#' Plot PLS important features
#' There are two importance measures in PLS-DA :
#' one is variable importance in projection (VIP)
#' and the other is weighted sum of absolute regression coefficients (coef.).
#' The colored boxes on the right indicate the relative concentrations 
#' of the corresponding metabolite in each group under study.
#' @param dataSet List, data set object generated by \code{\link[MSdata]{MS_to_MA}} function.
#' @param analSet List, containing the results of statistical analysis (can be just an empty list). 
#' @param imgName Image file name prefix.
#' @param format Image format, one of: "png", "tiff", "pdf", "ps", "svg"
#' @param dpi Image resolution.
#' @param width Image width.
#' @param type Importance measure. \code{"vip"} - for variable importance in projection (VIP); \code{"coef"} - for weighted sum of absolute regression coefficients.
#' @param feat.nm The number of component used for VIP calculation. 
#' @param feat.num The number of top features to plot.
#' @param color.BW If \code{TRUE}, gray scale is used.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PLS.Anal}}, \code{\link{PLS.Loadings}}, \code{\link{PLSDA.CV}}, \code{\link{PLSDA.Permut}}, \code{\link{PlotPLS}}
#' @export
# BHan: added bgcolor parameter for B/W color

PlotPLS.Imp<-function(dataSet, analSet, imgName="pls_imp_", format="png", dpi=72, width=NA, type="vip", feat.nm = 1, feat.num=15, color.BW=FALSE){
	if (is.null(analSet$plsr)) stop("Please, conduct PLS.Anal and PLSDA.CV first.")
	if (is.null(analSet$plsda)) stop("Please, conduct PLSDA.CV first.")
    match.arg(type, c("vip","coef"))
	imgName = paste(imgName, "dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");
        w <- 8;
    }else if(width == 0){
        w <- 7;
        w <- width;
    h <- w;
    Cairo::Cairo(file = imgName, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
        PlotImpVar(dataSet, vips, "VIP scores", feat.num, color.BW);
        PlotImpVar(dataSet, data, "Coefficients", feat.num, color.BW);

# BHan: added bgcolor parameter for B/W color
PlotImpVar <- function(dataSet, imp.vec, xlbl, feat.num=15, color.BW=FALSE){
    cls.len <- length(levels(dataSet$cls));
    if(cls.len == 2){
        rt.mrg <- 5;
    }else if(cls.len == 3){
        rt.mrg <- 6;
    }else if(cls.len == 4){
        rt.mrg <- 7;
    }else if(cls.len == 5){
        rt.mrg <- 8;
    }else if(cls.len == 6){
        rt.mrg <- 9;
        rt.mrg <- 11;
    op <- par(mar=c(5,7,3,rt.mrg)); # set right side margin with the number of class

    if(feat.num <= 0){
        feat.num = 15;

    if(feat.num > length(imp.vec)){
        feat.num <- length(imp.vec);

    # first get the top subset
    imp.vec <- rev(sort(imp.vec))[1:feat.num];

    # reverser the order for display
    imp.vec <- sort(imp.vec);
    # as data should already be normalized, use mean/median should be the same
    # mns is a list contains means of all vars at each level
    # conver the list into a matrix with each row contains var averages across different lvls
    mns <- by(dataSet$norm[, names(imp.vec)], dataSet$cls, 
                    function(x){ # inner function note, by send a subset of dataframe
                        apply(x, 2, mean, trim=0.1)
    mns <- t(matrix(unlist(mns), ncol=feat.num, byrow=TRUE));

    # vip.nms <-substr(names(imp.vec), 1, 12);
    vip.nms <-substr(names(imp.vec), 1, 14);
    names(imp.vec) <- NULL;

    # modified for B/W color
    dotcolor <- ifelse(color.BW, "darkgrey", "blue");
    dotchart(imp.vec, bg=dotcolor, xlab= xlbl, cex=1.3);
    mtext(vip.nms, side=2, at=1:feat.num, las=2, line=1)

    axis.lims <- par("usr"); # x1, x2, y1 ,y2

    # get character width
    shift <- 2*par("cxy")[1];
    lgd.x <- axis.lims[2] + shift;

    x <- rep(lgd.x, feat.num);
    y <- 1:feat.num;

    nc <- ncol(mns);

    # modified for B/W color
    colorpalette <- ifelse(color.BW, "Greys", "RdYlGn");
    col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, colorpalette))(nc); # set colors for each class
    if(color.BW) col <- rev(col);

    # calculate background
    bg <- matrix("", nrow(mns), nc);
    for (m in 1:nrow(mns)){
        bg[m,] <- (col[nc:1])[rank(mns[m,])];

    cls.lbl <- levels(dataSet$cls);

    for (n in 1:ncol(mns)){
        points(x,y, bty="n", pch=22, bg=bg[,n], cex=3);
        # now add label
        text(x[1], axis.lims[4], cls.lbl[n], srt=45, adj=c(0.2,0.5));
        # shift x, note, this is good for current size
        x <- x + shift/1.25;

    # now add color key, padding with more intermediate colors for contiuous band
    col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(25, colorpalette))(50)
    if(color.BW) col <- rev(col);

    nc <- length(col);
    x <- rep(x[1] + shift, nc);

    shifty <- (axis.lims[4]-axis.lims[3])/3;
    starty <- axis.lims[3] + shifty;
    endy <- axis.lims[3] + 2*shifty;
    y <- seq(from = starty, to = endy, length = nc);

    points(x,y, bty="n", pch=15, col=rev(col), cex=2);

    text(x[1], endy+shifty/8, "High");
    text(x[1], starty-shifty/8, "Low");

flajole/MApckg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m.