# Call sparkx -------------------------------------------------------------
sparkx <- function (count_in, locus_in, X_in = NULL, numCores = 1, option = "mixture",
verbose = TRUE){
if (is(count_in, "matrix")) {
raw_count_mat <- as(as.matrix(count_in), "sparseMatrix")
else if (is(count_in, "vector")) {
raw_count_mat <- as(t(as.matrix(count_in)), "sparseMatrix")
else if (is(count_in, "sparseMatrix")) {
raw_count_mat <- count_in
else {
stop("counts has to be of following forms: vector,matrix or sparseMatrix")
locus_in <- as.matrix(locus_in)
totalcount <- as.vector(sp_sums_Rcpp(raw_count_mat))
keep_cell_idx <- which(totalcount != 0)
count_mat <- raw_count_mat[, keep_cell_idx]
fil_loc <- locus_in[keep_cell_idx, ]
if (!is.null(X_in)) {
X_in <- X_in[keep_cell_idx, ]
keep_gene_idx <- which(as.vector(sp_sums_Rcpp(count_mat,
rowSums = TRUE)) != 0)
count_mat <- count_mat[keep_gene_idx, ]
numGene <- nrow(count_mat)
numCell <- ncol(count_mat)
message(paste("## ===== SPARK-X INPUT INFORMATION ===="))
message(paste("## number of total samples:", numCell))
message(paste("## number of total genes:", numGene))
if (numCores > 1) {
message(paste("## Running with", numCores, "cores \n"))
else {
message(paste("## Running with single core, may take some time \n"))
GeneNames <- rownames(count_mat)
if (sum(is.na(GeneNames)) > 0) {
GeneNames[is.na(GeneNames)] <- "NAgene"
sparkx_list <- list()
icount = 0
if (option == "mixture") {
message(paste0("## Testing With Projection Kernel"))
icount = icount + 1
final_location <- fil_loc
sparkx_list[[icount]] <- sparkx.sk(count_mat, final_location,
X_mat = X_in, mc_cores = numCores, verbose = verbose)
for (iker in 1:5) {
icount = icount + 1
message(paste0("## Testing With Gaussian Kernel ", iker))
final_location <- apply(fil_loc, 2, transloc_func,
lker = iker, transfunc = "gaussian")
sparkx_list[[icount]] <- sparkx.sk(count_mat, final_location,
X_mat = X_in, mc_cores = numCores, verbose = verbose)
for (iker in 1:5) {
icount = icount + 1
message(paste0("## Testing With Cosine Kernel ", iker))
final_location <- apply(fil_loc, 2, transloc_func,
lker = iker, transfunc = "cosine")
sparkx_list[[icount]] <- sparkx.sk(count_mat, final_location,
X_mat = X_in, mc_cores = numCores, verbose = verbose)
names(sparkx_list) <- c("projection", paste0("gaus",
1:5), paste0("cos", 1:5))
else if (option == "single") {
message(paste0("## Testing With Projection Kernel"))
icount = icount + 1
final_location <- fil_loc
sparkx_list[[icount]] <- sparkx.sk(count_mat, final_location,
X_mat = X_in, mc_cores = numCores, verbose = verbose)
names(sparkx_list) <- c("projection")
else {
stop("option should be one of following: single or mixture")
allstat <- sapply(sparkx_list, function(x) {
allpvals <- sapply(sparkx_list, function(x) {
rownames(allstat) <- rownames(allpvals) <- GeneNames
comb_pval <- apply(allpvals, 1, ACAT)
pBY <- p.adjust(comb_pval, method = "BY")
joint_pval <- cbind.data.frame(combinedPval = comb_pval,
adjustedPval = pBY)
final_res <- list(stats = allstat, res_stest = allpvals,
res_mtest = joint_pval)
sparkx.sk <- function(counts, infomat, X_mat = NULL, mc_cores = 1, verbose = TRUE)
geneName <- rownames(counts)
if (sum(is.na(geneName)) > 0) {
geneName[is.na(geneName)] <- "NAgene"
if (is.null(X_mat)) {
Xinfomat <- apply(infomat, 2, scale, scale = FALSE)
loc_inv <- solve(crossprod(Xinfomat, Xinfomat))
kmat_first <- Xinfomat %*% loc_inv
LocDim <- ncol(infomat)
Klam <- eigen(crossprod(Xinfomat, kmat_first), only.values = T)$values
EHL <- counts %*% Xinfomat
numCell <- nrow(Xinfomat)
adjust_nominator <- as.vector(sp_sums_Rcpp(counts^2,
vec_stat <- apply(EHL, 1, function(x) {
x %*% loc_inv %*% as.matrix(x)
}) * numCell/adjust_nominator
vec_ybar <- as.vector(sp_means_Rcpp(counts, TRUE))
vec_ylam <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(counts), function(x) {
1 - numCell * vec_ybar[x]^2/adjust_nominator[x]
}, mc.cores = mc_cores))
vec_daviesp <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(counts), function(x) {
sparkx_pval(x, vec_ylam, Klam, vec_stat)
}, mc.cores = mc_cores))
res_sparkx <- as.data.frame(cbind(vec_stat, vec_daviesp))
else {
if (ncol(counts) < 30000) {
counts <- as.matrix(counts)
numCell <- nrow(infomat)
XTX_inv <- solve(crossprod(X_mat, X_mat))
Xadjust_mat <- crossprod(infomat, X_mat) %*% crossprod(XTX_inv,
Xinfomat <- infomat - t(Xadjust_mat)
info_inv <- solve(crossprod(Xinfomat, Xinfomat))
kmat_first <- Xinfomat %*% info_inv
LocDim <- ncol(Xinfomat)
Klam <- eigen(crossprod(Xinfomat, kmat_first), only.values = T)$values
res_sparkx_list <- parallel::mclapply(X = 1:nrow(counts), FUN = sparkx.sksg,
expmat = counts, xmat = X_mat, scaleinfo = Xinfomat,
numDim = LocDim, lambda_K = Klam, loc_inv = info_inv,
mc.cores = mc_cores, verbose = verbose)
res_sparkx <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, res_sparkx_list))
colnames(res_sparkx) <- c("stat", "pval")
rownames(res_sparkx) <- geneName
sparkx.sksg <- function (igene, expmat, xmat, scaleinfo, numDim, lambda_K, loc_inv,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
message("gene", igene, "\n")
single_gene <- expmat[igene, ]
numCell <- length(single_gene)
XTX_inv <- solve(crossprod(xmat, xmat))
GTX <- crossprod(single_gene, xmat)
Gadjust_mat <- GTX %*% tcrossprod(XTX_inv, GTX)
adj_nominator <- 1/as.vector(crossprod(single_gene, single_gene))
lambda_G <- as.vector(crossprod(single_gene, single_gene) -
Gadjust_mat) * adj_nominator
YHL <- single_gene %*% scaleinfo
scoredavies <- adj_nominator * (YHL %*% loc_inv %*% t(YHL)) *
Zsort <- sort(lambda_G * lambda_K, decreasing = TRUE)
results_score <- try(davies(scoredavies, Zsort))
if (!inherits(results_score, "try-error")) { # class(results_score) != "try-error"
pout <- results_score$Qq
if (pout <= 0) {
pout <- liu(scoredavies, Zsort)
else {
pout <- NA
return(c(scoredavies, pout))
sparkx_pval<-function (igene, lambda_G, lambda_K, allstat)
Zsort <- sort(lambda_G[igene] * lambda_K, decreasing = TRUE)
results_score <- try(davies(allstat[igene], Zsort))
if (!inherits(results_score, "try-error")) { # class(results_score) != "try-error"
pout <- results_score$Qq
if (pout <= 0) {
pout <- liu(allstat[igene], Zsort)
else {
pout <- NA
transloc_func <- function (coord, lker, transfunc = "gaussian"){
coord <- scale(coord, scale = F)
l <- quantile(abs(coord), probs = seq(0.2, 1, by = 0.2))
if (transfunc == "gaussian") {
out <- exp(-coord^2/(2 * l[lker]^2))
else if (transfunc == "cosine") {
out <- cos(2 * pi * coord/l[lker])
ACAT <- function (Pvals, Weights = NULL) {
if (sum(is.na(Pvals)) > 0) {
stop("Cannot have NAs in the p-values!")
if ((sum(Pvals < 0) + sum(Pvals > 1)) > 0) {
stop("P-values must be between 0 and 1!")
is.zero <- (sum(Pvals == 0) >= 1)
is.one <- (sum(Pvals == 1) >= 1)
if (is.zero && is.one) {
stop("Cannot have both 0 and 1 p-values!")
if (is.zero) {
if (is.one) {
warning("There are p-values that are exactly 1!")
if (is.null(Weights)) {
Weights <- rep(1/length(Pvals), length(Pvals))
else if (length(Weights) != length(Pvals)) {
stop("The length of weights should be the same as that of the p-values")
else if (sum(Weights < 0) > 0) {
stop("All the weights must be positive!")
else {
Weights <- Weights/sum(Weights)
is.small <- (Pvals < 1e-16)
if (sum(is.small) == 0) {
cct.stat <- sum(Weights * tan((0.5 - Pvals) * pi))
else {
cct.stat <- sum((Weights[is.small]/Pvals[is.small])/pi)
cct.stat <- cct.stat + sum(Weights[!is.small] * tan((0.5 -
Pvals[!is.small]) * pi))
if (cct.stat > 1e+15) {
pval <- (1/cct.stat)/pi
else {
pval <- 1 - pcauchy(cct.stat)
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