
Defines functions channels_extract channels_filter ready_labelled_data data_describe prepare

#' @title pipeline for preparing genomics data for statistical analysis
#' @description Process IP intensities by normalizing and calculating logfold change. 
#' @param bait a vector or string containing that should be matched in the columns containing the bait.
#' @param infile the file path or data.frame that contains the raw data, i.e. accession numbers, intensity values, ratios etc.
#' @param cols optional manual entry. A vector of columns that are present in the dataset header. Follows 
#' the format of columns: acession, bait1, mock1, bait2, mock2, bait3, ..
#' @param impute how should missing data be imputed? NULL means that missing data rows are dropped. Will take a list
#' containing shift and stdwidth for gaussian imputation. For further details, see \code{?impute}. 
#' @param transform charcacter. an R-command for how the data should be transformed.
#' @param normalization character. an R-command for how the data should be collumn-wise transformned.
#' @param filter character. only accession IDs of the filter specified are included.
#' @param raw will return the data.frame alongside the raw intensity values.
#' @param firstcol will change the name of the first column to the string indicated
#' @param control the control or references. Normally bait vs control, but it could be bait in wildtype versus 
#' bait in mutant for differential expression.
#' @param peptide.threshold how many peptides must be dectected in the ms, in order to deem it a valid observation. Default is 2.
#' @param filter.ignore will try to match the inputted vector or character to acession IDs. If sucessful,
#' it will ignore further filtering of this item. This could for instance be used, if the bait only has
#' one unique protein, and would therefore otherwise be filtered.
#' @param verbose boolean. if true, returns the table and a list with updates.
#' @export
#' @return a table that can be inputted to genoppi

data <- read.csv('~/Projects/03_MICOM/data/raw/martin15/15martin_EDNRA_NoNorm_First_proteins.csv')

#' @description Extract the unique channel names
#' @param data a data.frame containg channels in column names, e.g.
#' Intensity.iTRAQ4.115 and Intensity.iTRAQ4.116.
#' @param subset A regex (string) to subset the data data
#' additionally, e.g. 'Intensity' or 'Ratio'
#' @return vector of column names for channels.
channels_extract <- function(data, subset = 'Intensity'){
  columns <- colnames(data)
  channels_type <- grepl(type, columns)
  column_channels <- grepl('[[:digit:]]{3}', columns)
  channel_numbers <- unique(regmatches(columns, regexpr('[[:digit:]]{3}',columns)))
  return(data[,column_channels & channels_type][1:length(channel_numbers)])

channels_filter <- function(data, min_peptides = 2, species = NULL, ignore=NULL){
  #nignored <- sum(tmpData$filter.ignore)
  #tmpData$enoughProteins <- data[,info$col.unique.proteins] >= peptide.threshold | tmpData$filter.ignore
  #tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData$enoughProteins == TRUE,]
  #tmpData$human <- grepl(filter, tmpData[,1]) | tmpData$filter.ignore
  #tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData$human,]
  #if (verbose & nignored > 0) warn(paste('[filtering]', nignored, 'entries was ignored.'))

ready_labelled_data <- function(data, from = "Intensity"){
  channels = channels_extract(data, from)
  channels[channels == 0,] <- NA

data_describe <- function(x){

channels_extract(data, 'Int')

prepare <- function(bait, infile, cols = NULL, impute = list(stdwidth = 0.5, shift = -1.8), 
                    transform = 'log2', normalization = 'median', filter = "HUMAN", raw = F, firstcol = 'gene', control = 'mock',
                    peptide.threshold = 2, filter.ignore = NULL, verbose = F){
  # check input
  if (all(is.null(bait))) stop('Bait can not be NULL!')
  if (is.character(infile)) data = read.csv(infile) else data = as.data.frame(infile)
  info = describe(data, control = control)
  cnames = colnames(data)
  ## if user has specified the columns to be used
  if (!is.null(cols)){
    verifyCols <- (cols %in% cnames)
    if (!all(verifyCols)) stop(paste0('>', cols[!verifyCols], '< is not in the data columns.', collapse = '\n'))
    if (length(cols) < 5) stop('expected at least 5 columns specified. Did you forget to include acession numbers?')
    tmpData <- data[,cols]
  } else {
    ## try to geuss the columns that is be used
    baitFound <- !unlist(lapply(bait, function(x) any(grepl(x, cnames))))
    info$cols.bait <- grepl(paste(bait, collapse='.*'), cnames) & (!info$cols.ratios) & (!info$cols.control)
    dataBait <- data[,info$cols.bait]
    dataMock <- data[,info$cols.control]
    # check format and give transparent error message
    if (any(baitFound)) stop(paste(c(bait[baitFound], '(bait) not in data columns!.'), collapse = ' '))
    if (sum(info$cols.bait) == 1) stop('expected at least two columns of baits, only one was found!')
    if (sum(info$cols.mock) == 1) stop('expected at least two columns of controls, only one was found!')
    if (is.null(dim(dataBait))) stop('Only a single column (bait) was found! ')
    if (is.null(dim(dataMock))) stop('Only a single column (mock) was found! ')
    if (!ncol(dataBait)) stop('bait columns were not found!')
    if (!ncol(dataMock)) stop('mock columns were not found!')
    if (is.null(dataBait) | is.null(dataMock)) stop('disproprionate amount of bait and mock columns were found')
    if (ncol(dataBait) != ncol(dataMock)) stop('disproprionate amount of bait and mock columns were found')
    # verbose
    if (verbose) warn(paste('[Verbose] Selected bait cols:', paste(cnames[info$cols.bait], collapse = ' ')))
    if (verbose) warn(paste('[Verbose] Selected mock cols:', paste(cnames[info$cols.control], collapse = ' ')))
    # prepare data # should have same amount of columns
    dataComb <- cbind(dataBait,dataMock)
    dataComb <- dataComb[,c(1,3,2,4)] # iTRAQ duplicates only for now // numbers should be checked
    tmpData <- cbind(data[info$col.accession], dataComb)
  # Replace zeros with NAs
  tmpData[tmpData == 0] <- NA
  info$count.na <- sum(as.numeric(is.na(tmpData)))
  # 1) transform the data and 2) median normalizeation
  tmpData = pTransform(tmpData, type = transform)
  tmpData = normalize(tmpData, type = normalization)
  # 3) remove non human proteins and proteins with < 2 unique peptides
  tmpData$filter.ignore <- detect(tmpData, filter.ignore) # allow user to ignore rows
  nignored <- sum(tmpData$filter.ignore)
  tmpData$enoughProteins <- data[,info$col.unique.proteins] >= peptide.threshold | tmpData$filter.ignore
  tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData$enoughProteins == TRUE,]
  tmpData$human <- grepl(filter, tmpData[,1]) | tmpData$filter.ignore
  tmpData <- tmpData[tmpData$human,]
  if (verbose & nignored > 0) warn(paste('[filtering]', nignored, 'entries was ignored.'))
  # 4) convert from uniprot to HGNC\
  matr <- acession.matrix(tmpData[,1]) # first column is the acession
  matr.convert <- acession.convert(matr, verbose = verbose)
  tmpData$Accession <-matr.convert$hgnc # extract hgnc symbol
  tmpData$uniprot <- matr.convert$uniprot.id
  # 5) impute if needed
  if (is.null(impute)) {
    ndropped = sum(!complete.cases(tmpData))
    tmpData = tmpData[complete.cases(tmpData),] 
    if (verbose & ndropped > 0) warn(paste('[impute] dropped',ndropped, 'value(s).'))
  } else { if (all(c('stdwidth' , 'shift') %in% names(impute))){
    tmpData = impute.gaussian(tmpData, impute$stdwidth, impute$shift)
  } else {stop('Use impute params "stdwidth" and "shift" only.')}
  # 6) calculate log fold change
  info$total.rows.remove <- nrow(data) - nrow(tmpData)
  tmpData = logFC(tmpData)
  # clean out the data and remove intensity columns
  if (!raw){
    tmpData = tmpData[,grepl('rep|Acc|impute', colnames(tmpData))]
    if (!is.null(firstcol)) colnames(tmpData)[1] <- 'gene'
  } else (
    return(list(data=tmpData, info=info))
frhl/genoppi-package documentation built on Jan. 25, 2020, 4:37 p.m.