
Defines functions print.summary.remlf90 print.remlf90 summary.remlf90 print.breedR_estimates plot.ranef.breedR extractAIC.remlf90 coef.remlf90 remlf90

Documented in remlf90

#' Inference with REMLF90
#' Fits a Linear Mixed Model by Restricted Maximum Likelihood
#' @param fixed an object of class \link{formula} (or one that can be coerced to
#'   that class): a symbolic description of the fixed effects of the model to be
#'   fitted. The details of model specification are given under 'Details'.
#' @param random if not \code{NULL}, an object of class \link{formula} with the 
#'   unstructured random effects.
#' @param genetic if not \code{NULL}, a list with relevant parameters for an 
#'   additive genetic effect; see 'Details'.
#' @param spatial if not \code{NULL}, a list with relevant parameters for a 
#'   spatial random effect; see 'Details'.
#' @param generic if not \code{NULL}, a named list with an \code{incidence} 
#'   matrix and either a \code{covariance} or a \code{precision} matrix; see 
#'   'Details'.
#' @param data a data frame with variables and observations
#' @param var.ini if not \code{NULL}, a named list with one item for each random
#'   component in the model. See 'Details'.
#' @param method either 'ai' or 'em' for Average-Information or 
#'   Expectation-Maximization REML respectively
#' @param breedR.bin character. The local directory where the package binaries 
#'   are stored, or any of 'remote' or 'submit' for remote computing. See 
#'   'Details'.
#' @param progsf90.options character. Passed directly to OPTIONS field in 
#'   PROGSF90. See available options for 
#'   \href{http://nce.ads.uga.edu/wiki/doku.php?id=readme.reml#options}{REMLF90}
#'   and for 
#'   \href{http://nce.ads.uga.edu/wiki/doku.php?id=readme.aireml#options}{AIREMLF90}.
#'    Option \code{sol se} is passed always and cannot be removed. No checks are
#'   performed, handle with care.
#' @param weights numeric. A vector of weights for the residual variance.
#' @param debug logical. If \code{TRUE}, the input files for blupf90 programs 
#'   and their output are shown, but results are not parsed.
#' @details If either \code{genetic} or \code{spatial} are not \code{NULL}, the 
#'   model residuals are assumed to have an additive genetic effects or a 
#'   spatially structured random effect, respectively. In those cases, 
#'   \code{genetic} and \code{spatial} must be lists with named relevant 
#'   parameters.
#'   The \code{generic} component implements random effects with custom 
#'   incidence and covariance (or precision) matrices. There can be any number 
#'   of them, stored in a named list with custom unique names that will be used 
#'   to identify and label the results. Each effect in the list must have an 
#'   \code{incidence} argument and either a \code{covariance} or a 
#'   \code{precision} matrix with conforming and suitable dimensions. 
#'   Optionally, an initial variance for the REML algorithm can be specified in 
#'   a third argument \code{var.ini}.
#'   \subsection{Genetic effect}{ The available models for the genetic effect 
#'   are \code{add_animal} and \code{competition}. \code{add_animal} stands for 
#'   an additive animal model with a given pedigree. \code{competition} includes
#'   the \emph{direct} additive genetic effect and also a \emph{competition} 
#'   additive genetic effect possibly correlated with the former.
#'   The minimum elements in the list of the \code{genetic} component are: 
#'   \itemize{\item \code{model} a string, either \code{add_animal} or 
#'   \code{competition} \item \code{pedigree} either an object of class 
#'   \code{pedigree} (see \code{\link{build_pedigree}}) or a \emph{data.frame} 
#'   with exactly three columns identifying the individual, his father and his 
#'   mother respectively \item \code{id} either a vector of codes or the name of
#'   the variable with the individual identifier in the \code{data}}
#'   Optional common components are:
#'   \itemize{ \item \code{var.ini} a positive initial value for the variance 
#'   component(s). For a \code{competition} model, the same initial value is 
#'   used for both effects, with a negative initial correlation between them of 
#'   half this value.}
#'   Finally, for model \code{competition} there are further mandatory and 
#'   optional elements:
#'   \itemize{ \item mandatory elements \itemize{ \item \code{coord} a matrix, 
#'   list or data.frame with two columns for the rows and columns of the 
#'   observations, respectively. This element is necessary even if duplicated in
#'   a \code{spatial} component. \item \code{competition_decay} a positive 
#'   number. The intensity of competition is weighted by the distance according 
#'   to \eqn{1/d^\alpha}. This element specifies the exponent \eqn{\alpha} to be
#'   used. Typically \eqn{1} or \eqn{2}. }
#'   \item optional elements \itemize{ \item \code{pec} Permanent Environmental 
#'   Competition effect. If present, this must be a named list with elements 
#'   \code{present} which is either \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} and (optionally) 
#'   \code{var.ini} specifying the initial variance for this effect. } }
#'   The Permanent Environmental Competition (\code{pec}) effect is actually 
#'   non-genetic in nature. However, it was included as an option to the 
#'   (genetic) competition effect as it is usually used in conjunction with it. 
#'   }
#'   \subsection{Spatial effects}{ The available models for the spatial effect 
#'   are \code{splines} and \code{AR1}. \code{splines} uses a  two-dimensional 
#'   tensor product of B-splines to represent the smooth spatially structured 
#'   effect (Cappa and Cantet, 2007). \code{AR1} uses a kronecker product of 
#'   autoregressive models for the rows and columns (Dutkowski et al., 2002).
#'   In both cases, the minimum necessary components in the list are \itemize{ 
#'   \item \code{model} a string, either \code{splines} or \code{AR} \item 
#'   \code{coord} a matrix, list or data.frame with two columns for the rows and
#'   columns respectively. }
#'   Optional common components are \itemize{ \item \code{var.ini} a positive 
#'   initial value for the variance component }
#'   Finally, optional model-dependent components are \itemize{ \item For model 
#'   \code{splines} \itemize{ \item \code{n.knots} a vector of two integers with
#'   the number of \emph{internal} knots for the rows and columns of the spline 
#'   design } \item For model \code{AR} \itemize{ \item \code{rho} a vector of 
#'   two numbers strictly between -1 and 1 with the autoregressive parameters 
#'   for the rows and columns respectively. Alternatively, a matrix or 
#'   data.frame with two columns where every row contain a combination of 
#'   autoregressive parameters to be tried. } }
#'   The \emph{internal} knots cover the region with observations at regular 
#'   intervals (in each dimension). For the splines design, three additional 
#'   knots are automatically added before the first internal knot, and other 
#'   tree after the last one, in each dimension. As a result, if \code{n.knots =
#'   c(n1, n2)}, then the final number of parameters of the splines model is 
#'   \eqn{(n1 + 2)(n2 + 2)}.
#'   If \code{n.knots} is omitted, a sensible number of knots for each dimension
#'   is computed based on the number of observations in the experiment. See the 
#'   internal function \code{\link{determine.n.knots}}. This is the default 
#'   function that computes the default number of knots, but you can provide an 
#'   alternative default function through \code{\link{breedR.setOption}}.
#'   Due to limitations of the REML backend, we can only fit models with 
#'   \emph{fixed} autoregressive parameters. \code{remlf90()} will fit as many 
#'   models as rows in \code{rho}, and return the results of the most likely. It
#'   will also return the list of log-likelihoods for each tried combination of 
#'   autoregressive parameters, in the component \code{rho} of the \code{reml} 
#'   object. This is useful for visualization, and further refinement of the 
#'   search for appropriate parameters.
#'   If any of the values in either column of \code{rho} is \code{NA}, then a 
#'   default set of values for the corresponding dimension will be set. See 
#'   \code{breedR.getOption('ar.eval')}, for the current defaults. You can set 
#'   your own defaults with \code{\link{breedR.setOption}}. Each will be 
#'   combined with every other value in the other column.
#'   Omitting the specification of \code{rho} is equivalent to \code{rho = c(NA,
#'   NA)}. }
#'   \subsection{Intercept}{ An intercept is automatically introduced in the 
#'   model provided the user doesn't explicitly prevents it by using \code{0} or
#'   \code{-1} in the \code{fixed} formula (as conventional in \code{R}), 
#'   \emph{and} there are no other categorical covariates in \code{fixed}. The 
#'   latter condition is actually a limitation of (ai)remlf90 backends, which 
#'   would in any case return an estimate for each level of the categorical 
#'   covariates while returning 0 for the intercept. It does not allow 
#'   alternative parameterizations. }
#'   \subsection{Initial variances}{ Initial variance components can also be 
#'   specified through an additional argument \code{var.ini}. You can either use
#'   default initial values for the variance components (see 
#'   \code{?breedR.options}) or specify custom values for \emph{each} and 
#'   \emph{all} variance components in the model. In this case, \code{var.ini} 
#'   must be a named list with one element for each term in \code{random} with 
#'   matching names, plus one last element named \code{residual} for the initial
#'   residual variance. Furthermore if there are \code{genetic} or 
#'   \code{spatial} effects, they must as well include a numeric element 
#'   \code{var.ini} with the initial variance component specification for the 
#'   corresponding effect. }
#'   \subsection{Inference method}{ AI-REML is usually faster than EM-REML, and 
#'   it provides more results. Namely, standard errors of the variance 
#'   components estimates, and covariances as well. On the other hand, is less 
#'   robust than EM-REML and it usually gives extreme results when used with the
#'   splines spatial model (as in \code{spatial = list(model ='splines', ...)}).
#'   Even when an effect accounts for no variance at all, EM-REML will always 
#'   estimate a positive variance which will be determined by the starting 
#'   value. If AI-REML does not converge but EM-REML does with the same dataset 
#'   and model, re-run EM-REML with a small starting value for the effect. If 
#'   the estimate does not change, it is likely that there is no variance. }
#'   \subsection{Remote computing}{ If \code{breedR.bin = 'remote'}, the REML 
#'   program will be run remotely and the results will be automatically 
#'   transferred back automatically. While if \code{breedR.bin = 'submit'} the 
#'   job will be submitted to the server, and the job-id and other relevant 
#'   information about the model will be returned instantly. The returned object
#'   can be used to retrieve the results or check the status of the job. Several
#'   jobs can be submitted in parallel. See \code{?remote} to learn how to 
#'   configure breedR for remote computing, and how to manage submitted jobs.}
#' @return An object of class 'remlf90' that can be further questioned by 
#'   \code{\link{fixef}}, \code{\link{ranef}}, \code{\link{fitted}}, etc.
#' @seealso \code{\link[pedigreemm]{pedigree}}
#' @references progsf90 wiki page: \url{http://nce.ads.uga.edu/wiki/doku.php}
#'   E. P. Cappa and R. J. C. Cantet (2007). Bayesian estimation of a surface to
#'   account for a spatial trend using penalized splines in an individual-tree 
#'   mixed model. \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/x07-116}{\emph{Canadian 
#'   Journal of Forest Research} \strong{37}(12):2677-2688}.
#'   G. W. Dutkowski, J. Costa e Silva, A. R. Gilmour, G. A. López (2002). 
#'   Spatial analysis methods for forest genetic trials. 
#'   \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/x02-111}{\emph{Canadian Journal of Forest 
#'   Research} \strong{32}(12):2201-2214}.
#' @examples
#' ## Linear model
#' n <- 1e3
#' dat <- transform(data.frame(x = runif(n)),
#'                  y = 1 + 2*x + rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(3)))
#' res.lm <- remlf90(fixed = y ~ x, data = dat)
#' summary(res.lm)
#' ## Linear Mixed model
#' f3 = factor(sample(letters[1:3], n, replace = TRUE))
#' dat <- transform(dat,
#'                  f3 = f3,
#'                  y = y + (-1:1)[f3])
#' res.lmm <- remlf90(fixed  = y ~ x,
#'                    random = ~ f3,
#'                    data   = dat)
#' ## Generic model (used to manually fit the previous model)
#' inc.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + f3, dat)
#' cov.mat <- diag(3)
#' res.lmm2 <- remlf90(fixed  = y ~ x,
#'                     generic = list(f3 = list(inc.mat,
#'                                              cov.mat)),
#'                     data   = dat)
#' all.equal(res.lmm, res.lmm2, check.attributes = FALSE)  # TRUE
#' ## Animal model
#' ped <- build_pedigree(c('self', 'dad', 'mum'),
#'                       data = as.data.frame(m1))
#' res.am <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ sex,
#'                   genetic = list(model    = 'add_animal',
#'                                  pedigree = ped,
#'                                  id       = 'self'),
#'                   data    = as.data.frame(m1))
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Same model with specification of initial variances
#' res.am <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ sex,
#'                   genetic = list(model    = 'add_animal',
#'                                  pedigree = ped,
#'                                  id       = 'self',
#'                                  var.ini  = 1),
#'                   data    = as.data.frame(m1),
#'                   var.ini = list(resid = 1))
#' ## Animal-spatial models
#' gen.globulus <- list(model    = 'add_animal',
#'                      pedigree = globulus[, 1:3],
#'                      id       = 'self')
#' res.bm <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ gg,
#'                   genetic = gen.globulus,
#'                   spatial = list(model = 'blocks', 
#'                                  coord = globulus[, c('x','y')],
#'                                  id    = 'bl'),
#'                   data    = globulus)
#' res.am <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ gg,
#'                   genetic = gen.globulus,
#'                   spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
#'                                  coord = globulus[, c('x','y')],
#'                                  rho   = c(.85, .8)),
#'                   data    = globulus)
#' res.sm <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ gg,
#'                   genetic = gen.globulus,
#'                   spatial = list(model = 'splines', 
#'                                  coord = globulus[, c('x','y')],
#'                                  n.knots = c(5, 5)),
#'                   data    = globulus,
#'                   method  = 'em')   # Necessary for splines models!!!
#' ## Competition models
#' # This may take some minutes...
#' # and need to be fitted with 'em'
#' res.cm <- remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ 1,
#'                  genetic = list(model = 'competition',
#'                                 pedigree = globulus[, 1:3],
#'                                 id = 'self',
#'                                 coord = globulus[, c('x','y')],
#'                                 competition_decay = 1,
#'                                 pec = list(present = TRUE)),
#'                  method = 'em',
#'                  data = globulus)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats terms model.response logLik runif
remlf90 <- function(fixed, 
                    random = NULL,
                    genetic = NULL,
                    spatial = NULL,
                    generic = NULL,
                    var.ini = NULL,
                    method = c('ai', 'em'),
                    breedR.bin = breedR.getOption("breedR.bin"),
                    progsf90.options = NULL,
                    weights = NULL,
                    debug = FALSE) {
  ## Assumptions:
  ## Only 1 pedigree
  ## Solution file header: trait effect level solution
  ## No intercept
  ## (not generalized) Linear Mixed Model

  ## TODO: 
  # Allow for multiple responses
  # Allow for generalized mixed models

  ###  Call
  mc <- mcout <- match.call()

  # Builds model frame by joining the fixed and random terms
  # and translating the intercept (if appropriate) to a fake covariate
  # Add an additional 'term.types' attribute within 'terms'
  # indicating whether the term is 'fixed' or 'random'
  # progsf90 does not allow for custom model parameterizations
  # and they don't use intercepts
  mf <- build.mf(mc)
  mt <- attr(mf, 'terms')
  ### Checks
  if ( missing(fixed) | missing(data) ) { 
    stop("Usage: remlf90(fixed, data, ...); see ?remlf90\n")
  if ( !inherits(fixed, "formula") ) { 
    stop("'fixed' should be a formula\n") 
  if ( !inherits(data, "data.frame") ) { 
    stop("'data' should be a data.frame\n") 
  if ( attr(terms(fixed), 'response') != 1L ) {
    stop("There is no response in the 'fixed' argument\n")
  if ( !is.null(random) ) {
    check.random = TRUE
    if ( !inherits(random, "formula") )
      check.random = FALSE
    else if( attr(terms(random), 'response') != 0L )
      check.random = FALSE
    if( !check.random )
      stop("random should be a response-less formula\n")
  if (!check_progsf90(quiet = debug | !interactive())) {
    stop('Binary dependencies missing. See ?install_progsf90')
  ### Parse arguments
  method <- tolower(method)
  method <- match.arg(method)

  ### Number of traits
  # ntraits <- ncol(as.matrix(model.response(mf)))
  ### Response matrix (ntraits = ncols)
  responsem <- as.matrix(model.response(mf))
  ## Genetic specification
  if (!is.null(genetic)) {
    ## TODO: Ideally, I should pass the model frame only, containing the
    ## necessary variables (also for special effects and response)
    genetic <- do.call('check_genetic',
                       c(genetic, list(data = data, 
                                       response = responsem)))
  ## Spatial specification
  if (!is.null(spatial)) {
    ## TODO: Ideally, I should pass the model frame only, containing the
    ## necessary variables (also for special effects and response)
    spatial <- do.call('check_spatial', 
                       c(spatial, list(data = data,
                                       response = responsem)))
    # If AR model without rho specified
    # we need to fit it with several fixed rho's
    # and return the most likely
    # TODO: It would be nice if we didn't need to recompute Q each time
    if( spatial$model == 'AR' ) {
      if (!is.null(nrow(spatial$rho))) {
        ## grid case
        ## Results conditional on rho
        eval.rho <- function(rho, mc, envir) {
          mc$spatial$rho <- rho
          suppressMessages(eval(mc, envir = envir))   # Avoid multiple redundant messages
          # about initial variances.
        #         test <- eval.rho(mc, c(.5, .5))
        ans.rho <- apply(spatial$rho, 1, eval.rho, mc, envir = parent.frame())
        # Interpolate results
        loglik.rho <- transform(spatial$rho,
                                loglik = suppressWarnings(sapply(ans.rho, logLik)))
        rho.idx <- which.max(loglik.rho$loglik)
        ans <- ans.rho[[rho.idx]]
        # Include estimation information
        ans$rho <- loglik.rho

  ## Generic specification
  if (!is.null(generic)) {
    ## TODO: multitrait case shoud check initial variance conformity
    ## and return a sensible default
    generic <- check_generic(generic, response = responsem)
  ## Initial variances specification
  ## We check even the NULL case, where the function returns the 
  ## default initial variances for all random effects + residuals
  var.ini <- check_var.ini(var.ini, random, responsem)
  ## Whether the initial variances for each component are defaults
  has_var.ini <- 
    function(x) {
      if (eval(call('is.null', as.symbol(x)))) return(NA)
      else eval(call('attr', as.symbol(x), 'var.ini.default'))
  var.ini.checks <- vapply(c('genetic', 'spatial', 'generic', 'var.ini'),

  ## Either all initial variances specified, or no specification at all
  if (any(var.ini.checks, na.rm = TRUE) && any(!var.ini.checks, na.rm = TRUE))
    stop(paste('Some initial variances missing.\n',
               'Please specify either all or none.'))
  ## Issue a warning in the case of no specification
  if (all(var.ini.checks, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    message(paste0('Using default initial variances given by ',
                  breedR.getOption('default.initial.variance'), '()\n',
                  'See ?breedR.getOption.\n'))
  # Build a list of parameters and information for each effect
  effects <- build.effects(mf, genetic, spatial, generic, var.ini)

  # Generate progsf90 parameters
  # TODO: Memory efficiency. At this point there are three copies of the 
  # dataset. One in data, one in mf (only needed variables)
  # and yet one more in pf90. This is a potential problem with large datasets.
  pf90 <- progsf90(mf,
                   weights = weights,
                   opt = union('sol se', progsf90.options),
                   res.var.ini = var.ini$residuals)
  if (!is.null(genetic) && method == 'ai') {
    ## Compute default heritability if possible
    ## add and additional PROGSF90 OPTION
    trait_names <- colnames(model.response(mf))  # NULL for 1 trait
    pf90$parameter$options <- 
        pf90_default_heritability(pf90$parameter$rangroup, trait_names))
  # Temporary dir
  tmpdir <- tempdir()
  # Write progsf90 files
  write.progsf90(pf90, dir = tmpdir)

  # Where to find the binaries
  binary.path <- breedR.getOption('breedR.bin')

  # Change to temporal directory to avoid specification of long paths
  # Avoids Issue #1
  cdir <- setwd(tmpdir)
  ## write breedR_model for recovery
    effects, mf, method, mcout,
    file = file.path("breedR_model.RData")
  ## Determine the breedR program to use (either local or remote)
  remote = FALSE
  submit = FALSE
  submit.id = ""
  if ( tolower(breedR.bin) == "remote" || tolower(breedR.bin) == "submit" ) {
    remote = TRUE
    submit.id = paste(gsub("[ :]", "-", date()), "---", as.integer(runif(1,min=1E8,max=1E9-1)), sep="")
    remote.bin = breedR.getOption('remote.bin')
    if( remote.bin == "path_to/breedR/bin/linux" ) {
      stop('breedR is not configured for remote computing. See ?breedR.options')
    if( breedR.os('windows') ) {
      if( !breedR.cygwin.check() ) {
        stop(paste("Cannot find the CYGWIN installation:", breedR.getOption("cygwin")))
      # Make sure the binaries are accesible
    breedR.call = switch(method,
                         ai = file.path(remote.bin, 'airemlf90'),
                         em = file.path(remote.bin, 'remlf90'))
    # Run either breedR.remote or breedR.submit
    if ( tolower(breedR.bin) == "remote" ) {
      ldir <- breedR.remote(submit.id, breedR.call)

      if( !identical(normalizePath(ldir), normalizePath(tmpdir)) ) stop('This should not happen')
      reml.out <- readLines(file.path(ldir, 'LOG'))
    if ( tolower(breedR.bin) == "submit" ) {
      submit = TRUE
      reml.out <- breedR.submit(submit.id, breedR.call)
  } else {
    breedR.call = switch(method,
                         ai = file.path(breedR.bin, 'airemlf90'),
                         em = file.path(breedR.bin, 'remlf90'))

    reml.out <- system2(breedR.call, 
                        input  = 'parameters',
                        stdout = ifelse(debug, '', TRUE))
  if( !debug ) {
    # Error catching
    stopifnot(is.null(attr(reml.out, 'status')))

    if( !submit ) {
      ## Save reml.out for recovery
      writeLines(reml.out, file.path(tmpdir, "reml.out"))
      # Parse solutions
      ans <- parse_results(file.path(tmpdir, 'solutions'), effects, mf, reml.out, method, mcout)
    } else {
      # Submitted job (solutions are parsed later with breedR.qget)
      ans <- list(id = submit.id,
                  effects = effects,
                  mf = mf,
                  method = method,
                  mcout = mcout)
    class(ans) <- c('breedR', 'remlf90')  # Update to merMod in newest version of lme4 (?)
  } else {
    ans = NULL

#### Internal methods  ####

#### Interface methods ####

#' @export
coef.remlf90 <- function(object, ...) { 
  ans <- 
      splat(rbind)(lapply(object$fixed, splat(rbind))),
      splat(rbind)(lapply(object$ranef, splat(rbind)))

  return(structure(ans[, "value"], names = rownames(ans)))

#' @export
extractAIC.remlf90 <- function(fit, scale, k, ...) {
#' @method fitted remlf90
#' @export
fitted.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {

  ef.types <- lapply(object$effects, effect_type)
  mml <- model.matrix(object)
  vall <- c(fixef(object), ranef(object))
  ## Match order
  stopifnot(setequal(names(mml), names(vall)))
  vall <- vall[names(mml)]
  silent.matmult.drop <- function(x, y) {
    suppressMessages(drop(as.matrix(x %*% y)))

  ## Multiply component-wise
  ## dimensions: observation; trait (if ntraits > 1); effect
  comp.mat <- mapply(silent.matmult.drop, mml, vall, SIMPLIFY = 'array')
  # Linear Predictor / Fitted Values
  ndim <- length(dim(comp.mat))
  eta <- rowSums(comp.mat, dims = ndim - 1)

  #   fixed.part <- model.matrix(object)$fixed %*%
  #     unlist(sapply(fixef(object), function(x) x$value))
  #   mm.names <- names(model.matrix(object)$random)
  #   stopifnot(setequal(mm.names, names(ranef(object))))
  #   random.part <- 
  #     mapply(silent.matmult.drop, model.matrix(object)$random, ranef(object)[mm.names],
  #            SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
  #   if( !is.matrix(random.part) ) {
  #     if( is.list(random.part) ) {
  #       if( length(random.part) == 0 )
  #         random.part <- NULL
  #     } else {
  #       stop('This should not happen.')
  #     }
  #   }
  #   # Linear Predictor / Fitted Values
  #   eta <- rowSums(cbind(fixed.part, random.part))

#' Extract the fixed-effects estimates
#' Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a fitted model.
#' @name fixef
#' @title Extract fixed-effects estimates
#' @aliases fixef fixed.effects fixef.remlf90 fixef.breedR
#' @param object any fitted model object from which fixed effects estimates can
#' be extracted.
#' @param \dots not used
#' @return a named list of dataframes with the estimated coefficients and their
#'   standard error
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#'     res <- remlf90(phe_X ~ gg + bl, data = globulus)
#'     fixef(res)
#' @importFrom nlme fixef
#' @export fixef
#' @export
fixef.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {
  ans <- get_estimates(object$fixed)
  class(ans) <- 'breedR_estimates'

#' @method logLik remlf90
#' @export
logLik.remlf90 <- function (object, REML = TRUE, ...) {
  # TODO: Revise this, N parameters, df, N obs.
  # I set up things such that the AIC gives what REMLF90 says
  # But I am not sure if it is the right way.
  reml.out <- object$reml$output

  ## Number of (estimated) parameters (a.k.a. degrees of freedom)
  npar.idx <- grep('# parameters=', reml.out)
  npar <- ifelse(identical(length(npar.idx), 1L),
                                     split=' # parameters= +')[[1]][2]),
  ## Rank
  ## From stats:::logLik.lm it turns out that 
  ## df = rank + 1
  rank <- ifelse( npar != 'unknown', npar - 1, 'unknown')
  ## Number of obervations
  N  <- nobs(object)
  N0 <- N
  if( REML & rank != 'unknown' ) {
    N <- N - rank
  ans = -object$fit[['-2logL']]/2
  attr(ans, 'nall') <- N0
  attr(ans, 'nobs') <- N
  attr(ans, 'df') <- npar
  class(ans) ='logLik'

#' @method model.frame remlf90
#' @export
model.frame.remlf90 <- function (formula, ...) {

#' @importFrom stats nobs model.response
#' @method nobs remlf90
#' @export
nobs.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {
  if(!is.null(w <- object$weights))
    sum(w != 0)

#' Spatial plot of a model's fit components
#' Plots the predicted values of the component effects of the phenotype.
#' @param x A \code{breedR} object
#' @param type Character. Which component is to be represented in the map.
#' @param z Optional. A numeric vector to be plotted with respect to the spatial
#'   coordinates. Overrides \code{type}.
#' @param ... Further layers passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @method plot remlf90
#' @importFrom stats model.response fitted residuals
#' @export
plot.remlf90 <- function (x, type = c('phenotype', 'fitted', 'spatial', 'fullspatial', 'residuals'), z = NULL, ...) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  if( length(coord <- coordinates(x)) == 0) {
    stop(paste('Missing spatial structure. Use coordinates(',
               ') <- coord', sep = ''))

  ## Otherwise, this should be a matrix of coordinates
  coord <- as.matrix(coord)

  # Argument z is used for plotting a custom spatial variable
  if( !is.null(z) ) {
    z <- as.vector(z)
    if( !is.numeric(z) | length(z) != nrow(coord) )
      stop(paste("'z' must be a vector of length", nrow(coord), ".\n"))
    # Determine the type of scale, depending on whether the vector includes 0
    if( min(z) < 0 & max(z) > 0 ) sc = 'div'
    else sc = 'seq'
    p <- spatial.plot(data.frame(coord, z = z), scale = sc)
  } else {
    if(type == 'phenotype') {
      resp <- model.response(x$mf)
      p <- spatial.plot(data.frame(coord, z = resp), scale = 'seq')
    if(type == 'fitted') {
      p <- spatial.plot(data.frame(coord, z = fitted(x)), scale = 'seq')
    if(type == 'spatial' | type == 'fullspatial'){
      if( x$components$spatial ) {
        if( type == 'spatial' ) {
          value <- as.vector(model.matrix(x)$spatial %*% ranef(x)$spatial)
        } else {
          ## fullspatial case
          ## assume only one spatial effect in the effect_group spatial
          inc.mat <- model.matrix(x$effects$spatial, fullgrid = TRUE)[[1]]
          coord <- attr(inc.mat, 'coordinates')
          value <- as.vector(inc.mat %*% ranef(x)$spatial)
        spdat <- data.frame(coord,
                            z     = value,
                            model = x$call$spatial$model)
        p <- spatial.plot(spdat, scale = 'div') + facet_wrap(~ model)
      } else stop('This model has no spatial effect')
    if(type == 'residuals') {
      p <- spatial.plot(data.frame(coord, z = residuals(x)), scale = 'div')
  # Further args
  if( !missing(...) ) {
    p <- p + ...

#' @method plot ranef.breedR
# @describeIn ranef.breedR
#' @export
plot.ranef.breedR <- function(x, y, ...) {
  ## dotplot for each random effect
  ## only makes sense for random effects with a few levels
  ## thus we exclude from the plot genetic, spatial or other 
  ## random effects with many levels
  max.nl <- 30
  x <- x[sapply(x, length) < 30]
  ranef2df <- function(x) {
    if( is.null(nm <- names(x)) ) nm <- seq.int(x)
    data.frame(level= nm,
               BLUP = as.vector(x),
               ymin = as.vector(x) - 1.96*attr(x, 'se'),
               ymax = as.vector(x) + 1.96*attr(x, 'se'))
  if( length(x) ) {
    pl <- lapply(seq.int(x), function(i) data.frame(effect = names(x)[i],
    pd <- do.call(rbind, pl)
    ggplot(pd, aes_string(x = "level", y = "BLUP", ymin = "ymin", ymax = "ymax")) + 
      geom_pointrange() + 
  } else message('No suitable random effects to plot')

#' @method print breedR_estimates
# @describeIn ranef
#' @export
print.breedR_estimates <- function(x, ...) {
  attr2df <- function(x) {
    data.frame(value = x, `s.e.` = attr(x, 'se'))
  ans <- lapply(x, attr2df)
  print(ans, ...)

# predict.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {
# }
# print.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {
# }

#' Extract the modes of the random effects
#' Extract the conditional modes of the random effects from a fitted model 
#' object.  For linear mixed models the conditional modes of the random effects
#' are also the conditional means.
#' This method is modeled a bit after \code{\link[lme4]{ranef}}. However, it is
#' independent and does not inherit from it. In particular, it always returns
#' the conditional variance (argument condVar in lme4).
#' @name ranef
#' @aliases ranef ranef.remlf90 ranef.breedR
#' @param object a fitted models with random effects of class 
#'   \code{\link{remlf90}}.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return An object of class \code{ranef.breedR} composed of a list of vectors 
#'   or matrices (multitrait case), one for each random effect. The length of
#'   the vectors are the number of levels of the corresponding random effect.
#'   Each random effect has an attribute called \code{"se"} which is a vector 
#'   with the standard errors.
#'   Additionally, depending of the nature of the random effect, there may be 
#'   further attributes. The pedigree will be given for genetic random effects 
#'   and the spatial prediction grid for the spatial random effects
#' @note To produce a (list of) \dQuote{caterpillar plots} of the random effects
#'   apply \code{\link{plot}} to the result of a call to \code{ranef}.
#' @examples
#' res <- remlf90(phe_X ~ bl,
#'                genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
#'                               pedigree = globulus[, 1:3],
#'                               id = 'self'),
#'                data = globulus)
#' str(rr <- ranef(res))
#' plot(rr)
#' @importFrom nlme ranef
#' @export ranef
#' @export
ranef.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {

  ## ranef() will provide the model's random effects
  ## and further methods will let the user compute their 'projection'
  ## onto observed individuals (fit) or predict over unobserved individuals (pred)
  ans <- get_estimates(object$ranef)
  ## Additional attributes
  ## Genetic component: names of individuals
  if( object$components$pedigree ){
    # Indices (in ranef) of genetic-related effects (direct and/or competition)
    gen.idx <- grep('genetic', names(ans))
    nm <- get_pedigree(object)@label
    for (k in gen.idx) attr(ans[[k]], 'names') <- nm
  ## Other random effects with no particular treatment
  idx <- grep('genetic|spatial', names(ans), invert = TRUE)
  for(x in names(ans[idx])) {
    if("effect_group" %in% class(object$effects[[x]])){
      if("generic" %in% class(object$effects[[x]]$effects[[1]]) &
         ! is.null(rownames(object$effects[[x]]$effects[[1]]$structure.matrix)))
        attr(ans[[x]], 'names') <- 
    } else
      attr(ans[[x]], 'names') <- 
        colnames(attr(model.matrix(object)$random[[x]], 'contrasts'))
  class(ans) <- c('ranef.breedR', 'breedR_estimates')

#' Covariance matrix of a fitted remlf90 object
#' Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the specified random effect.
#' @param object a fitted model of class \code{remlf90}
#' @param effect the structured random effect of interest
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @method vcov remlf90
#' @export
vcov.remlf90 <- function (object,
                          effect = c('spatial',
                          ...) {
  effect <- match.arg(effect)
  ## Check that the effect exists
  if (!effect %in% get_efnames(object$effects)) {
    stop(paste('There is no', effect, 'effect in this object.\n'))

  efgroup <- vapply(object$effects, function(x) effect %in% names(x$effects), TRUE)
  if (sum(efgroup) == 1) {
    ef <- object$effects[[which(efgroup)]]$effects[[effect]]
  } else {
    ## genetic or spatial cases. TODO: Improve this.
      ef <- object$effects[[effect]]$effects[[1]]
  ## TODO:
  ## Maybe there should be a method 'remlf90' for 'get_structure'
  ## with analogous behaviour as model.matrix or ranef
  ## So we can simply say:
  ## U <- get_structure(object)[[effect]]
  ## Underlying covariance matrix
  U <- get_structure(ef)

  ## need to invert?
  if(attr(U, 'type') == 'precision')
    U <- solve(U)
  ## Incidence matrix
  B <- model.matrix(object)[[effect]]
  ## Scaling parameter
  ## TODO: Fix this
  if (any(efgroup)) {
    sigma2 <- object$var[[names(which(efgroup))]][effect, effect]
  } else {
    sigma2 <- object$var[effect, 1]
  V <- suppressMessages(sigma2 * B %*% U %*% Matrix::t(B))

#' @method residuals remlf90
#' @importFrom stats model.response
#' @export
residuals.remlf90 <- function (object, ...) {
  # TODO: to be used when na.action is included in remlf90
  #   naresid(object$na.action, res)
  # TODO: add a scale parameter to allow studentization
  #     first need to determine the right sigma for each residual
  model.response(object$mf) - fitted(object)

#' @method summary remlf90
#' @importFrom stats logLik AIC BIC
#' @export
summary.remlf90 <- function(object, ...) {
  # If this is a submitted job, return the corresponding qstat object
  # instead of a summary.remlf90 object
  if( exists('id', object) ) {
    # Submitted Job
  # Literal description of the model
  effects <- paste(names(object$components), sep=' and ')
  title <- paste('Linear Mixed Model with', 
                 paste(effects, collapse = ' and '), 
                 ifelse(length(effects)==1, 'effect', 'effects'), 
                 'fit by', object$reml$version)
  # Formula
  fml.spec <- names(object$components)[unlist(object$components)]
  fml <- paste(c(deparse(attr(object$mf, 'terms')), fml.spec),
               collapse = ' + ')
  # Coefficients
  # TODO: How to avoid showing the unused levels
  coef <- splat(rbind)(lapply(object$fixed, splat(rbind)))
#   colnames(coef) <- c('Estimate')
  # Model fit measures
  # AIC and BIC might fail if logLik fails to retrieve
  # appropriate df or nobs attributes
  llik <- logLik(object)
  AICframe <- data.frame(AIC = tryCatch(AIC(llik), 
                                        error = function(e) object$fit$AIC), 
                         BIC = tryCatch(BIC(llik),
                                        error = function(e) 'unknown'),
                         logLik = as.vector(llik),
#TODO                          deviance = dev[["ML"]],
#                          REMLdev = dev[["REML"]],
                         row.names = "")
  ## Variance components
  ## Either a numeric matrix (1 trait)  - !is.list
  ## or a matrix of matrices (>1 trait) - is.list && is.matrix
  ## or a list of matrices (>1 trait, em: no SE) - !is.matrix
  if (is.list(object$var) && is.matrix(object$var)) {
    ## multiple-trait case: a 2-col (est; SE) matrix of covariance matrices

    ## transform the list of est and se symmetric matrices into a data.frame
    ## with values from lower triangule only
    varnm_df <- function(x, nm) lmat2df(object$var[nm, ], nm)
    ## list of data-frames with variance estimates and SE
    var_ldf <- lapply(rownames(object$var), varnm_df, x = object$var)
    object$var <- splat(rbind)(var_ldf)
  ans <- c(object, 
           model.description = title, 
           formula = fml,
           model.fit = list(AICframe),
           coefficients = list(coef)
  class(ans) <- 'summary.remlf90'

## This is modeled a bit after  print.summary.lm :
#' @method print remlf90
#' @export
print.remlf90 <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  # If this is a submitted job, return the corresponding qstat object
  # instead of a summary.remlf90 object
  if( exists('id', x) ) {
    # Submitted Job
  cat(x$model.description, '\n')
    cat("Formula:", x$formula,"\n")
    cat("   Data:", deparse(x$call$data),"\n")
    cat(" Subset:", x$call$subset,"\n")
  print(x$model.fit, digits = digits)
  if( x$components$spatial & !is.null(x$spatial$name)) {
           AR = cat(paste("\nAutoregressive parameters for rows and columns: (",
                          paste(x$spatial$model$param, collapse = ', '),
                          ")\n", sep = '')),
           splines = cat(paste("\nNumber of inner knots for rows and columns: (",
                               paste(x$spatial$model$param, collapse =', '),
                               ")\n", sep = ''))

## This is modeled a bit after  print.summary.lm :
#' @method print summary.remlf90
#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
#' @export
print.summary.remlf90 <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                                  correlation = TRUE, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                                  signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...) {
  # cat(x$model.description, '\n')
    cat("Formula:", x$formula,"\n")
    cat("   Data:", deparse(x$call$data),"\n")
    cat(" Subset:", x$call$subset,"\n")
  print(x$model.fit, digits = digits)

  parl <- get_param.remlf90(x)
  if (!is.null(parl)){
    cat("\nParameters of special components:\n")  
    for (i in seq_along(parl)) {
      for (j in seq_along(parl[[i]])) {
        comp.nm <- ifelse(j==1,
                          paste0(names(parl)[i], ':'),
                          paste(character(nchar(names(parl)[i]) + 1),
                                collapse = ''))
        model.nm <- paste0(names(parl[[i]])[j], ':')
        cat(comp.nm, model.nm, parl[[i]][[j]])

  cat("\nVariance components:\n")
  print(x$var, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
  if (length(x$funvars)) {
    funvars <- t(x$funvars[-1, , drop = FALSE])
    colnames(funvars) <- c("Estimate", "S.E.")
    print(funvars, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
  cat('\nFixed effects:\n')
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.