#' Extract and test principal components from supervised PCA
#' @description Identify \eqn{p_{path}} significant features, extract principal
#' components (PCs) from those specific features to construct a data matrix,
#' predict the response with this data matrix, and record the model fit
#' statistic of this prediction.
#' @param fit An object of class \code{superpc} returned by the function
#' \code{\link{superpc.train}}.
#' @param data A list of test data:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{x} : }{A "tall" pathway data frame (\eqn{p_{path} \times N}).}
#' \item{\code{y} : }{A response vector corresponding to \code{type}.}
#' \item{\code{censoring.status} : }{If \code{type = "survival"}, the
#' censoring indicator (\eqn{1 - } the observed event indicator).
#' Otherwise, \code{NULL}.}
#' \item{\code{featurenames} : }{A character vector of the measured -Omes in
#' \code{x}.}
#' }
#' @param n.threshold The number of bins into which to split the feature scores
#' returned in the \code{fit} object.
#' @param threshold.ignore Calculate the model for feature scores above this
#' percentile of the threshold. We have observed that the smallest threshold
#' values (0\% - 40\%) largely have no effect on model \eqn{t}-scores.
#' Defaults to 0.00 (0\%).
#' @param n.PCs The number of PCs to extract from the pathway.
#' @param min.features What is the smallest number of genes allowed in each
#' pathway? This argument must be kept constant across all calls to this
#' function which use the same pathway list. Defaults to 3.
#' @param epsilon I'm not sure why this is important. It's called when comparing
#' the absolute score values to each value of the threshold vector. Defaults
#' to \eqn{10^{-6}}.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{thresholds} : }{A labelled vector of quantile values of the
#' score vector in the \code{fit} object.}
#' \item{\code{n.threshold} : }{The number of splits to make in the score
#' vector.}
#' \item{\code{scor} : }{A matrix of model fit statistics. Each column is the
#' threshold level of predictors allowed into the model, and each row is a
#' PC included. Which genes are included in the matrix before PC extraction
#' is governed by comparing their model score to the quantile value of the
#' scores at each threshold value.}
#' \item{\code{tscor} : }{A matrix of model \eqn{t}-statisics for each PC
#' included (rows) at each threshold level (columns).}
#' \item{\code{type} : }{Which model was called? Options are survival,
#' regression, or binary.}
#' }
#' @details NOTE: the number of thresholds at which to test (\code{n.threshold})
#' can be larger than the number of features to bin. This will result in
#' constant \eqn{t}-statistics for the first few bins because the model isn't
#' changing.
#' See \url{https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/spca_JASA.pdf}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{superpc.train}}; \code{\link{SuperPCA_pVals}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats binomial
#' @importFrom stats glm
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom survival coxph
#' @importFrom survival coxph.control
#' @importFrom survival Surv
#' @examples
#' # Use SuperPCA_pVals() instead
#' \dontrun{
#' data("colon_pathwayCollection")
#' data("colonSurv_df")
#' colon_OmicsSurv <- CreateOmics(
#' assayData_df = colonSurv_df[,-(2:3)],
#' pathwayCollection_ls = colon_pathwayCollection,
#' response = colonSurv_df[, 1:3],
#' respType = "surv"
#' )
#' asthmaGenes_char <-
#' getTrimPathwayCollection(colon_OmicsSurv)[["KEGG_ASTHMA"]]$IDs
#' data_ls <- list(
#' x = t(getAssay(colon_OmicsSurv))[asthmaGenes_char, ],
#' y = getEventTime(colon_OmicsSurv),
#' censoring.status = getEvent(colon_OmicsSurv),
#' featurenames = asthmaGenes_char
#' )
#' superpcFit <- superpc.train(
#' data = data_ls,
#' type = "surv"
#' )
#' superpc.st(
#' fit = superpcFit,
#' data = data_ls
#' )
#' }
superpc.st <- function(fit,
n.threshold = 20,
threshold.ignore = 0.00,
n.PCs = 1,
min.features = 3,
epsilon = 0.000001){
# browser()
type <- fit$type
n <- ncol(data$x)
p <- nrow(data$x)
# This code had the survival object defined n.threshold * n.PCs
# times. This is unnecessary. Extract that code to here
if(type == "survival"){
response <- Surv(data$y, data$censoring.status)
} else {
response <- data$y
if(n.PCs > min.features){
cat("Max # of components is min.features", fill = TRUE)
n.PCs <- min(min.features, n.PCs)
cur.tt <- fit$feature.scores
upper <- quantile(abs(cur.tt), 1 - (min.features / p))
thresh_probs <- 0:(n.threshold - 1) / n.threshold
if(length(cur.tt) < 500){
if(quantile(abs(cur.tt), (n.threshold - 1) / n.threshold) > upper){
cur.tt1 <- cur.tt
cur.tt1[cur.tt1 > upper] <- upper
} else {
cur.tt1 <- cur.tt
thresholds <- quantile(cur.tt1, probs = thresh_probs)
} else {
cur.tt1 <- sort(cur.tt, decreasing = TRUE)
cur.tt1 <- cur.tt1[seq_len(500)]
thresholds <- quantile(cur.tt1, probs = thresh_probs)
scor <- array(NA, c(n.PCs, n.threshold))
tscor <- array(NA, c(n.PCs, n.threshold))
scor.preval <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.PCs, ncol = n.threshold)
scor.lower <- NULL
scor.upper <- NULL
v.preval <- array(NA, c(n, n.PCs, n.threshold))
kept.thresholds <- which(thresh_probs >= threshold.ignore)
# browser()
for(i in kept.thresholds){
# For many pathways, the first 10-15 of these thresholds yield identical
# results for the PCs 1 and 2. Additionally, all thresholds but the last
# two yield rather similar results. The last two are nearly spherical:
# the eigenvalues are within 30% of each other. The first 18 thresholds
# have the first eigenvalue at twice the size of the second
# browser()
# cat(i)
cur.features <- (abs(cur.tt) + epsilon > thresholds[i])
cur.svd <- mysvd(data$x[cur.features, ], n.components = n.PCs)
xtemp <- data$x[cur.features, , drop = FALSE]
xtemp <- t(scale(t(xtemp),
center = cur.svd$feature.means,
scale = FALSE))
cur.v.all <- scale(t(xtemp) %*% cur.svd$u,
center = FALSE,
scale = cur.svd$d)
n.PCs.eff <- min(sum(cur.features), n.PCs)
cur.v <- as.matrix(cur.v.all[, seq_len(n.PCs.eff)])
for(k in seq_len(n.PCs)){
survival = {
junk <- coxph(response ~ cur.v[, seq_len(k)],
control = coxph.control(iter.max = 10))
scor[k, i] <- 2 * (junk$loglik[2] - junk$loglik[1])
# Technically a z-score
tscor[k, i] <- summary(junk)$coef[k, 4]
regression = {
junk <- summary(lm(response ~ cur.v[, seq_len(k)]))
scor[k, i] <- junk$fstat[1]
tscor[k, i] <- junk$coef[k + 1, 3]
binary = {
junk <- summary(glm(response ~ cur.v[, seq_len(k)],
family = binomial(link = "logit")))
scor[k, i] <- junk$null.deviance - junk$deviance
tscor[k, i] <- junk$coef[k + 1, 3]
n_ary = {
stop("Multinomial Regression not currently implemented.")
ordered = {
stop("Ordered Logistic Regression not currently implemented.")
} # END for k
} # END for i
### Return the SuperPCA Results for the "Best" t-Score ###
# Find the most t-statistic(s), then pick the one that corresponds to the most
# extreme threshold
bestT_idx <- which(abs(tscor[1,]) == max(abs(tscor[1,])))
bestFeatures <- abs(cur.tt) + epsilon > thresholds[max(bestT_idx)]
bestSVD <- mysvd(data$x[bestFeatures, ], n.components = n.PCs)
bestLoadings_mat <- diag(bestSVD$d, ncol = length(bestSVD$d)) %*% t(bestSVD$u)
rownames(bestLoadings_mat) <- paste0("PC", seq_len(n.PCs))
colnames(bestLoadings_mat) <- names(bestSVD$feature.means)
bestPCs_mat <- as.matrix(bestSVD$v, ncol = n.PCs)
### Return ###
out_ls <- list(
thresholds = thresholds,
n.threshold = n.threshold,
scor = scor,
tscor = tscor,
PCs_mat = bestPCs_mat,
Loadings_mat = bestLoadings_mat,
type = type
class(out_ls) <- "superpc.st"
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