
#load(file=paste0(sav.dir, 'HMM_model_data.rdata'), verbose=TRUE)

### adjusted from momentuHMM:::plot.momentuHMM
get.HMM.plot.data <- function (x, animals = NULL, covs = NULL, ask = TRUE, breaks = "Sturges",                
                               hist.ylim = NULL, sepAnimals = FALSE, sepStates = FALSE,                             
                               col = NULL, cumul = TRUE, plotTracks = TRUE, plotCI = FALSE,                         
                               alpha = 0.95, plotStationary = FALSE, ...)                                           
  m <- x                                                                               
  m <- momentuHMM:::delta_bc(m)                                                                     
  nbAnimals <- length(unique(m$data$ID))                                               
  stateNames <- m$stateNames                                                           
  nbStates <- length(stateNames)                                                       
  distnames <- names(m$conditions$dist)                                                
  if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {       
    hist.ylim <- vector("list", length(distnames))                                   
    names(hist.ylim) <- distnames                                                    
  for (i in distnames) {
    if (!is.null(hist.ylim[[i]]) & length(hist.ylim[[i]]) != 2)                                                                           
      stop("hist.ylim$", i, " needs to be a vector of two values (ymin,ymax)")     
  if (!is.null(col) & length(col) >= nbStates)                                         
    col <- col[1:nbStates]                                                           
  if (!is.null(col) & length(col) < nbStates) {                                        
    warning("Length of 'col' should be at least number of states - argument ignored")
    if (nbStates < 8) {                                                              
      pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")                                         
      col <- pal[1:nbStates]                                                       
    else {                                                                           
      hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)                                  
      col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]                            
  if (is.null(col) & nbStates < 8) {                                                   
    pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")                                             
    col <- pal[1:nbStates]                                                           
  if (is.null(col) & nbStates >= 8) {                                                  
    hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)                                      
    col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]                                
  if (sepStates | nbStates < 2)                                                        
    cumul <- FALSE                                                                   
  if (inherits(x, "miSum")) { plotEllipse <- m$plotEllipse } else { plotEllipse <- FALSE }
  muffWarn <- function(w) {                                                            
    if (any(grepl("zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped",  w)))                                                                         
  coordNames <- attr(m$data, "coords")                                                 
  if (!is.null(m$conditions$mvnCoords)) {                                              
    coordNames <- c("x", "y")                                                        
    if (m$conditions$dist[[m$conditions$mvnCoords]] %in%                             
        c("mvnorm3", "rw_mvnorm3"))                                                  
      coordNames <- c("x", "y", "z")                                               
    coordNames <- paste0(m$conditions$mvnCoords, ".", coordNames)                    
  } else if (is.null(coordNames))                                                        
    coordNames <- c("x", "y")                                                        
  if (is.null(animals)) {
    animalsInd <- 1:nbAnimals
  } else {                                                                               
    if (is.character(animals)) {                                                     
      animalsInd <- NULL                                                           
      for (zoo in 1:length(animals)) {                                             
        if (length(which(unique(m$data$ID) == animals[zoo])) == 0)                                                                     
          stop("Check 'animals' argument, ID not found")                         
        animalsInd <- c(animalsInd, which(unique(m$data$ID) == animals[zoo]))                                                         
    if (is.numeric(animals)) {                                                       
      if (length(which(animals < 1)) > 0 | length(which(animals > nbAnimals)) > 0)                                                         
        stop("Check 'animals' argument, index out of bounds")                    
      animalsInd <- animals                                                        
  nbAnimals <- length(animalsInd)                                                      
  ID <- unique(m$data$ID)[animalsInd]                                                  
  if (nbStates > 1) {                                                                  
    if (inherits(x, "miSum"))                                                        
      states <- m$Par$states                                                       
    else {                                                                           
      #cat("Decoding state sequence... ")                                           
      states <- viterbi(m)                                                         
      if (inherits(m, "hierarchical")) {                                           
        #cat("Decoding hierarchical state sequence... ")                          
        hStates <- viterbi(m, hierarchical = TRUE)                               
  } else states <- rep(1, nrow(m$data))                                                  
  w <- iStates <- list()                                                                
  for (i in distnames) {                                                                
    if (!inherits(x, "hierarchical")) {                                               
      if (sepStates | nbStates == 1)                                                
        w[[i]] <- rep(1, nbStates)                                                
      else {                                                                        
        w[[i]] <- rep(NA, nbStates)                                               
        for (state in 1:nbStates) w[[i]][state] <- length(which(states == state))/length(states)                                                  
      iStates[[i]] <- 1:nbStates                                                    
      names(iStates[[i]]) <- stateNames                                             
    else {                                                                            
      w[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)                                                    
      iLev <- gsub(paste0(".", i), "", names(m$conditions$hierDist$leaves)[grepl(i, names(m$conditions$hierDist$leaves))])                                    
      iStates[[i]] <- m$conditions$hierStates$Get(function(x) Aggregate(x, "state", min), filterFun = function(x) x$level == (as.numeric(gsub("level", "", iLev)) + 1))                                
      if (sepStates) {                                                              
        w[[i]][iStates[[i]]] <- 1                                                 
      else {                                                                        
        denom <- length(hStates[[iLev]])                                          
        for (state in 1:length(iStates[[i]])) {                                   
          w[[i]][iStates[[i]][state]] <- length(which(hStates[[iLev]] == names(iStates[[i]][state])))/denom                                    
  if (all(coordNames %in% names(m$data))) {                                             
    x <- list()                                                                       
    y <- list()                                                                       
    z <- list()                                                                       
    if (plotEllipse)                                                                  
      errorEllipse <- list()                                                        
    for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {                                                        
      ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])                                            
      x[[zoo]] <- m$data[[coordNames[1]]][ind]                                      
      y[[zoo]] <- m$data[[coordNames[2]]][ind]                                      
      if (!is.null(m$conditions$mvnCoords)) {                                       
        if (m$conditions$dist[[m$conditions$mvnCoords]] %in%  c("mvnorm3", "rw_mvnorm3")) {                                           
          z[[zoo]] <- m$data[[coordNames[3]]][ind]                                
          plotEllipse <- FALSE                                                    
          errorEllipse <- NULL                                                    
      if (plotEllipse)                                                              
        errorEllipse[[zoo]] <- m$errorEllipse[ind]                                
  covs <- momentuHMM:::getCovs(m, covs, ID)                                                          
  reForm <- momentuHMM:::formatRecharge(nbStates, m$conditions$formula,                              
                                        m$conditions$betaRef, m$data, par = m$mle)                                        
  recharge <- reForm$recharge                                                           
  hierRecharge <- reForm$hierRecharge                                                   
  newformula <- reForm$newformula                                                       
  nbCovs <- reForm$nbCovs                                                               
  aInd <- reForm$aInd                                                                   
  nbG0covs <- reForm$nbG0covs                                                           
  nbRecovs <- reForm$nbRecovs                                                           
  g0covs <- reForm$g0covs                                                               
  recovs <- reForm$recovs                                                               
  if (!is.null(recharge)) {                                                             
    rechargeNames <- colnames(reForm$newdata)                                         
    m$data[rechargeNames] <- reForm$newdata                                           
    g0covs <- model.matrix(recharge$g0, covs)                                         
    g0 <- m$mle$g0 %*% t(g0covs)                                                      
    recovs <- model.matrix(recharge$theta, covs)                                      
    for (j in rechargeNames) {                                                        
      if (is.null(covs[[j]]))                                                       
        covs[[j]] <- mean(m$data[[j]])                                            
    covsCol <- cbind(get_all_vars(newformula, m$data), get_all_vars(recharge$theta, m$data))                                                                      
    if (!all(names(covsCol) %in% names(m$data))) {                                    
      covsCol <- covsCol[, names(covsCol) %in% names(m$data),  drop = FALSE]                                                             
    rawCovs <- covsCol[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), c(unique(colnames(covsCol))), drop = FALSE]                                                                 
  } else {                                                                                
    rawCovs <- m$rawCovs[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), , drop = FALSE]                    
  Par <- m$mle[distnames]                                                               
  ncmean <- momentuHMM:::get_ncmean(distnames, m$conditions$fullDM, m$conditions$circularAngleMean, nbStates)
  nc <- ncmean$nc                                                                       
  meanind <- ncmean$meanind                                                             
  tmPar <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))                                             
  parCount <- lapply(m$conditions$fullDM, ncol)                                         
  for (i in distnames[!unlist(lapply(m$conditions$circularAngleMean, isFALSE))]) {                                                                     
    parCount[[i]] <- length(unique(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])))))                                    
  parindex <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(parCount))[-length(m$conditions$fullDM)])              
  names(parindex) <- distnames                                                          
  for (i in distnames) {                                                                
    if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {                                             
      Par[[i]] <- m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]]                   
      if (!isFALSE(m$conditions$circularAngleMean[[i]])) {                          
        names(Par[[i]]) <- unique(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]]))))                               
      else names(Par[[i]]) <- colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])                    
  Par <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))                                               
  beta <- list(beta = m$mle$beta)                                                       
  if (!is.null(m$conditions$recharge)) {                                                
    beta$g0 <- m$mle$g0                                                               
    beta$theta <- m$mle$theta                                                         
  mixtures <- m$conditions$mixtures                                                     
  if (!m$conditions$stationary) {                                                       
    nbCovsDelta <- ncol(m$covsDelta) - 1                                              
    foo <- length(m$mod$estimate) - ifelse(nbRecovs, (nbRecovs + 1) + (nbG0covs + 1), 0) - (nbCovsDelta + 1) * (nbStates - 1) * mixtures + 1 
    delta <- m$mod$estimate[foo:(length(m$mod$estimate) -  ifelse(nbRecovs, (nbRecovs + 1) + (nbG0covs + 1), 0))]                                                                      
  } else {                                                                                
    delta <- NULL                                                                     
  if (mixtures > 1) {                                                                   
    if (!m$conditions$stationary)                                                     
      beta$pi <- m$mod$estimate[length(m$mod$estimate) - ncol(m$covsPi) * (mixtures - 1) - ifelse(nbRecovs, (nbRecovs + 1) + (nbG0covs + 1), 0) - (nbCovsDelta + 1) * (nbStates - 1) * mixtures + 1:(ncol(m$covsPi) * (mixtures - 1))]                                                          
    else beta$pi <- m$mod$estimate[length(m$mod$estimate) - ncol(m$covsPi) * (mixtures - 1) - ifelse(nbRecovs, (nbRecovs + 1) + (nbG0covs + 1), 0) + 1:(ncol(m$covsPi) *  (mixtures - 1))]                                                              
  } else beta$pi <- NULL                                                                  
  tmpPar <- Par                                                                         
  tmpConditions <- m$conditions                                                         
  for (i in distnames[which(m$conditions$dist %in% momentuHMM:::angledists)]) {                      
    if (!m$conditions$estAngleMean[[i]]) {                                            
      tmpConditions$estAngleMean[[i]] <- TRUE                                       
      tmpConditions$userBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-pi,                      
                                                          pi), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE), m$conditions$bounds[[i]])     
      tmpConditions$workBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-Inf,                     
                                                          Inf), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE),                              
      tmpConditions$cons[[i]] <- c(rep(1, nbStates), m$conditions$cons[[i]])        
      tmpConditions$workcons[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates),                            
      if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {                                         
        tmpPar[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates), Par[[i]])                              
        if (is.list(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {                                      
          tmpConditions$DM[[i]]$mean <- ~1                                        
        else {                                                                    
          tmpDM <- matrix(0, nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) +                        
                            nbStates, ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) + nbStates)                     
          tmpDM[nbStates + 1:nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]),                         
                nbStates + 1:ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]])] <- tmpConditions$DM[[i]]    
          diag(tmpDM)[1:nbStates] <- 1                                            
          tmpConditions$DM[[i]] <- tmpDM                                          
      else {                                                                        
        Par[[i]] <- Par[[i]][-(1:nbStates)]                                       
  tmpInputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(
    nbStates=nbStates, dist=tmpConditions$dist, Par=tmpPar,
    estAngleMean=tmpConditions$estAngleMean, circularAngleMean=tmpConditions$circularAngleMean,                      
    zeroInflation=tmpConditions$zeroInflation, oneInflation=tmpConditions$oneInflation,                          
    DM=tmpConditions$DM, userBounds=tmpConditions$userBounds, stateNames=stateNames
  # input required by checkInputs
  # nbStates, dist, Par, estAngleMean, circularAngleMean, 
  # zeroInflation, oneInflation, DM, userBounds, stateNames, 
  # checkInflation = FALSE
  tmpp <- tmpInputs$p                                                                   
  splineInputs <- momentuHMM:::getSplineDM(distnames, tmpInputs$DM, m, covs)                         
  covs <- splineInputs$covs                    
  # input for getDM
  # data, DM, dist, nbStates, parNames, bounds, Par, zeroInflation, 
  # oneInflation, circularAngleMean, ParChecks = TRUE, wlag = FALSE
  DMinputs <- momentuHMM:::getDM(data=covs, DM=splineInputs$DM, dist=tmpInputs$dist,                              
                                 nbStates=nbStates, parNames=tmpp$parNames, 
                                 bounds=tmpp$bounds, Par=tmpPar, zeroInflation=tmpConditions$zeroInflation,                              
                                 oneInflation=tmpConditions$oneInflation, circularAngleMean=tmpConditions$circularAngleMean)                      
  # removed: tmpConditions$cons, tmpConditions$workcons, 
  fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM                                                             
  DMind <- DMinputs$DMind   
  #par, bounds, beta, delta = NULL, nbStates, estAngleMean, DM, Bndind, dist
  wpar <- momentuHMM:::n2w(par=tmpPar, bounds=tmpp$bounds, beta=beta, delta=delta, nbStates=nbStates, 
                           DM=tmpInputs$DM, Bndind=tmpp$Bndind,                      
                           dist=tmpInputs$dist) # removed:DMinputs$cons, DMinputs$workcons,                                                                    
  ncmean <- momentuHMM:::get_ncmean(distnames, fullDM, tmpInputs$circularAngleMean, nbStates)                                                                         
  nc <- ncmean$nc
  meanind <- ncmean$meanind
  #wpar, bounds, parSize, nbStates, nbCovs, estAngleMean, 
  #circularAngleMean, consensus, stationary, fullDM, DMind, 
  #nbObs, dist, Bndind, nc, meanind, covsDelta, workBounds, covsPi
  par <- momentuHMM:::w2n(wpar=wpar, bounds=tmpp$bounds, parSize=tmpp$parSize, nbStates=nbStates, nbCovs=nbCovs, 
                          estAngleMean=tmpInputs$estAngleMean, circularAngleMean=tmpInputs$circularAngleMean, 
                          consensus=tmpInputs$consensus, stationary = m$conditions$stationary, 
                          fullDM=fullDM, DMind,  1, tmpInputs$dist, # removed: DMinputs$cons, DMinputs$workcons,
                          tmpp$Bndind, nc, meanind, m$covsDelta, tmpConditions$workBounds, 
  inputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(nbStates, m$conditions$dist, Par, m$conditions$estAngleMean, 
                                     m$conditions$circularAngleMean, m$conditions$zeroInflation, 
                                     m$conditions$oneInflation, m$conditions$DM, m$conditions$userBounds, 
                                      stateNames) #m$conditions$cons, m$conditions$workcons,
  p <- inputs$p
  Fun <- lapply(inputs$dist, function(x) paste("d", x, sep = ""))
  zeroMass <- oneMass <- vector("list", length(inputs$dist))
  names(zeroMass) <- names(oneMass) <- distnames
  legText <- stateNames
  tmpcovs <- covs
  for (i in which(mapply(is.numeric, covs))) {
    tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[i], 2)
  for (i in which(mapply(is.factor, covs))) {
    tmpcovs[i] <- as.character(covs[[i]])
  if (inherits(m, "miSum")) {
    if (length(m$conditions$optInd)) {
      Sigma <- matrix(0, length(m$mod$estimate), length(m$mod$estimate))
            (1:length(m$mod$estimate))[-m$conditions$optInd]] <- m$MIcombine$variance
    } else {
      Sigma <- m$MIcombine$variance
  } else if (!is.null(m$mod$hessian) && !inherits(m$mod$Sigma, "error")) {
    Sigma <- m$mod$Sigma
  } else {
    Sigma <- NULL
    plotCI <- FALSE
  if (!missing(...)) {
    arg <- list(...)
    if (any(!(names(arg) %in% momentuHMM:::plotArgs))) 
      stop("additional graphical parameters are currently limited to: ", 
           paste0(momentuHMM:::plotArgs, collapse = ", "))
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.main)) 
      cex.main <- arg$cex.main
    else cex.main <- 1
    arg$cex.main <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.legend)) 
      cex.legend <- arg$cex.legend
    else cex.legend <- 1
    arg$cex.legend <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg[["cex"]])) 
      cex <- arg[["cex"]]
    else cex <- 0.6
    arg$cex <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$asp)) 
      asp <- arg$asp
    else asp <- 1
    arg$asp <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$lwd)) 
      lwd <- arg$lwd
    else lwd <- 1.3
    arg$lwd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$legend.pos)) {
      if (!(arg$legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "bottom", 
                                  "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", 
                                  "right", "center"))) 
        stop("legend.pos must be a single keyword from the list \"bottomright\", \"bottom\", \"bottomleft\", \"left\", \"topleft\", \"top\", \"topright\", \"right\" and \"center\"")
      legend.pos <- arg$legend.pos
    else legend.pos <- NULL
    arg$legend.pos <- NULL
  else {
    cex <- 0.6
    asp <- 1
    lwd <- 1.3
    cex.main <- 1
    cex.legend <- 1
    legend.pos <- NULL
    arg <- NULL
  marg <- arg
  marg$cex <- NULL
  ### where the plots are generated...
  out.list <- list()
  for (i in distnames) {
    if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
      if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm2" || m$conditions$dist[[i]] == 
          "rw_mvnorm2") {
        tmpData <- c(m$data[[paste0(i, ".x")]], m$data[[paste0(i, 
        if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm2") 
          ndim <- as.numeric(gsub("mvnorm", "", m$conditions$dist[[i]]))
        else ndim <- as.numeric(gsub("rw_mvnorm", "", 
      else if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm3" || m$conditions$dist[[i]] == 
               "rw_mvnorm3") {
        tmpData <- c(m$data[[paste0(i, ".x")]], m$data[[paste0(i, 
                                                               ".y")]], m$data[[paste0(i, ".z")]])
        if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm3") 
          ndim <- as.numeric(gsub("mvnorm", "", m$conditions$dist[[i]]))
        else ndim <- as.numeric(gsub("rw_mvnorm", "", 
    } else {
      tmpData <- m$data[[i]]
    if (sepAnimals) {
      genData <- list()
      for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
        ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])
        if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
          if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% c("mvnorm2", "rw_mvnorm2")) 
            genData[[zoo]] <- c(tmpData[ind], tmpData[(-(1:nrow(m$data)))][ind])
          else if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% c("mvnorm3", "rw_mvnorm3")) 
            genData[[zoo]] <- c(tmpData[ind], tmpData[-(1:nrow(m$data))][ind], 
                                tmpData[-(1:(2 * nrow(m$data)))][ind])
        else genData[[zoo]] <- tmpData[ind]
    } else {
      ind <- which(m$data$ID %in% ID)
      if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
        if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% c("mvnorm2", 
          genData <- tmpData[c(ind, ind + nrow(m$data))]
        else if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% c("mvnorm3", 
          genData <- tmpData[c(ind, ind + nrow(m$data), 
                               ind + 2 * nrow(m$data))]
      else genData <- tmpData[ind]
    zeroMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
    oneMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
    if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
      if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]]) 
        zeroMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - nbStates * 
                                    m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] - (nbStates - 
                                                                        1):0, ]
      if (m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) 
        oneMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates - 
                                                     1):0, ]
      par[[i]] <- par[[i]][-(nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates * 
                                                 m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] - nbStates * m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] - 
                                                 1):0), , drop = FALSE]
    infInd <- FALSE
    if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) 
      if (i == "angle" & ("step" %in% distnames)) 
        if (inputs$dist$step %in% momentuHMM:::stepdists & m$conditions$zeroInflation$step) 
          if (all(coordNames %in% names(m$data))) 
            infInd <- TRUE
    covNames <- momentuHMM:::getCovNames(m, p, i)
    DMterms <- covNames$DMterms
    DMparterms <- covNames$DMparterms
    if (inputs$consensus[[i]]) {
      for (jj in 1:nbStates) {
        if (!is.null(DMparterms$mean[[jj]])) 
          DMparterms$kappa[[jj]] <- c(DMparterms$mean[[jj]], 
    factorterms <- names(m$data)[unlist(lapply(m$data, is.factor))]
    factorcovs <- paste0(rep(factorterms, times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
                                                                nlevels))), unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], levels)))
    if (length(DMterms)) {
      for (jj in 1:length(DMterms)) {
        cov <- DMterms[jj]
        form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
        varform <- all.vars(form)
        if (any(varform %in% factorcovs) && !all(varform %in% 
                                                 factorterms)) {
          factorvar <- factorcovs %in% (varform[!(varform %in% 
          DMterms[jj] <- rep(factorterms, times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
    DMterms <- unique(DMterms)
    if (length(DMparterms)) {
      for (ii in 1:length(DMparterms)) {
        for (state in 1:nbStates) {
          if (length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
            for (jj in 1:length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
              cov <- DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj]
              form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
              varform <- all.vars(form)
              if (any(varform %in% factorcovs) && !all(varform %in% 
                                                       factorterms)) {
                factorvar <- factorcovs %in% (varform[!(varform %in% 
                DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj] <- rep(factorterms, 
                                                     times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
            DMparterms[[ii]][[state]] <- unique(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])
    covmess <- ifelse(!m$conditions$DMind[[i]], 
                      paste0(": ", paste0(DMterms, " = ", tmpcovs[DMterms], collapse = ", ")), 
    genDensities <- list()
    genFun <- Fun[[i]]
    if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
      grid <- seq(-pi, pi, length = 1000)
    } else {
      if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::integerdists) {
        if (all(is.na(m$data[[i]])) || !is.finite(max(m$data[[i]], 
                                                      na.rm = TRUE))) 
        if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "cat") {
          dimCat <- as.numeric(gsub("cat", "", m$conditions$dist[[i]]))
          grid <- seq(1, dimCat)
        else grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))
      else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::stepdists) {
        if (all(is.na(m$data[[i]])) || !is.finite(max(m$data[[i]], 
                                                      na.rm = TRUE))) 
        grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), 
                    length = 10000)
      } else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
        if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm2" || inputs$dist[[i]] == 
            "rw_mvnorm2") {
          if (all(is.na(m$data[paste0(i, c(".x", ".y"))])) || 
              !is.finite(max(m$data[paste0(i, c(".x", ".y"))], 
                             na.rm = TRUE))) 
          grid <- c(seq(min(m$data[[paste0(i, ".x")]], 
                            na.rm = TRUE), max(m$data[[paste0(i, ".x")]], 
                                               na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), seq(min(m$data[[paste0(i, ".y")]], na.rm = TRUE), max(m$data[[paste0(i, 
                                                                                                                                                  ".y")]], na.rm = TRUE), length = 100))
        else if (all(is.na(m$data[paste0(i, c(".x", ".y", ".z"))])) || !is.finite(max(m$data[paste0(i, c(".x", ".y", ".z"))], na.rm = TRUE))) 
      } else {
        if (all(is.na(m$data[[i]])) || !is.finite(max(m$data[[i]], 
                                                      na.rm = TRUE))) 
        grid <- seq(min(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(m$data[[i]], 
                                                        na.rm = TRUE), length = 10000)
    for (state in iStates[[i]]) {
      genArgs <- list(grid)
      if (m$conditions$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
        genArgs[[2]] <- matrix(par[[i]][seq(state, nbStates * 
                                              ndim, nbStates)], ndim, 1)
        sig <- matrix(0, ndim, ndim)
        lowertri <- par[[i]][nbStates * ndim + seq(state, 
                                                   sum(lower.tri(matrix(0, ndim, ndim), diag = TRUE)) * 
                                                     nbStates, nbStates)]
        sig[lower.tri(sig, diag = TRUE)] <- lowertri
        sig <- t(sig)
        sig[lower.tri(sig, diag = TRUE)] <- lowertri
        genArgs[[3]] <- sig
      else if (grepl("cat", m$conditions$dist[[i]])) {
        genArgs[[2]] <- t(par[[i]][seq(state, dimCat * 
                                         nbStates, nbStates), ])
      else {
        for (j in 1:(nrow(par[[i]])/nbStates)) genArgs[[j + 
                                                          1]] <- par[[i]][(j - 1) * nbStates + state, 
      if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "gamma") {
        shape <- genArgs[[2]]^2/genArgs[[3]]^2
        scale <- genArgs[[3]]^2/genArgs[[2]]
        genArgs[[2]] <- shape
        genArgs[[3]] <- 1/scale
      if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass[[i]][state] - 
                                                oneMass[[i]][state]) * w[[i]][state] * do.call(genFun, 
      else if (infInd) {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass$step[state]) * 
                                         w[[i]][state] * do.call(genFun, genArgs))
      else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::mvndists) {
        if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "mvnorm2" || inputs$dist[[i]] == 
            "rw_mvnorm2") {
          dens <- outer(genArgs[[1]][1:100], genArgs[[1]][101:200], 
                        function(x, y) dmvnorm2(c(x, y), matrix(rep(genArgs[[2]], 
                                                                    10000), 2), matrix(rep(genArgs[[3]], 10000), 
                                                                                       2 * 2)))
          genDensities[[state]] <- list(x = genArgs[[1]][1:100], 
                                        y = genArgs[[1]][101:200], z = w[[i]][state] * 
      else {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, w[[i]][state] * 
                                         do.call(genFun, genArgs))
      for (j in p$parNames[[i]]) {
        for (jj in DMparterms[[j]][[state]]) {
          if (!is.factor(m$data[, jj])) {
            gridLength <- 101
            inf <- min(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
            sup <- max(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
            tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]], 
                                          nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
            if (length(DMterms) > 1) 
              for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
                                         jj))]) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], 
            names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
            tempCovs[, jj] <- seq(inf, sup, length = gridLength)
          else {
            gridLength <- nlevels(m$data[, jj])
            tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]], 
                                          nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
            if (length(DMterms) > 1) 
              for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
                                         jj))]) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], 
            names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
            tempCovs[, jj] <- as.factor(levels(m$data[, 
          for (ii in DMterms[which(unlist(lapply(m$data[DMterms], 
                                                 is.factor)))]) tempCovs[[ii]] <- factor(tempCovs[[ii]], 
                                                                                         levels = levels(m$data[[ii]]))
          tmpSplineInputs <- getSplineDM(i, inputs$DM, 
                                         m, tempCovs)
          tempCovs <- tmpSplineInputs$covs
          DMinputs <- getDM(tempCovs, tmpSplineInputs$DM[i], 
                            inputs$dist[i], nbStates, p$parNames[i], 
                            p$bounds[i], Par[i], m$conditions$cons[i], 
                            m$conditions$workcons[i], m$conditions$zeroInflation[i], 
                            m$conditions$oneInflation[i], m$conditions$circularAngleMean[i])
          fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM
          DMind <- DMinputs$DMind
          nc[[i]] <- apply(fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
          if (!isFALSE(inputs$circularAngleMean[[i]])) {
            meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, 
                                                     , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
            if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
              angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos", 
                                               "", gsub("sin", "", colnames(nc[[i]]))), 
                                          colnames(nc[[i]]), nomatch = NA)))
              sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin", 
              nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                              sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], 
                                                      nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", 
              nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", 
                                         sinInd)] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                    gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                         gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
          gradfun <- function(wpar, k) {
            w2n(wpar, p$bounds[i], p$parSize[i], nbStates, 
                nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i], inputs$circularAngleMean[i], 
                inputs$consensus[i], stationary = TRUE, 
                DMinputs$cons[i], fullDM, DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], 
                gridLength, inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], 
                nc[i], meanind[i], m$covsDelta, m$conditions$workBounds[c(i, 
                                                                          "beta")], m$covsPi)[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] == 
                                                                                                            j) - 1) * nbStates + state, k]
          est <- w2n(c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 
                                        1:parCount[[i]]], beta$beta, beta$pi), p$bounds[i], 
                     p$parSize[i], nbStates, nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i], 
                     inputs$circularAngleMean[i], inputs$consensus[i], 
                     stationary = TRUE, DMinputs$cons[i], fullDM, 
                     DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], gridLength, 
                     inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], nc[i], meanind[i], 
                     m$covsDelta, m$conditions$workBounds[c(i, 
                                                            "beta")], m$covsPi)[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] == 
                                                                                              j) - 1) * nbStates + state, ]
          if (plotCI) {
            dN <- t(mapply(function(x) tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(gradfun, 
                                                               c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]], 
                                                                 beta$beta, beta$pi), k = x), error = function(e) NA), 
            se <- t(apply(dN[, 1:parCount[[i]]], 1, function(x) tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*% 
                                                                                                 Sigma[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]], 
                                                                                                       parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]] %*% 
                                                                                                 x)), error = function(e) NA)))
            uci <- est + qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
            lci <- est - qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
            do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est, 
                                 ylim = range(c(lci, est, uci), na.rm = TRUE), 
                                 xaxt = "n", 
                                 xlab = jj, 
                                 ylab = paste(i, ifelse(j == "kappa", "concentration", j), "parameter"), 
                                 main = paste0(names(iStates[[i]])[match(state, iStates[[i]])], ifelse(length(tempCovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == jj)]]), paste0(": ", paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == jj)], "=", tmpcovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] ==  jj)]], collapse = ", ")), "")), 
                                 type = "l", 
                                 lwd = lwd, cex.main = cex.main), arg))
            if (!all(is.na(se))) {
              ciInd <- which(!is.na(se))
                                          c(list(as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, jj]), lci[ciInd], as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, jj]), uci[ciInd], length = 0.025, angle = 90, code = 3, col = gray(0.5), lwd = lwd), arg)), warning = muffWarn)
          else do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est, 
                                    xaxt = "n", xlab = jj, ylab = paste(i, ifelse(j == "kappa", "concentration", j), "parameter"), 
                                    main = paste0(names(iStates[[i]])[match(state, iStates[[i]])], ifelse(length(tempCovs[, 
                                                                                                                          DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                            jj)]]), paste0(": ", paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         jj)], "=", tmpcovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                jj)]], collapse = ", ")), "")), type = "l", 
                                    lwd = lwd, cex.main = cex.main), arg))
          if (is.factor(tempCovs[, jj])) 
            do.call(axis, c(list(1, at = tempCovs[, jj], 
                                 labels = tempCovs[, jj]), arg))
          else do.call(axis, c(list(1), arg))
    out.list[[i]] <- list(genData, genDensities, inputs, iStates)

my.new.plotHist <- function (gen, genDensities, dist, message, sepStates, breaks = "Sturges", 
                             state = NULL, hist.ylim = NULL, col = NULL, legText, cumul = TRUE, 
                             iStates, plot.legend=TRUE, xlab, ...) 
  # gen
  # genDensities
  # dist=inputs$dist["angle"]
  # state=NULL
  # hist.ylim.backup <- hist.ylim
  # hist.ylim <- hist.ylim[['angle']]
  # legText <- c('stationary', 'foraging', 'transit')
  # cumul = TRUE
  # istates.backup <- iStates
  # iStates <- istates.backup[['angle']]
  # plot.legend=FALSE
  if (!is.null(hist.ylim)) {
    ymin <- hist.ylim[1]
    ymax <- hist.ylim[2]
  } else {
    ymin <- 0
    ymax <- NA
  nbStates <- length(iStates)
  if (!sepStates) {
    lty <- rep(1, nbStates)
    if (cumul) {
      legText <- c(legText, "Total")
      col <- c(col, "black")
      lty <- c(lty, 2)
  distname <- names(dist)
  if (!missing(...)) {
    arg <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(arg$cex)) 
      cex <- arg$cex
    else cex <- 0.6
    arg$cex <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$asp)) 
      asp <- arg$asp
    else asp <- 1
    arg$asp <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$lwd)) 
      lwd <- arg$lwd
    else lwd <- 2
    arg$lwd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.main)) 
      cex.main <- arg$cex.main
    else cex.main <- NA
    arg$cex.main <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.legend)) 
      cex.legend <- arg$cex.legend
    else cex.legend <- 1
    arg$cex.legend <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$legend.pos)) 
      legend.pos <- arg$legend.pos
    else legend.pos <- NULL
    arg$legend.pos <- NULL
  else {
    cex <- 0.6
    asp <- 1
    lwd <- 2
    cex.main <- NA
    cex.legend <- 1
    legend.pos <- NULL
    arg <- NULL
  marg <- arg
  marg$cex <- NULL
  if (dist %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
    h <- hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks)
    breaks <- seq(-pi, pi, length = length(h$breaks))
    if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
      h <- hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks)
      ymax <- 1.3 * max(h$density)
      if (sepStates) {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 2])
        if (maxdens > ymax & maxdens < 2 * max(h$density)) 
          ymax <- maxdens
      else {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[iStates[1]]][, 2])
        if (nbStates > 1) {
          for (state in iStates[-1]) {
            if (is.finite(max(genDensities[[state]][, 
                                                    2]))) {
              if (max(genDensities[[state]][, 2]) > maxdens) 
                maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 
        if (maxdens > ymax) {
          ymax <- ifelse(maxdens < 2 * max(h$density), 
                         maxdens, 2 * max(h$density))
    do.call(hist, c(list(gen, prob = T, main = "", ylim = c(0, ymax), 
                         xlab = "turning angle (radians)", col = "grey", 
                         border = "white", breaks = breaks, xaxt = "n"), arg))
    do.call(axis, c(list(1, at = c(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi), 
                         labels = expression(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi)), arg))
    do.call(mtext, c(list(message, side = 3, outer = TRUE, 
                          padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
    if (sepStates) {
      lines(genDensities[[state]], col = col[state], lwd = lwd)
    } else {
      for (s in iStates) lines(genDensities[[s]], col = col[s], lwd = lwd)
      if (cumul) {
        total <- genDensities[[iStates[1]]]
        for (s in iStates[-1]) total[, 2] <- total[, 2] + genDensities[[s]][, 2]
        lines(total, lwd = lwd, lty = 2)
      if (plot.legend==TRUE) {
        legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topright", legend.pos), 
               legText, lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), 
               col = col[c(iStates, ifelse(cumul, length(col), 0))], bty = "n", 
               cex = cex.legend)
  } else {
    h <- tryCatch(hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks), error = function(e) e)
    if (!inherits(h, "error")) {
      if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
        ymax <- 1.3 * max(h$density)
        if (sepStates) {
          maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 2])
          if (maxdens > ymax & maxdens < 2 * max(h$density)) 
            ymax <- maxdens
        else {
          maxdens <- max(genDensities[[iStates[1]]][, 
          if (nbStates > 1) {
            for (state in iStates[-1]) {
              if (is.finite(max(genDensities[[state]][, 
                                                      2]))) {
                if (max(genDensities[[state]][, 2]) > 
                  maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 
          if (maxdens > ymax) {
            ymax <- ifelse(maxdens < 2 * max(h$density), 
                           maxdens, 2 * max(h$density))
              c(list(gen, prob = T, main = "", ylim = c(ymin, ymax), 
                     xlab = "step size (m)", col = "grey", border = "white", 
                     breaks = breaks), arg))
      do.call(mtext, c(list(message, side = 3, outer = TRUE, 
                            padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
      if (sepStates) 
        lines(genDensities[[state]], col = col[state], 
              lwd = lwd)
      else {
        for (s in iStates) lines(genDensities[[s]], col = col[s], 
                                 lwd = lwd)
        if (cumul) {
          total <- genDensities[[iStates[1]]]
          for (s in iStates[-1]) total[, 2] <- total[, 2] + genDensities[[s]][, 2]
          lines(total, lwd = lwd, lty = 2)
        if (plot.legend==TRUE) {
          legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topright", 
                        legend.pos), legText, lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), 
                 col = col[c(iStates, ifelse(cumul, length(col), 0))], 
                 bty = "n", cex = cex.legend)

### NOTE: seem to be broken since last update of momentuHMM... arrrrgh!
my.HMM.plot <- function (x, animals = NULL, covs = NULL, ask = FALSE, breaks = "Sturges", 
            hist.ylim = NULL, sepAnimals = FALSE, sepStates = FALSE, 
            col = NULL, cumul = TRUE, plotTracks = TRUE, plotCI = FALSE, 
            alpha = 0.95, plotStationary = FALSE, ...) 
                         m <- x
                         x <- m 
                         animals = NULL
                         covs = NULL
                         ask = FALSE 
                         breaks = "Sturges"
                         hist.ylim = NULL
                         sepAnimals = FALSE
                         sepStates = FALSE 
                         col = NULL
                         cumul = TRUE
                         plotTracks = TRUE
                         plotCI = FALSE
                         alpha = 0.95
                         plotStationary = FALSE
  m <- momentuHMM:::delta_bc(m)
  nbAnimals <- length(unique(m$data$ID))
  nbStates <- length(m$stateNames)
  distnames <- names(m$conditions$dist)
  if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
    hist.ylim <- vector("list", length(distnames))
    names(hist.ylim) <- distnames
  for (i in distnames) {
    if (!is.null(hist.ylim[[i]]) & length(hist.ylim[[i]]) != 2) 
      stop("hist.ylim$", i, " needs to be a vector of two values (ymin,ymax)")
  if (!is.null(col) & length(col) >= nbStates) 
    col <- col[1:nbStates]
  if (!is.null(col) & length(col) < nbStates) {
    warning("Length of 'col' should be at least number of states - argument ignored")
    if (nbStates < 8) {
      pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", 
               "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
      col <- pal[1:nbStates]
    else {
      hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)
      col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]
  if (is.null(col) & nbStates < 8) {
    pal <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", 
             "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
    col <- pal[1:nbStates]
  if (is.null(col) & nbStates >= 8) {
    hues <- seq(15, 375, length = nbStates + 1)
    col <- hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:nbStates]
  if (sepStates | nbStates < 2) 
    cumul <- FALSE
  if (inherits(x, "miSum")) { 
    plotEllipse <- m$plotEllipse 
  } else plotEllipse <- FALSE
  muffWarn <- function(w) {
    if (any(grepl("zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped", 
  if (is.null(animals)) { 
    animalsInd <- 1:nbAnimals 
    }  else {
    if (is.character(animals)) {
      animalsInd <- NULL
      for (zoo in 1:length(animals)) {
        if (length(which(unique(m$data$ID) == animals[zoo])) == 
          stop("Check 'animals' argument, ID not found")
        animalsInd <- c(animalsInd, which(unique(m$data$ID) == 
    if (is.numeric(animals)) {
      if (length(which(animals < 1)) > 0 | length(which(animals > 
                                                        nbAnimals)) > 0) 
        stop("Check 'animals' argument, index out of bounds")
      animalsInd <- animals
  nbAnimals <- length(animalsInd)
  ID <- unique(m$data$ID)[animalsInd]
  if (nbStates > 1) {
    if (inherits(x, "miSum")) 
      states <- m$Par$states
    else {
      #cat("Decoding state sequence... ")
      states <- viterbi(m)
  } else states <- rep(1, nrow(m$data))
  if (sepStates | nbStates == 1) {
    w <- rep(1, nbStates)
  }  else {
    w <- rep(NA, nbStates)
    for (state in 1:nbStates) w[state] <- length(which(states == 
  if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(m$data))) {
    x <- list()
    y <- list()
    if (plotEllipse) 
      errorEllipse <- list()
    for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
      ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])
      x[[zoo]] <- m$data$x[ind]
      y[[zoo]] <- m$data$y[ind]
      if (plotEllipse) 
        errorEllipse[[zoo]] <- m$errorEllipse[ind]
  if (is.null(covs)) {
    covs <- m$data[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), ][1, ]
    for (j in names(m$data)[which(unlist(lapply(m$data, function(x) any(class(x) %in% momentuHMM:::meansList))))]) {
      if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "angle")) 
        covs[[j]] <- CircStats::circ.mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
                                                              ID)][!is.na(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
      else covs[[j]] <- mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
                                                 ID)], na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    if (!is.data.frame(covs)) 
      stop("covs must be a data frame")
    if (nrow(covs) > 1) 
      stop("covs must consist of a single row")
    if (!all(names(covs) %in% names(m$data))) 
      stop("invalid covs specified")
    if (any(names(covs) %in% "ID")) 
      covs$ID <- factor(covs$ID, levels = unique(m$data$ID))
    for (j in names(m$data)[which(names(m$data) %in% names(covs))]) {
      if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "factor")) 
        covs[[j]] <- factor(covs[[j]], levels = levels(m$data[[j]]))
      if (is.na(covs[[j]])) 
        stop("check value for ", j)
    for (j in names(m$data)[which(!(names(m$data) %in% names(covs)))]) {
      if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "factor")) 
        covs[[j]] <- m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
      else if (inherits(m$data[[j]], "angle")) 
        covs[[j]] <- CircStats::circ.mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
                                                              ID)][!is.na(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
      else if (any(class(m$data[[j]]) %in% momentuHMM:::meansList)) 
        covs[[j]] <- mean(m$data[[j]][which(m$data$ID %in% 
                                              ID)], na.rm = TRUE)
  formula <- m$conditions$formula
  newForm <- momentuHMM:::newFormulas(formula, nbStates)
  formulaStates <- newForm$formulaStates
  formterms <- newForm$formterms
  newformula <- newForm$newformula
  nbCovs <- ncol(model.matrix(newformula, m$data)) - 1
  Par <- m$mle[distnames]
  nc <- meanind <- vector("list", length(distnames))
  names(nc) <- names(meanind) <- distnames
  for (i in distnames) {
    nc[[i]] <- apply(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
    if (m$conditions$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
      meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, 
                                                            , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
      if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
        angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", 
                                                         "", colnames(nc[[i]]))), colnames(nc[[i]]), 
                                    nomatch = NA)))
        sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin", 
        nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                        sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                        gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)])
        nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                            gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                                 gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
  tmPar <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))
  parCount <- lapply(m$conditions$fullDM, ncol)
  for (i in distnames[unlist(m$conditions$circularAngleMean)]) {
    parCount[[i]] <- length(unique(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", 
                                                        "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])))))
  parindex <- c(0, cumsum(unlist(parCount))[-length(m$conditions$fullDM)])
  names(parindex) <- distnames
  for (i in distnames) {
    if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
      Par[[i]] <- m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]]
      if (m$conditions$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
        names(Par[[i]]) <- unique(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", 
                                                       "", colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]]))))
      else names(Par[[i]]) <- colnames(m$conditions$fullDM[[i]])
  Par <- lapply(Par, function(x) c(t(x)))
  beta <- m$mle$beta
  nbCovsDelta <- ncol(m$covsDelta) - 1
  foo <- length(m$mod$estimate) - (nbCovsDelta + 1) * (nbStates - 
                                                         1) + 1
  delta <- m$mod$estimate[foo:length(m$mod$estimate)]
  tmpPar <- Par
  tmpConditions <- m$conditions
  for (i in distnames[which(m$conditions$dist %in% momentuHMM:::angledists)]) {
    if (!m$conditions$estAngleMean[[i]]) {
      tmpConditions$estAngleMean[[i]] <- TRUE
      tmpConditions$userBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-pi, 
                                                          pi), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE), m$conditions$bounds[[i]])
      tmpConditions$workBounds[[i]] <- rbind(matrix(rep(c(-Inf, 
                                                          Inf), nbStates), nbStates, 2, byrow = TRUE), 
      tmpConditions$cons[[i]] <- c(rep(1, nbStates), m$conditions$cons[[i]])
      tmpConditions$workcons[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates), 
      if (!is.null(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
        tmpPar[[i]] <- c(rep(0, nbStates), Par[[i]])
        if (is.list(m$conditions$DM[[i]])) {
          tmpConditions$DM[[i]]$mean <- ~1
        else {
          tmpDM <- matrix(0, nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) + 
                            nbStates, ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]) + nbStates)
          tmpDM[nbStates + 1:nrow(tmpConditions$DM[[i]]), 
                nbStates + 1:ncol(tmpConditions$DM[[i]])] <- tmpConditions$DM[[i]]
          diag(tmpDM)[1:nbStates] <- 1
          tmpConditions$DM[[i]] <- tmpDM
      else {
        Par[[i]] <- Par[[i]][-(1:nbStates)]
  tmpInputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(nbStates, tmpConditions$dist, tmpPar, 
                           tmpConditions$estAngleMean, tmpConditions$circularAngleMean, 
                           tmpConditions$zeroInflation, tmpConditions$oneInflation, 
                           tmpConditions$DM, tmpConditions$userBounds, tmpConditions$cons, 
                           tmpConditions$workcons, m$stateNames)
  tmpp <- tmpInputs$p
  splineInputs <- momentuHMM:::getSplineDM(distnames, tmpInputs$DM, m, covs)
  covs <- splineInputs$covs
  DMinputs <- momentuHMM:::getDM(covs, splineInputs$DM, tmpInputs$dist, 
                    nbStates, tmpp$parNames, tmpp$bounds, tmpPar, tmpConditions$cons, 
                    tmpConditions$workcons, tmpConditions$zeroInflation, 
                    tmpConditions$oneInflation, tmpConditions$circularAngleMean)
  fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM
  DMind <- DMinputs$DMind
  dists <- m[['conditions']][['dist']]
  wpar <- momentuHMM:::n2w(tmpPar, tmpp$bounds, beta, delta, nbStates, tmpInputs$estAngleMean, 
              tmpInputs$DM, DMinputs$cons, DMinputs$workcons, tmpp$Bndind, dist=tmpInputs$dist)
  nc <- meanind <- vector("list", length(distnames))
  names(nc) <- names(meanind) <- distnames
  for (i in distnames) {
    nc[[i]] <- apply(fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
    if (tmpInputs$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
      meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, 
                                               , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
      if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
        angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos", "", gsub("sin", 
                                                         "", colnames(nc[[i]]))), colnames(nc[[i]]), 
                                    nomatch = NA)))
        sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin", 
        nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                        sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                        gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)])
        nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                            gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                                 gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
  par <- momentuHMM:::w2n(wpar, tmpp$bounds, tmpp$parSize, nbStates, nbCovs, 
             tmpInputs$estAngleMean, tmpInputs$circularAngleMean, 
             tmpInputs$consensus, stationary = FALSE, DMinputs$cons, 
             fullDM, DMind, DMinputs$workcons, 1, tmpInputs$dist, 
             tmpp$Bndind, nc, meanind, m$covsDelta, tmpConditions$workBounds)
  inputs <- momentuHMM:::checkInputs(nbStates, m$conditions$dist, Par, m$conditions$estAngleMean, 
                        m$conditions$circularAngleMean, m$conditions$zeroInflation, 
                        m$conditions$oneInflation, m$conditions$DM, m$conditions$userBounds, 
                        m$conditions$cons, m$conditions$workcons, m$stateNames)
  p <- inputs$p
  Fun <- lapply(inputs$dist, function(x) paste("d", x, sep = ""))
  zeroMass <- oneMass <- vector("list", length(inputs$dist))
  names(zeroMass) <- names(oneMass) <- distnames
  stateNames <- m$stateNames
  if (is.null(stateNames)) {
    stateNames <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nbStates) stateNames <- c(stateNames, paste("state", 
  legText <- stateNames
  tmpcovs <- covs
  for (i in which(mapply(is.numeric, covs))) {
    tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[i], 2)
  for (i in which(mapply(is.factor, covs))) {
    tmpcovs[i] <- as.character(covs[[i]])
  if (inherits(m, "miSum")) {
    if (length(m$conditions$optInd)) {
      Sigma <- matrix(0, length(m$mod$estimate), length(m$mod$estimate))
            (1:length(m$mod$estimate))[-m$conditions$optInd]] <- m$MIcombine$variance
    else {
      Sigma <- m$MIcombine$variance
  } else if (!is.null(m$mod$hessian)) {
    Sigma <- m$mod$Sigma
  } else {
    Sigma <- NULL
    plotCI <- FALSE
  par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) - c(0, 0, 2, 1))
  par(ask = ask)
  if ( !missing(...) ) {
    arg <- list(...)
    if (any(!(names(arg) %in% plotArgs))) 
      stop("additional graphical parameters are currently limited to: ", 
           paste0(plotArgs, collapse = ", "))
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.main)) 
      cex.main <- arg$cex.main
    else cex.main <- 1
    arg$cex.main <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.legend)) 
      cex.legend <- arg$cex.legend
    else cex.legend <- 1
    arg$cex.legend <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg[["cex"]])) 
      cex <- arg[["cex"]]
    else cex <- 0.6
    arg$cex <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$asp)) 
      asp <- arg$asp
    else asp <- 1
    arg$asp <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$lwd)) 
      lwd <- arg$lwd
    else lwd <- 1.3
    arg$lwd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$legend.pos)) {
      if (!(arg$legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "bottom", 
                                  "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", 
                                  "right", "center"))) 
        stop("legend.pos must be a single keyword from the list \"bottomright\", \"bottom\", \"bottomleft\", \"left\", \"topleft\", \"top\", \"topright\", \"right\" and \"center\"")
      legend.pos <- arg$legend.pos
    else legend.pos <- NULL
    arg$legend.pos <- NULL
  } else {
    cex <- 0.6
    asp <- 1
    lwd <- 1.3
    cex.main <- 1
    cex.legend <- 1
    legend.pos <- NULL
    arg <- NULL
  marg <- arg
  marg$cex <- NULL
  ### START
  for (i in distnames) {
    if (sepAnimals) {
      genData <- list()
      for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
        ind <- which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])
        genData[[zoo]] <- m$data[[i]][ind]
    } else {
      ind <- which(m$data$ID %in% ID)
      genData <- m$data[[i]][ind]
    zeroMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
    oneMass[[i]] <- rep(0, nbStates)
    if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
      if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]]) 
        zeroMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - nbStates * 
                                    m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] - (nbStates - 
                                                                        1):0, ]
      if (m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) 
        oneMass[[i]] <- par[[i]][nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates - 
                                                     1):0, ]
      par[[i]] <- par[[i]][-(nrow(par[[i]]) - (nbStates * 
                                                 m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]] - nbStates * m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] - 
                                                 1):0), , drop = FALSE]
    infInd <- FALSE
    if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) 
      if (i == "angle" & ("step" %in% distnames)) 
        if (inputs$dist$step %in% momentuHMM:::stepdists & m$conditions$zeroInflation$step) 
          if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(m$data))) 
            infInd <- TRUE
    covNames <- momentuHMM:::getCovNames(m, p, i)
    DMterms <- covNames$DMterms
    DMparterms <- covNames$DMparterms
    if (inputs$consensus[[i]]) {
      for (jj in 1:nbStates) {
        if (!is.null(DMparterms$mean[[jj]])) 
          DMparterms$kappa[[jj]] <- c(DMparterms$mean[[jj]], 
    factorterms <- names(m$data)[unlist(lapply(m$data, is.factor))]
    factorcovs <- paste0(rep(factorterms, times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
                                                                nlevels))), unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], levels)))
    if (length(DMterms)) {
      for (jj in 1:length(DMterms)) {
        cov <- DMterms[jj]
        form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
        varform <- all.vars(form)
        if (any(varform %in% factorcovs)) {
          factorvar <- factorcovs %in% varform
          DMterms[jj] <- rep(factorterms, times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
    DMterms <- unique(DMterms)
    if (length(DMparterms)) {
      for (ii in 1:length(DMparterms)) {
        for (state in 1:nbStates) {
          if (length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
            for (jj in 1:length(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])) {
              cov <- DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj]
              form <- formula(paste("~", cov))
              varform <- all.vars(form)
              if (any(varform %in% factorcovs)) {
                factorvar <- factorcovs %in% varform
                DMparterms[[ii]][[state]][jj] <- rep(factorterms, 
                                                     times = unlist(lapply(m$data[factorterms], 
            DMparterms[[ii]][[state]] <- unique(DMparterms[[ii]][[state]])
    covmess <- ifelse(!m$conditions$DMind[[i]], paste0(": ", 
                                                       paste0(DMterms, " = ", tmpcovs[DMterms], collapse = ", ")), "")
    genDensities <- list()
    genFun <- Fun[[i]]
    if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
      grid <- seq(-pi, pi, length = 1000)
    } else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::integerdists) {
      grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (inputs$dist[[i]] %in% momentuHMM:::stepdists) {
      grid <- seq(0, max(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length = 10000)
    } else {
      grid <- seq(min(m$data[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(m$data[[i]], 
                                                      na.rm = TRUE), length = 10000)
    for (state in 1:nbStates) {
      genArgs <- list(grid)
      for (j in 1:(nrow(par[[i]])/nbStates)) genArgs[[j + 
                                                        1]] <- par[[i]][(j - 1) * nbStates + state, ]
      if (inputs$dist[[i]] == "gamma") {
        shape <- genArgs[[2]]^2/genArgs[[3]]^2
        scale <- genArgs[[3]]^2/genArgs[[2]]
        genArgs[[2]] <- shape
        genArgs[[3]] <- 1/scale
      if (m$conditions$zeroInflation[[i]] | m$conditions$oneInflation[[i]]) {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass[[i]][state] - 
                                                oneMass[[i]][state]) * w[state] * do.call(genFun, 
      else if (infInd) {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, (1 - zeroMass$step[state]) * 
                                         w[state] * do.call(genFun, genArgs))
      else {
        genDensities[[state]] <- cbind(grid, w[state] * 
                                         do.call(genFun, genArgs))
      for (j in p$parNames[[i]]) {
        for (jj in DMparterms[[j]][[state]]) {
          if (!is.factor(m$data[, jj])) {
            gridLength <- 101
            inf <- min(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
            sup <- max(m$data[, jj], na.rm = T)
            tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]], 
                                          nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
            if (length(DMterms) > 1) 
              for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
                                         jj))]) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], 
            names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
            tempCovs[, jj] <- seq(inf, sup, length = gridLength)
          else {
            gridLength <- nlevels(m$data[, jj])
            tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[jj][[1]], 
                                          nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
            if (length(DMterms) > 1) 
              for (ii in DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
                                         jj))]) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, rep(covs[[ii]], 
            names(tempCovs) <- c(jj, DMterms[which(!(DMterms %in% 
            tempCovs[, jj] <- as.factor(levels(m$data[, 
          for (ii in DMterms[which(unlist(lapply(m$data[DMterms], 
                                                 is.factor)))]) tempCovs[[ii]] <- factor(tempCovs[[ii]], 
                                                                                         levels = levels(m$data[[ii]]))
          tmpSplineInputs <- getSplineDM(i, inputs$DM, 
                                         m, tempCovs)
          tempCovs <- tmpSplineInputs$covs
          DMinputs <- getDM(tempCovs, tmpSplineInputs$DM[i], 
                            inputs$dist[i], nbStates, p$parNames[i], 
                            p$bounds[i], Par[i], m$conditions$cons[i], 
                            m$conditions$workcons[i], m$conditions$zeroInflation[i], 
                            m$conditions$oneInflation[i], m$conditions$circularAngleMean[i])
          fullDM <- DMinputs$fullDM
          DMind <- DMinputs$DMind
          nc[[i]] <- apply(fullDM[[i]], 1:2, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
          if (inputs$circularAngleMean[[i]]) {
            meanind[[i]] <- which((apply(fullDM[[i]][1:nbStates, 
                                                     , drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(unlist(x) == 
            if (length(meanind[[i]])) {
              angInd <- which(is.na(match(gsub("cos", 
                                               "", gsub("sin", "", colnames(nc[[i]]))), 
                                          colnames(nc[[i]]), nomatch = NA)))
              sinInd <- colnames(nc[[i]])[which(grepl("sin", 
              nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                              sinInd], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], sinInd], 
                                                      nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", 
              nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], gsub("sin", "cos", 
                                         sinInd)] <- ifelse(nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                    gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
                                                                                                         gsub("sin", "cos", sinInd)], nc[[i]][meanind[[i]], 
          gradfun <- function(wpar, k) {
            w2n(wpar, p$bounds[i], p$parSize[i], nbStates, 
                nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i], inputs$circularAngleMean[i], 
                inputs$consensus[i], stationary = TRUE, 
                DMinputs$cons[i], fullDM, DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], 
                gridLength, inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], 
                nc[i], meanind[i], m$covsDelta, m$conditions$workBounds[i])[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] == 
                                                                                          j) - 1) * nbStates + state, k]
          est <- w2n(c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 
                                        1:parCount[[i]]], beta), p$bounds[i], p$parSize[i], 
                     nbStates, nbCovs, inputs$estAngleMean[i], 
                     inputs$circularAngleMean[i], inputs$consensus[i], 
                     stationary = TRUE, DMinputs$cons[i], fullDM, 
                     DMind, DMinputs$workcons[i], gridLength, 
                     inputs$dist[i], p$Bndind[i], nc[i], meanind[i], 
                     m$covsDelta, m$conditions$workBounds[i])[[i]][(which(tmpp$parNames[[i]] == 
                                                                            j) - 1) * nbStates + state, ]
          if (plotCI) {
            dN <- t(mapply(function(x) tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(gradfun, 
                                                               c(m$mod$estimate[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]], 
                                                                 beta), k = x), error = function(e) NA), 
            se <- t(apply(dN[, 1:parCount[[i]]], 1, function(x) tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*% 
                                                                                                 Sigma[parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]], 
                                                                                                       parindex[[i]] + 1:parCount[[i]]] %*% 
                                                                                                 x)), error = function(e) NA)))
            uci <- est + qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
            lci <- est - qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2) * se
            do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est, 
                                 ylim = range(c(lci, est, uci), na.rm = TRUE), 
                                 xaxt = "n", xlab = jj, ylab = paste(i, 
                                                                     ifelse(j == "kappa", "concentration", 
                                                                            j), "parameter"), main = paste0(stateNames[state], 
                                                                                                            ifelse(length(tempCovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                       jj)]]), paste0(": ", paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    jj)], "=", tmpcovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           jj)]], collapse = ", ")), "")), type = "l", 
                                 lwd = lwd, cex.main = cex.main), arg))
            if (!all(is.na(se))) {
              ciInd <- which(!is.na(se))
              withCallingHandlers(do.call(arrows, c(list(as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, 
                                                                             jj]), lci[ciInd], as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, 
                                                                                                                   jj]), uci[ciInd], length = 0.025, angle = 90, 
                                                         code = 3, col = gray(0.5), lwd = lwd), 
                                                    arg)), warning = muffWarn)
          else do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, jj], est, 
                                    xaxt = "n", xlab = jj, ylab = paste(i, ifelse(j == 
                                                                                    "kappa", "concentration", j), "parameter"), 
                                    main = paste0(stateNames[state], ifelse(length(tempCovs[, 
                                                                                            DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                              jj)]]), paste0(": ", paste(DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                           jj)], "=", tmpcovs[, DMparterms[[j]][[state]][-which(DMparterms[[j]][[state]] == 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  jj)]], collapse = ", ")), "")), type = "l", 
                                    lwd = lwd, cex.main = cex.main), arg))
          if (is.factor(tempCovs[, jj])) 
            do.call(axis, c(list(1, at = tempCovs[, jj], 
                                 labels = tempCovs[, jj]), arg))
          else do.call(axis, c(list(1), arg))
    if (sepAnimals) {
      for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
        if (sepStates) {
          for (state in 1:nbStates) {
            gen <- genData[[zoo]][which(states[which(m$data$ID == 
                                                       ID[zoo])] == state)]
            message <- paste0("ID ", ID[zoo], " - ", 
                              stateNames[state], covmess)
            my.plotHist(gen, genDensities, inputs$dist[i], 
                     message="", sepStates, breaks, state, hist.ylim[[i]], 
                     col, legText, cumul = cumul, plot.legend=FALSE)
        else {
          gen <- genData[[zoo]]
          message <- paste0("ID ", ID[zoo], covmess)
          my.plotHist(gen, genDensities, inputs$dist[i], 
                   message="", sepStates, breaks, NULL, hist.ylim[[i]], 
                   col, legText, cumul = cumul, plot.legend=FALSE)
    } else {
      if (sepStates) {
        for (state in 1:nbStates) {
          gen <- genData[which(states == state)]
          if (nbAnimals > 1) 
            message <- paste0("All animals - ", stateNames[state], 
          else message <- paste0("ID ", ID, " - ", stateNames[state], 
          my.plotHist(gen, genDensities, inputs$dist[i], 
                   message="", sepStates, breaks, state, hist.ylim[[i]], 
                   col, legText, cumul = cumul, plot.legend=FALSE)
      } else {
        gen <- genData
        if (nbAnimals > 1) 
          message <- paste0("All animals", covmess)
        else message <- paste0("ID ", ID, covmess)
        my.plotHist(gen, genDensities, inputs$dist[i], message="", 
                 sepStates, breaks, NULL, hist.ylim[[i]], col, 
                 legText, cumul = cumul, plot.legend=FALSE)

    if (nbStates > 1) {
        par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) - c(0, 0, 1.5, 1))
        gamInd <- (length(m$mod$estimate) - (nbCovs + 1) * nbStates * 
                     (nbStates - 1) + 1):(length(m$mod$estimate)) - ncol(m$covsDelta) * 
          (nbStates - 1) * (!m$conditions$stationary)
        quantSup <- qnorm(1 - (1 - alpha)/2)
        if (nrow(beta) > 1) {
          rawCovs <- m$rawCovs[which(m$data$ID %in% ID), , 
                               drop = FALSE]
          for (cov in 1:ncol(rawCovs)) {
            par(mfrow = c(nbStates, nbStates))
            if (!is.factor(rawCovs[, cov])) {
              gridLength <- 101
              inf <- min(rawCovs[, cov], na.rm = T)
              sup <- max(rawCovs[, cov], na.rm = T)
              tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[names(rawCovs)][[1]], 
                                            nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
              if (ncol(rawCovs) > 1) 
                for (i in 2:ncol(rawCovs)) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, 
                                                             rep(covs[names(rawCovs)][[i]], gridLength))
              tempCovs[, cov] <- seq(inf, sup, length = gridLength)
            else {
              gridLength <- nlevels(rawCovs[, cov])
              tempCovs <- data.frame(matrix(covs[names(rawCovs)][[1]], 
                                            nrow = gridLength, ncol = 1))
              if (ncol(rawCovs) > 1) 
                for (i in 2:ncol(rawCovs)) tempCovs <- cbind(tempCovs, 
                                                             rep(covs[names(rawCovs)][[i]], gridLength))
              tempCovs[, cov] <- as.factor(levels(rawCovs[, 
            names(tempCovs) <- names(rawCovs)
            tmpcovs <- covs[names(rawCovs)]
            for (i in which(unlist(lapply(rawCovs, is.factor)))) {
              tempCovs[[i]] <- factor(tempCovs[[i]], levels = levels(rawCovs[, 
              tmpcovs[i] <- as.character(tmpcovs[[i]])
            for (i in which(!unlist(lapply(rawCovs, is.factor)))) {
              tmpcovs[i] <- round(covs[names(rawCovs)][i], 
            tmpSplineInputs <- getSplineFormula(newformula, 
                                                m$data, tempCovs)
            desMat <- model.matrix(tmpSplineInputs$formula, 
                                   data = tmpSplineInputs$covs)
            trMat <- trMatrix_rcpp(nbStates, beta, desMat, 
            for (i in 1:nbStates) {
              for (j in 1:nbStates) {
                do.call(plot, c(list(tempCovs[, cov], trMat[i, 
                                                            j, ], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = names(rawCovs)[cov], 
                                     ylab = paste(i, "->", j), lwd = lwd), arg))
                if (plotCI) {
                  dN <- t(apply(desMat, 1, function(x) tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(get_gamma, 
                                                                               covs = matrix(x, nrow = 1), nbStates = nbStates, 
                                                                               i = i, j = j, betaRef = m$conditions$betaRef, 
                                                                               betaCons = m$conditions$betaCons, workBounds = m$conditions$workBounds$beta), 
                                                                error = function(e) NA)))
                  se <- t(apply(dN, 1, function(x) tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(x %*% 
                                                                                          gamInd[unique(c(m$conditions$betaCons))]] %*% 
                                                                                    x)), error = function(e) NA)))
                  if (!all(is.na(se))) {
                    lci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 - 
                                                             trMat[i, j, ])) - quantSup * (1/(trMat[i, 
                                                                                                    j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
                    uci <- 1/(1 + exp(-(log(trMat[i, j, ]/(1 - 
                                                             trMat[i, j, ])) + quantSup * (1/(trMat[i, 
                                                                                                    j, ] - trMat[i, j, ]^2)) * se)))
                    ciInd <- which(!is.na(se))
                    withCallingHandlers(do.call(arrows, c(list(as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, 
                                                                                   cov]), lci[ciInd], as.numeric(tempCovs[ciInd, 
                                                                                                                          cov]), uci[ciInd], length = 0.025, 
                                                               angle = 90, code = 3, col = gray(0.5), 
                                                               lwd = lwd), arg)), warning = muffWarn)
            if (ncol(rawCovs) > 1) 
              do.call(mtext, c(list(paste("Transition probabilities:", 
                                          paste(names(rawCovs)[-cov], "=", tmpcovs[-cov], 
                                                collapse = ", ")), side = 3, outer = TRUE, 
                                    padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
            else do.call(mtext, c(list("Transition probabilities", 
                                       side = 3, outer = TRUE, padj = 2, cex = cex.main), 
            if (plotStationary) {
              par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
              statPlot(m, beta, Sigma, nbStates, desMat, 
                       tempCovs, tmpcovs, cov, alpha, gridLength, 
                       gamInd, names(rawCovs), col, plotCI, ...)
      if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(m$data)) & plotTracks) {
        if (nbStates > 1) {
          par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
          par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) - c(0, 0, 2, 1))
          for (zoo in 1:nbAnimals) {
            subStates <- states[which(m$data$ID == ID[zoo])]
            do.call(plot, c(list(x = x[[zoo]], y = y[[zoo]], 
                                 pch = 16, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", col = col[subStates], 
                                 cex = cex, asp = asp), arg))
            do.call(segments, c(list(x0 = x[[zoo]][-length(x[[zoo]])], 
                                     y0 = y[[zoo]][-length(x[[zoo]])], x1 = x[[zoo]][-1], 
                                     y1 = y[[zoo]][-1], col = col[subStates[-length(subStates)]], 
                                     lwd = lwd), arg))
            if (plotEllipse) {
              for (i in 1:length(x[[zoo]])) do.call(lines, 
                                                    c(list(errorEllipse[[zoo]][[i]], col = adjustcolor(col[subStates[i]], 
                                                                                                       alpha.f = 0.25), cex = cex), arg))
            do.call(mtext, c(list(paste("ID", ID[zoo]), side = 3, 
                                  outer = TRUE, padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
            legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topleft", 
                          legend.pos), legText, lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), 
                   col = col, bty = "n", cex = cex.legend)
  legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topright", 
                legend.pos), legend=c(legText, 'total'), lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), 
         col = c(col, 1), bty = "n", cex = cex.legend)
  par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
  par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2))
  par(ask = FALSE)

### NOTE: seem to be broken since last update of momentuHMM... arrrrgh!
my.plotHist <- function (gen, genDensities, dist, message, sepStates, breaks = "Sturges", 
          state = NULL, hist.ylim = NULL, col = NULL, legText, cumul = TRUE, plot.legend=TRUE,
  if (!is.null(hist.ylim)) {
    ymin <- hist.ylim[1]
    ymax <- hist.ylim[2]
  else {
    ymin <- 0
    ymax <- NA
  if (!sepStates) {
    nbStates <- length(genDensities)
    lty <- rep(1, nbStates)
    if (cumul) {
      legText <- c(legText, "Total")
      col <- c(col, "black")
      lty <- c(lty, 2)
  distname <- names(dist)
  if (!missing(...)) {
    arg <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(arg$cex)) 
      cex <- arg$cex
    else cex <- 0.6
    arg$cex <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$asp)) 
      asp <- arg$asp
    else asp <- 1
    arg$asp <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$lwd)) 
      lwd <- arg$lwd
    else lwd <- 2
    arg$lwd <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.main)) 
      cex.main <- arg$cex.main
    else cex.main <- NA
    arg$cex.main <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$cex.legend)) 
      cex.legend <- arg$cex.legend
    else cex.legend <- 1
    arg$cex.legend <- NULL
    if (!is.null(arg$legend.pos)) 
      legend.pos <- arg$legend.pos
    else legend.pos <- NULL
    arg$legend.pos <- NULL
  else {
    cex <- 0.6
    asp <- 1
    lwd <- 2
    cex.main <- NA
    cex.legend <- 1
    legend.pos <- NULL
    arg <- NULL
  marg <- arg
  marg$cex <- NULL
  if (dist %in% momentuHMM:::angledists) {
    h <- hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks)
    breaks <- seq(-pi, pi, length = length(h$breaks))
    if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
      h <- hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks)
      ymax <- 1.3 * max(h$density)
      if (sepStates) {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 2])
        if (maxdens > ymax & maxdens < 2 * max(h$density)) 
          ymax <- maxdens
      else {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[1]][, 2])
        if (nbStates > 1) {
          for (state in 2:nbStates) {
            if (is.finite(max(genDensities[[state]][, 
                                                    2]))) {
              if (max(genDensities[[state]][, 2]) > maxdens) 
                maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 
        if (maxdens > ymax) {
          ymax <- ifelse(maxdens < 2 * max(h$density), 
                         maxdens, 2 * max(h$density))
    do.call(hist, c(list(gen, prob = T, main = "", ylim = c(0, 
                                                            ymax), xlab = "turning angle (radians)", col = "grey", 
                         border = "white", breaks = breaks, xaxt = "n"), arg))
    do.call(axis, c(list(1, at = c(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi), 
                         labels = expression(-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi)), arg))
    do.call(mtext, c(list(message, side = 3, outer = TRUE, 
                          padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
    if (sepStates) 
      lines(genDensities[[state]], col = col[state], lwd = lwd)
    else {
      for (s in 1:nbStates) lines(genDensities[[s]], col = col[s], 
                                  lwd = lwd)
      if (cumul) {
        total <- genDensities[[1]]
        for (s in 2:nbStates) total[, 2] <- total[, 2] + 
            genDensities[[s]][, 2]
        lines(total, lwd = lwd, lty = 2)
      if (plot.legend==TRUE) {
        legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topright", legend.pos), 
               legText, lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), col = col, 
               bty = "n", cex = cex.legend)
  else {
    if (is.null(hist.ylim)) {
      h <- hist(gen, plot = F, breaks = breaks)
      ymax <- 1.3 * max(h$density)
      if (sepStates) {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 2])
        if (maxdens > ymax & maxdens < 2 * max(h$density)) 
          ymax <- maxdens
      else {
        maxdens <- max(genDensities[[1]][, 2])
        if (nbStates > 1) {
          for (state in 2:nbStates) {
            if (is.finite(max(genDensities[[state]][, 
                                                    2]))) {
              if (max(genDensities[[state]][, 2]) > maxdens) 
                maxdens <- max(genDensities[[state]][, 
        if (maxdens > ymax) {
          ymax <- ifelse(maxdens < 2 * max(h$density), 
                         maxdens, 2 * max(h$density))
    do.call(hist, c(list(gen, prob = T, main = "", ylim = c(ymin, 
                                                            ymax), xlab = distname, col = "grey", border = "white", 
                         breaks = breaks), arg))
    do.call(mtext, c(list(message, side = 3, outer = TRUE, 
                          padj = 2, cex = cex.main), marg))
    if (sepStates) 
      lines(genDensities[[state]], col = col[state], lwd = lwd)
    else {
      for (s in 1:nbStates) lines(genDensities[[s]], col = col[s], 
                                  lwd = lwd)
      if (cumul) {
        total <- genDensities[[1]]
        for (s in 2:nbStates) total[, 2] <- total[, 2] + 
            genDensities[[s]][, 2]
        lines(total, lwd = lwd, lty = 2)
      if (plot.legend==TRUE) {
        legend(ifelse(is.null(legend.pos), "topright", legend.pos), 
               legText, lwd = rep(lwd, nbStates), col = col, 
               bty = "n", cex = cex.legend)
geertaarts/habitat.model documentation built on March 11, 2021, 9:42 a.m.