
# Methods to build reference panels for GWBC and KBP (and MBP), which are loaded upon breedTools attachment
# using data(). A summary of "raw" data objects in data-raw/ that were used to generate reference
# panels:

# LowD_chip_maps.RData - a SNP chip map for the GGP-LD.
# trio_gpData_fix.RData - genotypes from trio animals.
# trio_IDs.RData - a list of animals in trio_gpData_fix that are parents.
# trio_ped_fimpute.txt - a pedigree file for trio animals.
# additional_ref_geno.RData - genotypes from additional animals beyond the Trio set
#   used in GWBC_ref_B and KBP_ref_B
# additional_landrace_geno.RData - Landrace genotypes (dated 2017-02-08) intended for reference
#   panel

# First reference panel (GWBC_ref_A, KBP_ref_A, and MBP_ref_A) ------------------------------------
# GWBC_ref_A used parents of original Trio study
# KBP_ref_A used all animals from the original Trio study
# Both GWBC_ref_A and KBP_ref_A were used to generate the TAS manuscript by Funkhouser et. al

# GWBC_ref_A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load 8K SNP chip map

# Load trio genotypes (contained in gp.Trio) and IDs of parents

# Subset parent genotypes, filter and calculate allele frequencies with snpTools
trio_geno_par <- gp.Trio$geno[rownames(gp.Trio$geno) %in% parIDs, ]
trio_geno_par_lowD <- trio_geno_par[, colnames(trio_geno_par) %in% rownames(org_LowD_chip)]
trio_par_ids <- list("Duroc" = as.character(DurocIDs)[as.character(DurocIDs) %in% parIDs],
                     "Hampshire" = as.character(HampshireIDs)[as.character(HampshireIDs) %in% parIDs],
                     "Landrace" = as.character(LandraceIDs)[as.character(LandraceIDs) %in% parIDs],
                     "Yorkshire" = as.character(YorkshireIDs)[as.character(YorkshireIDs) %in% parIDs])
GWBC_ref_A <- snpTools::filter_geno(trio_geno_par_lowD) %>%

save(GWBC_ref_A, file = "data/GWBC_ref_A.RData")

# Local reference panels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load pedigree information for trios
trio_ped <- read.table("data-raw-PRIVATE/trio_ped_fimpute.txt", header = TRUE)

# Assemble trio genotypes, map, and list of ids for build_KBP
trio_geno <- gp.Trio$geno
map_60K <- gp.Trio$map
trio_ids <- list("Duroc" = as.character(DurocIDs),
                 "Hampshire" = as.character(HampshireIDs),
                 "Landrace" = as.character(LandraceIDs),
                 "Yorkshire" = as.character(YorkshireIDs))

# The map, as it is, contains several SNPs with duplicated positions. It is crucial to remove these
# for build_MBP, since chromosome 6 contains 4 of these duplicated SNPs.
dups1 <- na.omit(map_60K)[duplicated(na.omit(map_60K), fromLast = TRUE) & na.omit(map_60K)$chr != 0, ]
dups2 <- na.omit(map_60K)[duplicated(na.omit(map_60K)) & na.omit(map_60K)$chr != 0, ]
map_60K <- map_60K[!rownames(map_60K) %in% c(rownames(dups1), rownames(dups2)), ]

KREF_A <- breedTools::build_KBP(geno = trio_geno, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = trio_ids,
                                parent = TRUE)

MREF_A <- breedTools::build_MBP(geno = trio_geno, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = trio_ids,
                                parent = TRUE)
KBP_ref_A <- KREF_A$BP
MBP_ref_A <- MREF_A$BP
KHAP_A <- KREF_A$haplotype_freq
MHAP_A <- MREF_A$haplotype_freq
save(KBP_ref_A, file = "data/KBP_ref_A.RData")
save(KHAP_A, file = "data/KHAP_A.RData")
save(MBP_ref_A, file = "data/MBP_ref_A.RData")
save(MHAP_A, file = "data/MHAP_A.RData")

# Second reference panel for GWBC and KBP (GWBC_ref_B and KBP_ref_B, respectively) -----------------
# GWBC_ref_B used parents of original Trio study, plus all marc animals and a subset of Yorkshire 
# sires (see SF_PG_I/breed_compos/6-update_ref_and_add_sire_const.R for sire selection)
# KBP_ref_B used all animals from the original Trio study plus those added above

# GWBC_ref_B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load additional animals for reference panel

# Merge additional animals with trio parents and trim to 8K density
trioPar_marc_sire_geno <- 

trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD <- 
  trioPar_marc_sire_geno[, colnames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno) %in% rownames(org_LowD_chip)]

# Check if animals have duplicate genotypes (there are duplicate IDs). We don't want to double count
# any animals for the allele frequency calculation
dups <- rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD)[duplicated(rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD))]
sapply(dups, function(x) {
  dup_geno <- trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD[rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD) %in% x, ]
  diffs <- dup_geno[1, ] - dup_geno[2, ]
  sum(abs(diffs), na.rm = TRUE)
# 471827005      8400      8670     40040   2484769   2485411 308563005 308567002 252222006 390769001 
# 1         0         1         3         0         0         0         0         1         0 
# 445958005 285546006 285725004 287528006 437397015 449710003 452583002 461433004 467888002 468964007 
# 2         2         0         0         0        11         1         1         0         1 
# 468985008 469345001 470569011 470915001      8670 
# 6         0        10         0         1 

# How do these compare to two animals chosen at random?
rand_names <- sample(rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD), 2)
rand_geno <- trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD[rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD) %in% rand_names, ]
sum(abs(rand_geno[1, ] - rand_geno[2, ]), na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 5518 (will be slightly different each time)

# Remove duplicate IDs from genotypes (the same will be needed to generate KBP_ref_B)
trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD <- 
  trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD[!duplicated(rownames(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD)), ]

# Assemble names of animals in reference panel of each breed
trioPar_marc_sire_names <- 
  list("Duroc" = c(as.character(DurocIDs)[as.character(DurocIDs) %in% parIDs], 
       "Hampshire" = c(as.character(HampshireIDs)[as.character(HampshireIDs) %in% parIDs],
       "Landrace" = c(as.character(LandraceIDs)[as.character(LandraceIDs) %in% parIDs],
       "Yorkshire" = c(as.character(YorkshireIDs)[as.character(YorkshireIDs) %in% parIDs],

# Ensure no duplicate names in `trioPar_marc_sire_names`. There should be a total of 1179 names
# after filtering.
trioPar_marc_sire_names <- 
  lapply(trioPar_marc_sire_names, function(x) {

# Filter and calculate allele frequencies
GWBC_ref_B <- snpTools::filter_geno(trioPar_marc_sire_geno_lowD) %>%

save(GWBC_ref_B, file = "data/GWBC_ref_B.RData")

# KBP_ref_B ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Merge existing genotypes with full Trio set so that FImpute can use progeny information to phase
# parental genotypes.
trio_marc_sire_geno <- 

trio_marc_sire_geno <- 
  trio_marc_sire_geno[!duplicated(rownames(trio_marc_sire_geno)), ]

KREF_B <- breedTools::build_KBP(geno = trio_marc_sire_geno, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = trioPar_marc_sire_names,
                                parent = FALSE,
                                reference = TRUE)

MREF_B <- breedTools::build_MBP(geno = trio_marc_sire_geno, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = trioPar_marc_sire_names,
                                parent = FALSE,
                                reference = TRUE)
KBP_ref_B <- KREF_B$BP
MBP_ref_B <- MREF_B$BP
KHAP_B <- KREF_B$haplotype_freq
MHAP_B <- MREF_B$haplotype_freq
save(KBP_ref_B, file = "data/KBP_ref_B.RData")
save(KHAP_B, file = "data/KHAP_B.RData")
save(MBP_ref_B, file = "data/MBP_ref_B.RData")
save(MHAP_B, file = "data/MHAP_B.RData")

# Third reference panels (GWBC_ref_C, KBP_ref_C, and MBP_ref_C) -----------------------------------------
# This panel includes all animals in GWBC_ref_B and KBP_ref_B, and adds 44 Landrace animals.
# These were selected to better cover the diversity of the Landrace pedigree.

# GWBC_ref_C
updated_land_geno <- snpTools::merge_geno(trioPar_marc_sire_geno,

updated_land_names <- trioPar_marc_sire_names
updated_land_names$Landrace <- c(updated_land_names$Landrace, rownames(additional_land_geno))

GWBC_ref_C <- snpTools::filter_geno(updated_land_geno) %>%

save(GWBC_ref_C, file = "data/GWBC_ref_C.RData")

# KBP_ref_C
# Add full Trio genotypes for family phasing of Trio parent haplotypes
updated_land_geno_wTrios <- snpTools::merge_geno(updated_land_geno, gp.Trio$geno)
updated_land_geno_wTrios <- 
  updated_land_geno_wTrios[!duplicated(rownames(updated_land_geno_wTrios)), ]

KREF_C <- breedTools::build_KBP(geno = updated_land_geno_wTrios, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = updated_land_names,
                                parent = FALSE,
                                reference = TRUE)

MREF_C <- breedTools::build_MBP(geno = updated_land_geno_wTrios, 
                                map = map_60K, 
                                ped = trio_ped,
                                path = "~/Programs/bin/",
                                groups = updated_land_names,
                                parent = FALSE,
                                reference = TRUE)

KBP_ref_C <- KREF_C$BP
MBP_ref_C <- MREF_C$BP
KHAP_C <- KREF_C$haplotype_freq
MHAP_C <- MREF_C$haplotype_freq
save(KBP_ref_C, file = "data/KBP_ref_C.RData")
save(KHAP_C, file = "data/KHAP_C.RData")
save(MBP_ref_C, file = "data/MBP_ref_C.RData")
save(MHAP_C, file = "data/MHAP_C.RData")
funkhou9/breedTools documentation built on May 16, 2019, 4:04 p.m.