
Defines functions plotRf plotChr makeTangle makeAltOrd

Documented in makeAltOrd makeTangle plotChr plotRf

#' Plot recombination frequencies
#' Graphical representation of recombination frequencies to support supervised estimation
#' of the numbers of clusters
#' @param rf Matrix of pairwise recombination frequencies.
#' @param plottype Default is "dendrogram". Any other value will plot the recombination frequencies.
#' @param method Default is "single", which is used for the hierarchical clustering.
#' @param cex.axis Size of axis labels in image plot.
#' @param ... arguments are forwarded to \code{image}.
#' @return None.
#' @import graphics
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetraGen <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetraGen, 4)
#' plotRf(rfMat)
#' @export
plotRf <-
           plottype = "dendrogram",
           method = "single",
           cex.axis = 1,
           ...) {
    tree <- hclust(as.dist(rf), method = method)
    if (plottype == "dendrogram") {
      plot(tree, xlab = "Linkage groups", ...)
    } else{
      image(rf[tree$order, tree$order], xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ...)
        side = 1,
        at = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(tree$order)),
        labels = rownames(rf)[tree$order],
        las = 2,
        cex.axis = cex.axis
        side = 2,
        at = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(tree$order)),
        labels = rownames(rf)[tree$order],
        las = 2,
        cex.axis = cex.axis

#' Plotting one or two linkage maps
#' Visualization of one or two linkage maps.
#' Used as comparison between two different maps (e.g. different parameters or linkage mapping tools).
#' @param map1 Numeric vector with marker positions.
#' @param map2 Optional second map for comparison.
#' @param cex Font size in the figure.
#' @param labels Labels for the two blocks
#' @param ... arguments are forwarded to \code{plot}.
#' @return None. Plotting only.
#' @import graphics
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetraGen <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetraGen, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)
#' plotChr(map[[1]])
#' @export

plotChr <-
           map2 = NULL,
           cex = 1,
           labels = c("Map 1", "Map 2"),
           ...) {
    nMark1 <- length(map1)
    x1 <- 0.9
    x2 <- 1.1
    x3 <- 1.9
    x4 <- 2.1
    t1 <- 0.5
    t2 <- 2.5
    #plot single chromosome
    if (is.null(map2)) {
        type = "n",
        axes = FALSE,
        ann = FALSE,
        xlim = c(0, 3),
        ylim = c(0, max(map1)),
        ylab = "cM",
        xlab = labels[1],
      lines(c(x1, x1), c(min(map1), max(map1)), type = "l")
      lines(c(x2, x2), c(min(map1), max(map1)), type = "l")
        x0 = rep(x1, nMark1),
        x1 = rep(x2, nMark1),
        y0 = map1,
        y1 = map1
        x = t1,
        y = map1,
        labels = names(map1),
        cex = cex
    } else{
      #compare two maps
        type = "n",
        axes = FALSE,
        xlim = c(0, 3),
        ylim = c(0, max(c(map1, map2))),
        ylab = "cM",
        xlab = labels[1],
      lines(c(x1, x1), c(min(map1), max(map1)), type = "l")
      lines(c(x2, x2), c(min(map1), max(map1)), type = "l")
        x0 = rep(x1, nMark1),
        x1 = rep(x2, nMark1),
        y0 = map1,
        y1 = map1
        x = t1,
        y = map1,
        labels = names(map1),
        cex = cex
      #second map
      lines(c(x3, x3), c(min(map2), max(map2)), type = "l")
      lines(c(x4, x4), c(min(map2), max(map2)), type = "l")
      nMark2 <- length(map2)
        x0 = rep(x3, nMark2),
        x1 = rep(x4, nMark2),
        y0 = map2,
        y1 = map2
        x = t2,
        y = map2,
        labels = names(map2),
        cex = cex
      map1InMap2 <- names(map1) %in% names(map2)
      nMarkBoth <- sum(map1InMap2)
        x0 = rep(x2, nMarkBoth),
        x1 = rep(x3, nMarkBoth),
        y0 = map1[map1InMap2],
        y1 = map2[names(map1)[map1InMap2]],
        col = 1
        line = NA,
        at = 1:2,
        labels = labels,
        lwd = 0
      axis(2, at = seq(0, max(c(map1, map2)), 10))

#' Create a gray scale tanglegram
#' Create tanglegram. Removes markers, that are not in both trees.
#' Calculates alternating light and dark shades of grey.
#' This function is a wrapper to functions of \pkg{dendextend}
#' @param dend1 First dendrogram. Required.
#' @param dend2 Second dendrogram. Required.
#' @param cutheight The height, at which dend1 is cut. Influences number of colors.
#' @param k Number of desired linkage groups.
#' @param ncol Number of desired colors.
#' @param ... Other parameters are forwarded to the tanglegram command.
#' @return None. Plotting only.
#' @references Galili T. (2015), dendextend: an R package for visualizing, 
#' adjusting and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering, Bioinformatics
#' @examples
#' data(simTetra)
#' simTetraGen <- basesToGenotypes(simTetra, 4)
#' rfMat <- calcRec(simTetraGen, 4)
#' split <- splitChr(rfMat, nchr = 7)
#' split <- sortLeafs(rfMat, split)
#' map <- pullMap(rfMat, split = split)
#' dend <- mapToDend(map)
#' makeTangle(dend, dend, cutheight = 500, k = 7, ncol = 7)
#' @export
makeTangle <-
           k = NULL,
           ncol = k,
           ...) {
    if (!requireNamespace("dendextend", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("dendextend needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
    dendlist <- dendextend::intersect_trees(dend1, dend2)
    split <- dendextend::cutree(dendlist[[1]], h = cutheight)
    if (missing(k))
      k <- max(split)
    dendextend::tanglegram(dendlist, color_lines = grDevices::gray.colors(ncol)[makeAltOrd(k)][split], ...)

#' Creates vectors with highly distant neighbors
#' Creates a vector of numbers 1 to n, where the neighbors are as distant as possible.
#' For the grey scale plot, that guarantees, that the shades of grey are easy to distinguish.
#' For instance, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3; all numbers have a distance of at least 2 and where possible 3.
#' @param n Length of vector.
#' @return Vector of length n.
#' @keywords internal
makeAltOrd <- function(n = 3) {
  out <- rep(0, n)
  out[seq(1, n, 2)] <- 1:ceiling(n / 2)
  out[seq(2, n, 2)] <- (ceiling(n / 2) + 1):n
grafab/pergola documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:18 a.m.