
def=function(object, sequencingQualityThreshold = 10, mappingQualityThreshold = 20, removeFirstG = TRUE, correctSystematicG = TRUE){

signature(object = "CAGEset"),
function (object, sequencingQualityThreshold = 10, mappingQualityThreshold = 20, removeFirstG = TRUE, correctSystematicG = TRUE){

		stop("Need to initialize the CAGEset object")
	objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
	sample.labels <- sampleLabels(object)
	names(sample.labels) <- rainbow(n = length(sample.labels))

	if(object@inputFilesType == "bam" | object@inputFilesType == "bamPairedEnd") {
		reference.genome <- genomeName(object)
		if(reference.genome %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
			stop("Requested genome is not installed! Please install required BSgenome package before running CAGEr.")
		}else if(!paste("package:", reference.genome, sep = "") %in% search()){
			stop("Requested genome is not loaded! Load the genome by calling 'library(", reference.genome, ")'")
			genome <- get(ls(paste("package:", reference.genome, sep="")))

		bam.files <- inputFiles(object)

		for(f in bam.files) {
			if(file.exists(f) == FALSE){
				stop("Could not locate input file ", f)
		library.sizes <- vector()
		first <- TRUE
		what <- c("seq", "qual", "mapq")
        if(object@inputFilesType == "bam"){
            param <- ScanBamParam(what = what, flag = scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
        }else if(object@inputFilesType == "bamPairedEnd"){
            param <- ScanBamParam(what = what, flag = scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isProperPair = TRUE, isFirstMateRead = TRUE))

		for(i in 1:length(bam.files)) {
			message("\nReading in file: ", bam.files[i], "...")
			#bam <- scanBam(bam.files[i], param = param)
		  gal <- readGAlignments(bam.files[i], use.names=TRUE, param=param)
			message("\t-> Filtering out low quality reads...")
			#qual <- bam[[1]]$qual
			mcolsGal <- elementMetadata(gal)
			qual <- mcolsGal$qual
			if(length(unique(width(qual)) != 1)){
				uniq.quals <- unique(width(qual))
				quals.list <- lapply(as.list(uniq.quals), function(x) {idx <- width(qual) == x; q.m <- as(qual[idx], "matrix"); q.avg <- as.integer(rowMeans(q.m)); return(list(idx, q.avg))})
				qa.avg <- unlist(lapply(quals.list, function(x) {return(x[[2]])}))
				idx <- unlist(lapply(quals.list, function(x) {return(which(x[[1]]))}))
				qa.avg <- qa.avg[order(idx)]
				qa <- as(qual, "matrix")
				qa.avg <- as.integer(rowMeans(qa))			
			#reads.GRanges <- GRanges(seqnames = as.vector(bam[[1]]$rname), IRanges(start = bam[[1]]$pos, width = width(bam[[1]]$seq)), strand = bam[[1]]$strand, qual = qa.avg, mapq = bam[[1]]$mapq, seq = bam[[1]]$seq, read.length = width(bam[[1]]$seq))	
			reads.GRanges <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(gal), IRanges(start =start(gal), end=end(gal)), strand = strand(gal), qual = qa.avg, mapq = mcolsGal$mapq, seq = mcolsGal$seq, read.length = qwidth(gal))
			reads.GRanges <- reads.GRanges[seqnames(reads.GRanges) %in% seqnames(genome)]
			reads.GRanges <- reads.GRanges[!(end(reads.GRanges) > seqlengths(genome)[as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges))])]
			elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$mapq[is.na(elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$mapq)] <- Inf
			reads.GRanges.plus <- reads.GRanges[(as.character(strand(reads.GRanges)) == "+" & elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$qual >= sequencingQualityThreshold) & elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$mapq >= mappingQualityThreshold]
			reads.GRanges.minus <- reads.GRanges[(as.character(strand(reads.GRanges)) == "-" & elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$qual >= sequencingQualityThreshold) & elementMetadata(reads.GRanges)$mapq >= mappingQualityThreshold]
			if(removeFirstG == TRUE){
					CTSS <- .remove.added.G(reads.GRanges.plus, reads.GRanges.minus, genome, correctSystematicG = correctSystematicG)
				CTSS.plus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.plus)), pos = as.integer(start(reads.GRanges.plus)), strand = rep("+", times = length(reads.GRanges.plus)), stringsAsFactors = F)
				CTSS.minus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.minus)), pos = as.integer(end(reads.GRanges.minus)), strand = rep("-", times = length(reads.GRanges.minus)), stringsAsFactors = F)
				CTSS <- rbind(CTSS.plus, CTSS.minus)
				CTSS$tag_count <- 1
				CTSS <- data.table(CTSS)
				CTSS <- CTSS[, as.integer(sum(tag_count)), by = list(chr, pos, strand)]
			setnames(CTSS, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample.labels[i])) 
			setkey(CTSS, chr, pos, strand)

			message("\t-> Making CTSSs and counting number of tags...")
			library.sizes <- c(library.sizes, as.integer(sum(data.frame(CTSS)[,4])))
			if(first == TRUE) {
				CTSS.all.samples <- CTSS
				CTSS.all.samples <- merge(CTSS.all.samples, CTSS, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
			first <- FALSE
    }else if(object@inputFilesType == "bed") {
        reference.genome <- genomeName(object)
        if(reference.genome %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
            stop("Requested genome is not installed! Please install required BSgenome package before running CAGEr.")
        }else if(!paste("package:", reference.genome, sep = "") %in% search()){
            stop("Requested genome is not loaded! Load the genome by calling 'library(", reference.genome, ")'")
            genome <- get(ls(paste("package:", reference.genome, sep="")))

        bed.files <- inputFiles(object)
        for(f in bed.files) {
            if(file.exists(f) == FALSE){
                stop("Could not locate input file ", f)
        library.sizes <- vector()
        first <- TRUE
        for(i in 1:length(bed.files)) {
            message("\nReading in file: ", bed.files[i], "...")
            reads.GRanges <- import.bed(con = bed.files[i])
            values(reads.GRanges) <- NULL
            reads.GRanges <- reads.GRanges[seqnames(reads.GRanges) %in% seqnames(genome)]
            reads.GRanges <- reads.GRanges[!(end(reads.GRanges) > seqlengths(genome)[as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges))])]
            reads.GRanges.plus <- reads.GRanges[strand(reads.GRanges) == "+"]
            reads.GRanges.minus <- reads.GRanges[strand(reads.GRanges) == "-"]
            message("\t-> Making CTSSs and counting number of tags...")

            CTSS.plus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.plus)), pos = as.integer(start(reads.GRanges.plus)), strand = rep("+", times = length(reads.GRanges.plus)), stringsAsFactors = F)
            CTSS.minus <- data.frame(chr = as.character(seqnames(reads.GRanges.minus)), pos = as.integer(end(reads.GRanges.minus)), strand = rep("-", times = length(reads.GRanges.minus)), stringsAsFactors = F)
            CTSS <- rbind(CTSS.plus, CTSS.minus)
            CTSS$tag_count <- 1
            CTSS <- data.table(CTSS)
            CTSS <- CTSS[, as.integer(sum(tag_count)), by = list(chr, pos, strand)]
            setnames(CTSS, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample.labels[i]))
            setkey(CTSS, chr, pos, strand)
            library.sizes <- c(library.sizes, as.integer(sum(data.frame(CTSS)[,4])))
            if(first == TRUE) {
                CTSS.all.samples <- CTSS
                CTSS.all.samples <- merge(CTSS.all.samples, CTSS, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
            first <- FALSE


    }else if(object@inputFilesType == "ctss") {
		first <- TRUE

		ctss.files <- inputFiles(object)
		for(f in ctss.files) {
			if(file.exists(f) == FALSE){
				stop("Could not locate input file ", f)
		for(i in 1:length(ctss.files)) {
			message("\nReading in file: ", ctss.files[i], "...")
			CTSS <- read.table(file = ctss.files[i], header = F, sep = "\t", colClasses = c("character", "integer", "character", "integer"), col.names = c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample.labels[i]))
			CTSS <- data.table(CTSS)
			setkeyv(CTSS, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
			if(first == TRUE) {
				CTSS.all.samples <- CTSS
				first <- FALSE
				CTSS.all.samples <- merge(CTSS.all.samples, CTSS, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
		CTSS.all.samples <- data.frame(CTSS.all.samples)
		library.sizes <- as.integer(colSums(CTSS.all.samples[,c(4:ncol(CTSS.all.samples)), drop = F], na.rm = T))
	}else if(object@inputFilesType == "CTSStable"){
		ctss.table.file <- inputFiles(object)
		if(length(ctss.table.file) > 1){
			stop("Only one file should be provided when inputFilesType = \"CTSStable\"!")
		if(file.exists(ctss.table.file) == FALSE){
			stop("Could not locate input file ", ctss.table.file)
		CTSS.all.samples <- read.table(file = ctss.table.file, header = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		if(ncol(CTSS.all.samples) != (length(sample.labels) + 3)){
			stop("Number of provided sample labels must match the number of samples in the CTSS table!")
		library.sizes <- as.integer(apply(CTSS.all.samples[,c(4:ncol(CTSS.all.samples)),drop=F], 2, sum))

		stop("'inputFilesType' must be one of the supported file types (\"bam\", \"bamPairedEnd\", \"ctss\", \"CTSStable\")")
	CTSS.all.samples <- data.frame(CTSS.all.samples)
	for(i in 4:ncol(CTSS.all.samples)){
		CTSS.all.samples[is.na(CTSS.all.samples[,i]),i] <- as.integer(0)
	colnames(CTSS.all.samples) <- c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample.labels)
	CTSS.all.samples <- CTSS.all.samples[order(CTSS.all.samples$chr, CTSS.all.samples$pos),]
	rownames(CTSS.all.samples) <- c(1:nrow(CTSS.all.samples))
	names(library.sizes) <- sample.labels
	object@sampleLabels <- sample.labels
	object@librarySizes <- library.sizes
	object@CTSScoordinates <- CTSS.all.samples[,c("chr", "pos", "strand")]
	object@tagCountMatrix <- as.data.frame(CTSS.all.samples[,c(4:ncol(CTSS.all.samples)),drop=F])
	assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())

def=function(source, dataset, group, sample){

signature(source = "character", dataset = "character", sample = "character"),
function (source, dataset, group, sample){
	if(source == "ENCODE"){
		if("ENCODEprojectCAGE" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not installed! Please install and load the ENCODEprojectCAGE package, which is available for download from http://promshift.genereg.net/CAGEr/PackageSource/.")
		}else if(!("package:ENCODEprojectCAGE" %in% search())){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not loaded! Please load the data package by calling 'library(ENCODEprojectCAGE)'")
		if(dataset[1] == "ENCODEtissueCAGEfly"){
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3"
			data(ENCODEtissueCAGEfly, envir = environment())
			if(group == "embryo"){
				if(sample == "mixed_embryos_0-24hr"){
					ctssTable <- ENCODEtissueCAGEfly[["embryo"]]
					stop("Specified sample not valid! The dataset 'ENCODEtissueCAGEfly' containes only one sample named 'mixed_embryos_0-24hr'!")
				stop("Specified group not valid! The dataset 'ENCODEtissueCAGEfly' containes only one group named 'embryo'!")
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"
			data(ENCODEhumanCellLinesSamples, envir = environment())
			info.df <- ENCODEhumanCellLinesSamples
			if(!(all(dataset %in% info.df$dataset))){
				stop("Specified dataset(s) not found! Call data(ENCODEhumanCellLinesSamples) and check 'dataset' column for available ENCODE datasets!")
			if(length(dataset) == 1){
				if(!(all(group %in% info.df[info.df$dataset == dataset,"group"]))){
					stop("Some of the provided groups cannot be found in the specified dataset!")
				if(length(group) == 1){
					if(!(all(sample %in% info.df[info.df$group == group,"sample"]))){
						stop("Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the specified group!")
				}else if(length(group) == length(sample)){
					if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(group)), function(x) {sample[x] %in% info.df[info.df$group == group[x],"sample"]}))){
						stop("Provided 'group' and 'sample' do not match! Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the corresponding groups!")
					stop("Number of elements in the 'group' must be either 1 or must match the number of elements in the 'sample'!")
			}else if(length(dataset) == length(group)){
				if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(dataset)), function(x) {group[x] %in% info.df[info.df$dataset == dataset[x],"group"]}))){
					stop("Provided 'dataset' and 'group' do not match! Some of the provided groups cannot be found in the corresponding datasets!")
				if(length(group) == length(sample)){
					if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(group)), function(x) {sample[x] %in% info.df[info.df$group == group[x],"sample"]}))){
						stop("Provided 'group' and 'sample' do not match! Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the corresponding groups!")
					stop("Number of elements in the 'group' must match the number of elements in the 'sample'!")
				stop("Number of elements in the 'dataset' must be either 1 or must match the number of elements in the 'group' and in the 'sample'!")
			data(list = dataset, envir = environment())
				for(i in 1:length(unique(dataset))){
					dset <- get(unique(dataset)[i])
					for(j in 1:length(unique(group[which(dataset == unique(dataset)[i])]))){
						g <- unique(group[which(dataset == unique(dataset)[i])])[j]
						ctss <- dset[[g]][, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample[which((group == g) & (dataset == unique(dataset)[i]))])]
						discard <- apply(ctss[, c(4:ncol(ctss)), drop = F], 1, function(x) {sum(x > 0)}) >= 1
						ctss <- data.table(ctss[discard,])
						setkeyv(ctss, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
						if(i == 1 & j == 1){
							ctssTable <- ctss							
							ctssTable <- merge(ctssTable, ctss, all.x = T, all.y = T)
				ctssTable[is.na(ctssTable)] <- 0
				selected.dataset <- get(dataset)
					for(i in 1:length(unique(group))){
						g <- unique(group)[i]
						ctss <- selected.dataset[[g]][, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample[which(group == g)])]
						discard <- apply(ctss[, c(4:ncol(ctss)), drop = F], 1, function(x) {sum(x > 0)}) >= 1
						ctss <- data.table(ctss[discard,])
						setkeyv(ctss, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
						if(i == 1){
							ctssTable <- ctss							
							ctssTable <- merge(ctssTable, ctss, all.x = T, all.y = T)
					ctssTable[is.na(ctssTable)] <- 0					
					ctssTable <- selected.dataset[[group]][,c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample)]
			ctssTable <- data.frame(ctssTable, stringsAsFactors = F, check.names = F)
	}else if(source == "FANTOM3and4"){
		if("FANTOM3and4CAGE" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not installed! Please install and load the FANTOM3and4CAGE package available from Bioconductor.")
		}else if(!("package:FANTOM3and4CAGE" %in% search())){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not loaded! Please load the data package by calling 'library(FANTOM3and4CAGE)'")
		data(FANTOMhumanSamples, envir = environment())
		info.df1 <- FANTOMhumanSamples
		data(FANTOMmouseSamples, envir = environment())
		info.df2 <- FANTOMmouseSamples
		if(!(all(dataset %in% info.df1$dataset) | all(dataset %in% info.df2$dataset))){
			stop("Specified dataset(s) not found! Call data(FANTOMhumanSamples) and data(FANTOMmouseSamples) and check 'dataset' column for available ENCODE datasets!")
		if(length(grep("human", dataset))>0){
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18"
			info.df <- info.df1
		}else if(length(grep("mouse", dataset))>0){
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9"
			info.df <- info.df2
		if(length(dataset) == 1){
			if(!(all(group %in% info.df[info.df$dataset == dataset,"group"]))){
				stop("Some of the provided groups cannot be found in the specified dataset!")
			if(length(group) == 1){
				if(!(all(sample %in% info.df[info.df$group == group,"sample"]))){
					stop("Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the specified group!")
			}else if(length(group) == length(sample)){
				if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(group)), function(x) {sample[x] %in% info.df[info.df$group == group[x],"sample"]}))){
					stop("Provided 'group' and 'sample' do not match! Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the corresponding groups!")
				stop("Number of elements in the 'group' must be either 1 or must match the number of elements in the 'sample'!")
		}else if(length(dataset) == length(group)){
			if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(dataset)), function(x) {group[x] %in% info.df[info.df$dataset == dataset[x],"group"]}))){
				stop("Provided 'dataset' and 'group' do not match! Some of the provided groups cannot be found in the corresponding datasets!")
			if(length(group) == length(sample)){
				if(!all(sapply(c(1:length(group)), function(x) {sample[x] %in% info.df[info.df$group == group[x],"sample"]}))){
					stop("Provided 'group' and 'sample' do not match! Some of the provided samples cannot be found in the corresponding groups!")
				stop("Number of elements in the 'group' must match the number of elements in the 'sample'!")
			stop("Number of elements in the 'dataset' must be either 1 or must match the number of elements in the 'group' and in the 'sample'!")
		data(list = dataset, envir = environment())
			for(i in 1:length(unique(dataset))){
				dset <- get(unique(dataset)[i])
				for(j in 1:length(unique(group[which(dataset == unique(dataset)[i])]))){
					g <- unique(group[which(dataset == unique(dataset)[i])])[j]
					ctss <- dset[[g]][, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample[which(group == g)])]
					discard <- apply(ctss[, c(4:ncol(ctss)), drop = F], 1, function(x) {sum(x > 0)}) >= 1
					ctss <- data.table(ctss[discard,])
					setnames(ctss, c("chr", "pos", "strand", paste(g, sample[which(group == g)], sep = "__")))
					setkeyv(ctss, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
					if(i == 1 & j == 1){
						ctssTable <- ctss							
						ctssTable <- merge(ctssTable, ctss, all.x = T, all.y = T)
			ctssTable[is.na(ctssTable)] <- 0
			selected.dataset <- get(dataset)
				for(i in 1:length(unique(group))){
					g <- unique(group)[i]
					ctss <- selected.dataset[[g]][, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample[which(group == g)])]
					discard <- apply(ctss[, c(4:ncol(ctss)), drop = F], 1, function(x) {sum(x > 0)}) >= 1
					ctss <- data.table(ctss[discard,])
					setnames(ctss, c("chr", "pos", "strand", paste(g, sample[which(group == g)], sep = "__")))
					setkeyv(ctss, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
					if(i == 1){
						ctssTable <- ctss							
						ctssTable <- merge(ctssTable, ctss, all.x = T, all.y = T)
				ctssTable[is.na(ctssTable)] <- 0					
				ctssTable <- selected.dataset[[group]][,c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample)]
				setnames(ctssTable, c("chr", "pos", "strand", paste(group, sample, sep = "__")))
		ctssTable <- data.frame(ctssTable, stringsAsFactors = F, check.names = F)
	}else if (source == "FANTOM5"){
		if(length(dataset) != 1){
			stop("For FANTOM5 only one dataset can be specified and it can be either 'human' or 'mouse'!")
		}else if(!(dataset %in% c("human", "mouse"))){
			stop("For FANTOM5, dataset can be either 'human' or 'mouse'!")
		if(dataset == "human"){
			data(FANTOM5humanSamples, envir = environment())
			samples.info <- FANTOM5humanSamples
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"
		}else if(dataset == "mouse"){
			data(FANTOM5mouseSamples, envir = environment())
			samples.info <- FANTOM5mouseSamples
			genome.name <- "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9"

		if(!(all(sample %in% samples.info$sample))){
			stop(paste("Some sample names cannot be found for the specified dataset! Call data(FANTOM5", dataset, "Samples) and check the 'sample' column for valid sample names!", sep = ""))
		for(i in c(1:length(sample))){
			message("Fetching sample: ", sample[i], "...")
			sample.url <- samples.info[samples.info$sample == sample[i], "data_url"]
			con <- gzcon(url(paste(sample.url)))
			ctss <- scan(con, what = list(character(), NULL, integer(), NULL, integer(), character()))
			ctss.df <- data.table(chr = ctss[[1]], pos = ctss[[3]], strand = ctss[[6]], tagCount = ctss[[5]])
			setnames(ctss.df, c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample[i]))
			setkeyv(ctss.df, cols = c("chr", "pos", "strand"))
			if(i == 1){
				ctss.table <- ctss.df
				message("Adding sample to CTSS table...\n")
				ctss.table <- merge(ctss.table, ctss.df, all.x = T, all.y = T)
				ctss.table[is.na(ctss.table)] <- 0
		ctssTable <- data.frame(ctss.table, stringsAsFactors = F, check.names = F)
	}else if (source == "ZebrafishDevelopment"){

		if("ZebrafishDevelopmentalCAGE" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not installed! Please install and load the ZebrafishDevelopmentalCAGE package, which is available for download from http://promshift.genereg.net/CAGEr/PackageSource/.")
		}else if(!("package:ZebrafishDevelopmentalCAGE" %in% search())){
			stop("Requested CAGE data package is not loaded! Please load the data package by calling 'library(ZebrafishDevelopmentalCAGE)'")
		data(ZebrafishSamples, envir = environment())
		if(dataset == "ZebrafishCAGE"){
			if(group == "development"){
				if(!(all(sample %in% ZebrafishSamples$sample))){
					stop("Some sample names cannot be found for the specified dataset! Call data(ZebrafishSamples) and check the 'sample' column for valid sample names!")
					genome.name <- "BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7"
					data(ZebrafishCAGE, envir = environment())
					ctssTable <- ZebrafishCAGE[["development"]][,c("chr", "pos", "strand", sample)]
                    ctssTable <- ctssTable[apply(ctssTable[,4:ncol(ctssTable),drop=FALSE], 1, function(x) {any(x>0)}),]
				stop("Invalid group name! There is only one group in this dataset named 'development'.")
			stop("Invalid dataset name! There is only one available dataset named 'ZebrafishCAGE'.")
		stop("Currently only the following public CAGE data resources are supported: 'FANTOM5', 'FANTOM3and4', 'ENCODE', 'ZebrafishDevelopment'. Refer to CAGEr vignette on how to use those resources!")
    rownames(ctssTable) <- c(1:nrow(ctssTable))
	sample.labels <- colnames(ctssTable)[4:ncol(ctssTable)]
	names(sample.labels) <- rainbow(n = length(sample.labels))
	myCAGEset <- new("CAGEset", genomeName = genome.name, inputFiles = paste(source, sample.labels, sep = "__"), inputFilesType = source, sampleLabels = sample.labels)
	myCAGEset@librarySizes <- as.integer(colSums(ctssTable[,4:ncol(ctssTable),drop=FALSE]))
	myCAGEset@CTSScoordinates <- ctssTable[, c("chr", "pos", "strand")]
	myCAGEset@tagCountMatrix <- ctssTable[,4:ncol(ctssTable),drop=FALSE]

def=function(object, colors = NULL){

signature(object = "CAGEset"),
function (object, colors = NULL){

	objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
	sample.labels <- sampleLabels(object)
	if(length(colors) == 0){
		names(sample.labels) <- rainbow(n = length(sample.labels))
	}else if(length(colors) != length(sample.labels)){
		stop(paste("Number of provided colors must match the number of samples in the CAGEset object, i.e. must be ", length(sample.labels), "!", sep = ""))
	}else if(all(colors %in% colors())){
		rgb.col <- col2rgb(colors)
		names(sample.labels) <- apply(rgb.col, 2, function(x) {rgb(red = x[1], green = x[2], blue = x[3], alpha = 255, maxColorValue = 255)})
	}else if((unique(substr(colors, start = 1, stop = 1)) == "#") & all(unique(unlist(strsplit(substr(colors, start = 2, stop = sapply(colors, width)), split = ""))) %in% c(seq(0,9,1), "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"))){
		names(sample.labels) <- colors
		stop("'colors' argument must be a vector of valid color names in R or a vector of hexadecimal specifications (e.g. #008F0AFF). See colors() for a complete list of valid color names.")
	object@sampleLabels <- sample.labels
	assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
ge11232002/CAGEr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:13 a.m.