
Defines functions set_prob_rep validate_param calc_param_both calc_param_pre process_param calc_param set_null_param set_param

Documented in calc_param calc_param_both calc_param_pre process_param set_null_param set_param set_prob_rep validate_param

#' Parameters about a simulation which should be set by users
#' Parameters about a simulation
#' Parameters related with simulation:
#' - `simulation_length` (integer): Length of simulation (months). (default: 60)
#' - `n_simulation` (integer): The number of simulation. (default: 1)
#' - `simulation_start` (1-12): The month simulation starts (1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, ...). (default: 1)
#' - `output_dir` (character): Directory to output files. (default: data/output)
#' - `output_filename` (character): The name of the output files. (default: "simulation")
#' Parameters depends on a farm:
#' - `prop_female` (0-1): Proportion of female of newborns. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `prop_replacement` (0-1): Proportion of calves to be replacements in female newborns. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `prop_died` (1-0): Proportion of dead cows in removed cows (Died / (Died + Slaughtered)). (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `prop_heat_detected` (0-1): Proportion of detected heats in total heats. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `calving_interval` (numeric): Calving interval in day. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `age_first_delivery` (numeric): Age (in month) or the first delivery. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `age_first_ai` (numeric): Age (in month) of the first AI for heifers. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `day_start_ai` (numeric): Day of first AI after a delivery. (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `days_milking` (numeric): Length of milking period (in days). (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `days_open` (numeric): Length of open period (in days). (default: average in Hokkaido)
#' - `n_introduced` c(calf, heifer, delivered): The number of introduced cows for five years. (default: c(0, 0, 0))
#' - `capacity_in_head` c(lower, upper): Lower/upper limit of the herd size. Set either this or `capacity_as_ratio` below.
#' - `capacity_as_ratio` c(lower, upper): Lower/upper limit of the herd as ratio to the initial herd size (lower limit = `lower * initial_herd_size`, upper limit = `upper * initial_herd_size`). Set either this or `capacity_in_head` above. When both of `capacity_in_head` and `capacity_as_ratio` is NA, `capacity_as_ratio` is set to `c(0.9, 1.1)`.
#' - `prob_seroconversion_in_pasture` (0-1): probability of seroconversion when a cow is send to a communal pasture. (default: random value from 0 to 1)
#' - `days_qualantine` (integer): Length of qualantine period (in days) for introduced cows in which introduced cows contacted no cows but introduced ones at the same time. (default: 0)
#' - `control_insects` (logical or 0-1): wheter conduct control measures against insects. When specified by a number from 0 to 1, it means that the number of bloodsucking insects decrease to this proportion (i.e., `control_insects = 0.8` means that the number of insects becomes 80%). When `TRUE`, it is assumed that insects in a farm decrease to 50%. (default: FALSE)
#' - `change_gloves` (logical): whether use one glove for one cow for rectal palpation. (default: TRUE)
#' - `feed_raw_colostrum` (logical): wheter feed non-pasteurized colostrum milk to newborn calves. (default: FALSE)
#' - `cull_infected_cows` ("no"/"all"/"highrisk"): Whether cull infected cows. "all" means cull infected cows even when they do not show simptoms and "highrisk" means cull PL or EBL cows only. Culling is conducted when a new female calf is born and you can set frequency of culling by `cull_frequency` described next.
#' - `culling_frequency` (numeric): This parameter can be set to specify the frequency of culling to cull an infected cow to every $n$ (= `culling_frequency`) female calves.
#' - `test_frequency` (1-12): Frequency of BLV tests in a year. Only integers can be set.
#' - `test_method` ("immunodiffusion"/"ELISA"/"PHA"/"nested PCR"/"real-time PCR" or two numerics (0-1)): Method of BLV test. Character indicating test method or a vector consisted of two numerics which mean sensitivity and specificity of the test.
#' @export
param <- list(
  # TODO: The function to confirm the necessary parameters are set or not
  simulation_length = 60,
  n_simulation = 1,
  simulation_start = 1,
  output_dir = "data/output",
  output_filename = "simulation",

  prop_female = NA,
  prop_replacement = NA,
  prop_died = NA,

  # Reproductivity parameters
  prop_heat_detected = NA,
  calving_interval = NA,
  age_first_delivery = NA,
  age_first_ai = NA,
  day_start_ai = NA,
  days_open = NA,
  days_milking = NA,

  n_introduced = c(0, 0, 0),
  days_qualantine = 0,
  capacity_in_head = NA,
  capacity_as_ratio = NA,
  # TODO: Warn if capacity doesn't follow current number of cows
  # TODO: Warn if both of capacity_in_head and capacity_as_ratio are set

  prob_seroconversion_in_pasture = NA,
  # Probability of seroconversion in communal pastures

  control_insects = F,
  change_gloves = T,
  # TODO: Make it to prop
  feed_raw_colostrum = F,

  cull_infected_cows = "no",
  culling_frequency = 1,
  test_frequency = 0,
  test_method = NA

default_param <- names(param)

#' Overwrite default parameters with herd specific parameters
#' It's used to overwrite default parameters (averages of Hokkaido or Japan) with farm specific parameters.
#' When `parameter` is not NA (= when a farm specific parameter was set), it returns the farm specific parameters.
#' When `parameter` is NA (= when a farm specific parameter was not set), it returns dafault parameters.
#' [set_param()] it to overwrite parameters listed in [param] and [set_null_param()] is to overwrite parameters not listed.
#' @param parameter The farm specific parameter
#' @param default The default parameter
#' @name set_param
#' @return A list of overwritten parameters
set_param <- function(parameter, default) {
  if (anyNA(parameter)) {  # Much faster than (is.na(parameter[1]))
    parameter <- default
  } else if (length(parameter) != length(default)) {
    parameter <- rep(parameter, length.out = length(default))

#' @name set_param
set_null_param <- function(parameter, default) {
  if (is.null(parameter)) {
    parameter <- default

#' Calculate parameters necessary to the simulation.
#' Calculate parameters to the simulation and overwrite the default setting if necessary.
#' Parameters processed by [process_param()] are deteministic. Parameters calculated by [calc_param()] are stochastic.
#' @param param See [param].
#' @param modification A list used to overwrite the defaut parameter like `list(parameter_name = new_value, ...)`.
#' @seealso [calc_param_pre()] [calc_param_both()]
#' @return A parameter list.
calc_param <- function(param, modification = NULL) {
  res <- calc_param_both(param)

  ## infection_status_change ----
  # Changes of infection status
  # Memo: We don't need to consider infection from rectal palpation here,
  #   because ordinal farms are assumed to change gloves for each rectal palpation.
  #   TODO: Some farmers don't change gloves. consider again.

  res$prop_ial_period <-  0.3
  # TODO: Reconsider this parameter
  # Length of periods from PL to EBL is not well known. (several months to years)
  res$ebl_progress_shape <- 3.3
  res$ebl_progress_scale <- 7.8
  # Periods until an infected cattle develops EBL: rweibull(n, shape, scale) * 12 - Tsutsui et al, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.11.019

  ## Probabilities of disease progress ----
  # NOTE: prob_develop_ipl and prob_develop_ebl are calculated in calc_param_both().

  # Probability that an EBL cow is detected
  # 39.7% of EBL are detected. This 39.7% are assumed to found at the month in which infection stage moved from ipl to ebl.
  # (Because they assumed as the same and there is no data about the length of period from clinical onset to detection.)
  # - Tsutsui et al, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.11.019
  res$prob_ebl_detected <- rnorm(1, mean = 0.397, sd = (0.397 - 0.358) / q975)

  # Months until EBL cattle die
  months_until_ebl_die <- 2
  # TODO: temporary, just by inspiration
  res$rate_ebl_die <- 1 / months_until_ebl_die

  ## blv_test ----
  # Test frequency
  if (param$test_frequency == 0) {
    res$test_months <- numeric(0)
  } else {
    test_months <- ceiling(12 / param$test_frequency * 1:param$test_frequency)
    test_months <- (test_months + param$simulation_start + 11) %% 12 + 1
    # Add 11 to avoid the first test occurs at i_month = 1
    # when test_frequency = 1
    # Add 1 because n %% 12 contains 0
    res$test_months <- test_months

  # A list of BLV test methods available in Japan was obtained from here:
  # Mekata, 2016. https://doi.org/10.4190/jjlac.6.221
  lowered <- tolower(param$test_method)[1]
  if (anyNA(param$test_method)) {
    # Not is.na() because length of test_method can be two
    res$test_sensitivity <- 0
    res$test_specificity <- 0
  } else if (lowered == "immunodiffusion") {
    res$test_sensitivity <- 0.981
    res$test_specificity <- 0.967
    # Molloy et al, 1990. https://doi.org/10.1016/0166-0934(90)90086-U
  } else if (lowered == "elisa") {
    # Monti et al, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F104063870501700507
    estimates <- data.table(se_est = c(0.994, 0.994, 0.976, 0.893),
                            se_lwr = c(0.982, 0.980, 0.951, 0.857),
                            se_upr = c(1.000, 0.999, 0.993, 0.927),
                            sp_est = c(0.985, 0.987, 0.970, 0.849),
                            sp_lwr = c(0.962, 0.958, 0.927, 0.784),
                            sp_upr = c(1.000, 0.998, 0.996, 0.913))
    estimates[, `:=`(se_se = (se_upr - se_lwr) / 2 / q975,
                     sp_se = (sp_upr - sp_lwr) / 2 / q975)]
    # Identidal to (((se_upr - se_est) + (se_est - se_lwr)) / 2) / q975
    estimate <- estimates[sample.int(.N, 1), ]
    res$test_sensitivity <- rnorm(1, estimates$se_est, estimates$se_se)
    res$test_specificity <- rnorm(1, estimates$sp_est, estimates$sp_se)
  } else if (lowered == "pha") {
    n_est <- 2
    estimates <- data.table(sensitivity = numeric(n_est),
                            specificity = numeric(n_est))
    # Calculate treating a result of nested PCR as gold standard
    # Abe et al, 2012. http://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g68/documents/4abe.pdf (http://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g68/jigyougaiyou23.html)
    estimates[1, `:=`(sensitivity = 1,
                      specificity = 10 / (10 + 16))]
    # Division of Pathology, Kyoto City Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, 2006. Annual Report of Kyoto City Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences, 73. https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/hokenfukushi/cmsfiles/contents/0000118/118365/O6.pdf (https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/hokenfukushi/page/0000118365.html)
    estimates[2, `:=`(sensitivity = 0.909,
                      specificity = 0.984)]
    estimate <- estimates[sample.int(n_est, 1), ]
    res$test_sensitivity <- estimate$sensitivity
    res$test_specificity <- estimate$specificity
  } else if (lowered %in% c("nestedpcr", "nested pcr", "nested-pcr")) {
    # Faster than grepl()
    # Monti et al, 2005. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F104063870501700507
    estimates <- data.table(se_est = c(0.928, 0.929, 0.916),
                            se_lwr = c(0.901, 0.895, 0.878),
                            se_upr = c(0.956, 0.955, 0.945),
                            sp_est = c(0.767, 0.770, 0.755),
                            sp_lwr = c(0.696, 0.694, 0.674),
                            sp_upr = c(0.828, 0.836, 0.828))
    estimates[, `:=`(se_se = (se_upr - se_lwr) / 2 / q975,
                     sp_se = (sp_upr - sp_lwr) / 2 / q975)]
    # Identidal to (((se_upr - se_est) + (se_est - se_lwr)) / 2) / q975
    estimate <- estimates[sample.int(.N, 1), ]
    res$test_sensitivity <- rnorm(1, estimates$se_est, estimates$se_se)
    res$test_specificity <- rnorm(1, estimates$sp_est, estimates$sp_se)
  } else if (lowered %in% c("real-timepcr", "realtimepcr",
                            "real-time pcr", "realtime pcr",
                            "real-time", "realtime")) {
    # Faster than grepl()
    n_est <- 3
    # Calculate treating a result of nested PCR as gold standard
    estimates <- data.table(sensitivity = numeric(n_est),
                            specificity = numeric(n_est))
    # Hayashi et al, 2016. https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/soshiki/kenmin/ao-kaho/files/27gyohatu_BLV.pdf (https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/soshiki/kenmin/ao-kaho/chosashiken.html)
    estimates[1, `:=`(sensitivity = 4 / 5,
                      specificity = 1)]
    # Miyoshi and Okazaki, 2017. http://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g68/documents/28-08.pdf (http://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g68/jigyougaiyou28.html)
    estimates[2, `:=`(sensitivity = (27 + 1) / (27 + 1 + 1 + 1),
                      specificity = 1)]
    # Soda et al, 2015. Saitamaken Chosa Kenkyu Seiseki Houkokusho, 56. https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/a0908/gyousekihappyou/documents/h26_09.pdf (https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/a0908/gyousekihappyou/gyousekihappyou.html)
    estimates[3, `:=`(sensitivity = 1,
                      specificity = 1)]
    estimate <- estimates[sample.int(n_est, 1), ]
    res$test_sensitivity <- estimate$sensitivity
    res$test_specificity <- estimate$specificity
  } else {
    res$test_sensitivity <- param$test_method[1]
    res$test_specificity <- param$test_method[2]

  ## infection_insects ----

  ## Probability of infection by bloodsucking insects per month per cattle ----
  # Read preps/Parameters_num_insects.Rmd

  res$risk_stable <- set_null_param(modification$risk_stable, 1 / (25 + 1))
  # Buxton, Hinkle and Schultz, 1985. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2982293
  # Infection of sheep occurred with monthparts of 25 stable flies and
  # with a monthpart of a horse fly
  n_stable <-
    c(0, 0, 0, 0, 606.70, 1739.58, 1620.03, 1151.16, 8787.05, 3026.42, 27.43, 0)
  n_tabanid <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23.08, 61.32, 8.23, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  risks_inf_insects <-
    n_stable * res$risk_stable + n_tabanid * (1 - res$risk_stable)

  prob_seroconv_year <- 1 - (1 - (4 / 83)) ^ 2
  # Tsutsui et al, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.11.019
  prob_seroconv_insects <- prob_seroconv_year * 13 / 14
  # Kobayashi et al, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.15-0007
  # 14 cows with seroconversion, 13 of which occured in June to December
  coef_est <- optim(
    1.2, fn = est_coef_inf_insects, method = "L-BFGS-B",
    risks_inf_insects = risks_inf_insects,
    prob_seroconv_insects = prob_seroconv_insects,
    lower = 0,
    upper = 10000 / max(risks_inf_insects)
    # 1 - risks_inf_insects in est_coef_in_insects() contains a negative value
    # when coef is bigger than this
  probs_inf_insects_month <- risks_inf_insects * coef_est$par / 10000
  # See the source code of est_coef_inf_insects() to understand
  # why * 10000 is necessary

  res$insects_pressure <- set_null_param(modification$insects_pressure, 1)
  # insects_pressure itself is not used in the other functions in a simulation,
  # but listed in res to output the value by save_param.
  if (is.logical(param$control_insects)) {
    control_insects <- fifelse(param$control_insects, 0.5, 1)
  } else {
    control_insects <- param$control_insects
  res$probs_inf_insects_month <- probs_inf_insects_month * res$insects_pressure
  # used in is_infected_in_free_stall
  res$probs_inf_tie_month <- res$probs_inf_insects_month * control_insects

  ## infection_tiestall ----
  ## infection_neighbor ----

  res$hr_having_infected_neighbor <- exp(rnorm(1, mean = 2.52, sd = 0.73))
  res$prop_inf_due_to_expose <-
    (res$hr_having_infected_neighbor - 1) / res$hr_having_infected_neighbor
  # Kobayashi et al, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.15-0007

  ## infection_free ----
  res$free_pressure <-
    rnorm(1, mean = 1.19, sd = (1.39 - 1.01) / 2 / q975)
  # Identical to sd = mean(c(1.19 - 1.01, 1.39 - 1.19)) / q975
  # Kobayashi et al, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2013.11.014

  res$average_prop_inf_in_free <-
    rnorm(1, mean = 0.409, sd = (0.414 - 0.404) / 2 / q975)
  # Identical to sd = mean(c(0.409 - 0.404, 0.414 - 0.409)) / q975
  # Murakami et al, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.12-0374

  # NOTE:
  # insects_pressure, control_insects, free_pressure and average_prop_in_free
  # cancel each other

  ## infection_needles ----
  # Ignored because no appropreate reference was found
  # about frequency of use of needles in a herd

  ## infection_rp ----
  # Infection by rectal palpation
  # 3/4 cows get infected by 4 rectal palpations right after infected cows - Kohara, Konnai and Onuma, 2016. http://doi.org/10.14943/jjvr.54.1.25
  # The probability of infection per try is calculated.
  # The probability is 0.034 in Lassauzet, Thurmond and Walton, 1989. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2557314

  # 直検1回ごとの感染確率
  # Kohara, Konnai and Onuma, 2016.
  prob_inf_rp_4try <- rbeta(1, 3, 4 - 3)
  prob_inf_rp <- 1 - (1 - prob_inf_rp_4try) ^ (1 / 4)
  res$prob_inf_rp <- fifelse(param$change_gloves, 0, prob_inf_rp)

  ## infection_vertical ----

  # Vertical infection
  # 0% - Meas et al, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0378-1135(01)00458-8
  # 0% - Kajikawa et al, 1981. https://doi.org/10.12935/jvma1951.34.423
  # 18.6% (24/129: 10.8% (14) - transplacental: 7.7% (10) - birth canal) The viral load of the dam has significant association. - Mekata et al, 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/vr.102464

  res$prob_vert_inf_ial <- (4 + 5) / 95
  res$prob_vert_inf_ipl <- (10 + 4) / 29

  ## infection_colostrum ----

  # Probability of infection by feeding raw colostrum milk of BLV-infected dams
  # Frequency of infection by colostrum may be smaller than that by contact. 3/(25+16) cavles raised on colostrum and milk from BLV-infected dams get infected within 5 months. - Ferrer and Piper, 1981. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6272983
  # Probability of BLV infection after freeze-thaw can be considered as 0 - Kanno et al, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.13-0253
  res$prob_inf_colostrum <- fifelse(param$feed_raw_colostrum, 3 / (25 + 26), 0)

  ## infection_pasture ----

  res$prob_seroconv_pasture <-
    set_param(param$prob_seroconversion_in_pasture, runif(1, min = 0, max = 1))
  # Reports about seroconversion in communal pastures
  # - Niigata: 60%, 47%, 50%, 51% (2013-2016) -> 5.6% (2017)
  #   Ohkatsu et al, 2018. https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/uploaded/attachment/26756.pdf (https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/sec/chikusan/1356889019293.html)
  # - Tohoku: 0-11.5% (2006-2008)
  #   Terada, 2009. Tohoku Nogyo Kenkyu, 62, 87-88. http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/org/tarc/to-noken/DB/DATA/062/062-087.pdf (http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/org/tarc/to-noken/DB/issue/no_062.html)
  # - Yamagata: 0% (with countermeasures)
  #   Watanabe and Kugota, 2016. p2 of http://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/attach/pdf/index-3.pdf (https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/index.html)
  # - Yamagata: 0% (with countermeasures)
  #   Tuchiya and Kiguchi, 2014. https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/okitama/325048/gakujyusujyoho/gyohatu/H26-2.pdf (https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/okitama/325048/gakujyusujyoho/gyosekihappyokai.html)
  #   Kiguchi and Mori, 2015. https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/okitama/325048/gakujyusujyoho/gyohatu/H27-1.pdf (https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/okitama/325048/gakujyusujyoho/gyosekihappyokai.html)
  # - Yamagata: 51.8% (2007) -> 22.3% (2015), 49.4% (2007) -> 1.5% (2015)
  #   Ohkawara and Morita, 2016. p3 of http://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/attach/pdf/index-3.pdf (https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/okitama/325048/gakujyusujyoho/gyosekihappyokai.html)
  #   (Change of prevalence) https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/shonai/337051/2019eiseidayori/2019No.9.pdf (https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/sogoshicho/shonai/337051/2019kachikueiseidayori.html)
  # - Ibaraki: 97.4% (Apr. 2014) -> 33.3 (2015)
  #   Kodato et al, 2016. p1-7 of https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/nourinsuisan/chikusan/kachiku/kaho/documents/endai1.pdf (https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/nourinsuisan/chikusan/kachiku/kaho/h27gyouseki.html)
  #   p4 of https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/attach/pdf/index-3.pdf (https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/index.html)
  # - Nagano: 7.9% (2014), 4.5% (2015) (with countermeasures)
  #   Yahikozawa, 2016. p58 of http://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/attach/pdf/index-3.pdf (https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/index.html)
  # - Iwate: 0% (with countermeasures)
  #   Kitagawa and Takeda, 2011. p56 of https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/pdf/syoroku_52.pdf (https://www.maff.go.jp/j/syouan/douei/katiku_yobo/k_kaho/index.html)

  ## infection_introduced ----

  ## artificial_insemination ----

  # Detection of heats
  prop_heat_detected <- c(0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 0.59, 0.59)  # Probability of detection of heat from Nenkan Kentei Seiseki from HRK (H23-28)
  res$prob_heat_detected <- set_param(
    runif(1, min = min(prop_heat_detected), max = max(prop_heat_detected))

  # Heat cycle
  # Martin et al, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731118001830
  res$mean_heat_0 <- 20.5  # Heifer
  res$mean_heat_1 <- 20.7  # Delivered
  res$sd_heat_0 <- 1.0  # Heifer
  res$sd_heat_1 <- 1.1  # Delivered

  ## milking_stage ----

  # Length of milking period
  res$length_milking <- set_param(param$days_milking, 363) / days_per_month

  ## reproduction ----

  # Sex ratio and probability to be twins
  # From Gyugun Kentei Seiseki Matome by HRK
  prop_m <- c(0.4655, 0.4643, 0.4616, 0.4545, 0.4552, 0.4531)
  prop_f <- c(0.4350, 0.4357, 0.4393, 0.4485, 0.4548, 0.4585)
  prop_mm <- c(0.0080, 0.0082, 0.0076, 0.0074, 0.0076, 0.0075)
  prop_ff <- c(0.0076, 0.0076, 0.0074, 0.0073, 0.0074, 0.0070)
  prop_fm <- c(0.0137, 0.0140, 0.0135, 0.0134, 0.0134, 0.0123)
  prop_twin <- c(0.0294, 0.0298, 0.0285, 0.0282, 0.0284, 0.0268)

  ## Probability to be twins ----
  ratio_twin <- prop_twin / (prop_m + prop_f + prop_twin)
  # prop_m + prop_f + prop_twin != 1
  lims_twin <- c(min(ratio_twin), max(ratio_twin))
  res$prob_twin <- runif(1, min = lims_twin[1], max = lims_twin[2])

  ## Sex ratio ----
  sex_ratio_f <- prop_f / (prop_m + prop_f)
  lims_female <- set_param(param$prop_female,
                           c(min(sex_ratio_f), max(sex_ratio_f)))
  res$prob_female <- runif(1, min = lims_female[1], max = lims_female[2])

  ## Sex ratio for twins ----
  sex_ratio_mm <- prop_mm / prop_twin
  sex_ratio_ff <- prop_ff / prop_twin

  if (is.na(param$prop_female)) {
    lims_mm <- c(min(sex_ratio_mm), max(sex_ratio_mm))
    lims_ff <- c(min(sex_ratio_ff), max(sex_ratio_ff))
  } else {
    tend_mm <- sex_ratio_mm / (prop_m ^ 2)
    tend_ff <- sex_ratio_ff / (prop_f ^ 2)
    lims_mm <- (1 - param$prop_female) ^ 2 * range(tend_mm)
    lims_ff <- param$prop_female ^ 2 * range(tend_ff)

  prob_mm <- runif(1, min = lims_mm[1], max = lims_mm[2])
  prob_ff <- runif(1, min = lims_ff[1], max = lims_ff[2])
  total <- prob_mm + prob_ff
  if (total > 1) {
    prob_mm <- prob_mm / total
    prob_ff <- prob_ff / total
  res$probs_sex_pairs <- c(prob_mm, 1 - prob_mm - prob_ff, prob_ff)

  # Failure of delivery (stillbirth/abortion)
  res$prob_sb_1 <- runif(1, min = 0.0834, max = 0.1070)  # Parity = 1 (Heifer)
  res$prob_sb_2 <- runif(1, min = 0.0473, max = 0.0563)  # 2
  res$prob_sb_3 <- runif(1, min = 0.0487, max = 0.0572)  # 3
  res$prob_sb_4 <- runif(1, min = 0.0526, max = 0.0604)  # 4
  res$prob_sb_5 <- runif(1, min = 0.0582, max = 0.0620)  # >5

  res <- c(modification, res)
  res <- res[!duplicated(names(res))]


#' Calculate parameters based on other parameters
#' - `param_output_filename`: Name of a file to which output simulation parameters.
#' - `herd_size_limits`: Lower and upper limits of the number of cattle should be kept in the herd.
#' - `max_herd_size`: The maximum herd size allowed in a simulation. Used to reserve memory to store cow data while simulation.
#' - `init_max_cow_id`: The largest `cow_id` in `cows`.
#' - `prob_rep`: The result of [set_prob_rep()]. The probability that a newborn female calf will be a replacement cow.
#' Parameters processed by [process_param()] are deteministic. Parameters calculated by [calc_param()] are stochastic.
#' @param cows See [cow_table].
#' @param param See [param].
#' @return A list of calculated parameters.
process_param <- function(cows, param) {
  if (!anyNA(param$capacity_in_head)) {
    herd_size_limits <- param$capacity_in_head
  } else if (!anyNA(param$capacity_as_ratio)) {
    herd_size_limits <- nrow(cows) * capacity_as_ratio
  } else {
    herd_size_limits <- nrow(cows) * c(0.9, 1.1)
  res <- list(
    param_output_filename = paste0("param_", param$output_filename),
    herd_size_limits = herd_size_limits,
    max_herd_size = herd_size_limits[2] * 2,
    init_max_cow_id = max(cows$cow_id, na.rm = T),
    prob_rep = set_prob_rep(sum(cows$parity != 0, na.rm = T), param)


#' Calculate parameters necessary to prepare_data()
#' Calculate parameters which are used only in [prepare_data()] and overwrite the default setting if necessary.
#' @param param See [param].
#' @param modification A list used to overwrite the defaut parameter like `list(parameter_name = new_value, ...)`.
#' @seealso [calc_param()] [calc_param_both()]
#' @return A parameter list.
calc_param_pre <- function(param, modification = NULL) {
  res <- calc_param_both(param)

  # Nyuken (H23-27)
  # calving_interval, age_first_delivery, months_open, months_milking is used only in prepare_cows()
  calving_interval <- c(432, 430, 432, 429, 427) / days_per_month
  res$calving_interval <- set_param(
    param$calving_interval / days_per_month,
    runif(1, min = min(calving_interval), max = max(calving_interval))
  age_first_delivery <- c(25.2, 25.1, 25.0, 25.0, 24.8)
  res$age_first_delivery <- set_param(
    runif(1, min = min(age_first_delivery), max = max(age_first_delivery))
  months_open <- c(160, 159, 159, 155, 154) / days_per_month
  res$months_open <- set_param(
    param$days_open / days_per_month,
    runif(1, min = min(months_open), max = max(months_open))
  months_milking <- c(366, 363, 365, 364, 363) / days_per_month
  res$months_milking <- set_param(
    param$days_milking / days_per_month,
    runif(1, min = min(months_milking), max = max(months_milking))
  # The number of conducted AI
  res$prob_n_ai <-
      dgeom(0:9, prob = res$prob_ai_success) * (1 - res$prob_ai_success))

  res <- c(modification, res)
  res <- res[!duplicated(names(res))]


#' Calculate parameters used in both of prepare_data() and simulation
#' Calculate parameters which are in both of [prepare_data()] and simulation
#' @param param See [param].
#' @seealso [calc_param()] [calc_param_pre()]
#' @return A parameter list.
calc_param_both <- function(param) {
  res <- list()

  ## Longevity ----
  # See preps/Parameters_age_distribution.Rmd

  # No. of slaughtered Holstein females in Hokkaido
  n_slaughtered <- c(81580, 80220, 81597, 81632, 81377)
  # No. of died Holstein females in Hokkaido
  n_died <- c(63361, 62949, 65395, 66143, 63437)
  prop_died <- n_died / (n_slaughtered + n_died)
  lims_died <- set_param(param$prop_died,
                         c(min(prop_died), max(prop_died)))
  res$prob_died <- runif(1, min = lims_died[1], max = lims_died[2])

  # Death
  param_die <- list(
    prop = c(0.1781149, 0.19206973, 0.18295625, 0.18357473, 0.17160985),
    e_rate = c(0.69504391, 0.66565927, 0.62963687, 0.55892655, 0.62194143),
    g_shape = c(3.94254619, 4.0635499, 4.11764786, 4.11193613, 4.06322732),
    g_rate = c(0.06274259, 0.06433635, 0.06515513, 0.06596917, 0.06591569)
  param_die_min <- vapply(param_die, min, 1)
  param_die_max <- vapply(param_die, max, 1)
  param_die_set <- runif(4, min = param_die_min, max = param_die_max)
  res$die_prop <- param_die_set[1]
  res$die_e_rate <- param_die_set[2]
  res$die_g_shape <- param_die_set[3]
  res$die_g_rate <- param_die_set[4]

  # Slaughtering
  param_slaughtered <- list(
    shape = c(5.207747, 5.172914, 5.182164, 4.918844, 5.134622),
    rate = c(0.07337904, 0.07226869, 0.07165169, 0.0678387, 0.06992455)
  param_slaughtered_min <- vapply(param_slaughtered, min, 1)
  param_slaughtered_max <- vapply(param_slaughtered, max, 1)
  param_slaughtered_set <- runif(2,
                                 min = param_slaughtered_min,
                                 max = param_slaughtered_max)
  res$slaughter_shape <- param_slaughtered_set[1]
  res$slaughter_rate <- param_slaughtered_set[2]

  ## Disease progress ----
  # Proportion of ial cattle which develops ipl
  res$prob_develop_ipl <- 0.3  # 30% of infected cattle develops ipl (OIE terrestrial manual)
  # Proportion of blv infected cattle which develops ebl
  res$prob_develop_ebl <- 0.014 / res$prob_develop_ipl  # 1.4% of BLV-infected cattle develops ebl - Tsutsui et al, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.11.019

  ## Reproduction ----
  # First AI for heifer
  # From Gyugun Kentei Seisekihyo by HRK
  age_first_ai <- c(427, 427, 435, 432) / days_per_month
  lims_age_first_ai <-
    set_param(param$age_first_ai, c(min(age_first_ai), max(age_first_ai)))
  res$age_first_ai <-
    runif(1, min = lims_age_first_ai[1], max = lims_age_first_ai[2])

  # Proportion of success of the first AI
  # From Gyugun Kentei Seisekihyo by HRK
  # (because the data of the current year is only known from Feb to Dec)
  prop_first_ai_success <- c(0.32, 0.34, 0.34, 0.33, 0.35)
  res$prob_first_ai_success <-
    runif(1, min = min(prop_first_ai_success), max = max(prop_first_ai_success))

  # Proportion of success of AI after the first
  # p1 + (E(p2) + 1) * (1 - p1) = mean_ai
  # p1: the prob in which the first AI successes
  # p2: the prob in which AI after the first successes
  # p2 follows geometric distribution; thus E(p2) = p2 / (1 - p2)
  # Then p2 = (1 - p1) / (mean_ai - 1)
  # The probability in which the AI after the first successes
  mean_ai <- c(2.4, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3)  # Mean of the number of AI conducted
  prop_ai_success <- (1 - res$prob_first_ai_success) / (mean_ai - 1)
  res$prob_ai_success <-
    runif(1, min = min(prop_ai_success), max = max(prop_ai_success))

  # First AI after delivery
  # From Gyugun Kentei Seisekihyo (H25-29) by Hokkaido Rakuno Kentei Kensa Kyokai (HRK)
  # The date of the first AI after a delivery of PREVIOUS year
  # (because the data of the current year is only known from Feb to Dec)
  date_start_ai <- c(88, 88, 88, 88, 89) / days_per_month
  lims_date_start_ai <- set_param(param$day_start_ai,
                                  c(min(date_start_ai), max(date_start_ai)))
  res$date_start_ai <-
    runif(1, min = lims_date_start_ai[1], max = lims_date_start_ai[2])


#' Validate parameters
#' @param param See [param].
#' @param list_param_modif See [simulate_blv_spread()].
#' @return A parameter list.
#' @export
validate_param <- function(param, list_param_modif = NULL) {
  be_0_1 <- grep("^pro[pb]_", names(param), value = T)
  be_a_int <- c("simulation_length", "n_simulation", "simulation_start",
                "days_qualantine", "test_frequency")
  be_a_num <- c("calving_interval", "age_first_delivery", "age_first_ai", "day_start_ai", "days_open", "days_milking", "culling_frequency")
  be_nums <- c("n_introduced", "capacity_in_head", "capacity_as_ratio")
  be_a_lgl <- c("change_gloves", "feed_raw_colostrum")
  others <- c("control_insects", "cull_infected_cows", "test_method")

  # Check names
  if (!all(names(param) %in% c(default_param, processed_param_name, "seed"))) {
    invalid <- setdiff(names(param), default_param)
    stop(glue("Following parameters in `param` are invalid: \\
               {paste0(invalid, collapse = ', ')}"))
  if (!all(default_param %in% names(param))) {
    missing <- setdiff(default_param, names(param))
    stop(glue("Following parameters are missing in `param`: \\
               {paste0(missing, collapse = ', ')}"))

  if (!is.null(list_param_modif)) {
    modified_param_name <- unique(names(flatten(list_param_modif)))
    def_param_name <- names(calc_param(param, NULL))
    if (!all(modified_param_name %in% def_param_name)) {
      invalid <- setdiff(modified_param_name, def_param_name)
      stop(glue("Following parameters in `list_param_modif` are invalid: \\
                 {paste0(invalid, collapse = ', ')}"))

  # Check length
  test_be_one_val <- c("output_dir", "output_filename",
                       be_0_1, be_a_int, be_a_num, be_a_lgl,
                       "control_insects", "cull_infected_cows")
  is_one_val <- vapply(param[test_be_one_val], function(x) length(x) == 1, T)
  if (!all(is_one_val)) {
    var_not_one_val <- names(param[test_be_one_val[!is_one_val]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must contain only one value: \\
               {paste0(var_not_one_val, collapse = ', ')}"))

  if (length(param$n_introduced) != 3) {
    stop("`n_introduced` in `param` must contain three values.")

  if ((!all(is.na(param$capacity_in_head)) &
       !all(is.na(param$capacity_as_ratio)))) {
    stop(glue("Only one of `capacity_in_head` and `capacity_as_ratio` \\
               in `param` must have values."))
  if ((!all(is.na(param$capacity_in_head)) &
       length(param$capacity_in_head) != 2) |
      (!all(is.na(param$capacity_as_ratio)) &
       length(param$capacity_as_ratio) != 2)) {
    stop(glue("Either one of `capacity_in_head` and `capacity_as_ratio` \\
               in `param` must contain two values."))

  if (is.character(param$test_method) & length(param$test_method) != 1) {
    stop(glue("`test_method` in `param` must contain only one value \\
               when it is specified by a character."))
  if (is.numeric(param$test_method) & length(param$test_method) != 2) {
    stop(glue("`test_method` in `param` must contain two values \\
               when it is specified by numbers."))

  # Check class
  test_be_a_num <- c(be_0_1, be_a_num)
  is_a_num <- vapply(param[test_be_a_num],
                     function(x) is.na(x) | is.numeric(x), T)
  if (!all(is_a_num)) {
    var_not_a_num <- names(param[test_be_a_num[!is_a_num]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be a number: \\
               {paste0(var_not_a_num, collapse = ', ')}"))

  is_a_int <-
           function(x) is.na(x) | (is.numeric(x) && is.wholenumbers(x)), T)
  if (!all(is_a_int)) {
    var_not_a_int <- names(param[be_a_int[!is_a_int]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be an integer: \\
               {paste0(var_not_a_int, collapse = ', ')}"))

  is_a_lgl <- vapply(param[be_a_lgl], function(x) is.na(x) | is.logical(x), T)
  if (!all(is_a_lgl)) {
    var_not_a_lgl <- names(param[be_a_lgl[!is_a_lgl]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be a logical: \\
               {paste0(var_not_a_lgl, collapse = ', ')}"))

  if ((!all(is.na(param$capacity_in_head)) &
       !is.numeric(param$capacity_in_head)) |
      (!all(is.na(param$capacity_as_ratio)) &
       !is.numeric(param$capacity_as_ratio))) {
    stop(glue("`capacity_in_head` or `capacity_as_ratio` in `param` \\
               must be a vector of two numbers"))

  if (!is.logical(param$control_insects) & !is.numeric(param$control_insects)) {
    stop("`control_insects` in `param` must be a logical or a number.")

  if (!anyNA(param$test_method) & !is.character(param$test_method) &
      !is.numeric(param$test_method)) {
    stop(glue("`test_method` in `param` must be a character or \\
               a vector of two numbers."))

  # Check range
  test_pos_num <- c("simulation_start", be_a_num)
  is_pos_num <- vapply(param[test_pos_num], function(x) is.na(x) | x > 0, T)
  if (!all(is_pos_num)) {
    var_not_pos_num <- names(param[test_pos_num[!is_pos_num]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be a positive number: \\
               {paste0(var_not_pos_num, collapse = ', ')}"))

  test_non_neg_num <- setdiff(be_a_int, "simulation_start")
  is_non_neg_num <-
    vapply(param[test_non_neg_num], function(x) is.na(x) | x >= 0, T)
  if (!all(is_non_neg_num)) {
    var_neg_num <- names(param[test_non_neg_num[!is_non_neg_num]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be a non-negative number: \\
               {paste0(var_neg_num, collapse = ', ')}"))

  is_0_1 <- vapply(param[be_0_1], function(x) is.na(x) | (0 <= x & x <= 1), T)
  if (!all(is_0_1)) {
    var_not_0_1 <- names(param[be_0_1[!is_0_1]])
    stop(glue("Following parameter in `param` must be a number between 0 and 1: \\
               {paste0(var_not_0_1, collapse = ', ')}"))

  if (param$test_frequency < 0 | param$test_frequency > 12) {
    stop("`test_frequency` in `param` must an integer from 0 to 12.")

  if ((!anyNA(param$capacity_in_head) & any(param$capacity_in_head < 0)) |
      (!anyNA(param$capacity_as_ratio) & any(param$capacity_as_ratio < 0))) {
    stop(glue("`capacity_in_head` or `capacity_as_ratio` in `param` \\
               must be positive numbers."))

  if (is.numeric(param$control_insects) &&
      (param$control_insects < 0 | param$control_insects > 1)) {
    stop(glue("`control_insects` in `param` must between 0 and 1 \\
               when it is specified by a number."))

  if (!any(param$cull_infected_cows == c("no", "all", "highrisk"))) {
    stop("`cull_infected_cows` in `param` contains invalid value.")

  if (is.character(param$test_method)) {
    lowered <- tolower(param$test_method)
    if (!any(lowered ==
             c("immunodiffusion", "elisa", "pha",
               "nestedpcr", "nested pcr", "nested-pcr",
               "real-timepcr", "realtimepcr", "real-time pcr", "realtime pcr",
               "real-time", "realtime"))
       ) {
      stop("`test_method` in `param` contains invalid value.")
  if (is.numeric(param$test_method) &&
      (any(param$test_method < 0) | any(param$test_method > 1))) {
    stop(glue("`test_method` in `param` must between 0 and 1 \\
               when it is specified by numbers."))


#' Whether a newborn will be a replacement
#' @param n_calves The number of newborns.
#' @param herd_size The current herd size.
#' @param n_delivered The number of delivered cows in a herd.
#' @param param See [param].
#' @param param_sim A list which combined [param], a result of [process_param()] and a result of [calc_param()].
#' @name is_replacement
#' @references 「平成28年度 乳用種初生牛の経営に関する調査報告書」の「表40 調査対象経営の乳用種雌子牛の仕向け状況(規模別)」
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @return A logical vector or a numeric value.
set_prob_rep <- function(n_delivered, param) {
  prob_rep <- if (!is.na(param$prop_replacement)) {
  } else if (n_delivered < 30) {
    4 / (0.2 + 4)
  } else if (n_delivered < 50) {
    4.6 / (1 + 4.6)
  } else if (n_delivered < 80) {
    9.9 / (1.7 + 9.9)
  } else if (n_delivered < 100) {
    26.7 / (1 + 26.7)
  } else {
    44.5 / (3.2 + 44.5)

# Must be after definition of set_prob_rep()
processed_param_name <-
  names(process_param(data.table(cow_id = 1), param))
fmsan51/blvibmjp documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 9:04 p.m.