp
  #     alp <- left_annotation_legend_param
  #   }
  #   ranno <- dots[[aname]]
  #   assert_class(ranno, "data.frame")
  #   rmissing <- setdiff(rownames(X), rownames(ranno))
  #   if (length(rmissing)) {
  #     stop("Missing row level annotations for: ", paste(missing, collapse = ","))
  #   }
  #   ranno <- ranno[rownames(ranno) %in% rownames(X),,drop = FALSE]
  #   if (!already.rearanged) {
  #     X <- X[rownames(ranno),,drop=FALSE]
  #     already.rearanged <- TRUE
  #   } else {
  #     ranno <- ranno[rownames(X),,drop=FALSE]
  #   }
  #   rcols <- NULL
  #   if (is.list(colors)) {
  #     cnames <- intersect(names(colors), colnames(ranno))
  #     rcols <- colors[cnames]
  #   }
  #   if (!is.null(gdbc.df)) {
  #     split <- factor(gdbc.df$name, unique(gdbc.df$name))
  #   }
  #   ra <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
  #     df = ranno,
  #     col = rcols,
  #     annotation_legend_param = alp,
  #     show_legend = FALSE,
  #     annotation_label = alabel,
  #     annotation_name_rot = arot,
  #     annotation_name_gp = name_gp,
  #     gp = gp,
  #     which = "row")
  #   dots[[aname]] <- ra
  # }

  rlannos <- intersect(c("right_annotation", "left_annotation"), names(dots))
  aparams <- setdiff(formalArgs(ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation), "...")
  # Did the user pass in a `top_annotation` or `bottom_annotation`?
  # If so, we'll take out the annotations from the y$samples data.frame, and
  # find the ta_* or ba_* prefixed params to tweak the annotation
  for (aname in rlannos) {
    avars <- assert_character(dots[[aname]])

    arg.prefix <- if (aname == "right_annotation") "ra_" else "la_"
    anno.argnames <- paste0(arg.prefix, aparams)
    args <- dots[intersect(anno.argnames, names(dots))]
    names(args) <- sub(paste0("^", arg.prefix) ,"", names(args))
    args$df <- adf
    acols <- NULL
    if (is.list(colors)) {
      cnames <- intersect(names(colors), colnames(adf))
      if (length(cnames) > 0) {
        acols <- colors[cnames]
    args$col <- acols
    ha <- do.call(ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation, args)
    dots[[aname]] <- ha
  # What kind of colorscale are we going to use?
  # If this is 0-centered ish, we use a red-white-blue scheme, otherwise
  # we use viridis.
  if (is.null(col)) {
    # Is 0 close to the center of the score distribution?
    qtile.X <- quantile(X, c(0.25, 0.75))
    zero.center <- (qtile.X[1L] < 0 && qtile.X[2L] > 0) || 
      (test_logical(center, len = ncol(X)) && any(center)) ||
    if (zero.center) {
      if (missing(zlim)) {
        fpost <- quantile(abs(X), 0.975)
        zlim <- c(-fpost, fpost)
      } else if (is.null(zlim)) {
        zlim <- c(min(X), max(X))
      } else {
        stopifnot(zlim[1L] < 0, zlim[2L] > 0)
      col <- circlize::colorRamp2(
        c(zlim[1L], 0, zlim[2L]),
        # c('#1F294E', '#F7F7F7', '#6E0F11')
        c("navy", "white", "firebrick")
    } else {
      if (missing(zlim)) {
        fpost <- quantile(X, c(0.025, 0.975))
      } else if (is.null(zlim)) {
        fpost <- c(min(X), max(X))
      } else {
        stopifnot(all(zlim >= 0), all(zlim <= 1))
        fpost <- quantile(X, zlim)
      # Higher granularity for viridis colorRamp
      breaks <- quantile(X, seq(0, 1, by = 0.05))
      if (fpost[1L] > breaks[2L] || fpost[2L] < breaks[20L]) {
        stop("Illegal values for zlim")
      breaks[1] <- fpost[1]
      breaks[21] <- fpost[2]
      col <- circlize::colorRamp2(breaks, viridis::viridis(21))

  # if (drop1.split && !is.null(split) && length(unique(split)) == 1L) {
  #   split <- NULL
  # }

  # if (rm.collection.prefix) {
  #   if (aggregate.by != 'none') {
  #     rownames(X) <- split_gskey(rownames(X))$name
  #   } else {
  #     if (!is.null(split)) {
  #       # The order of the splits should be preserved up until this point.
  #       # Since this is our final "look" at the split character vector, let's
  #       # set this as a factor with the levels set in the order of their first
  #       # appearance.
  #       split <- split_gskey(split)$name
  #       split <- factor(split, unique(split))
  #     }
  #   }
  # }

  ## Catch Heatmap arguments in `...` and build a list do do.call() them down
  ## into the function call.
  hm.args.default <- as.list(formals(ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap))

  if (is.null(name)) {
    name <- if (aggregate.by == 'none') 'value' else 'score'
  hm.args <- dots[intersect(names(dots), names(hm.args.default))]
  hm.args[['matrix']] <- X
  hm.args[['col']] <- col
  hm.args[['row_split']] <- split
  hm.args[['name']] <- name
  if (is.null(hm.args[["cluster_row_slices"]]) && !is.null(gs.order)) {
    hm.args[["cluster_row_slices"]] <- FALSE

  row.labels <- rownames(X)
  if (!is.null(rename.rows)) {
    has.meta <- is(x, "DGEList") ||
      is(x, "EList") ||
      is(x, "SummarizedExperiment") ||
      is(x, "eSet")
    is.string <- is.character(rename.rows) && length(rename.rows) == 1L
    if (aggregate.by == "none") {
      if (has.meta && is.string) {
        metadf <- fdata(x, as.df = TRUE)
        metadf <- data.frame(rn = rownames(x), to = metadf[[rename.rows]],
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(metadf$to)) {
          row.labels <- rownames(sparrow::renameRows(X, xref = metadf, ...))
        } else {
          warning("rename.rows column not found in metadata for x")
      } else {
        row.labels <- rownames(sparrow::renameRows(X, rename.rows, ...))
    } else {
      if (!(is.data.frame(rename.rows) && ncol(rename.rows) == 2)) {
        warning("rename.rows parameter must be a 2 column data.frame when ",
                "aggregate.by != 'none'", immediate. = TRUE)
      } else {
        if (rm.collection.prefix && any(grepl(";", rename.rows[[1]]))) {
          rr <- rename.rows
          rr[[1L]] <- sub("^.*;;?", "", rename.rows[[1L]])
          rename.rows <- rbind(rename.rows, rr)
        row.labels <- rownames(sparrow::renameRows(X, rename.rows, ...))
  hm.args[["row_labels"]] <- row.labels

  H <- do.call(ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap, hm.args)
facilebio/FacileIncubator documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 9:14 p.m.