#' Read a \code{.gmt} file in as a \code{pathwayCollection} object
#' @description Read a set list file in Gene Matrix Transposed (\code{.gmt})
#' format, with special performance consideration for large files. Present
#' this object as a \code{pathwayCollection} object.
#' @param file A path to a file or a connection. This file must be a \code{.gmt}
#' file, otherwise input will likely be nonsense. See the "Details" section
#' for more information.
#' @param setType What is the type of the set: pathway set of gene, gene sites
#' in RNA or DNA, or regions of CpGs. Defaults to \code{''pathway''}.
#' @param description Should the "description" field (the second field in the
#' \code{.gmt} file on each line) be included in the output? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param nChars The number of characters to read from a connection. The largest
#' \code{.gmt} file we have encountered is the full C5 pathway collection
#' from MSigDB (5917 pathways), which has roughly 5 million characters in
#' UTF-8 encoding. Therefore, we default this argument to be twice the size
#' of the largest pathway collection we have seen so far, 10,000,000.
#' @param delim The \code{.gmt} delimiter. As proper \code{.gmt} files are tab
#' delimited, this defaults to \code{"\\t"}.
#' @return A \code{pathwayCollection} list of sets. This list has three
#' elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'setType' : }{A named list of character vectors. Each vector
#' contains the names of the individual genes, sites, or CpGs within that
#' set as a vector of character strings. The name of this list entry is
#' equal to the value specified in \code{setType}.}
#' \item{\code{TERMS} : }{A character vector the same length as the 'setType'
#' list with the proper names of the sets.}
#' \item{\code{description} : }{ (OPTIONAL) A character vector the same length
#' as the 'setType' list with a note on that set (for the \code{.gmt} file
#' included with this package, this field contains hyperlinks to the
#' MSigDB description card for that pathway). This field is included when
#' \code{description = TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @details This function uses \code{R}'s \code{\link{readChar}} function to
#' improve character input performance over \code{\link{readLines}} (and
#' far improve input performance over \code{\link{scan}}).
#' See the Broad Institute's "Data Formats" page for a description of the
#' Gene Matrix Transposed file format:
#' \url{https://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/gsea/wiki/index.php/Data_formats#GMT:_Gene_Matrix_Transposed_file_format_.28.2A.gmt.29}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.pathwayCollection}}; \code{\link{write_gmt}}
#' @examples
#' # If you have installed the package:
#' data_path <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "c2.cp.v6.0.symbols.gmt",
#' package = "pathwayPCA", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' geneset_ls <- read_gmt(data_path, description = TRUE)
#' # # If you are using the development version from GitHub:
#' # geneset_ls <- read_gmt(
#' # "inst/extdata/c2.cp.v6.0.symbols.gmt",
#' # description = TRUE
#' # )
read_gmt <- function(file, setType = c("pathways", "genes", "regions"),
description = FALSE, nChars = 10000000, delim = "\t"){
# browser()
# Read the file as a single character vector, split it by line, then split
# each line by "tab"
nChars <- file.info(file)$size
} else if(!inherits(file, "connection")){
stop("'file' must be a character string or connection.", call. = FALSE)
text_char <- readChar(file, nchars = nChars, useBytes = TRUE)
text_vec <- strsplit(text_char, "\n", fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)[[1]]
geneset_ls <- strsplit(text_vec, split = delim)
# Extract the pathway names
geneset_names <- vapply(geneset_ls, `[[`, 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# Extract the genes
genes_ls <- lapply(geneset_ls, function(x){
x_len <- length(x)
x[x_len] <- gsub("\r", "", x[x_len])
# Create the pathwayCollection output
out <- list(
pathways = genes_ls,
TERMS = geneset_names
setType <- match.arg(setType)
names(out)[1] <- setType
geneset_descr <- vapply(geneset_ls, `[[`, 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
out$description <- geneset_descr
if(inherits(file, "connection")){
class(out) <- c("pathwayCollection", "list")
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