
Defines functions spikespark html_describe_cat html_describe_con print.contents.list contents.list html.contents.data.frame print.contents.data.frame contents.data.frame contents dataDensityString html.describe.single html.describe latex.describe.single latex.describe print.describe.single formatdescribeSingle print.describe na.retain describe.formula describe.data.frame describe.matrix describe.vector describe.default describe

Documented in contents contents.data.frame contents.list dataDensityString describe describe.data.frame describe.default describe.formula describe.matrix describe.vector formatdescribeSingle html.contents.data.frame html.describe html.describe.single latex.describe latex.describe.single na.retain print.contents.data.frame print.contents.list print.describe print.describe.single

describe <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("describe")
describe.default <- function(x, descript, ...) {
  if(missing(descript)) {
    descript <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(is.matrix(x)) {
    describe.matrix(x, descript, ...)
  } else {
    describe.vector(x, descript, ...)

describe.vector <- function(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE, digits=4,
                            listunique=0, listnchar=12,
                            weights=NULL, normwt=FALSE, minlength=NULL,
                            shortmChoice=TRUE, rmhtml=FALSE,
                            trans=NULL, lumptails=0.01, ...)
  oldopt <- options('digits')

  weighted <- length(weights) > 0
  if(! weighted) weights <- rep(1, length(x))

  atx <- attributes(x)

  special.codes   <- atx$special.miss$codes
  labx            <- atx$label
  if(rmhtml) labx <- markupSpecs$html$totxt(labx)
  # Remove trailing blank or .
  labx <- trimws(labx)
  labx <- trimws(sub('\\.$', '', labx))
  if(missing(descript)) descript <- as.character(sys.call())[2]

  if(length(labx) && labx != descript) descript <- paste(descript,":",labx)

  un <- atx$units
  if(length(un) && un == '') un <- NULL
  fmt <- atx$format
  if(length(fmt) && (is.function(fmt) || fmt == '')) fmt <- NULL
  if(length(fmt) > 1)
    fmt <- paste(as.character(fmt[[1]]), as.character(fmt[[2]]))
  present <- if(all(is.na(x))) rep(FALSE, length(x))
  else if(is.mChoice(x))  trimws(as.character(x)) != '' & ! is.na(x)
  else if(is.character(x)) x != "" & x != " " & ! is.na(x)
  else ! is.na(x)
  present <- present & ! is.na(weights)
  if(length(weights) != length(x))
    stop('length of weights must equal length of x')

  if(normwt) {
    weights <- sum(present) * weights / sum(weights[present])
    n <- sum(present)
  } else n <- sum(weights[present])

  if(exclude.missing && n==0)
    return(structure(list(), class="describe"))
  missing <- sum(weights[! present], na.rm=TRUE)
  atx$names <- atx$dimnames <- atx$dim <- atx$special.miss <- NULL  
  atx$class <- atx$class[atx$class != 'special.miss']
  cx <- intersect(atx$class,
                  c("Date", "POSIXt", "POSIXct", "dates", "times", "chron"))
  isdot <- testDateTime(x,'either') # is date or time var
  isdat <- testDateTime(x,'both')   # is date and time combo var

  x <- x[present, drop=FALSE]
  x.unique <- sort(unique(x))
  weights <- weights[present]

  n.unique <- length(x.unique)
  attributes(x) <- attributes(x.unique) <- atx

  isnum    <- (is.numeric(x) || isdot) && ! is.factor(x)  # was isdat
  timeUsed <- isdat && testDateTime(x.unique, 'timeVaries')

  z <- list(descript=descript, units=un, format=fmt)

  counts <- c( n,   missing)
  lab    <- c("n", "missing")

  if(length(special.codes)) {
    tabsc <- table(special.codes)
    counts <- c(counts, tabsc)
    lab <- c(lab, names(tabsc))
  if(length(atx$imputed)) {
    counts <- c(counts, length(atx$imputed))
    lab <- c(lab, "imputed")
  if(length(pd <- atx$partial.date)) {
    if((nn <- length(pd$month)) > 0) {
      counts <- c(counts, nn)
      lab <- c(lab, "missing month")
    if((nn <- length(pd$day)) > 0) {
      counts <- c(counts, nn)
      lab <- c(lab,"missing day")
    if((nn <- length(pd$both)) > 0) {
      counts <- c(counts, nn)
      lab <- c(lab, "missing month,day")

  if(length(atx$substi.source)) {
    tabss <- table(atx$substi.source)
    counts <- c(counts, tabss)
    lab <- c(lab, names(tabss))

  counts <- c(counts, n.unique)
  lab <- c(lab, "distinct")

  if(isnum) {
    xnum <- unclass(x)
    if(n.unique < 2) reff <- 0
    else {
      fp <- wtd.table(xnum, weights, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, type='table') /
      reff   <- (1 - sum(fp ^ 3)) / (1 - 1 / n / n)
    counts <- c(counts, round(reff, 3))
    lab    <- c(lab, 'Info')
  x.binary <- n.unique == 2 && isnum && x.unique[1] == 0 && x.unique[2] == 1
  if(x.binary) {
    counts <- c(counts, sum(weights[x == 1]))
    lab <- c(lab, "Sum")
  if(isnum) {
    if(isdot) {
      dd <- sum(weights * xnum)  / sum(weights)
      fval <- formatDateTime(dd, atx, ! timeUsed)
      counts <- c(counts, fval)
    } else counts <- c(counts, format(sum(weights * x) / sum(weights), ...))
    lab <- c(lab, "Mean")
    if(! weighted) {
      gmd    <- format(GiniMd(xnum), ...)
      counts <- c(counts, gmd)
      lab    <- c(lab, "Gmd")
  } else if(n.unique == 1) {
    counts <- c(counts, format(x.unique))
    lab    <- c(lab, "value")

  if(n.unique >= 10 & isnum) {
    q <-
      if(any(weights != 1)) {
        wtd.quantile(xnum, weights, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE,
      } else quantile(xnum,c(.05,.1,.25,.5,.75,.90,.95), na.rm=FALSE)

    ## Only reason to call quantile is that the two functions can give
    ## different results if there are ties, and users are used to quantile()
    fval <-
      if(isdot) formatDateTime(q, atx, ! timeUsed)
      else format(q,...)
    counts <- c(counts, fval)
    lab <- c(lab,".05",".10",".25",".50",".75",".90",".95")
  names(counts) <- lab
  z$counts <- counts

  tableIgnoreCaseWhiteSpace <- function(x) {
    x <- gsub('\r',' ',x)
    x <- gsub('^[[:space:]]+','',gsub('[[:space:]]+$','', x))
    x <- gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ', x)
    y <- tolower(x)
    f <- table(y)
    names(f) <- x[match(names(f), y)]

  values <- NULL
  if(! x.binary) {
    mch <- is.mChoice(x)
      z$mChoice <- summary(x, short=shortmChoice, minlength=minlength)
      if(n.unique <= listunique && ! isnum && ! is.factor(x) &&
         max(nchar(x)) > listnchar)
        values <- tableIgnoreCaseWhiteSpace(x)
      if(isnum || n.unique <= 100) {
        if(isnum && n.unique > 2) {
          binnedx      <- spikecomp(x, lumptails=lumptails, trans=trans,
          xnum         <- unclass(binnedx$x)
          z$roundedTo  <- binnedx$roundedTo
          shist        <- spikecomp(x, method='grid', lumptails=lumptails,
                                    normalize=FALSE, trans=trans)
          z$gridvalues <- list(values=shist$x, frequency=shist$y)
        values <- wtd.table(if(isnum) xnum else x,
                            weights, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
        vx <- values$x
        class(vx) <- cx   # restores as date, time, etc.
        values <- list(value=vx, frequency=unname(values$sum.of.weights))
    z$values <- values
    if(length(trans)) z$trans <- trans
    if(! isnum && ! length(values)) {
      xtr <- trimws(x)
      nc  <- nchar(xtr)
      z$nchar <- c(min=min(nc), max=max(nc), mean=mean(nc))
      xtab    <- table(xtr)
      if(max(xtab) > 1) {
        mxf <- max(xtab)
        if(sum(xtab == mxf) == 1) {
          wm     <- which.max(xtab)
          z$mode <- c(names(xtab)[wm], paste0('n=', xtab[wm]))
    if(n.unique >= 5 && ! mch) {
      loandhi <- x.unique[c(1 : 5, (n.unique - 4) : n.unique)]
      extremes <-
        if(isdot && all(class(loandhi) %nin% 'timeDate')) {
          formatDateTime(unclass(loandhi), at=atx, roundDay=! timeUsed)
        } else if(isnum) loandhi
          else format(format(loandhi), ...)
      names(extremes) <- c("L1","L2","L3","L4","L5","H5","H4","H3","H2","H1")
      z$extremes <- extremes
  structure(z, class="describe")

describe.matrix <- function(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE,
                            digits=4, ...)
    descript <- as.character(sys.call())[2]

  nam <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
    stop('matrix does not have column names')

  Z <- vector('list', length(nam))
  names(Z) <- nam

  d <- dim(x)
  missing.vars <- NULL
  for(i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    z <- describe.vector(x[,i], nam[i], exclude.missing=exclude.missing,
                         digits=digits, ...)
    Z[[i]] <- z
    if(exclude.missing && length(z)==0)
      missing.vars <- c(missing.vars, nam[i]) 

  attr(Z, 'descript') <- descript
  attr(Z, 'dimensions') <- d
  attr(Z, 'missing.vars') <- missing.vars
  structure(Z, class="describe")

describe.data.frame <- function(x, descript, exclude.missing=TRUE,
                                digits=4, trans=NULL, ...)
    descript <- as.character(sys.call())[2]

  nam <- names(x)
  Z <- list()
  nams <- character(0)

  i <- 0
  missing.vars <- NULL
  for(xx in x) {
    mat <- is.matrix(xx)
    i <- i+1
    xnam <- nam[i]
    tran <- if(length(trans) && (xnam %in% names(trans))) trans[[xnam]]
    z <-
        describe.matrix(xx, xnam, exclude.missing=exclude.missing,
                        digits=digits, trans=tran, ...)
        describe.vector(xx, xnam, exclude.missing=exclude.missing,
                        digits=digits, trans=tran, ...)
    all.missing <- length(z)==0
    if(exclude.missing && all.missing)
      missing.vars <- c(missing.vars, xnam)
    else {
      Z <- c(Z, if(mat) z else list(z))
      nams <- c(nams, if(mat) names(z) else xnam)
  names(Z) <- nams

  attr(Z, 'descript') <- descript
  attr(Z, 'dimensions') <- dim(x)
  attr(Z, 'missing.vars') <- missing.vars
  structure(Z, class="describe")

describe.formula <- function(x, descript, data, subset, na.action, 
                             digits=4, weights, ...)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  mf$formula <- x
  mf$x <- mf$descript <- mf$file <- mf$append <- mf$... <- mf$digits <- NULL
    mf$na.action <- na.retain
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, sys.parent())
  weights <- model.extract(mf, weights)
  if(missing(descript)) {
    ter <- attr(mf,"terms")
    d <- as.character(x)
    if(attr(ter,"response")==1) d <- c(d[2], d[1], d[-(1:2)])
    else d <- d[-1]
    d <- paste(d, collapse=" ")
    descript <- d

  Z <- describe.data.frame(mf, descript, digits=digits, weights=weights, ...)
  if(length(z <- attr(mf,"na.action")))
    attr(Z,'naprint') <- naprint(z) 


na.retain <- function(d) d

print.describe <-
  function(x, which = c('both', 'categorical', 'continuous'), ...) {
    mwhich <- missing(which)
    which  <- match.arg(which)
    if(prType() == 'html' && mwhich) return(html.describe(x, ...))

    if(! mwhich) {
      if(! requireNamespace('gt', quietly=TRUE))
        stop('gt package must be installed to print describe results with which=')

      if(! inherits(x[[1]], 'describe')) {
        ## Enclose describe() for an individual variable inside a list
        ## so that html_describe_* will work
        nx <- sub(' :.*$', '', x$descript)
        x <- structure(list(x),
                       names      = nx,
                       descript   = '')
               both        = list(Continuous =html_describe_con(x, ...),
                                  Categorical=html_describe_cat(x, ...)),
               categorical = html_describe_cat(x, ...),
               continuous  = html_describe_con(x, ...) )   )

  at <- attributes(x)
  if(length(at$dimensions)) {
    cat(at$descript,'\n\n',at$dimensions[2],' Variables     ',at$dimensions[1],
        ' Observations\n')
    if(length(at$naprint)) cat('\n',at$naprint,'\n')
    w <- paste(rep('-', .Options$width), collapse='')
    cat(w, '\n', sep='')
    for(z in x) {
      if(length(z) == 0)
      print.describe.single(z, ...)
      cat(w, '\n', sep='')
    if(length(at$missing.vars)) {
      cat('\nVariables with all observations missing:\n\n')
      print(at$missing.vars, quote=FALSE)
  } else print.describe.single(x, ...)

## Function to format part of describe.single output after description & counts
## verb=1 means verbatim mode open
formatdescribeSingle <-
  function(x, condense=c('extremes', 'frequencies', 'both', 'none'),
           lang=c('plain', 'latex', 'html'), verb=0, lspace=c(0, 0),
           size=85, ...)
  condense <- match.arg(condense)
  lang     <- match.arg(lang)
  wide     <- .Options$width
  specs    <- markupSpecs[[lang]]
  bv       <- function() {
    if(lang == 'latex' && ! verb) '\\begin{verbatim}' else character()
  vs       <- if(lang == 'latex' && lspace[2] != 0)
                function() cat('\\vspace{', -lspace[2], 'ex}\n',
                               sep='') else function() {}
  vbtm <- if(lang == 'html')
            function(x, omit1b=FALSE, prlabel=NULL, ...)
              htmlVerbatim(x, size=size, omit1b=omit1b,
                           propts=list(prlabel=prlabel), ...)
            function(x, omit1b=NULL, prlabel=NULL)
              capture.output(print(x, quote=FALSE, prlabel=prlabel, ...))

  R <- character(0)
  v <- x$values

  is.standard <- length(v) && is.list(v) &&
                 all(names(v)[1:2] == c('value', 'frequency'))
  v_len <- if(is.standard) length(v$value)
  if(is.standard && v_len > 0L && v_len <= 20L) {
    # address GH issue #104
    altv <- format(v$value)
    altv[is.na(altv)] <- 'NA'
    # check total width
    print.freq <- sum(nchar(altv)) <= 200
  } else print.freq <- FALSE
  print.ext   <- length(x$extremes) && ! print.freq  ## && ! print.freq then ignored print.freq
  if(print.ext) {
    ## For printing 5 highest and lowest values
    ntrans <- function(x) {
      if(! is.numeric(x)) return(format(x))
      y <- x[! is.na(x)]   # leave alone if integer
      if(! length(x)) return(x)
      if(all(y == round(y))) format(x) else format(as.character(signif(x)))

    val  <- ntrans(x$extremes)
    w    <- nchar(paste(val, collapse=' '))
    R <- c(R, bv()); verb <- 1
    if(condense %in% c('extremes', 'both')) {
      if(lang == 'html') {
        fsize <- specs$size
        mnb <- function(x) specs$color(x, col='MidnightBlue')
        spc <- specs$space
        blo <- paste0(mnb('lowest'), spc, ':')
        bhi <- paste0(mnb('highest'),     ':')
        if(w + 2 <= wide) {
          low <- paste(blo, paste(val[1: 5], collapse=' '))
          hi  <- paste(bhi, paste(val[6:10], collapse=' '))
          R <- c(R, fsize(paste(low, ', ', hi), pct=size))
        } else {
          low <- data.frame(name=blo, e1=val[1], e2=val[2], e3=val[3],
                            e4=val[4], e5=val[5])
          hi  <- data.frame(name=bhi, e1=val[6], e2=val[7], e3=val[8],
                            e4=val[9], e5=val[10])
          tab <- Hmisc::html(rbind(low, hi, make.row.names=FALSE),
                      header=NULL, border=0, size=size, file=FALSE,
          R <- c(R, tab)
      }  # end lang='html'
      else {  # lang='plain' or 'latex'
        low <- paste('lowest :', paste(val[1: 5], collapse=' '))
        hi  <- paste('highest:', paste(val[6:10], collapse=' '))
        R <- c(R,
               if(w + 2 <= wide)
                    c('', paste0(low, ', ', hi))
               else c('', low, hi) )
    }   # end condense applicable to extremes
      R <- c(R, if(lang != 'html') '', vbtm(val))

  if(print.freq) {
    R <- c(R, bv()); verb <- 1
    val   <- v$value
    freq  <- v$frequency
    prop <- round(freq / sum(freq), 3)

    ## First try table output, if will fit in no more than 2 sets of 4 lines
    condensed <- TRUE
    if(condense %nin% c('frequencies', 'both')) {
      fval  <- if(is.numeric(val))
                 format(val) else format(val, justify='right')
      ffreq <- format(freq)
      fprop <- format(prop)
      lval  <- nchar(fval[1])
      lfreq <- nchar(ffreq[1])
      lprop <- nchar(fprop[1])
      m     <- max(lval, lfreq, lprop)
      ## Right justify entries in each row
      bl    <- '                                         '
      fval  <- paste0(substring(bl, 1, m - lval ), fval)
      ffreq <- paste0(substring(bl, 1, m - lfreq), ffreq)
      fprop <- paste0(substring(bl, 1, m - lprop), fprop)
      w <- rbind(Value=fval, Frequency=ffreq, Proportion=fprop)
      colnames(w) <- rep('', ncol(w))
      out <- capture.output(print(w, quote=FALSE))
      if(length(out) <= 8) {
        R <- c(R, vbtm(w, omit1b=TRUE))
        condensed <- FALSE
    }   # end condense frequencies (or both)

    if(condensed) {
      fval  <- as.character(val)
      ffreq <- as.character(freq)
      fprop <- format(prop)
      lval  <- nchar(fval[1])
      lfreq <- nchar(ffreq[1])
      lprop <- nchar(fprop[1])
      w <- paste0(fval, ' (', ffreq, ', ', fprop, ')')
      w <- strwrap(paste(w, collapse=', '), width=wide)
      R <- c(R, '', w)
      R <- c(R, '',
             paste('For the frequency table, variable is rounded to the nearest',
                   format(x$roundedTo, scientific=3)))
  } else if(length(v) && ! is.standard)
    R <- c(R, '', vbtm(v))
  if(length(x$mChoice)) {
    R <- c(R, bv()); verb <- 1
    ## print.summary.mChoice when options(prType='html') returns
    ## html character string
    R <- c(R, '', print(x$mChoice, render=FALSE))

  if(lang == 'latex' && verb) R <- c(R, '\\end{verbatim}')

print.describe.single <- function(x, ...) {
  wide <- .Options$width
  des  <- x$descript
    des <- paste0(des, ' [', x$units, ']')
    des <- paste0(des, '  Format:', x$format)
  print(x$counts, quote=FALSE)

  R <- formatdescribeSingle(x, lang='plain', ...)
  cat(R, sep='\n')

'[.describe' <- function(object, i, ...)
  at <- attributes(object)
  object <- '['(unclass(object),i)
  structure(object, descript=at$descript,
            dimensions=c(at$dimensions[1], length(object)),

latex.describe <-
  function(object, title=NULL,
             first.word(expr=attr(object, 'descript')),
             'tex', sep='.'),
           append=FALSE, size='small',
           tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE, spacing=0.7, lspace=c(0,0), ...)
  at <- attributes(object)
  ct <- function(..., file, append=FALSE) {
    if(file=='') cat(...)
    else cat(..., file=file, append=append)

  spc <- if(spacing == 0) '' else
   paste0('\\begin{spacing}{', spacing, '}\n')
  ct(spc, file=file, append=append)
  if(length(at$dimensions)) {
    ct('\\begin{center}\\textbf{', latexTranslate(at$descript), '\\\\',
       '~Observations}\\end{center}\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
      ct(at$naprint,'\\\\\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
       sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
    vnames <- at$names
    i <- 0
    for(z in object) {
      i <- i + 1

      val <- z$values
      potentiallyLong <-
        length(val) && ! is.matrix(val) &&
           length(val) != 10 || ! all(names(val)==
      dovbox <- TRUE     # was ! potentiallyLong
      if(dovbox) cat('\\vbox{', file=file, append=TRUE)

      latex.describe.single(z, vname=vnames[i],
                            file=file, append=TRUE,
                            tabular=tabular, greek=greek,
                            lspace=lspace, ...)
      ct('\\smallskip\\hrule\\smallskip\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
      if(dovbox) cat('}\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
    if(length(mv <- at$missing.vars)) {
      ct('\\smallskip\\noindent Variables with all observations missing:\\ \\smallskip\n',
         file=file, append=TRUE)
      mv <- latexTranslate(mv)
      mv <- paste0('\\texttt{',mv,'}')
      mv <- paste(mv, collapse=', ')
      ct(mv, file=file, append=TRUE)
    spc <- if(spacing == 0) '}\n' else '}\\end{spacing}\n'
    ct(spc, file=file, append=TRUE)
  else {
    val <- object$values
    potentiallyLong <-
      length(val) && ! is.matrix(val) &&
        length(val) != 10 || ! all(names(val)==
    dovbox <- TRUE   # was ! potentiallyLong
    if(dovbox) cat('\\vbox{', file=file, append=TRUE)
                          file=file, append=TRUE, size=size,
                          tabular=tabular, lspace=lspace, ...)
    if(dovbox) cat('}\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
    spc <- if(spacing == 0) '\n' else '\\end{spacing}\n'
    ct(spc, file=file, append=TRUE)
  structure(list(file=file,  style=c('setspace','relsize')),

latex.describe.single <-
  function(object, title=NULL, vname,
           file, append=FALSE, size='small',
           tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE, lspace=c(0,0), ...)
  ct <- function(..., file, append=FALSE) {
    if(file=='') cat(...)
    else cat(..., file=file, append=append)
  oldw <- options('width')
  options(width=if(size == 'small') 95 else 85)
  wide <- switch(size,
                 normalsize = 73,  # was 66
                 small      = 95,  # was 73
                 scriptsize =110,  # was 93

  Values <- object$values

  ## Put graph on its own line if length of label > 3.5 inches
  ## For normalsize there are 66 characters per 4.8 in. standard width

  z   <- latexTranslate(object$descript, '&', '\\&', greek=greek)
  ## If any math mode ($ not preceeded by \) don't put label part in bold
  des <- if(! length(grep('[^\\]\\$', z)))
    paste0('\\textbf{', z, '}')
  else {
    ## Get text before : (variable name)
    sp <- strsplit(z, ' : ')[[1]]
    vnm <- sp[1]
    rem <- paste(sp[-1], collapse=':')
    paste0('\\textbf{', vnm, '}: ', rem)
    des <- paste0(des, '{\\smaller[1] [',
    des <- paste0(des, '{\\smaller~~Format:', latexTranslate(object$format),
  desbas <- paste(object$descript,
                  paste0(' [', object$units, ']'),
                  paste0('  Format:', object$format))
  ct('\\noindent', des, sep='', file=file, append=append)
  lco <- if(length(Values)) length(Values$frequency) else 0
  if(lco > 2) {
    counts <- Values$frequency
    maxcounts <- max(counts)
    ## Scale distinct values to range from 1 : lco
    va <- Values$value
    if(! is.numeric(va)) va <- 1 : lco
    else {
      rang <- range(va)
      va <- 1 + (lco - 1) * (va - rang[1]) / diff(rang)
    ## \mbox{~~~} makes \hfill work
    ct(if(nchar(desbas)/(wide / 4.8) > (4.8 - 1.5))' \\\\ \\mbox{~~~} \n',
       '\\linethickness{0.6pt}\n', sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
    ## Todo: may need to label limits used since are pretty()'d versions
    for(i in 1 : lco) {
         round(1000 * (va[i] - 1) * 1.5 / lco),',0){\\line(0,1){',
         max(1, round(1000 * counts[i] / maxcounts * .1)), '}}\n',
         sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
    ct('\\end{picture}\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
  } else ct('\n', file=file, append=TRUE)
  sz <- ''
  if(tabular) {
    ml <- nchar(paste(object$counts, collapse='  '))
    if(ml > 90)
      tabular <- FALSE
    else if(ml > 80)
      sz <- '[2]'
  ct('\n{\\smaller', sz, '\n', sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
  if(tabular) {
    if(lspace[1] != 0)
      ct('\\vspace{', -lspace[1], 'ex}\n', sep='', file=file, append=TRUE)
       file=file, append=TRUE)
    ct(paste(latexTranslate(names(object$counts)), collapse='&'), '\\\\\n',
       file=file, append=TRUE)
    ct(paste(latexTranslate(object$counts), collapse='&'), '\\end{tabular}\n',
       file=file, append=TRUE)

  vs <- if(lspace[2] != 0) function() ct('\\vspace{', -lspace[2], 'ex}\n',
                   sep='', file=file, append=TRUE) else function() {}
  if(file != '')
    sink(file, append=TRUE)

  verb <- 0
  if(! tabular) {
    cat('\\begin{verbatim}\n'); verb <- 1
    print(object$counts, quote=FALSE)

  R <- formatdescribeSingle(object, lang='latex', verb=verb,
                            lspace=lspace, ...)
  cat(R, sep='\n')
  cat('}\n')  ## ends \smaller
  if(file != '') sink()

html.describe <-
  function(object, size=85,
           tabular=TRUE, greek=TRUE, scroll=FALSE, rows=25, cols=100, ...)
  at <- attributes(object)

  m      <- markupSpecs$html
  center <- m$center
  bold   <- m$bold
  code   <- m$code
  br     <- m$br
  lspace <- m$lspace
  sskip  <- m$smallskip
  hrule  <- m$hrulethin
  fsize  <- m$size
  mnb    <- function(x) m$color(x, col='MidnightBlue')

  R <- c(m$unicode, m$style())   ## define thinhr (and others not needed here)
  R <- c(R, paste0('<title>', at$descript, ' Descriptives</title>'))
  if(length(at$dimensions)) {
    R <- c(R,
           mnb(center(bold(paste(htmlTranslate(at$descript), sskip,
                                 at$dimensions[2], ' Variables', lspace,
                                 at$dimensions[1],' Observations')))))
    if(length(at$naprint)) R <- c(R, '', at$naprint)
    R <- c(R, hrule)
    vnames <- at$names
    i <- 0
    for(z in object) {
      i <- i + 1
      if(! length(z))
      r <- html.describe.single(z, ## vname=vnames[i],
                                tabular=tabular, greek=greek, size=size, ...)
      R <- c(R, r, hrule)
    if(length(mv <- at$missing.vars)) {
      R <- c(R, sskip, 'Variables with all observations missing:',
             br, sskip)
      mv <- paste(code(htmlTranslate(mv)), collapse=', ')
      R <- c(R, mv)

    if(scroll) R <- m$scroll(R, size=size, rows=rows, cols=cols,
    R <- c(R, html.describe.single(object, tabular=tabular,
                                   greek=greek, size=size, ...))


html.describe.single <- function(object, size=85, tabular=TRUE,
                                 greek=TRUE, ...) {
  m <- markupSpecs$html
  center <- m$center
  bold   <- m$bold
  code   <- m$code
  br     <- m$br
  lspace <- m$lspace
  sskip  <- m$smallskip
  fsize  <- m$size
  smaller<- m$smaller

  pngfile <- paste(tempdir(), 'needle1234567890a.png', sep='/')

  oldw <- options('width')
  options(width=if(size < 90) 95 else 85)
  wide <- if(size >= 90) 73 else if(size >= 75) 95 else 110

  z   <- htmlTranslate(object$descript, greek=greek)
  des <- if(! length(grep(':', z))) bold(z)
    else {
      ## Get text before : (variable name)
      sp <- strsplit(z, ' : ')[[1]]
      vnm <- sp[1]
      rem <- paste(sp[-1], collapse=':')
      paste0(bold(vnm), ': ', rem)
    des <- m$varlabel(des, htmlTranslate(object$units))
    des <- paste0(des, lspace,

  Values <- object$values
  lco <- if(length(Values)) length(Values$frequency) else 0
  if(lco > 2) {
    counts <- Values$frequency
    maxcounts <- max(counts)
    counts <- counts / maxcounts
    ## Scale distinct values to range from 1 : lco
    va <- Values$value
    if(! is.numeric(va)) va <- 1 : lco
    else {
      rang <- range(va)
      va <- 1 + (lco - 1) * (va - rang[1]) / diff(rang)
    w <- if(lco >= 50) 150 / lco else 3
    des <- paste0(des,
                                                       x=va, w=w, h=13, lwd=2,

  R <- des
  sz <- size
  if(tabular) {
    ml <- nchar(paste(object$counts, collapse='  '))
    if(ml > 90)
      tabular <- FALSE
    else if(ml > 80)
      sz <- round(0.875 * size)

  if(tabular) {
    d <- as.data.frame(as.list(object$counts))
    colnames(d) <- names(object$counts)
    tab <- Hmisc::html(d, file=FALSE, align='c',
                align.header='c', bold.header=FALSE,
                col.header='MidnightBlue', border=0,
                translate=TRUE, size=sz, disableq=TRUE)
    R <- c(R, tab)
    R <- c(R, htmlVerbatim(object$counts, size=sz))

   R <- c(R, formatdescribeSingle(object, lang='html', ...))

dataDensityString <- function(x, nint=30)
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  x <- x[! is.na(x)]
  if(length(x) < 2) return('')
  r <- range(x)
  x <- floor(signif(nint * (x - r[1]) / (r[2] - r[1]), 12))
  x <- pmin(tabulate(x), 37)
  paste0(format(r[1]),' <',
        paste(substring(' 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
                        x+1,x+1), collapse=''),
        '> ',format(r[2]))

contents <- function(object, ...) UseMethod('contents')

contents.data.frame <- function(object, sortlevels=FALSE,
                                id=NULL, range=NULL, values=NULL, ...)
  dfname <- deparse(substitute(object))
  nam <- names(object)
  d <- dim(object)
  n <- length(nam)
  fl <- nas <- integer(n)
  cl <- sm <- lab <- un <- longlab <- character(n)
  Lev <- list()
  for(i in 1:n) {
    x <- object[[i]]
    at <- attributes(x)
    if(length(at$label))     lab[i]     <- at$label
    if(length(at$longlabel)) longlab[i] <- at$longlabel
    if(length(at$units))     un[i] <- at$units
    atl <- at$levels
    fl[i] <- length(atl)
    cli <- at$class[at$class %nin% c('labelled', 'factor')]
    if(length(cli)) cl[i] <- cli[1]
    sm[i] <- storage.mode(x)
    nas[i] <- sum(is.na(x))
    if(length(atl)) {
      if(sortlevels) atl <- sort(atl)
      if(length(Lev)) for(j in 1 : length(Lev)) {
        w <- Lev[[j]]
        if(! is.name(w) && is.logical(all.equal(w, atl))) {
          atl <- as.name(names(Lev)[j])
      Lev[[nam[i]]] <- atl
  w <- list(Labels = if(any(lab != '')) lab,
            Units  = if(any(un != ''))  un,
            Levels = if(any(fl > 0))    fl,
            Class  = if(any(cl != ''))  cl,
            Storage=                    sm,
            NAs    = if(any(nas > 0))   nas )
  w <- w[sapply(w, function(x)length(x) > 0)]
  ## R does not remove NULL elements from a list
  structure(list(contents=data.frame(w, row.names=nam),
                 dim=d, maxnas=max(nas),
                 id=id, rangevar=range, valuesvar=values,
                 unique.ids = if(length(id) && id %in% nam)
                 range = if(length(range) && range %in% nam)
                               paste(as.character(range(object[[range]], na.rm=TRUE)),
                 values = if(length(values) && values %in% nam)
                            paste(if(is.factor(object[[values]])) levels(object[[values]])
                                     else sort(unique(object[[values]])), collapse=' '),
                 longLabels=if(any(longlab != ''))
                              structure(longlab, names=nam)),

print.contents.data.frame <-
  function(x, sort=c('none','names','labels','NAs'),
           prlevels=TRUE, maxlevels=Inf, number=FALSE, ...)
  sort <- match.arg(sort)

  if(prType() == 'html') 
    return(html.contents.data.frame(x, sort=sort, prlevels=prlevels,
                                    maxlevels=maxlevels, number=number, ...) )

  d <- x$dim
  maxnas <- x$maxnas
  cat('\nData frame:', x$dfname, '\t', d[1],' observations and ', d[2],
      ' variables    Maximum # NAs:', maxnas, '\n', sep='')
  if(length(x$id)) cat('Distinct ', x$id, ':', x$unique.ids, '\t', sep='')
  if(length(x$rangevar)) cat(x$rangevar, ' range:', x$range, '\t', sep='')
  if(length(x$valuesvar))cat(x$valuesvar, ':', x$values, sep='')
  cont <- x$contents
  nam <- row.names(cont)
  if(number) row.names(cont) <- paste(format(1:d[2]), row.names(cont))

           cont <- cont[order(nam),,drop=FALSE]
             cont <-  cont[order(cont$Labels, nam),, drop=FALSE]
           if(maxnas > 0)
             cont <- cont[order(cont$NAs, nam),, drop=FALSE]

    cont$Levels <- ifelse(cont$Levels == 0, '', format(cont$Levels))


  if(prlevels && length(L <- x$Levels)) {
    nam <- names(L)
    w <- .Options$width - max(nchar(nam)) - 5
    reusingLevels <- sapply(L, is.name)
    fullLevels    <- which(! reusingLevels)
    namf <- lin <- names(L[fullLevels])
    ## separate multiple lines per var with \n for print.char.matrix
    j <- 0
    for(i in fullLevels) {
      j <- j + 1
      varsUsingSame <- NULL
      if(sum(reusingLevels)) {
        for(k in which(reusingLevels))
          if(L[[k]] == namf[j]) varsUsingSame <- c(varsUsingSame, nam[k])
          namf[j] <- paste(c(namf[j], varsUsingSame), collapse='\n')
      Li <- L[[i]]
      if(length(Li) > maxlevels) Li <- c(Li[1 : maxlevels], '...')
      lin[j] <- paste(pasteFit(Li, width=w), collapse='\n')
    z <- cbind(Variable=namf, Levels=lin)
    print.char.matrix(z, col.txt.align='left', col.name.align='left',
                      row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
  longlab <- x$longLabels
  if(length(longlab)) {
      for(i in 1:length(longlab)) {
        if(longlab[i] != '')
          longlab[i] <- paste(strwrap(longlab[i],width=.85*.Options$width ),
    i <- longlab != ''
    nam <- names(longlab)
    z <- cbind(Variable=nam[i], 'Long Label'=longlab[i])
    print.char.matrix(z, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,

html.contents.data.frame <-
  function(object, sort=c('none', 'names', 'labels', 'NAs'), prlevels=TRUE,
           levelType=c('list', 'table'),
           number=FALSE, nshow=TRUE, ...)
  sort <- match.arg(sort)
  levelType <- match.arg(levelType)
  mu <- markupSpecs$html
  lspace <- mu$lspace
  lspace <- '&emsp;'  # override - browsers were not rendering correctly
  hrule  <- mu$hrule
  d      <- object$dim
  maxnas <- object$maxnas

  R <- paste0('<title>', object$dfname, ' Contents</title>')

  if(nshow) {
    R <- c(R,
           paste0(hrule, '<h4>Data frame:', object$dfname,
                '</h4>', d[1],
                ' observations and ', d[2],
                ' variables, maximum # NAs:',maxnas, lspace, lspace) )

      R <- paste0(R, 'Distinct ', object$id, ':', object$unique.ids,
                  lspace, lspace)
      R <- paste0(R, object$rangevar, ' range:', object$range,
                  lspace, lspace)
      R <- paste0(R, object$valuesvar, ':', object$values,
                  lspace, lspace)
    R <- c(R, hrule)
  } else
    R <- paste0(hrule, '<h4>Data frame:', object$dfname,
        '</h4>', ' Variables:', d[2], hrule)
  cont <- object$contents
  nam <- row.names(cont)
  if(number) {
    rn <- paste(format(1:d[2]), row.names(cont))
    nbsp <- htmlSpecial('nbsp')
    rn <- sedit(rn, ' ', paste0(nbsp, nbsp))
      row.names(cont) <- rn

         names={cont <- cont[order(nam),,drop=FALSE]},
             cont <-  cont[order(cont$Labels, nam),,drop=FALSE]
           if(maxnas>0) cont <- cont[order(cont$NAs,nam),,drop=FALSE]
  link <- matrix('', nrow=nrow(cont), ncol=1+ncol(cont),
                 dimnames=list(dimnames(cont)[[1]], c('Name', dimnames(cont)[[2]])))
  longlab <- object$longLabels
  if(length(longlab)) {
    longlab <- longlab[longlab != '']
    link[names(longlab),'Name'] <- paste('#longlab',names(longlab),sep='.')
  L <- object$Levels
  Lnames <- names(L)
  if(length(cont$Levels)) {
    cont$Levels <- ifelse(cont$Levels==0, '', format(cont$Levels))
    namUsed     <- sapply(L, function(z) if(is.name(z)) as.character(z) else '')
    reusingLevels <- namUsed != ''
    fullLevels  <- which(! reusingLevels)
    namUsed     <- ifelse(reusingLevels, namUsed, Lnames)
    names(namUsed) <- Lnames
    link[,'Levels'] <- ifelse(cont$Levels=='', '', paste('#levels',namUsed[nam],sep='.'))
  adj <- rep('l', length(cont))
  adj[names(cont) %in% c('NAs','Levels')] <- 'r'
  if(! nshow) {
    cont$NAs <- NULL
    link <- link[, colnames(link) != 'NAs', drop=FALSE]
    adj <- adj[names(adj) != 'NAs']
  out <- Hmisc::html(cont, file=FALSE, rownames=TRUE,
              link=link, border=2,
              col.just=adj, ...)
  R <- c(R, as.character(out), hrule)
  if(prlevels && length(L) > 0) {
    if(levelType=='list') {
      R <- c(R, '<h5>Category Levels</h5>')
      for(i in fullLevels) {
        l <- L[[i]]
        nami <- Lnames[i]
        w <- nami
          for(k in which(reusingLevels))
            if(L[[k]] == nami) w <- c(w, Lnames[k])
        R <- c(R, paste0('<a name="levels.', nami, '"><h6>',
                         paste(w, collapse=', '), '</h6></a>'))
        if(length(l) > maxlevels) l <- c(l[1 : maxlevels], '...')
        for(k in l) R <- c(R,  paste0('<li>', k, '</li>\n'))
    else {  
      ## Function to split a character vector x as evenly as
      ## possible into n elements, pasting multiple elements
      ## together when needed
      evenSplit <- function(x, n) {
        indent <- function(z) if(length(z) == 1) z else
        c(z[1], paste0('&emsp;', z[-1]))
        m <- length(x)
        if(m <= n) return(c(indent(x), rep('',n-m)))
        totalLength <- sum(nchar(x)) + (m-1)*3.5
        ## add indent, comma, space
        lineLength  <- ceiling(totalLength/n)
        y <- pasteFit(x, sep=', ', width=lineLength)
        m <- length(y)
        if(m > n) for(j in 1:10) {
          lineLength <- round(lineLength*1.1)
          y <- pasteFit(x, sep=', ', width=lineLength)
          m <- length(y)
          if(m <= n) break
        ## Take evasive action if needed
        if(m == n) indent(y) else if(m < n)
          c(indent(y), rep('', n - m)) else 
        c(paste(x, collapse=', '), rep('', n - 1))
      nam <- names(L)
      v <- lab <- lev <- character(0)
      j <- 0
      for(i in fullLevels) {
        j <- j + 1
        l <- L[[i]]
        if(length(l) > maxlevels) l <- c(l[1 : maxlevels], '...')
        nami <- nam[i]
        v <- c(v, nami)
        w <- nami
          for(k in which(reusingLevels)) if(L[[k]] == nam[i]) w <- c(w, nam[k])
        lab <- c(lab, evenSplit(w, length(l)))
        lev <- c(lev, l)
      z <- cbind(Variable=lab, Levels=lev)
      out <- Hmisc::html(z, file=FALSE,
                  linkCol='Variable', linkType='name', border=2,
      R <- c(R, as.character(out), hrule)
  i <- longlab != ''
  if(any(i)) {
    nam <- names(longlab)[i]
    names(longlab) <- NULL
    lab <- paste('longlab', nam, sep='.')
    z <- cbind(Variable=nam, 'Long Label'=longlab[i])
    out <- Hmisc::html(z, file=FALSE,
                link=lab, linkCol='Variable', linkType='name',
    R <- c(R, as.character(out), hrule)

contents.list <- function(object, dslabels=NULL, ...) {
  nam <- names(object)
  if(length(dslabels)) {
    dslabels <- dslabels[nam]
    names(dslabels) <- NULL
  g <- function(w) {
    if(length(w)==0 || is.null(w))
      c(Obs=0, Var=if(is.null(w))
      c(Obs=length(w[[1]]), Var=length(w),
        Var.NA=sum(sapply(w, function(x) sum(is.present(x))==0)))
  v <- t(sapply(object, g))
                            Var.NA=v[,'Var.NA'], row.names=nam)),

print.contents.list <-
  function(x, sort=c('none','names','labels','NAs','vars'), ...)
  sort <- match.arg(sort)
  cont <- x$contents
  nam <- row.names(cont)

  cont <- cont[
                      labels=order(cont$Label, nam),

html_describe_con <- function(x, sparkwidth=200,
                              qcondense=TRUE, extremes=FALSE, ...) {

  con   <- sapply(x, function(u) '.05' %in% names(u$counts))
  if(! any(con)) {
    message('no continuous variables in describe result')
  at    <- attributes(x)
  if(at$descript == '') title <- subtitle <- ''
  else {
    title <- paste0('**`', at$descript, '` Descriptives**')
    subtitle <- paste(sum(con), 'Continous Variables of',
                      at$dimensions[2], 'Variables,',
                      at$dimensions[1], 'Observations')

  x <- x[con]

  subs <- function(a) {
    a <- strsplit(a, ';')
    s <- function(a) {
      a <- paste0(' ', a, ' ')
      sprintf('<font size="1">%s</font><font size="2">%s</font><font size="3">%s</font><font size="4"><strong>%s</strong></font><font size="3">%s</font><font size="2">%s</font><font size="1">%s</font>',
              a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7])
    sapply(a, s)
  g <- function(u) {
    k <- u$counts
    h <- function(z) if(length(z)) z else ''
    a <- function(m) as.numeric(k[m])
    r <- if(qcondense && is.numeric(k))
              function(m) as.numeric(k[m])
         else function(m) k[m]
    first  <- function(z) if(grepl(' : ', z)) sub(' :.*$', '', z) else z
    second <- function(z) if(grepl(' : ', z)) sub('.*? : ','', z) else ''
    ntrans <- function(x)
      if(! is.numeric(x) || all(x == round(x))) format(x)
      else format(as.character(signif(x, 5)))
    ext <- ntrans(u$extremes)
    b <- data.frame(
               Variable = first(u$descript),
               Label    = second(u$descript),
               Units    = h(u$units),
               Format   = h(u$format),
               n        = a('n'),
               Missing  = a('missing'),
               Distinct = a('distinct'),
               Info     = a('Info'),
               Mean     = k['Mean'],
               Gmd      = k['Gmd'],
               ' '      = ''      ,    # place for sparkline
               '.05'    = r('.05'),
               '.10'    = r('.10'),
               '.25'    = r('.25'),
               '.50'    = r('.50'),
               '.75'    = r('.75'),
               '.90'    = r('.90'),
               '.95'    = r('.95'),
      b <- cbind(b, 
                 Lower    = paste(ext[1:5], collapse=' '),
                 Upper    = paste(ext[1:5], collapse=' ') )

  u <- lapply(x, g)
  a <- do.call('rbind', u)
  if(all(a$Units  == ''))  a$Units  <- NULL
  if(all(a$Format == ''))  a$Format <- NULL

  if(qcondense) {
    quantcols <- grep('^\\.', names(a))
    Q <- rep('', nrow(a))
    for(v in quantcols) Q <- paste0(Q, if(v > quantcols[1]) ';',
                                    ' ', trimws(a[, v]), ' ')
    a$Quantiles <- Q
    a <- a[, - quantcols]
  else a$Quantiles <- NULL

  ## Using gridvalues, create sparkline for every variable
  ## If the variable was transformed, also put in the leftmost tooltip
  ## the name of the transformation
  g <- function(x) {
    trans <- x$trans
    lo <- if(length(trans))
            paste0('Transformation for<br>histogram:', trans[[1]])
    gv <- x$gridvalues
    val <- gsub('; ', '<br>', gv$values)
    spikespark(val, gv$frequency, ttlow=lo, w=sparkwidth, cumulative=TRUE,

  sparks <- sapply(x, g)
  quantcols <- grep('^\\.', names(a))

  ## Need to leave extra space around sparkline or tooltip will not
  ## show on the right end
  ## col_width(' ' ~ gt::px(w + 20)) will not find w even with .list
  sparkw <- as.formula(paste0("' ' ~ gt::px(", sparkwidth + 20, ")"))
  b <- gt::gt(a)                                             |>
    gt::tab_header(title=gt::md(title), subtitle=subtitle)   |>
                    columns=c(n, Missing, Distinct, Info, Mean, Gmd))) |>
                  locations=gt::cells_body(columns=Label))   |>
    gt::text_transform(locations=gt::cells_body(columns=' '),
                       fn=function(x) sparks)                |>

  if(qcondense) b <- b                                                      |>
                       fn=function(x) subs(x))                              |>
    gt::cols_label(Quantiles = gt::html(paste0('Quantiles<br>',
                   Gmd       = gt::html("Gini\u2009<span style=\"text-decoration: overline\">|\u394|</span>"))  |>
    gt::cols_align(align='center', columns=Quantiles)

  else b <- b |>

  if('Units' %in% names(a))
    b <- b |> gt::text_transform(locations=gt::cells_body(columns=Units),
                                 fn=htmlTranslate) |>
      gt::tab_style(style=gt::cell_text(size='small', font='arial'),

html_describe_cat <- function(x, w=200, freq=c('chart', 'table'),
                              sort=TRUE, ...) {
  freq <- match.arg(freq)

  con   <- sapply(x, function(u) '.05' %in% names(u$counts))
  if(all(con)) {
    message('no categorical variables in describe result')
  at    <- attributes(x)
  if(at$descript == '') title <- subtitle <- ''
  else {
    title <- paste0('**`', at$descript, '` Descriptives**')
    subtitle <- paste(sum(! con), 'Categorical Variables of',
                      at$dimensions[2], 'Variables,',
                      at$dimensions[1], 'Observations')

  x <- x[! con]
  g <- function(u) {
    h <- function(z) if(length(z)) z else ''
    a <- function(m) if(m %in% names(k)) as.numeric(k[m]) else NA
    p <- function(m) if(m %in% names(k)) k[m] else NA
    first  <- function(z) if(grepl(' : ', z)) sub(' :.*$', '', z) else z
    second <- function(z) if(grepl(' : ', z)) sub('.*? : ','', z) else ''
    k <- u$counts
    x <- u$value$value
    y <- u$value$frequency
    type <- 'md'
    if(! length(x)) {
      ext <- u$extremes[c(1, 10)]
      nc  <- u$nchar
      if(length(nc)) {
        nc  <- paste0('Min/Max/Mean Width: ', nc[1], ' / ', nc[2],
                      ' / ', round(nc[3], 1))
        tab <- paste0(ext[1], ' -  \n', ext[2], '  \n', nc)
          tab <- paste0(tab, '  \nMode:', u$mode[1], ' (', u$mode[2], ')')
        } else  tab <- paste(ext, collapse=' -  \n')
    else { ## Create little markdown table or sparkline
        if(freq == 'chart') {
          type <- 'spark'
          if(sort && ! is.numeric(x)) { i <- order(-y); x <- x[i]; y <- y[i] }
          wi <- min(w, 5 + length(x) * (3 + 2))
          tab <- spikespark(x, y, w=wi, barw=3, barspace=2)
          } else {
            tab <- c('| Category | Frequency | Proportion |',
                     paste0('| ', x, ' | ', y, ' | ',
                            format(round(y / sum(y), 3)), '|'))
            tab <- paste(tab, collapse='\n')
    b <- data.frame(
      Variable = first(u$descript),
      Label    = second(u$descript),
      Units    = h(u$units),
      Format   = h(u$format),
      n        = a('n'),
      Missing  = a('missing'),
      Distinct = a('distinct'),
      Info     = a('Info'),
      Sum      = a('Sum'),
      Mean     = p('Mean'),
      Gmd      = p('Gmd'),
      tab      = tab,
      type     = type,

  u <- lapply(x, g)
  a <- do.call('rbind', u)
  ## For sparklines, change tab to a blank and move the html code to
  ## vector spik
  spik                     <- a$tab[a$type == 'spark']
  a$tab[a$type == 'spark'] <- ''

  for(i in c('Units', 'Format', 'Sum', 'Mean', 'Info', 'Gmd'))
    if(all(is.na(a[[i]])) || all(a[[i]] == '')) a[[i]] <- NULL

  center_cols <- intersect(names(a),
                  c('n', 'Missing', 'Distinct', 'Info', 'Sum', 'Mean', 'Gmd'))
  b <- gt::gt(a) |>
    gt::tab_header(title=gt::md(title), subtitle=subtitle) |>
            locations=gt::cells_column_labels(columns=center_cols)) |>
                  locations=gt::cells_body(columns=Label)) |>
                  locations=gt::cells_body(columns=tab))   |>
    gt::fmt_markdown(columns=tab, rows=type=='md')         |>
          fn=function(x) spik,
                                   rows=type=='spark'))    |>
    gt::cols_hide(columns=type)                            |>
    gt::cols_align(align='left', columns=tab)              |>
    gt::cols_label(tab = ' ')                              |>

  if('Units' %in% names(a))
    b <- b |> gt::tab_style(style=gt::cell_text(size='small', font='arial'),
  if('Gmd' %in% names(a))
    b <- b |>
      gt::cols_label(Gmd ~ gt::html("Gini\u2009<span style=\"text-decoration: overline\">|\u394|</span>"))


## Function to create a sparkline spike histogram
spikespark <- function(x, y, ttlow=NULL, ttupper=NULL, cumulative=FALSE,
                       w=200, barw=1, barspace=1, xpre='') {

  if(! requireNamespace('sparkline', quietly=TRUE))
    stop('sparkline packaged needed for sparklines with ',
         'print(describe(), which=)')
  if(! requireNamespace('htmlwidgets', quietly=TRUE))
    stop('htmlwidgets package needed for sparklines with ',
         'print(describe(), which=)')

  ## Define javascript function to construct the tooltip
  ## tip is assumed to be the complete tooltip including x value if wanted
  tt <- function(tip)
                     "function(sparkline, options, field){
       return %s[field[0].offset];
       jsonlite::toJSON(tip) ) )

    tip <- paste0(xpre, x,
                  '<br>Proportion:', round(y / sum(y), 4),
                ' (n=', y, ')')
  if(cumulative) tip <- paste0(tip, '<br>Cumulative:',
                               round(cumsum(y) / sum(y), 4))
  n <- length(y)
  tip[y == 0 & (1:n %nin% c(1, n))] <- ''
  n   <- length(x)
  if(length(ttlow))   tip[1] <- paste0(ttlow,   '<br><br>', tip[1])
  if(length(ttupper)) tip[n] <- paste0(ttupper, '<br><br>', tip[n])
                                  chartRangeMin=0, zeroColor='lightgray',
                                  barWidth=barw, barSpacing=barspace, width=w,
                                  tooltipFormatter=tt(tip)) )

utils::globalVariables(c('Units', 'Quantiles', 'tab', 'Distinct', 'Gmd', 'Info', 'n'))
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 11:15 p.m.