#' This function arrange the phyloprofile output of the interested
#' genome into the corresponding folder in the output folder
#' @param ppOutputList a list contains the phylogenetic profile of the
#' interested genome in data.frame, the fasta file of the genome in vector,
#' 2 file domains of the genome in data.frame (two file domains can be NULL)
#' #' @param refSpecList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @param output The directory which contains the output directory
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param genomeName the name of the interested genome
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @param extend The output of the function is a phylogenetic profile of the
#' interested genome. It contains 4 files, .phyloprofile, .extended.fa,
#' _reverse.domains and _forward.domains. If extend = TRUE, the files will be
#' appended into the old files in the folder output of the core directory or in
#' the inputed folder by the user with the argument ppDir. If there is no old
#' files in the folder, the output files of the function will be writen in the
#' new files.
#' @export
arrangePPOutput <- function(
ppOutputList, refSpecList, output, coreSet, genomeName, scoreMode, extend
) {
if (!endsWith(output, "/")) {
output <- paste(output, "/", sep = "")
outDir <- paste(output, "fcatOutput", "/", coreSet, "/", sep = "")
ppDir <- paste(outDir, "phyloprofile", sep = "")
if (!dir.exists(ppDir)) {
dir.create(ppDir, recursive = TRUE)
genomeSubDir <- paste(outDir, genomeName, sep = "")
if (!dir.exists(genomeSubDir)) {
dir.create(genomeSubDir, recursive = TRUE)
## Printing priority list
refspeclistPath <- paste(genomeSubDir, "/", "refspec.list", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(refspeclistPath)) {
writeLines(refSpecList, refspeclistPath)
## Printing phyloprofile output
ppOutput <- paste(genomeSubDir, "/", "phyloprofileOutput", sep = "")
if (!dir.exists(ppOutput)) {
dir.create(ppOutput, recursive = TRUE)
### Printing
if (scoreMode == 1) {
pathPrefix <- paste(
ppOutput, "/", "mode1", sep = ""
if (scoreMode == "len") {
pathPrefix <- paste(
ppOutput, "/", "len", sep = ""
if (scoreMode == 2 || scoreMode == 3) {
pathPrefix <- paste(
ppOutput, "/", "other", sep = ""
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
fastaPath <- paste(ppOutput, "/", genomeName, ".mod.fa", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(fastaPath)) {
if (!is.null(ppOutputList[[3]])) {
paste(pathPrefix, "_reverse.domains", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
if (!is.null(ppOutputList[[4]])) {
paste(pathPrefix, "_forward.domains", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
## Extend phyloprofile
if (extend == TRUE ) {
if (scoreMode == 1) {
pathPrefix <- paste(ppDir, "/", coreSet, "_mode1", sep = "")
if (scoreMode == 2 || scoreMode == 3) {
pathPrefix <- paste(ppDir, "/", coreSet, "_other", sep = "")
if (scoreMode == "len") {
pathPrefix <- paste(ppDir, "/", coreSet, "_len", sep = "")
genomeExist <- 0
if (
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = "")
) {
oriPP <- read.table(
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE
genomeID <- unlist(lapply(
function(orthoID) {
return(strsplit(orthoID, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])
if (genomeName %in% genomeID) {
genomeExist <- 1
if (genomeExist == 1) {
while(TRUE) {
message = paste(
"It already exists a phylogenetic profile",
"of the genome in the original phylogenetic profile." ,
"Do you want to remove the old one to append the",
"new? [y/n]:", sep = "")
removeCheck <- readline(
prompt = message
if (removeCheck == "y" || removeCheck == "n") {
if (removeCheck == "y") {
paste(ppDir, sep = ""),
genomeExist <- 0
if (genomeExist == 0) {
if (
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = "")
) {
oriPP <- read.table(
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE
oriPP <- rbind(oriPP, ppOutputList[[1]])
} else {
oriPP <- ppOutputList[[1]]
if (!is.null(ppOutputList[[4]])) {
if (
pathPrefix, "_forward.domains", sep = ""
) {
oriDomain1 <- read.table(
pathPrefix, "_forward.domains", sep = ""
sep = "\t",
comment.char = ""
oriDomain1 <- rbind(oriDomain1, ppOutputList[[4]])
} else {
oriDomain1 <- ppOutputList[[4]]
pathPrefix, "_forward.domains", sep = ""
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
if (!is.null(ppOutputList[[3]])) {
if (
paste(pathPrefix, "_reverse.domains", sep = "")
) {
oriDomain0 <- read.table(
paste(pathPrefix, "_reverse.domains", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
comment.char = ""
oriDomain0 <- rbind(oriDomain0, ppOutputList[[3]])
} else {
oriDomain0 <- ppOutputList[[3]]
paste(pathPrefix, "_reverse.domains", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
if (
paste(pathPrefix, ".extended.fa", sep = "")
) {
oriFasta <- readLines(
paste(pathPrefix, ".extended.fa", sep = "")
oriFasta <- c(oriFasta, exFasta)
} else {
oriFasta <- ppOutputList[[2]]
paste(pathPrefix, ".phyloprofile", sep = ""),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
paste(pathPrefix, ".extended.fa", sep = "")
#' fDOG in runFdog or runFdogBusco will be run with option --fasoff. The
#' extended fasta file of each core group will be merged and the merged file
#' will be used as the input for fdogFAS. But the raw output from fDOG can not
#' be used direct for the merging and must be processed. This function process
#' the extended fasta file of each core group depent on the using score mode.
#' For score mode 2 and 3 this function take the ortholog sequence from the
#' extended fasta file and save it into a vector, the sequence of the
#' references species will be appended followed into the vector. If it exists
#' more than one ortholog sequence, the function will save the second ortholog
#' sequence within the references sequence into the other vector. For score
#' mode 1 is analog but instead of appending the references sequence into the
#' vector, the function will append all training sequence of the core group
#' into the vector. The function will returns a list, which contains the vector
#' of the sequences. The number of the element of the list equal to the number
#' of the orthologs, that fDOG founded for this core group. This function will
#' be used as a modul in the function runFdog (not runFdogBusco).
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param fasta The extended fasta file of the core group in form of a vector
#' @param coreGene The core group ID in the core set
#' @param genomeName The genome ID of the interested genome, Exp:HUMAN@9696@3
#' @param refSpec The genome ID of the references species
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @return A list, which contains the vector of the sequences.
#' The number of the element of the list equal to the number of the orthologs,
#' that fDOG founded for this core group
#' @examples
#' ## Create pseudo extended fasta
#' fasta <- c(
#' ">530670|HUMAN@9606@1|HUMAN07070|1",
#' )
#' coreFolder <- system.file("extdata", "sample", package = "fCAT")
#' returnList <- updateExFasta(coreFolder, "test", fasta,
#' "530670", "HUMAN@9606@3", "HUMAN@9606@1",
#' scoreMode = 1
#' )
#' print(returnList)
#' @export
updateExFasta <- function(
root, coreSet, fasta, coreGene, genomeName, refSpec, scoreMode) {
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
queryFasta <- extractFasta(fasta, genomeName)
coreFasta <- readLines(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/", coreGene, "/",
coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
for (i in 1:length(coreFasta)) {
if (i %% 2 == 1) {
coreFasta[i] <- paste(coreFasta[i], "|1", sep = "")
if (scoreMode != 1) {
coreFasta <- extractFasta(coreFasta, refSpec)
if ((length(queryFasta) / 2) == 1) {
queryFasta <- c(queryFasta, coreFasta)
returnList <- list(queryFasta)
} else {
sequenceNumber <- length(queryFasta) / 2
i <- 1:sequenceNumber
returnList <- lapply(
function(i, queryFasta, coreFasta) {
singleFasta <- c(queryFasta[(2 * i) - 1], queryFasta[2 * i])
singleFasta <- c(singleFasta, coreFasta)
queryFasta = queryFasta,
coreFasta = coreFasta
#' The output of fdogFAS is a phylogenetic profile (pp). But this pp still
#' can not be used to assess the completeneness of the interested genome.
#' The pp will contains the ortholog sequence within the training sequence.
#' The FAS score of each sequence is the FAS score between itself and the core
#' group's ortholog sequence. Therefore the score must be recalculated, for
#' score mode 2 and 3 the score between the ortholog sequence and the score
#' of the training sequence must be swaped. For score mode 1 the avarage score
#' of the training sequences must be calculated and updated into the line of
#' the ortholog sequence. This function will be used as a modul in
#' concanateFiles. The function will remove all the line of the training
#' sequences and return the pp of the interested genome.
#' @param pp The phylogenetic profile output from fdogFAS in form of a
#' data.frame
#' @param genomeName The genome ID of the interested genome
#' @return The phylogenetic profile of the interested genome.
#' @examples
#' ## Create pseudo phylogenetic profile data
#' geneID <- c(
#' "1426075at2759", "1426075at2759", "1426075at2759", "1426075at2759"
#' )
#' ncbiID <- c("ncbi9606", "ncbi3055", "ncbi3702", "ncbi400682")
#' orthoID <- c(
#' "1426075at2759|HUMAN@9606@3|P0DI81|0",
#' "1426075at2759|CHLRE@3055@2|3055_0:003348|1",
#' "1426075at2759|ARATH@3702@2|3702_0:00057f|1",
#' "1426075at2759|AMPQU@400682@2|400682_0:000143|1"
#' )
#' FAS_F <- c(1, 0.99766, 0.9975999, 0.996729)
#' FAS_B <- c(1, 0.99766, 0.99759, 0.996729)
#' pp <- data.frame(geneID, ncbiID, orthoID, FAS_F, FAS_B)
#' ## recalculating scores
#' rePP <- recalculateScore(pp, "HUMAN@9606@3")
#' print.data.frame(rePP)
#' @export
recalculateScore <- function(pp, genomeName) {
queryPP <- extractPP(pp, genomeName)
genomeID <- unlist(lapply(
function(orthoID) {
return(strsplit(orthoID, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])
singlePP <- cbind(pp, genomeID)
singlePP <- subset(singlePP, genomeID != genomeName)
coreGeneList <- unique(singlePP$geneID)
fasF <- list()
fasB <- list()
for (gene in coreGeneList) {
fasF[[as.character(gene)]] <- 0
fasB[[as.character(gene)]] <- 0
subPP <- subset(singlePP, geneID == gene)
for (i in 1:nrow(subPP)) {
fasF[[as.character(gene)]] <-
fasF[[as.character(gene)]] + subPP$FAS_F[i]
fasB[[as.character(gene)]] <-
fasB[[as.character(gene)]] + subPP$FAS_B[i]
fasF[[as.character(gene)]] <- fasF[[as.character(gene)]] / nrow(subPP)
fasB[[as.character(gene)]] <- fasB[[as.character(gene)]] / nrow(subPP)
for (i in 1:nrow(queryPP)) {
queryPP[i, 4] <- fasF[[as.character(queryPP[i, 1])]]
queryPP[i, 5] <- fasB[[as.character(queryPP[i, 1])]]
singlePP <- singlePP[1:(ncol(singlePP) - 1)]
pp <- rbind(queryPP, singlePP)
#' After fdogFAS is finished. It will leave in a temporary folder the
#' phylogenetic profiles (pp). The pps can not be used direct to assess the
#' completeness of the interested genome. This function processes the pp files
#' in a folder and merged them.
#' @param directory path to the folder, that contains the pp files
#' @param genomeName the genomeID of the interested genome
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @return a list which contains the pp of the interested genome in data.frame,
#' the extended fasta file of the interested genome in form of a vector, which
#' contains the lines of the file and 2 domains file in form of data.frame
#' @examples
#' ## Creating some pseudo data
#' geneID <- c("HUMAN@96063")
#' ncbiID <- c("ncbi9606")
#' orthoID <- c("123at123|HUMAN@9606@3|Q123123|1")
#' FAS_F <- c(1)
#' FAS_B <- c(1)
#' pp1 <- data.frame(geneID, ncbiID, orthoID, FAS_F, FAS_B)
#' pp2 <- data.frame(geneID, ncbiID, orthoID, FAS_F, FAS_B)
#' ## Write them in 2 files in a test folder in the current working directory
#' wd <- getwd()
#' testFolder <- paste(wd, "/fCAT_testfunction", sep = "")
#' dir.create(testFolder, recursive = TRUE)
#' filePath1 <- paste(testFolder, "/test1.phyloprofile", sep = "")
#' filePath2 <- paste(testFolder, "/test2.phyloprofile", sep = "")
#' write.table(pp1, filePath1, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
#' write.table(pp2, filePath2, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
#' test <- concanateFiles(testFolder, "HUMAN@9606@3", scoreMode = 2)
#' print(test)
#' ## Delete test folder
#' unlink(testFolder, recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
concanateFiles <- function(directory, genomeName, scoreMode) {
if (!endsWith(directory, "/")) {
directory <- paste(directory, "/", sep = "")
exFasta <- NULL
domain0 <- NULL
domain1 <- NULL
pp <- NULL
for (file in list.files(directory, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)) {
if (endsWith(file, ".extended.fa")) {
if (is.null(exFasta)) {
exFasta <- readLines(file)
} else {
exFasta <- c(exFasta, readLines(file))
if (endsWith(file, "_reverse.domains")) {
domain <- try(
read.table(file, sep = "\t", comment.char = ""),
silent = TRUE
if (!inherits(domain, "try-error")) {
if (is.null(domain0)) {
domain0 <- domain
} else {
domain0 <- rbind(domain0, domain)
if (endsWith(file, "_forward.domains")) {
domain <- try(
read.table(file, sep = "\t", comment.char = ""),
silent = TRUE
if (!inherits(domain, "try-error")) {
if (is.null(domain1)) {
domain1 <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", comment.char = "")
} else {
domain1 <- rbind(
domain1, read.table(
sep = "\t", comment.char = ""
if (endsWith(file, ".phyloprofile")) {
singlePP <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
if (scoreMode == 1) {
singlePP <- recalculateScore(singlePP, genomeName)
if (is.null(pp)) {
pp <- singlePP
} else {
pp <- rbind(pp, singlePP)
if (!is.null(exFasta)) {
exFasta <- extractFasta(exFasta, genomeName)
if (scoreMode != 1) {
if (!is.null(domain0)) {
domain0 <- extractDomains(domain0, genomeName)
if (!is.null(domain1)) {
domain1 <- extractDomains(domain1, genomeName)
return(list(pp, exFasta, domain0, domain1))
#' This function is used as a modul in the function computeReport() when
#' using socre mode 1, 2, 3. The function computeReport() take the path to the
#' genome fasta file and the annotation file (if the user did not input it, it
#' will be computed) of the interested genome as one of its inputs and arrange
#' the files into the equivalent folder of the core directory. The genome fasta
#' file will be copied and saved into the query_taxon folder. A symbolic link
#' of the annotation file will be created and saved in the folder weight_dir.
#' After all the files of the interested genome were arranged into the folder,
#' the function runFdogBusco or the function runFdog will be called, depent on
#' the using score mode, the function will take the path to the core directory
#' and specify the path of the folder core_orthologs, weight_dir, query_taxon,
#' blast_dir as the input hmmpath, weightpath, searchpath, blastpath for fDOG
#' and run fDOG on this inputs to search ortholog on the interested genome for
#' the equivalent inputed core set. When the search with fDOG is finished, the
#' function will calculate the FAS score with fdogFAS or the length of each
#' ortholog sequence based on the using score mode. The function with return
#' the phylogenetic profile of the interested genome to the core set within the
#' FAS scores or the lengths
#' @usage
#' runFdog(
#' root, coreSet, extend = FALSE, scoreMode, priorityList = NULL, cpu,
#' blastDir = NULL, weightDir = NULL, cleanup = FALSE,
#' reFdog = FALSE, fdogDir = NULL, ppDir = NULL
#' )
#' @param root The path to the core directory, where the core set is stored
#' within weight_dir, blast_dir, etc.
#' @param coreSet The name of the interested core set. The core directory can
#' contains more than one core set and the user must specify the interested
#' core set. The core set will be stored in the folder core_orthologs in
#' subfolder, specify them by the name of the subfolder
#' @param extend The output of the function is a phylogenetic profile of the
#' interested genome. It contains 4 files, .phyloprofile, .extended.fa,
#' _reverse.domains and _forward.domains. If extend = TRUE, the files will be
#' appended into the old files in the folder output of the core directory or in
#' the inputed folder by the user with the argument ppDir. If there is no old
#' files in the folder, the output files of the function will be writen in the
#' new files.
#' @param scoreMode the mode determines the method to scoring the founded
#' ortholog and how to classify them. Choices: 1, 2, 3, "busco"
#' @param priorityList A list contains one or many genome ID of the genomes,
#' which were used to build the core set. The genome ID of this list will be
#' stored with an priority order, the tool look at into the fasta file of each
#' core group and determine with the priority order to determine the references
#' species for each core group.
#' @param cpu determines the cores that fDOG and fdogFAS will uses to be run
#' parallel
#' @param blastDir The user can replace the blast_dir folder in the core
#' directory by specifying it in this argument
#' @param weightDir The user can replace the weight_dir folder in the core
#' directory by specifying it in this argument
#' @param cleanup The fDOG's output is a set of phylogenetic profile of each
#' core group to the interested genome. The phylogenetic profile will be stored
#' into a folder in the core set. The function will merge all the small
#' phylogenetic profile, calculate the FAS score or length to have the whole
#' phylogenetic profile of the interested genome to the core set. This fDOG's
#' output can be reused for all score modes. When cleanup is set to TRUE, the
#' fDOG's output will not be stored to be reused but to be removed
#' @param reFdog If it already exist a fDOG's output for a specific core group
#' the tool will skip this core group and go to the next core group. If reFdog
#' is set to TRUE, the tool will remove all the existed fDOG's output and rerun
#' fDOG for all core groups of the set
#' @param fdogDir Normally the fDOG's output will be stored in the folder
#' fdogout in the core directory, but the user can specify the folder for
#' fDOG's output by specify the path to it in this argument. Notice here, is
#' the fDOG's output folder will contains the subfolder, equivalent to the name
#' of the interested genome, for example, the folder can contain "HUMAN@9606@3"
#' and "AMPQU@400682@2", for a completeness checking on an interested genome,
#' which has a subfolder in the fDOG's output folder with the same name, the
#' function will look into the subfolder to find the existed fDOG's output
#' @param ppDir The user can replace the default folder output in the core
#' directory, where the phylogenetic profiles are stored by his folder. The
#' user can specify the path to his folder in this argument
#' @param output The directory which contains the output directory
#' @return phylogenetic profile of the genome in data.frame
#' @export
runFdog <- function(
root, coreSet, extend = FALSE, scoreMode, priorityList = NULL, cpu,
blastDir = NULL, weightDir = NULL, output) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
if (!endsWith(root, "/")) {
root <- paste(root, "/", sep = "")
if (!endsWith(output, "/")) {
output <- paste(output, "/", sep = "")
outDir <- paste(output, "fcatOutput", "/", coreSet, "/", sep = "")
setName <- coreSet
genomeName <- list.dirs(paste(root, "query_taxon", sep = ""),
recursive = FALSE,
full.names = FALSE
hmmPath <- paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, sep = "")
if (!is.null(blastDir)) {
blastPath <- blastDir
} else {
blastPath <- paste(root, "blast_dir", sep = "")
searchPath <- paste(root, "query_taxon", sep = "")
if (!is.null(weightDir)) {
weightPath <- weightDir
} else {
weightPath <- paste(root, "weight_dir", sep = "")
outPath <- paste(
outDir, genomeName, "/", "fdogOutput", sep = ""
if (!dir.exists(outPath)) {
dir.create(outPath, recursive = TRUE)
### - check Data - ###
command <- paste(
"-g", searchPath,
"-b", blastPath,
"-w", weightPath
if (!dir.exists(outPath)) {
dir.create(outPath, recursive = TRUE)
fastaSet <- lapply(
paste(root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, sep = ""),
recursive = FALSE,
full.names = FALSE
coreGene, hmmPath, blastPath, searchPath, outPath, weightPath, root,
coreSet, scoreMode, priorityList, cpu, genomeName
) {
refSpec <- getSpec(
paste(hmmPath, "/", coreGene, "/", coreGene, ".fa", sep = ""),
if (is.null(refSpec)) {
if (file.exists(
outPath, "/", refSpec, "/", coreGene, "/",
sep = ""
)) {
if (
outPath, "/", refSpec, "/", coreGene, "/", coreGene,
sep = ""
) {
if (scoreMode == 1) {
exFasta <- readLines(
outPath, "/", refSpec, "/", coreGene, "/",
coreGene, ".extended.fa",
sep = ""
fastaList <- updateExFasta(
root, coreSet, exFasta, coreGene, genomeName,
refSpec, scoreMode
} else {
} else {
command <- paste(
"--seqFile", paste(
root, "core_orthologs", "/", coreSet, "/", coreGene,
"/", coreGene, ".fa",
sep = ""
"--seqName", coreGene,
"--refspec", refSpec,
"--hmmpath", hmmPath,
"--outpath", paste(outPath, "/", refSpec, sep = ""),
"--blastpath", blastPath,
"--weightpath", weightPath,
"--searchpath", searchPath,
"--cpu", cpu,
if (file.exists(paste(coreGene, ".fa", sep = ""))) {
file.remove(paste(coreGene, ".fa", sep = ""))
if (
outPath, "/", refSpec, "/", coreGene, "/", coreGene,
sep = ""
) {
} else {
if (scoreMode == 1) {
exFasta <- readLines(
outPath, "/", refSpec, "/", coreGene, "/", coreGene,
sep = ""
fastaList <- updateExFasta(
root, coreSet, exFasta, coreGene, genomeName, refSpec,
} else {
hmmPath = hmmPath,
blastPath = blastPath,
searchPath = searchPath,
weightPath = weightPath,
outPath = outPath,
root = root,
coreSet = coreSet,
priorityList = priorityList,
cpu = cpu,
genomeName = genomeName,
scoreMode = scoreMode
if (scoreMode == 1) {
orthoMax <- 1
for (fastaList in fastaSet) {
if (length(fastaList) > orthoMax) {
orthoMax <- length(fastaList)
i <- 1:orthoMax
splitedFasta <- lapply(
function(i, fastaSet) {
subFasta <- c()
for (fastaList in fastaSet) {
if (length(fastaList) >= i) {
subFasta <- c(subFasta, fastaList[[i]])
fastaSet = fastaSet
ppOutput <- paste(outDir, genomeName, "/", "phyloprofileOutput/", sep = "")
temporary <- paste(ppOutput, "temporary", sep = "")
if (!dir.exists(temporary)) {
dir.create(temporary, recursive = TRUE)
if (scoreMode == 1) {
o <- 1
for (fasta in splitedFasta) {
temporary, "/", genomeName, "_", o, ".extended.fa",
sep = ""
command <- paste(
"-i", paste(
temporary, "/", genomeName, "_", o, ".extended.fa",
sep = ""
"-w", weightPath,
"-n", paste(genomeName, "_", o, sep = ""),
"-o", temporary,
"--cores", cpu
o <- o + 1
} else {
o <- 1
for (
subfolder in list.dirs(
full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE
) {
exFasFiles <- list.files(
pattern = "\\.extended.fa$",
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
subcommand <- paste(exFasFiles, collapse = " ")
command <- paste(
temporary, "/", genomeName, "_", o, ".extended.fa",
sep = ""
command <- paste(
"-i", paste(
temporary, "/", genomeName, "_", o, ".extended.fa",
sep = ""
"-w", weightPath,
"-n", paste(genomeName, "_", o, sep = ""),
"-o", temporary,
"--cores", cpu
o <- o + 1
outputList <- concanateFiles(temporary, genomeName, scoreMode)
pp <- outputList[[1]]
outputList, priorityList, output, coreSet,
genomeName, scoreMode, extend
unlink(temporary, recursive = TRUE)
endTime <- Sys.time()
print("Running time:")
print(endTime - startTime)
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