
Defines functions incidence2prevalence

Documented in incidence2prevalence

#' Convert an LNA/ODE incidence path to a prevalence path.
#' @param path matrix containing the incidence path the first column of which
#'   are incidence times
#' @param flow_matrix flow matrix
#' @param init_state vector of initial compartment counts
#' @param forcings list of forcing lists
#' @param forcing_matrix matrix containing the forcings the first column of
#'   which are times of forcings
#' @return matrix containing the prevalence path
#' @export
incidence2prevalence <- function(path, flow_matrix, init_state, forcings = NULL, forcing_matrix = NULL) {

      # make sure that the objects are of the appropriate type
      if(!("matrix" %in% class(path))) path <- as.matrix(path)
      if(!("matrix" %in% class(flow_matrix))) flow_matrix <- as.matrix(flow_matrix)
      if(class(init_state) != "numeric") init_state  <- as.numeric(init_state)
      if(!is.null(forcing_matrix) && class(forcing_matrix) != "matrix") forcing_matrix <- as.matrix(forcing_matrix)

      if(!is.null(forcings)) {

            # get times
            path_times    <- path[,1]
            forcing_times <- forcing_matrix[,1]

            if(length(path_times) != length(forcing_times)) {

                  # all times, sorted
                  census_times <- sort(unique(c(path_times, forcing_times)))

                  # create matrices and insert times
                  path_mtx     <- matrix(0.0, nrow = length(census_times), ncol = ncol(path))
                  forcing_mtx  <- matrix(0.0, nrow = length(census_times), ncol = ncol(forcing_matrix))
                  path_mtx[,1] <- census_times
                  forcing_mtx[,1] <- census_times

                  # indices of path and forcing indices
                  path_inds    <- census_times %in% path_times
                  forcing_inds <- census_times %in% forcing_times

                  # insert path and forcings
                  path_mtx[path_inds,-1]       <- path[,-1]
                  forcing_mtx[forcing_inds,-1] <- forcing_matrix[,-1]

                  # zero out forcings indices for zero forcings
                  forcing_inds <- forcing_inds & apply(forcing_mtx[,-1, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) any(x != 0))

            } else {
                  path_mtx     <- path
                  forcing_mtx  <- forcing_matrix
                  forcing_inds <- rep(TRUE, nrow(path))

                  # zero out forcings indices for zero forcings
                  forcing_inds <- forcing_inds & apply(forcing_mtx[,-1, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) any(x != 0))

            colnames(path_mtx)   <- colnames(path)
            colnames(forcing_mtx) <- colnames(forcing_matrix)

            # names and indices
            forcing_tcovars   <- sapply(forcings, function(x) x$tcovar_name)
            forcing_tcov_inds <- match(forcing_tcovars, colnames(forcing_matrix)) - 1
            forcing_events    <- c(sapply(forcings, function(x) paste0(x$from, "2", x$to)))

            # matrix indicating which compartments are involved in which forcings in and out
            forcings_out <- matrix(0.0,
                                   nrow = ncol(flow_matrix), ncol = length(forcings),
                                   dimnames = list(colnames(flow_matrix), forcing_tcovars))

            forcing_transfers <- array(0.0,
                                       dim = c(ncol(flow_matrix),
                                       dimnames = list(colnames(flow_matrix),

            for(s in seq_along(forcings)) {

                  forcings_out[forcings[[s]]$from, s] <- 1

                  for(t in seq_along(forcings[[s]]$from)) {
                        forcing_transfers[forcings[[s]]$from[t], forcings[[s]]$from[t], s] <- -1
                        forcing_transfers[forcings[[s]]$to[t], forcings[[s]]$from[t], s]    <- 1

      } else {
            path_mtx          <- path
            forcing_inds      <- rep(FALSE, nrow(path))
            forcing_tcovars   <- character(0L)
            forcing_tcov_inds <- integer(0L)
            forcing_events    <- character(0L)
            forcing_mtx       <- matrix(0.0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
            forcings_out      <- matrix(0.0, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
            forcing_transfers <- array(0.0, dim = c(0,0,0))

      conv_path <-
                  path              = path_mtx,
                  flow_matrix       = flow_matrix,
                  init_state        = init_state,
                  forcing_matrix    = forcing_mtx,
                  forcing_inds      = forcing_inds,
                  forcing_tcov_inds = forcing_tcov_inds,
                  forcings_out      = forcings_out,
                  forcing_transfers = forcing_transfers

      if(!is.null(forcings)) {
            conv_path <- conv_path[conv_path[,1] %in% path_times,]

      timename <- ifelse(is.null(colnames(path)), "time", colnames(path)[1])
      colnames(conv_path) <- c(timename, colnames(flow_matrix))

fintzij/stemr documentation built on March 25, 2022, 12:25 p.m.